The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter nine: Run to the hills! Run for your life!

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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#9 of Photographers Apprentice.

Chapter Nine: Run to the hills! Run for your life!


"ENOUGH!" The voice said again, drawing nearer. "S-stop, please!" Todd panted, out of breath as he crouched down beside us. "Look, Todd. I'm sick of this guy, he doesn't deserve my help - all he's done is criticize my sexuality and insult me. He needs to learn a lesson."

"W-well, violence doesn't solve anything, you said that yourself, Arthur!" The concerned Raccoon said, arms folded as he looked down at the two of us on the ground, he seemed somewhat impressed that I had managed to restrain the Tiger however.

"True, but there comes a time when-"

"Oh, the Rat has come to save me! How fortunate!!" - Peter cut me off, his smirk quickly faded as I tightened my grip around his neck.

Todd glared at the Tiger under my grip. "Maybe afterwards, we can all have tea and biscuits. Oh yes! A tea party! Wh-what else do you fags do for f-fun?!" Peter choked. It was quite amazing how he was still coming out with the sarcastic remarks and insults, even whilst he was being restrained. He wasn't giving up.

I felt like a cub holding a glass over a wasp, you knew that the moment you released the glass, that bastard was going to come out and sting you in the ass. Todd knew it too; there was nothing we could do unless we wanted a pissed off, homophobic tiger kicking both our asses. We had to do something.

"Todd, take off your belt." I instructed, as he obeyed. "Ohh, you're not going to, spank me!? Are you?! Heaven forbid!" Peter growled.

Looking around in each direction to make sure there was nobody around, I told Todd "Ok, now tie it around his paws."

Luckily I was sitting directly on top of him, with my knees pinning his arms down to the ground and Todd was able to easily slip the belt around both his wrists and tie his paws up. "Ok, now take mine off for me?" I instructed him again, as he slipped my belt off. Peter watched in anguish as I kept him pinned safely against the grass.

"You want me to put this around his ankles?" Todd said, nervously - at which point the restrained Tiger started roaring with laughter.

I nodded and watched Todd battle with the Tigers flailing legs, as he eventually managed to secure the belt around his ankles. Letting out a sigh of relief, I let go my grip around Peter's thick neck and stood up, putting my arm around Todd who was quite shaken.

"What're you going to do with me? Tie me up and 'have your way with me'?" He mocked in a sarcastic 'gay imitation' voice.

Honestly I didn't know what to do with him, but at least now he wasn't going anywhere soon. "We can't just leave him here..." Todd said, prodding the writhing Tiger gingerly with his sneaker.

"Very true, that's why we're going to take him.... um..." I scouted around, my eyes setting on the small wooded grove that Peter was about to make his way into before he had tackled me. "There!" I said, pointing at the thicket.

"Grab his feet, I'll grab his arms." We hoisted the heavy lump up into the air. Struggling, we started carrying him towards the entrance to the Brush. "I would scream, but would hate for you to think it gay of me to scream like a girl..."

"Oh just shut up!" I scowled as we slumped Peter up against the side of a thick trunked oak tree, his smug grin slowly disappearing as he knew that the three of us was completely alone in the secluded thicket.

"B-but w-what are you going to do with me?" he asked, some fear now showing in his voice as I realized he was starting to be a bit more serious.

"I just want to find out why you hate homosexuals so much. Surely, there must be some sort of reason right?" I crouched down to eye level with Peter and looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah, and most Homophobes turn out to be gay!" Todd snapped at the Tiger, he was obviously still quite hurt by the whole "Rat" insult.

Peter kept silent, a few moments passed before he finally said."I just can't stand them..." The Tiger shot back at me, letting out a slight hiss. "I just can't stand, you. Just the damn sight of you, holding hands in school, arm in arm. Kissing each other, it's just fucked up!" he continued, making a disgusted look.

"But how exactly is that hurting you, we're not doing anything to harm you, it's just who we are, can't you accept that?" Todd asked him sternly.

"No. I can't, and I won't. I never will, and if I was you I would just get over it, and fuck off, you god damned homos disgust me." His voice then turning to a whisper, "Between me and you - I deliberately asked Mr. McGraw for you as a mentor just so I could tell you all of this, and just so I could make both your lives hell - and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I'm SICK of you two!" He said angrily, before spitting on the ground next to the tree and scowling.

Wow - the cat was out of the bag... Literally! I wasn't entirely sure what to do and how to react... Should I just walk away and inform my tutor that Peter was deliberately trying to antagonize me and Todd, or should I try and persuade Peter... Either way; there was still one pissed off Tiger with his arms and legs bound together which we had to sort out one way or another.

I looked up at Todd, and I could tell that we both had the same thing in mind; this Tiger didn't have a reason to be scared of gays, but we was sure as hell going to give him a reason. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Todd looked over at me and whispered, an evil grin now covering his face as he knelt down beside Peter.

Nodding, I leaned over the Tiger and started to unbutton Todd's shorts. "Wh-what are you doing?!" Peter asked, looking quite startled. "Well, since you clearly have no reason at all to hate gays; other than that you're a bigoted homophobe - so we will give you one. That way; you can antagonize us all you want - because we'll have given you reason to." I said smugly, as I pulled Todd's shorts down and started rubbing the outline of his cock through his briefs.

"What the fuck!?" Peter gasped, as he desperately tried to struggle out of his restraints. "N-no, I promise I won't... aghh!" He was too shocked to make sense.

"Now I swear, if that fucking thing comes near my mouth I'll bite it off!" The angry Tiger growled, baring his sharp teeth and motioning towards the growing bulge in Todd's underpants. Todd gave me a worried look, which I reassured him with a sly smile.

