Chapter 8-The Truth Comes Out
#9 of Suicide Series # 1
*Well he chapter 8. I am already coming to an end of the series. Chapter 9 is going to uploaded later tonight because I do not think anybody will be willing to wait and see what happens to my chapter Drake. In addition, I skip the whole two- thirds of the joke for a reason but if you people want to hear the joke, I will post it in the comments. The joke was basically an insult to the person your telling it to. If you have more then one person and you are telling the joke, then you chose the named of the person who everybody knows. Well that about everything for this chapter, also I copyright the charters in this series. Just thought everybody should know. Enjoy and leave comments.*
Chapter 8-The Truth Comes Out
It was senior year for me and I was happy. No more would I have to worry about other that would pick in me because I was in band. Since I was a senior, nobody mess with me but in band, it was a completely different story.
In band, I was friend with everybody there, except the freshmen because I did not know them. I tried to make friends with them but it seemed that they were scared of me. Could not blamed them though, I was scared of the seniors when I was a freshmen.
I tried millions of time and then I decided to give up.
One day doing band, I was telling a joke to all my friends when the freshmen came over to hear my joke.
"...He comes out of the office all mad and bummed. The first person asks 'what wrong.' The second person asked 'You didn't get record?' He responds 'No, who the heck is Carlos Marquez.'"
Everybody but Carlos started laughing, he said that he did not get it and that was even better. We all started laughing harder and then Carlos finally understood the joke. He started blushing as he realizes what happen. After that joke, it seems the freshmen felt more relax around a senior.
We won just about every single competition, but the one we lost was with out new friendly school, "American Fork." They were funny and we even had a whole Ninja Destruction game with them. Band versus band and it was always somebody different that won. I manage to get in the top twenty, which was very impressive considering they about two hundred fifthly members and we had about one hundred twenty.
We lost to tem most of the time but because of Brandon, we never went down bad. Brandon was a god a ninja destruction, he would always surprise me at any given time by performing new moves that I did not know you could use. He moved so fast that the one time it was ten versus Brandon; he tied it up in no time.
If he were in American Fork, we would have no chance when we "battled."
That day, we were announced second place with a score of 93.5, while American Fork won with 93.8. It was very close and the judges admitted that it was one of their hardest completions they had to judge.
During the Finals in our hometown, later that year, I was crying as we ended the show. I realize that it would be the last time I ever am on the field again. It was a heart breaking moment and I did not want it to end. To realize that marching band seasons end so fast, after putting my whole heart and soul into the show, was with out a thought a heart breaker. As we got off, Mr. Ryan joined us and told everybody to meet follow him.
We follow him until he stops under a big tree. He then turn around and face us.
"Seniors, I hoped you enjoy your last show. Regardless of our placement, I want you all to know how proud I am to have taught you. I bet know that you all listened to me when I said that these moments pass so fast. As for everybody else, you have to seize every moment and enjoy them while you still can. You be amazed at how fast the moments pass. If you do not believe me, go asked a senior and I bet you that they will tell you the same thing.
"This is the end for a lot of you but to others it just the beginning. We have to say goodbye to those that helped us and say hello to those that will join us. Juniors, it time that you rise up, take the seniors place, and make them proud to leave from such a wonderful school. You have to make them confident that the band is in good shape and will continue to be in good shape even after you leave. Sophomore, you need to become one of the best marchers. You need to step it up so when the juniors leave, they fell the same way as the seniors do now. Freshmen, you have proved that you van handle the season and now you most improve. The first season is always the hardest but after that, the seasons move much faster.
"Finally the seniors, I'll make this short, I had a wonderful time spending time with you all. Every one of you should be proud, to leave from a school one of the amazing band in the west coast. I am going to miss every one of you. Since this is your last year, I decided to have a party in the gym at school. It will start with our favorite sport, dodge ball and then I will end with the other classmen player the whole show for you, as a parting gift. Everybody lets give it up to the seniors!"
The whole band was screaming and all the seniors were crying even more. I was sad and hit the worst. Many of the freshmen were there to help me cheer up and stop crying. Once I did stop crying, we all went to the buses to get our snacks.
As soon as everybody was finish, the whole band went back to the stadium and Mr. Ryan told the whole band that if you were not a senior, go sit down and wait there until awards.
I waited around for a while but then Mr. Ryan told us that we needed to get in lines of six per row by last name.
I was in the third row, last person but I was wondering what we were doing. Mr. Ryan then said "This is it seniors, your senior retreat on the field. Doing award, you all are going to march on the field with the drum major. You will all be there on the field when the judges display awards and this will be the most unforgettable moment of your life. It will be a positive life changing experience, not in a band way but it will make you feel like a new person. Now go out there and showed everybody what our school is with pride!"
As if everybody was thinking the same thing, we all yelled out at the same time "Sir, Yes sir!"
We on got on the field and waited for our school placement to be announced. That day was the most unforgettable day of my life. I was so happy to hear that our school got first place and took all the captions awards.
