The Danger of a Dream

Story by Gareth-Brik on SoFurry

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#3 of Killing Emotions

_...It seemed like time itself was against me. It didn't seem like it was possible for time to move any slower, and yet...gah. I couldn't stand it! I was in my car and half way to his house before I realized I needed to wait. We'd agreed upon meeting at ten, after all. I had to be patient, no matter how much I hated it.

The moment I was back home, I did my best to keep my mind off of Joel and his story...nothing worked. The harder I ignored it the more it was on my mind. Damn curiosity...ah well. I turned on the TV. Stuff like that always took my mind off of things. The more mindlessly entertaining, the better. I flipped through the channels in hopes of finding something that appealed to me enough to keep my attention.

I found it. It was subtle at first. Just the news...but it was_

where _the news was being broadcasted from that had caught my attention. Joel's house. My eyes widened when I recognized the place, and I turned up the volume, my morbid curiosity not letting me do much else. The newscaster wasn't talking right then, but when she started up again, I don't think I could have listened more intently.

"It seems that a monster was spotted here only a few minutes ago. The details are sketchy, but eyewitnesses have claimed to see a large reptilian beast lumbering outside the home of this town's most widely known storyteller, Joel Smith. When asked about what others had seen, he had this to say."

The picture suddenly changed to Joel, who was rubbing the back of his head, looking a little nervous for some reason. He still smiled, even as he spoke, "The creature outside my house was probably just a crocodile, or something. This wouldn't be the first sighting for one of those guys, after all. I'm not worried about it. Heck, if I'd known about it, I'd have probably tried to make it a pet. I have a fascination with reptiles, you know." The screen cut back to the newscaster.

"Animal control is doing its best to hunt down this reptile, but nothing has surfaced so far. Stay tuned for further developments." I shut of the TV and raced for my car. I was a reporter for a newspaper and not there?! I had to be one of the worst reporters in history! When I got there, Joel was outside, talking with someone again, and back to scratching the back of his head. He looked more relieved than he had on the TV, and when I tried to approach him, police blocked me off. I cursed myself for having forgotten my reporter credentials back home, but it was too late now.

Joel spotted me and made his way over, whispering when he was near enough, "Thank god you're here. I need you to take me somewhere, fast!"

"What? Why?"

"No time to explain! I can't have the public eye knowing about this, and if this keeps up, they'll be all over me! Please! I need your help!" I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what was so important, but nodded, and he jumped into the car. I moved to the driver's side, but Joel had already switched seats to sit there. Confused, I started to tell him he couldn't drive, but he waved me off before I could say anything, "It'll be easier to get there if I drive. I can explain on the way." Still highly confused, I did as he said, and simply sat in the seat behind Joel. He sped up the moment he was out of the human throng made of so many reporters. When they were out of sight, he relaxed, "Thank god...this is going to be all over the news now, but at least they won't know the reasons."

"Hey...what's going on, anyway? You said you'd explain."

Joel sighed and looked back at me, "No, I said I_

could _explain. There's a difference. You'll get your answer, but right now..."

"What?! I want an answer! What the hell's going on?!"

Joel cringed, then, with one more look back at me, he frowned and said, "I'm sorry..." There was an odd smell in the air that I couldn't filled my senses, clogging them in a wierd way that made me feel sleepy...I groaned and passed out in the back seat.




"I think he's waking up!" A female said softly...

" get on out of here. I'll see you soon, okay?" It was Joel's voice?..I groaned again and tried to open my eyes, but the glare of the lights above me convinced me otherwise. Turning away from the intense brightness, I tossed the blankets partially over my head, not realizing then that I was in a bed. Joel chuckled from somewhere, "Hey...sorry about earlier...I'll explain now, if you like."

"Yes please..." I managed, and cracked my eyes open a tiny bit. With the blankets blocking the lights above me, I was able to look around. After I felt I'd adjusted enough, I tried sitting up, and my stomach lurched from my efforts.

Joel was by my side in an instant, "Really...I'm sorry about what happened. I hadn't meant for my guest to catch everyone's attention like that."

