An Unlikely Pairing, Part 3

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#3 of An Unlikely Pairing.

An Unlikely Pairing.


An Unlikely Pairing.

Written By: Wolfie Steel.

Part 3.

Authors Note: This story will contain bad language, violence (Mild) and homosexual acts, if any of these cause you the reader a problem such as being under age or easily offended, then do not read on. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all of the furs that have agreed to appear in this story, including my new mate, Rion Kagemon who for this story stars as Daniel Kanon. Guys, thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Daniel could not believe what he was hearing, here he was standing with the guy that only hours earlier had run out on him when he said the words I love you, and yet here and now he hears those exact same words. Daniel bent forward placing an arm behind my lower legs and another on my upper torso, and then with a gentle sweeping movement he lifted me up on his strong equine arms and carried me to his bed.

"Tyler, I meant what I said earlier, I do love you, but it is also so much more, this morning before you bolted on me I was going to ask you a question, a question that I never ever dreamed that I would be asking anyone, much less a male canine.....oh well here goes nothing. Tyler Winthrop III, I know that we have only just met, but I would like to ask if you my erm...........erm......oh gods no, I can't ask the question, because I know that you will reject me and it will crush me all over......"

Daniel didn't get to finish his sentence, I put a gentle claw to his equine muzzle and silenced him, and then I looked him deep in the eyes and spoke.

"Daniel Kanon, you are one of the most popular guys in this school, you have confidence oozing from every orifice and yet you can't ask a simple question?"

Daniel looked at me and then turned his head away as he blushed, so I continued.

"The question I believe you are trying to ask me is this; you wish to know if I will be your boyfriend, your mate, am I right?"

Daniel replies.

"That is or was the question, but thinking about it now, it will never work between us, I mean think about it, we are completely different in terms of species, I wouldn't be able to give you anal sex, because by the fact that I'm a horse, my cock would be way too long, oral is out for much the same reason *Sigh* maybe you would be better off finding a fur closer to your own species, wolf, fox, or some other canine"

I look at Daniel with a wry smile on my muzzle.

"Daniel, Danny, I don't want anyone else, I want you, sure we have differences, you are huge in height, muscle and cock size, but you are also big in one other area, the heart. I wouldn't mind having a crack at that meaty pole you have and I think you may be surprised; I may only be a Dally, but I bet I could take at least half of your cock inside me, if not more"

Daniel looked down at me with love and care in his eyes.

"Maybe we could try it, but not yet, you still have your injuries from Manolo which are going to take a while to heal"

By now it is getting late and we decide to turn in for the night.


8.30am the following morning and me and Daniel are walking down one of the schools many hallways heading to our home room, I suddenly get the feeling that I need the bathroom, so I send Daniel on his way to the home room with a slap to his butt and then head into the nearest bathroom.

I walk in and find it supposedly deserted, until I catch the faint sounds of sobbing coming from one of the cubicles. I walk along the door line of the cubicles until I reach the end one which is locked. I gently tap on the door only to be met by a growl that I recognise, it is Manolo, and he is crying, part of me is laughing after what he did to me, but another part of me wants to try and help somehow.

"Manolo, I know that is you in there, please let me in, I want to help"

Manolo shouts back at me.

"Fuck off you Dalmatian dead beat"

I step away from the door fearing that it will open and an enraged Sabre-tooth Tiger will launch another attack on me, when the attack didn't happen, I head back to the cubicle door and try again.

"Come on Manolo, let me in so I can help, or would you like me to spread it around school that I caught one of the nastiest bullies in the school crying his eyes out in the boy's bathroom?"

Suddenly the cubicle door unlocked and opened, there sat on the toilet seat was Manolo, blood dripping from a deep gash on his ear, a black eye and one serious split to his lower lip, he begins to talk again.

"Go on then you bastard, say it, tell me that I deserve everything I get"

I look at him sitting there; this guy ain't so tough after all.

"So Manolo, not only were you punished by my boyfriend, but it seems that you have pissed off another large fur"

I then had the strangest idea, it was up to me to try and calm Manolo down, and so whilst fearing another attack, I place a gentle paw on Manolo's shoulder and gently speak.

"If you wanna talk about it, I'm a damn good listener"

Suddenly I see a change in Manolo; he looks straight at me and then gently nods.

