My College Story Ch 4

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#4 of My College Story

Notice:These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them, please ask me.

So these past few weeks have been slow while Adrian is fighting, so one day me and the other guys decide to go see him fight.

"KO out victory for Adrian!" the ring announcer yelled.

"What is that win number ten?" Michael asked

"Yeah, this is amazing." Adrian said out of breath sweat dripping down his face. He then sees us.

"Shit Adrian I'm glad you didn't fight back when I tried to attack you." Alan said.

"Yeah you're a lucky one."Adrian said. "And don't forget it." I thought to my self.

"Great job, you looked amazing, by that I mean keep your shirt off." I said as I hugged him I could feel the sweat through my shirt and he kept his shirt off.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Adrian asked with his arm around my lower back.

"We had nothing better to do and we wanted to see how good you are." Mark said

"Sweet and how did the rest of you get in?" Adrian asked

"The guy at the door saw me and he just let us in." I said

"Yeah I told him you anyone with you was with me." Michael said to me

"Oh, thanks man."Adrian said

"No problem, you're the second best here and you fight for me." Michael said.

"What do you mean by the second best?" I asked getting really mad, then Adrian put his other arm around me and I calmed down.

"So who is the best here then? I want a shot at him." Adrian said just and just as he said that a cheetah appeared behind Adrian. He was as tall as Adrian but he wasn't as built.

"I am." the cheetah said

"Adrian meet the champ Christian." Michael said.That name struck a bell in my head no pun intended but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"So you're the one they keep taking about." Christian said.

"That I am, nice to meet you." Adrian said

"Same goes to you. So you want to fight me?" Christian said

"Yeah, I want to be the man to beat." Adrian said then Christian laughed

"I like you, but it'll be awhile before you can face me. Your still a beginner." Christian said

"So, I've beaten people who have been here for years." Adrian said

"I know, I watch them." Christian said

"Then fight me!" Adrian said getting abit to excited

"Only if you get ten more wins with out losing and then I will fight you." then Chrisitan left.

"Your on!" Adrian yelled as the cheetah left.


We were lying in bed kissing and I once agian I'm feeling his amazing six-pack then I stop and pull away from him, he looked so lost. To get his attention I smack his ass, he then snapped back to reality.

"I feel the need to celebrate this win." I said undoing Adrian's pants then his eyes lit up. So then I started sucking him. My tounge dancing with his cock he kept moaning, I would stop until he would beg for me to go on

"Don't stop, oh my!!" Adrian moaned. While I'm sucking him he's rubbing my cock and it slowly comes out. When I was full Adrian made me stop.

"Whats wrong?" I ask

"Nothing, I just want you in my ass." Adrian said as he got on his hands and knees. All the precum made it easy to sick my cock in his tight ass. As I slowly went in he moaned the farther I would tease him and he would wimper like a little cub so then I would go on after what seemed like hours of pure joy I could feel my knot forming.

"Give it to me." Adrian begged so with one giant thrust my knot went into his hole. As I cummed he looked back at me and kissed me. When my knot was finaly gone I pulled out we both moaned in pleasure in being able to move and because that was the best sex yet.I got into his arms and kissed him he was so warm and protecting that I fell asleep in his arms.

"Jake wake up, its almost ten."Adrian said

YAWN* "How much time is left?" I ask sleeply

"Ten till." Adrian said

"What?!? You're kidding?" I ask as I jumped out of bed. Then Adrian fell over laughing.

"No you have at least an hour." Adrian said trying to catch his breath.

"ASS!" I yell going into the shower. If theres one thing you don't want to do its piss me off in the morning just leave me alone when I wake up.

"Sorry babe!" Adrian said but I ignored him so then he started the puppy cry. So then I run to him and hug him. Then I realize what I did.

"Damn it, why do I let that get me every time?" I asked

"You is good person thats why." Adrian said like a little cub. So then I finished my shower.

Then there's a knock on our door so I quickly throw on some shorts then Adrian answers the door, it was Christian.

"What honor do I own for you being here?" Adrian asked

"Nice to see you too." Christian said

"Sorry it just suprised me." Adrian said

"Hello" I said as I went to the door

"Hello back." Christian said

"Whats up?" Adrian asked

"I'm here to see you." Christian said pointing at me which kind of scared me.

"Whats up?" I asked confused

"You don't reconize me do you?" Christian asked

"I do feel that I've met you before." I said

"Thats a start, I think." Christian said rubbing his head

"Have you lived in Indiana and if so where did you go to school?" I asked

"Yes and I want to Star middle school." he said. Then it came to me. My tail wagged like crazy.

"Shit! It is you!" I said as I hugged my old friend

"I'm confused, whats going on?" Adrian said

"He was my first boyfriend." I said

"Isn't he older? He's been fighting here for years" Adrian asked

"No, I'm in the same grade. My brother brought me here to watch him fight. When we moved out here.So do you want to hang out later?" Christian asked I couldn't say no.

"Yeah its deal." I said. Then I hugged him agian. Adrian gave me a weird look and I didn't understand and for some odd reason that pissed off Adrian because he stormed out of the dorm.

"BABE WAIT!" I yelled as he stormed of

"I'm sorry." Christian said

"No its fine." I said trying not cry seeing my leaving with out giving a reason me ears dropped and my tail stopped wagging.

The End