"What?..guest? What do you..." My mind suddenly decided to remember what I'd seen on the TV, and I gasped, "That reptile...was it--"

"My guest? Yeah. He was. Normally he visits at night, when there are less around to notice him, but it was urgent today. I can't thank you enough for letting me drive away."

"But...what happened?" By now my eyes had finished getting used to the light, and I took a good look around. I was in a hospital bed of some sort, though it was much bigger than any bed I had ever remembered seeing.

"Well...actually, Phil... believe it or not, this whole mess I just got you into has to do with that story I was telling you."

"Wait...what do you mean?"

"I mean, Phil, that the story isn't just a story. It happened, for real."

I laughed, "Yeah...right. Good one."

Joel smiled, "I thought you'd react like that. This ought to show you I'm serious. Watch." He took a step away from me, and closed his eyes. At first, I thought he was just being crazy...some old folks do go senile, after all...but then...then the strangest thing happened. He...he changed. His skin turned completely, absolutely black, and began forming small bumps, and a sheen, like they were scales...he turned, and I say three tiny stubs poke out from his shirt, two on his upper half, near his shoulders, and the other right above the top of his butt. The top two developed a webbed appearance, like te feet of a duck, or something, and the bottom one just kept getting longer...developing into a tail! Even the clothing changed, going from the simple jeans and white shirt to a velvety black. A long scar that started at the top of his right shoulder traveled down his arm, ending just before his wrist. He grinned at me, " you know. My real name is Gareth--"

"--Brik..." I cut him off, looking and feeling absolutely shocked, "This--this is some kind of trick, right? Smoke and mirrors...some costume. A really GOOD costume."

He laughed again, "No, it's real. And you're in that same medical center I told you about in the story. You already know the rules of this place, thanks to that story as well, but you need to know what happened. This...kind of...involves you now. Oh...and I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to keep telling the story as if it happened to someone else. It's a lot easier to get the story out if I feel like it didn't happen to me..." He sat me down and made sure I wasn't going to go into histerics--for which I am very grateful--before he began again.

Now, Telrick was a monster. Gareth had long been wanting nothing more than to sink his blade into the tremendous dragon's heart, but Telrick was too many ways. He had a black diamond on his head...yes, diamond. I'll explain later. But this diamond was special. It held a massive resivior of power that could manifest itself into hundreds of thousands of different ways. And what was worse, Telrick had a great deal of magical abilities besides the black diamond to use. The massive power from the black gem warped Telrick's body. He had once, long before events had created the golden behemoth, been a simple blue dragon, content to live out a normal life like anyone else. He became the golden monster through the gem, which made his body massive, and I mean MASSIVE. Telrick, when standing on all fours, was as tall as a mountain at the shoulders! He'd lived for eons...more than two hundred thousand years, another thing that gem had done for him. This age had allowed him to see a great deal of things, and his knowledge was as immense as his body, far larger than any library in existance. He knew of something only gods could do...uncreation. He could do it, too. He'd done it to a great deal of Gareth's friends, and then, one time, he kidnapped Gareth's life-mate, Hana. She was a dragoness, with scales that, thanks to a small birth defect, made her body seem to be a shade of sickly green. That same birth defect also deprived her of wings, making her a very easy target for Telrick's maipulations. He raped her for a full week, unceasing...the size difference would normally have made such an act impossible for the giant, but he used his magic to shrink in size, and kept him and her hidden away. When Gareth found her, she was in a bloody, sticky, white heap. There was so much of the golden dragon's cum about her she looked almost as if she were stuck in a cocoon! It was at that point Gareth had decided to start his own little hospital, and had begun training, calling each outing a Hunt, so that he could prepare himself enough to find and slay Telrick for what he'd done...

