Blood & Carrots - Episode 1

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#1 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

*Author Notes*

Welcome to Blood & Carrots.

Let me take a moment to explain just what you are getting into with this. This is my first attempt to write into the paranormal genre and my second kemonomimi style serial.

Paranormal is tricky for me because I don't read/watch any of it. I will do my best and try to do what research I can on things I struggle with, but at the end of the day, it's going to be my spin on things. As always though, I will do my best for you!

The biggest thing to make note of here is this is NOT a heterosexual only story. You will see a variety of scenes throughout the course of this story including same-sex couplings and multiple partner scenes. I realize this may be a deal-breaker for some, so I put this note here as a warning. I would feel bad for someone to get invested, then slam into a wall of sex they hated to read.

If you read my other stuff, you know I'm a fan of a slow burn build-up. This does not have that, the sex will show up pretty soon and often. Doubtful you will have more than one episode of fluff between scenes once it gets rolling. Make no mistake though, there is plenty of story here and I hope you enjoy it.

Finally, I've tried to level up my editing and formatting a bit for this story. Hopefully, it reads better than my previous ones.

I hope you enjoy it.

Episode 1:

Am I going to become a monster?

"Did you enjoy your respite my pet? You looked so adorable with your head in my lap. Of course I didn't have the heart to wake you." I practically purr the words as I sit there in the bed with your head resting on my lap.

"Ah, you want to hear about how we got here and how this all came about?" I could feel my small fluff of a tail flick in amusement. "Ah, the curiosity of youth." I click my tongue as I collect the wine glass from the nightstand. "Where to start... where to start..."

I nod my head before deciding on a starting point. "I must have been out of my mind; I'm sure that was the lines of the thought process that must have been rolling around in my empty skull that night. It was all a blur and truth be told, still is to this day."

"I was never the type for flights of fancy, I had never even had sex before that night. I know, I know... A rabbit in her mid-twenties and still a virgin? But all the breeding stereotypes, right? Oh, believe me, I heard my fair share of them."

I give a shrug of my shoulder while rolling the wine glass in my hand, watching the deep crimson liquid rise up the edges as if threatening to slosh out. "I suppose sex didn't have much appeal back then. I was too focused on life. You know, education, bills, staying in shape..."

My left ear lifts and flicks at the request, the myriad of rings in it shining in the low light of the bedroom. "Oh? You want to hear the stories of an old rabbit so desperately?" I feel a grin forming, my sharp canine-like teeth showing before I took a sip of the crimson in my glass. "Ha... very well my pet, but only because I find you so adorable when you're curious..."


'Alice, we had to put a rush on that order tonight, can you get the invoice sorted? I'm very sorry about this.'

I scanned the email with a scowl on my face, my blue eyes narrowing as I felt my heart sink. It was one of those situations where it was formed as a question, but I damn well knew it wasn't optional. The request was about as sincere as the apology attached to it. No doubt my boss was already pulling out of the parking lot as she sent this email from her phone. "Bitch..."

"The look on your face says we aren't carpooling home, Alice." One of my co-workers spoke out to me from in front of my desk, his messenger bag already in hand. I don't recall his name now, all I remember was he was one of the few rabbits in the office other than myself. I had a little crush on him, but never had the courage to pursue it.

"No... I suppose not." I grumbled the words and sighed before pushing myself from the desk and moving to the break room to get a fresh pot of coffee going. It was going to be a late Friday of work.

It was a large invoice and took another three hours to put together. The coffee got me through it but I nodded off at my desk for about an hour, so it was well after ten in the evening when I finally left the office. I gave the janitors a bleary nod as I walked out yawning and made my way to my car.

My stomach rumbled and I recalled I hadn't eaten since lunch and there would be no food waiting for me at the house since I had been broke until today. I sighed at the wheel of my car, my bangs of blonde hair flittering into my face before I brushed them aside and lifted my snow-white ears.

"Well, sleep or food, what's it gonna be?" I spoke the words as I shifted my car into drive and pulled out of the parking lot, deciding my destination would be one of the twenty-four-hour grocery stores. No way in hell I was getting fast food and ruining my entire week of working out at the gym. Of course, the store was in the opposite direction of my apartment, adding twenty more minutes to my commute. I would be lucky if I were home by midnight at this rate.

Parking the car I made my way into the store and quickly as I could, I gathered up enough food to last the weekend and was at the register in record time. Unfortunately something must have went wrong with my paycheck deposit, the card was declined. I apologized to the cashier and left feeling embarrassed as well as keenly feeling the pains of hunger now, knowing it was going to be a long night.

My feet felt heavy as I made my way back to my car, ears sagged as I let out a defeated sigh. My stomach ached and my brain felt fuzzy. My heart was slightly jittery from all the caffeine on an empty stomach, seeing as I had put away multiple cups of coffee at the office. Had I known this would happen I would've stolen someone's old lunch out of the fridge before I left.

"You look like you're having a bad night, cute little coneja." The words came to my ears halfway to my car. I vaguely remember my Spanish classes from high school and quickly gathered the words were for me, not that anyone else was in the parking lot right now.

