SYBT: When A Dragon Loves A Man

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#20 of So You've Been Transmogrified

Gwen having finally cleared Swedish customs finds herself in a consulting position at her two dragonic converts place of employment where she meet a nice blacksmith who she develops a fondness for, however as we all know sooner or later in a situation like this someone is getting turned into something....

So You've Been Transmogrified: When A Dragon Loves A Man

Gwen looked at the display of weapons from ages long since past with a fondness and apprehension, she had seen weapons like this used against her, her family, her friends, to great and murderous effect. That however did not detract from her appreciation from the craftsmanship that went into such things, the blue steel, the hardened bronze, even the newer weapons that she had never seen before, firearms had a charm about them. The wooden stocks of the older examples right up to the plastic and synthetics of the most modern examples. Craftsmanship was craftsmanship, and it was a trait that Gwen respected above all others. She had spent a good amount of time adjusting to the world as it was now, so different, yet so similar, the problems of the past not truly solved but rather mitigated at best or outright ignored at worst. She was partly amazed that humanity had lasted as long as it had, and partly unsurprised given how resourceful and tenacious she knew the lesser beings could be if backed into a corner or told by a higher power they could not do something.

More often than not however that energy was channeled into the destruction of their fellow man, or anything else that was deemed a threat. However despite the many flaws that she could still see in society she had to acknowledge that legitimate progress had been made since she had isolated herself from the world. Medicine, transportation, the sciences, the arts, all the things she once thought that humanity would only ever have a passing relationship with in there drive to make war were now fully integrated parts of their society, granted they were still misused, misunderstood and misrepresented by those who controlled them, but more people knew of the truth than did not. Which she felt would only get better given what she had learned of history. If there was one thing she knew would never truly change about humanity it was that people could only be pushed so far before something gave, typically the head of king. Her new finds, the former humans Rosa and Sven were talking with their boss a delightfully equine woman named Carol, a stunning marble pegasus. Gwen so desperately wanted to speak with whoever had crafted the horses body, she had gone so long without talking to another sculptor of flesh. However looking around the museum it was clear that other forces of transformative energy were at work in the building, she looked over to her left at a man carrying a large crate, he looked human to naked eye but Gwen could pierce the veil he wore and saw the jet back fur of anubian jackal. She chuckled to herself thinking that the cult of that god was still alive and well even after all this time. She would have to find him some time soon, he owed her a favor or two and pulse she wished to see a face from the days of yore. Gwen found her eyes settling on an example of sword from a time which see remembered rather fondly. The sword was in terrible shape but the quality of the steel still shown through the layers of rust and years of neglect.

"Shame I can't do much for that one." a voice said. Gwen turned to see a short man with broad shoulders looking at the same sword that she was.

"Yeah, I remember making a few of these myself, this ones a beauty." she said looking back at the sword. The man looked over at her and looked the taller woman up and down, her hair was long and black running down her shoulders, and her eyes were red, deep and piercing.

"You've made em, like a reproduction?" he asked looking over at the woman curiously. Gwen blinked hard realizing that she probably should pick her words more carefully around humans.

"Yes, me and my father are, well I am, he was... oh no matter, an experienced blacksmith, now I'm something of an, uh..." she searched for the right word, "an expert, Sven and Rosa brought me on to help them examine some of the things they found in Sweden." Gwen said giving her cover for being there in the first place.

"Ah I see, also your accent, your from the UK aren't ya." he asked. Gwen nodded knowing that her English did in fact stem from that place, well not the UK proper, but that country occupied the land now. The man smiled and extending a hand, Gwen took the hand and shook it firmly.

"Nice grip, I'm Branigin, I'm from Scotland, lived here for almost as long as I did there now though, pretty soon I'm gonna have to start calling myself an American." he said taking his hand back and crossing his arms.

"Right, so you work with swords then?" Gwen asked looking back to the case and the other examples.

"Ya, its my lifeblood you know, finden em, cleanen em, playing with em, maken em." he said smiling at the case.

