Crinkly Tale Part 2

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#1 of Under New Ownership

Fetishy compared to my regular stuff

Couple things real quick so be sure to read this notice. Firstly, this is a direct sequel to something I didn't write. Moolicious wrote a story as part of a trade with someone else and I wrote this because I felt inspired to write it. So that's why it starts in the middle with no indication as to what's going on. The original work, which wasn't intended, and as far as the author is concerned, isn't connected to this work is located here

Secondly, I asked permission from Moolicious. I'm allowed to share this content since it's, in my opinion, wishful fan fiction and no one cares that I'm writing all of this and posting it.

Thirdly, I changed Familliar's character's name to Fletcher just because it would be super weird to continue writing content for his character given he had no option to provide input prior to this work being completed beyond saying it was fine for me to write it. It would just be too weird to use his name beyond this point. I want to develop these characters further and since he was happy with just the trade he did and gave the green light for me to write this, I will take it in a direction I want it to go and have the only connection with him be the original work done by Moolicious.

"Now that you've had your's time for mine...cheese." That strange device appeared again and once more there was darkness.

Fletcher went limp, holding himself on his hands and knees with his dad's cock still buried deep inside of him. Justin grinned, not knowing that his world was about to get flipped upside down. With all the stealth of a cat, a tiger swept up behind him. The puppy-fied canines barely able to bark before his body connected with Justin's. His left arm wrapped around Justin's neck. The right went straight for the device he held.

Snatching it away with ease before the canine could even react to him. "What the fuck! Get off me!" Justin called out, squirming and fighting to regain his toy. Earning himself a low growl from the larger feline.

"Best slow your roll, quick jerk and your neck snaps like a twig. Little more pressure and no more air. Your toy is mine now, in fact all of you are." The tiger shoved Justin away, causing him to stumble and almost trip over Fletcher and 'Kira' as Justin had called him. Before Justin could right himself the tiger grabbed the back of his shoulder, yanked him back and around in a full 180.

Giving him a good look at the young college student who was renting the house behind his. He wasn't able to react further because the tiger caused the device to flash in his face. Justin began to go limp, his world reduced to the same darkness he plunged his family members into. "Never done this before, can you hear me Justin?"

He gave a nod and nothing beyond that.

"Hey, what did you do?" Kevin called out, having shied away during the fight but feeling braver now that the confrontation was over. The tiger looked the younger canine over before returning his attention to his older brother.

"Don't move from this spot, you'll do exactly as I tell you and only as I tell you. No one else controls you, only me, understood?"

The older canine gave another nod.

"Good, as for you." He says turning to Fletcher, flashing him with the device just in case the first hit with it was connected to Justin. "You'll wake up exactly as you were before you cousin flashed you just moments ago when I snap my fingers, ready? Three, two, one" He snaps just after Fletcher gave a nod, waiting to be sure his control would override Justin's.

"Wha- Neil?" Fletcher asked looking up at the tiger he shared two classes with the year before.

"Hey there Fletcher, was a fun show but it looked like your cousin was about to cross a line so I jumped in."

Fletcher blushed under his fur, seeing a college and former high school classmate looking down at him while his dad was stuck deep in him.

"I said what did you do to my brother!" Kevin shouted, startling his puppy-fied dad and uncle.

The tiger snorted, "Same thing he likely did to you. Not sure what that is but I'll get to the bottom of it. But since you keep popping off little outbursts, it's better to remove you from now." Neil flashed Kevin without hesitation. Growing to like using the strange device. "I could get used to this, but as they say with power."

Kevin hung limply, his shaft leaking through the hole in his diaper. "Much better," Neil said getting a whimper from Fletcher.

"It's okay buddy, I'm not judging. Just thinking. You've had enough haven't you? Let me zap you real quick and I'll get to fixing this mess."

"O-okay." Fletcher half whispered unsure what was going on.

Neil wasted no time putting Fletcher under, asking the hypnotized canine if he'd obey him without further brain washing, getting a nod. "Alright Fletcher, when I snap my fingers you'll obey my commands alone. You'll accept and love being used by me and get off on the forbidden sexual encounters are shared with your family members. It is your biggest fetish and that you will get rock hard and become embarrassed from it. You wont remember being hypnotized and accept that your dad and uncle are kinky and love being doggies from time to time. Three, two, one." He snaps his fingers sharply.

"No change?" Fletcher asked as more urine squirted into the heavily abused diaper.

"He wont be hurting you anymore, once your dad pops out head over to my place. House straight back there." Neil says pointing beyond the wooden fence. There was a gate but it was padlocked on this side, Neil would be fixing that issue very soon.

He walked over to the younger canine, "Kevin still ready for a reboot?"

The black furred wolf gave a slow nod.

"Good, you're mine now Kevin, understand? You'll remain exactly as you are but you will ignore every command your brother, Justin, gives you, alright? Nod if you understand all that puppy." He paused so Kevin could react. Snapping the younger wolf out of the trance.

"Go inside and find the gate key, then wait near my back door for me. Stay out of sight and stay hard, but no touching." Neil instructed, watching the wolf dash into the house.

He wasted no time zapping both puppy-fied males, instructing them that he was the alpha now and that any order from Justin was to be ignored fully. Giving them a trigger phrase to slip from aware adults to feral doggies. Telling them all other trigger words and phrases used by Justin are to be ignored. He pointed at his house and instructed his neighbor Sam, who would keep being called Boxer while a feral that he was to wait by his back door like a good boy once Kevin unlocked the gate.