I said I hadn't had sex, not that I hadn't had my fair share of awkward pickup attempts. There were no fucks to give on this night and I clenched my teeth before jerking my head around towards the person speaking.

"Look, you ass. Why don't you go and-" The words choked in my throat as I made eye contact with the man. My heart lurched to a halt, then ramped up and pounded in my ears as they lifted sharply.

"Why don't I go and what?" He spoke out with a knowing grin, his words dripping with confidence, seeing he had already hooked my attention. He looked like he belonged on the cover of a fashion magazine. He wore a leather jacket that was open, with a tight black shirt that hugged every crease and ridge in his manicured chest down to the well-defined abs that ended at the base of his tight black pants. The pants looked of some shiny material like leather. Regardless it hugged his legs and crotch equally tight. I half wanted to look around to see if there was a motorcycle around.

"Um... I-I..." He reeked of desire and even a clueless virgin like me could smell it on him. He stunk of a desperate rut and I could feel it tearing my willpower down just looking upon him. My eyes couldn't seem to control themselves as they scanned the rest of him. Everything on him was appealing for some reason, from the heavy black boots to the large pointed ears that jutted out of his messy dark hair. He had large leathery black wings that folded over his shoulders and his skin was of a deep tan that looked more natural than forced.

I know what you're thinking, a bat? Really, a fucking bat? I can't make this stuff up though, that's just the way it played out I suppose. Of course the irony was lost on me at that particular moment.

Something on a primal level screamed into my brain. It told me to tuck my tongue back, shut my mouth and look away from him before it was too late. Being a clueless bunny, I ignored it.

"What's your name little rabbit?" He spoke the words in a fluid accent, the r's rolling off his tongue making a shiver seem to move up my spine in the process.

His maroon eyes met mine and I snapped the response out as if following a command. "A-Alice! M-my name is... Alice." It felt like a struggle to form the words, I remember that quite clearly. My subconscious was screaming at me to step away and get in my car, but my feet wouldn't move.

"That's a lovely name, Alice. My name is Luciano..." He practically purred the words as he moved to within arms reach of me. I let out a weak gasp as his hand touched my cheek and blinked wide into his eyes. They seemed to grow brighter, more red than maroon like I had perceived them before.

My memory is nothing but a haze from there. I couldn't tell you why he was there of all places. You would read about how someone like him would be at a bar or club, not the grocery store.

I didn't make it home that night. I found myself in bed with a bat that randomly plucked me up out of a parking lot. I don't remember a lot, but I remember the sex was mind breaking. He had me drooling and panting like a dog in heat. Ultimately, I lost a lot more than my virginity that night.


My ears flicked upwards again and I brought myself back from my little story. "What's that? You wanted the intimate details?" I give you a smile and shake my head. "Alas, I can't give you the details I do not have, my pet... as I said, that night was a haze to me."

"What happened to Luciano?" I purse my lips and felt my tongue brush over the sharp fangs within my mouth in thought, a habit I picked up years ago. "Well he's dead, or I suppose more accurate to say... more finally dead?"

A smile plays on my lips, of course that would be the next question. I was quite enjoying this romp down memory lane so I was happy to oblige. "Alright my pet, but if you keep me talking like this, I may become parched and ask you for another drink..."


My first clear recollection of the night was after the fact. My body was worn out and weak for a variety of reasons. I still hadn't come to grips with what had happened, the haze of it all still clouding my mind. I laid there clinging to Luciano in bed, dozing in and out of consciousness.

You can imagine my surprise when a heavy booted kick busted the door of the bedroom open and two more people arrived on the scene. A large hulking wolf of a male easily reaching seven feet in height and a much smaller female cat. She looked more around my height at a much more modest four and a half or so. I'm taking my ears into account there, she probably had almost half a foot more on me without that.

Luciano was quick to act and I don't mean athlete reflexes quick, I mean he seemed to be on the other side of the room in a blink of an eye, kind of speed. He was bare ass naked but had somehow gotten a large caliber handgun in his grip and had it trained on the wolf.

The black cat hissed out towards the bat. "Luciano! The council warned you about this sort of behavior! Under orders of the Marquis, you are to come with us. You will explain yourself before him and the council!" She stretched her fingers out towards the bat as she spoke. I distinctly recalled her thumb and forefinger were dripping with blood, I wasn't sure why I so heavily focused upon the blood until after the fact.

"I told you lot before, I'm my own man, I don't follow your rules. I found the rabbit fetching and wanted to keep her as a pet." Luciano sneered the words, shifting the aim of the gun between the cat and the wolf. "Also this is loaded with silver rounds, don't get cute, Fido!"

The cat gave the large wolf a simple nod. "Then you should have scavenged the wilderness for homeless and campers. This is our city and you follow our laws. Since you refuse to do so or answer to our lord for your crimes, we will carry out your sentence here and now."

The wolf changed before my eyes in a matter of a heartbeat. He already looked huge and powerful before, but now he was near ten feet in height. He added several dozen pounds of muscle as well as a thick coat of brown fur that covered his body, matching his tail and ears. I did the only sensible thing my mundane brain could think to do at that point. I clung to the sheets around me, before proceeding to have a panicking fit and begin crying.

