Beach Watching

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#1 of Beachside Vixen

A perverted vixen gets more than she could have imagined during a trip to a nearby nude beach...

DISCLAIMER: All works presented by this author are purely works of fiction, with no intentional depiction of any real persons (living or deceased) or real events. Any relation to any real life situation, person(s), etc are purely coincidental. The author does not under any circumstance condone any situation depicted in any work published that is illegal or morally objectionable. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

TL;DR: If you don't have a strong understanding of the difference between fiction and reality, please turn and leave now. This space is for fiction and fiction ONLY.

The vixen lounged back on her beach chair, savoring the way the sun warmed her bare fur. It was liberating to be by the ocean, nothing between her and the warm spring air - nude beaches really were the way to go. Giggles to her left reminded her about another perk of such places. Eyes hidden by her favorite sunglasses, she let her gaze drift to the young girls playing in the sand beside her, heedless of anyone who might admire their bare bodies. Such sights were one reason she lived on this particular coast, and she was surely not the only one with the same thoughts.

She was surprised to be so secluded today - other than the cubs playing nearby, the next closest beach goers were a bit further down the beach. Her umbrella lay open on its side, obstructing the view of anyone who might look her way. Normally, she'd simply save the sights with her phone and enjoy them privately later, but her unexpected solitude gave her riskier ideas. Her paw found her mound already damp as she watched the cubs splash into the waves, splashing each other and laughing, tails tipping high each time they squatted down to gather more water in their paws and putting tight cunnies and tailholes on display. She could almost taste them as she let her fingers strum her clit, trying to keep her motions subtle even as her thighs eased apart. She could have reached over to grab her towel, hiding her lewd actions entirely, but the thought of the cubs catching her, of catching their curiosity and tempting them closer... She shuddered at the thought, letting her legs drift just a bit wider apart, cunt glistening in the sunlight as she dared to push a finger into herself. They were too occupied to actually mind the adult on the shore, surely, but the dirty vixen could dream.

She didn't notice at first the way the oldest of the group kept glancing her way, peeks she thought subtle. The wolf couldn't be older than 12, clearly looking after her sisters while they played. The vixen couldn't help but watch as she seemed to flaunt her budding breasts, bending over maybe further than needed whenever she turned around, bushy tail always seeming to raise just a bit higher. The way her hands seemed to run down her sister's body, the way she 'accidentally' ground herself against her friend. Her shenanigans only seemed to get more overt as the vixen got more blatant about fingering herself, somehow still unseen by any but the naughty wolf tempting her. She refused to believe the she-wolf would be so eager to please, yet she was struggling to find any other reason the preteen would be so eager to show off. Legs splayed wide at this point, she came to the sight of the little wolf spreading her tight cunny when her friends had looked away, winking over her shoulder. They started to leave shortly after that, headed towards the food pavilion, and the vixen was left to lick her fingers clean as she savored what she assumed was her best possible luck.

She must have dozed off. When her eyes fluttered open a little while later, it was just past midday. No one was around, it seemed, all off to get a bite to eat, except the wolf girl from earlier. She was peeking over the beach umbrella at her exposed body, not yet noticing that the vixen was awake, and from the wet sounds coming from beyond the umbrella, the vixen's interest was clearly returned.

She let her hands slowly drift to her still-damp pussy, spreading her lips enticingly as she pretended the wolf wasn't there. She hardly wanted to spook her potential new playmate, not when she was so close. Luckily, the horny preteen was more than bold enough to close the gap, approaching with just a hint of nervousness.

"Guess you like looking at naked little girls?" she asked cheekily, leaning over the perverted vixen. She gave a gasp when the vixen reached out to grope her slender rear, but didn't pull away from the touch.

"Hard not to, especially when they're so eager..." came the vixen's crooning response. "Tell me, dear, do you play like that with your friends often?" Her fingers trailed down the curve of her body as the wolf shuddered.

"Well... sometimes... me and my sister found some pictures one day and got curious..." The vixen smirked.

"Sister? How naughty... And how old is she, dear?" The wolf was fully bent over her now, tail raised as the vixen traced her young folds.

"She's- hah- she's six... She loves to play like I do though... huff... if you want to meet her too..."