...such was not to be. Telrick had decided to come back first, and had taken Gareth by surprise. When Telrick left the dream, Gareth had also I told you. He rushed to his room where Hana was. She was the one sitting in the corner. He picked her up, giving her a pleading look as he held her, and took her to the only other room no one else save Tii had even seen. Sanctuary. Once inside he let his tears finally fall, crying for a good hour before he managed to compose himself enough to begin casting spells. He'd learned a great deal during his Hunts, and knew of a few extra precautions he could cast for the room. One such spell allowed only himself, Hana, or someone with his or Hana's permission to enter the room. Another was the consequence if that spell was broken. It was an ensnarment spell, meant to hold, not the creature's body, but the creature's soul in place until Gareth decided what to do with it. Days passed while Gareth tried desperately to find more precautionary spells to place about the room he had taken his wife to, and on the fifth night of his search, he fell asleep with his muzzle in a spellbook, and dreamed...

He met Telrick in the dream...

_Telrick grinned, "Good to see you again, Gareth."

"STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gareth yelled loudly, a sword already in his hands. Telrick stepped to the side as Gareth lunged, laughing at the black dragon's attempts.

"Really. Is that any way to treat an old friend? I'm just here to give you some advice."

"Advice, huh? Keep your damn advice, you psychopathic bastard."

Telrick mocked a sad expression, which was quickly replaced with a smug smile, "It's about Hana. She's been acting...out of sorts, hasn't she?"

Gareth froze, glaring at Telrick with hatred, "What would you know about that?"

Again, Telrick laughed. It was becoming highly annoying to the black dragon. Telrick paid no attention to Gareth's building fury as he spoke, "I can get her out of her trance."


"Did you hear me, Gareth? I can bring Hana back. She won't be a lifeless husk anymore..."

A small frown was starting to work its way over Gareth, but he continued to keep silent.

Telrick laughed again, his back to Gareth, "Of course, bringing her out of it will also finish the transformation, but still. Hana will be back."_

"Trans...transformation?! What did you DO to her?!!!!!!" Gareth's fury shot skyward as he pounced upon Telrick once more. This time, Telrick did not move. Gareth's scowl turned into a triumphant, yet grim smile as he brought his sword down from above his head, thinking that he'd finally cleave Telrick into two halves. Something stopped his sword, and HIM. He was stuck in the air, a red glow surrounding his body and weapon. Telrick turned around.

His smile was even wider now, "Why couldn't tell? Once I trap her in another cumcoon, she'll finish changing into a succubus that will follow my every command. And guess what? That last attack of yours? I'm currently draining all the energy you have, and once I'm done, your body will die, and your soul will fall from it, and I will make my move. I'll not come like this! I'll simply invade the lifeless body as if it were my own, and pretend I'm you. No one will notice a single change in personality, save that the rules will change a little...and every single female will never have to worry about going into heat ever again. They'll each have their wildest dreams about you come true. ALL of them...and I'll make Hana watch it all while she's still in her half-state. When I'm done with all those girls you so kindly gathered for me, I'll move on Hana next, and I'll take her. Hard. I'll fill her so full she'll feel ready to burst, then I'll put her in another cumcoon, and she'll come out completely devoted to me. My very own little seductive demon." He laughed, which grew in volume as he watched Gareth struggle in vain at the spell holding him there. Telrick calmed down and continued, "You know, it's interesting. This spell is one of the most simple even YOU know, and yet, you can't defend against it. You're asleep! That last girl Kalia was just a way for me to enter your mind without you noticing, and the rest was simple! You're through, Gareth!!" He gave Gareth's spellbound form a brutal shove, sending the weakened dragon sprawling for a great distance.

Gareth groaned and tried to stand up, but he felt as if two tons had been slammed onto his back, and he couldn't lift himself more than a foot before he fell back to the ground. Telrick laughed again, approaching him and giving his side a swift kick. He picked Gareth's limp form up easily with one hand, and a long, sharp claw slid silently out of his forefinger, "You healed that scar I gave you, too. Seems I'll have to give you a more permanent one." His grin only widened as his hand touched the top of Gareth's shoulder, sliding into his skin as if it were paper. Gareth screamed in agony...he...he could feel the long claw hitting his bones!!! He could FEEL the claw hitting his bones!!!!!! Telrick lifted a hand once his claw was out and a long, thin fire sprang into being inside Gareth's new cut, cauterizing the wound so that it would have no choice but to stay visible as it was. He started to move toward Gareth's midsection with the claw, but stopped, reconsidering, " I won't get rid of it. It'll be more fun if it's ALL of your body going back on the promise you made to your precious little female." Gareth woke, screaming.