"Making?" Gwen asked taking her attention off the case and placing it on the man properly now.

"You're not the only person ever been raised by a blacksmith." he said smiling pridefully. Gwen looked the shorter man up and down and the two talked for a while, agreeing to share notes over food or drinks or both.

A week passed, sharing notes had turned to a date, a date had turned to coming upstairs for coffee, had turned to a hand job, and a romantic relationship. Gwen felt a connection growing between her and small Scottish man more and more whenever the two spent time together, which they had ample opportunity to do so over the course of the week. Sven and Rosa had picked up on the fact rather quickly and had encouraged the elder dragon to embrace her feelings, much to her chagrin originally, bu that had rapidly melted away into genuine mutual attraction. The only issue with the relationship was while Gwen was more than happy to reciprocate the man's feelings a hand job was about the extent of what she could do given her true from. The veil of humanity she wore was not exactly meant to hold up to passionate love making, and passionate she would be with the man she had come to love. Thus came the inevitable awkward conversation that all non-humans disguised as human must have when they inevitably fall in love with a mortal.

Gwen stood nervous in the middle of Brannigans living room, it was the first she had felt a nervous energy overtake her that was not directly related to her imminent death. Both of them had had a few drinks, Gwen had had a good many more than Brannigan but due to his mortal nature and her dragonic nature they were bout the same level of intoxicated. She had just let slip the fact that she was not in fact a black hair beauty from London, but rather something radically different.

"So, what your faking your accent?" Brannigan asked jokingly trying to put together way his love was so nervous.

"No, that's, hell I wish it was that simple." Gwen said chuckling at the idea herself before switching back to her more serious demeanor. "Ok you know what, no pussy footing. Alright look, uh, if you don't what any part of me after tonight, then so be it. Just know that's ok." she said looking away from the man and at the door of his bedroom.

"Gwen, I don't know what's gotten into ya but, hell just talk to me, I'm here for ya." Brannigan said sitting forward and smiling warmly at the woman. "Come on, take a seat, we can talk about it long as ya like." Gwen took and hand and reached up to her mouth covering it and holding back tears, she among her many other talents, was something of an empath, she could feel the genuine concern that the man felt for her and it almost moved her to tears, she had loved before, lost before, and it had been a long while since she had felt something like this from another living thing, let alone another dragon. She took a deep breath as she brought her hand back down to her side.

"B, I'm gonna walk through that door, give me five, exactly five minutes, and then come through yourself. If you don't like what you see, well then, just know that there's no hard feelings." Gwen said walking towards and then through the door closing it behind her. Brannigan got right up and went to the door to go through it and skip the foreplay, however as he went to do so Gwen poked her head through and looked at him gravely. "Five minutes, count em." she said pointing at the man. He held his hands up defensively and backed away crossing his arms and looking at the clock.

Brannigan wondered what it was that had his lady all in a twist, the whole night she had seemed nervous about something and the moment they had gotten into his place she been borderline distraught. He wondered if she had been lying to him about something, what she did, who she was, something about her past. She was clearly terrified of him rejecting her because of something, scars, some kinda hidden deformity. He leaned back running his mind over what he should say to her when the time came. He didn't love her for her body, or her hair, or anything other than her mind really. She was the first woman he had met that hadn't thought him a bit loopy for taking up the blacksmithing trade, it wasn't the most lucrative thing in the world but paid his bills. Gwen however was into it from the onset, asked him question only another lover of the craft would. No, no matter what he saw on the other side of the door it was Gwen, he loved her, that was that. He looked at the clock and saw that the time had come. He took a deep breath and walked to the door, he turned the knob and entered the room not sure what he would see.

