Heated Waters: Part 1

Story by Nicolas223 on SoFurry

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The following short story is among the very first that I have written, so please take kindly to any grammer or spelling mistakes that I might have made. Iv'e never done anything like this before so please understand my story writing might not be up to par. Thanks for your consideration. Without further delay, enjoy the story!

Tye is a young wolf athlete at his local high school. After finishing his water polo season, he's itching to get back into the pool again. Thankfully, his childhood friend, teammate and classmate, Trent, decides to acompany him to the empty school for a swim. Although, as time goes on in the water, Tye is less and less sure how he thinks and feels about his friend.

Heated Waters: Part 1

Spring break had finally arrived, and Tye was ready for it. After completing their water polo season months ago, he was itching to go back into the water. The young gray wolf was wearing nothing but a pair of sports shorts and a towel around his shoulders. The junior high student was fit, and well built, maintaining a lean body with plenty of muscle.

As Tye approched the empty poolyard, he tossed the white polo ball in his hand.

"He got no balls." He chuckled under his breath.

His friend Trent promised to accompany him at around 5 p.m. at the pool even thought the whole, "PE coach giving them the gate key" was against the rules. But Tye knew that no one probably gave a fuck anyway.

It was already five minutes after so Tye got out the key and rattled the chain and lock free, sending echoes across semi lit pool yard. His paws padded across the cement floor as he stood at the edge of the water. The pool was relatively large, spanning up to 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. The canine surveyed his surroundings, his sharp blue eyes dialating and ears turning as he paused for any signs of life.

Damn. It's already getting dark and there's no sign of him. Maybe something came up.

Just as he was about to turn away a large figure burst from the water. Its maroon fur was a quick flash as a paw shot out and grabbed one of Tye's ankles.

"Gotcha!" A voice cried.

The paw yanked him forward sending him sprawling towards the edge.

"Jesus Chri-!"

He never finished, his last words muffled as he plummeted into the water below. Just as he was sinking into the cool dark liquid, the pool lights blazed to life. Above him, Trent, the youthful yuko wolf swam to the surface, wearing nothing but his black spandex speedo and goggles. It was nothing new to Tye, they had played togethor for years now. But being alone in the same pool togethor felt ... different. Either way, he something in his pants stirred, suprising him enough to suck in a mouthful of water. He shot to the surface, sputtering as he regained his bearings.

Mean while Trent was convulsing in fits of laughter, heaving himself on to his side near the pool ledge.

"You FELL for it!!! You ACTUALLY fell for it!" He exclaimed in heaving breaths on his back.

"You Ba- cough Basterd!" But Tye was already smiling. He couldn't help it.

"How the hell did you get through without the key?!" He sputtered, still treading water.

When Trent finally cought his breath and managed to stand up, he pointed to the gate.

"Dude, it's not even that high I swear!" Tye looked to study the gate.

The gate had many long bars with sharp tips on each end. It might have been climable but it didn't look easy.

"And look at this!" He made a gesture to his chest and abs, flexing his already well emphasized muscle. Tye face palmed.

"Oh my god Trent." He said as he moaned.

Even though he was embarrassed by his friend's behaviour, another part of him wanted to look back at him again. He tried not to feel something or anything but Tye's chest swelled and his face burned. Fortunately, his dreanched fur hid his colored features.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

"I'm fuking jacked!" He continued, "There aren't a lot of things I can't do."

Tye finally came back to his senses, regaining his confidence and smirked.

"Oh yeah? So then another thing you can do is stop being a little bitch and get the ball?" He asked mockingly.

"Haha! That's affirmative."

Trent winked, walking to the other end of the pool where the ball had drifted, his tail swinging from side to side. Trent always seemed to have a flirtatious attitude with everyone, most of the time it was hard to tell if he was joking or actually serious. Sometimes Tye was pretty sure Trent didn't even know.

The brown furred canine finally returned with the ball to stand in front of his swimming friend.

"You going to swim in those?"

Tye looked down to see his sports shorts glimpsing his dark speedo that he had put on underneath before he arrived. Through the small opening in his pants he also noticed his growing bulge, his pink tip poking out.


"I think I'll leave these on for now."

Trent squinted at him suspiciously.

"Don't you have your swim gear on underneath?"

"Well, yeah but ..."

There was a slight pause between the two wolves. Finally a playful grin played on Trent's lips.

"Alright, that does it!" He said, as he leaped in after Tye.

Oh Shit. Shit. Shit.

The poor gray wolf turned to escape, frantically swimming the opposite direction. His attempts were futile as he felt a paw take hold of his thigh and pull him under. He tried to fight back but moving his hands across Trent's slick furred body only made things worse. Trent savagely fought to pull of his pants and after pinching his crotch more than than a few times, he succeeded.