He sat there for a moment, breathing glanced at himself. A dream? A harmless dream? Was that all it was? He sighed, relieved beyond measure...until he felt a sudden pain in his right shoulder. Looking at it, he gasped, and instead of fear, confusion took place at the sight of the long scar...How? didn't make any sense. He'd lost the battle, yet he was still in control of his body? What happened? Telrick, by rights, should have complete control over his body right now! He'd certainly said he'd do that, and the scar was there to prove he'd actually harmed Gareth! There weren't any sharp objects near the chair Gareth was sitting in, so it made even less sense. Had there been a sharp object, Gareth could have deduced the entire thing as a dream, the sharp object would have made the cut, which would have explained the pain he'd felt.

...but there was nothing...

The next day, Gareth wandered around the huge building, checking up on some of the more recent patients to see how they were, and asking whether or not they wanted him to go on the Hunt yet. All declined. When he finally made it to Kalia's room, he found himself pausing at the door, something he remembered from his dream coming to the fore of his mind..."Kalia was just a way for me to enter your mind without you noticing, and the rest was simple!" Gareth shuddered, but let it go. What else could he do? He was obviously still in control of his own body, but he had that scar from the dream...which was the real thing? Had he somehow won the fight? Shrugging it off for later musing, he entered Kalia's room, "Hey..."

Kalia looked up from a book she was reading, and smiled. She had new bandages on under some loose clothing, but otherwise looked quite well, " earlier...I still feel like I didn't say thanks."

Gareth laughed softly and sat down in one of the chairs near her bed, "You already thanked me, Kalia. In fact, I came by to see if you wanted me to bring back any of those who raped you. You could make them pay for what they did to you...I...I'd understand."

Kalia blinked, "Wh...what? You''d do that for me?"

"I've...been through something similar, but was never able to get the attacker to pay for what he'd done. I don't want anyone else to have to suffer like I did, knowing that the bastard responsible is still out there somewhere...I can Hunt down the men responsible for kidnapping you, Kalia. I can bring them back here and have them bound and gagged, or something else. It's entirely up to you. You could make them suffer for all the pain you felt. All you have to do is want me to find them."

She blushed, but shook her head, "I...I saw what you did to them. That's more than good enough a payback for me..."

"But I only got the ones that I felt would keep their word...and that was only for the ones who told the truth as well. I could bring back any of them for you..."

"No...thanks, but really. You made them pay enough...and...and I still feel like I didn't thank you enough..."

Gareth's smile, which had vanished, returned happilly, "Well, you did. Come on. You're probably hungry, right? We should get you something to eat. Do you feel okay enough to walk?"

She started to move her legs, but yelped after an inch. Kalia winced, and shook her head, "No...I...I don't think I can walk just yet..."

Gareth laughed, "That's not a problem!" He waved his hand, and a small, but thick, and laminated, piece of paper floated above him from out of nowhere. Gareth pointed toward Kalia, and the paper floated toward her, reasting lightly on a page in her open book. She looked at it curiously...

"What's this?"

"It's a menu of sorts. The only difference is that you don't need to pay for the food. See that little radio-thing by your bed? It's an intercom. Press the speak button on it, switch the little lever to point two, and then say what you'd like to have to eat. Someone in the kitchen is always by their end of the intercom to get the order, and will have it brought up to only get to do this while you can't walk though, so don't get too used to it." He smiled, "And no trying to fake it, either. Remember, I can tell if you're lying." He chuckled, and stood up, "Well, I need to go check up on a few things. Enjoy your breakfast." He exited the room in much better spirits, and started for the elevator...

