Digimon Delight 0--A Shifting Side Story

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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Brian finds out why he's been feeling strange as his relationship with his girlfriend heats up. The reason surprises him and his girl in a very otaku way.

Digimon Delight 0--A "Shifting Consequences" Side story

By: Lucien Quinn AKA Zmeydros AKA Alexi Tishen

Renamon and Guilmon belong to Toei Animation

Note: This story can stand on it's own and it takes place over a month after the events in chapter 10 of "Shifting Consequences."

A sullen looking teenager is standing outside Middleton High School. The six silver ear cuffs on his right ear and the silver rings in his lip and left nostril shine brightly in the afternoon sun as he leans against the entryway. Other students check him out as he stares off into the distance. He's oblivious to the fact that he's a very handsome young man. When he looks in the mirror and sees his lanky body he doesn't think about his angular face, his beautiful brown eyes, or his tight muscular ass. He only sees a skinny teenager with spiky blonde hair. Some would say he's humble, but others would say that he has a serious self esteem problem. A deeper frown forms on the teenager's face and he turns to leave, only to stop himself and lean against the entry way again.

Brian is having a bad day. When he got into his car to drive to school, it wouldn't start. During the half hour it took for his dad to get back to the house so he could help him, Brian got oil all over his shirt trying to fix the car himself. Forty minutes after his dad arrived, both of them gave up on fixing his car. He was an hour and a half late when he got to school. Then at lunch he let a friend look at his iPod Touch. When his friend handed it back to him, he let go before Brian had a firm grasp on it and it fell onto the lunchroom floor, cracking the screen in three places.

In English class he bombed a pop quiz because he forgot to read the short story that was assigned on Monday. What really irks him is that it's the only assignment he forgot about all year and it just happened to have a pop quiz associated with it. He probably should reschedule his date with Clair for a different day, but she may be the only person who can cheer him up right now--well, her or Allie.

A smile appears on his face as he remembers Allie. Without her, he would never have asked Clair, his study partner, out. Allie gave him more confidence in the short time he spent with her than any other person he's encountered has given him in years. Her honesty and advice opened up a whole new world for him. If only he could find some way to thank her... Where is she now? He mentally lets go of her once again. There's no way of knowing whether he'll see her ever again and even if she does come back into his life, he's with Clair now.

Clair is the woman he should be thinking about. She's the one who he's been out with five times, she's the one who he's kissed on almost every date. A blush forms on his cheeks when he thinks about the end of their last date. When she took off her shirt and bra so he could play with her large breasts. She liked it so much when he took her nipples into his mouth. Fear intrudes on his memories. Why was there burning at the base of his spine just before they stopped making out? What did the itchy feeling on his hands mean? Was that normal arousal? Probably; he's been feeling these odd sensations every time they make out.

He's a healthy eighteen-year-old. There's nothing to be worried about, they're both virgins. The new sensations are probably just because of the hot turn his relationship with Clair has taken--nothing more. Movement in front of him brings him out of his reverie.

"B-Brian? Umm, there's, ah, your pants." Clair's face is flushed and she's standing between him and the students exiting the High School.

Looking down, Brain sees his erection throbbing and pushing at the crotch of his pants. He turns toward the pillar that holds up the green roof of the entry way. "T-thanks, for telling me."

"Maybe you should walk behind me to my car so we can keep your p-problem out of view." She turns toward the parking lot.

"S-sure." He gets behind her and follows closely as they walk toward her car. A small smile forms on his face when he realizes that he can see right over her head. Her dark-red dyed hair is just under his upper lip. When she stops suddenly, his erection pokes at her tail bone and a molten rush of pleasure flows through him.

She spins around and looks into his eyes. "I was thinking about where I parked until your, uh, bulge poked me. Now I w-want a kiss."

He kisses her passionately and presses his erection against her stomach while he fondles her breasts.

When they break the kiss, her cheeks are flushed. "That was perfect..." She turns to look at the parking lot. "Now, where did I park today?"

"I think that's your truck over there." He points.

Clair looks where he's pointing. "Oh, there it is. Thanks." She kisses him on the cheek.

Following her to her white 1992 Toyota pickup, he thinks about his old Ford Taurus and how he hopes that it's dead for good this time. That car has over 400,000 miles on it and it hasn't aged well. It's a wonder that the thing made it this far. After she unlocks the side door, he jumps in.