Getting a single bark from the wolf as he padded over on all fours to wait by the gate. There was a lot to be done, Justin had been very busy but Neil was determined to make everyone comfortable and see that less abuse took place. 'Kira' was given a similar command, to wait at his door once his knot slipped free from the bitch under him.

Fletcher gave a whimper and blushed a deep shade that Neil could easily see under his fur. Kevin sprinted back out into the yard waving a single key above his head. His large canine cock swinging wildly between his legs.

"Got it!" He called before rushing over to unlock the padlock and open the gate.

Neil waited for the 17 year old to open the gate, watching his new play toys filter into his yard. 'Boxer' almost ran Kevin down when the gate swung open. The six foot tall door no longer obstructing passage between the yards. He'd be sure to have Sam keep it that way, cant make it too hard for his boys to stop by.

He idly rubbed Fletcher's ears, reassuring him that he was sage and everything was going to be fine. Justin just stood like a zombie right where Neil left him. Almost ten minutes passed by before 'Kira' was able to slip from his son. He bounded straight through the gate, eager to please his owner. Fletcher shook as he got to his feet. Neil reached out to pull him up, giving the smaller male a gentle nuzzle and pat on his practically destroyed diaper.

His boys, as he thought of them, were all waiting at his small house. Leaving just Justin, who wouldn't be one of his boys, but a bitch. He didn't know what all Justin had done, who all he had zapped. He took free will from people for his amusement. Neil gave a shrug, he too was guilty of that now. But he would be different, he'd care for them. Justin was a bully, while Neil viewed himself more as a liberator and enabler.

Through his leadership his charges would enjoy pleasures and be happy. While Justin would taste what they all went through and more. He licked his lips, Fletcher would make a good pet. Used for fun but his needs considered. But Justin, he'd be a near constant source of cock warming enjoyment.

"Justin, tell me what you did to your family with this device of yours."

Justin wanted to fight back, in the far corner of his mind his voice called out so quiet and distant from where he was right now. His mind fought with itself and Justin hated that he was on the losing side, that he was getting a taste of his own medicine.

"I ordered a hypnotism flasher through a website. Kevin was the first subject. I made him wear diapers, suck my cock, drink my piss. I made him love it all. Then I got dad, we fought and I was pissed so I made him a dog. A beta that I could use and abuse when he pissed me off or I got too horny for Kevin. Mom was next, so that dad could stay as Boxer for longer and so Kevin could wear diapers around the house."

"They were getting suspicious about it and it was easier to just make them think Kevin had a medical problem. Information they shared with anyone else who questioned it. Fletcher's dad was because I was bored and wanted my dad to have a playmate that would take charge. Fletcher was too easy to nab. Tricked my mom into going away, got our dads to go on their little trip, trip to the backyard for puppy time. So we would be alone, babysitter, my idea to get that prick."

Justin filled Neil in on everything he did to Fletcher. Making him diaper dependent, the suggestion to be on all fours for puppy time. Getting his information so he could blackmail him. He was about to go further when Neil stepped in. Fletcher would have been put under and spent time here and at home as a diapered pup.

Neil clicked his tongue, "Thanks for the help Justin." He waited for Justin to make a pleasant response but got none.

"I said thank you bitch, tell me 'you're welcome Master' and say it with meaning. No need to be rude."

Justin tensed slightly, almost enough to go unnoticed but Neil caught it. "You're welcome Master."

"Got some fight in you bitch?" Neil asked looking into Justin's vacant eyes.

"Trying, not enough." Justin said

"Quit fighting it, just relax and take the punishment. No matter how you are treated you'll be aware of it and completely unable to fight. Your mind and body react as I want them to, regardless of what that bit of you left in there wants. You brought this on yourself bitch. You'll show me respect and call me 'Sir'. No wait-" He grinned, "You'll call me daddy and every time you say it your cock will swell and twitch and ache. So naughty that it'll turn you on no matter how many times you say it."

"Yes Daddy," Justin said with no physical resistance and a soft moan.

"Good bitch, now on to the rules that will keep you under my thumb. No matter what you'll never touch the flasher again. If you reach for it you'll slap yourself, if you think about taking it you'll bite your hand hard and hold it till you relent. Do you understand?"

"Yes Daddy," Justin said as the tiny voice screamed in the back of his head giving another moan and grinding his thighs slightly. He had been counting on being able to fight, on being able to resist and get the flasher again. But the suggestion was planted and those baser thoughts, those simpler thoughts, would stop him with pain if he tried to do so.

"You belong to me, you'll obey everything I tell you to do no matter what. You belong to me, but you'll listen to your parents and teachers. You'll show your elders the respect that they deserve. You will do your homework and work hard in school. University is the next stop and I want you to excel. You'll be nice to your brother and your cousin."

In more ways than one, "You'll change them that's your chore. When they are around, you'll keep them in fresh diapers. When they wet you'll strip the diaper and lick their sheaths and balls clean of piss. The rest of their fur you can use wipes, unless they tell you to lick it. But their sheaths and balls will be licked clean every time. You'll do it in private, after all changing big boys is embarrassing and they deserve privacy."

"As for you, like your brother you cant control your bladder. When it's almost full you'll wet. You cant help it can you bitch?"

"No Daddy, cant help it, just a wetter." The white wolf reduced to a moaning brainwashed shell of his former self.

"Your dad will change you, or your uncle. You'll only do it when they, or I, am not around. You'll rinse your piss soaked fur with a rag soaked in cold, cold water. The colder the better. You're a naughty bitch and don't deserve warm water unless you're being bathed by your dad or daddy. You'll only wet your diaper, if you have to poop you can remove the diaper and go like an adult. But that's the only way you'll use a toilet again. Otherwise you piss yourself, no one should have to deal with your scat."