He looked forward and was confused, Brannigan saw a large space, rock walls and a pile of gleaming golds and silvers. The space was lit with lights from a place he couldn't see but that was not what most drew his eye. In the center of his vision stood a large dragon, golden scales shining in the light of the cave looking at him with a tail in its hands. Two ivory white horns atop its head and a set of wings covered in golden scales as well, although they looked more decorative than functional. Brannigan gazed at the visage of golden light and noticed more and more about the dragon, the features sharp they might have been were soft, distinctly feminine in nature, and the eyes, the piercing red eyes that he knew only one being in all of creation to have.

"Gwen? That you?" he asked walking forward and closer to the dragon.

"Yes." she said nervously rubbing her tail as she watched the man come closer to her.

"Fuck me, and here I thought you were gonna tell me you wore a wig or something, well, I guess you do don't ya?" Brannigan said trying to lighten the mood. He came right up to her and looked up at her larger form, she must have been fifteen feet tall, at least three times the height of the man. He heard her laugh and saw a bit of the tension melt away from her as she lowered her tail and knelt down to the ground. She was still much taller than the man and even hunched over a gap of two feet remained between their faces.

"So you don't mind, uh, me." Gwen said looking down at the man looking up at her.

"Not a bit lass, i'm not in love with your looks, I'm in love with those skilled hands, and that brain." he said crossing his arms and smiling warmly up at the dragon. "Now, uh question, where are we, and uh..." he looked up and down one last time trying to gauge her height properly, "how the hell did ya fit in my house."

"Well to answer your first question, this is my home, a nice little place in what you call Sweden, and as for the other bit, well, magic." she said chuckling.

"Ah, magic, of course." Brannigan said looking down at the floor and process the fact that his girlfriend was a dragon and he had just teleported a few thousand miles around the world.

"Now uh, B, there is something else I wanted to ask you." Gwen said a look of concern on her face growing again.

"What's that." Brannigan asked looking up at the face of his love.

"Well uh, I know you wanna take things a bit further than me giving you a tug every now and then but uh, well I'm not exactly built for a man of your size, this is about as small as I can get my real body, and well, lets just say if we get hot and heavy you might get crushed. We can keep things as they are now, but uh, if you do want to you know, take it a bit further..." Gwen said looking away from him and trailing off.

"What, you're gonna have to turn me into a dragon?" Brannigan asked jokingly but then going wide eyed when Gwen swung her head back.

"Well, uh, yeah." she said taking one of her hands and rubbing the back of her head.

"Oh, well uh what's that entail." he asked calmly. She looked at him with a dim smile.

"It's a bit of a process, but uh, you'll be a bit taller by the end, and well, truthful you won't be flesh and blood anymore." Gwen said and then explained her own golden physiology. She got down on her belly and the two talked more and more about the whole thing, and after about a half hour of discussions Brannigan finally looked up from the floor after a few moments contemplation.

"Alright, lets make me a dragon then." he said standing up and kissing Gwen on the tip of her snout. Brannigan could see her face light up and he thought that if she could she would be flushing beat red about now. Gwen stood up and motioned for Brannigan to follow. He found himself in what he assumed to be the dragons workshop.

"So, I'm gonna be a walking hunk a metal when it's all said and done." he said looking at the ancient tools and equipment.

"Yes, but your gonna be a sexy hunk of metal, speaking of which, you got some options love, take a look." Gwen said holding two bricks of metal one in each hand, "Steel, or bronze, or if you'd like a precious metal maybe?" Gwen asked.

"Steel." Brannigan said without hesitation. Gwen smiled at her mans decisiveness.

"Alright then, time to get started." Gwen said picking up a few of the iron bars and throwing them into a large bucket atop a pile of lumber. Brannigan watch as Gwen took in a deep breath and then exhaled outwardly a jet of orange flame exiting her and igniting the wood. She smiled at the sight and looked into the pot seeing the metal begin to glow as the heat began to melt it down.

