Freedom in a Cage - Chapter 9

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#9 of Freedom in a Cage

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Warning: The product you are about to view has not been approved by the FDA, ESRB, PEGI, Energy Star, or any other rating or screening agency. It contains non-consensual sexual intercourse, violence, blood, and should be treated as inefficient, psychologically damaging, and an overall health risk to any single person or group of persons. Do not ingest with alcohol and/or citrus-based beverages.

"Ten wins? That's not bad at all." Viridan commented, looking up as Jonas strode into the cage. "I remember when I had ten wins like it was yesterday. I went and got an eleventh."

"Thank you," Jonas replied sarcastically, sitting down against the dragon's side. Viridan coiled his head around to Jonas' side, his eye at shoulder level. "Didn't you just win a match?"

"Yes, in fact I now have eighteen wins." The dragon replied, and began to slowly lick away the semen that still covered his cock. Now that both dragons had done this for him, he was beginning to feel that there was an underlying cause for it. He had originally thought that Zereck had done it to keep him away from Viridan, and Viridan did it to build their friendship and ultimately keep him away from Zereck. But they both seemed to do it so naturally, with no hint of scripting at all. It was almost as if they had done it for their entire life.

Jonas' cock was soon clear of the leftover semen, but Viridan continued to lick away at the head of his penis. When Jonas felt him begin to suck lightly on it, he patted the dragon's snout and pushed him away, a shiver running through him as his cock slid out from between his saliva-slickened lips.

"That's enough, thank you." He said, and shuffled the other direction a slight ways. He then lay down on the floor, pressing his back firmly up against the warm scales that rose like a wall behind him. Viridan carefully dropped a wing over him, much like a large blanket, and they both fell asleep together.


Down the hall, in a cage by himself, Zereck paced angrily. In a matter of hours, he would secure his twenty-ninth victory against that traitorous human boy, and both cause his brother pain and take his revenge for the boy's betrayal. But still, he felt like it wasn't enough. He wanted to really hurt them, make them fear his name and very presence. But he had no clue how.

"Damn them both," Zereck murmured to himself with a sigh, and turned back to the door of his cell. At that moment, another contestant was being dragged past, his anus spread quite widely from his last match. Zereck stared at the spread hole as it moved slowly before him, and an idea struck him. A cunning and pleased smile creased his lips, and as soon as he heard the door slam shut on the other creature's cage, he called for the guard.

"Give me your earpiece," Zereck commanded. "I want to speak with the producers directly."

The guard hesitated for a moment, taken aback by the order from his prisoner. Nevertheless, he called up the producers himself. After a quite brief conversation, he slipped the earpiece out of his ear and slipped it between the open bars, depositing it in Zereck's outstretched hand. With a bit of maneuvering, he got it fitted into his own ear hole.

"What can we do for you tonight, Zereck?" A voice on the other end said. It had a frequently-found reptilian accent.

"I heard you wanted some drama from my brother and his little 'friend'." Zereck said pointedly. "Well, I have a proposition for you."

"We are listening," The reptilian voice replied.

"Turn off the boy's rubberizer during my match with him tomorrow." Zereck practically commanded. "It will leave the boy crippled and afraid for a few days, and spark some anger towards me from my brother. I'm sure you know how much the public loves sibling rivalries."

There was a pause from the voice on the other end of the conversation. Zereck had expected them to confer amongst themselves, but he knew that this was something that they would not pass up.

"Alright, the rubberizer has been turned off." The reptilian voice said. "We expect good things from this, because whether you win or lose, our ratings are going to shoot up tomorrow."

"My victory is guaranteed. The boy has no idea of my power." Zereck said, and then took the earpiece out of his ear. He threw the piece back through the bars to the guard, who caught it clumsily before walking away, muttering something to himself. Zereck didn't care what the guard thought of him or his demands. Come tomorrow, He would have that young traitor on his knees beneath him, begging for mercy. With a contented smile, and what was probably a maniacal chuckle, he drifted off to sleep.


"Hey, human, wake up." The guard shouted, rattling the bars noisily. "You have a match."

"This early?" Jonas asked, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. The noise also woke Viridan, who lifted his head to look directly at the guard.

"You're coming too, dragon." The guard said. "Your brother demanded it."

"And if I refuse?" Viridan asked pointedly.

"Then you will be stripped of your wins instantly." The guard replied sternly.

"What? Zereck had no grounds to do that." He shouted.

"No, but the producers do." The guard retorted, allowing Jonas, who was already waiting by the door, out of the cage. "Now are you coming or not?"

Viridan gave an angry growl. "Fine."

The guard led Jonas to the arena door, and then left to take Viridan into the crowd. Jonas took a gulp of air as the door before him opened wide, and he stepped forward into the familiar, dusty ring. The crowd was already cheering at a deafening loud volume, but it only rose as Zereck stalked slowly forward from the other side of the ring. He had his head low, hiding his maniac grin from everyone but Jonas. He had never before understood Viridan's hatred for his brother, but he had a terrible feeling that he would find the underlying cause firsthand.

