Trial and Error

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#113 of Commissions

A commission from someone who wishes to remain anonymous about a boy who is tired of being the smallest one in class and tries to solve that little problem.

Trial and Error by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They have been created for the sole use of within this story and are not meant to resemble anyone else's characters. This work contains some micro/macro content involving underaged characters. You have been warned.

"The wisest man follows his own direction"


Boredom reigns the throne of the mundane. Onsetting the mind with such a directive that it often overrides any sense of fun. It commands the thoughts of every person whom it consumes. It is like the all-devouring abyss of reality. But how do we come to terms with it? Is it not normal for the bored to seek refuge from the barren wasteland that it often presents? Needless to say it is not often easy and those who suffer its coils are often left with desperation for a refuge. Especially those who are often already restless or in a state of depression.

Ben was a 12-year-old boy who lived in the outer rim of what would be considered rural America. It wouldn't quite be considered rural except to those who had known nothing but the city life. But for the boy, it was all he knew. Ben lived with his family, of which he was the only child. They lived in a den among other furs and remain astray of the big city as the ostracization of the furry kind in the region was fairly prevalent. His parents, however, couldn't avoid it since they had to travel to the city in order to get some decent work.

The family of foxes lived in North Dakota, living in the small suburb of Mohall which was an hour or so away from Minot, the largest city in that region. His father was an account manager at a big-time bank while his mother worked with a beauty product company. As such both weren't around a whole lot. It didn't matter much since Ben was more mature than most boys his age. He and his family were red foxes, living in a den among other furs. It was a shared complex among a community of other like people. As such most of his friends

One of his best friends happened to be another fox who he'd known since he was in grade school. The fennec went by the name of Josh and was a nice contrast to the other boy. Where Ben was outgoing and friendly, Josh was antisocial and reserved. They ended up becoming friends after a school project in first grade and ever since then had been rather close, Ben even going out his way to protect the smaller and more feeble cub from bullies who made an easy target out of the Fennec who was small for his age. Ben was one of the boys known for his athleticism and many didn't want to mess with him as such.

It was getting close to the weekend and Ben wanted very much to go over his friends for a few days. He knew his parents wouldn't care much since he had been over plenty of times and was always a good guest. So when Ben asked his parents, of course, they said yes. They were happy that for once, they wouldn't have to rely on a sitter. It was only a matter of time before the day arrived and the fox wanted to make extra sure his friend enjoyed himself when he went over. This time he would bring his switch so that they could play Splatton together. It was his favorite game and he was rather good at it. Additionally, it was one of the few games his friend enjoyed as much as he did.

Josh was an academic who cared about nothing more than learning. Always studying and spending his time reading new books, no matter what the subject was. His favorite was math and even in 7th grade, he was already taking High School level courses. Ben wasn't really jealous but rather was proud of having a friend so smart. Josh was rather modest and didn't gloat as much as some of the other gifted kids, but still was proud of what he had accomplished.

Finally, the end of Friday arrived with the scream of the bell. Like clockwork, the kids all rushed out of the building. The flood crashing into two distinct groups, the furs to the left and the humans to the right. Even in this so-called integrated environment, they self-segregated themselves. None of them really paid it any attention, but the teachers noticed and had stopped trying to interfere since it never seemed to work. When Ben arrived in the sunlight, he immediately began looking for Josh, whom he assumed would be one of the last to leave the complex.

As he suspected, the Fennec was burying his snout in yet another book. Even bumping into another kid as he exited from the building. Ben approached him as the human seemed to be getting overly upset about the ordeal.

"Hey, Josh. How are you?" The second that he spoke, the human boy showed himself out as he didn't want to cause trouble with one of the most popular furs in school.

"I'm good." Josh responded with a short and succinct response as was per normal for him.

"So ready to go to your place? I brought my bike today so we can share it if you don't want to take the bus. I know you don't like it." The moment Ben mentioned those words, the other cubs face lit up with glee.

"Sure, sounds good." The tan fur fennec followed behind the larger boy, wagging his tail back and forth casually.

