Inuyasha's Surprise Part 2

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#2 of A Boy, A Fox, and A Confession

I started waking up, through my vision I seen the orange sky. 'I must have slept for a really long time, it's almost night again!' I said to myself. Looking down I see Shippo, still in my lap sleeping soundly, still without any clothes. He started to murmur "I-Inuyasha..." probably dreaming about what I did, with a semi-erect member between his legs. I slowly got up, not trying to wake him up so he could get his rest. I must have really wore him out for he would usually be up by now. I remembered I was suppose to bring him back, so I woke up the kitsune with a nudge saying "Shippo, we have to go."

He slowly woke his eyes, followed by a smile he said sleepily "Inuyasha. I was having the best...dream...." Still half asleep he nearly fell down as I picked him up in my arms grabbing his clothes for later when he was awaken, as I started walking slowly back in the direction I came, east where Kaede's village lay exposed. A few minutes went by as the fox in my arms yawned murring from what he dreamt about. He gathered his clothes and jumped from my arms and slowly dressed as I stood watching the naked kitsune I fell in love with.

"Shippo why were you doing that in the first place?" I asked him, walking across a beautiful field along his side.

Blushing, he replied "Well, I heard about it from some boy I met a while back in the village we went too, and last night I...wanted too-" cutting his sentence off.

Smiling, I continued walking as we both reached the village gates of our village, now it was late night the moon was coming out and we were both still tired, as we looked into each others eyes, smiling.

Finding Kagome and the others waiting for me and Shippo, The high school girl did not look pleased that we came two days late. She was too tired to argue with me so we all agreed to go straight to bed. Though me, nor the fox were tired, pretended to go to sleep. the five of us in the gang were staying at a wealthy village Miroku had got us into using his dirty techniques. Sango and Kagome where on the left side of the big room we were sleeping in, seperated by a divider, Miroku and I slept without blankets, being used to sleeping in the wilderness.

I was about to go to sleep near Miroku, who was already fast sleep thinking about women, other then Sango. Shippo came up to me in nothing but his shirt that acted like a nightgown covering his member. "Inuyasha..." he started in a softly voice. "Can...I sleep with you tonight?" making out his sentence, blushing. I started to smile knowing how hard it must have been for him to say that, so I told him he could.

During the night, I heard Shippo dreaming again. It was obvious he was dreaming about what we did back in the forest, so I decided to wake up the kitsune quietly. "Shippo, you were dreaming again." I started to blush, knowing he wanted more. I slowly started touching his small, grape-sized testicles, giving him a semi-erect member. He was wide awake after a minute of me touching his penis. Being very silent I picked up Shippo in my arms the same way as I carried him in the forest, making our way out of the house we were in and walked to the outskirts of town where the fun could begin.

I placed Shippo down lying against a tree. He was still hard from the teasing I gave him back in the room with the others, I decided to act quickly. I took off his shirt slowly, trying not to lose the moment. As he laid on the tree, completely naked, I slowly got a hard on, looking on the fox's young body, as his form shown well in my vision. By this time he was fully hard, with his eyes closed, waiting for my next move. he knew as well as me, what was going to happen next.

"I hope you're ready, Shippo. I won't go easy on you because your a kid." as I smirked, noticing how many times I have said that before, about me, beating on him, but this time was different. This time, he wanted me to say it, he wanted what was about to happen for a long time. I was ready for the fox, as he was ready for me.

I started to lower near to Shippo's young form, as I seen him squeeze his eyes shut, he grew harder from the tension of waiting for me. I kissed the fox on the lips slowly, as he accepted me, and kissed back. I broke the kiss shortly after as I lowered myself farther down to his stomach, and lower. I licked his testicles like before, but this time, I moved from his balls to under his penis much quicker, the kitsune moaned and panted as I continued licking under his penis. moving up from the base of his dick, I slowly lick the small erect member, then moved my way up to the tip, making the fox moan louder and louder for every lick to his tip I gave him.