Everything was a blur, but what I do know is Luciano fired off three rounds from the time the wolf was changing, to the time he was on top of him. The cat did something because each round seemed to ricochet off some sort of invisible force in the air. I recall seeing one of the smashed bullets land on the bed sheets before me, spattered in blood. It was only after the fact I learned she was using blood thaumaturgy to deflect the rounds in mid-flight.

It was pretty much over before it started. Have you ever heard someone being torn limb from limb? I won't go over the gory details with you but suffice to say it's a sound you never forget. There was blood everywhere, so much blood and a majority of it may have been mine originally.

A few moments later the wolf was looming over me and the cat was standing to the side of the bed. I looked between the two of them in panic, sobbing with tears rolling down my face, my brain unable to process all of what had just transpired.

"This one... we kill her too?" The wolf snarled the broken words through his blood-soaked snout, his razor hooked paws flexing eagerly.

"Down boy... he may have not wanted to answer for his crimes, but she may yet be a productive member of our court. We will let the Marquis and council decide what to do with her." The smaller woman spoke the words in a calming voice to the wolf.

The dog growled his disapproval, his eagerness to kill obvious but stepped back and in a blink of an eye was back to his original form. His gore covered clothes were torn into shreds and hung loosely on his form.

I felt her bloody fingertips brush my cheek and guide my face to her own. The sensation was eerily familiar to when Luciano had done it in the parking lot. Her blood-red eyes met mine and I heard her words come to me almost as if delayed. "You poor thing... sleep now, when you wake it will be clearer to you." Then darkness overwhelmed me and I found myself in a deep dreamless slumber.


"Oh, you expected my story to be one of romance and elegance? The two of us having a long dreamy romance before tragedy struck, leaving me alone and crushed?" I find the amusement creeping into my voice. "Ah, not to worry my pet. My story has plenty of romance and sex to be had, but not with Luciano. He was the catalyst, nothing more, and nothing less."

I take another sip from my glass, while the next questions came, a small giggle erupting from my throat. "So full of questions tonight. You finally got me talking, so you're going to ride me for all I'm worth eh? How long have you been bottling these up?"

"Well you are cute, so I suppose I can indulge you a bit further. I apologize if I get long-winded, it happens when you get along in years." I give a small grin as I collect my thoughts to continue.


I woke up hungry, no. I woke up ravenous and starving. My eyes fluttered open to the dim light of the room I was in. I had gone from satin sheets on a king-size bed, to a flat pillow on a hardwood floor. I sat up and blinked my eyes a few times to get my bearings but it just made me feel dizzy. I had to shut them again, whimpering as I held a hand to my head.

"You're going to have to focus on looking around slowly at first. If you try to do it normally, you will just make yourself sick." The voice came to me calmly and gently, but vaguely familiar.

I weakly cracked my left eye open, blinking slowly and trying to stare straight ahead. I could see the cat from earlier, she was kneeling down before me. Her eyes were no longer red, looking more of a green with flecks of copper in them. Her face was round and in this calm moment, I could see she had a natural curviness to her figure.

"I'm... hungry..." I spoke the words weakly, my own voice sounding foreign in my ears. I didn't feel I had spoken loudly but it made them ache, as if I had been screaming at the top of my lungs.

"I know you are sweetie, we will get you something soon enough." Her words came out in a whisper, sounding doting and motherly.

I racked my brain trying to sort out all the details. Sex, blood, murder, and werewolves? Was I losing my mind? I couldn't focus on any of it though, I only had one thing on my mind. I was hungry, really really hungry.

A ragged huff escaped my throat and I felt my nails digging into the wood of the floor beneath me. "I- I'm starving..."

"I know you are sweetie, soon. I promise..." The cat again whispered the words gently, as if comforting a child that had fallen and injured its self.

I had never been quick to anger in my life. I had always been the kind of rabbit that took everything in stride, it took an extreme amount of effort to rile me up. However, in this case, I felt fury and rage well up inside me almost instantly. A level of anger and frustration I had never felt before in my entire life. All the slights of a lifetime, it paled in comparison to this moment and my hunger.

"Soon isn't good enough!" I snarled the words and snapped my eyes open, my vision filled with red. I only saw her as I lunged forward and crashed into a set of steel bars. I gazed around my surroundings while snarling, seeing I was in a large sturdy cage of some sort.

The cat didn't so much as flinch, she seemed fully expectant of my reaction and sat there on her knees, looking me over like a concerned parent would. It just pissed me off all the more. I grabbed the bars of the cage and pulled at them. I heard the metal whine and groan under the strain, but it wouldn't give.

"I said, I'm hungry! Stop saying fucking soon and get me some food, now!" I spat the words out at the cat before me. My spittle hitting her small black ears, spattering across her short cut red hair and over her cheek.

Again she didn't seem surprised and showed no signs of annoyance or anger. She took a moment and composed herself before opening her eyes once more. The green of her eyes was replaced with a deep crimson as she spoke out authoritatively towards me. "Soon."

