Leave Them Alone for a Second

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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Early one morning I was getting ready to run out of town for my job. I probably did would not have needed to get up as early as I did if it were not for my roommates. The items I needed to take with me had already been packed the previous night. However, as always, I needed to make sure that a certain item would not fall into the wrong hands while I was away. Those wrong hands happened to be Leona and Frostbite. Both of them where beautiful young vixens that had what might be called a twisted sense of humor and a strange idea of what a fun time was. To most people that might not mean much, but if they had what I was trying to hide a lot of people would probably have a very bad day. I probably should have kicked them out of the house, but what can I say, I still liked them too much to do that.

Just as I was finished hiding the item and I was going into the kitchen to grab a little something to eat before I set out, I heard someone else coming into the kitchen too. The white furred fox, which was almost three times my own size, that entered into the kitchen, still in her nightgown and yawning after just waking up, was Frostbite. After noticing me, the vixen smiled down at me and said, "You're up awfully early Mr. Happy."

"Yeah, just trying to hit the road early so I don't get stuck in traffic," I said, trying not to hint that I had been busy hiding anything.

"How long do you think you're going to be gone?" she asked.

"Probably the whole day. I might have to find a motel and stay the night depending on how long it takes me to get there," I answered.

"Aw, it's going to be boring around here without you. I don't know what I'm going to do without you," Frostbite said. With the way she said the last sentence with a bit of a smile on her face, I knew that she was lying. She knew exactly what she was going to do and it was exactly what I thought she was going to do. I was glad I hid that item from her and Leona beforehand.

I smiled at her and said, "You just try not to cause any trouble while I'm gone. I'm sure you and Leona can last an entire day without me." Yeah, they could last, but I was not sure everyone else could.

Frostbite returned my smile with a much more mischievous one, "You don't need to worry about us. You know how we are."

As I walked out the door I said to her, "Yeah, I most certainly do know the two of you." I was certainly glad that I had thought to hide that item. The last time they got their hands on it, well, let's just say that I do not want to have to move again. And I really did get to avoid the morning traffic too. It was probably going to be a pain getting home, but at least I would be able to get home sometime that afternoon instead of having to stay at some seedy motel for the night. Still, I was wondering if I should have just taken the item with me. Then I thought better of that. If some cop pulled me over with something like that in my truck I might have gotten in some real trouble. It was not like Leona and Frostbite would ever find where I hid it anyways.


Less than an hour after Mr. Happy had left I was already bored. Even after Leona had finally decided to wake up and eat something we could not think of anything fun to do while our little wolf was away. Of course, we could always resort to what we normally did, but I thought we should at least try to find something else to do before doing that.

I eventually asked the orange and white fox that was Leona, "So, do you want to go out to the mall?"

"Just went there yesterday. They banned me after I kept treating the security guard like a toy. It's not my fault everyone is only a third my size and they all look like toys. Even if they hadn't banned me for that, they would have banned me for sitting on all of the mall security cars after that incident," Leona responded.

"Any movies out you want to see?"

Leona sighed, "Nope, just saw the last one I wanted to last week. It was a bit of a disappointment actually. And you know how uncomfortable those tiny seats are anyways."

"Is there anything you really want to do, because I'm drawing a blank," I said in a bored tone.

"There's only one thing I can think of that would hold off the boredom Frostbite," Leona said.

"I'm thinking the same thing. Well, I might as well go find it so we can alleviate this boredom then," I said with a smile. Then, I was in for a bit of a surprise as I walked over to where we normally kept the item that could assist us so much with our fun. It was gone. I thought back to earlier this morning and to what Mr. Happy had been doing. "He hid it!"

"He hid what?" Leona asked.

"That ray gun of yours," I exclaimed.

"What, when?" a surprised Leona walked over to me just to make sure the ray gun was gone.

I responded, "He must have done it this morning, while we were sleeping."

"That naughty wolf," said Leona, "We'll have to figure out what to do with him when he gets back, after we have found my ray gun of course." Finding the ray gun proved to be a more difficult than we thought it would be. After an hour of tearing through the house we could not find a single trace of it. It looked like Mr. Happy had managed to make sure we were just going to have to deal with having a boring old day after all.

As we were losing all hope of finding Leona's ray gun we heard a knocking at the door. Standing in the doorway was our friend Drake, a red dragon, looking as short as just about everyone else did to us even though he was about average in height. He must have had the day off from work and was looking for a way to alleviate his own boredom. The dragon took a quick look around the house and could see that we had made a bit of a mess. "You girls redecorating while Mr. Happy's gone," he asked with an amused smile.

"Nothing like that," Leona responded to him.

"Mr. Happy just hid something from us and we are trying to find it," I said.

Drake shrugged and said, "I guess I could help. Not like I have anything better to do today. Oh, and by the way, you left your garage open. I found this out there too and thought I better give it to you before some kid found it." Right in Drake's hand was Leona's ray gun. Both of our jaws dropped. Neither of us had even thought to look in the garage.

After Leona took the ray from him and we got over the shock of him finding the ray gun I asked, "What where you doing going through our garage anyways."

"I needed to borrow a tool to help fix my car and Mr. Happy said I could swing by to pick it up. Since the garage was already open I went looking for it and found it while I was looking for the tool. I actually found it first and thought I should bring it in," Drake explained.

Leona and I shared a smile before Leona asked, "Drake, how would like to have a bit of fun with us since you don't have anything else to do?"

"I'd love to. I can't work on my car until another part arrives in the mail anyways," the dragon responded, sounding happy that he had finally found something to do with the rest of his day.

"I think you already know how this ray gun works Drake, but I don't think you have gotten to see what it can really do before," said Leona.

"I've seen you have some fun growing yourselves a few feet with that ray gun before and toying around with Mr. Happy," Drake said, thinking back on the type of fun that the two vixens liked to have. "So, I take it that you can grow more than just a few feet. What, can it make you like 30-feet tall or something like that?"

The two vixens laughed at that question. "Try a lot larger than that," I said.

"If you agree to have some fun with us I can show you how large this thing can really make you," Leona said, still trying to hold back laughter.

"I thought Mr. Happy didn't like it when you used that thing too much," Drake said, trying to sound like the voice of reason even though I could tell he did not really want to.

I smiled at him and said, "Well, Mr. Happy isn't around, now is he?"

Drake looked amused as he said, "Since you put it that way, I might as well see what that thing can do."

"I knew you'd see things our way," I said, "Now how about you take a little walk with us. I don't want to accidentally crush our own house when we use this ray gun."

"Oh, and Drake, you might want to leave your clothes behind. You really won't be needing them," Leona said mischievously. Leona was already stripping out of her clothes and I decided to do the same. They just tended to get in the way of what we were about to do.

"Uh, are you sure we should be walking through the neighborhood all nude and everything. I mean, won't the cops get called on us or something," Drake said, sounding a little hesitant.

Leona smiled deviously, "You don't have to worry about that anymore. The police have been called out to deal with 'those 15-foot tall foxes' before and now they just tend to ignore those calls. So just come on and I guarantee you will have a fun time."

Drake looked thoughtful for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Might as well, can't be any worse than that night I drank way too much and went streaking through the neighborhood." I remembered that incident. It had certainly made me laugh. That was also what made me and Leona think Drake might like to have some fun with us. Once he striped himself of his clothes and set them aside in our house we went on a little stroll through the neighborhood.


As we walked through the neighborhood in nothing but our birthday suits we got quite a few stares. But, when you are 15-feet tall people tend to let you do whatever you want. And if they don't, well, I find seeing how much damage I can do by sitting on their cars to be a good way of teaching them a lesson. Now if they had just seen little Drake walking down the street in the nude they might have done something about it, but at six-feet in height, he was not exactly a small guy by everyone else's standards. They would have probably just let the police handle him if he were not walking with me and Frostbite.

We actually did pass by a traffic cop and I waved to him as I said, "Hello Officer McDermott. Nice day today, isn't it?"

"Sure, fine day Leona," he said as he lowered himself in his seat and then pulled his hat over his eyes, pretending he was about take a nap so he would not have to do anything about what he saw. I smiled at him. He really did try to be good at his job, but the last time he tried to stop me from doing what I wanted I hung him from a telephone pole and left his car on top of a house. His boss had chewed him out for that incident, since his boss was afraid to confront me, and now he just let me do what I wanted to.