Once he's inside, he looks her over. What does she see in him? She's stunning with her fine-featured face, mild curves, thick shoulder-length hair and dark blue eyes. He grins as his gaze drifts to her slightly chubby belly. Her little bit of extra weight looks great on her--especially the weight that went to her double-D breasts. They look almost out of place on her five-foot-five-inch frame and she complains about the back pain that they cause, but they are very fun to play with.

She pats his thigh to get his attention. "Uh, Brian, stop looking at my b-breasts and listen to me."

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" He looks at her face.

"Can we go to my house for our date? I miss just hanging out with you and we both should study for the history exam on Friday." Her puppy eyes are almost comical.

"Ack, you don't have to give me puppy eyes, I think it's a great idea. W-well, only if we m-make out before we study. History gives me erectile dysfunction." He starts to laugh at his own joke.

Clair giggles and starts the truck. "I'm going to make some shrimp scampi tonight and you can make us a Caesar salad."

"A-are you sure you want me to set foot in your kitchen? Remember the last time I helped you cook? When I turned the knob on your oven to broil instead of bake?" He winces when she follows a car too close.

She stops inches from the car in front of her. "You'll never learn how to cook, if I give up on you."

"True... Please take what I'm about to say as a suggestion and not as c-criticism." Brian presses his hands together.

"I won't get mad. You never make me feel..." She pulls over to the shoulder and stops the truck. "I-I love you."

"Where'd that come from?" Raising his eyebrows in surprise, he takes her hand in his. Before she can speak, he puts a finger to her lips. "W-what I meant to say is, I love you too."

"Y-you do?" Her face brightens and she squeezes his hand.

He nods. "I should've told you earlier. What were you going to say before I stopped you?"

"Umm, I was going to say that you never make me feel small. A-and that you're gentle with your words--I think you're the sweetest guy I've ever met. What was your suggestion?" She tilts her head.

"Th-thanks. You're the sweetest girl I've ever met... I was going to suggest that you stop following people so close. It's the only thing about your driving that s-scares me." He smiles sympathetically. "I care about you and I don't want you to get in an accident."

For a moment she just stares off into the distance and then she nods. "I've actually had a few close calls... How far should I be from the car in front of me?"

Her rhyme causes him to smirk. "I'm not actually sure. On city streets I usually give the person in front of me two or three car lengths. On the highway I give them several. The faster I go, the more car lengths I give the person in front of me."

She lets go of his hand and turns back toward the road. "That makes sense. For the rest of the ride, you can be my driving coach. M-my dad just pissed me off when he was teaching me to drive. He gets frustrated easily."

Brian shakes his head. "Yeah, he's a good guy, but he can be a bit hard to deal with when he's being impatient."

"Tell me about it." She starts driving again.

The rest of the drive is uneventful and Clair takes his advice without a hitch. By the time they get to her house, she's giving other drivers much more room.

After they get out of the truck they head inside her house. He smirks when he notices once again that no two walls or her house are painted the same color. Her dad is an interior designer and he's turned her house into a conglomeration of show rooms. The furniture in each room has a different theme. From contemporary, to art deco, to antique, it's all gorgeous and immaculate. Clair seems to be in a hurry to get downstairs and he keeps pace with her.

At the bottom of the stairs, she turns to him. "I'm going to the bathroom; make yourself at home."

"Okay." The moment he walks into her room he shakes his head. It makes sense that she would rebel against her dad's obsessive cleanliness, but the mess in her room is just intimidating. It's even worse than the last time he was here. Her clothes are all over the place. There are computer program boxes, reference books, and sci-fi novels piled on her computer desk. Her bed has over ten manga volumes strewn out over it. The only thing in her room that is in order are the Digimon plushies that are arranged on the wall shelf behind her bed. At least she has her priorities straight.

Taking off his shoes, he climbs onto her bed and starts picking up the manga volumes. When he has all but two of them off of the bed he hears Clair come in. "I thought I'd clean up your bed for you."

"Sorry about the mess. I-I wasn't planning on having you over tonight." Her voice is a bit sad.

He puts the last two volumes away and then spreads his arms invitingly. "No worries. Want to join me?"

"Umm, a-are you planning on making out?" She takes off her shoes.

"Only if y-you want to. I'm feeling a bit romantic and dinner doesn't need to get made for a couple hours yet." Laying on the bed he motions for her to join him.

She hops on the bed and looks at him nervously. "Well, uh, I-I'm not sure this is a good idea. Th-things could get out of hand if we're in bed."

"I like the sound of that." His confidence is strong right now. The rest of this day is going to be better than the first part--he's going to make sure of that.

