The Breeder of Doborunn chapter 1

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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This is a story commission that I have written for TheGrandPuppeteer

I apologize for being so absent these days.I got too much into the festive mood and grown kinda lazy with maintaining my gallery active. I'll do better from now on though, and after the holidays are over I will once again aim to provide you with content at least once per week or so ^^

Description: After arriving in the capital city of Ullonar, the furred dragon Naziran must navigate his way through the intricacies of the kingdom's customs to fulfill his life's simple purpose: that of planting his noble, virgin seed into worthy soil.

The characters featured in this story belong to me

***The Breeder of Doborunn chapter 1***

Naziran had heard of the gaudiness predominating the central parts of the kingdom of Ullonnar, but experiencing it firsthand bothered him more than he initially deemed possible. Since they considered the sight of naked fur a grave offense in public, the guards had sent him to the Gauger, a distinguished leopard with the very complex job of finding the right outfit to match his tones. For a most befuddling reason, this person didn't even work for the outfitter, so it fell to Naziran to memorize what the Gauger had gauged and relay the details to the outfitter.

Two hours later, and with more than ten pairs of hands to gaudy him up, Naziran looked like a proper Ullonnarian. Sounded like one too, given the clinking of ornamental plates at every step he took. A long, extravagant cloak covered his back, embellished by the leg and shoulder plates weighing Naziran's limbs. His belly and inner haunches fared even worse, the leather straps holding the embossed leather adornments in place tauter than he expected.

And what if he wanted to make his water? He wouldn't just let loose inside the garish flap they used to cover his genital slit, right? The very notion disgusted Naziran!

In order to distract himself from his predicament, Naziran focused more on the palace's interior. He barely caught a glimpse of its exterior in his rush to get garbed, so he made up for it by carefully analyzing the dazzling inside. Marble pillars stretched as tall as the eye could see to support the vaulted ceiling, clad in golden and light brown filigree. For every six feet, up until the top of the pillars, golden lamps stretched outwards, shaped in the form of dragon claws, clutching spheres of ethereal, auburn flames that basked the throne room with an eerie yet fascinating glow.

To add to the room's grandeur, huge, stained glass windows stretched left and right, painted with a thousand colors, the symmetry of their exquisite patterns very pleasant to the eyes. The royal colors flanked the windows, three progressively rising peaks on a field of resplendent orange.

It was almost a pity that such grand room stood positively empty. The Drakeguard who escorted Naziran, a sable colored gryphon by the name of Arrarak, had informed him that The Middle Vizier would see him in her private quarters, for reasons that puzzled Naziran. During formal visits, a Middle Vizier's place was in front of the throne, surrounded by councilors, so that they could whisper their suspicion into her ears.

"Aren't you going to bore me with dry tales of how such grandeur came into being?" Naziran's deep, rich voice broke the monotonous clatter of gryphon and dragon talons alike that pattered on the marble floor.

"Every visitor of Ullonnar should know its history," the gryphon responded, his nape feathers ruffling a little in veiled irritation. He must have dealt with a great many Breeders, this one, to the point where their incessant prattling got under his skin.

"Even if our only purpose is to share our seed with the high-ranking officials at your court? Because that requires a more specific--if a little less sophisticated--knowledge."

The gryphon's beak clattered in amusement. "Nervous, are you? It is a simple task, is it not?"

It was, but Naziran chose to purposefully omit the important detail where he only knew mating in theory, and not in practice. But then again, all he had to do was find his mark, and let his knot do the job.

Encouraged by his silence, the gryphon playfully patted Naziran's shoulder, his talons clinging against the silver-etched shoulderplate. "Worry not, dragon. Your performance is redundant, your presence here is fleeting, and your memory shall wither sooner than you expect. It is only your legacy that matters, and even they have no need of two parents. One is quite enough."

Naziran scoffed at the bird's vitriol. He must have escorted many breeders to the Middle Vizier's doors, each probably haughtier than the last.