"Now when I snap my fingers you'll come out of the trance and behave exactly as I have instructed you."

"Yes Daddy" Justin said still staring blankly ahead of him, his exposed cock throbbing between his legs and leaking pre from the excitement.

Neil counted down, not needing to but falling into a habit before snapping his fingers. Justin looked around before setting his eyes on the tiger. Had he not been forced into a tiny part of his own mind he would have raged at Neil. He'd have fought for the flasher, tried to turn the tables. Or waited for his moment to strike. But Neil was crafty, he'd bested him physically and made sure his subconscious mind would prevent him from using the flasher ever again.

"Go inside, fetch your dad and uncle's clothes, what they were wearing before puppy time. Also grab a bunch of diapers. You will cross the yard and enter mine through the open gate. Go bitch, let's see some hustle!" Neil sternly told him waving a hand at the back door of the wolf's house.

Justin dashed away and slipped into the house quickly. Neil didn't have time to wait, he'd left his boys for too long and needed to get back to them. He crossed the yard and entered back into the one he watched the whole kinky show in. A small knothole just to the side of the gate was where he took it all in. Before jumping up and scaling the six foot tall fence. He got lucky he was able to do it so quietly, but he was a feline.

The puppy-fied adults sat by the door, panting, their swollen cocks hanging from their sheaths. While Kevin did his best to keep his hands off his it was slick with spit from one of the 'doggies' but Neil wasn't up for sorting out which one. Kevin obeyed his command, it didn't matter that the brainwashed dogs had licked him. They weren't now, probably because he had entered the yard and they were excited to see him.

He gave each dog a rub along their ears before wrapping an arm around Fletcher. Who tensed slightly, very unsure about everything that had happened. He was supposed to be under Justin's care, since he was used to changing diapers and Fletcher's parents were out of town. But his dad was right there, panting and acting like a common feral dog.

Fletcher knew some kind of hypnosis device had been used, but he couldn't figure out what had been done to him. Had it been used on him? Neil said it did, but Fletcher wasn't sure it had. He couldn't think of it happening prior to the tiger showing up.

Neil opened the door, "In, doggies first, scoot! Kevin, in." He didn't instruct Fletcher, simply guiding him inside.

It was a small house compared to the one behind it. One of the cookie cutter houses built in the 60s at what was once the edge of town. While the one behind it was built almost 30 years later when developers bought the farmland it was all sitting on.

Neil lived alone, paying rent by working full time while going to school. A grant covered his tuition and books, mostly anyway. Financial aid was covering the rest. He could move to a smaller place, or have a roommate. But Neil liked being in a little house with just himself. He could keep his own hours and didn't need to worry about an apartment right next to him in regard to making noise.

Neil could see the gears turning inside Fletcher's head and grinned. The clatter of half claws and half thuds of knees filled the kitchen as the 'puppies' excitedly explored their surroundings. Poking a nose under a tail, or against Kevin or Fletcher's crotch before zipping around to sniff somewhere else.

Neil was waiting patiently for Justin to arrive. He had two boys to clean and diaper. It wasn't hard to notice the cum leaking from Fletcher's hole. It was making a sticky mess in his and Neil's leg fur. Neil was working over the layout of the neighbor's house in his mind. He was there once, briefly in the living room when he first moved in. His car broke down one road over and Sam had invited him inside while he looked the car over.

Now Sam was busy sniffing his brother's cock and licking over it as the more dominant wolf bucked his hips, smearing pre into Sam's facial and neck fur. Neil ground his erection against Fletcher, the abused padding not hiding it at all resulting in a nervous look from the recently enslaved canine.

Neil growled and went back to trying to determine just how long it should take Justin when finally a he spotted the white wolf through the windowed door. "Fucking finally, you'd swear the bitch got lost." He left Fletcher to step to the door and pulled it open.

"Get in here bitch, you have work to do. Start on your brother. Kevin, up on the table. Bitch needs to change you then you can tend to the doggies while he sorts out your cousin." Neil half growled the command to them both. He'd been patient, and while it wasn't Kevin's fault he was a no nonsense sort of feline and just wanted to get to the fun parts.

Kevin hopped up onto the table, leaning back best he could. It was a small round four person table. The wood was solid but a better surface could have been located. Kevin's shoulders and head dangled from one end while his legs hung over the other. Justin walked over to him after giving a "Yes Daddy."

He pulled open the tape and opened the diaper. Kevin's erection slipped back in and then flopped freely once more. Throbbing between the almost legal fur's legs. "Lick him clean Bitch, fully. No sense in shirking the duty first time around."

Kevin sat up slightly before moaning as his brother ran his tongue over his balls. "Mmm...He doesn't do it like this!"

"Does now and he will every time and he'll lick anything you tell him to. Bitch is the low one on the totem pole."

Fletcher shifted from one side to the other. Watching his cousins, one licking the other was getting him worked up and the conflicted feelings started to snowball.

"Bitch earned this by messing with you. Don't pity him, he would have kept doing what he was doing and more."

Neil fished his phone from his pocket. Waiting till Justin slid the diaper from under Kevin before instructing him to lick his younger brother's cock. Just one lick and a click. Justin lapping at a fat cock, captured on his phone. Later he'd let trapped Justin wiggle forward for a while and inform him of the photo.

Only fair, the asshole played the blackmail game with Fletcher. He never got to do anything, and maybe it was a bluff. But Neil didn't play the bluffing game. He'd torment Justin with the photo, one click and it was out in the world. He'd follow through of course, but Justin wouldn't know that. He'd never know that Neil leaked pictures and video to the digital world. Neil pondered where best to post them. Thinking about making some money off his personal slave.

