Kirara's Heat
Kirara's heat at night, in an old abandoned shrine, sango and kirara were sleeping peacefully together. the tiny cat demon was curled up against sango's body with sango's arms around her as she slept in sango's warm embrace.
Shippo's Surprise Part 9
#9 of a boy, a fox, and a confession shippo was suddenly surprised that sango was ok with him and kirara. "s-sango..." he couldn't continue out of pure embarrassment.
The Fox's Den
sango said. "if she got blind stinking drunk i wouldn't mind lending a hand~" teased haruma. "aww, i think i can handle it." sango teased back. "how long is she staying?" "she said it was just for the night." sango answered.
A Helping Paw, part 2
sango gulped...
A Helping Paw, part 3
Walking into sango's hut, they found sango asleep. she looked at shippo "ssh." shippo nodded. kirara was in her large form, lying down next to sango. she appeared to be forcing herself to sleep, with much difficulty. kagome tapped her head lightly.
Shippo's Surprise Part 8
While the cat went to go play with sango, shippo wanted to go to go see kagome just to see how she was doing.
Inudoshi's Life Story Part 1
This was back when sango's village wasn't known as the demon slayer village.
Inuyasha X Kohaku (part 1)
\<\<sango has been kidnapped? kagome was also captured by a demon, probably the same you are looking for \>\> said the half-demon. kohaku nodded.
The no longer Tragic Lovesong of Destiny: FINISH
He cried before pulling sango into the most passionate kiss she'd ever had. shippo, blushing furiously, stalked away from the pair as they continued making out. it wasn't till he saw kagome and inuyasha that he cried out "miroku! sango!
Kirara soiled
For hundreds of years after that event, kirara had stayed together with a group of youkai exterminators until she was paired up with a youkai exterminator named sango.
Chapter 9: Dog Fights
sango nodded her head and hurried back to where kagome and inuyasha were, miroku followed the group of men discretely.
Chapter: 5 Decisions
sango mussed. "do you think they went off to fight naraku on their own?" hakkaku asked. the two lifetime friends of kouga's had found the rock empty when they went to relieve kouga of his shift.