I led us a few blocks away from my house and to a local park. If we had to pick any place to use my ray gun this was the best place. I never much cared for the park and all those screaming children. If something were to happen to the park that would just be a bonus as far as I was concerned. But, first things first, I was getting tired of looking down on Drake whenever I needed to talk to him. So, I pointed my ray gun at him.

"Whoa," Drake said holding up his hands defensively, "That thing doesn't hurt does it?"

"Well, you're about to find out, aren't you?" I chuckled. Then I pulled the trigger before he could say another word. An almost lightning like beam of light sizzled out of the gun and struck Drake in the chest. Now that I thought about it, it did seem like that beam should hurt a little, but I never thought it did. Drake did try to take a step back when he saw that beam headed towards him, but it was too fast for him and his foot barely had time to lift off the ground before he was struck by it.

I just gave the dragon a little dose at first, letting him see what the effects of my ray gun really felt like. The formerly six-foot tall dragon started to get taller at a steady rate. Seven-feet, nine-feet, 12-feet, it only took seconds for him to grow. Drake was definitely not a bad looking dragon. While Frostbite and I had what I considered very feminine hourglass figures with nice smooth very lightly bodies, Drake was more masculine looking. Even though he definitely did not look like a body builder, he still had an athletic build and a nice set of abs. To me he only looked better as he reached the same height that I was.

"That actually felt pretty good," Drake said as he looked himself over and flexed a little bit as he adjusted to his new size.

Frostbite smiled at him as she said, "Just wait until you see how fun it is to really grow."

The next person that I used the ray gun on was myself. It was just easier to do it that way. I just held the trigger on myself much longer than I had on Drake. The look on his face as I started to grow was just priceless. I quickly passed the height that he thought had been the max size I could grow to. Of course the gun had to grow with me or it would have been very difficult for me to use. Being 15-feet tall was fun, but as I sprouted up in height I started to get that god-like feeling of being above everything else. It only took seconds for me to get larger than the tallest tree in the park and people were either staring or fleeing in terror. It probably would not be long before the press started to arrive too. Whenever someone tall enough to crush a tree underfoot showed up the press was not far behind. But, I was not really worried about them. Frostbite and Drake were waiting and I did not want to neglect them.


"Thanks for getting all this stuff out here Mr. Happy," said Teddy as he helped me finish unloading all the boxes that had been in my truck.

"No problem. I actually enjoyed the drive up here," I said to him. It really had been a nice drive and I had managed to miss all the major traffic. I had made it here much faster than I thought I would. It was looking like it was going to be a good day to me. And then I noticed a little TV that they had on in the store I was at. What had been just some normal daytime television program quickly changed as a breaking news story seemed to be occurring.

I heard the name of a park I recognized as being close to my home and a chill went up my spine. As I looked at the TV I silently muttered, "Please don't let it be them." Then the image on the screen changed to show a picture of a familiar orange and white vixen that could only be Leona. As I saw the ray gun in her hand I let out a sigh. I was sure I had found a good hiding place this time. She was filling the camera at the moment and I hoped beyond hope that she had not used the gun yet, but as the camera zoomed out I could see how big she had already gotten.

Still, since the only one I could see at the moment was Leona, I thought there was still some hope. Then she pointed that ray gun at the ground and shot it at two other figures that had only been about ankle tall to her. In a matter of moments the white fox that was Leona and our dragon friend Drake joined Leona at her size. "Drake, not you too," I grumbled.

As I watched, Leona just kept enlarging herself as well as the other two. I thought that whoever that news station had out there had best put that camera down and start running. Of course, the people behind the camera never ran, not at first. They just had to get that good footage. I never really understood why they had to stick around while they watched Leona and Frostbite grow, as well as Drake this time. Up and up they swelled too. The size they stopped at was usually an indicator of what type of fun they wanted to have. Under 200-feet and they were probably just going to be neighborhood terrors, less than 1,000-feet and they might just be going for a playful romp through part of the city. From what I could tell they were already well over 1,000 feet tall. The cameraman had already had to back up just to take them all in. Leona did not stop enlarging everyone until each one of them was large enough to make the vast majority of the buildings in the city look like toys by comparison. What was I thinking, not just the vast majority of buildings. At their height they made all of the buildings look like toys unless you thought a skyscraper that was just barely waist height to them could be considered anything but a toy.

"I need to get back fast," I said as I rushed back to my truck. At their height, well, I knew Leona and Frostbite planned on alleviating a great deal of boredom. I just hoped Drake would not act quite the same way they would. If I hurried I might just be able to salvage the situation. But, as I rushed back to my truck I saw what looked like a group of teens gathered around my truck. It took me a moment to realize that they were slashing one of my tires.

"Hey! Get away from there," I shouted at them. They all ran off laughing. I did not bother chasing them since I really did not have the time. I checked all my tires and found that only one of them had been slashed. That was a sort of good thing since I did have a spare with me, but it was going to be a big enough waste of time changing that one tire. Well, there was nothing I could do about that and I just got to work, hoping that this would not be too big of a delay.


This was certainly a very interesting experience. I had seen Leona and Frostbite use that ray gun before and do things like chase kids around the park or make traffic obstacles out of themselves. The size that Leona had grown us to was just plain crazy big. We had caused quite a bit of damage to the park just by growing and there were plenty of people gathering about, but from my size everyone pretty much looked like ants, and that might have been being generous to them.

I looked over my body and it seemed the same to me. It did not feel like I had put on uncountable tons of weight. I was having a hard time believing this was not a dream. When I caught the glint of something between my toes and bent down to pull out what I thought used to be some sort of play set and was now nothing more than a twisted piece of metal from between them. This all had a very dream like feel to it to me. I could not help but try to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming.

Leona laughed when she saw that, "Did you actually just try that pinching yourself to see if your dreaming trick?"

"Hey, you may be used to this, but I'm not," I defended myself.

"There's really not much to get used to," Frostbite explained, "It's more like everyone else has to get used to you. Right now you are larger than most people can comprehend while they are standing within a block of you, so you can pretty much do whatever you want with all the littles. Take that group over there. It's probably a little hard for you to tell, but that's a group of reporters and cameramen that don't seem to think it's a good idea to run away from us. Now, watch this."

I watched as the white fox walked right over to the group of reporters, not even seeming to care about all the crunching noises her paws made as they came down on those that happened to be between her and her destination. When she was towering above the reporters she said, "Like what you see? How about a close up?"

I kind of expected Frostbite to step on them like she had done with the other people so far. Instead, she actually started to sit down on the crowd of people beneath her. This time a lot of the people did start running, well, not all of them were running. There were a few that were just standing there. If I had thought I was dreaming and I was the giant that did not have anything to worry about, those people must have really been trying to deny that what they were seeing was real. It was not like running did the other people any good, though.

Even though Frostbite was lowering herself slowly onto the crowd she was still moving fast enough that not many would get out of the way in time. There were a bunch of little crunching noises when she finally did sit down on the crowd. She shifted her rear around playfully, grinding up the remains of those that had been unfortunate enough to get stuck beneath her. I probably should have been a little horrified by what I had just seen, but what was really going through my mind was how Leona had handled a lot of police officers by sitting on their cars. It was just then that I started to realize how much those two just liked to crush things.

"Do you like the view down there?" Frostbite asked. I was not sure whether she was asking the people she had crushed or the people that had just narrowly avoided getting flattened. It may have been both, but either way she seemed to be enjoying herself judging by that wide grin she had on her face.

"Don't just stand there Drake," said Leona, "I didn't make you a giant to just stand around like a statue and watch us. Go on, have some fun."

I suddenly realized now, really realized on a fundamental level, that I was a giant that made everyone else around me look like ants, I had no idea what to do next. "Um, just what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

Leona smiled and said, "Whatever you want to. The cities right over there and there are plenty of other littles around. Just go wild experimenting, see what you really like doing."

"Alright, might as well see what being a giant is all about," I said. There were plenty of people around and I took a moment to think. Then I started to wonder just what stepping on someone would feel like. Did they feel like ants or was it different? That was a question that was going to be easy enough to answer. I took a step into the crowd that was still beginning to understand that it needed to run. In that one step I was able to crush dozens at once. I could feel little bodies popping beneath what still seemed like a normal foot to me, but was so large to the littles that even my toes could crush cars. There was a wet squelching sound that echoed up to my ears as I turned those people into pulp. The whole experience made me smile. It was actually more fun than playing with bubble wrap.