Very well. Unlike the rest of them, Naziran wasn't here to torture the poor bird. For his sharp beak, he sure made up in looks, his shapely, dark colored rump bearing strong and fluid shapes that stirred the Breeder's interest. Where he came from, gryphons were a rare sight. The heat of a dry canyon city like Doborunn never agreed with them, and neither did the dust. Coarse and irritating, it had the tendency to get everywhere, especially under their feathers. As if that wasn't enough, the arid ground would burn their soft, smooth paw pads, a sight that provoked equal parts amusement and pity.

"I could say the same about the conspicuously low number of royal guards in the palace. I suppose there must be more to you than just escorting important figures like me to the Middle Vizier and guarding her day and night."

"Serving. That's all there is to me."

Given the devilish garb they had to wear, it was no wonder that every quadruped required a set of servants to help release them from elaborate bondage.

"Ah, serving," Naziran said, catching up to Arrarak so that he could look the gryphon in the eyes. "There is great fulfillment to be found in serving those who you believe in. I like to think that I serve the realm, uniting various people and cultures in spite of the differences they share."

"How do you do that?" The gryphon inquired.

Naziran lifted his head, allowing his lavish, auburn mane to spill past the sides of his striped neck. "With tact, charm, patience and intimate knowledge of the people I deal with. Know their wants, their aspirations, their dreams, and you win half the battle."

Arrarak didn't seem impressed with the idea of a scholarly Breeder. He led Naziran into one of the two corridors stretching on the sides of the throne, basked in the glow of the chandelier above it, the honeyed scent of fertility growing a tad more noticeable to Naziran's nostrils. He breathed it in, savoring its distinct fragrance that molded with the stale smell of the stone halls.

"It isn't going to be a battle." The gryphon's tufted tail swished left and right with renewed vigor, the furred tip twitching ever so slightly. "It isn't even going to be a proper courtship. You go in there, you fulfill your obligations to our alliance, and then return to your mundane existence."

"My dear feather, you honor me with your praise, but you're grossly overestimating my capabilities. I'm not one for schemes and plots. That's why I am a Breeder. Haven't we both agreed that we're servants?"

Arrarak shifted in front of Naziran, wings tucked to his sides, beak clamped shut, eyes smoldering with the flame of jealousy.

It took all of Naziran's power to suppress a grin. Of all the reactions he expected from the gryphon, overprotectiveness would have been the last.

"You serve whoever you serve, but I serve the Middle Vizier whose palace you found your way in. You shall be given the customary day to plant your seed in her, after which you will be escorted out of the palace and past our borders."

Poor, lustful bird. It seemed that a dragoness' heat enthralled the senses of not just dragons, but gryphons as well. Perhaps that was why the palace was so vacant, to keep the horny males from disturbing Karinaku with silly requests, if only to have a chance at stealing a glance of her moist slit.

"One day is quite enough, I assure you."

Wait. That came out wrong, but once the words had flown from Naziran's maw, there was no caging them back.

Arrarak, as expected, narrowed his eyes in suspicion, increasing his pace to such speed Naziran almost felt like they were running. It must have given the bird great satisfaction, to see a majestic furred dragon dragon lumbering through the corridors and up a stairway, his usually unrestrained body not accustomed to rapid walks or climbing stairs in a rush while clad in his gaudy apparel.

At the top of the stairway opened a spacious, circular room, illuminated by the customary magical flames burning within their golden sconces, completely devoid of windows. A golden dragoness with ivory horns and brown streaked wings guarded a single, massive wooden door inlaid with two peaks at the top and a series of flowing patterns and runes stretching under them.

"Inform the Middle Vizier that Naziran, Breeder of Doborunn, is here," Arrarak said to the dragoness, who used her magic to push the doors open and enter Karinaku's chambers. A rush of pheromones wafted out of the room, the aroma so pungent Naziran curled his tail around his haunches and looked around the tower just to keep his thoughts straight.

"You know the rules, Breeder. Keep a healthy distance from the Middle Vizier while you bear the ceremonial garb, speak only when she addresses you, and initiate intimate contact only after you both unburden yourselves of that which you wear."