The blush on her face becomes so red that Brian worries he's broken her. She fidgets for a couple moments and then a small smile makes its way across her face. "H-how do you want to start?"

"I want to feel... feel up your b-breasts." His shyness is threatening to stop this make-out session in its tracks.

Her blush remains, but she crawls toward him and her breasts sway heavily as she does. "Kiss me first."

Putting his hands on either side of her head, he pulls her into the most passionate kiss he can muster. A few seconds later, he carefully inserts his tongue into her mouth. It still feels weird to french kiss her, since this is only the third time he's done it. This time she gets into it more, and soon her tongue is exploring every corner of his mouth. When the kiss ends they are both panting.

He pulls off her shirt, grinning excitedly. Then he undoes her bra and watches hungrily as her breasts bounce free. Her large breasts look so beautiful. They don't sag, the nipples and aureolas are big, and they are surprisingly round for their size. He takes off his own shirt when he's done admiring her breasts. "Now we're even."

Giggling, she pushes him down so that she's lying on top of him and pressing her breasts against his bare chest. "Mmm, this feels goo--ooh." Her hips buck against his erection.

"Oooh, you're so beautiful." Grinding his erection against her, he feels a fizz of pleasure bubble up within him. He pushes her up enough that he can gain access to her breasts and starts to suckle one of them. He sucks and grinds against her rhythmically.

She throws her head back and starts moaning with each of Brian's motions.

As he fondles her breasts and presses his erection against her, he gets hornier and hornier. Suddenly a prickly sensation is present on his ears. The sensation turns into pain as his ear cuffs dig into them. Soon all of the metal the adorns his face is painful. It feels like his face is being pushed out. "Clair, take off all my piercings. They really hurt."

She stops moaning and her eyes widen. As quickly as she can, she starts removing his piercings and cuffs. "Holy shit! Your face has some red scales on it and your ears are getting longer."

His ears feel really weird as they change shape even more and move up on his head. "Seriously?" Holding up his hand, he starts to sweat. "What the hell?" It feels itchy and red scales are slowly replacing his skin. A burning on his face is accompanied by the cracking of bones as his bones push his skin out into a snout. "That hurtsss." The pain vanishes as red scales fill in on his new snout.

"Wait a minute, your ears and the black marking on your snout... y-you're turning into a Guilmon?" She gets off of him and watches as his body changes even more.

No way, this has to be some sort of daydream or something. He's always liked Guilmon a lot and he even thought of dressing up as him for a convention, but this is just insane. His entire chest feels like it's got a rug burn as it becomes scaled and turns white. More black markings appear on his chest. The skin over the rest of his body starts to feel pinpricks as it turns red with black markings. His hair disappears as his ears get even longer and take on a jagged shape.

Now his feet are throbbing like mad and the space between some of his toes feels like it's getting smaller. "Take off my shoess. I think my feet are about to change."

She quickly starts to remove his shoes. "I can't believe this. You look like what would happen if Guilmon t-took on a more human form. How can this be happening?"

"I--ow--don't know." He looks down at his red scaled feet and watches as his smaller toes merge into two bigger toes. A feeling of disorientation hits him as his brain deals with the sensation of his toes merging. Claws push out of his new toes. "Man that hurts--oh crap." He holds up his hands as the fingers start to merge together. A sharp pain runs through him as the flesh knits itself together, but he steels himself against it. He wants to try to enjoy this awesome transformation.

Clair feels his scaly chest with her hands and then looks into his eyes. "Wow, your eyes are turning black and your irises are turning yellow." Her face becomes concerned. "W-wait a moment. you're probably going to have a tail--I should take off your pants." She reaches toward his waist and then stops. "No, I can't we aren't ready for that y-yet."

"M-my tail bone is starting to itch like crazy. I think you're going to have to help me out of my p-pants. I'm not sure I can do it with these hands yet." The thought of her seeing him naked makes him nervous and excited at the same time.

"B-but we haven't gone that far yet. It seems a bit fast." Her hands refuse to get any closer.

"Please, I think my tail will demolish them anyway." The tip of his tail bone is pushing against his skin.

"Okay, you have a point." Her inner struggle becomes an outer one as her hands move toward his waistline, then away, then toward again. She takes a deep breath and focuses on her task. After unbuttoning his pants, she gulps and unzips them. Then she pulls them off. When she reaches for his briefs her hands shake. "Here goes. My first time seeing a p-penis in real life."