"Now as for you, I'm gonna need you up here." she said reaching over and picking the man up placing him on the workbench, Brannigan looked down and saw that he must have been at least ten feet of the ground. He then looked at his dragonic love. If you like that get up you might want to ditch it now." Gwen said pointing to the man chest. Brannigan looked down and did so disrobing and leaving his clothing a nice pile at the far end of the bench. Gwen then picked up a large bowl and grabbed a stand. She placed the stand down next to the bench and put the bowl on top of it, then she reached over to a pile of large logs building a suable pile of lumber for another large fire.

"So, I'm going in bowl right." he said looking down at the thick metal above the pile of wood.

"Yup, don't worry, it won't hurt, much." Gwen said with a wry smile. Brannigan took a deep breath and took a step off the bench landing in the bowl naked and wondering what would happen next.

"Ready?" Gwen asked, he nodded and looked up at his love taking in another deep breath. He remembered what had came after the last time and braced himself for the heat. He heard her exhale and heard a torrent of flame but opening his eyes and relaxing he felt no heat. All around him was a blue wall of fire, it felt if anything cool. He reached out to try and touch the cone of fire but found it just bent around his form. He then felt something in his extremities. He looked at his hand and saw that his skin was beginning to change. Slowly at first his fingers began to turn a shiny steel color, he moved them looking at the detail that was preserved by the spreading metallic correlation. He saw that as time passed the changes became faster and faster. Spread more and more rapidly down his hand, he touched the affect area on his right hand with his left which also in a similar state. The steel reflected some of the blue light of the fire enveloping his body and gave the spreading substance a nice blue coloration. He found that even through his fingers were now full metal he could move them just as well as before. He flexed them feeling the stiffness in them but still being able to move them. He watches the change spread down his hand now rapidly over taking his skin.

The hair on his arms seemed to just melt into the steel as it spread upward leaving him with smooth steel for skin. Once it reached his elbow and rounded them he tried to move his lower arms as he would have before, it was a bit more difficult but he found it was still more than possible as his shiny body developed. He looked down and saw that something similar was coming up from the bottom now, his toes had already been fully covered as had his ankle and legs up to his knee. He looked down standing on one leg and wiggling his toes, still movable. He felt a twinge of blush as the change accelerated again this time covering his hips and crotch. He looked down at his now metallic dick and reached a hand down to touch it.

The feeling was strange but pleasurable, his skin being made of steel still felt soft and had a bit of give but was much tougher and smoother. She rubbed his cock as he felt the change run up his belly and start to crest his neck. He arched his head upward feeling the cold steel his body was becoming rolling over the last vestiges of skin he had. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes as he stroked his metal cock, as the cool metal overran his face. The sudden change in sensation was enough to give the now metal man a climax that rippled over his body. He felt his entire body tense up and then release as a marginal amount of quicksilver colored cum shot from his cock. He took in several deep breaths and then blinked a few times looking over his body.

"Well glad to see your enjoying yourself" Gwen sad looking down at the now metal man with a warm smile.

"Ya, uh, so now what?" Brannigan asked rubbing his hands over his smooth body. Gwen laid back down and got on her knees coming face to face with the man. She took and hand pointed down causing him to look at the fire below him and suddenly to feel the heat. He picked up one of his feet and looked at the bottom, the heat was already being to soften the metal composition of his body. "Christ this feels weird." Brannigan said putting his foot back down and watching as his feet rapidly started to turn to liquid.

"Relax sexy. Just let it happen, try and enjoy it." Gwen said looking dreamily at the melting metal man. Brannigan looked up at Gwen and then back down to his feet and saw his ankle enter the rapidly expanding pool of liquid metal that his body was melting into. He felt himself shrinking as his body turned from solid to liquid. Then when his knees entered the pool of molten steel he lost his sense of balance and fell into the super heated slag. The sensation was overwhelming, not painful, but not pleasant. He just laid there in the pool of slag that his body was turning to and let the sensations wash over him as feeling and thought grew more and more distant. Like a foggy haze of tiredness was washing over him. He felt as though he was drifting off to sleep and lazily looked up at the now standing Gwen as his face started to melt into the pool of liquid metal. Gwen blew a kiss at him and smiled back warmly at her man.