"Simple, straightforward rules, with the exception of the part where, somehow, we grow hands instead of paws to unlace the hellish clasps and knots your people fastened."

The dragoness snarled in irritation, while Arrarak analyzed their paws, confused with the stark similarity between them.

"Ah, I understand. Vanity. A trait that everybody with your profession seems to possess." Arrarak let out a low squawk of disapproval and assumed his position on one side of the door, sitting on his haunches like a glorified sentry.

"Not vanity. Confidence. I am certain that my stubby toes would never find their way around your bindings."

Just before Arrarak had the chance to reply, the dragoness exited the room, stretching a wing invitingly towards Karinaku's chambers.

"I'm also certain that Doborunn has taught you the intricacies of our customs. Regardless, Karinaku is ready to receive you."

Naziran nodded, straightened his back and held his breath as he entered the room with slow, methodical footsteps, afraid that even the slightest of whiffs would trigger a most awkward reaction from his body. On the side of his vision, Arrarak and the dragoness began rubbing their heads together, chirping and purring, acting so cute towards one another he found it hard to believe that Arrarak was the same stern gryphon from before.

Once his paws found purchase on the lavish rug decorated with colorful patterns, the door sealed shut behind him, the soft thump making his heart leap within his chest. This was not how he expected this visit to unfold, sharing the same room with a dragoness--no, the Middle Vizier herself--at the peak of her heat.

And, worst of all, they were not alone. On each side of the door sat a male and a female anthro cougars, wearing flowing orange robes hemmed with silver, the colors of the Middle Vizier herself. White, flame-like stripes decorated the inferior parts of their robes, purifying tongue of flames that reached up to their belly, where they thinned and faded away.

"Don't sit by the door. Come inside. Make yourself comfortable. We'll be here a while."

Her words did little to quell the tension growing in his gut. Who were these people? And why were they here? Their amber eyes regarded Naziran with an aloof, dismissive air, as if they had seen his like around before.

"I...I suppose so," Naziran said, casting his eyes away from those unnerving figures, flicking his tongue over his snout, desperately trying to muffle the potency of her scent before it got to him. "It is the first time expected to perform in the company of others," he said awkwardly, trying to uphold the respectability of his rank.

"The first time he is with a female of any kind as well," the cougar lady added, her tongue as sharp as the fangs that she flashed at Naziran. "There is no room for overinflated male pride here, Breeder. Whether it takes you ten seconds or ten minutes to spill, it is your seed that has brought you here, and your seed the Middle Vizier needs inside her."

Karinaku giggled softly, her voice as subtle as the brown velvet sheets covering the four-post bed on the right side of the room, hemmed with gold and silver threading.

"Grysha can be quite curt, as you can see, but truthful nonetheless. Do not let their presence bother you. It is their hands that will eventually see us out of our ceremonial garb, rrrr?" Karinaku lifted a forepaw, flexing her stubby feline-like toes that couldn't possibly undo the knots and latches holding Naziran's attire in place.

To avoid any further surprises, Naziran looked around the room, searching for any other officials that might lie in hiding while recording the happenings of today. A proverbial boulder lifted off his heart when he realized they were alone, aside from the two stiffs guarding the door. So, he focused more on his surroundings, taking in the splendor of the Middle Vizier's room.

The tall, mahogany wooden posts of the bed were carved in the imperial fashion, thick in the middle and spiraling towards the top and bottom, thinning visibly. A wide coverlet was spread over the pillows at the top of the bed, decorated with swirling silvery patterns and small dots that resembled stars.

The bed wasn't the only impressive thing about this room. Its sheer size inspired awe, three of the walls adorned with paintings and tapestries. A balcony stretched where the fourth wall should have been, with three grand arches from the top of which golden tassels of silk dangled, swirling in the wind.

Karinaku stood beneath one such marble arch, sitting on her haunches, looking at the city sprawling below, the sun's rays making her soft fur appear absolutely radiant. Her feathered wings were neatly folded across her back, and her tail was curled around a haunch, as still as her frame. Naziran could barely spot the white stripes sweeping through her orange fur, and most of her fiery mane was covered by a cloak identical to his. Since she was a female, metal plates didn't burden her body; instead, she had a sleeker, more regal ritualistic garb, involving three flowing swaths of ornamented silk sewn together to represent the three peaks of Ullonnar.