"It'ss getting longer. Hurry!" Pushing one side of his briefs off with his thick fingers, he rolls on his side.

It takes her a few moments and a few deep breaths for her to pull his briefs off. When she's done she just stares at his crotch. "You have white scales down h-here, but I think it looks normal otherwise... So this is what your p-penis looks like."

"AHH!" A thick tail pushes out of his back, stretching his skin. The pain is not as bad as he thought it would be, but it still hurts. His feet and face start to crack as his ankles change their shape slightly and his snout widens a bit. The pain in his tail goes away as it's covered in scales.

"You look really h... hot as a Guilmon..." Her attention is once again on his crotch.

Looking at himself, he feels warmth rush to his crotch. This form is very hot. Then he follows her gaze and and blushes. His penis is at its full six inches and throbbing. "I'm sorry that I'm not that big."

"I-It's fine..." Putting a hand on the side of her face, she stares in awe. "What the hell?"

Pleasure erupts from his crotch as his penis starts to get longer and thicker. His foreskin moves down his shaft until it's just a slit at the bottom, then the head becomes more arrow shaped and three ridges form on each side. His new naked shaft starts to turn bright red. By the time it's done changing it's over eight inches long and thicker than Clair's wrist. "T-t-thatsss not what I expected. I don't think the creatorss of Guilmon ever thought up what his penis would--oooh!" His balls start to get bigger and the sensation of his ball sack stretching is divine. They stop growing when are the size of golf balls.

"Looks like you're, uh, p-plenty big now..." Her cheeks are blushing furiously.

Taking a look at his new form, fear takes hold of him and he forgets about his throbbing erection. Is he dead? Is this a dream? Will he ever turn back? Why does he feel so horny that he can barely think straight? "Clair, I'm s-scared."

Shaking her head, she moves her gaze from his crotch to his eyes. Then she puts a hand on the side of his snout. "I'm scared too... But I think you're beautiful and I don't want f-fear to ruin this..." She kisses him on the cheek and embraces him. I-I'll stay by your side, whatever happens. Let's just try to enjoy this while it lasts." Squeezing him tighter, she bounces excitedly. "I'm actually hugging a real life Guilmon. I can't believe it."

"Thankss for that. " His fear slowly dissipates. This is an experience that he may only get once in his life--he owes it to himself to enjoy it as much as possible. Just how much does he look like Guilmon anyway? He tilts his head. "Do you have a mirror?"

"Yes, on the back of my closet door." Getting off the bed, she walks toward her closet and opens it.

He stands up and looks in the mirror. "Wow, thiss is unbelievable. I'm a walking, talking human/Guilmon hybrid." Grabbing the end of his tail in his hands, he wiggles it. "I bet this tail could come in handy." He wraps it around one of his thick fingers.

She gives his tail a once over. "That's a really h-handsome tail. W-when I was little I used to wonder what it would be like to have one."

"Me too. The sensation is kind of like having another arm that can move like my tongue... It's actually a bit confusing." His attention moves to his crotch and he lets go of his finger. As he looks at his crotch his curiosity gets the best of him. He puts a scaly hand around his shaft and is surprised by how slippery it is. "Ooh, that f-feels really good." More pre leaks from the tip.

Clar's face is twisted into an expression of amazement and nervousness as her eyes fixate on his crotch again. "That looks like it would f-feel s-so good inside me. God I feel horny watching you s-stroke yourself..." Her expression becomes serious. "We c-can't have sex. It's too soon and we don't know how you transformed."

Brian releases his shaft and tries to calm his libido. He can't force her and he doesn't even know what happened to him or if whatever caused this is contagious... Oh God! It would be awesome if she turned into Renamon--her favorite Digimon. He strokes his shaft and sighs, imagining her transformation. Then he imagines her yellow furry body pressing against him. His own moan brings him out of his fantasy. Letting go of his erection, he takes a deep breath. She's right they aren't at this stage in their relationship yet. "L-let's just cuddle on the bed."

Taking his hand in hers, she guides him onto the bed. "Lay on your side so I can g-get behind you."

He complies and she lies behind him. When she embraces him from behind, he feels her naked breasts pressing against his scaly back. Warmth floods his body and he starts feeling an urgent need to plunge his cock into her. To distract himself, he focuses on stroking her arms.

"Put your tail between my legs so I can get closer." She lifts her leg up.

Sliding his tail between her thighs, he breathes deeply, He can smell her arousal so clearly. He wiggles the base of his tail between her legs experimentally. She moans and grinds her crotch against it, causing him to feel hot all over.