...laughter started to echo down the hallway he was in. But not a simple laughter, like someone in a good mood. This laughter was...frightening. Even more so when Gareth's mind finally understood who's voice it was! He raced for the elevator, hoping against everything he feared that he'd make it in time. The laughter didn't seem to get any louder, but it sure as hell didn't get any softer, either! Gareth frantically hit the button marked with the large, S imprinted on it, wishing that the damn machine would pick up the pace. He hadn't simply teleported to the room because of the new spells he'd placed on it...the first half of Sanctuary looked perfectly fine, but that laughter did not die away. He rushed to the second half, which was cut off by a door. This half had Hana in it. He raced up to her and threw his arms around her, frightened...the laughter died away...

"...G...Gareth? that you?" Her voice was a whisper...but it was there.

Gareth was frozen by shock for a long moment, but suddenly burst into tears. She'd spoken! SHE HAD FINALLY COME BACK!!!!!!!!! HA! SCREW YOU, TELRICK! SHE'D COME BACK WITHOUT YOUR DAMN HELP! He squeezed Hana lovingly, "Hana! Hana, you're okay! I thought I'd lost you! Thank God you're back!!!!!" He cried hard into her, unbelieving, and overwhelmed that he had just heard her voice.

All that joy was suddenly cut away from him as she screamed out, then shoved him off, "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!"

Gareth lay in the spot he'd landed, hurt..."Hana?.....I...I thought that you..."


Gareth inched away from her, utterly beside himself...he had wanted her to come back, and had told her that he would be able to handle it if she hated him, so long as she came back, but like this? Why was she so scared? What had he done?..the laughter came back, stronger this time. Telrick spoke into Gareth's mind, "Idiot. I WON the match, remember? You should have known I wouldn't take immediate control. Someone would have noticed. You're getting bad at this, Gareth. Looks like I win." The laughter grew louder as Gareth's energy suddenly vanished. He couldn't even hold his head up--the room was spinning, losing clarity...getting darker.........

...and then...

...a light started to shine in his vision, beckoning him toward it...he felt cold, wherever he was, and could feel an indescribable warm feeling flowing from the shining light. Gareth started toward it, eager to feel warm again...

...something grabbed his leg, then another, then both wings, and then his arms, and his waist! He felt it dragging him away from the light, back to the cold...there was another light that started to slowly brighten, but it had next to nothing of the warmth that the light above him held. He clawed to reach for it, but whatever held him back gripped him tighter, refusing to let go, and pulled him into the second light. He looked around, finding himself in Sanctuary once more. Everything had a gray tinge to it, and that warmer light was still high above him in his vision, but still unattainable. He tried to cry, but for reasons unknown, found he couldn't. Gareth glanced at himself, and would have gasped, but couldn't perform that function either. He could see through his own hand, which had taken on a soft glow. The black was gone from his hands, which, as he looked at them, he found he couldn't identify if the hand he had were the scaly ones he was used to, or another kind. They were hands, but other than that, he couldn't make out any great features. A sound alerted him back to reality, and he saw his body advancing on Hana. She was screaming...his body looked back at him with golden eyes that smiled wickedly.

"" Gareth blinked, befudled by his own voice. An echo? What in hell? It dawned on him...

...he was dead...

Telrick smiled a little more from inside Gareth's body at the apparition behind him, "Trapped by your own spell. Thanks to several ghosts from a while back, you placed a spell on the entire building that would stop any ghost from leaving the room it was created in. You can't leave your Sanctuary, Gareth...but I'll make sure you see everything." His eyes glowed for a moment, and then Gareth suddenly found himself looking at himself. was odd, to say the least. Telrick smiled a little more an turned back to Hana, who was scrunched up against a wall, screaming her lungs out, "Don't worry, pretty're going to be the last one I take...just think. Now you've got all this time to look forward to what I'm going to give you!" He laughed and headed for the door that led to the outer room, which had the elevator in it. Hana didn't move. She was frozen in fear...Gareth could see that much. What was worse, he couldn't tell if she was afraid of Gareth, or of the damned creature who had taken over his body.