He'd blur the faces of his boys. They didn't need people knowing. Justin though, images of him playing with cocks, diapered, covered in piss, would all be unedited for all to see. Neil stopped again, was he going to far? He'd stepped in to make things better for four males, and he'd barely even put effort into it.

His cock twitched and Neil gave a mental shrug. The boys would be fine, he wasn't going to abuse them and they all got something from it. That settled it, he was better than Justin because this was all he'd do and he had no intention of ruining the lives of anyone. He wouldn't zap anyone else and his door would always be open should the boys be feeling needy. He'd just plant the suggestion that if they got really horny they would stop by before slipping into their role.

Justin taped up the fresh diaper, Kevin's hard cock throbbing beneath the thick padding. He was panting with need but was free to go play with the 'doggies'. Justin stood back while Kevin practically jumped from the table. He grabbed 'Boxer's' collar roughly and half drug, half led his dad into the other room.

"You can cum pet, enjoy your play." Neil said watching him leave the room. Getting an excited "Yay!" from Kevin in the process. 'Kira' followed after, curious to see what they were up to. Neil nudged Fletcher forward.

"Up on the table pet. Bitch, clean out his abused hole. Don't want it leaking everywhere and he's soaked in piss."

Climbing onto the table and laying across it the same way Kevin did just moments before. Justin wasted no time peeling the soaked and torn padding from his cousin. Causing them both to moan, Justin at the sight and Fletcher from the perversity of being licked by his cousin. Justin buried his face and lapped hungrily. Licking his cousin's piss and cum from his sheath and sack.

Neil liked him being embarrassed and shy about all this. The grey wolf panted softly, bucking his hips, rock hard while his cousin licked him over. Neil grabbed the back of Justin's head, getting a small yelp from the white canine before he shoved his muzzle down Fletcher's throbbing cock.

"Suck your cousin Bitch, cant you see how much he loves your attention? Cute that he's ashamed, but he wants your muzzle. Don't you Fletcher?"

The grey wolf moans and nods, blushing furiously under his thick fur. His knot swelling quickly, he wouldn't last long at this rate. Justin would have made him hold back, but Neil didn't care if Fletcher blew his load. He knew those balls between his legs were good for another orgasm or two at least and Justin needed to swallow some cum.

"Lucky I came along Fletcher, not many guys would go for a fag who is diapered and has an incest fetish this bad. I like eager guys and you're plenty eager. Welcome to your new life pet."

"Please...Stop...Embarrassing" Fletcher panted out before giving a loud howl. Flooding his cousin's muzzle with the first of many, many loads the former tormentor would be getting.

Neil was tired of standing on the sidelines. He unzipped his shorts and fished his rock hard shaft from his boxers. He pulled Fletcher's head straight back so it was parallel with the floor before pushing the barbed tip into the spent male. Catching the wolf slightly by surprise but he paused only briefly before starting to suck and lick over Neil's length.

The large feline slowly skull fucked him. "Good boy Fletcher," he says between thrusts. Slowly starting to pick up the pace. Fletcher whimpered slightly, Justin still sucking on his spent cock before Neil pulled him off and set him back to cleaning up the sloppy male he was muzzle fucking.

Justin slid back and started to lap the cum from his cousin's once virgin hole. Causing the sandwiched male to moan and twitch while he serviced his new owner's cock. Neil panted and groaned, pushing his rock hard shaft down Fletcher's throat. He'd watched him take a dicking and wasn't going to go easy on him.

"Mmm...That's a good pup. Suck your alpha's bone."

Fletcher tensed and squirmed while his cousin rimmed him. Moving around the throbbing dick in his muzzle but not willing to part with it. His canine cock throbbed between his legs, unable to hide how turned on he was by the situation. The tiger's barbed tip rubbing along his throat as Neil lost himself in the moment.

He needed to cum, he hadn't all day and after watching the play session in the backyard he needed to breed. Fletcher felt his air supply cut off every time Neil sank deep into him. The seven and a half inch long cock more than enough to fill the smaller male's throat.

Fletcher whined and groaned, his shaft pulsing as thick ropes of canine cum flooded into his cousin. Neil shoved Justin down to the knot, too swollen to fit in his muzzle so his lips rest against it while he swallowed eagerly. "Oh god," Neil panted out before sinking in to the root before spraying his load down into Fletcher's belly, roaring loudly through his orgasm.

He could have held out, drug out the fun but his need was too great. Neil gave a few final thrusts to milk every last drop into his new pet before he withdrew. Rubbing his saliva coated shaft over Fletcher's cheek as the pinned male slowly raised his head.

Neil staggered out of the kitchen into the living room. Leaving Justin to finish cleaning and changing his cousin. Kevin was on all fours with the two dogs. They were hopping around, sniffing and licking each other playfully. Despite the erections hanging below the older males.

The tiger shucked off his pants and motioned at the curtains. "Kevin, up, close the curtains. Then you can play with the doggies some more. Your alpha is going to lay on the couch for a bit so be a good pup for me. No humping, Kira, Boxer, goes for you too, be good doggies."

Kevin stood, "Yes alpha." He said before going around to close all the curtains.

The two doggies barked once to acknowledge Neil's command and resumed play wrestling with each other. He grabbed the flasher from his pocket and walked to the couch wearing just his t-shirt. Stretching out along the couch he watched his spent shaft finish slipping back into it's furry covering. It wouldn't stay covered long, but he was fine with lounging for a bit. They had the whole weekend still from what Justin told him. The sun was setting and he was fine with winding down a bit.