"That f-feels really good," she says as she continues to rub against him.

That's it! He can't deny his desire any longer. Pushing her isn't an option, but he can at least tell her what he's thinking. "If you took of your p-pantss it would feel better for both of us. They're a bit rough."

"I want to, but d-don't you think things might get out of hand?" She squeezes him tighter.

"We won't be able to enjoy this as much if we worry about that the entire time." He licks her arm with his long tongue.

"Good point." She releases him, moves back, and she starts to take off her pants.

A big smile forms on his snout when he hears her unzip her pants and slide them off.

Moving behind him again, she grabs hold of him and presses her bare pussy against the base of his tail. "Mmm... I like this." When he tries to look behind him, she pushes his head back down. "No peeking."

The way her wet pussy lips are kissing his tail is driving him wild. With a playful growl, he moves the base of his tail back and forth. She gasps in pleasure and starts to grind against him. He moves his tail with her motions and eventually finds a rhythm that has her moaning louder.

"I'm riding Guilmon's tail. Th-this is so fucking hot!" Her grasp on him tightens as she presses even harder against his tail.

Her swollen nipples are rubbing against his back--the feeling of her naked body moving against his is so erotic. The base of his tail is getting soaked by her juices. His whole body is aching for release--he takes his penis into his hands and starts humping with her motions.

She picks up the pace in small increments until she loses control and starts grinding savagely. "Fuck!" It takes her a few moments to get herself back under control.

Plowing his cock between his hands, he growls deeply, shaking his whole body. Clair squeals in delight. A smirk forms on his face and he growls louder.

"AAAH--keep doing that!" Her voice is heavy and seductive.

When he does as she asked, she starts crying in pleasure and her movements become savage once again. He strokes himself harder and moves the base of his tail faster. A prickling sensation at the tip of his tail is getting stronger and stronger.

Her hands start digging into his scaly flesh as she hangs on to support her powerful grinding.

At that moment, the feeling of her supple breasts against his back, her hot breaths on his back, her hands as they cling to him, his hands on his shaft, and the feeling of her pussy on his tail collide in his mind, sending him over the edge. The tingling of his tail spreads to every part of his body and his seed squirts across the bed. "OOOOOH GOD!" He stops humping as ropes of his spunk splash onto the sheets.

Her grinding comes to a halt. "I didn't c-cum, but that felt amazing." After she gets off of his tail she moves in front of him and kisses him deeply.

Inserting his long tongue into her mouth, he plays with her tongue. She responds by pushing hers into his mouth. The kiss lasts for another half-minute before they break it and pant to catch their breaths. "Do you.. want... to keep... riding my t-tail?"

"No... I think... I need something... i-inside me... I usually can't... cum w-without... that." Clair kisses him again and then catches her breath. "I'll use my vibrator and you can w-watch."

Images of her on his shaft invade his mind. "Please let me have your v-vibrator's job. I want to be the one that makes you cum today."

A deep blush forms on her face. "Uh, well, I'm not sure I'm ready for t-that and who knows what will happen if I have s-sex with you when you're like this."

"You m-might turn into Renamon for all we know." He offers.

Her eyes widen as she raises her eyebrows. "Me? Turn into R-Renamon? I've gone to conventions dressed up as her, but actually b-being her? Having fur? And a tail?"

Pointing at his erection, he smiles confidently. "You said you wanted to feel this inside you and I really want to satisfy your curiosity." His smile widens when he realizes that he didn't stutter. The nervousness he's feeling is fading like Clair's resolve to stay a virgin.

She opens her mouth, then closes it, then opens it again. "Um, I, ah..." Her eyes zero in on Brian's penis. Every part of her body relaxes as a big horny smile forms on her face. "What the hell, I might as well lose my virginity to Guilmon. I've m-masturbated to fan fiction about him plenty of times."

"You what?" His whole head tilts to the side as if he's just been hit by a frying pan.

She sighs. "I s-should have told you earlier. I have a thing for Digimon fan fiction. It was really hard for me to stop myself from having s-sex with you the moment you turned into Guilmon."

Brian laughs hard.

"W-why are you laughing?" She frowns.

He gets his laughter under control. "I started reading Digimon fan-fiction a long time ago and I've masturbated to it many times, myself."

This time she laughs and then her face turns serious and she hugs Brian. "I love you and n-now I'm going to make love to you. This could all be a d-dream, but I hope it isn't. I hope that you can really turn into a Guilmon. And if this is a dream, I don't ever want to w-wake up."