"Don't worry, Kitty. Don't worry." I said stroking his face, watching him recoil in disgust, I let out a laugh. I'm not usually this mean, but boy - this Tiger really did deserve this, and this was just too much fun!

I slipped a finger over the waistband of Todd's underwear and tugged them down, letting his cock bounce up as it was released. As his musk hit the damp air of the small wooded thicket Peter let out a shudder, watching in torment as I slowly stroked Todd's pre-covered cock, just inches from the Tigers muzzle.

I could feel myself getting hard at the sight, and hearing Todd murring. I climbed over and onto Peters lap and knelt over him before unbuttoning my shorts and sliding them down too. "T-the same applies to you..." Peter gulped, wincing at the sight of my cock standing to attention over his chest.

I looked up at Todd and winked, letting him know everything was fine as I started to pump back and forth over his throbbing member, gently pawing myself at the same time. "Oh for fuck sake...! P-please, stop, PLEASE!" Peter pleaded.

"What's the point in stopping? You'll never apologize and you'll never change your ways." I said as I lowered my muzzle to Todd's dripping cock. I felt Todd shudder as my warm tongue wrapped itself around the underside of his tip.

"PLEASE!!! NO MORE!!!" Peter protested.

"Will you leave us alone if we stop?" I looked back at the repulsed Tiger, who started to shake his head in disagreement.

"Well then." I replied, as I proceeded to take Todd's dripping cock into my mouth, bobbing my head up and down just inches from the Tiger's face. "Ah, no! Please, look - you're getting it on my shirt!!" Peter wailed, looking down at the pre that had started to stream out of my cock and onto his black "Iron Maiden" tank top. "WEAK, DUDE! WEAK!!!" he complained.

"I'll stop if you'll just apologize and leave us alone." I asked him once last time.

"Never." He said, spitting on the dirt next to him.

I looked at Todd and gave him a wink. Winking back he proceeded to moan "Ohhh, I'm gonna c-cum!" feeling his cock tense up I gave it a few short sharp jerks as I could feel Todd start to quiver.

"Oh fuck no! P-please! Please, not that, anything but that!" Peter shrieked as I aimed Todd's throbbing shaft straight at his mouth, watching the Tiger desperately try and turn his head from it.

With Todd's cock literally an inch from Peter's mouth I started to stroke him harder and faster. "Ohhh, h-here it comes!" Todd moaned.

"OK! OK! I APOLOGIZE!! PLEASE! NOT THAT!!" Peter screamed. "I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE! I'LL LEAVE ALL OF YOU ALONE.... Just please.... Not that!" He continued, screwing his eyes shut and forcing his mouth closed so tightly.

I grinned at Todd, before giving him a few final jerks that sent him over the edge, aiming his cock just out of the way of Peter's mouth at the last second. "Aaaaaah!" Todd murred, feeling his cock tense up within my paw as he released his load, just literally skimming shy of the hairs on Peter's cheek. Splattering ropes of cum against the tree behind the cowering Tiger, and onto the ground.

Peter unscrewed his face, and squeezed one eye open, his mouth still firmly shut. He looked Todd's cum dripping cock in my paw, then back at me, then at the splatters of cum on the floor before a look of relief covered his face.

"You were saying?" I asked Peter, as I buttoned my shorts back up whilst Todd collapsed on the floor in a little heap, a broad smile covering his muzzle.

"I-I... You..." Peter struggled with his words, "I, won't, bother you again." He said solemnly.

"And?!" I said, like a teacher says to a naughty student, expecting an apology. "And, I'll leave the rest of you fa-... I mean, 'gays' alone too... Just leave me alone and let me go, please!"

"And!?!" I repeated once again, tapping my foot on the ground in impatience. "AND I'M SORRY, NOW LET ME FREAKING GO!!!" Peter practically screamed.

"How do I know that if I let you go you're not going to bash my face in?" I asked, cautiously.

"Look, you got the better of me last time; you'll be able to do it again... I'm not all that strong really." Peter replied.

Was it all a front? Was he just saying that -and then planning on beating the living shit out of us when we untied him?

"I don't believe you, 'man'." I mocked, still toying with the poor tiger. "Todd, will you miss that belt of yours?" I asked him, watching him shake his head as he sat on the floor.

"Ok, well you've got a souvenir, Peter. You can keep the belt, I'll have mine back though" I said, removing the belt from his ankles as I watched him scramble to his feet. Todd instantly shrunk behind me.

Scowling, the irritated Tiger simply said. "You're lucky... This time..." before plodding away through the bushes and disappearing into the Woods.

I was very tempted to shout "Run toooo the hiiiiiiiills!" - Lyrics from an Iron Maiden song - but we had had our fun, and taught Peter a lesson. It was best to leave it at that. Wrapping an arm around Todd who had stopped trembling I gave him a kiss, whispering "That wasn't so bad was it? You're a brave little Raccoon when you put your mind to it!" ruffling his hair a little I continued, "But why did you come after me? I told you to stay indoors after all."

The exhausted Raccoon sighed, "Well, I couldn't let you walk around with that beast all day, I just couldn't bare the thought of it, and who knows what would have happened if we hadn't have tied him up?! He would have beaten you into a pulp when you had of let him go!" Todd replied as we walked across the field towards home.

"That is true... If you hadn't have come along I don't know what I would have done, probably would have had to run like mad!" I said, as I opened the front door and let us inside. Todd giggled at the thought of me running across the field, being chased by an angry Peter...

"So, how about I repay your little 'favour' that you did for me in the woods back then?" The little innocent looking Raccoon said as he pushed himself up against me, gently groping me as he kissed me on the muzzle, before leading me upstairs.