I took another step into the crowd and enjoyed the feeling of bodies getting turned into pulp beneath my feet as well as the sound they made when their bones were crushed. What I was doing probably should not have made me feel so happy, but I kind of liked crushing bugs and when everyone around me looked like ants it was hard not enjoying myself. I was having a real good time and I thought I might as well enjoy it. It was not like anyone could do anything to stop me besides trying to beat my toes up. The thought of them trying that just gave me another idea for something to do.

Instead of trying to crush people with my entire foot, I just used a single toe to do it. I made a game of seeing how many people I could crush doing things that way. At my size I was able to crush a surprisingly large number of people. Once, I was able to crush what looked like a dozen people at the same time since they were grouped so close together. It was a heady feeling to be able to do something like that and I could see why Leona and Frostbite liked doing this sort of stuff so much.

Leona and Frostbite could see that I had learned how to enjoy myself. Since they no longer needed to babysit me they felt that they could go off and have fun on their own. I barely noticed since I was having so much fun leaving gore stained footprints in my wake as I shepherded the crowd of fleeing littles before me toward the city. Taking my time to step on all the people I could slowed me down a bit, but I would reach the city fast enough. Leona and Frostbite were moving faster than I was since they did not bother to slow down and step on everyone. Then again, they did take the most crowded streets they could to reach the city. Between the two of them, they left a shattered highway full of broken cars and shattered bodies in their wake.


I was speeding down the road trying to get back home before those three could cause too much trouble. It would not take them long to get to the city and cause some real trouble. But, I was surprised by what I was hearing on the radio. Leona and Frostbite were not the ones causing the most trouble at the moment. Drake was the one making a real terror of himself right now. All the person on the radio could talk about was that smile of his as he crushed dozens of people at once beneath those huge feet of his. I was used to hearing about that kind of stuff from Leona and Frostbite, but I was hoping Drake would restrain himself a little more. Those two must have been able to sense he had that in him. There had to be a reason they had taken just as big a liking to the dragon as I had.

Still, if I could just get back fast enough I might be able to reason with them before they could destroy the entire city. Then, as if that thought had cursed me, I felt my truck slowing to a stop. I wondered what was happening until I looked at the fuel gauge and found that I was running on empty. "That's right," I said to myself, "I had been planning on fueling up before I left." It was a stupid mistake, but I had been in such a rush to get back to the city I had forgotten to go to the gas station right next to the place I had to drop off all that stuff at. Now it was a long ways off, but if I remembered correctly there was another gas station about a mile or two ahead of me. So, I got out of the truck and started jogging toward the gas station that I hoped was not that far away.


It was nice to see that Drake really was getting into this. I knew I had pegged that dragon right. Now it was time for me and Leona to have some fun, though. There was a nice big old city just waiting for us to have some fun with it. I do not know why Mr. Happy objected to us having fun with cities. It was not like he got in any trouble for what we did and I got to have fun. As far as I was concerned that was a win-win situation for both of us. And as long as he was not around at least he would not have to worry about having to stop us. Maybe we would be done before he even heard about what we were doing.

It was time to stop worrying about Mr. Happy, though. I had finally arrived in the city. The people that had been able to see me approaching were already running about in a confused manner. Most of them could not tell if they should try to hide in the buildings or just run in terror. Truthfully, I did not think either would work out all that well for them in the end. Neither the people trying to hide in buildings or the ones trying to run were making much progress. They kept getting in each other's ways and tripping all over one another.

The ones that could not see what was going on were also trying to get a better view at what was causing the chaos in the streets. Most people that did that were just staring out the windows of whatever building they happened to be in, but a few were already on rooftops trying to see what was approaching. For some of the people on the smaller buildings the last thing they would get to see was my paw descending on top of them. At my size it was like the buildings I stepped on were made of nothing more than cardboard. Crushing the buildings, as well as everyone on top of and inside of them, required no effort at all on my part.

Leona was off doing her own thing at the moment and I noticed that a group of people on top of a building I was about to step on were busy staring at her instead of me. It made me a little angry that they were watching her when my paw was right above them. I thought about just stomping them flat, but that would not get their attention until it was too late. So, I thought of something else to do.

"Hey, mind if I sit down and watch what's going on with you?" I said to the people on top of the building. It was then that the people on the knee high building finally decided to take notice of me. They looked up at me and screamed in terror. "I'll take that as a yes."

As they tried to scramble back into the building I turned around and sat down. Most of the people were still in the roof when I did that. I could feel them all popping beneath my rear as well as the occasional survivor struggling to get free. It would not have been hard to crush those few survivors if I put all my weight on the building, but if I did that it would probably collapse and I did not want that to happen just yet.

While I enjoyed the feeling of those trapped beneath my rather shapely rear, I watched Leona go on her own rampage through the city. This time I was the one looking at Leona while everyone else on the buildings surrounding me were busy looking nervously at me. "Wow, would you look at that, she crushed them like bugs. That's one scary vixen, isn't she?" I said to the people all around me.

I made exaggerated sounds of shock and horror as Leona went about her rampage while everyone else around me seemed to be too scared to move. It was fun playing with the littles like that, but when my stomach started to rumble I knew I needed to do a little more than taunting them. "I'm feeling a little bit hungry, you don't mind if I have a bite to eat, do you? Of course you don't, thanks," I said pleasantly.

I quickly followed that up by picking up one of the smaller buildings next to me in one hand. There were still plenty of people on the roof and I licked my lips theatrically before I started licking them off of it as if the building were an ice cream cone. Even though my tongue was wide enough to cover the entire roof all at once I still did not get everyone in one pass. It took repeated licks to do that, but I did get everyone in the end. For a while I just let them run around aimlessly on my tongue. There was nothing like the taste of littles on my taste buds, spreading their own flavor as they tried to find a way to escape their fate. The entire roof full of people did not even count as a finger snack, though. It was easy enough to swallow them in one gulp, but that left me with the rest of the building. Well, since I had pretty much used it as an ice cream cone I decided that I should not just let the cone go to waste. The building was so small that it only took me a couple of bites to go down the entire thing. It was not much of a meal, but there were plenty of other "ice cream cones" sitting all around me and there was no point in letting them go to waste.

While I was eating and watching the show that Leona was putting on, I forgot to not put all my weight on the building I was sitting on. I was in the process of finishing off my fourth or fifth building when I heard the one bellow me groaning. The poor fragile little thing could not support my weight for more than a second and I found myself falling backwards as the building collapsed. My eyes widened in surprise as I landed hard on my back and then I started to giggle as I pictured how humorous the situation must have looked like from other people's perspectives. Well, at least it might have been humorous to the people that were not beneath the couple of city blocks that had been crushed beneath me. There was nothing to do about the fall, so I just stood up, dusted myself off, and walked off to find some more fun elsewhere.


I was not paying much attention to what Frostbite was doing since I was wrapped up in my own affairs. Those affairs mostly happened to involve stomping on people that happened to be in my way. Of course, there was also the fun of stomping entire buildings into dust and knocking over ones that were too big to step on.

This was turning out to be a pretty nice trip to the city so far. We had just moved here a short time ago and I had not even had a chance to visit the city at my normal size. So, everything that I encountered was a pretty big surprise for me, but probably not nearly as big a surprise as I was for everything I came across. It did not take me long before I came across an especially nice surprise. Apparently, the mass transit system in this city included an elevated railway which was probably still in operation. It usually took a while for the littles to respond to a rampage. First, you had to convince the right people that a giant was attacking, then you had to get the word out to everyone that they needed to evacuate, and then you had to come up with an actual plan for getting a few hundred thousand to a few million people out of a city in a very short amount of time. It was not an easy thing to do, much to my pleasure.

I decided to take a seat and wait for the train to arrive. The seat I chose happened to be right on top of the tracks and in the middle of a very busy street. Needless to say, the bridge was easily crushed beneath my rear and the cars folded in like tinfoil. I stretched my legs out in front of me, demolishing anything that happened to be in their way. Cars that had been trying to get out of the city along the road I sat down upon came to a screeching halt as they tried to keep from running right into me. The end result was a huge pile up as cars collided with each other and with me.

All the chaos I caused just by sitting down amused me, but I had to get the railway ready for its arrival. It was currently pointed at the ground since I had sat on it and that just would not do. I carefully lifted the tracks up so as not to tear them and made sure that they led into a new destination. My pussy would probably be more interesting a destination than wherever the littles had been originally headed anyways.

Waiting for a train to come was not much of a problem either. All those cars and their passengers that were stuck in the streets next to me made for nice little snacks while I waited. I just kept grabbing handfuls of cars and people trying to get out of their cars and tossing them into my mouth as if they were tiny nuts and swallowing them whole. It was a nice way to pass the time until I finally heard the train approaching.