Shippo squirted some pre as I lapped it up, still staying on his tip, I moved my left hand to squeeze his buns lightly, as my index finger slowly made its way to his tailhole. Pushing my way into his anus made him squeeze his eyes shut in pain, but also releasing the tension for the pleasure. I then moved my finger in and out slowly to loosen his muscles, as I used my right hand to gently massage the tip of his tail, he moaned slightly as I touched it. It seems Shippo's tail is like a sensitive nerve to him, thinking to all the times I pounded him while I had hold of his tail in the past, I was not bringing him just pain, but pleasure by holding his tail.

The small fox started to moan louder and louder as my finger moved in and out gracefully from his tiny hole, my hand moving around his tail, and my tongue working its way around his sensitive tip, he neared his orgasm he has waited all night and day for me to give him. right before Shippo had his first wet orgasm, he whispered something to me, but he was too worked up to speak louder, so I did not catch his words, as something I hadn't expect happened.

Shippo was very close to his great pleasure, I noticed he was squeezing his eyes very hard, so I moved from licking his tip, to sucking hard and fast. After a few more seconds of sucking, I heard the kitsune giggle slightly, as he let out a long, airy moan, followed by a great flow of urine into my mouth. I jumped away from the fox, letting go of his member, his tail, and his anus, as I watched him pee freely into the air.

He let out a big smile, relieving himself with a full bladder behind his fierce steam of yellow pee, I watched in amazement as the fox of my dreams, made me want him even more by moaning as he let his body take over. This moment lasted forever, but was really only a minute at most, the golden stream of the strong smelling fox urine lessened to a tinkle, then subsided shortly after. Shippo laid, with a smirk on his face, as he looked up to me and said "All done."

Ever since I found him in the forest, masturbating by himself, He has not gone to the bathroom once since then. He must have been holding it in so he wouldnt embarrass himself in front of me, or maybe he didnt feel it from the thoughts of me, or was he holding it in for me to witness when I was with him? I have never been so hard in my life.

Striken by surprise, I sat a few feet away from Shippo, staring. He knew by now I loved him dearly, so he started touching his dick with 2 fingers slowly, teasing me to finish. I snapped out of it and moved towards him, as he closed his eyes again, and stopped touching himself, also telling me in his soft fox voice, "I'm all yours Inuyasha."

I let out a smirk starting to suck slowly again like I was starting over. Shippo moaned long and loud as I could taste and smell fox urine mixed with semen from the little fox penis. I sped up rapidly as more pre seeped out from him as I didn't worry about it and soon we got back to where we were. He panted harder and harder as I could have sworn he was running out of breath as by a few quick movements the kitsune arced his back, letting out a long and loud moan that echoed into the night, as jet after jet of semen squirted into my open, and awaiting mouth.

I gulped it down as fast as I could, but purposely letting some semen escape my mouth, running down my chin and onto his penis and testicles, hearing Shippo orgasm and lose control made me moan slightly under my breath, as I watched him squirm. I got off his body and started licking the fluids I let run onto his balls.

He quieted down shortly, still panting, I whispered to Shippo, "You will always be my fox. now rest awhile, you've been through a lot tonight." He nodded and fell asleep where he laid. I gathered his shirt and laid it underneath his head so he could be comfortable laying on a tree, also taking off my shirt for him to use as a blanket.

I stood in the night, shirtless, but the cold was the last thing on my mind, when you could think of your lover sleeping naked in front of you...

I wish every night could be this memorable...

A few hours later I started to get colder, and colder as Shippo finally awoke with a loud yawn, followed by a smile when he looked at my buff upper body. "Hey, Shippo. Did you have a nice nap?" I asked the still tired fox.

"Ya! Tonight has been great!" he replies, overexcited.

"Alright, lets get going back to the village before everyone else wakes up. We can't have people finding out about this."

The fox nods his head, as we walked quickly back to the village.

When we arrived daybreak sprung. We were just on time. Noticing Shippo still wasnt wearing any pants, we rushed to the room everyone was sleeping in. The other friends were up, so they were gone. relieved, I dressed the fox, and we started a usual day with the rest of our friends, who were waiting for us by Kaede's house.

Our day went by as any other day would, slaying demons and helping people, as we searched for Naraku. I still picked on Shippo ever now and then, knowing he would understand, we can't change who we are outside the night.

Although, I did still hold him by his tail when I picked on him...