There was one other who had seen it happen. Tii had heard the scream through one of the many intercoms that littered the huge building, and it hadn't taken long to see who was screaming...her heart broke when she saw Garth back off in fear, knowing how much it meant to him to see her...alive again, just to have her tell him to back off. That view changed when she saw his eyes change. It had been noticeable from the camera! Something had happened...something terrible. Gareth started saying things to the air that went against every single rule, every promise he'd ever taken to heart. She knew that it couldn't have been Gareth. Tii had to act...but Gareth's powers were incredible...far too much for her to handle, so she couldn't do it alone...there was still Kalia...a few others, but they'd take advantage of the new 'Gareth.' Kalia was the only one Tii didn't know, so she took her chance. She wrote a small note to Kalia and placed it inside a tube. The tube suddenly shot straight up, through a hole in the ceiling...With that done, Tii started for the elevator.

Gareth met her before she had a chance, "Tii! Tii, have I got news for you! Come on! I need to use the intercom system to tell everyone!" He started dragging her back to her room. She pulled out of his grip angrily, "What in all hell do you think you're doing?! You can't use my intercoms!" She rounded on him, getting fiercer by the moment, "I saw what happened to Gareth! You don't fool me, and you never will! I'll tell everyone what happened, and you won't stand a chance agai--!!!!!!" Her voice was subdued to a surprised muffle as Gareth lunged forward, planting a passionate kiss on her mouth. She knew it wasn't him...but felt so good...

Telrick grinned to himself as the white female dragon practically melted in his arms. He stopped the kiss and looked at her, "Now...what were you saying?"

"G...good god...don't..."

He chuckled and stopped her half-hearted protests with another kiss, this one shorter than the last, but still passionate enough to make her blush in seconds, "Remember when I found you, hurt, and broken? Remember? Your beautiful feathery wings were covered with the sticky stuff. The men put up such a fight to keep you, called you an angel that they would turn into a slut. Well, angel, you never did get rid of that heat of must be getting tired of taking all that medicine to keep the pain away. Let me take the pain deserve it after all these years..."

She only moaned in response, and he had to carry her to get her to move. It didn't take long for her heat to rise past the medications, making her cry out in longing...Telrick shook his head, "Not yet. I want to make sure every female sees that the rules have changed. Hana doesn't want me it's time I found a new life-mate. Would you like that position?" She nodded emphatically, "Well then, you'll have to earn it, like all the other females here." He chuckled again, setting her down. She fell to the floor, unable to move...Telrick sent out a mind wave, calling every single girl that could walk on her own to come to him, planting a vision in each girl's mind of him fucking her silly. This brought most of them running, and for at least a half hour, the elevator was busy moving between floors, bringing the females flocking to him. The room he was in wasn't big enough to hold all of them! He simply smiled and raised his hands. There was a tiny earthquake as a huge section of building suddenly rose out of the ground. A door appeared at the wall, and he made his way to it.

On the other side was an expanse of room that towered, from the ceiling to floor, over forty feet...and there was nothing in between. It's width and length made it seem like a giant square, both moving out to what looked to them like a thousand feet either way. Telrick flew to the middle of the room and spread his arms wide, "Well? I'm ready for whoever wants me." He laughed as the females rushed in, and began to change...soon, there were two of him standing side by side, then those divided into four, then eight, then sixteen, doubling in number until there was at least one male for each female. The extra's vanished, save one. He simply stayed in the center of the room, watching as each female partnered up with one of his male extras, and laughed. When it seemed that each female had found herself a partner, Telrick blinked, and a shield of white light surrounded each couple in a dome shape. The figure in the middle, the one without a partner, simply smiled.

Tii gasped, panic setting in as the walls appeared, "No! No! Let me out! I can't cope with small spaces! LET ME OUT!!!!" She rushed for the wall, hoping that maybe it would give way and let her through. Her partner was in front of her in a second.

He held her passionately close, "Shh..." He whispered to her, "It's alright. The wall isn't keeping you in, Tii. It's keeping others from watching. See?" He motioned to the dome as it expanded, relieving Tii's claustrophobic tendencies. She sighed, her relief flooding her with wave after wave of calmness...