The train's conductor view of me had been blocked by some of the buildings that were still left standing. He did not have enough time to try and stop the train after noticing the tracks led directly into my womanhood. I winked at the conductor as I held the lips of my pussy open to admit the relatively tiny train into it. The train may have been big and powerful looking to the littles, but to me it was so small and fragile looking that I did not know if it would have been able to penetrate past the lips of my femme without my assistance.

"Welcome to Leona station," I said to the train just before it collided with me, "This will be the final stop of the day for you. I hope you enjoyed the ride." The train tried to break, but it still ended up colliding hard with the sensitive flesh inside my pussy. That elicited a moan of pleasure from me as the train was nearly derailed by the sudden stop. The train had not wedged itself all the way into my pussy, but it had managed to get more than halfway in there. My body wanted more of the little toy I had turned the train into and started pulling it in without me even having to use my hands. As I continued to moan in pleasure, someone on the train finally realized they needed to do something.

I could feel it as someone tried to make the train move in reverse. The slight tugging sensation against the walls of my pussy was a lovely feeling. Those already inside my pussy could see that I was enjoying the feeling too. I was getting very wet down there and the train, which was not made to be waterproof, was starting to fill with my liquid pleasure. A drop of my feminine juices fell upon the street and upon some littles still trapped between my legs. That drop was enough to crush a car and bowl over any littles that happened to be nearby. The littles inside of me only wished that they had to deal with a single drop of my juices as the train cars filled to the brim with the stuff and many of them found they could not swim in the thick milky liquid. Quite a few of them drowned before I could hit my climax.

The train itself was pulled all the way into me despite its best efforts to pull out of me. When that happened I let the lips of my pussy close, sealing them in for good. The muscles within my body caused the train the shift around in very pleasant ways and a small stream of my juices started to flow out, making a small river that was washing away the littles trapped between my legs. But, when I did hit my climax I could feel the muscles within me crush the train with ease. The people within it were reduced to pulp and what little was left of them flowed out in a raging torrent of feminine juices that wiped away everything in its path.

I was left panting in a state of bliss for a few seconds, but when I recovered I surveyed the damage I had done. There were what looked like a few dozen furs drowning in my liquids and I smiled down at them. "I hope you like the little pool I made for you," I said before standing up and walking off, leaving them to their fate. That was fun, but there was still a lot of day time left and there was much more fun to be found as I continued to explore the city.


Getting to that gas station had wasted a lot of time, but I was speeding along the road once again. Unfortunately, I did not notice the police officer waiting behind a billboard as I did so. It was not until I heard his sirens that I realized I was going over double the posted speed limit. I cursed to myself as I was forced to pull over and patiently waited for the officer to walk up to my window.

"Sir, do you realize how fast you were going?" the officer asked the standard question.

I responded, "Yeah, but I really need to get back to the city and do something about those giants."

"Oh, so on top of breaking the law, you know about that rampage going on and you are headed towards it," the officer frowned as he looked at me, as if thinking something over. "You aren't one of those, you know, crazy people are you?"

I sighed, "I just might be officer, but I still really need to get to the city."

"And I still really have to give you this ticket," the officer said stubbornly.

"Oh come on, there's nobody even on the road besides you and me. I really don't have the time to waist," I protested.

The officer pointed an accusing finger at me as he said, "Son, you're lucky I don't take you in for being a madman. Now you will sit here and wait while I give you this ticket and if you even think about pulling off I will personally introduce you to my friends, Mr. Baton and Billy Ray Pepper Spray."

I did think about pulling away, but I swear the moment I did that I felt the officer's eyes on me as he filled out the information for the ticked. Instead of pulling off I just leaned out the window and said, "Hey, you think you could speed things up a bit."

"Don't you sass me boy. It'll get done when it gets done," the officer shot back. I just sighed and rolled my eyes. Hopefully, this would not take too long, but with the way my day was going I thought this was going to take much longer than I would have thought it would.


Making people pop beneath my paws was fun, but I really did have to catch up with Leona and Frostbite in the city. If I took too long chances were that they would end up destroying the entire city without me. But, on my way there I heard a loud cheering noise. That reminded me that there was a game going on today. It was nothing to get excited about as far as I could remember. Our home teams sucked at just about every sport I could think of and if there was any cheering going on it was probably for the away team.

I decided to go and check out the stadium to see if I was right. My appearance would probably cause the game to get canceled, but that would probably work out for my team in the end. Plus, the game should have been canceled the second they spotted Leona and Frostbite going on a rampage. They probably had not confirmed that the rampage was real yet, so they must be thinking why cancel the game for a mere hoax.

It was surprising just how long it took people to start noticing me as I walked through the packed parking lot. I would have thought that my heavy footfalls crushing dozens of cars with each step would have been enough to get their attention. But, my footfalls were competing with close to a hundred thousand screaming fans. Even the minor earthquakes I was causing went unnoticed by all the littles. Eventually, someone was able to notice my huge form towering above the open stadium and started screaming. Still, it took a while before I could get everyone's attention since they thought the other people screaming were just screaming about the game.

As the crowd was just taking notice of me, I was taking notice of the score board. Of course, the home team was losing, as expected. Still, it was a little irksome to see them losing yet another game. Normally, there was nothing a fan could do about something like that, but I was not just any normal fan. An idea came to mind and I put it into action.

Leona and Frostbite had said I should go wild and do whatever I wanted, so I did not feel shy about doing what I was about to do. Why would they have had me take my clothes off if they did not intend for me to get a bit naughty. I knelt down low enough so that as my cock came swinging down it was able to crush one section of the stadium. Bits of the stadium and the crowd went flying everywhere. I had carefully chosen which section of the stadium to crush with my member as well. That one happened to be the one which had the most people dressed in the colors of the away team. That should teach them to root for the home team, even if they were a big bunch of losers.

If the people in the stands had not noticed me before, they sure had now that my shaft had just decimated a good sized portion of the stadium. People were trying to flood out of it now, but I was gathering them up in huge handfuls and pressing them against my shaft. I tried to be careful with them, but it was hard not causing their tiny bodies to pop. That did not matter much in the end since I liked the way those bodies felt as they were turned to pulp against my stiffening member. When one handful of people were turned to nothing more than little red stains that came pretty close to matching my own scaly hide, I would just grab another handful and use them instead.

The people in the stands were very slow at getting out of the stadium and most of them could do little more than watch me on my knees and using their fellows for my own desires. As my member continued to stiffen I pointed it almost straight up in the air. In this position I was able to drop a few of the littles down my cock without much difficulty. It was very pleasurable to feel them sliding down my member, kicking and screaming all the way. It was hard for me to believe I could get this much pleasure from a hand job I was giving myself. But, it seemed that the use of a few thousand littles could really help to enhance the experience. Just as I thought that I felt a tightening in my groin and I let out a roar of pleasure as I finally came.

Waves of milky white foam shot into the air with the occasional little mixed into it. My seed rained back down to the ground in huge drops. Some parts of the stadium looked like they had been hit by meteors as my cum crashed into them. Littles were obliterated with ease and the field had pooled up with my cum. If anyone on either team had still been in the field they were now buried in my seed.

"Aw, looks like the game is going to have to be canceled due to rain," I chuckled. I was rather proud of myself. It was doubtful this could count as another loss for my team and maybe they would be able to find some better players after this. And there were still some people left in the stadium to snack on as well. Of course, I made sure to eat the people dressed in the colors of the away team first. What can I say, giant or not, I still had a little bit of home town spirit.


After I had finished snacking on those buildings as if they were ice cream cones I was yearning for something else. Watching Leona have her fun with that train had put me in a bit of a kinky mood. There were quite a few nice looking places to help me deal with that too. The most appealing choices to me happened to be an airport just outside of the city and the downtown area had a few nice toys to play with. After thinking about it for a second I decided to stick with the downtown area for now. There were just so many nice tall buildings left to have fun with that I did not want to wait for Leona and Drake to destroy them all.

The downtown area would have already been busy even if I was not rampaging through the city. With me rampaging through the city it was nothing less than utter chaos. There were traffic accidents on just about every corner. Nobody really bothered to pay attention to traffic lights when they felt their lives were on the line. People were trying to stream out of buildings as fast as they could, but with exits that were only but so wide it was difficult for them to get out all that quickly. Plus, with me walking through the streets, people probably were not so sure they wanted to be out in the streets.