Unlike the leather cladding his chest and belly, Karinaku's lush, snow-white belly fur was given ample room to breathe, only her flanks covered by the layers of gaudy silk.

"Not what you expected to find, rrr?" she asked as she turned her side to him, revealing the thin, embroidered leather shielding the external part of her haunches.

"You're right. The stories didn't mention just how immaculate your fur looks like, nor that it'd be covered in such...thorough fashion," Naziran said, only to chide himself with a low growl afterwards. That was a pathetic thing to say to the Middle Vizier inside her own home. Unwarranted, too. What was he thinking?!

Karinaku, however, snorted in amusement. "Do the stories often compliment the hindquarters of the Middle Vizier, Breeder?"

She turned her rump to him, lifting her tail just enough to reveal the layer of thin, diaphanous silk draped over underbelly, as white and pure as her fur. It complimented the rest of her garb quite nicely, were it not for the heat soaking into it. Her liquid lust turned the material semi-transparent, forcing it to mold across her nethers, outlining the shape of her swollen lips in quite the revealing fashion.

Naziran's claws protracted, nervously kneading at the rug under his paws. The lewd sight, combined with the smell of heat permeating the room, stirred a primordial part of him, one that cared little for custom. He felt himself hardening, his semi-erect tip knocking at the flap of leather covering his slit, the touch against its jarring surface forcing it back from whence it came.

Naziran's lips curled slightly, his hiss contained for the time being. He didn't know how to respond to her question, nor the etiquette behind their mating, so he simply moved around the room, adjusting his breathing to a slow pace, so as to avoid being overwhelmed by the alluring fragrance that permeated the room. His slit already tingled, willpower alone insufficient to keep his male instinct in check. And yet, Naziran had to fight against his instincts, as Ullonnarian custom decreed that only the female was allowed to initiate the breeding ritual.

"I hope Arrarak hasn't given you too much trouble," Karinaku eventually broke the silence. "He is very...dedicated to his task. That's what makes him so cute. You should see how flustered he is around me. All males are, especially now. But that is about to change, now that you're here."

Karinaku curled her head around, her striking vermilion eyes freezing Naziran on the spot. Her head had soft, elegant features, with a delicate, adorable snout and cute, furred ears that turned white towards their tips. She wore a golden tiara, engraved with silvery runes and adorned with rubies. The tiger-like stripes on her forehead looked even more striking on her brow than they did on the rest of her body, contrasting with the pristine orange of her silky fur.

"Naziran, Breeder of Doborunn, I wish to skip every other prerequisite formality and engage into the act of copulation that saw you to my chambers. You may now approach me."

Naziran did, only for his heart to lodge in his throat as Karinaku raised a sudden paw to stop his advance.

"Not yet, Farrun. You will know when your time comes. It'll be quite...revelatory," Karinaku purred at the male cougar, only to scowl at Naziran. "Breeder, forward. Your indecision may lead to misunderstandings about your sexual preferences, rrr?"

Naziran snorted dismissively at the mere notion, approaching the regal dragoness with slow, timid steps. He desired her; he lusted for her far more than she believed. Only his panic kept him placated. After all, she wasn't just his first female, but the Middle Vizier herself. What if he did something that offended her? Or worse, what if his seed rushed out of him too soon?

The touch of Karinaku's snout against his cheek drew a soft yip out of him. The male suddenly fell back on his haunches, a forepaw lifted tentatively, uncertain whether he should touch Karinaku or not.

The dragoness answered that dilemma for him, lowering her neck to receive his paw upon the shawl draped around it.

"Do not be uneasy. In this room, we are but a male and a female, absent lofty ranks."

Naziran couldn't help but curl his head back at the two cougar servants that now chatted with each other, eyes gleaming mischievously as they shot him veiled, furtive glances. "Male and female and two dignified servants."