To hear how all the hard work you put into something can bring you a feeling like no other.
After awards, we got into the buses and headed back to our school. Everybody on the bus was yelling and cheering because we won.
Once we all got back on campus, we all change out of our uniform and got dressed for the celebration banquet. Everybody parents were there congratulating their son or daughter but Brandon parents and my parents were not there.
"How come your parents aren't here Drake?"
"There don't care anymore, not like there ever did. What about your parents, why aren't they here?"
"There are out of town still but they will be coming back home soon. They told be that they will be here in March if everything is all right."
"That not to long from now, isn't this going to be the first time you see them after about three years?"
"Yeah it will be. They are very good parents though. They let me chase after my dreams instead of taking over their business once they pass away. That will not happen anytime soon though, we live up to be over five hundred years old and they are in their late twenties or early thirties, that no problem. They could end up having more children and maybe one of them would take over the factory once they retire."
"Come on, let get a seat and have some dinner."
"Alright, maybe you could tell me a bit about your parents, that if you don't mind telling me."
"No of course not, I'll be happy to tell you about them, that if you can handle the hardship I had to go through."
"You parents aren't bad."
"Yeah, maybe they are just confused." I respond sarcastically.
We both sat down at the table and enjoyed our food. As we were eating, I tell him about my parents and he would respond with shock. He now felt depressed and I stop telling him about them. I did not want him to go kill himself because of the depressing story of my life.
I tried cheering him up by telling him that they were starting to change and act like good parents. I worked and he felt better, and then I told him that I could take care of myself, since that what I have been doing since I abandoned at the orphanage.
About an hour later, Mr. Ryan gets on the stage and asks all the students to get their instruments and get ready to perform without the seniors. Brandon had to leave and I waited for the students to perform the show. It was amazing how much Mr. Ryan speech affected them; they were robots, performing without any mistake. Even Mr. Ryan was shock as well the parents. When they finished, everybody was cheering loudly and did not stop cheering for about twenty minutes. About three minutes into the cheering, I stood up and everybody else followed.
The cheering finally dead out and everybody got ready to go home. I had to walk home but I did not care, I was happy that I leaving the school soon with such unexplainable power. They did not need the seniors to make them better; they were already there.
As I was walking home, Carlos was driving by to his home when he saw me. He stops by me and asks if I wanted a ride. I got in and Carlos asked who won. I told that we did and he was happy that we ended our season with a perfect ending. He dropped me off at my house and I gave him my thanks before going inside.
I went straight to sleep that day, because I exhausted from the day's events.
A couple days passed and then it was soon the start of a new year.
I was a bit stress out form all the AP classes but I still end up with good grades.
The first semester ended and the last semester for all the seniors started. It was funny to see all the seniors go crazy, not caring about anything and not trying to get good grades anymore. I was still trying though; I did not want to take the same classes when I got to college because I failed the second semester.
One day, doing band, I was setting up, as was everybody else. We all started to warm up, just like any other day but today was my birthday and nobody wish me a happy birthday yet. Mr. Ryan stop the whole band and said, "Are you guys ready?"
"What song?" I asked Mr. Ryan but he ignored me and the rest of the band said yes.
I did not know what song they were going to play so I did not play at all.
Then I heard the band playing "Happy Birthday" and I was speechless. Once the song was finished, Mr. Ryan told me to stand up. As I stood up, everybody yelled, "Happy birthday Drake!" and I started too blushed and I thought I was going to die from embarrassment.
I was embarrasses and was happy at the same time. That was the high point of my day and the rest of the school day was boring.
I met Carlos by his car and he drove me home.
"I have a great birthday gift for you but you will have to wait to see what it is. I think you be shock at what it is. I have to go pick it up so there no work today, go home and enjoy your birthday."
"Can you give me a hint on what it is?"
"I would but I want it to be a surprise that you will never forget."
"Come on, please?"
"Crystal, I'm not going to tell you, no matter how many times you ask."
I started to complain but I did not for too long. I knew that Carlos was trying to make this birthday unforgettable.
Once I got home, I step inside and I heard my parents talking about me in their room. I got closer, to hear what they were talking about.
"What now? We tried so many times and failed all of them," my dad asked my mom.
"I don't know; we tried hit and run, we hired people to kill him and we even locked him in the burning building. It seems no matter what we do we can't get rid of him."
"So how do you suppose we kill Drake this year?"
I immediately felt my heart drop; my parents were behind everything that happened to me. I quickly open the door and both my parents were shock to see me.
"Drake, what are you doing here we though you were at work?"
*Sorry, for the cliffhanger I left for you furs/scales at the end, but the last chapter is going to be up on here later tonight. Everything in this chapter is false. The only thing that comes close to being true is my band teacher speech at finals. In addition, the Ninja Destruction fights against American Fork High School in Utah. Thanks for reading and please leave comments*