It was impossible for me not to step on dozens of cars and fleeing littles as I moved. They were everywhere and I could feel them popping beneath my paws with each step. Of course, I did not feel the need to constrain myself to traveling through the streets. At my size traveling through buildings was easy enough. My paws could blow straight through the smaller buildings and even the largest of buildings could be knocked over if I bumped into them. As I walked around, inspecting the skyscrapers, I actually would knock over the ones that did not look like that much fun. I did not use my hands, though. Instead, I would just hip bump them and say something like, "Oops, sorry about that. Didn't see you little guys down there." A hip bump from me was more than enough to make a building fall over as if it were nothing more than a domino.

Just because I liked a building did not mean it remained standing. To me the buildings were nothing more than toys and the littles stuck inside of them were my playthings as well. There were quite a few little faces in the windows of those buildings looking up at me, probably scared for their lives. But, a few of them were attracted to me. It was hard not to be for many of them. Even if I were at my normal size I would have been a very attractive vixen, but at my current size I had boobs far larger than warehouses and a pussy that could swallow up entire skyscrapers. And since I was walking around in nothing more than my birthday suite, all of my best features were visible for the entire world to see.

When I spotted one building with an especially large amount of littles in the windows I smiled down at it and said, "I can see you little guys must like what you see. Since I'm so nice I think I'll let you all enjoy a closer view." Without hesitating, I uprooted the skyscraper from the ground as if it were nothing more than a blade of grass. I could hear the screams as I lifted up the building and moved it towards my pussy. It was always fun using a building as a dildo. They were nice and long, and the skyscrapers were shaped like they were just begging to be used for the pleasure of a giantess.

As I slowly inserted the building into me with one hand I started to fondle my breast with the other hand. The way the building felt as it slowly slid into me was nice, but it felt like there was something missing. It took me a second to think of what that something was until I looked down at all the fleeing littles in the streets. A broad smile crossed my face as I used my free hand to scoop up a group of those littles. This time when I brought my hand back up to my breast I could feel all the littles struggling in my grasp. This time, with them flailing against my hand and my boob, things felt right. I did try to be careful with the handful of littles, to keep them from popping too quickly, but they were just so fragile that I could still feel them popping against the firm flesh of my boob.

More bodies started popping as I lost control of myself. That could not be helped. With the way the skyscraper felt as I inserted it into me and the way the littles felt as they squirmed in my grasp was just too arousing. The more aroused I became, the less control I had over myself. It was not long before all the littles in my grasp were nothing more than little red stains against my snow white fur and erect nipple. The skyscraper easily fit into my pussy, but I had not reached the point of climax just yet. Fortunately, there were plenty of skyscrapers in this fairly prosperous city and there were still plenty of furs in the streets too.

I quickly picked out another skyscraper to join the previous one while massaging a new group of littles against my other breast. That moved me closer to climax, but I still was not quite there. To get the rest of the way there I picked out one more skyscraper. This one did not join the others in my pussy, though. Instead, I placed it between my breasts. Even though I was not squeezing it I could hear the structure groaning in protest to all the pressure being placed on it. I also picked up a couple more handfuls of littles to pleasure myself with.

As I pleasured myself once more with all the littles I had collected, I started pressing my boobs together gradually. I could feel the building stuck in my cleavage starting to crack and come apart. It was a bit intoxicating to be able to crush something like a skyscraper with my boobs. I reveled in all the power that I had over everything around me, letting it feed my arousal. While I moaned with pleasure, the skyscrapers in my femme and the one between my breasts moaned as they were forced to endure more pressure than they were ever designed to take. My breasts closed in like vices around the skyscraper between my breast. In moments it started to crumble into dust and those within it were turned to pulp. It only took a few more moments before I climaxed.

The power of my climax made the buildings in my pussy seem like cheap flimsy toys. They provided no protection at all for those littles within them. It did not even take a second for the buildings to get crushed as the sensitive walls of flesh pressed in around them. I could feel it as the buildings were obliterated by my climax. The overwhelming sense of power that I had just fed my orgasm. Feminine juices flowed from me like a mighty river, carrying what little was left of the skyscrapers within me as they did so. Those juices flattened any littles that happened to be unfortunate enough to be beneath me at the moment. If they were not killed outright, they found themselves in a very bad situation. It was not easy swimming through my thick creamy pleasure juices and many of them drowned before they could make their way out.

I was not paying much attention to what was happening to the littles beneath me. At the moment I was still panting in pleasure, recovering from what had been a very nice orgasm. There were bits of the skyscraper left on the top of my boobs as well as a few littles that had spilled out of the shattered structure. They were easy enough to notice since I could feel them moving around in my fur. It really was a bit of a miracle that they had survived and I supposed I should reward them for surviving, but I really was not in much of a mood to dish out rewards. Besides, I had given them a nice show and they were getting to play around on my boobs, so in a way, they kind of owed me something in return.

"Alright, since I let you little guys in on such a nice little show it's time to return the favor for me," I said to the frightened littles that were now trying to hide in my fur. That did them no good as I started licking them off my fur. My tongue easily picked up the littles and the rubble. It was nice cleaning off my beautiful white fur after what I had just done and the littles made things so nice by tasting so good for me. When I felt that I had managed to lick up all the littles I happily chewed them into paste. They tasted so good that I felt a little string of drool trying to escape from the side of my mouth, but I made sure to wipe it away before it could get very far.

Now that I had had my fun with those skyscrapers I was in a very kinky mood. My stomach was still growling too, letting me now that it did not want to get neglected. So, I tried to think of a nice place where I could satisfy both types of hunger that I was feeling. Nothing came to mind right away and I started to take a stroll through the city, enjoying the way that the littles crunched beneath my paws as I walked. I was sure I would spot something to do eventually. The littles were probably hoping I would find something to amuse myself with again too, so I would stay still for a while and give them some time to try and escape. At least they hoped that would happen while I was nowhere near them I thought with a smile.


I was going around, minding my own business and crushing littles beneath my toes when I felt little impacts on the back of my legs. It was a familiar sensation that I remembered well. When I turned around I was confronted by the city's police force. They were all over the place, firing on me from the street, from windows in nearby buildings, and even from the occasional helicopter. It was amusing how they always felt a need to fight back instead of just getting out of the city. Well, if they wanted to play with me, who was I to argue. The worst they could do with the weapons they had was tickle me a little bit, so it would not hurt to toy with them a little bit.

At first I did not do much to the police as they continued firing away at me. I just crossed my arms and stood there, tapping my paw on the ground as I patiently waited for them to see that they were not doing much. That took a while to happen. They were probably hoping that since I was not stomping them into paste that they were actually doing something to harm me. When they stopped I was not sure that was because they figured out their weapons could not do anything to harm me or if it was because they had run out of ammunition.

"Ooo, I think you got me with those last few shots," I said in an overly dramatic manner as I clutched my chest with one hand, acting like I had been shot in the heart. I pretended to stumble in an exaggerated manner. It was a playful little act for me, but for the littles on the ground it did not seem nearly so playful. My paws devastated multiple city blocks and crushed dozens of furs with each step. Suddenly, I stepped on an especially dense group of littles. That would not have normally been such problem, but I was a bit off balance from pretending to fall and all those littles were kind of slippery. Before I knew it, my fake tumble turned into a real one as I did a little twirl while trying to regain my balance.

I started to fall backwards and that was when I noticed that the police that had been shooting at me were right beneath me. That made me smile. It looked like this accident was about to become very interesting. When I landed my butt hit the ground with cataclysmic force. The vast majority of the police force was caught beneath me as I fell and I could feel them all popping like overripe grapes in an instant. Buildings, cars, and littles were all obliterated in the blink of an eye. Most buildings within a few blocks of me started to collapse from the quakes my rear caused as it hit the ground. I could see that quite a few of the littles had been knocked off their feet as well.

For just a few seconds I enjoyed the feeling of the crushed littles beneath my rear, wiggling it around and giggling lightly. Then I said, "Thank you officers for protecting my butt from that fall and serving as a nice cushion for me."

I thought about getting back up, but I decided to take a closer look at all the destruction my little fall had caused. So, I rolled over on my belly and took a look around the area. Quite a few of the littles were trapped in various different spots due to all of the collapsed buildings. I decided to give them a little more motivation to escape. "You guys better start moving faster or I'm gonna squish ya," I said lightly.