"I love you too. Dream or not, I just realized that there's a problem with us having sex. I don't think there's a c-condom that would fit on this penis." He looks into her eyes and his ears droop.

She pokes him in the nose. "I can just get a m-morning after shot, silly. Then I can go on birth control and we won't have to worry about it. We're both virgins, so I don't t-think STD's are a p-problem."

"I forgot about the morning after shot. Guess we're out of reasons to stay virgins." Grabbing her shoulders, he wrestles her to the bed.

She giggles and then spreads her legs. "Be gentle, that thing's b-big."

"I will." He gets between her legs and takes a big breath as he lines himself up. He never thought that his first time would be when he was part Guilmon--he smiles, this is even better than he'd ever dreamed. When he touches the head of his penis to her quivering wetness a spark of pleasure hits him and his tail flicks to the side. "Oooh, this feels good. Are you ready?"

She squirms and bites her lip when his erection touches her cunny. After taking a deep breath, she nods slowly.

Pressing the first inch of his phallus into her slick folds, he grits his teeth. Her cry of ecstasy is followed by a grimace. She's so tight that he's worried about hurting her even though it feels amazing. This might be easier if he didn't have such an intimidating cock, but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun. Carefully, he slides more of his shaft into her. He can feel her pussy stretching as he pushes her walls apart; it's so soft, so hot, and so slick inside her. The sensation causes him to feel like he's going to melt. He stops when he hits a barrier. This must be the thing that gets broken when a woman is penetrated for the first time. "Thiss w-will probably hurt."

"It's okay, I b-broke it part way with m-my vibrator." She spreads her arms invitingly. "Hold me while you d-do it."

Leaning in, he puts his arms around her. After she grabs hold of him and presses her breasts against his chest, he starts counting down. "Three, two, one." Right on cue, she braces herself and he shoves his penis past the obstruction.

"Oh, SHIIIIIT! OW!" Her body writhes in pain and she squeezes him tight.

He stops thrusting and strokes a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Kissing him passionately, she rubs his back. "I'm glad that you're my first. K-keep going."

Little by little--as he pushes farther in--her face starts to relax and moans of pleasure replace moans of pain. When he's almost hilted himself within her, he feels something changing in her vagina. It's still tight, but the muscles feel different and the shape is changing slightly. It's as if it's adjusting to his size and shape even more. Soon her passage feels even better than before. Is he just imagining this? He carefully lays her on the bed and looks at her body.

Her hips are widening, her breasts are getting a bit larger and her chubby tummy is thinning out a little. "I-I think you're starting to transform."

"R-really?" She looks down at her breasts and presses them together. "Are they a bit bigger than before?"

He smiles down at her. "Yeah, I think so. I liked them the way they were, but I think they go well with your wider hipsss."

"Wider h-hips?" She lifts her head a bit to get a better look at her hips. "They do look different." Putting her head down, she grins lustily. "Give me the rest to celebrate."

Closing his eyes, he hilts himself within her. Both of them moan together. Having her envelop all of him feels wonderful. Her pussy walls are squeezing him tightly and he feels warm all over. Now that he has his eyes closed, he can smell their sex much better. He can tell that her scent is changing... Suddenly, her pussy loosens its grip.

"Brian, look at my hands!" Her voice is full of surprise.

When he opens his eyes to look, he starts to smile even wider. Her fingers are fusing together as white fur grows on them. Then paw pads form on them. Soon she has three-fingered Digimon hands.

Yellow fur sprouts on her sides as her face starts to push out into a muzzle. "This hurts. Distract me with your p-penis."

"Distraction peniss?" He perks up his ears.

She giggles. "I didn't see that coming." Discomfort can be seen on her face. "I feel i-itchy all over right now."

"Oh, right. Time to get busy." The sight of his lover transforming before his eyes has him feeling so turned on that he's more than happy to fulfill her request. He starts to thrust gently in and out. Even at this slow pace, the tightness of her passage is almost too much for him to bear. This is more intense than he expected it would be and moans are coming from him that are different from any he's made masturbating.

"Yes! Now Harder!" she says as her muzzle fully forms and her eyes turn black before her irises turn bright blue. Billowy white fur is growing just above and between her breasts. "Ow, ow, Ouch!" She says as her her ankles and feet crack to become more like Renamon's. "It's coming!"

"Your tail?" One of his ears stands up.

Her eyes widen. "Yes!"