The two walked back to the bike rack where the red fox undid the lock of his bike. Soon the larger cub was all saddled up with the other boy holding onto his shoulders, with his paws on the pegs.

Having another kid pony up behind him wasn't something he normally did but Ben was strong enough to power through it. Being an athlete certainly helped and knowing that his friend's home was close, certainly helped. Unlike him, Josh lived somewhat close to the school. The smaller cub had to do all he could to hang on since the ride was rather wobbly. Not to mention the road wasn't well kept, except in the winter when the winter weather was heavy. Still, they managed to make a pretty good time, keeping to the backroads and avoiding any sort of traffic or crosswalks.

When they arrived at Josh's house, it was empty of cars. Like his own parents, Josh had a humble home. Wealth wasn't really prevalent in the northern part of the state due to the lack of work. Regardless both families made by just fine. Ben parked his bike right next to the garage and both made their way inside. Once Josh allowed them inside, they put their backpacks down and the red fox immediately beamed towards the couch and flopped over top of it. The smaller cub didn't follow and instead loomed over him, looking over the couch.

"Want to see something cool outback?" The fennec had been working on a side project for some time and wanted to show his friend his project.

"Sure. That sounds good." Ben was slow to get up from the couch before following his friend to the back yard.

Outside was a small shed, which wasn't there the last time.

"Did your parents just get this? Why are you showing it to me?" The red fox had no idea what his friend had in store for him.

"Just wait and see!" The fennec was overly excited about something.

Josh led into the building, which opened with very little effort. Surprisingly it wasn't even locked. Ben assumed it was because it was in a safer location since it was fenced in all around. Inside it was a little bit dark. Josh had to pull up a little step ladder in order to pull a chain, which illuminated the place. Inside there was your standard yard equipment and some various things for a garden.

"So...what are you trying to show me?" Ben asked trying not to sound hateful.

"Check this out..." Josh pointed at a small flash that appeared to have a clear liquid inside.

"What is that? Just some kind of drink or pesticide or something?" The larger cub eyed it curiously as it seemed normal enough.

"It's a potion, I ordered off the internet. I've been hiding it here to try it with you. Want to see if it works?" The fennec's tail wagged excitedly behind him.

"What's it supposed to do?" The red fox didn't really believe it was possible but decided to play along anyway.

"It's supposed to make you bigger...I'm tired of being the smallest boy in class. I wanted to see if you want some?" Josh picked up the small bottle and held it up in his paw proudly.

"No? I'm already the biggest kid in class...I don't really want to be any bigger.." Truthfully Ben was a little bit curious about if it worked or not but he had his own reservations.

"Heh, alright." The fennec lifted up the drink and looked through the clear glass before tipping it down into his mouth.

The liquid emptied rather quickly into his mouth. It was lukewarm and had no particular taste to it. It turned fizzy once it hit his taste buds and tickled the back of his throat as he consumed it as if were something desiring to his palette.

"So...feel any different?" The red fox couldn't help but be a bit curious.

"Nope, not really." The smaller fox put the little flask back on the counter where it had come from.

Josh shrugged it off as no big ordeal and decided to do something else since he had become rather bored with just standing around.

"Let's go hide and go seek in the yard...?" Ben suggested as he didn't have any better ideas of what to do.

"Sure...okay..." Josh was feeling a bit woozy as he couldn't exactly walk straight.

All of a sudden the cub felt a strange surge of energy run through him. It was like he had eaten a hand full of candy all out once. His heart was beating quicker than it usually did.

Ben stopped and looked behind him as he thought his friend was close behind. Sure enough, Josh was lagging and even on his behind. Something was off about him, the Fennec seemed as if he was distraught. The cub's clothing was looking strangely tight on him. With each passing moment, Josh's clothing was becoming more and more uncomfortable on him. The most annoying part was his shoes, which by this point he was trying to force them off his feet. They weren't budging no matter what he did, instead of loosening the lace as much as he could in order to reduce the pressure on his feet.

