We don't hate being micros - Chapter 1

Story by Jevin on SoFurry

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We don't hate being micros

Chapter 1:

By Jevin

"Typical" mutters Veir while staring at the board and listening to his teacher rant on about how micros are subserviant to giants because "They're physically unable to defend themselves". Still, he takes notes. This isn't a class he can blow off. After it's over, he stands up and collects his stuff and holds his essay over the box that they're collected in. He keeps it there for a moment, hating the fact that he didn't finish it but finally dropping it so that it lands neatly on top of the pile. He stands there for a moment and then shuffles the papers so his is in the middle somewhere. At least she won't read it first.

He turns and exits, talking a few steps out of the classroom before bumping into a rather large rabbit, "Heh, Din. How're you?" The wolf asks, collecting himself and peering up at the 6'5" tall lapine.

"Fine" replies the rabbit with a grin, moving his paw to ruffle over the ears of the wolf "Did you hear? Today in biology we're working with a few micros. I've been waitin' for this since freshman year. I wonder how they feel? Can they talk? I've never seen one myself, only heard rumors. Then again, they're a bit more common around here than where I used to live. Have you ever seen one?"

Veir rubs a thumb over the ring on his finger. Over time he'd learned to bottle his reactions up for later, "I didn't know that" He states gently before adding "Yea, I've seen a few before but only in passing. Every now and then one will show up but they seem to keep to the shadows as much as they can."

Din nods with a chuckle, "I'd do the same. Especially after hearing what some people like to do to them. Eesh, must be a hard life." The rabbit pats Veir again, "Well, see you in third period! Lets share a micro, alright?" Veir waves and tries to smile at that but his gut wrenches a bit when he thinks about what they've done to other creatures in biology.

Grabbing a quick drink, Veir calms his stomach and heads towards gym. The locker room is busy so he's able to slip towards the corner to get dressed without being disturbed,

"Look at it run! Hey! stop it from getting away!" A voice calls before stomping paws sound through the locker room and a sudden, high-pitches scream echoes. Veir turns and looks towards the floor, spotting the smaller creature, a cougar, running right for him. He freezes up, unsure of what he should do. A shadow appears above the cougar and a shift of Veir's eyes reveals the mouse giant ready to smash the cougar into the ground. Scenarios fly through Veir's head.. Does he save it? Or wait? Maybe he can distract them? He hesitates for too long and the paw comes down, slamming the cougar to the floor beneath the musky, pink sole of the mouse.

Veir just stands there, staring down as the cougar claws and scratches at the floor; scrambling to escape. Its cries are unintelligible in its panic and though Veir can swear he can hear the words 'help! help!' his brain won't confirm. He stays frozen. "Crush it" A voice shoots from the crowd of teenagers surrounding the cougar now, these two words snapping the wolf out of his daze. He swallows and starts to breath again, trying to think. The mouse presses down harder until a few crackles emit, causing the cougar to scream out again, "I dunno. I hear they taste pretty good too." The cougar's words finally start making sense, "Please! Let me go! I'll leave..." the high pitched voice sounds, causing a few of the more sympathetic giants to tone in

"Leave it alone, you've already hurt it. Take it outside." Speaks one

"And you wonder why they're so hard to find now'a'days?" Speaks another.

The mouse rolls his eyes and starts to press down before Veir speaks up, "Mr. Evdred lost a micro earlier today. He's using them for the biology experiment later today. He'd be pissed if he found out you crushed it, Simon."

Simon, the mouse, cringes at the thought "Are you saying you'd snitch?"

Veir phehs, "I have before, haven't I? We aren't friends, I don't mind getting you shoulder deep in shit again."

Simon glares and chuffs, grinding his paw against the cougar, eliciting another groan before he turns and walks off. The crowd that had gathered begins to thin as Veir quickly picks the wounded micro up and gives a quick once over, making sure the wounds don't appear too bad before he settles the poor male into his shirt pocket "Stay there for now, try not to move.."

"Party pooper" speaks a large doberman who bumps Veir's shoulder as he walks past. "So much for popularity" He mutters while collecting his stuff and leaving the locker-room via a backdoor. His parents will give him shit about skipping gym but this poor cougar needs to be given first aid.

"I wonder what he is doing here anyway? Maybe he did escape from the biology lab but if that's true... I wonder if there are more?" He frowns at the idea of his own running about inbetween periods, dodging the paws of teenagers some of which would only love to crush a micro. Shaking his head, he tries to put it out of mind, "I'll get you somewhere safe".