Several minutes later Fletcher slowly peaked into the living room from the kitchen. Unsure what he should do. He knew what he wanted to do, go home where things were normal. But that wasn't going to happen. He knew that normal life was behind him and that there was a lot of uncertainty.

Neil locked eyes with the grey wolf. Motioning for him to come over to him. Fletcher may have been nervous and embarrassed beyond belief but thanks to the flasher he was unable to resist. He silently walked over to the large feline who just gave his lap a pat.

"Sit?" Fletcher asked, his voice barely audible.

The feline gave a nod and returned to watching the doggies wrestling with Kevin who was beginning to tire from the activity. The older males still having a fair amount of energy. Fletcher slowly eased himself down, his back against the couch cushions. His crinkly diaper landing across Neil's lower thighs, just below the hefty sack that hung between his legs.

Fletcher blushed and was hard and leaking pre into his fresh diaper. Neil reached up with his left arm and gently pulled the smaller male down onto him. Moving him so they were chest to chest. Fletcher had to tuck his legs on either side of the tiger who slid him up so his diapered crotch was now against his toned belly.

Neil gave his diapered rump a firm pat. "Better now that you're nice and dry?"

Fletcher just gave a nod, Neil caught the motion from the corner of his eye.

"Bitch clean you up properly? If he missed something we'll have to punish him."

Neil felt Fletcher's cock throb through the diaper's thick padding. "No! He did good, Sir or Master." Fletcher said blushing furiously.

"Alpha, unless we're in public then you can call me Neil. But when it's just us, Alpha."

Fletcher nodded quickly, "Yes Alpha!"

Neil held up the flasher and snapped his fingers. "Pets, pay attention!" The puppy-fied males, Kevin and Fletcher all froze and turned their attention to him. "Very good boys, now see this device? It's off limits, you're never to touch it, ever. It's for Alpha only, understand? Even in your aware adult forms you will never make a move to touch it." He added the last bit for the two doggies, not wanting to give a separate command while they were their normal selves.

They all confirmed they understood the command. The doggies by barking once while Kevin and Fletcher both said "Yes Alpha."

"Good boys, Kevin go fetch Bitch. Stupid thing cant think for itself and is probably just standing in the kitchen, undiapered pissing all over my floor most likely. If he pissed tell him to clean it and then get in here so he can be diapered."

"Yes Alpha!" Kevin said before dashing out of the room.

Neil snapped his fingers, "Boxer, come." He said firmly to his feral minded neighbor.

Sam padded over on all fours and stood before Neil and his nephew. Neil flashed him quickly with the device and set about molding his mind further. He wouldn't recognize Kira as his brother while collared and on all fours. He was also instructed that Kevin wasn't the only diapered one. That Fletcher and his other son were both in them. A genetic condition that seemed prevalent with this generation.

Sam would have no problem changing his sons or Fletcher. Neil did add a few fun bits before snapping Sam out of the trance. Just as Justin was led back into the room. "He wet himself but it's clean now!" Kevin announced excitedly before returning to the doggies.

"Boxer, be a man." Neil said sounding almost bored.

Sam blinked before getting to his feet. "Feel a bit stiff" He said before looking down. "In more ways than one." He adds with a chuckle.

Fletcher whimpered, his uncle's cock was throbbing just inches away from his head. The hard throb from his diaper jabbing Neil firmly. Neil just wrapped his arms around the canine and remained silent. It took a few seconds before Sam noticed Justin was standing in the doorway, unsheathed and undiapered.

He growled softly, "Where's your diaper bitch boy?"

Justin whimpered and took half a step back. "Didn't...Didn't get one put on me."

"On the floor, now! On your back! Alpha, do you happen to have a fresh supply?" Saying it as if he had just asked someone named Fred or Bob. The title coming from his mouth naturally and casually but not without respect.

"Bitch brought some for me, in the kitchen. Fresh ice in the freezer, washcloths are in the drawer by the sink and mixing bowls are in the cabinet near the stove." Neil said keeping his eyes on Boxer. Idly tracing a couple fingers across Fletcher's back.

"Thanks, be back in a jiffy." He said, giving Justin a glare that caused the now prone wolf to whimper again.

Fletcher wondered what the ice was for and why this whole thing seemed so normal and casual despite being nowhere near what a typical household goes through. Giving a quiet whimper, feeling helpless. Neil slipped his hand under the short kiddy shirt he was wearing to rub Fletcher's back directly. His attention still miles away while he casually worked his hand through the soft fur to calm the canine.

Kevin giggled, getting licked by 'Kira' and happily returning the licks. The doggy hoped up and pinned the smaller canine under him Kevin was a buff male, but Fletcher's dad, Todd was almost as big as Sam. Kevin squirmed, being licked furiously as he was held down on his back. Todd's shaft drooled pre onto the front of Kevin's fresh diaper.

Neil perked slightly and raised the flasher again. Sure having Justin trapped as a tiny voice while his body reacted on it's own was fun. Tormenting him as he had zero control, unable to even speak as himself. But Neil thought his dad could use some challenge. The freedom of the situation would allow Sam to put his son in his place and break Justin.

So Neil worked quickly to bring that small voice to the surface. But keeping in place the safety of his commands as cemented law that he'd obey. He could verbally protest, but what Neil said was final. While his dad would have to work to get his eldest child to obey.

Fletcher tensed, gripping Neil tightly with his legs and working his arms under the tiger best he could.

"Shh...Relax pet, you're perfect exactly the way you are. Why else would a stud like me be dating you?" Neil whispered into Fletcher's tucked ear.