"See you in a bit sexy." she said watching as the last solid chunk of her boyfriend melted into the uniform pool of molten steel. She picked the bowl of liquid metal up and walked it over to the other container of still melting metal bars and gently poured her boyfriends liquefied body into the pot. She made sure not spill a drop as she did so. Once she had finished she gently replaced the bowl on the stand before walking back over the large pot which contained the reaming iron bars and the liquefied Scotsman. She leaned down to the base of the pot and etched a symbol in the side of it. She smiled as the rune glowed a dull yellow and then faded away. Well that was that hard part done, now for the fun bit Gwen thought to herself smirking as she strolled over to her massive pile picking a few assorted items before returning to her work station. She plucked two blue sapphires from the inlay of some ancient jewelry and admired the two stone before tossing each on into the stew of growing molten slag. She tossed in a few other things as well odds and ends she through would make the dragon coming out all the better for their inclusion.

Gwen hovered over the pot like and an attentive mother watching and waiting for the last of the steel bars to fully melt and for the concoction to reach the correct temperature for pouring. After a few more minutes she grinned widely and walked around the back of her bench looking for a mold to use, she knew all the contents of her cave by heart, and knew the mold that would benefit her love the most. After a moment she found it and manhandled it back to the work area, even for her the large stone work was heavy and required a good amount of effort to bring even a few yards. However the result she felt would be more than worth the effort. The mold itself was a bit taller than Gwen but only by about a foot. She placed it into a specific spot on the floor and watched carefully as it lined up with a barely visible square indentation on the floor directly adjacent to the now ready for pouring mixture. Gwen taped a slightly raised spot on the floor and watch as the mold sunk in the ground the an opening on the top of it now clearly visible. Gwen took a funnel and placed it into the hole and slowly tipped the cauldron full of metal over careful to get just the right pour.

Brannigan felt a strange easiness over his whole body, thought was difficult but he knew that he had melted and had been poured into some kind of pot. His everything felt warm and his mind blissful. The experience was otherworldly to say the least, he could feel her very essence absorbing the melting steel bars around him. He felt a growing power inside his very soul, something untenable but something that he was able to perceive in a distant sense. Then he felt a different sensation, like falling, but not all at once. He could feel his consciousness migrating, the more of his molten being left its current content and entered its knew receptacle the more of his thoughts became disjointed. Until he felt his mind move properly into the new receptacle that contain him . The warm heat of the cauldron was gone now, his soupy body was filling into creases and molding against surfaces inside his new container. He could feel his new body solidifying starting to take back a solid form. He began to feel sensation in his fingers again as he felt his consciousness being to take control of its new vessel. Then all at once he heard a loud crack and opened his eyes.

Brannigan took a step forward, in front of him was Gwen, a golden visage of draginc beauty, gleaming in the light of the still burning fire that had created him and the ambient light of the cave. She was looking him up and down admiring his new body. He saw her eyes lingering on something below his belt and he looked down, his rock hard cock was erect and gleaming. He looked back up and then extended his hand outward looking at them. He still had five digits on each hand all of them tipped with sharp claws. His skin was gleaming blue steel, muscle defined toned and powerful defined his arms. He flexed once and felt Gwen come in closer almost swooning over the sight of the dragon. She gripped his flexed bicep and then looked him in the face. Two piercing blue eyes, the sapphires that Gwen had thrown into the mix were there looking back at her own piercing red ruby eyes. The two dragons lingered in the sight of each other for a while before she let go of her mans arm and let him continue to look over his body.

Brannigan stood about as tall as Gwen, maybe a bit bigger but not by much, his whole body was a blue steel now, smooth all around with no evidence of seems. He had a three toed foot now and stood in digitigrade manor on his six clawed toes. He swung a powerful tail back and forth as he admired his body, it was in equal length to his height and gripped the tip of it in an effort to prove its existence to himself. His whole body was ripped, toned and shred in every conceivable way.