"Do not concern yourself with them. All you should focus on is what's in front of you."

Karinaku's neck rubbed against his, the ornamental plates dotting Naziran absorbing all of Karinaku's affection. Both of the dragons growled at that, Karinaku's softer, amused sound contrasting with Naziran's graver tone.

"Apologies. I haven't been with a male clad in our martial attire. It's...quite effective at blocking intimacy," she warbled, licking at Naziran's cheek instead.

Every muscle in the male's body stiffened, and his genital slit shuddered every time her tongue dragged along the thin, smooth fur of his muzzle. It made no sense, for the Middle Vizier to apologize to him, or for her to take the lead.

Her words came back to him, reassuring him, comforting him, melting away the reluctance dwelling in his frame. She was a female in heat, in need, finally presented with a pair of worthy seed. Armed with this realization, Naziran's timid tongue fled its shelter, touching Karinaku's fur for the first time, tasting the subtlety of her saliva as she playfully curled her tongue around his.

"Reh!" Naziran yelped, darting his head back.

Karinaku licked her lips in a salacious, playful manner, her purr flaring to a brighter pitch. "What's the matter? I thought you Breeders were well versed in the art of foreplay."

He didn't answer that question. His heart hammered against his chest, and trepidation moistened the pads of his paws, turning them slick and improper of touching Karinaku's majestic body. If it wasn't for her maddening aroma, Naziran would have kept himself together, but with every breath he took, the tingles in his slit amplified, forcing his half-erect member to bulge against the crotch pad of his attire.

"You are right, nonetheless. Affection can wait. It is something else that you're after, something far more subtle and inconspicuous." She trilled joyfully, tucking her haunches inward, lowering her tail to hide her femininity from him.

What had gotten into this female? A moment ago, she wished naught but to engage in the act of copulation, and now she played games with him? The mysteries of the opposite gender made Naziran's head spin, as did the thick, pungent trail of pheromones wafting from between her haunches.

Driven to his limits by her constant teasing, as well as the pressing impulses of his body, Naziran sneaked his head under her tail, between her haunches, nuzzling at the moist, diaphanous silk glued to her lips. Karinaku's legs immediately parted, the front half of her body resting on the floor while she hoisted her inferior half up into the air.

"Found it, didn't you?" She warbled playfully, her lips shuddering with every soft moan that came when Naziran dragged the tip of his snout along her fleshy, heat-stricken lips. "A shame it is...grrr....covered."

Naziran barely noticed the approaching Grysha, or the flick of Karinaku's wing used to dismiss her at the edge of his vision. His entire focus was now directed at Karinaku's sex, at feeling the heat blazing through her puffed up lips through the gauzy material, at tasting the rich nectar clinging to it. Due to how thin the sheet of silk was, Naziran had her flesh exposed before his very nostrils. Only...he couldn't enter her. Try as he might to poke his tongue against her coverings, they never allowed him between her fleshy folds, blocking his path at every twist and turn.

Reason left Naziran, replaced by the wild, untamed instinct to breed. His snout bucked into Karinaku's covered folds, her sudden moan music to his ears. His tongue lashed out at the material, slurping every droplet of thin, translucent honey clinging to it while his fangs attempted to nibble and tear the devilish covering.

When Grysha intervened a second time, the cougar only managed to undo a side of Karinaku's nether coverings before clarity flooded Naziran's glazed eyes, the Breeder driving her away with a loud, possessive roar.

With part of the silken sheet hanging loose over Karinaku's inner haunch, Naziran's tongue wormed its way between the material and Karinaku's bare, exposed pussy, licking at her fevered flesh wildly, hungrily.

Karinaku's haunches began to tremble. Claws left their sheaths, tearing gashes into the carpet while her tail wrapped around Naziran's throat comfortingly, pulling him against her nethers encouragingly.

Soft, shuddering whines left Naziran's throat at sampling the bounty of her heat. Her smooth flesh burned with the throes of heat, trembling at every stroke of his tongue, the sudden motions producing more of that intoxicating nectar that enslaved his senses to but one will: That of breeding Karinaku.