He looked down to see half his dick sticking out of the tight swimwear and Trent already swimming to the surface.


He threw his hand over his hard on and broke through the surface of the water. Trent was already making fun of him.

"Ooohoho! Someone's a pent up today!" He said in a jeering tone. Tye's heart was beating fast now, half embarrassed and half infuriated. He wouldn't let him go that easy.

His sharp eyes caught on something.

"Your not too much better."

Before Trent could react, he stretched out his foot pad and pressed it against his friends girth, feeling a hard cock against it.

"Oh fuck!" He doubled back, half surprised.

"Dude," Tye continued "It's fucking spring, and if that wasn't enough, you practically just raped me."

After Trent recovered, and rubbed his head, grinning sheepishly. "Yeah ... maybe that was a bit much. Bet we can work it out our system." He said, swimming back with the ball in his hand this time.

Tye grinned, disregarding all the previous events from before, his brain switching to game mode.

"Bring it on."


They played for a whole hour, swimming back and forth, tossing the ball just for the other to take posession over it. The pool had now taken a cool ambiance, the pool light illuminating the yard somewhat dimly, along with a few others dotted near by. As the exaggerated game of keep away continued, the two young boys became more and more reckless.

Tye had the ball and was swimming down the side of the pool towards the shallow end, but Trent was in hot pursuit, using all his muscle power to plow through the water.

"Oh no you don't!" Trent cried as he slammed into the other wolf. Tye's waist ground against the rough pool walls, scratching him along his thigh. He yelped in surprise and stopped just before the pool steps. Trent was already starting to swim away with the ball before he noticed something was wrong. He stopped and whirled around.

"Yo, you alright Tye?" He asked genuinely concerned.

He felt his side still burning but he could tell it was nothing serious.

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just a scratch. I Think I might take a break for-." He stopped.

His hand began feeling around his leg, then his ass, and finally his exposed crotch. He looked down to see his ripped swimwear, now a single strand of spandex, completely unwearable.

"Oh fuck."

He plucked it out the water and lifted it so Trent could see. At first Trent tilted his head, confused. Then his eyes widened in understanding.

Tye's heart began to race as he realized he was now completely naked. Feeling his exposed ass and dick in the heated pool felt unbearably good. His cock twitched every surge the water made. Every part of him urged his hand to play with his cock and have a release. He needed to do something soon.

Calm down, get your shit togethor.

He gathered his thoughts, took a deep breath and sighed.

"I guess this means I need to get home. I probably shouldn't play like this..."

There was a pause. Then Trent got that smile on his face again and ducked underneath the water. At first he thought he was going to approach him but he remained in the same place.

After around 10 seconds Trent bursted to the surface. But this time he was holding something in his maw. A cheeky and seducing smile played on his face as he dangled his black speedo from his mouth. Tye was taken by surprise.

Why is he acting this way now?

"Need to go home my ass! If I can play naked, then you can too."

Tye was in a hard spot. He couldn't leave the pool again in fear of exposing his embarrassing boner but he also couldn't keep playing with Trent naked or else he would lose it.

"Can we atleast take a break?" He managed to ask.

Trent paused for another moment, looking slightly disappointed, he nodded his head.

"I guess but not for too long though." He said while taking off his goggles.

Tye made his way over to the shallow pool steps, sitting down, so the water only reached his lower abs. He let out a sigh of relief as he began to discreetly rub his already half erect member. It only lasted a moment as Trent set down the ball and began to swim towards him.

For fucks sake.

Tye folded both his hands and placed them in front of his embarrassing manhood.

Trent finally made it to the steps as well, but instead of seating himself, he stepped right beside Tye and headed outside the pool. As he did so, the water drenched inside the wolf's fur flowed out and splashed into the water and concrete behind him. The the young gray wolf looked to his side to where he heard his friends water logged footsteps making their way to the other side of the pool.

"What are you doing-"

Trent was completely exposed. His bare chest and abs were now coated in water, his naked body appearing smoother and more defined than before.

"Dont worry, just getting some water."

Tye hardly heared him. The yuko wolf's iliac furrow divited with his long stride, adding to his already sexy appearance. But that wasn't what drew his attention. What really caught his attention was the young male's fully elongated boner, which now was completely unsheathed.

If Tye's member wasn't already fully erect, now it was.

For the first time in Tye's life, he couldn't deny all the thoughts running around in his head, all the pent up feelings he had stuffed inside or the emotion ebbing at his mind.

I like Trent.

