Freedom in a Cage - Chapter 1

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#1 of Freedom in a Cage

"Honestly, where am I?" Jonas asked himself, looking around at the non-descriptive brick walls around him. It was dark, very dark, with the once bright moon and stars now shrouded by cloud. The old street lamps shone circles of light on the sidewalk every five feet, but other than that, the only light cast was from the neon club signs that ran down the streets.

It was midnight, and he was alone on the street. Every other person was in the clubs already, and the shouting and pounding bass beats that pounded in the back of his ears told him that it was a busy night at most of these places. He wasn't a clubber himself, and the only reason he was there was because he had missed his bus stop by about ten miles. He was way too innocent looking to pass himself off as someone of age to go in there anyway.

"Damn it. I am so lost." He sighed, and cast a sideways glance down an alley to his right. His heart skipped a beat when he saw a brightly lit city bus on the opposite side of the alley, with a small line of people boarding it. He had a wallet full of cash in his back pocket, and he knew in the back of his mind that this would be his last chance to get out of the area before eight in the morning, and that was a long time to spend wandering the streets. He took off down the alley at a sprint, sure that he would make it to the waiting transport in time. But as he passed an intersection with another alley, a group of tough-looking men stepped into his path. It took him a split second too long to correct his course, and crashed head first into the lead man. He bounced back and hit the ground hard, a little dazed. The men glared down at him, and behind there monstrous forms towering over him, he saw his bus pulling away from the curb.

"Hey, watch where you're going, kid!" The man he'd run into shouted, and picked him up by the back of his shirt. Jonas' feet dangled an inch off the ground as the man held him, and he barely got a chance to struggle against the grip before he was tossed into a pile of garbage bags farther down the alley.

"Come on guys, let's rough him up a bit. Teach him a lesson." He heard as he recovered from the impact. The man's goons gave a grunt of agreement, and when Jonas looked up, they were stalking towards him, one with a heavy looking pipe in his hand. With a yelp, Jonas leapt to his feet and ran away. He never made it far, because a few yards down the alley, a huge brick wall shot up in his path.

"Why does this always happen?" Jonas said to himself, unsure of whether the men had heard him. They were getting closer, and he pushed himself as close to the wall as he could. The brick was too even to climb, so he was trapped. He had a split second thought, that maybe he could get around the crazed men, and before he had even thought about it, he acted. He shot forward, his legs carrying him towards the left edge of the tight-knit group of men. But the men didn't react the way he'd expected, and instead of moving to get out of his way, they put their bulk in his way, and began to close in around him. He was too late to brake, and he didn't, but somehow he'd stopped suddenly. His legs were still running, but he was slowly rising. The men had stopped moving, had dropped whatever weapons they had gathered, and were staring up at him with amazement as he rose. Jonas looked up himself, and saw a gaping hole in the clouds, with what looked like a very bright star visible through it.

He rose higher, above the rooftops of the low buildings, and stopped. He felt a sudden pressure above and below him, squeezing him tightly. He was beginning to find it hard to breathe, and soon, there was no air at all. He struggled for a breath that wouldn't come, and his vision began to blur, and his struggles grew weaker. Right before he blacked out, he felt the pressure ebbed above him, and an immense amount of velocity.

When Jonas woke, the first thing he felt was a humid heat all over his body. It was a strong summer's day kind of heat, the kind that made him want to lie in his dark bedroom until the clouds rolled in. The next thing he felt was an oddly soft substance below him, against his bare skin. It wrapped around the sides of his body like velvet, and tickled his skin as they waved in a sudden warm breeze.

Jonas opened his eyes, and stared up at the sky. It was a rich, blue sky, like he remembered the sky being like. Everything else, on the other hand, was completely different. Low trees arched above him, with long, thin purple leaves that hung down, almost to the ground. And above these strange leaves, five suns hung in the sky, each a different color. The mystery surrounding his situation never seemed to dawn on him, and Jonas simply stood up and continued to look around.

He was in a small clearing, filled with the strange velvet grass, which was, thankfully, green. Around the clearing, and interesting kind of brush grew, with perfectly square green leaves about two feet wide. A number of thin brown vines lay scattered around him, their ends perfectly cut as if by some tool. Without even thinking about it, he picked a few up from near his feet and draped them over his shoulders, reverting to back to the wilderness training he'd received many years ago. He had always wondered why his parents had insisted on him taking it, but now he was thankful for the experience.