The look in her eyes rattled my fury, it brought the roaring inferno down to a smolder. I was still pissed off, but it was doused slightly by a different sensation, fear. I bit my lip and jerked my head away in frustration, then flinched from pain in my lip.

"The fuck..." I whispered the words, brushing a finger over my lip. Dark blood had welled up, it wasn't bright red, more of a deep almost brown at this point. It was like old oxidized blood you would see that had been spilled and not cleaned up for a while. My tongue moved around in my mouth curiously and my eyes widened, feeling large protruding canines there.

"You will get used to it, expect to cut your tongue and lip a lot at first." The cat purred the words and gave me a wide grin, showing off her own large set of sharp-fanged canines. "Though being a rabbit, I suppose you would be at a disadvantage, mine were a little pointy, to begin with."

"What... is going on? And..." my eyes refocused as I glared at her, feeling the rage build once more. "When can I fucking eat?!"

"Soon." The cat snapped the words back pointedly.

"I want to eat now!" I spat the words out, sneering at the cat and clenching my teeth. I didn't care about the situation, I didn't care about the details. I just wanted food, it was all-consuming in my mind.

The cat scowled at me, the first look of irritation she had shown me since this exchange took place. Her right ear flicked as the door opened and the large hulking wolf from earlier came stomping in. "How is your new pet rabbit, Kat?"

"Fuck off Alex, did you bring her damn food? If I have to hear her yowling anymore, I may regret my decision of not letting you kill her." The cat hissed the words as she climbed to her feet and moved over to the wolf.

"I still could you know..." The wolf gave me a hungry grin, showing his own set of large razor-sharp teeth, though I surmised they were most likely natural. Even in this fury, the rabbit in me panicked and I folded my ears, jerking my gaze away.

"See... you just gotta know how to handle them." The wolf barked the words proudly as he shoved a large thermos into the cat's hands.

"She has been through enough, don't give her any more trauma." The cat flicked her black tail before turning from him and moving back towards me.

"Hey, you're the one that brought it up, I was just playing along." Alex barked the words playfully as he followed behind her. He grabbed a chair from the nearby table, turning it around and sitting on it backwards, his arms resting on the back of the seat. He was big and dwarfed the chair, I half expected it to break under his sheer size.

Katrina gave him a look from the corner of her eye. "You're not going to leave the room?"

"And miss this? Hell no!" The wolf growled the words and I saw him giving me a hungry look, his amber eyes squarely focused on me. My instincts screamed at me to claw out of the cage and jump out the nearest window to get away from him.

Katrina sighed and uncapped the thermos before frowning at the small plume of steam that rose. She looked back at Alex. "You... heated it up."

"Isn't it best going down hot though?" He growled the words, giving the cat a knowing grin.

I saw the look in her eyes, they briefly seemed to flash red. The hesitation in her body language was obvious as she passed the thermos through the bars to me. It was if she wanted to keep it for herself now.

I took the thermos curiously thinking it may have been hot soup and thankful for anything to eat at this point. I gave it a sniff and my eyes grew wide at the aroma, it smelled like blood. I wasn't sure when I learned to discern the scent of blood, but I was absolutely certain that was what it was.

Fear gripped me full force and I looked between the two of them questioningly. I had seen what they could do and now this? Were they playing some sick game with me? "T-this..."

"Just drink it." The black cat spoke the words with a sigh, the gentle motherly tone long gone by now.

"I-I..." Something gripped me on a level I couldn't describe. Something that told me if I drank this I would lose my whole world. I would never be the same for it. "I can't drink this! What are you two trying to make me do?!"

"Oh boy, it's always like this with the herbivores isn't it?" Alex sighed the words, his amusement dwindling.

"For fuck sakes..." Katrina grabbed the thermos out of my hands and proceeded to open the door to the cage.

The wolf lifted his large brown ears and spoke out. "Hey, Katrina, is that a good idea?"

"Oh shut up, it will be fine." The black cat moved in on me and I swallowed a lump in my throat as I backed up to the bars of the cage. "Listen sweetie, you will feel better if you drink it, I promise." Again the motherly tone came out and I felt my tension ease slightly.

"Y-you promi-" I couldn't finish the words, Katrina had dipped her finger into the thermos and shoved the tip into my mouth in mid-sentence. My blue eyes widened at the sensation. I had experimented with drugs in college and the sex from the previous night was mind-blowing from what I remembered, but this was on a whole different level.

I bit her finger on instinct, tasting her own blood fill my mouth as well, it was sweet and floral. The taste reminded me of roses and cherries, laced with a powerful narcotic. The cat hissed a curse and pulled her finger away with some effort, blood welling up at the tip before she shoved it into her own mouth.

"Called it." Alex bellowed out with a laugh.

"Fuck off!" The cat hissed back before turning to me, her face looking shocked as I lolled my tongue and pushed into her chest.

"You taste good, let me have a little more..." I sighed the words in a fervent ravenous tone, my breasts pushing to her own. I reached for her hand that I had nipped, eager to get more of her essence into me.

"H-hey! You've got a whole thermos here, you don't need mine!" Katrina quickly slipped from my grip and shoved the thermos into my hands. I watched her back up out of the cage and shut the door with a loud click of the lock.