To prove that I was not joking I started moving my thumb over the different groups of littles that happened to be in reach. When I spotted an especially slow group I lowered my thumb onto them and crushed them like bugs. There was a crunching noise that echoed through the area and I noticed the other groups did start to move faster. I kept crushing a group here and a group there for a little while before I started to get bored. Still, I did not just want to let them all get away, so I decided to use something a bit bigger than my thumb to crush them.

I moved over all the littles and noticed that they all looked up when my shadow covered all of them. They panicked when they saw my boobs hanging over them and lowering right on top of them. This really motivated them to run and crawl over whatever rubble was in their way as quickly as they could. Still, I lowered myself just a little too quickly for them. When my boobs were low enough to the ground for the littles to touch them I could feel them trying to hold up my weight. For me it was like a nice little massage.

As I continued to lower myself onto the littles I could feel more and more tiny hands trying to hold up my boobs. Of course, a few of the people trying to hold up my weight burst under the pressure, but there were plenty more to replace those few. Unfortunately, there was a limit to all the littles. After a series of crunching and popping noises I could no longer feel any hands. Still, what was left of the littles had a nice warm feeling to them and I took a moment to savor the feel of them. I did not take too long though. The more I lingered here, the more of the city Frostbite and Drake would destroy without me. Before I stood up I did take a moment to lick up a few more littles stuck in the streets. They would be a nice little snack to chew on while I went to look for something else fun to do.


I had been expecting people to flee from the city, but I had not really conceived just how many people lived in the city until I saw them all streaming out of it. Even with Leona, Frostbite, and Drake doing a real job on the place there were still plenty of people that were getting away. That was easy enough to tell since it seemed like they were all using the same road I was traveling on to get away. Sure, I was using the side of the road that was supposed to be used for traffic heading into the city, but with three titans ravaging the city most people were not bothering to obey the rules of the road.

Both sides of the street were being used by people headed out of the city and I found myself having to dodge their cars as I headed into the city. It was not an easy thing to do. The number of scratches and dents I now had on the side of my truck were a testament to that. Even when I tried to travel off road I found that there were problems. People that were on foot were there and I did not want to run anybody over, so I was forced back onto that traffic filled road.

The traffic just did not let up for the longest time and when I did finally spot an opening in it I had another surprise in store for me. I sped up when I saw that opening in the traffic and nearly ran into a huge hole in the ground. There were a bunch of crater like holes in the street and all of the other vehicles were being forced off the road to get around them. It was then that I realized I was using the same road that Leona, Frostbite, and Drake must have used when walking into the city. The holes I was seeing were their footprints.

Between all three of them, they had torn up the road awfully good. "You have got to be kidding me," I muttered to myself as I was forced to deal with yet another diversion and started trying to maneuver my way around all the other vehicles and people making their way around the shattered road.


After doing my part for the home team it was time to celebrate my accomplishments. Just how a titan like me went about doing that was a mystery to me, though. I had just thought about going downtown to throw myself a party, but I could already see Frostbite was having herself a fun time there. Leona was also having her fun playing with the police. I do not know why they chose to attack her specifically, but that kind of made me feel ignored, even with thousands of littles fleeing before me.

Even though all those littles, who could not hope to outrun me even while walking, felt good as they popped beneath my leathery soles it still did not feel quite like a celebration for me. There just had to be something else for me to do in the city. What I had not realized was that I was pretty much following the thickest group of littles that was fleeing in terror. I had not really thought they had any particular destination in mind, but they soon proved me wrong. It was not long before I spotted a festively decorated building. The building was not tall like a skyscraper, but it was much wider and very large from a non-titan's perspective.

I felt stupid for having forgotten about that building. There were a bunch of stories about it in the news lately. Not only had a new mass transit system just been finished in the city, but it had been connected to an even larger mass transit system that was being constructed all over the nation. The building I was looking at was the station that connected the city's mass transit system with the rest of the nation. From this station a person could hop off the subway that ran beneath the mountains and onto the elevated rail and subway system that ran throughout the city.

There was supposed to be some sort of grand opening ceremony for the station today. That was not my sort of thing, but it was impossible not to at least have heard about the station. On the news the building had looked sturdy enough and that was probably why people were headed towards it. It certainly looked stronger than most of the other buildings surrounding it. A good deal of the building was underground too, because of the subway, and I guessed that plenty of people thought they could seek shelter there. I smiled to myself as I decided to see if those people had thought right. Besides, it was fitting that there was supposed to be a celebration here and I was in a celebratory mood.

The only question for me was how best to approach the building. Sure, it looked sturdy to the littles, but it did not look like it could take all that much damage to me. Leona and Frostbite seemed to know what they were doing while handling buildings, but they also seemed like they had done this a few times before. I had been able to have my fun with that stadium, but a stadium was not the same thing as the building I was looking at. It was just amazing how much frailer things looked from my perspective. I might have been able to ask Leona and Frostbite for advice on how to make these buildings last as long as I wanted them to, but it would probably be more fun to experiment on my own.

Littles were still flooding into the building even with me hovering right above it. Since I had not done anything to it yet and I was just standing there they must have been hoping that the train station was safe after all. I just smiled down at them and let even more people flood into the building. While I waited for the littles to fill the building to capacity I idly crushed a few stragglers beneath or between my toes to keep from getting bored. It took a few more minutes, but I eventually noticed that the flow of people into the train station had come to a stop.

There were still plenty of littles trying to force their way into what they thought was the safety of the train station, but there simply was no more room for them all. I grinned broadly down at them as I said, "Looks pretty crowded in there, but I think there's room for one more."

I knelt over the building, letting my growing member fall on top of some of the littles still trapped outside. Even now its weight was enough to crush them like ants, the little bodies popping stimulating the sensitive flesh of my cock. I grinded my member into the crowds outside the train station, letting the sensation of countless tiny bodies getting turned into paste beneath it cause my member to stiffen rapidly. When the littles in the immediate area were all used up it was finally time to make my entrance into the train station itself.

My member probably could have penetrated any of the walls in the train station, but I opted to go in right through the front door. The entrance was wide enough to accommodate for a large flow of people coming into and out of the building, but the girth of my member was too much for it. My cock tore through it as well as a significant portion of the surrounding wall. It must have come as a terrible surprise for the people inside the station as my cock suddenly forced its way into the building, tearing through concrete and steel as if they were nothing more than wet tissue paper.

With so many littles packed in as tightly as they were it was impossible not to plow them under with my cock. Dozens upon dozens of littles were reduced to little streaks of red beneath my member as it forced its way further into the station. Whatever walls or stands happened to be in my member's way did not stand a chance either. I reveled in the sensation of my member entering the building like some sort of unstoppable force, my cock quickly swelling up with the sense of power that I had.

My member made it more than halfway into the building and it had not even reached its full size yet. At some point my member came in contact with the train tracks and I felt a slight tingling from the current running through them, but what I really felt was a subway train running right into the side of it. My cock did not budge, but I could feel the train crumbling against my member from the impact. It looked like I had just blocked an exit the littles were trying to use to get out of the city.

I let my member linger in the building for a few seconds. Even though I thought I had been gentle enough when inserting my cock into the building, it was still so large that it had devastated the building. I tried to be careful not to make the building collapse before I even started having fun and there had been a few moments where I thought it would fall apart anyways. But, the building seemed to be stable enough now and I decided to really start having my way with the building and the littles inside of it.

I started pumping in and out of the building slowly at first, testing what the train station could take. Even slowly pumping into the building caused it to shake, but as long as it did not collapse before I was through with it that was fine with me. The littles inside the building were of a different opinion, though. My attentions were causing lights to flicker and bits and pieces of the building to fall all around them. Even when the lights were on there were debris clouds forming that made it almost impossible to see more than a foot in front of their faces. That was causing them to stumble around blindly, which often lead to them wandering into the path of my pumping member and adding to the already significant amount of goo beneath my cock.

As I grew ever more intoxicated with arousal the speed and power of my thrusts into the train station increased. The building shook so violently that they thought the world itself was coming apart around them. What were just small drips of pre for me could fill a nice sized swimming pool to the littles and it was flowing freely at that point. The pre had nowhere to drain but the subway tunnels. Littles that were trying to run down those tunnels found that they were quickly filling up with my pleasure.