The lusty vixen spared a look around to ensure they were still alone before pulling the preteen vixen closer to her. There was no resistance from the horny cub, eagerly climbing up over the lounging vixen to straddle her muzzle.

"I'd absolutely love to get the two of you together, sweetheart. That is, if your parents don't mind you coming over for a playdate..." The wolf gave a cute little moan as her immature cunny was devoured by the hungry vixen, her thick tongue pushing into her tight little hole with little restraint.

"Hahhh- Mommy won't mind at all... Huff, yessss..." The young girl was shameless in riding her new friend's muzzle, grinding her hips down while she let her own paws wander. "She... hnn... she might ask for some pictures... or more..." The vixen could only smirk at the request. Knowing their mother was just as eager to plunder her daughters' little treasures as she was only made her wetter, a fact that the little wolf was quick to discover as her little paws reached down to rub and caress her drooling spade. "I bet... huff... I bet you and her would get along..."

She was just getting into the act, legs splayed wide to let the young wolf explore her while she took her time lavishing the girl's sex with attention, when a voice came carrying over the sands.

"Kayla? It's time to go!" The girl above her groaned with disappointment, reluctantly pulling away from her older playmate.

"That's my mom... I'll ask her about that playdate, though!" The cub gave her a cheeky grin, leaning in to lick her own juices from the randy vixen's lips. "Where should we meet?"

The vixen reached for her phone, exchanging numbers with the cub and taking a less-than-modest picture of her for good measure before she scampered off across the sands. The way she kept her tail up as she took off, flaunting her cute little ass, made the perverted vixen drool with thoughts of future fun to come.

The next morning, Mya was woken up by the sound of her doorbell ringing. Not sure at first who might be paying a visit to the private complex, she reached over to grab her phone, pulling up the door cam as she rubbed sleep from her bleary eyes. The sight that greeted her was enough to get her rolling out of bed, thighs already damp just at the thought of what she'd been surprised with. Despite the secluded entryway, she still made sure to grab a robe as she dashed down the hallway, covering her otherwise nude body before going to answer the door.

"Good morning, Miss Mya!" chimed Kayla's cheerful voice, mischief twinkling in the preteen wolf's eyes. She was dressed in a deceptively conservative blue sundress, tail wagging behind her. "Mom said I could come and visit as long as I brought Rina alone. I'm sure you don't mind my little sister joining us though, do you?" Her eyes moved to the younger cub next to her, wearing a cute little white skirt and blouse.

"Nice to meet you Miss Mya!" Rina chirped excitedly, running forward to hug Mya around her waist and pressing her muzzle dangerously close to the opening in her robe. "My sister told me we're gonna have a lot of fun today!" Mya couldn't help a growl of excitement as the little wolf girl nuzzled into her thigh, her paws oh so close to her barely-concealed spade.

"Of course we are, sweetheart. Plenty to tell your dear mother about..." A wicked little grin crossed her muzzle as she beckoned the two excited cubs inside. "Come in, make yourselves at home! We have all day to get to know each other..." She eased the door closed behind her, barely containing her excitement as the two young wolves darted towards the living room, perching themselves on the couch as she followed behind. They made a point to sit with their legs splayed just wide enough to tease a peek beneath their clothes, barely preserving their modesty.

"So is it true~?" came Rina's curious voice, her tail wagging behind her as she looked to Mya excitedly.

"Is what true?" she replied playfully, enjoying the game of cat and mouse, letting the little one work herself into a tizzy. Still, the forwardness of the younger wolf was enough to make her blush, her little paws shamelessly lifting her skirt to reveal her panties, the powder blue fabric emblemed with a cute little sun just over crotch and soaked with young desire.

"Do you like the same kind of games mommy and sissy like?" The way she asked was so over-the-top cutesy that Mya could only guess it was a ploy the girl's mother enjoyed, and it did an excellent job of making her own spade drool as well. Young as she was, she certainly knew what she wanted. Still, she drew it out, loving the way the little one teased.

"And what kind of games are those, sweetheart? Why don't you and your sissy show me what you mean?" Kayla was quick to comply, leaning over to pull her little sister into a very adult kiss, making the cub moan as her muzzle was filled with her older sister's tongue.