My reservations were lost and I quickly pushed my lips to the open thermos taking a big heavy gulp of the contents within. It filled my mouth and burned all the way down my throat. My large white ears flicked and wobbled drunkenly, my fluff of a tail flicking happily.

"Oh here we go..." The wolf barked excitedly, the cat scowling at him.

It was better than any drug I had ever had, better than the night of passion or any relief I had given myself. All the love and happiness I had felt in my entire life, it all paled in comparison. It was like comparing a bathtub of water to the ocean.

I sunk down off my feet to sit while I kept drinking, not stopping until every drop was in me. Once the thermos was empty, I shuddered and dropped it, my tongue lolled heavily. I gave a satisfied pant of pleasure, feeling high and blissful. My body felt like I had just had a world-shattering orgasm, burning fervently with pleasure and desire.

"Wow... she is really into it." Alex gave me a hungry grin and I saw his amber eyes on me. I gave a huff in response before moving to my hands and knees. I let him get a good look at my rounded ass in my torn up jeans, my tail lifting up eagerly.

"I'm burning up... ha... either of you, both of you. I don't care..." The words came out in a drunken slur, my tail and ears erratic as they flicked.

"Hell yeah!" The wolf barked out excitedly as he stood from the chair and moved for the door of the cage.

"Are you insane?" Katrina snatched his wrist and held him at bay. "Luciano was an incubus, remember?!"

"Yeah, so? The bunny is eager to get some action, who am I to deny her?" The dog wagged his tail excitedly with a shameless grin on his face.

The black cat scowled and started pulling him away from my cage. I felt my heart sinking as I shifted to grab the bars and groaned out. "H-hey... don't go... I'm burning up and need you..."

"You bang that rabbit right now, you're good as dead, she will enthrall you and suck the life out of you. Hell, she won't even know she is doing it!" The cat fussed at the dog as she dragged him back from me.

"I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself." Alex scoffed the words proudly. I saw him looking back at me and I huffed hotly, wiggling my ass while gripping the bars, my brain fully in the gutter now.

"That's not how it works stupid!" Katrina gave me a look, her own eyes showing a brief level of interest as I gave her a hungry grin. She sucked in a breath and looked over at the wolf. "Pull me back if it gets stupid, I need to talk to her."

"Why do you get to have all the fun?" The dog pouted the words as the cat moved back towards me.

"Welcome back Katrina... I missed you." I spoke the words playfully, wiggling my hips as the cat approached.

"Listen sweetie... We can't let you out yet, but I promise we will help you get through all this. I won't let you turn into a heartless killer." The cat spoke the words in that doting motherly tone and I quickly shot my arm out through the cage. My fingertips brushed her cheek faintly and I felt her shiver.

"That's okay, you can leave me here... Do you want to keep me company inside?" I wasn't even sure where the confidence was coming from as I spoke the words, it was like my mind and body were on autopilot. I felt myself grinning as the cat moved closer thanks to the brief touch of my fingertips. My hand fully cupped her face, feeling her cheeks warming despite her obvious state of being. She must have been using her own reserves of blood to trigger her responses without thinking.

"Uh... Kat?" Alex called out, concern showing in his voice.

"I'm fine... Alex... No worries..." She purred the words drunkenly as she moved closer and pulled the door of the cage open again. As soon as the lock cleared I threw the door open and threw myself on top of her.

She let out a shocked but excited gasp as I grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the floor, my mouth shoving against hers in a hungry kiss. The cats tail curled and flicked in response and I felt her tension drain at my touch. She kissed me back with equal fervor, our tongues rolling against one another in the heated embrace.

I could feel it, sweeter than honey and stronger than a thunderstorm. Her essence was flowing into me now, it was a rush and sent shivers up my spine, my body burning up with desire. This was nothing though. I knew that if I could get closer, more intimate, I could taste more of her.

I broke the kiss and swayed my hips, giving the cat a lusty grin. Seeing her euphoric look made my heart flutter and want to please her all the more. "You're such a sweet kitty... I will take good care of you... and your dog..." I cooed the words as I saw the wolf quickly closing in on us.

"Okay, okay that's enou-" He barked the words out but abruptly cut them off as I reached out and gripped his hand, our flesh making contact and dazing him.

"Come down here, let me touch you..." I cooed the words out as the wolf obediently took a knee. I pushed my palm across his face, feeling the faint stubble growing there. His chest and arms were huge, even outside of his were-form. The shirt he wore strained against the swell of beautifully chiseled muscles beneath it. "Good boy... such a good dog..."

I could hear the growl rumbling up in his throat as he tried to fight my touch. It wasn't as though I was trying to do anything, I was just running on instinct. "Don't make a fuss my dog, I will take good care of you and the cat..."

His ears folded against his shaggy, brownish blonde hair, and I felt pride well up in my chest at his submission. My ears then sprang upwards as he snarled, his amber eyes going black as he shifted into the form he had taken prior. My eyes, now crimson, widened as his large paw scooped me up and launched me back into the cage in one powerful motion.