He took another account of his surroundings, and as he did, he spotted a high hill not far ahead of him, maybe three miles. "That'll be a good place to really get a look at this place." Jonas said to himself, and began to head towards the base of the hill. But as he toke a step, he suddenly felt a pain in his thighs, and more specifically, in his ass. He reached a hand behind him and gently massages one of his bare cheeks, groaning silently in disappointment at the pain that rolled over the muscles. As he continued to massage his sore muscle, he felt a sticky liquid drip out of his ass and over his fingers, thoroughly coating them. He pulled his hand away quickly in surprise and slowly pulled the wet hand to his face, investigating the substance. It was creamy white, and had a very musky scent wafting from him. There were also what looked to be long grey hairs stuck in it. He had the brief idea to taste it, but hastily decided not to. He didn't know what it was, and it could be dangerous. Instead, he turned to one of the nearby plants, and wiped the liquid off his hands and onto the large square leaf. He was just about to turn and step out of the clearing, when he heard a loud snort and a rustle behind him. He whipped around in an instant, and stared in shock at a massive creature, who had obviously caused the noises.

It was silently asleep. So silent, in fact, that he hadn't even known it was there until now. It was about three feet tall while lying on its side, with four legs about a foot long. It had a head that looked like a cross between a cat and a pig, and was covered in thick grey fur. A short tail fell between its hind legs, drawing Jonas' attention to the large black appendage that stuck out just beyond the ends of the hairs. Hairs that matched the hairs in the white liquid, which was also dripping slowly off of the what was obviously the creature's half erect cock.

Jonas had the sudden urge to throw up. He couldn't believe the discovery he had just made. "This...This thing raped my sleep."He said quietly to himself. Without a second thought, he turned and ran as fast as he could away from the clearing. Completely ignoring the burning in his muscles screaming in protest, and the creature's semen streaming out of him, he only ran blindly away. Luckily, he had at least managed to send himself towards the hill he was originally planning to climb. But Jonas didn't even notice it, didn't notice the sudden incline as he hit the side of the hill, and barely noticed the suddenly leveling off the ground as he reached the top. He only stopped once he had reached the top of the hill, and slightly taking notice of the fact that he had covered three miles in what had felt to him like forty-five seconds, at most.

But now that he was up the hill, he looked out, his mouth hanging open, at the expansive terrain around him. Forest. Forest spreading out for miles and miles, until the treetops disappeared behind the horizon. There was no city, no town, not even a wisp of smoke in any direction. He fell to his knees, from both the sheer size of his predicament, and the fatigue from his run catching up with him. He hit the ground hard, dropping again to his hands, and stared down hopelessly at the expanse before him. He swallowed, his mouth dry, as he spotted a twisting river slithering through the forest like a hunting snake. "I should go there, get some water...and think up a plan." He told himself forcefully. "I may be the only one out here, but I still have to survive."

As he was about the stand, he heard the air stir with what sounded like wing beats, and then there were suddenly large hands wrapped around his waist. They were covered in large scaled, and Jonas swore he felt a feather dance across his bare back, but none of that registered as he felt a wet, pointed object poke at his already bruised ass, the sudden thrust just missing its obvious target.

"No!" Jonas shouted as loud as he could, and threw himself to the left. His right hand, balled into a fist, rose above him, and connected with what he hoped was the new creature's head. His fist had slammed into soft flesh, definitely covered in feathers, while his wrist bounced painfully off bone, or what must have been a beak. With a startled squawk coming from behind him, the hands released him. He shot a quick glance to his left as he stood up quickly.

The creature had indeed been a bird, what looked like a large vulture. It was momentarily stunned from the surprise attack, and Jonas took the opportunity to flee from his attacker. And again he ran, ran until he hit the bank of the river that ran before him. After checking that absolutely nothing accept the plants were nearby, he crouched down, keeping his ass as low as possible to protect it, and drank from the river. It was crystal clear, and some of the best water he had ever drunk. There were no particles running through the water, and even the bottom of the river never lost a grain of bright sand to the torrent.

Once Jonas was satisfied, he reached his hand back to rub the area where the bird had jabbed him with its cock. It was sore, and slick with the apprehensive animals lubricants. He sighed, and then lowered his body slowly into the river. He really needed to get the stuff off of him. The river itself wasn't flowing nearly as fast as it has looked from above, and he easily waded out into the water. Once he thought he was far away from the bank, he began to scrub, at first gently, and then more vigorously at the liquids in his ass. They were out within five minutes of high-intensity bathing, and he waded over to the other side of the river and hauled himself out, shaking himself thoroughly to get the excess water off of his skin. And with that, he was out of ideas. He still needed food, and shelter. As long as he stayed near the river, he would have water. Unfortunately, it made sense for other animals to stay near water too, and the only animals he'd seen had either tried to, or had successfully raped him. "I need a weapon." He said to himself with a firm nod. "And then I'll find somewhere to hole up for a while."

He picked a direction at random and began walking, hoping that he would, in fact, find anything at all that he could use. He still needed to find out where he was, how he had gotten there, and how he could get home. But taking one step at a time was a thing that one of his teachers had said once, and he intended to follow that saying. Hopefully, it would keep him alive as he continued to trek through the thick jungle.