I could feel the train station crumbling as time went on, but I no longer cared. All that mattered was my own pleasure and I was lost in it. I just kept pumping harder and harder, obliterating anything that dared to get in my way. The building could only handle such punishment for but so long. Suddenly, the building groaned, as if giving up on trying to pretend it could deal with what I was doing to it, and started to collapse in on itself. Just as it did that I let out a roar of pleasure and hit my climax. Huge waves of cum blasted deep into the train station. A tidal wave of cum washed down the subway tunnels, washing away anyone that happened to be down there. It would take a while for all the cum that I produced after each blast to drain from the subway system. I did not believe that would happen fast enough to prevent all those littles that survived the initial onslaught of cum from drowning.

As I pulled my member from what little was left of the train station I was rather proud of myself. I had brought the thing down by just a little bit of cock pounding. This was definitely pretty fun and I could see why Leona and Frostbite liked doing it. I would have to see if they would let me do this again with them again sometime. But, before I let thoughts stray too much to thinking about a next time, I had to find something else to do with the city while it lasted. Even after the stadium and that building I was still feeling a little horny. So, I went off to find another building to show my love to, enjoying the feeling of littles popping beneath my feet as I walked.


I could not believe I had forgotten about the train station until I spotted Drake giving it a good pounding. Ah well, at least I still had that airport to have fun with since Leona seemed to be headed in the opposite direction. As was usual with a big city like this one, the airport was a hub of activity. There was a parking lot full of nice shiny cars that I was going to have to pay a visit to. It seemed that many people did not want to be outside while I was around, but there were a few that were trying to get away from the airport. Those were the few smart ones that probably figured I had come there for fun and they did not want to be around while I had my fun.

It was tough getting out of the airport, though. Upon seeing me coming most people had left their vehicles parked right where they were, even if that meant leaving them in the middle of the street, in order to get inside the airport as fast as they could. That left far too many cars blocking off the streets for people to hope to drive out of the airport. The only option left to people was to flee on foot and that was an extremely slow way to flee. A few people did make it far enough away for me to consider going after them a waste of time, but most were not so lucky.

A good deal of people were still trying to make their way out of the parking lot when I finally arrived. Most of those people were not actually looking for their cars. That just happened to be the easiest way to get out of the airport. They had probably thought I would head straight for the airport terminal too instead of wasting time in the parking lot. But, they could not know just how funny I thought it would be to crush a lot of those cars. Many of their owners were probably elsewhere on the planet at the moment and they were feeling lucky they had gotten out of the city before this could happen. When they saw what was happening to the cars they had left behind on the news, there were a few news helicopters hovering around me almost constantly, they would know that they were not quite as lucky as they thought they were.

Instead of just wading into the parking lot I started out by surveying the area in an exaggerated manner. I was doing my best to look like someone who had lost something. "Oh dear, I can't seem to find my car. Maybe it's over there," I said as I took a step into the parking lot. Dozens of cars crunched under my paws as I took that step as well as a few littles that happened to be in the parking lot at the time. I wandered through the parking lot at random, just like someone searching for their car, except many times larger. The littles scrambled to get out of my way, but with me suddenly changing the direction I was walking in every so often it was hard for them to tell which direction they needed to run in. Even when the littles did guess the right direction to run in they had to deal with all the cars that were in their way. Of course, I took care of that problem for them by crushing the cars, but that still left a crater like footprint in the ground that was not exactly easy to crawl around in.

Within a couple of minutes I had decimated the parking lot. There were a few littles that had made it out of the parking lot before they could wind up as nice red stains beneath my paws, but not many. I wiggled my toes a bit, enjoying the way the cars that had gotten stuck between my toes felt. With only a few cars left in the parking lot I said, "Oh yeah, that's right. Mr. Happy does all the driving and he's out of town. I don't even have a drivers license, needless to say a car. Sorry about that guys, my mistake." If there was anyone left in the parking lot to hear that insincere apology they were not showing themselves. Even though there were a couple of cars left in the parking lot, but I did not feel like bothering with them at the moment when there was a nice airport terminal to deal with.

The airport terminal was packed, but that was nothing new for an airport. I doubted anyone inside was paying attention to security, though. All the littles were just trying to get away from the many windows in the terminal, as if that would help them when I could easily stomp the building into oblivion. Come to think of it, stomping the building into oblivion did seem like a fun idea, but after just crushing all those cars it seemed a little repetitive. So, instead of stomping on things I decided to have a little snack.

While the terminal was large, it was not even close to being the same size I was. Tearing off the roof of the airport terminal was not all that difficult. For me it was kind of like opening up a picnic basket full of delightful little treats. All the littles could do was stare up in terror and awe as the roof disappeared from above them and I licked my lips.

It did not take the littles long to start running around, trying to figure out how to get out of the situation they had found themselves in. But, a lot of people seemed to have come up with different plans of escape and they were all getting in each other's way. It was a disorganized mess and, more often than not, the littles just ended up knocking each other over and tripping over the people that had fallen. I just giggled at the sight of it all. The littles did make for some good entertainment. Then my stomach growled at me to let me know it was time to stop laughing and that I needed to give it something to digest.

I was not one to oppose my belly, so I reached down and picked up small groups of littles between my index finger and thumb. Even using just a couple of fingers I could pick up over a dozen littles, which was just a small snack for me. I liked the way they would try to push my fingers apart to free themselves as if they actually stood a chance. After I enjoyed their struggles for a bit I would just throw the group into my maw and swish them around a bit before swallowing them down, only bothering to chew them up every once and a while. I was having fun slowly eating all the littles in the terminal one pinch full at a time, but my stomach growled at me once more. It was tired of me giving it so little to work with and wanted me to begin feasting in earnest.

I probably could have just started grabbing fistfuls of littles, but my stomach was starting to sound really insistent. So, I just dived head first into my meal. There were so many pleasant wide open areas in the airport terminal, all filled with littles, that it was not difficult at all to start licking them up. My nice saliva soaked tongue cleaned out wide swaths of the terminal with each lick. It also gave the remaining littles more room to try and dodge my tongue, but not much. My tongue was nearly as wide as most of the rooms in the terminal.

After each lick my tongue ended up coated in tiny squirming littles. I took as much time as my belly allowed to savor their flavor. Then I would swallow the squirming mass down, enjoying the feeling of them wriggling all the way down to my belly. Even if the terminal was not the same size I was, it was still a good size even to me and I definitely pigged out on all the littles inside of it. But, my belly was not unhappy about that. Much to my amazement I actually ended up getting full while there were still people left in the terminal.

I thought about trying to stuff the survivors into my belly anyways, but I did not want to ruin my figure. As I thought about what to do with them a little belch escaped me and I said, "Excuse me. All you littles really filled me up." Little faces looked up at me, hopeful that I might actually leave them alone. "But don't worry. You all get to have some fun with Frostbite to."

Before they could even react I laid down on top of what was left of the terminal. Since I was larger than the terminal was my body was able to crush the entire thing. The last thing many of those littles were able to hear was my belly digesting their fellows as it fell on top of them and crushed them like the bugs they were to me. Even after I had laid down I shifted my body around a little bit to grind up the remains of the terminal, just to make sure everything had been properly smooshed. After that I thought about taking a little nap while I digested the mass of struggling littles within my belly when I saw something that upset me.

Off in the distance I could see that planes were actually on the runway preparing to take off. "The last time I had to take a plane we got delayed three hours for drizzle, but you can just take right off with a titan going on a rampage. No, it doesn't work like that. You're staying right here." I stood up, brushing myself off, and headed toward the various runways with planes in various stages of take off. This time I did not have the time to waste playing around. I did not want to let any of the planes get away.

It was easy enough to crush most of the planes beneath my paws and it took them longer to prepare for takeoff than I thought they would. After destroying most of the planes and leaving enough craters in all but one of the runways to render them useless I finally decided to have some fun with this. With only the one remaining runway left there was not much chance of escape for the littles.

There was a plane that was off the ground and trying to make a pretty steep ascent into the air. That was simple enough for me to handle though. I just got in the plane's flight path and said, "Let's see how well you can try to avoid these fluffy white clouds." The plane tried to avoid a collision with my body, but I could get right back in its way fairly easily. In a matter of seconds the plane ended up colliding with my boobs. I did not feel any explosion, but I did feel the plane wedge itself deep into my cleavage. The plane did manage to last for a little while, but with my boobs pressing in all around it, it was only a matter of time before it was crushed like an egg.

Despite what had just happened there was another plane trying to make a takeoff. It was still on the runway at the moment and I thought about trying to catch it between my boobs again, but another idea that seemed kind of fun popped into my head. As the plane sped along the runway I sat directly in its path. My rear was presented to the plane and I held my rear apart just enough to let the plane in. I could hear the plane trying to come to a stop, but I had not given it enough space to do that. A collision with my rear was inevitable for them.