I winced and let out a cry of pain as I crumpled to the floor after hitting the bars. Stars were in my vision as I slumped to my hands and knees. Even as a werewolf he was panting and trying to control himself after touching me, giving me a look like he wanted to ravage me, even as a full-on wolf. Of course, I was happy to oblige the look, even in my battered state. I sighed and shook my ass invitingly. "That's okay, you can be rough with me... come throw me around in this cage until your heart's content, my wolf..."

"Alex... shut the fucking door..." Katrina snarled the words, panting as she slowly climbed to her feet, holding her head and looking dizzy.

The wolf snarled and grunted his disapproval, hesitating before he slammed the cage door. The lock engaged again as I sat there giving them both a pout.

"Fuck me... succubi are the worst, especially the ones in our court." Katrina rubbed the back of her head as she looked me over.

I gave her a wide grin in response and slinked to the bars of the cage, pushing against them. The silver bar shoved between my breasts and the torn-up blood-flecked shirt I had on. The beat-up shirt did little to conceal the shape of my breasts, or the obvious hard peaks of my nipples, my bra having long since been lost in this transition. "I will happily take you up on that offer of fucking you, kitty..."

She took a controlled breath, giving Alex a look. "You see what I mean?"

The wolf had shifted out of his were-form and returned to his normal state, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, good thing I went feral at the last minute, huh?" The dog laughed it off like it was no big deal but his eyes kept wandering over my form. His shirt was now torn apart and I could see the definition in his chest. I looked upon the ridges and creases of every hard muscle leading down to his ripped pants.

Katrina shot me a look and folded her arms. "Sit there, calm down and collect yourself. We will come back later and talk to you, I will help you with this..."

"I need your help right now little kitty and doggy... I'm dripping for you..." I moaned the words, swaying my hips and gripping the bars, panting as I looked upon the two of them.

She clenched her teeth at my words and quickly grabbed the dog's wrist as she beat a hasty retreat. "Alex, let's go before we end up dead."

With a soft yip, the wolf followed along being tugged by the cat. He kept looking back at me and I grinned all the while, making it clear I didn't take offense to being tossed into the walls of the cage. I was actually a bit surprised by how quickly I shrugged it off.

A few hours passed and Katrina came back into the room with me. I pushed a hand to my face and let out a sigh, ears drooped in embarrassment upon seeing her. "Ah, s-so... I'm really sorry about earlier..."

The redhead gave me a shrug as she pulled up a chair and took a seat. "It happens. I didn't expect you to get quite so uhm... eager out of the gate though."

I felt my cheeks flush and jerked my face away. "Gawd... what is going on, what is all this about? That isn't something I would ever do. I just... I attacked you and was kissing you."

The cat lifted her black ears, her own cheeks darkening before she grumbled and seemed to get herself under control. Her skin returned to a more calm complexion as she spoke. "Yes, I remember. I was there you know."

"So uhm... the fangs and the blood... those feelings I had. My..." I drooped my ears and grit my teeth, the sharp canines feeling odd against my lower teeth. "My heart stopped while I was sitting here, I had to actually focus to make it beat..."

"Yeah... it's something you will get used to, but if you focus you can do all that stuff. Heartbeats, blood flow. Cheeks... flushing when you're feeling awkward or embarrassed." The cat gave me a shrug. "It's good practice to keep doing those things, it will help you survive with the mundane."

"The mundane?" I had already put the pieces together, I had read my fair share of lusty vampire romance stories after all. I never imagined it was anything but someone's daydream though.

I had spent the last few hours getting used to my sight, seeing how sharp it was, how easily I could focus on things that were impossibly far away. The cage bars were sturdy but even I know a little rabbit like me shouldn't have been able to do anything to them. Yet they groaned and strained when I pushed against them. Even my hearing seemed to have changed. I had heard Katrina coming several moments before she entered the room.

"The look on your face says you've thought things through a bit, but there is a lot to talk about, a lot you have to learn if you want to keep this going." Katrina spoke in her motherly voice once more before opening the door of the cage.

I looked up at her and slowly rose to my feet. "Is that okay? What If I-"

"You're not in a frenzy anymore, just don't get too aroused and you will be fine." The cat gave me a reassuring grin, showing her sharp teeth as she extended her hand to me. I took it and felt a faint buzz of energy from the touch, as if I were ever so gently sipping off her life force.

"Uhm?" I looked at her and tried to pull my hand free, but she clenched it and shook her head.

"Don't worry, It's something you will control in time. I've got plenty of reserves right now. I had a big drink while you were alone." She pulled on my hand and led me out of the cage. I stepped out of the cage into the room. I was still in the bloodied clothes I had been wearing last night in the supermarket and with Luciano.

"I'm Alice by the way... Thank you for uh... taking care of me? Saving me? I don't..." I wasn't sure what to say and looked away once more, staring out a dark windowpane into the night sky. I recognized some of the prominent towers of the city, so I knew I wasn't too far from home.

"Yes... well, saved you for the time being anyway." The cat released my hand and moved over to the window sill. She looked out over the cityscape, her black tail coiling and flicking.