Jonas was completely exhausted. He had no idea how long it had been, or what time it was now. He had learned to judge time by the position of the sun, but because there were five suns, that concept didn't work. In fact, the suns never seemed to move in the sun, though they had seemed to get dimmer as time went by. "What kind of place is this?" Jonas asked himself.

After what might have been another five minutes of walking, Jonas saw the edge of a clearing ahead of him. He aimed his path to cross in front of it, and began to move more quietly as he approached. He wanted to make sure the clearing was unoccupied before he entered.

It was, in fact, already taken. As Jonas neared the last line of trees and poked his head around a thick-trunked tree, he noticed the occupant. It was an enormous creature, and thankfully, its back was turned, and it didn't seem to take any notice of him. It was sitting down, and it reached an impressive fifteen feet in the air. Its large head was suspended five feet above its broad shoulders by a thick tube-like neck. Thick muscles covered every part of its body, emphasized by a close-fitting armor of black scales. Its long spine bulged slightly under the scales, and ran all the way down into a long tail, which lay still behind it. Jonas was about to turn and walk away, but as he stepped away from his tree, his foot snapped a dry twig beneath him. To Jonas, the sound must have echoed across the entire jungle, and to his dismay, the creature spread out two huge, leathery wings it had had folded to the sides of its body, clearing showing that he had been detected. Jonas froze, bracketed between two trees, and waited for the creature to turn on him.

"Thank you for coming, brother." The creature rumbled, not even turning its head to see who was actually there. "I'm glad that you have come."

All of the dramatic tension that had flooded through Jonas' mind faded instantly, and he simply stared dumbly at the creature. It had no idea that he was even there. He thought that he may be able to get away after all, but he still didn't move from where he stood.

"I know you took him, the human which I had claimed." The dragon said. "I want him back, brother. And if you won't return him peacefully..."

In a flash of movement, the creature was suddenly standing. It stood on all fours, and its height had dropped to seven feet. Nevertheless, the sharp claws and teeth that were shown to Jonas, diminished that fact quickly.

"I will take him by for-" The creature shouted, but stopped himself upon realizing that this brother of his was not there. He looked around dumbly for a moment, before he finally caught sight of Jonas, standing between the two trees with a mixture of fear, confusion, and fatigue on his face. "Oh, you're not my brother." It said.

"N-No." Jonas stuttered. Now he knew that he was screwed, possibly with both meanings of the word.

"Mmm, but you are a human." It half-purred, either pleased or amused by that fact. "Your kind is rare around here."

"There are others?" Jonas asked cautiously.

"There might be, but there are certainly a lot less of them nowadays." The creature replied. It then shot him a toothy smirk. "They tend to make very good prey animals."

Jonas half-whimpered, and took a step back. The creature chuckled and lay down on his stomach, losing the smirk and putting on a kind smile. "I was only joking. Come on, you look tired, and certainly lonely."

"I don't know..." Jonas said hesitantly. "Everything here has been trying to have sex with me, and how do I know you won't do the same?"

"I thought I could smell semen on you." The creature commented. "It has certainly been watered down, but at least I know my nose still works. Anyway, if anything, you'll need my protection if you don't want anyone to use you during the night. Don't worry, nothing around here would even think to approach me."

The creature held out a large, scaled hand towards Jonas, and put on a larger smile. "I promise, nothing bad will happen."

Jonas simply stared at the hand, contemplating the offer. Sure, he didn't want to be raped again, but he did he want to take the chance that the creature was lying to him in order to do just that. Then again, he had no idea if there was anything worse stalking around out there, looking for things like him to prey upon. So, without a second thought, Jonas stepped slowly towards the creature. It lowered its hand and raised his head, patting the ground just below where his neck had once sat. Jonas stepped forward and sat there, watching as the creature curled its flexible neck around him and began to watch him with a red eyeball about the size of his fist. It smiled again, closed its eyes, and then fell asleep.

Jonas simply leaned back tentatively against its neck, feeling the creature's warmth flow into his back, and its heavy pulse thudded over his spine. He looked up at the now rapidly dimming suns, and watched as their surfaces actually changed, moving from a burning colored ball to a cratered moon, like the one from home. Except these five moons mirrored the colors of the suns they had replaced. The sky, which had also been changing colors throughout the day, had suddenly turned into a black, starry sky, with no clouds to be seen. And suddenly, Jonas was hit with the most real thing since he had arrived in this place, because try as he might, he could not find any of the constellations he was familiar with. It was this overlooked fact that suddenly made Jonas feel completely and utterly alone.

"Where am I?" He whispered to himself, before lying on his side, his back pressed against the creature's neck, and falling asleep.