"Spread your legs nice and wide, Rina," Kayla commanded gently, letting her paw grope the younger girl through her blouse. "Miss Mya loves looking between them~." Rina did as she was told, parting her thighs wider and reaching down to pull the far-too-innocent panties snug against her little cunny, tempting the perverted vixen to tug them aside entirely. She knelt down for a closer look, letting her robe fall open to give a peek at her own plush body as she leaned in.

"Sissy, I'm all hot," she whined cutely, mimicking her sister's earlier mischievous look. "Can you help me out of my blouse?" Kayla smirked, pushing Rina against the back of the couch as she took her time unbuttoning the thin garment, kissing her little sister passionately as she slowly exposed her flat chest, six cute little nipples standing out against her grey fur and trailing down her body in pairs as her blouse fell down from her shoulders.

"Miss Mya, don't you want to help Rina cool off?" teased the older of the two sisters, letting her paw linger at the waistband of the younger's skirt. Mya couldn't resist reaching up under the flimsy garment, tugging her soaked panties off and relishing the scent of the cub's musk in the air, unable to resist staring at Rina's dewy little cunny. Shamelessly, the little cub reached down to spread her lips wider, both girls now watching with poorly-masked hunger as she presented herself blatantly to the vixen.

"I'm so hot and sticky down here, Miss Mya... Mommy always licks me clean. Can you lick me too?" Kayla pulled away to grab her phone, pulling up the camera as Mya leaned in to take her first taste of the six year old's immature pussy, savoring the almost sickly sweet taste of her juices as she let herself dig in. Knowing that the girl's sister was all too eagerly recording the depravity, and that their mother would be watching her little girls being played with later, only made her all the hotter to savor her little treat. Rina's thighs clamped down around her head as she lavished the girl's puffy pussy with attention, lapping at her tiny clit just to hear her squeal with pleasure before moving lower to drive her tongue properly into that tight little hole. She busied her hands with the girl's little nipples, teasing each set in turn and savoring the way it made her moan for more.

It didn't take long before the little wolf was trembling on the couch, thrashing against the cushions as a powerful climax wracked her little body. Mya made sure not to waste a drop of her sweet honey, letting the cub come down gently as she let her tongue wander to her thighs, then further down. A light blush lit her cheeks as she indulged herself in the girl's dainty paws, licking the soft pads languidly to Rina's murmured delight.

"Such a naughty vixen," came Kayla's teasing voice from behind. Mya shuddered as she felt the girl's paw push under her tail, grinding against her swollen and soaked spade shamelessly. "Even worshiping little girls' paws?" Mya couldn't help but moan at the way she was teased, turning over to lean against the couch as she spread her legs for the other wolf.

"The way you tease, I can't imagine you don't enjoy them as well," she replied with a smug grin, making Kayla blush in turn.

"It was mom's idea first... There's something so nice about feeling such velvet soft pads against your tongue... Or lower..." Mya sighed pleasantly as she let the girl have her fun, pulling her robe aside to openly grope her heavy breasts as she watched Kayla sit down between her legs to better tease her cunt. Clearly she knew how to please a woman with those slender little paws, stroking Mya's fat clit between her toes while she let her claws tease along her swollen lips, pushing them aside as she circled her drooling entrance. As she teased, Kayla couldn't help but pull up her sun dress, exposing her bare cunny to Mya's hungry eyes as she reached down to finger herself.

Distracted as she was, she didn't notice Rina climb down off the couch, discarding her skirt entirely as she knelt down next to the vixen. A surprised gasp turned into a soft moan as the little wolf leaned in to kiss her, her eager little tongue pushing into the older woman's maw without a hint of hesitation and inciting her to return the gesture. Young though she was, it was clear that Rina spent a lot of time sharing such intimate kisses with others. She wasn't shy about letting herself be felt up, lifting her tail out of the way as Mya groped her ass, teasing her little rosebud as she felt Kayla's paw slipping more fully into her own hungry cunt.

"Rina, come have a taste of our friend." At Kayla's beckoning, the younger wolf pulled away from the kiss, kneeling down beside the vixen to lick one of her sister's sticky paws clean while the other continued to thrust in her stretched spade. Mya's back arched as she felt those blunted claws gently scraping along her inner walls, a tingling counterpoint to the way those velvet-soft pawpads rubbed against her just right. Her climax built rapidly, so agonizingly close that she couldn't help but protest when she felt that paw pull out of her, leaving her spade a drooling mess. Her complaints were muffled, however, as Kayla got up to push her sloppy paw into the lusty vixen's muzzle, letting her worship those little paws with fevered need as she licked her own juices from each toe in turn, lavishing her damp paw pads with attention and savoring the taste.