When the plane hit I was hoping it would go all the way into my tail hole all on its own. Unfortunately, it had managed to slow down enough that it's wings were able to keep it from rocketing right up my anus. That was something I planned to correct. I placed a finger against the rear of the plane and started slowly pushing it in.

"Welcome to your final destination, Frostbite National Airport," I laughed as the wings started to tear off the plane. "Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop. The temperature of Frostbite is a nice toasty 98 degrees Fahrenheit. I hope you enjoyed your brief flight and that you will enjoy your time within Frostbite because Frostbite will certainly enjoy having you in her. Have a nice day."

With those last words I finished shoving the plane into my tail hole. It sealed shut behind the plane and I doubted that it would be getting back out without some help from me. I doubted that help was going to come any time soon either, especially since I liked the way that felt and there were plenty of other planes still left to have fun with. "Well, it looks like Frostbite is about to become the vacation spot of the year," I chuckled as I went to have my way with the remaining planes.


The city was starting to look awfully sparse. A lot of the buildings had either been eaten or used as sex toys by now. Drake was really getting into this whole being an unstoppable giant thing and Frostbite was being her normal destructive self. The remaining buildings were really too small to make for good sex toys, but it was still fun seeing how long they could support my weight after I sat down on them, which was not more than a second in most cases. I was running out of building awfully fast, though. It looked like the fun times would soon be coming to an end.

That was a little depressing, but then I noticed something I probably should have noticed earlier. Between myself, Frostbite, and Drake, we had been herding the entire population of the city in one direction. Since we had done a lot of damage to the main highway leading into the city in one direction, everyone who had a car left was trying to get out of the city in the other direction. The city did have a nice big highway that they had just finished widening about half a year ago to accommodate for the higher traffic flow the city had been getting over the past few years. That did not help much now. When just about everybody left in the city was trying to use the same road things tended to get backed up.

"Look at all that traffic," I said while walking over to the highway, "Since I'm such a kind and helpful person I'm going to help with relieving this traffic problem." I did not walk directly onto the highway, just right next to it. The cars tried to speed up as I approached, but there were just too many cars around for them to work up much speed. I let my paw hover above the cars, thinking about just stomping down on the cars, but I did not want this to go too fast since this was probably going to be my last bit of fun for the day.

Instead of bringing my entire paw down I just used a single toe to crush a car like a grape. I then lifted that toe back up and let it hover over different cars before choosing another car to step on. Sometimes I crushed cars at random and sometimes I had a reason. One car was moving too slow for my taste, so I flattened it to get it out of everyone else's way. Another car was moving too fast for my liking, so that one was turned into a pancake beneath my toe as well. There was another car that was blue and, well, I just felt like crushing a blue car, so I did it.

The littles figured out that if the shadow of my toe was hovering above them they needed to get out of the way quickly. Even if there was no room for them to maneuver they would still try to get out of the way. That often involved ramming into another vehicle hard enough that they rendered both vehicles inoperative. Pileups were starting to choke up the highway and bring traffic to a standstill.

I decided to really toy with this one red car that caught my attention for some reason. Like with the other cars, I let my toe hover above it and it tried to speed off. Instead of stepping on the car though, I crushed another car very close to it as if I had missed the other one. I kept following the red car around with my toe and stepping on other cars close to it instead. The driver of that car must have thought he was so lucky to have so many close calls and still be alive. It took a while, but some of the other drives figured out what was going on and desperately tried to avoid the red car. Everyone tried so hard to avoid both the red car and my toe that the number of traffic accidents quickly multiplied. Eventually, there was a pileup so bad that the way forward was completely blocked for the red car. The driver tried to turn his car around, but I was bored playing with him now and I could not help but say, "Sorry, but this looks like a dead end for you." Then I crushed his car beneath a toe just like all the others.

I looked around the highway and I could see that traffic everywhere had come to a complete stop. Then I smiled broadly as I said, "Oh my, it looks like traffic just keeps getting worse and worse, but I think I have an idea on how to deal with that. If there are no more cars then there won't be any traffic." I kept that smile on my face as I finally put an entire paw down on the highway. Dozens of cars were crushed instantly as my paw, which was actually a little wider than the highway was, settled onto the road. Then I carefully placed one paw in front of the other and began carefully walking down the road, making sure to step on every vehicle in my path.

The littles started scrambling out of their cars as quickly as they could, but some of them were trapped in their cars by other vehicles that were too close to them. And even if they could get out of their cars they had to scramble over other cars in order to get out of my path. That took time that they did not have. Even though I was taking my time I was still moving very fast to them. Each step I took left dozens of cars and their owners flat as paper. No matter how many times I did this I never stopped loving that distinct crunching sound all those vehicles made while being crushed at the same time, nor the way they all felt as the cars metal frames crumbled beneath my paws and the much squishier littles squelched as they were crushed.

It was a nice little walk, but it eventually had to come to an end. I was a little sad to see that happen. The next time we moved I was going to have to get Mr. Happy to move to a bigger city with an even more cars filling a nice big highway. Now all that was left for me in this city was the cleanup. There were a few littles that managed to make it off the highway before I crushed them and I set down next to the highway to begin picking them up and snacking on them.

I had nearly finished those stragglers off while Drake and Frostbite finished with the rest of the city when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. There was a truck headed towards me. That was pretty strange since no vehicles would dare approach me at this point in a rampage. They would just be hiding out and hoping that they were lucky enough to have gone unnoticed during the rampage. I was not about to object to a snack coming to me, though, so I started to reach down and pick it up when the truck stopped and the driver got out.

Much to my amazement, the driver actually started yelling at me. That was enough to make me pause. At first I thought it was a little that had gone crazy and was trying to go out with one last act of defiance before I crushed him. Then I listened a little closer and smiled. "So you finally got back I see," I said as I reached down to pick up the little.


Finally, I had made to Leona as she was still busy gulping down the rest of the city's residents. She saw me and looked like she was going to try and make a snack out of me too. That did not scare me in the least. This had happened entirely too many times. While she was still reaching for me I got out of my truck and yelled my long line of grievances at her. There were a lot of things to yell about too.

After this rampage we were going to have to move again. I was tired of moving. Then there was that ticket I was going to have to deal with. My truck had been messed up on the way here. And oh yes, there was that thing about them destroying an entire city.

But, then I saw the sinister smile that spread across Leona's face as she reached down to pick me and my truck up after saying, "So you finally got back I see."

That smile of hers probably did not mean good things for me, or my truck knowing Leona. She brought me up to eye level for her and I said, "Another city Leona? Did you really have to do it again." As much as that smile of hers may have intimidated me I was not willing to back down just yet.

The giant vixen shrugged her shoulders as she said, "We got bored. You should have left us with something to do."

I was about to come up with another angry response when Frostbite and Drake both walked up to Leona. It looked like they were finished with their rampages. "Well, that was fun," Frostbite said, "But, there's still plenty of daytime left and I'm starting to get bored again."

"Well, I suppose it's a good thing Mr. Happy made it back home then," Leona said while presenting me to the other two.

Frostbite's smile was just as sinister as Leona's was when she noticed me in Leona's palm. "And here I was thinking I'd be bored for the rest of the day. I'm looking forward to having some fun with you," Frostbite said to me.

With both of the giant vixens looking at me like I was a toy I turned to Drake and said, "You too Drake. Can't you help me out here?"

He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled a little awkwardly, "What can I say, I enjoyed myself today. If they think having fun with you would be fun I'm willing to trust them."

Leona and Frostbite giggled at that comment. "Growing you was definitely a good idea," Leona said before turning back to me, "Well, let's head home and see what we can do with you."

Any protests I had were completely ignored as Leona and Frostbite talked about the various things they could do with me to Drake. I sighed to myself and wondered why I even bothered to come back to the city. It always ended up like this. Drake was new, though, and I really did not like an idea Frostbite came up with. She wanted to use my truck as a cannonball and Drake's cock as the cannon. Frostbite wanted to see how far they could shoot my truck. I definitely was not looking forward to that, but it would not be the first time I had to rebuild my truck. It had not been the best day in the world for me and, by the conversation Leona, Frostbite, and Drake were having about things to do for me, it was going to get worse. While I was in Leona's palm I was able to get a good look at the city, or what was left of it. I supposed that things could be worse than being the temporary plaything of three titans.