"Time being? A-are you guys planning to kill me like you did... uh..."

"Luciano, and no we aren't. Also, you weren't in your right mind, don't feel bad about not remembering his name." The cat looked at me out of the corner of her eye. "I mean to say... we saved you, but only you can decide if you keep living this life."

I looked the cat over as she turned her gaze from me once more. She had curves in all the right places, a round ass, thick thighs and heavy full breasts. I felt my heart start to beat when it had been still moments before, my body starting to grow warm and my little tail began to flick about. It was an odd sensation, I had never been attracted to women before, but now I found her irresistible. The wolf too, even though I had never found the brutish strong types appealing.

Katrina snapped her ears up, feeling the tension in the room starting to change and shot me a glare, baring her teeth as she hissed out. "Alice, calm down!"

My eyes widened, the shade of blue slowly coming back into my irises. I let out a controlled huff and put my hand to my chest. I felt my heart slow and then stop once more. A shiver ran down my spine at the notion of it before I willed it back to a faint soft beat.

A long silence hung between the two of us before I finally broke it with another question. "Am I... am I going to become a monster? Will I have to kill people to survive?"

"No!" The redhead snapped out sharply and stomped over to me. I blinked up at her since she was a few inches taller than me and felt her push her hands to my face. She looked me in the eyes with her green and copper ones. "You only have to be a killer if you want to be, Alice."

I felt my heart beat faster as I stared into her strong eyes. She must have felt the tingling on her fingertips too and seen my hues shifting back to a crimson color. Quickly she pulled her hands away and grit her teeth. I could see it took a conscious effort to do so, as if she didn't want to break contact with my body.

"S-sorry! I'm not... you just..." I let out a ragged sigh and flicked my ears. "You just smell so good... I want to taste you..." That feeling came back like my body and mind were on autopilot. It was like all I could think about was touching and tasting the cat before me.

The cat hesitated for a moment before hitting me with a full-on slap. The blow made me see stars for the second time that night as I fell to the floor holding my cheek. I felt my eyes grow wet as if my body willed tears forth on instinct alone. The desire shattered and I let out a soft gasp as if I were ready to cry. All the sensations and the reality of the situation felt crushing to me.

"Is... is this my life now? I can't touch anyone or look at anyone without this happening?" I whimpered out the words, sure that it sounded as pathetic as I felt currently.

"No sweetie... you just need to learn to control it..." The kind motherly tone returned and she was before me on a knee, grasping my head and holding me against her chest. I hugged her tightly, not knowing what else to do.

"Is this okay... what if I... what if..." I huffed out while burying my face into her ample chest, my tail flicking furiously as I tried to control myself.

"If you get out of hand, I will slap you out of it again, it will be okay..." She purred the words into my flicking ears, her hand gently stroking the back of my hair, lacing her fingertips through the blonde locks.

"I don't... I just don't understand anything..." I sighed and drew closer while she stroked my hair and ears. The burning sensation returned and I could feel tingling on any part of me that was touching her. I dug deep and tried to control myself while she kept petting. "C-can you... feel that?"

"I can... it's alright... I hadn't fed in a while so I was weak earlier." She purred the words comfortingly while still holding my head and letting me hug her.

'Feed...' The word rang in my mind while I took a calming breath, then pulled away and forced myself to stand. I put a hand to my cheek and felt no pain. Finding a mirror in the room I noted there was no damage. "How... you hit me hard... and that wolf Alex, he slammed me into the bars but I don't feel anything now."

"You use the blood and energy from others to fuel your body, Alice, but you expend it to do so. Every time you beat your heart, blush your cheeks or even have an orgasm. You're burning your reserves until you need to refuel." She spoke the words gently as she walked over to me while I looked at myself in the mirror. "That includes healing a wound."

I cut my eyes back to the cat, seeing her reflection in the mirror. My figure wasn't nearly as curvy as hers, her breasts larger than my own, but given my stature mine looked larger on my frame. On the same note, my hips didn't seem to match the curve of hers. I found my body warming again as I looked her over in the mirror, then gave a startled cry as I looked upon my own face and saw my eyes had changed from blue to red. "W-what the hell?"

"Just means you're tapping heavily into your blood supplies and cranking up your mojo." The cat huffed the words and crossed her arms.

"Mojo?" I asked curiously.

"You were getting turned on staring at me again." Katrina spoke the words cutting her eyes away awkwardly.

"W-what's that got to do with anything?" I spat the words out, anger and embarrassment showing as I forced the desires down once more.

"Luciano wasn't just a regular member of our court, he was an Incubus."

"Court? Incubus?" I felt myself growing more confused and irritated by the whole thing.

"I suppose this is where I explain things, eh Katrina?" A voice called out from the doorway as I turned to the direction of it.

My eyes widened and went full red, my heart shoving into my throat as I choked back a gasp at the man that entered the room. He was a dog like the previous one, but looked about a foot shorter than the wolf and didn't have nearly the build. The man was obviously a fox and every part of him was gorgeous, from his long flowing white hair to the crystal blue eyes.

"Yes sir, this is the newest member of our family. Her name is Alice, she is uh..." The cat trailed off.