"Miss Mya, can you get on the couch please~?" Rina blinked at her with doe eyes from between her legs, nuzzling against her sensitive cunt. "Me and sissy want a proper taste of you!" The lewdly cute way she begged was too much for Mya - how could she refuse the two hungry wolves? Kayla helped her up onto the cushions, leaving her robe behind on the floor as she sprawled out on the furniture, completely exposed to her two young guests. Rina wasted little time in scooting closer, nuzzling her little muzzle right into her dripping muff while Kayla moved in behind her.

"That's right, sissy, get in there good and deep. Her cookie tastes so good!" she coaxed the younger wolf, wrapping her arms around the cub's waist as she leaned over her. Mya gasped and moaned as she felt the little girl's muzzle push into her gaped entrance, her little tongue probing shamelessly while her moans vibrated through the vixen's overstimulated flesh. Kayla locked eyes with Mya, exchanging a smoldering look with her as she leaned in over her sister to nurse on the fox's fat clit in time, gently dragging her fangs over the sensitive flesh between sensual licks and sucks, hands out of sight as she fingered her little sister while they shared their treat. Mya could hardly stand their combined assault for long, groping her breasts hard enough to coax beads of milk from her nipples as she fell sobbing over that wonderful edge, squirting her juices over both cubs to their vocal delight as they doubled down on devouring her pussy. Her vision went dark for a long moment, body trembling and convulsing as everything but the pleasure faded from her mind.

The first thing she found herself aware of as she came down was the sounds of the two girls moaning and murmuring nearby. Her eyes fluttered open to a sight that had her nearly drooling once again, motivating her to sit up for a better view. Rina was sprawled out on the floor, the six-year old's face out of sight under her older sister's dress. Her own soaked little cunny was on full display as her sister leaned over her prone form, two slender fingers tenderly working in and out of her tight tailhole.

"She's- ahh- so insatiable when we play," Kayla managed between moans, grinding her hips down against the younger wolf's muzzle. "Won't stop- ooh~! -until she's totally exhausted..." She winked at the vixen. "Wanna help tire us out~?"

Without missing a beat, Mya slid off the couch to kneel between Rina's thighs, reaching down to play her fingers across the little cub's pussy while she pulled Kayla into a lewd kiss, her other hand reaching under her cum-stained sundress to grope and tease her tight little ass. Rina managed one more surprise as Mya felt her little tongue eagerly lapping at her sister's rosebud, rimming the preteen with no hesitation. She stopped only to nurse on Mya's fingers, sucking down on the digits in a way that left Mya sure she was just as talented sucking cocks as clits.

"Come on!" Rina moaned as she let Mya's fingers free. "I wanna see you play with sissy too!" The vixen was quick to oblige, letting her slick fingers push into both girls and reveling in their moaning delight. All thoughts of being slow or gentle were tossed out the window as they clamped their little holes around her, bucking their hips against her and each other with a frenzy of need. Mya broke her kiss with Kayla when she felt the older wolf's freehand reach down to grope her clit, fondling and stroking the thick bundle of nerves until the vixen's hips were thrusting into her hand, rutting the young girl's grasp as if she had a cock of her own.

It was hard to tell in the flurry of movement who came first - it seemed almost as if the trio came at once, filling the apartment with their moans and cries, soaking the rug and each other with their cum, collapsing into a writing dogpile of cuddles and kisses, grinding against each other as they rode out the storm of pleasure. Even as they came down, the room was a quiet symphony of soft sighs and murmurs of contented pleasure. Mya found herself with both girls curled up into her sides, snuggling her happily while she tried to comprehend just how lucky she was to have bumped into them. Rina had already dozed off against her, happy to snooze while coated in their love, while Kayla lazed in a half-awake daze on her other side.

"What a fun playdate," she murmured, casually rubbing and groping Mya as she relaxed against the older woman. "I'm sure mom's gonna love having you come over..."