A suspenseful pause seemed to pass before the buzzer finally sounded, and Zereck was moving in a flash. Jonas barely had any time to dive out of the way before the dragon's body hurtled through the space that he had once occupied. The body ran and leapt around him like a tornado, giving him no time to analyze a flaw in Zereck's strategy. Not that Jonas had been expecting to find one in the first place.

At one point, Zereck charged headlong towards him, and Jonas jumped straight at him. The charging dragon's snout collided with his chest, and he was flung back with colossal force. He hit the wall that surrounded the ring, and it stretched back like rubber to absorb the kinetic forces that had been applied to him. Once all of the energy had dissipated into the wall, he was flung back into the arena as the wall bounced back into shape. Jonas was dazed from both his impact with Zereck and his impact with the ground, but he leapt to his feet to avoid losing then and there.

When Jonas had recovered enough to see straight, he saw Zereck stalking around him in a tight circle, much like a tiger circles a wounded gazelle before it feasts. And suddenly, he pounced. Jonas threw himself to the right, but felt a foot catch his back, and he was forced to the ground. He struggled against the tremendous weight as the huge shadow slid over him. He felt a great source of heat drape itself almost gently onto his back. An unmistakable, tapered object briefly rubbed against his now expose ass, the tip itself larger than the hole. Zereck gave a small thrust forward, not enough to earn victory there, but enough to show Jonas that something was wrong. His anus didn't spread out to accommodate the cock, like it should have. Just then, Zereck's wings draped down around both of them, allowing no light to reach Jonas. All he felt was the dragon's body heat against his back, and now his hot breath wafting against his ear.

"There are billions of people enjoying this fight, right now," Zereck whispered softly. "But none of them will enjoy this more than I will..."

The crowd watched in apprehension as they waited for the ball of leathery membrane to unfold itself. They were silent, completely apprehensive for the result of the fight. And suddenly, a scream unfolded itself like a blanket across the audience. None of the people in the crowd, or watching from afar, had ever heard a scream of such pure pain before in their lives. There was no cheering, no shouting, no noise whatsoever as the scream flowed and then ebbed away into nothingness. And suddenly, the ball unfurled itself in a flurry of motion, and the dragon that had created it now stood tall, the human boy firm speared on his cock, and blood of the purest red pouring like water to the ground below.

Jonas' vision was flashing. Black, white, red, and a dozen other colors he didn't even know reality could appear in. He wasn't breathing; he knew that was too painful. Moving was painful too. Just being alive at that point hurt like hell. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened. He remembered the painful seconds waiting for the cock to penetrate him, and then, as if in slow motion, he felt the cock slide into him, stretching him far beyond his capacity. Then, he felt literally every nerve ending in his anus tear in two as his skin and pelvis were torn apart. Next, he remembered the cock sliding deep into his bowels messing those up too. And then he was where he was now, staring down at the ground in shock as blood, his blood, poured down beneath him.

He heard no outside sounds, only his own heartbeat. He felt nothing except the intense pain, and the throbbing cock still lodged inside him. He didn't feel any changes to his body as he was lowered to the ground, and he didn't feel the dirt as he hit it. He very clearly felt as the cock slid in and out of him, slickened by his own blood. He tried to say something, to beg for him to stop, to say anything, but he couldn't feel his mouth either. He didn't feel the passage of time, only each thrust that entered him. He felt no sense of loss or disgrace as the cock deep inside him began to throb more and swell, stretching him farther. He did, though feel the massive flood of semen that exited the cock within him at that very second. The sticky solution felt like lava being poured into his already extremely sensitive wounds. Thankfully, he suddenly felt no more pain as his senses faded into darkness, and he fell unconscious.

Viridan stared in shock at the scene before him. His brain couldn't comprehend his emotional mix quickly enough, so he simply sat there in the middle of a million other bodies as his brother deposited the spent, and probably dying, Jonas on the ground and walked away. Jonas didn't move. There wasn't even a twitch to show that he knew that it was over. That was when a single emotion rose above the tangled mess in Viridan's mind, fear. He leapt forward, taking flight in the middle of the crowd, and soaring straight towards Jonas. He hit the ground much too hard and too fast, but it wasn't his safety that he was concerned with at the moment. He lay down close to the boy, and began to lick his wounds to clean them. The dragon was a natural-born predator, with a taste for blood, but the blood of his friend left an awful taste in his mouth.

He was just about done when he was violently pulled backwards, away from Jonas' body, as medics from all different species gathered around him. Viridan flailed and writhed, trying to break his captor's grip, but to no avail. He watched helplessly, roaring pleadingly at the medics as they carried Jonas away from him, and back into the complex beneath the arena itself. Once Jonas was out of sight, and Viridan had stopped struggling, his captors released him, and he was instantly on his feet, following the thick trail of blood that plastered Jonas' scent across his nose. He chased after the medics as fast as he could, his mind not wandering off his single-minded goal to protect his friend. And though his brain was working a mile a minute to finish sorting out all of the rampant emotions, he still couldn't hope to fathom the pure rage he felt for his brother at that moment.