Leaning in, he grabs her and rolls with her so that she's on top. She humps madly against him as if she's trying to drown out the pain she's feeling. Renamon's markings appear on her legs as her hair disappears, the fur fills in all the bare spots on her entire body, and her ears turn into long pointy Renamon ears. She is now a voluptuous human/Renamon hybrid. Between thrusts, he says, "you--make--a--beautiful--Renamon."

A few tears fall down her cheek and she embraces him. "I never thought I'd be able to fuck Guilmon or feel what it's like to be Renamon. I never even considered the p-possibility. I love the way this feels." She swishes her fluffy tail behind her and her ears perk up. "I have a tail!"

The soft fur on her bountiful breasts feels good against his scaly chest. He kisses her deeply and investigates her new mouth with his tongue. Her little nose is pressing against his snout as they kiss. Now that her tongue is longer and she has a muzzle, kissing her is even more fun.

When the kiss ends, she sits up. "Uh, the pain's all gone now and I'm feeling really good." She stretches her arms and shows off her breasts. Just as her arms are stretched out all the way she gasps and grinds against him. Putting her arms back at her sides, she looks between her legs. "My c-clit is much more sensitive now."

"Hmm, it looks like it grew a little. I think you're fully transformed." Brian takes this as his cue to start giving her the ride of her life. He bucks his hips powerfully, driving his penis in and out of her. The walls of her tight cunt grab and work his cock as he fucks her. Renamon is so hot and Clair as a Renamon is even hotter. He can feel her tail flailing between his legs as he pummels her.

"Oh God, your ridges feel so--ooh--good!" Her body starts to move from side to side as she bounces on his shaft.

"Y-your cunt is perfect!" Entwining his tail with hers, he grabs her breasts and starts fondling them. The fur on them is so soft. He starts focusing on the feeling of his penis parting her folds over and over again. He feels so close to her--their bodies are touching in the most intimate way possible and it feels great. The fact that he's fucking Renamon once again pops into his mind and he starts growling.

The pace gradually increases over the next few minutes and the bed starts squeaking loudly. Clair's beautiful furry face is frozen in an expression of ecstasy and her eyes are closed. An electrical tension is building between them as their movements are become more urgent, more feral. He shows his teeth and growls at her as he feels the animal within him come to the surface. Right now Renamon--Clair?--belongs to him and he's going to fill her with his seed--lots of it.

Her eyes open and she looks at Brian. "I--aahhh--feel... something big coming! Ooh, call me... Renamon... when y-you cum." Clair starts riding him even faster.

He grabs her furry hips and starts guiding the angle of her humping. The pleasure increases dramatically when he gets her lined up just right. He moans loudly--his heavy balls feel like they're going to burst as they bang against her. A surge is building within him--his balls start to tingle, then his feet, then his chest. He needs her to cum right now! Unwrapping his tail from hers, he maneuvers the end of it so that he gets some of their juices on it. Then he starts rubbing her clit with it. Manipulating it when he's feeling this much pleasure is hard, but he's determined to cum with her.

The moment he starts rubbing her clit. she grabs her breasts and yells, "OH GUILMOOOOOON!"

Her pussy starts quivering along his shaft and his balls start to fill her with cum. A surge of pleasure bursts forth from his shaft and shorts across his whole body--it hits his brain so hard that he sees stars. He lets loose a roar that shakes the bed. "RRRRRENAMON!" When his roar ends, he hears more moans from her.

Her back arches as another jolt of pleasure hits her. "YES!"

His balls refuse to stop filling her and he is stuck in a constant feeling of rapture. He tries to speak, but his mouth refuses to form words. Seconds later his cum starts to leak out of her onto his balls.

"Mmm, so m-much cum. I feel warm all over." She hugs her breasts and pulls his essence deeper.

"Oooh, Renamon." The undulations of her pussy cause him to moan and grab the sheets. After a few more pumps from his shaft, he's finally out of spunk. Lying on the bed, he looks up at the Renamon on top of him. Clair is absolutely gorgeous. Her face has a wide satisfied grin on it and her blue eyes are full of love as she looks at him. He reaches toward her. "Come here."

She lies in his arms and cuddles with him. "I wonder how much longer--"

He puts a finger to her lips. "Let'ss not worry about that." Reaching up, he scratches behind her ears.

"I like th-that." Her face becomes very relaxed and her arms fall to her sides.

A chuckle comes from him. "I thought you would." He keeps scratching for a bit and then he starts to pet the sides of her face.

"Mmm." She leans into his petting.