"She is Luciano's progeny, yes?" He spoke the words in a smooth gentle voice and turned his full attention to me. His large pointed ears and long flowing tail were of the same white as his hair. He wore what appeared to be a silk suit of black and white, a semi-casual one you may see at a dinner party. All my mind could think of was tearing the clothes off him to see what the rest of his figure looked like. He oozed confidence and power and every fiber of my being wanted to taste him.

"Alice was it? How are you enjoying my house's hospitality so far?" He gave me a brilliant smile, showing his teeth, the look on his face saying he knew what was on my mind already.

"I... you... ha... ha..." Something in me snapped and I sprang forward off my feet eager to launch myself into his arms. I wanted to touch him and taste him, consequences be damned.

"Alice stop!" Katrina barked out the words and tried to move but I was already on top of him now.

The fox seemed more amused than anything and once I was against him his hand was resting on my face. My body was pushing to his and I felt I could die happy in this moment to have just been touched by him. He looked into my eyes and gave an amused grin.

"Calm yourself my lovely rabbit..." His voice came to my ears and I nodded my head quickly, uncurling my fingers from his shirt.

"That's a good girl." His hand moved to rest heavily on my head and ears, petting me gently. My tail rapidly flicked and my ears happily bobbed about as I sighed blissfully at his touch.

"So uh... her education is, still a work in progress..." Katrina spoke up, frowning as she crossed her arms and looked upon the scene.

"You don't say?" The fox growled the words into my ear, while I obediently stood there, leaning against him and grinning like an idiot with my eyes closed. Every part of me feeling blissful and on cloud nine.

"My lord... uhm... with all due respect. I think you're overloading her senses." The cat rubbed the back of her head and frowned.

"Oh... yes, she seems to have opened the tap up to full, she is feeding pretty heavily off me isn't she?" The fox laughed at the words, his voice rich and soothing. He felt comforting like that of a lifetime lover and a father figure all at the same time. Each stroke of his hand felt like a rush of energy as it moved over my ears. The parts of me that pressed to him felt ablaze and my heart pounded with eagerness while I nuzzled my cheek to his chest.

"I'm going to let you go now, be a good bunny and stay put. Understand?" He cooed the words gently into my ears as he stepped away.

"Yes sir! Anything for you!" I practically moaned the words out, my tail and ears both flicking about drunkenly as I gave the fox a hungry smile.

"So... this is Elias, the Marquis of our... house..." The cat spoke something to me and waved a hand in my face.

My ears lifted and I blinked my crimson eyes up at her, still standing there in a daze. "Oh! Hello Katrina, when did you get here?" I cooed the words blissfully then looked over at the fox as he laughed in amusement at the scene. My heart welled up once more and I took a step towards him eagerly.

"Be a good rabbit and listen to Katrina, Alice." Elias spoke the words gently, his hand stretching out in a motion that made me stop on my heel and turn to give the cat my full attention.

"Are you actually listening this time?" She grumbled at me, a bit of irritation in her voice.

"Yes ma'am!" I chimed the words out eagerly and huffed as I put my hands on my hips. I felt invigorated, like I could go outside and run a few miles.

Katrina looked over at Elias and frowned. "She is wired, it's going to take hours to bring her down from this."

"I'm not used to dealing with succubi, my apologies." The fox gave a polite bow of his head in response.

"Like hell you're not! You've always had a soft spot for rabbits!" The cat turned her full attention to him and I smiled and looked over at the fox childishly, my tail flicking hard on my backside.

"Guilty as charged, but do a good job raising her won't you, sister?" Elias spoke the words in a placative tone as he moved a hand forward and placed it gingerly on Katrina's head.

The cat jerked at his touch and all the irritation in her voice faded as she sighed out and nodded her head. "Y-yeah... of course..."

My brain snapped out of the haze and I blinked a few times, processing the scene. I folded my arms over my chest thinking long and hard about it as I dragged my brain from the gutter. Part of me processed that it was his sheer presence and willpower that was doing this.

"You, are something special. I can tell..." I blinked as I heard Elias's words in my ears and looked up to see him on top of me. I gasped out and stumbled back a pace, all thoughts scattered before instincts kicked in. I shoved myself into his chest once more, hugging him tightly and sighing.

"D-damn it!" Katrina snarled and shook the charm off before glaring at the fox. "I won't be able to teach her anything if you keep letting her feed off you!"

"My sincerest apologies, sister." He growled the words as I hugged him, feeling him petting me once again. "This one though... she is a thinker and scholar... I can tell she is going to be a boon to this family."

"Yeah, that's why she is drooling on you and trying to peel her panties off, right?" The cat spoke out in a dry tone back to the fox.


"How is that my pet? A little insight into the not so glamorous past of this rabbit you are so fond of." I smile at your words and nod my head. "Yes, of course when you're young you want to hear about the raunchy bits as soon as you can. So Impatient..."

I finish the last of my drink and sigh, one last drop of crimson rolling around in my glass. My eyes shift to a similar shade of red as I speak. "All in due time my pet, all in due time... You do not wish for me to grow parched I would imagine..."

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode!

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