"Boyfriend?" The smaller male asked, keeping his face buried against Neil's torso and shoulder.

"Yeah, we've been dating for weeks. Don't you remember?" Neil asked him.

Fletcher shuddered slightly, fighting to remember. But Neil's word was law so the memory slowly began to form. Of course they were boyfriends, they knew each other from school and Neil always seemed so nice. He couldn't think of anyone more fitting for him. But slight panic spiked through him. He didn't remember how it began.

"Three weeks?" Fletcher asked in a half whisper.

"Yeah, I came out of the Literature building, catching you between classes."

Fletcher remembered seeing Neil several times as he walked from the Cultural building on his way to his math class. Having to pass by the Literature building to reach it. But he didn't recall Neil making a move of any kind.

"I...I cant remember." Fletcher uttered so quietly Neil could barely hear even as close as he was. Fletcher felt so small, he'd forgotten how he moved from casual friend to lover. He forced his arms under the small of Neil's back and squeezed him tightly.

"Hey puppy, it's okay. Term is close to ending and you're focused on your classes. I pulled you to the side, leading you down the row of shrubs. You know the ones, between the two buildings along the sides. It was more private than the paved path that was in use by everyone."

As Neil spoke the memory fluffed and formed. He could see it, Neil leading him away from the mass of students moving between classes. Finding a secluded spot to talk privately. Fletcher slowly relaxed his grip.

"I told you I thought you were cute. You blushed, said that your diapers would make me think otherwise. But I just smiled at you, pulled you close and told you that it wasn't your fault. You have a medical condition after all. So I held you and we kissed. It's why I rescued you from Justin. He was abusing my sweet wolf and I promised to take care of you."

Justin snorted, sitting up from the floor to glare at Neil and Fletcher. "Cute story, shame it's all BS. He's fucking with your mind cousin. He may like you but he's no hero. He's just using you, like I was. A sick freak really, playing with your mind and not returning you to normal."

"Bitch boy!" Sam growled out from the open doorway just inside the kitchen. He heard the whole thing. Every word Neil told Fletcher and the mean remarks his son spat out. He was holding a bowl of ice water and a washcloth, with a clean diaper tucked under his arm.

Justin lowered his ears slightly, afraid something would happen to him mentally. But nothing did, nothing changed. He wanted to sigh in relief but he was certain he was still very much trapped.

"Apologize to your cousin now." Sam said firmly.

There it was, the compulsion Justin was waiting for. Working through his mind, but he was able to force it away. He was still forced by the suggestion to listen to his dad and other authority figures. But Neil allowed some resistance just to make things fun. If pushed enough the compulsion would win out and Justin would find himself obeying.

"No! Fuck you!" He yelled pointing at his dad. "And fuck you!" He added motioning at Neil. He smirked briefly before realizing what he'd done. Neil was certain to screw with him. He'd given him freedom, maybe to test him and see if Justin could behave on his own. Justin began to panic. He'd been given one chance, maybe, to show he could submit. One chance to have free will, work out a plan, find a way to turn the tables.

He'd blown it, he was so angry that he didn't pause to think about why he'd been allowed to have control. To not be a tiny voice in a mind controlled by a slutty personality of Neil's creation. All through Neil's story to Fletcher he'd been thinking of the words he wanted to say. How best to damage Neil's credibility in Fletcher's eyes. Finding himself able to move on his own again.

His eyes wide as he stared at the tiger who held all the cards.

"Sam, seems you need to remind your son who his betters are." Neil said casually while gently massaging the wolf on top of him.

Sam gave a nod and walked over to his son. Not questioning at all why they were both naked, or in Neil's home. Nor did he wonder why his four inch shaft was rock hard between his legs. He shoved Justin down onto his back with his foot. Causing his son to yelp in shock and the other two males to look up from their play.

Kevin was caught off guard. Their dad never acted like that. Sure he yelled at Justin every now and then. But he'd never gotten physical with him. It was scary and the younger male whimpered and curled up beneath his uncle who laid on him protectively. Neil just kept rubbing Fletcher's back, purring softly into the canine's ear to calm and relax him.

This was for Justin's own good as far as Neil was concerned. His dad had never behaved like this and he tried to figure out why he was now. Sam was confused by the action at first. But Justin had skated by for too long. Having so called "outgrown" being spanked. Sam refused to throw punches so he resigned to just yelling at Justin to try and assert his dominance. But he snorted, that wasn't working.

So the elder male leaned down and swiftly forced Justin onto his belly. Knocking the wind at of his son with the force of it. Sam would have felt bad, but he was rationalizing the whole thing. Justin was far overdue for a good show of dominant force. Sam was the alpha in their house and Justin needed to learn that once and for all.

Neil smirked, the suggestion he gave Sam was that he would dominate and control Justin. Showing the younger male just how helpless he was even while Neil wasn't around. But with Justin free to rebel it was bumping things up a couple notches. Instead of just some talking down and fuck sessions something else was playing out.

The frustrated elder needed this, that's how Neil felt about it. He needed to blow off the steam, to get the anger and frustration out. Neil watched as Sam hiked Justin's hips up, holding him in place easily with one arm. His front half against the floor while he was barely supported by his knees. His dad was holding most of his weight up with no effort.

Even with the play session as a feral doggy he still had energy left. Justin's tail was tucked tightly between his legs. He was shaking slightly and emptied his bladder once more onto the floor. Pissing himself from fear. Neil sighed, he'd be cleaning up that mess as soon as his dad finished with him. Sam pulled his free hand back, swatting Justin's ass hard.