A while later, he stops. "Now it's your turn."

She grins. "Let me play with your t-tail."

When his tail is in front of her, she takes it into her paws. She strokes it lovingly and he feels his whole body starting to relax. He closes his eyes and enjoys her touch. Then he hears a snicker and his tail is suddenly being suckled on. He moans and opens his eyes. "No fair."

A flurry of giggles comes from her. "I thought you'd like th-that."

After she releases his tail, she starts to get off of him. "I better get c-cleaned up. Your c-cum is e-everywhere and my dad's going to get home in a half-hour."

"I know you're right, b-but--wait a moment. You're forgetting something. W-won't your dad freak out anyway when he sees that we're... Well, not quite human anymore?" His ears fold down. "I thought we weren't going to worry."

"I'm sorry, but I have to s-start being practical at some point. I think a cum soaked R-Renamon would be even harder for him to deal with." She holds up her paws.

He nods and his ears fold down. "I know you're right... L-look at yourself in the mirror before you go wash up."

She gets off the bed and walks sexily to the mirror. "Oh wow, I look s-stunning." Moving her tail into her paws, she pets it as she observes her body. Eventually she lets go of her tail and starts posing.

Brian watches her buxom form as she poses for the mirror. When she turns around, bends over, parts her pussy lips and lifts her tail out of the way in front of the mirror, He gets an idea. "W-we should sell pictures of ourselves like this on the internet. We'd make a fortune. Th-that's if we can turn into our current formss again."

Taking her hand off of her pussy, she stands up. "B-brian. That's c-crazy. Us as Digimon p-porn s-stars? P-people would know we can transform."

"We'd tell them that the p-photos we took were... 3-D renderss. I think I know how we could set it all up." He puts his hand to his chin.

She shakes her head. "Um, l-let's talk about that idea later. I'm not saying I w-won't consider it. It's just that we need to get cleaned up and my dad's going to be home s-soon. While I-I'm in the shower, you clean up the bed. I'll grab new sheets when I get out and put them on while you wash up."

"Okay." He watches her tail swish as she walks out of the room. Then he turns his attention to the bed and sees a pool of his cum on it. That much, huh? He takes off the sheets and then the pad when he sees that it soaked through. While he's looking for a place to set the dirty bedding, he hears crying.

He drops the bedding and clumsily dashes into the downstairs bathroom. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not Renamon anymore," she says.

He opens the curtain and sees that she's almost completely returned to her human form. "That doesn't m-mean you can't change back into her later. Plus, your dad won't freak when he gets home... W-well, if you hide me."

Her feet crack as they turn back into human feet. "I guess your right... M-maybe it will happen the next time we have s-sex."

A smirk forms on his snout. "I'm glad that you're thinking about the next time a-already."

"Of course I--you're ears are getting s-shorter... Looks like I won't have to hide you. I w-wonder what those are actually? They look a bit l-like wings." She tilts her head.

"Let's just call them earss. Even though I'm p-pretty sure that my ears are somewhere on the side of my head." His whole body starts to burn as his ears retreat. The Guilmon markings fade away as his scales become skin once again. A rush of pleasure hits him as his penis comes out of its slit. He frowns when his balls start to shrink and his cock starts to return to its normal size. His slit starts to move up his shaft, becoming a foreskin. Then his hands and feet start making popping sounds as they turn back to normal.

She stands up and looks at him. "I'll miss that penis... You're changing back p-pretty fast."

"It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would." His tail starts to go back in and the sound of bones banging against each other causes him to cringe.

Continuing to watch him, she stares at his face. Moments later she looks at her own body. "Am I all back to normal?"

"Yesssh." It's hard for him to form words as his snout retreats back into his skull. The pain is causing him to wince.

Leaning against the shower wall, she giggles. "I'm sorry, but that was funny."

"Whasht was?" He starts laughing.

"See?" She giggles a bit more.

When his mouth is fully human again, he moves his jaw around. "Are you almost done washing?"

"Yep. I just have to rinse off a bit more." She pulls the shower curtain closed again.

Brian looks his body over and then moves his limbs. He feels completely normal... Hopefully he won't stay that way. A big smirk forms on his face. If sex with Clair is what makes him transform, he's going to have a lot of sex with her. Lucky for both of them, her dad gets home hours after school lets out on weekdays. "Clair, I think we're going to be spending a lot m-more time together."

"Mmm? Oh, yes we are. E-even if we can't transform again. I l-like sex." She opens the curtain and kisses him on the cheek.