Inner Struggle-chapter 1-changes

Story by furcenary on SoFurry

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#4 of Inner Struggle

Chapter 1- Changes

Journal Entry-1

A few summer's ago when we were 10 our dad forced us into a Y.M.C.A. summer program for swimming lessons which was stupid because both of us already knew how to swim. I guess he was trying to give us a hint that we need to spend more time outside our hollow shell of a home and thought it would be a disgrace if even one of us was out of shape. My brother loved the public interaction there which made me nauseous. I refused to cooperate, that is until.... I met Kevin.

He was about 5-foot 3in. and even though he wasn't a bulky fox he was only 10 years old and already had "cut" abs and a furry snow white chest which I thought was absolutely adorable. I really envied the girls that would soon date him *stares into space lustfully. I wasn't sure why at the time but I felt my heart race every time he swam near me. In between swim sessions I would take my time in the locker room just to stare at him in his speedo. On the 2nd day of camp he caught me glimpsing at his goods then asked me:

Kevin: say uhhh why are you wearing a bathing suit? when these things increase your swimming acceleration.

Chase: I prefer the comfort and looseness of swimming trunks because it feels a lot more comfortable.

Kevin: Ok then I suppose that makes sense

Kevin: Is there any OTHER reason you were checking me out?

{shit! don't panic just think.}

Chase: Well I couldn't help but notice you still have the tag on your speedo.

{Close call.}

Blushing at this point, Kevin removed the tag with his left paw in one swift snap then left the locker room for the diving session.

I decided to change into my normal clothes and just watch everyone have their fun.

Random Coach: Maybell remember not to over extend your paw's while in midair.

Maybell: gotcha

{there goes the 1st of the idiots to jump}

Random Coach: way to go Maybell flawless as usual.

Random Coach: up next Blake Taylor

Blake: woo hoo.

{ooooo blake is up this outta be interesting}

*holds camera steady

Blake proceeded to jump off the board but instead of diving he chickened out and did a canonball in an attempt to get me all soaking wet. needless to say he succeeded.

Chase: You insolent piece of shi-!!!!

Random Coach: hey!..... language kid

{glad to see he knows my brothers first and last name but cant figure mine out}

Thanks to my brother my camera is now broken so i tossed it at him then went back and grabbed a towel from my gym bag. When I came back I saw that it was Kevin's turn to dive I sat down on the floor patiently. The coach was on the phone at the moment so Kevin decided to try something fancy. That fox did a backwards handspring until he was walking backwards into a handstand; then right before he tried to jump both his hands slipped and he hit the tip of the diving board with his head knocking him unconscious and causing him to fall 2 stories down onto the concrete-like water. Even though I was fully dried off I was the first one to spring into action. I dropped my towel and I dove into the pool quickly and wrapped my arm around his right bicep quickly. At that point I tossed him gently on to the walkway of the pool, and from that point the Coach took over and preformed basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation to his motionless body. Everyone gathered around him to make sure he was all right. at first he seemed out of it but within minutes he stumbled to his feet. The coach then patted him on the back then pointed at me whispering something to Kevin. While I was shaking the water out of my fur Kevin approached me, grabbed my arm, and then forced me into his open arms and hugged me. I stood there for several moments and enjoyed his warm embrace just wishing that he would never let go and when I stared into his eyes he smiled at me then broke the hug. For the next few days we formed a little social group consisting of Kev, Maybell, me, and Blake. We mostly talked about either sports or philosophy. Turns out that Kevin was an atheist so we all had a lot to talk about. This may sound a bit obsessive but he was the ONLY thing that kept me from dying of boredom here. As we departed, a feeling of emptiness encrusted my heart as i realized i forgot to ask for his number.

When we arrived at home from camp I was greeted by Tommy on his moped giggling uncontrollably it was kind of embarrassing having to explain my situations at camp with Tommy so I waited for him to make the first move:

Tommy: so did you meet any new boyyyyyfriennnnnddss at wolfscoutcamp >,<

{he's always so predictable}

Chase: Tom you know im not gay.... you can go ask my boyfriend (best comeback when cornered!)

Tommy realized that he had been outwitted and just let it go.

Tommy: didja wana come over later chasey?

Chase: ya sure I'll head out after I get done unpacking my stuff.

Tommy: you have a ride?