"The...the walls are--"

"Going to let us have a good time, Tii. You deserve as much...think of it as my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me...for always being there."


"Tii, stop worrying. I won't do anything you don't want." He gave her a soft hug, "Just wait. You'll love this. I promise."

She frowned and looked at him. He was smiling...the way he spoke, how he acted...she was beginning to doubt herself. Maybe this male really was Gareth...he acted the same, except for the rules he'd changed. Maybe losing Hana like that had caused him to grieve in this strange way..."But what about--"

"Hana? You saw what happened on the camera, Tii. She...she doesn't want me anymore..."

"But the ghost I saw..."

"I don't think there was ever anything there, Hana. Probably just something smudged the lens, or something."

"Yeah...yeah, you're probably right." She allowed herself to smile..."I was just so worried when I saw you, Gareth...all that work, and then Hana--"

"Shhh...don't think about that." He planted a soft, heartfelt kiss on her cheek, "Really...if she doesn't want me, I'll find a new life-mate. I just didn't know who to pick. I'm holding this little contest to find out." He smiled a little, "And I have a feeling you'll be the winner, Tii."

The male outside the shields could see inside each one of them, smiling happily when more than a few of the pairs started up, the moans and groans that were inside each dome unable to penetrate the magical barriers. He didn't need to hear them to know what was happening. Each male was connected by a thin, black line that merged into his own body. He could feel each and every hump, each hot breath, as pair after pair made love to each other. He grinned widely, "Hey, Gareth...see how well the girls accepted me? Tii was the only one who had doubts, and now she believes that I'm you!"

Tii gave a tiny moan as her partner moved about her body, which was still clothed. He rubbed the small of her back gently as he held her, giving small, slow kisses that traveled up her neck as he moved. She gasped loudly as his teeth bit down suddenly, but the white fangs didn't leave a mark when they left her scales. She looked at the male who was trying to become her lover, her heat begging her to let go of what small doubts she had left. His breath was hot, moist...made her feel chilled when it left her body. She reached out and held him close, "Don't stop...dear god...please don't stop..."

"As you wish." He replied. She barely noticed him grinning. All she wanted was to rid herself of the heat that was boiling inside her...he reached farther behind her and pulled down gently on what pants she wore, causing her to gasp anew as the air hit her legs. With a playful tug on her partner's part, the pants dropped to the floor, where she kicked them the rest of the way off. He reached down again, grabbing at the pink underwear she still had separating her flesh from his. Unable to control herself, she reached for Gareth's pants, and gave them a tug. Her breath was already starting to quicken...Gareth's eyes widened a little and he helped her unclothe him, removing his shirt completely and tossing it to the side. It vanished as it fell. With another kiss, Gareth--and by now Tii was willing to believe anything through her heat--went back to her panties, and, still smiling that wondrous smile of his, gave a sharp, quick pull, tearing the underwear off before Tii could say anything. She heard the riiip as her underwear left her, but didn't care. Her eyes were resting on Gareth's bulging sheath. It was just as black at the rest of him. Somehow, her shirt and bra came off as well, but she never noticed. Her eyes were glued to that one spot at Gareth's midsection...she reached out for the sheath, but Gareth stopped her. Looking up, she saw his smile again and he leaned down to kiss her. She willingly accepted the kiss this time, returning it with as much passion as she could muster. Something soft tapped her scales near her belly, and when she looked, she found a fully erect staff waiting for her. Her breaths became long and lustful as she bent down to get a closer look at the wonderful member. He gasped as her cool hands touched the black, heated meat, moaning in ecstasy when she began to rub him. Pre leaked out, traveling down the male's thick, foot long pole and onto her hands. She only smiled and licked it up, mrrrring happily at the taste of his juice. For a moment, she sat there, looking at the long cock and wondering if, perhaps, it would be too much for her to handle. A hand on the back of her head told her to stop caring, and though it guided her mouth to the member, she didn't mind. That very notion had been steadily trekking its way about her thoughts since the intimate setting had found them. With a contented sigh, Tii opened her mouth and took in about half of the large dragon meat, finding, to both her and her partner's disappointment, that she couldn't fit any more in without gagging. Gareth's smile was quickly restored, as were his gasps and moans when she began to suckle him. His hand stealthily traveled down, below her head, and grabbed at the flesh of her breast, pulling it up and fondling the whole thing until he found the nipple. He twisted the stiff piece of skin in his fingers, making her moan out through her mouthful. A tiny bit of milk splashed onto his hand, thus encouraging him to continue. The hand that was resting on her head suddenly gave a small shove, and she would've yelped, but the immense pole in her mouth prevented much noise from escaping. She had to greatly suppress her gaga reflex as his pole shoved all the way into her muzzle, sliding partially down her throat. The intense tightness made him yell out, and she felt a much larger burst of precum flow from him into her, which she had no choice but to swallow. Gareth was becoming sweaty at this point, the heat about them rising dramatically. Tii could feel it as well, but it was in a much different area. She pulled him out of her mouth quickly, before he could buck and hold her still. Seeing his sad expression at the momentary stop of their actions, she moved to spread her legs wide apart, and was rewarded by his eyes bulging and his grin returning ever stronger. He knelt down, his face close to hers and whispered, "I love you..." before plunging directly into her.