The small confession repeated in his mind in utter unbelief over and over again as he stared at his friend. But as he stared, a small thread of siliva began to dribble it's way down into the water below. He was quick to whipe it away but his mouth only produced more. He shook his head and stuck it in the water, trying to clear his thoughts. He was only reminded by his pent up state when his eyes meet his throbbing length. He growled in frustration as his head surfaced again. By this time, Trent was already stepping down the pool steps, taking a seat right next to him. The naked wolf sprawled his legs out in the water and leaned back onto the shallow pool steps, his partially submerged chest heaving a heavy sigh as he closed his eyes and tilted his nose upward. His semi-hard cock drifted in the wading water, and it was all Tye could do not to stare. He struggled for those long seconds, closing his eyes as tightly as possible and clenching his his paws on his submerged legs.

Stop it! Damn you, Stop it! His thoughts shouted to himself.

After many long seconds, Trent seemed to notice something awry because he sat up and looked over at his friend.

"Woah, dude, you alright?" He asked looking to his face, to his loins and back to his face again. Tye kept his eyes shut.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine." He huffed, the words coming out a little more strained than Tye would have liked.

"You know," Trent said a matter of factly, "you can tell me anything."

Those simple words stuck in Tye's turbulent mind. His grip loosened and he looked up to meet Trent's face.

"You don't have to hold out on me." He stated in a serious tone with a concerned smile.

Tye had never seen his friend this considerate about anything before.

He looked down back at the water, the little light outside the pool casting a reflection of his scrawny face.

What if he thinks I'm crazy? What if I am crazy!? How should I react? What if I mess this whole thing up?

He stared back into his dark blue eyes for a long moment, the water rippling across as he did so.

If I'm going to act like anything ... I should just act like myself. Not how other people expect me to or how I think other people want me to, just ... myself.

He trusted Trent, they had been friends ever since he could remember. If he should be honest with anyone, it was him.

"I've ve just been feeling really . . . pent up lately and I think it's really been throwing me off..."

Trent paused for a moment.

"Wait ... is that really it?"

Tye flushed.


Trent let out a bark of laughter, genuinely amused.

"Fuck, Tye! you scared me, I thought something was actually wrong!"

Before Tye could elaborate further, his friend continued.

"Dude, all guys have times where they get like this, and you said it yourself that is was spring. Frankly," He said as he put a hand on Tye's shoulder.

"us guys should just enjoy it. We all need to get off a load once in a while." He finished, patting his back.

"You should just get it over with right now."

He said gesturing between his thighs.

A million alarm bells went off in Tye's head all at once as he looked over at Trent who appeared to be one hundred percent serious.

"...Now?!" He asked, slightly panicked.

"Why not?" He titled his head, genuinely confused.

"I - I can't just jerk off in the pool! Especially with someone else watching me! That would be... that would be -"

"Gay?" Trent finished.

"Well," Tye paused, his heart pounding at the sound of the word. "Yeah?"

"And two naked guys all alone in a pool isn't?" He countered.

Tye opened his mouth to reply, but not finding anything to say, he shut it again.

"Just sayin," Trent continued.

"It's never bothered me before,"

And then he added as an after thought,"especially with you."

Tye was blushing furiously now, unable to control his thoughts and emotions any longer. He turned away from his bare friend, not only trying to hide his flushed expression but also his shuddering breaths of arousal. His sensitive cock now demanded simulation, even the swaying of the hot water triggered some minute sense of blissful pleasure and satisfaction.

Oh god, oh god, oh god.

A long uncertain pause grew between the two guys as Tye continued to try to subdue his desire and lust.

After many long seconds he couldn't hide it anymore. He finally broke into a full on pant, hunching over with a paw over his face in embarrassment.

"Oh- oh shit. I- I don't think you should *huff * see me like this." Tye heaved between labored breaths, his paw still placed above his drooling maw.

"Fuck, dude, nonononono, your fine, just do it now, I really don't mind..." Trent spluttered trying comfort and calm his friend.

But for some reason Tye couldn't move his paws anymore. As much as he yearned for them to, they were plastered in their current position, one on his face, the other on the submerged pool step. Something deep inside of him wouldn't let him do anything infornt of Trent.

"I - I don't think *huff* I can ..." He huffed in a low tone. His dick throbbed again, forcing a deep growl from the wolf.

If Tye would have been paying attention, he would have noticed Trents own wandering eyes and burning cheeks. Even thought Trent didn't fully understand what his friend meant, he knew a man's needs when he saw them. And right now, his friend was really in need. Trent wrapped an arm around Tye's lower back and positioned himself close to his friends side.

"It's okay, it's okay, you dont have to do anything, just calm down, relax. I'll take care of you."

Hearing Trent's voice so close to his ears was comforting some how. He completely submitted to Trents powerful arms as the young yuko pulled him inbetween his legs. Tye's back and neck rested against the young wolf's wet naked body, his chest taking in heavy breaths as he did so. Tye shivered as he gave up control and let the wolf reach out into the water infront of him.


Part 1 (Finished)