Chase: naah

Tommy: well don't worry 'bout it

Tommy pulled out a wrench and 2 pegs and started installing them on his bike. Meanwhile Chase went inside and unloaded his junk then quickly rushed out of the house not really saying where he went.

Blake: Dad Chase ran off with his junkie friend.

Bob: As long as I have 1 functional son I could care less where that kid goes *pats Blake.

Chase: are we going to your mom's house today or your dad's house?

Tommy: my dads in jail.....

Tommy: which means were off to dads house

Chase: heheh

Tommy pulled over in the driveway of an empty 2 story house with police tape stretched around the house. he then walked the stairs in front of the house and moved a loose wall panel revealing a key.

He then lead me to his old room then pulled out a knife.

He started cutting into his mattress and pulled out a huge "scoobie brothers" glass stained bong.

Tommy: wana do the honors?

Chase: no thanx my mom always warned me to stay away from this kinda stuff

Tommy put it away respectfully.

Tommy: no problem man we'll just find something else to do

Chase: Tom that reminds me why is your dad incarcerated?

Tommy: He got caught with over a pound of drugs

Chase: like father like son eh?

Tommy: NO! you don't understand.

Tommy: my dad quit smoking awhile ago

Tommy: my cousin Jay brought it and he asked me to hold on to it because his house was under watch

Tommy: I foolishly agreed to hold onto him and I hid it in the living room

Tommy: a few days later our house was raided and he was hauled off to prison before I got home from the park.

Tommy: my dad was kind enough to take the fall.

Chase: so thats why you were moody all last spring break

Tommy nodded

Tommy: my dad once caught me experimenting with drugs and he told me that if he Ever... EVER saw me doing it again he would call the police on me and have me thrown in jail

Tommy: afterward he proceeded to take off his boot and beat me {showing his scars}

Chase: sorry bout that

Tommy: its ok and everything, I just feel really guilty because after my mom divorced him he really did try to turn his life around.

Chase: {I gotta say something to break the tension}

Chase: Is there any food left in here?

Tommy: no

Chase: know any good places to eat?

Tommy: sure, follow me

Chase hopped onto the back of Tom's moped barely hanging on to him because of the bikes size.

Chase: where are we going?

Tommy: Furskins

Chase: isn't that adult's onl.....

Tommy: yup

Tommy: my dad used to peddle some "stuff" with these guys so they let me in here

Chase: o ok

I reached for my wallet but my pockets were empty.


Chase: You wouldn't happen to have any extra cash would you?

Tommy: no problem, we helped out the manager here so we get a "family" discount

Tommy holds up his paws to form a zero then somehow forms a $ sign. After they talk to the manager (boris)they start chowin' down.

Chase: this ranch doesn't taste to fresh but these wings are to die for

Tommy: beggars can't be choosers

Chase: -_- that was a complement

The two then discussed what happened while Chase was on vacation.

Tommy: so what happened to that kid you helped save?


Chase: he thanked us politely and we chilled together for the rest of the trip.

Tommy: was he into music?

Chase: not really

Tommy: games?

Chase: no

Tommy: mary ja-

NO! interrupted Chase

Tommy: then how could you possibly hang out with him?

Chase: his smile {I said while staring out into space}

Tommy: WHAT!?!

{I should really stop speaking impulsively}

Chase: uhhh legpile

Chase: his uncle toured with "legpile"

Tommy: thats pretty metal man

Chase he was sort of their roadie for awhile.

Tommy: did his uncle know them well?

Chase: yeah

Tommy: any free connections?

Chase: yeah but I forgot to ask for his phone number.

Tommy: bummer.

After a few plates of wings and a few rounds of pool the duo ventured outta the bar.

Tommy: well I just got paged from mom and she said I need to start heading home.

Chase: mmkay...... say thats a fancy pager you have.

Tommy: yeah it cost a fortune.

Luckily Tom was nice enough to give me a ride home.

Journal Entry-2

It's been 3 weeks since I've last seen Tom but since school starts up tomorrow we might get to meet again. Well I guess this is it for tonight I gotta get my bag ready for tomorrow.

Journal Entry-3

Hmmm Tom didn't show up for school today, I wonder how Raych is doing. Well not much else interesting happened O wait! Some hound soaked his trousers today during science class today; that must be one hell of a first impression.

Journal Entry-4

A whole week has passed and Im already backed up on homework, looks like I better focus on school instead of playing on my computer or writing in my journal.

{Shuts down laptop and drops pen}