"Oh right, here I grabbed this." Gwen said picking up a large ornamental mirror. Brannigan looked but did not immediately believe his reflection, however he could feel all the new sensations that came with it.

"That's, me." Brannigan said reaching and touching his new muzzle's tip. He had a fairly typical dragonic head, angler and boxy in shape, two horns protruded from the top but they two were of a steel coloring. His piercing blue eyes through him for a momentary loop but other than that he found himself very appealing and it was evident that Gwen thought so as well.

"So, how do you feel?" she asked walking around him looking at all his assets.

"Honestly, fucking great." he said flexing his arm again. "I feel like a bloody tank." he flexing both his arms in unison.

"But uh, I do have a question." Brannigan said lowering his arms and looking down at his crotch.

"What's that Gwen said taking his shoulders in her hands and rubbing her head against his as she looked down with him.

"Where are my balls" he asked grabbing the area the two spheres had once occupied. Gwen held and hand up to her mouth and laughed a bit as Brannigan looked over at her.

"This is serious woman where are they?" he asked laughing as well not really caring since he now had a dick to rival most of the swords in his collection. Gwen patted him on the shoulder and looked at him smiling warmly again

"There internal now B, don't worry, you still get a lot of use out of em." she said smiling in a different way at him now.

"Oh, is that a fact?" the freshly minted dragon said smiling back at the golden dragon lustfully.

"Is that ok?" Rosa asked walking backwards as she faced Gwen who walked with a sense of purpose she had felt lacking in her life for a long while.

"Relax dear, he still looks as human as the day he was born, most of the time." she chuckled thinking about what she and Brannigan had done over the last few days and were going to do tonight. They had been getting it on almost every night for the last five days. She could barely keep herself off of the steel dragon now. "You know if you wanted he's more than enough man for two." Gwen said suggestively to the other woman. Rosa blushed and turned back around falling into step with the black haired human disguise of Gwen.

"I don't think Sven would like that, might make him a bit jealous." Rosa said grinning nervously at the wall as they walked.

"Well, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I was there, helping him along as well." Gwen said nudging Rosa's shoulder.

"I'll uh, I'll ask him." Rosa said ending the topic. Gwen could feel it that she would, having one soul bonded to another made laying difficult, and made telling the truth all the more meaningful. "Alright but we should probably let the cat out of the bag to Hendly. I don't know how she'll react to the whole, dragon thing." Rosa said flashing her hand up as she said dragon.

"She turned herself in a living statue, I think she can handle the fact that a few of her staff are dragons." Gwen said looking up and seeing Hendly in front of them. She waved her down.

Gwen through the marble pegasus looked divine, she desperately wanted to have a few moments with horse herself, however timing had not been kind to her wishes. Moreover, she wanted to see what the pegasus was like in bed, such a body was wasted if only viewed and not touched.

"Hendly, me and Gwen need to discuss something with you." Rosa said pointing to herself and then to Gwen as she did so. Rosa finished and was about to speak when she saw Hendly looked kinda pissed, and was carrying a large saw.

"You ok Doctor." Gwen asked looked the pegasus up and down.

"If you tell me somebody else has gone and gotten themselves transformed into something I might punch you." she said looking at the two woman who looked at each other and then back to the horse.

"Excuse me?" Gwen asked looking at Hendly in a confused manner. Hendly shook her head quickly and held a hand up to her face gently rubbing herself for a moment and then spoke again less angry and more composed.

"Sorry, just, uh a lot of weird shits been going on around her lately and i'm kinda on edge about it, uh, also either of you know how to use a wood saw, I need a hand." she said looking genuinely apologetic for snapping at the two. Gwen raised her hand and asked.

"Uh, what do you need to cut." she asked as Hendly motioned for the two to follow.

"There's a unicorn stuck in a wooden column in the storage area downstairs." Hendly said flatly.

"Oh, wait what?" Rosa exclaimed thinking that now was probably not the best time to tell her boss she was a dragon.