Justin yelped, "Please dad!"

Sam just growled and spanked his other ass cheek just as hard. "Daddy, you'll call me Daddy and I'll stop when I'm satisfied my little bitch boy is going to finally start behaving himself."

Justin was horrified, he knew that every time he said the word he'd be sexually stimulated. Or had Neil removed that? He felt tears roll down his cheeks. Not able to bear having to say it and feeling frustrated sexually by his dad like that. It wasn't fair, this wasn't supposed to happen and Justin hated it all.

Sam gave his son's ass eighteen spanks in total, nine to each cheek. His age setting the count for how many he'd get. Justin whimpered and cried, only getting the sympathy of Kevin and Fletcher. Todd was too far in doggy land to know what was going on. While Neil and Sam both felt the young canine needed an attitude adjustment.

"Clean up your mess bitch boy. This is why you wear diapers, cant control yourself. Pathetic, and to think you've been snickering at the size of my cock. Least I don't wet myself like a little baby."

Fletcher and Kevin both reacted to the remark. Neither could help their condition and while Sam was mad at Justin it wasn't fair for him to say that. It stung Kevin, causing him to cry under his uncle. The doggy looked down at him, licking the tears from his cheeks to try and cheer the boy up.

Sam's world came to a halt once he realized what he said in front of them. Hating himself for it immediately. Kevin was a good kid and Sam knew he was constantly self conscious about being padded. "Kev, I'm sorry sport. I...Fuck, I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean it, okay? It's not your fault, Justin is to blame for my anger."

Sam moved towards Kevin, knelling down next to him. Kira regarded him cautiously, tail not wagging. He didn't growl but he was suspicious of the other male. Meanwhile Justin slowly got to his feet, wincing from the abuse to his ass. Tears still rolling down his cheeks. He was humiliated, angry and jealous of Kevin.

He limped away to find something to clean the wooden floor with. Neil gave Fletcher's diapered rump a pat. "Hop up pup, you guys can watch tv if you want. Going to check on Justin."

Neil slipped away from the grey wolf and followed Justin back into the kitchen. He just needed to get away from it all. But he couldn't do that, he was told to clean the floor so he set to looking for something to clean it with. He wasn't going to lick it up like he had with the puddle me made in the kitchen.

Neil reached out and placed a hand on Justin's shoulder. "Go away Daddy...Fucking hell! Not what I wanted to call you. Fuck you, this is nowhere near as bad as what I did to them. I don't deserve this."

"Actually you do, Justin. You took away their free will and abused their trust in you in big ways. You cant say you wouldn't have left them like that. You would have, and you cant say you wouldn't do it to others. Because you would. You built this trap for them and I've trapped you. Snared so well that you cant escape. They've been told to ignore your commands and you'll hurt yourself before taking that device back."

Justin growled and banged his head against the fridge a few times. "So what now then? You keep warping and twisting me till I'm nothing but an obedient dog?"

"You did that to your dad and uncle. But no, no further adjustment with the flasher. You have to obey me and it'll be hard to resist the commands of others. So you'll do as you're told. There is a lesson to be learned here Justin and I hope for your sake you figure it out before your dad punishes you again."

Justin clenched his jaw, he wanted to punch the tiger. But the compulsion was nagging away in the back of his mind to clean the puddle in the living room. He was struggling to fight it and remain mad. He sighed, turned to face the lion "Daddy. Help me." He moaned and panted softly.

Too upset to blush under his fur. Justin just did his best to stay mad. He wasn't going to be forced to be anything. He just had to pick his battles and use his mental strength when needed. Neil helped him locate a mop, setting him to cleaning the living room and telling him to hit the spot in the kitchen again to be good and sure it was cleaned up.

The sun was setting, it was getting late. Neil had two bedrooms, but only one bed and it was a full size. Best option was to select which boys he wanted to stay over and send the rest back till morning. He'd keep Fletcher, after all he stepped in to protect him. He wasn't in love with the wolf. Just felt bad for him and he liked him as a friend.

The boyfriend thing was just to make things easier. Plus it gave Fletcher something to hold onto. He wouldn't be able to find a normal relationship given the whole diaper thing. Neil could fix that, sure. But then he'd be out a cute and willing sex partner. Fletcher could give him attention at school. Justin still had another month of high school and summer break to get through. He couldn't just blow him between classes.

"Kevin, Sam you two can return home. Sam, your clothes are in the kitchen. Should spend the evening tending to your sons." Neil said before slumping back down on the couch. "Bitch, you can return home once you finish cleaning your messes and are diapered. All three are to return tomorrow morning for breakfast."

"Yes Alpha!" Kevin said excitedly as he slipped from under his uncle. The doggy trying to keep him pinned in place but Sam walked over and freed him.

"Down Kira, we'll be back tomorrow." Sam said getting a soft whimper from the wolf.

"Goodnight Alpha, we'll be back for guy time bright and early. Wont we boys?" Sam asked.

Justin growled, finishing the living room before moving into the kitchen. Not wanting to say anything and make his situation worse.

"Kira, come." Neil said firmly pointing to the floor next to his feet. "Be sure to mount Justin good. He needs to learn his place in our pride."

Sam gave a nod, grinning at the remark. He'd only blown his load once that day and he didn't know about it. Far as Sam knew he'd gone over a week without jerking off and even longer without sex. The suggestion on him told him that he could use his boys sexually while their mom was away. He was eager to get home and breed.