"I want to tell you something Tyler, but I swear if you tell anyone I'll kill you, there is a reason why I am the way I am, when I first started out at school, kids would make fun of my purple fur, they would beat up on me, then I would get home only to be beaten by my dad, he would beat me because in his eyes I was weak, then at the age of five I grew quickly, but I still remembered the beatings, one day a kid picked on me after I had had a really shitty day and I totally lost it, put him in hospital, and from that day to this, I have been the same"

Well it seems I'm making progress, I'm no longer a Dalmatian dead beat, and Manolo knows my name and is now using it. I rub Manolo's shoulder gently and reply.

"I guess now the boot is on the other foot paw, but it doesn't have to be, what you need is a friend, someone who will tell you when you are being a jerk. Manolo, yesterday, you raped and robbed me and yet I don't hold any grudges toward you, if you will let me, I would like to be your friend"

At first Manolo scoffed at the idea, then he looked at me again.

"You're serious aren't you? You really do want to be my.........friend?"

I hold out my paw in a friend's gesture, slowly and shakily Manolo places his paw in mine, once the connection is made I shake his paw slowly and gently.

"Now then Manolo my friend, I know you said that you would kill me if people found out about what you went through, but if it's ok with you, I want to tell Daniel, and trust me, he won't say a word, hell he will probably even find the guy that did this to you and make sure that it doesn't happen again"

Manolo agreed to me telling Daniel, so I finished up in the bathroom, and head for the home room. Once in the home room I told Daniel of my chat with Manolo, how the cat had finally opened up to me and had become a friend, Daniel then turned to me.

"You know Tyler, you're a gluten for punishment, but ok if you want to take Manolo on as a friend, then I can roll with that"

The bell sounded for the end of home room period and we all piled out of the classroom and towards our various next lessons. Daniel and I part company in the science block as he has physics and I have chemistry, I head to my classroom and Daniel continues his walk through the science block. On his way to the physics class he passes the stairway that leads to the first floor locker rooms, he catches the sound of something being pounded into the lockers.

Daniel climbs the stairs and slowly takes a peek inside the locker hallway, there he sees a huge Rhino using Manolo as a battering ram against the lockers, Manolo is completely silent and limp in the Rhino's arms, Daniel then looks down the corridor and sees a young wolf heading his way and calls out to him with urgency.

"Yo Max, I never thought I would say this, but help me rescue Manolo from Tyrone before we have a death on our paws"

The golden furred wolf quickly ran towards the fight meeting Daniel as he arrived. Daniel summoned up all of his strength and wrapped his arms around Tyrone to hold him back, the shock of being tackled made Tyrone drop Manolo onto the floor, Daniel spoke to Max again.

"Ok Max, get Manolo out of here and to the nurses' station, get an ambulance for Manolo, and I will stay here and deal with Tyrone"

Max quickly did as he was asked and whisked Manolo off in the direction of the nurses' station leaving Daniel to cope with Tyrone. With Manolo and Max now gone, Daniel released Tyrone and then thrust him up against the lockers and spoke in angry tones.

"Tyrone, I expected better from you, for fuck sake you are on the school's football team, actually no scratch that, you WERE on the school's football team, as captain of the team I'm now dropping you with immediate effect"

Tyrone went to throw a punch but he then realised that the Principal was now standing behind Daniel. The Doberman speaks.

"Gentlemen, is there a problem here?"

Daniel released Tyrone and turned to face Principal Lions.

"Sir, yes there is a problem; I have just dropped this........coward from the football team because I caught him bullying Manolo"

Principal Lions looks at Tyrone and growls whilst baring his teeth.

"Tyrone, I have put up with your antisocial behaviour for far too long, your grades are practically non-existent, everyone fears you even more than they fear Manolo, well your reign of terror and fear are now over, this school will no longer accept you as a student, you are expelled, now get out of my school, I will be sending a letter to your parents explaining my decision. God knows what your frankly charming parents ever did to deserve you as their son"

The Principal then turned to Danny.

"Mr Kanon, I want you to help me escort this person from the school grounds, we will then look in on Manolo who I take it is being looked after at the nurses' office?"

Daniel nodded and replied.

"Sir, Max Lightrave took Manolo to the nurse with the strict instruction to call an ambulance, as you can see from the many dents in the lockers, Manolo was not in a good shape"

Principal Lions and Daniel both took hold of one of Tyrone's arms and frog marched him from the school, with Tyrone gone, Daniel and the Principal head to the nurses' office to be met by a team of paramedics who are working on the battered body of Manolo.