She screamed in delight at the feel of him inside her, her walls tightening as they fought to pull his seed out of him. It was such a tight fit, and his first thrust had put all but an inch inside her. She begged for more, bucking down onto him in hopes that she could fit the last of it into herself. Gareth simply smiled and began to pull out slowly, only to rush back in at a speed that made her head spin in pleasure. He moved out again, letting out a roar as he plunged forward, shoving harder and harder with each thrust, going fully in more than once. Her screams intensified. Tii held her chest in one hand, her other wrapped firmly around his neck as she bucked. Gareth quickly moved sideways a little, grinding his cock inside her walls, earning a loud shout from both of them that softened into contented moans of pleasure. His mouth was so warm against her bare flesh...something wet closed over a nipple, making her moan out again and again as he began to suck hard, even while still pumping in and out of her, gaining speed as well as force at this point. She felt herself scooting back with each thrust, and arched her back at the pleasure as he reamed in and out, all while still pulling her milk into his mouth. Warm hands grabbed at her thighs, aiding the push and pull that was Gareth's lovemaking. Large amounts of pre were coating her walls, making his passage in and out of her easier as they continued. She couldn't stop from emitting a loud scream as her body stiffened, an orgasm signaling it's fast approach. Gareth's mouth left her nipple, making it feel cold as he bellowed as well. The strong shout almost sounded unearthly to her, but she couldn't have cared in the midst of what was happening to her body. Her own juices were leaking profusely now, forming a small pool beneath them. There was a sudden surge, and Gareth doubled in speed, ramming hard into her, making them both scream again and again...they came simultaneously their juices mixing with each other in a blast of sex-induced heat. Gareth's seed flew like pressurized water into her deepest cavities, a place that his pole had many times plunged into before grinding back out again. He continued to hump her as his seed shot out of him, filling her so full she felt ready to burst, and it still kept coming. There was even a small bulge forming in her stomach from his juices, and still it would not let up. His roaring died down slowly, and his thrusting began to lose strength and speed as well. He did not pull out of her, but collapsed to the side, panting as if he had only just learned how to breathe. She gave an involuntary moan as his thick meat ground against her yet again, and started to pull out. Gareth placed a tired hand on her shoulder, shaking his head slightly when she looked at him. He was still smiling. She smiled back, and, sighing, did her best to move so that she was laying down as he was, and gave him a kiss. They fell asleep in each other's arms, tired from the intense mating they had just finished...

Tii fell asleep with the wonderful knowledge that her heat had finally left her, and nearly cried as weariness forced her to leave this beautiful scene...

Telrick grinned as the last of them finished, and spoke to Gareth one last time, "I win." He laughed a great deal as he heard Gareth's despaired cry, and waited. When they all woke, this would only get better.