Naziran grabbed the swathe of silk covering her nethers between his fangs, then jerked his head to the side, tearing it violently to expose the entirety of Karinaku's sex to his whims. Her tight, engorged lips finally free of their oppressive prison, Naziran buried the tip of his snout into her, sinking his nostrils into her slick sanctuary, moaning at how utterly divine she smelled and tasted.

His spine arched, driving his haunches forward in a sudden, jerky thrust. The motion jarred his tight, imprisoned meat, yet the tingles of pleasure rushing through his spaded, virgin tip overpowered the initial discomfort. He didn't want to do it, given how stiff and restrictive the plates and leathers felt to his frame, yet his body acted out of its own accord, guided by the instinct flaring bright within him.

One of his forepaws fell possessively on the top of Karinaku's haunches, his hindpaws scrambling for purchase as his hindquarters continued to buck at the air. He drank deep of her heat, his tongue tracing the swollen shape of her lips to savor their radiating warmth before it ventured deep inside her, where her honey clung to her smooth, quaking walls. Whenever he did that, the thrusts of his haunches gained amplitude, and his member hardened more and more, driving the pressure exerted upon the crotch pad to almost unbearable levels.

Though there was a level of discomfort, Naziran's overcharged senses ignored it completely. His mind swam in the sea of these new delights provided by Karinaku's pussy at the front, and the swaying of his haunches at the back. A male that had never shot his seed needed little in the way of comfort, and with the necessary stimulation, Naziran felt on the verge of breaking loose inside his very crotchpad due to the pressure welled within it.

Tendrils of precum began to slip past the edges of his soaked crotchpad, his whines and moans acquiring a graver pitch, the wrinkles formed along his muzzle turning more and more prominent, becoming a snarl that heralded his release.

Naziran barely noticed one of the servants dashing over to him. With his snout pressed against Karinaku's sex, he couldn't see what they did; only to feel it. All of a sudden, the pressure holding his cock back vanished, allowing the slick, precum-laden meat to burst into the open.

Now that his cock was finally released from its prison, it acquired full mast in less than five heartbeats, his entire length slathered in the precum he had constantly leaked thus far. Karinaku eyed his engorged knot hungrily, her lips curling with want, a growl of longing simmering in her throat.

Despite the attire weighing both of their frames, Naziran immediately lunged at the dragoness, straddling her, burying his cock through her soaked vent in one swift, overwhelming thrust. His bloated knot thumped against her entrance, its girth inflated beyond what even Karinaku's fleshy folds could take. Try as he might to push it in, Naziran couldn't, his attempts made feebler by the pressure rising in his groin.

Unable to contain it, the male's forepaws squeezed Karinaku's middle tighter, every metal plate on his body rattling from the feverish steps of his hind paws as he desperately, instinctively tried to find a proper angle to push his knot into his mate. Her nethers squeezed at him from every side, teasing the ridges underlining his cock, caressing the spaded tip of his cock in the most gentle and erotic fashion known to the virgin male.

His senses stretched to their limits, Naziran surrendered to the fiery torrent building at the base of his member, unleashing it into Karinaku with a sharp, high-pitched yowl. Thick ropes of virgin cum exploded out of his bloated tip, splattering against the female's eagerly clamping walls, bathing her with his nurturing, life-giving essence.

Naziran's yowl faded into broken growls as the throbs wracking his shaft failed to subside. Years of suppressed longing leaked out of him and unto his mate, the creamy jets quickly filling her, until they began to overflow past her outstretched lips.

When Naziran finally began to taper off, the male instinctively dismounted Karinaku. In doing so, his excess cum splattered down her vent, soaking the silk and leather embellishing her lower belly and inner haunches. One final, delayed spurt also caught him across the belly, splattering across the metal plates there, only to drip drip drip down onto the carpet below.

He stumbled back a few steps, head spinning with the afterglow of his first ejaculation. Unable to stand straight after his exertion, Naziran crumpled onto his side, panting in great, audible fulfillment.

***End of chapter 1***

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