Soon the fabric on his shirt began tearing and it became more obvious what was happening...he was getting bigger...Ben wasn't entirely sure what he was seeing but the splitting fabric was evidence enough that something was going on.

"It burns...stop it!" Josh's body felt like it was being dipped in hot spring all at once.

"What's...going on..." Ben watched as the cub slowly began to tear bit by bit as the fabric began to give way.

The fennec watched as the ground below him slowly seemed further and further from his line of sight. Soon his pants button finally gave way leaving him in nothing but sundered jeans and torn shirt.

Eventually, the feeling began to wear off and suddenly the boy feels better. Though most of his clothing had been ripped to the point it wasn't recognizably his anymore.

"Uh...I think it worked..." The red fox realized that even sitting down the other boy was bigger than he was now.

"Yeah...that hurt like crazy...remind me next time to not take that again..." The fennec was a little bit afraid of what was going on.

"Looks like you got what you wanted though?" The cub wasn't really sure that was the case but was definitely intrigued by his now bigger friend.

"Hehe...I guess so..." Josh stood up and the brim of his head just barely touched against the ceiling.

"Wow...look how big you're as big as the top of the shack..." Ben approached him and had to tilt his head up to look at the bigger kid.

Getting closer to him, the red fox realized that the larger cub had a distinct scent to him. As he got within an arms reach, he realized it was coming from the boy's foot, which was substantially larger than his own now.

Tilting his head inward, Ben couldn't help but sneak a small sniff of the cub's foot. It was strangely tantalizing. The moment he indulged, he couldn't help himself and immediately wanted more.

"What are you doing?" The now larger cub had no idea what the smaller fox was doing.

"Mmm..." The red fox couldn't even utter words as his sexual urge was taking over.

Ben was getting rather worked up quicker than he expected. Already he had a hardon raging in his pants and had it not been for the oversized paw in front of him, Josh might have noticed. Slowly but steadily he began humping the foot as if by instinct.

Now...the smaller cub was by no means small enough to be covered by the foot. Josh watched as his friend's body rocked back and forth. His discernment changed from a state of uncertainty to one of pleasure. Ben wasn't about to take his clothing off, he had no idea what he was even doing and yet the longer he carried on, the more he wanted it. The slight musky scent of the foot invaded his nostrils and made him roll his eyes back. To say he was enjoying this was an understatement. By this point the Fennec was curious about what his friend was doing and just let him go own with the deed, having no idea as to the sexuality of the intention.

Josh wiggled his toes almost directly in the face of his friends whose response was surprising. The smaller fox took his little tongue and ran it once over the largest toe. The rolled over the rough and leathery paw pad and was salty to the taste.

"Heh...enjoying yourself?" Finally, the larger cub realized his friend was very much into the ordeal.

Ben was much too lost in the sensation of the event to respond coherently. Sexual stupor had taken over his mind. By this point, his cock was aching and he was craving for more.

He could feel himself getting closer to his limit. He wasn't exactly experienced and this was quickly making his loins respond to the pleasure. Literally his flesh was twitching and pulsing in his pants. Another few seconds and he made a mess inside of his pants, exploding with a flow of cum he had never seen before when he masturbated. The second he orgasmed his body refrained from motioning back and forth anymore. Josh smirked a bit as he didn't even have to do anything to get the other boy off. His wet crotch was evidence enough of what had just happened.

"All done?" Josh asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Uh..." Ben still couldn't even vocalize a response.

"Maybe we should find a way to return me to normal?" The fennec stated the obvious elephant in the room.

It was true that he was still much bigger than he was supposed to be. The problem remained, how would he return to normal? Would they be able to achieve the solution before his parents came back? Josh was afraid to move afraid of hurting himself or destroying anything.

"I need your help..." The cub beckoned for assistance.

Suddenly Ben felt a little guilty that he had served his own needs before his friends. Once he recovered from a state of sexual stupor.

"I promise to help you. Let's hurry it up." Ben resolved himself to help his friend.

Would he be able to or would Josh's parents find out? The cub couldn't help but wonder...