He'd give Justin a rough go, while gently making love to Kevin. He still felt bad for what he said earlier and wanted to make it up to his son. Neil gently scratched 'Kira' between the ears while Fletcher slowly slid a hand over to take Neil's in it. He remembered holding hands at school. Memories were starting to create themselves and fill in the gaps. His romantic fantasies being fulfilled through mind control and Neil's suggestive comments.

Neil gave the canine a warm smile. Happy he was relaxing finally.

"We'll need diapers too, Sam could you pick some up before coming over tomorrow? Bitch only brought over four so Fletcher will have a spare but we'll be out after that, wont we pup?"

"Sure thing Alpha, I'll grab some breakfast stuff too since you're hosting."

Justin reentered the room, "Finished."

Sam pointed at the floor, "Let's get you diapered then and head home."

The ice had melted slightly, the cubes almost half their size in the bowl. It was still plenty cold though and Justin found that out as his dad ran the soaked cloth over his son's groin. Justin whimpered and whined.

"What the hell?"

"Hold still bitch boy, I'm almost done geez. Worried about shrinkage? Not much to shrivel up just look at you. To think you had the nerve to call me small."

Justin was caught off guard by the remark. He'd been a good two inches bigger than his father for years now. Justin knew his size well, and his dad's from all their play sessions. But sure enough when Justin looked between his legs he panicked.

His sheath looked smaller, less filled out. Then he remembered all the mind control and let out a slow breath. It wasn't real, he was still hung like a champ. He just had to focus his thoughts and not let it get to him. But another wipe of that damp cloth shocked him into looking again, just to see how much more was needed.

His sheath had shrank a good inch and a half and his balls were following suit. His mind began to race again as he fought with the suggestion. 'Not this, he cant take this.' He thought over and over while Neil watched from the couch. Fletcher and Kevin both unsure what Justin's issue was. Neil leaned over and whispered something to Fletcher and got a nod.

Fletcher returned his attention to his whining cousin and saw nothing more than a tiny one inch sheath and a sack that looked to be empty. He'd seen his cousin's length throughout the day but memories of it were replaced with a pitiful nub that he could only feel pitty for. Not all guys were gifted and it seems he was cursed with one that made his dad's look huge by comparison.

Kevin still saw the same shaft he'd played with countless times before. But that would change in time, and that time was right now Neil grinned. "Kevin, come."

Kevin crossed the room quietly, Justin barely noticed. He was too busy fighting with himself, trying to save his proud cock from being taken from him. Fear and anger were barely holding back the suggestion. But he was doing it, he almost smirked. He was fighting it and winning. Then he noticed another inch had slipped away.

His emotions snowballed and he lost it. Looking down at a barely visible sheath and apparently empty sack. Closer inspection revealed two pea sized balls within it. He was baby sized, actual baby sized. Just enough visible to show his gender and nothing more. He had to fight it, but he was too late. His mind was being worked over as memories were altered to fit the illusion.

He'd always been small and that's why he was so angry. He hated his dad and Kevin for it and that's why he was so relentless with them. Who else would want to play with his tiny wolfhood? He couldn't think of anyone who could look at it without laughing. Every aware male in the room just looked on at the exposed wolf.

Neil still saw what Justin was packing, but the others all saw a baby sized sheath and balls that could barely be called that. Justin whimpered, his dad was finished cleaning him. Up his hips were lifted with one arm. His ass still tender from the beating it got earlier. Sam slid a diaper under him, folded it up and taped it closed.

"Much better and if my bitch boy will behave like a good pup I wont be so rough later." Sam said getting to his feet.

He reached down and easily lifted Kevin from the ground. His well toned pup held chest to chest with his chiseled dad. Sam was clothed but the throbbing bulge in his shorts was clearly visible just south of his diapered son's rump. Kevin's legs wrapped around the small of his dad's back and he held tightly with his arms not wanting to fall.

Neil huffed, it was hot. Two buff guys holding each other. 'Thank you Justin' he thought to himself. He'd won the lottery with this family. Partial to strong guys, but being dominant himself it was hard to find strong subs. Fletcher filled a good role as a more twink like sub, which Neil found just as sexy as a well toned one. He wasn't too picky about body type, just no fat guys. Skinny to buff was the scale he accepted and he had the best of both ends.

Sam held his hand out to Justin, he glared at the wall before slowly reaching up to take it. Sam helped him to his feet but didn't let go. Like a good parent he was going to lead his son home so he didn't get lost. Kevin nuzzled into his dad's neck, enjoying being held. Getting a lick across the cheek from his dad before they started heading home.

Justin tried to pull his hand free getting a growl from the older male. "Act like a puppy get treated like one, best behave bitch boy because I'm considering going easy on you tonight."

Justin looked down, "Yes daddy...mmm!" He moaned and panted slightly. Considering carefully everything he went through. His dad was gentler, kinder, when he just accepted it and did as he was told. They were leaving which meant the whole night his dad would be this way and the sting he felt over his diapered rump a constant reminder. He'd just give in and see what happened, nothing else to do.

Once Neil heard the door close he stood, holding Fletcher's hand in his own. "Kira, be a man."

As soon as he heard the words Todd shook his head and rose to his feet. "Evening boys."

Fletcher blushed fiercely, there he was diapered and wearing a kiddy shirt in front of his dad. His toned, musky and unsheathed dad. The large male looked around and after finding they were alone leaned in to give his son a lick across the cheek.

"Come on pets, a small cozy bed awaits."

So there you have it. I'll work on the next part soon enough but I have other ideas for stuff for my more regular readers. If you liked what you saw hit that fave button, throw some stars my way to let me know where this one ranks, comment down below if you have something more to had than a button mash and thanks for reading, I appreciate it.