Tall Tails

"Tall Tails" The sun was beating down pretty hard on Babs Bunny and Shirley McLoon as they trudged home after another long day of classes. It was the middle of spring, but it felt like the height of summer; summer vacation was still three weeks away,...

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Burnin' Bunny Buns Pt 2

Her other half, and co-host of tiny toon adventures slowly slipped into her room, closing the door with a sheepish, nervous look etched across his features, and held up a few sheets of paper.

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Tiny desires

* * * Legal junk ... as always only one thing , this characters = mine . ( And no , The digimons aren't mine , only the characters created for me ¬¬ ) . * * * Ikaku was in an awkward moment , really awkward , his aunt catches him with his...

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Starring Tiny

"and your leg, tiny. kick out your left leg a little bit... just like a puppy does to let his master know that he's found the perfect spot. did i find the right spot, tiny?"

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tiny devils

tiny devils! bianca says you're wrong, jake... their are victims too. jake says maybe, bianca, but i'll look for the find the new member. you and bernnie go for the kids.

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A Tiny Push

After seeing their brother's painful and irritated expression, chip only shook his head with a tiny smile on his face, before returning both feet to the desk. the other chipmunk's silence was almost deafening and somewhat insulting.

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Tiny Candles

tiny candles (04/03/2018) love is like a candle, it burns brightly when first lit, dimming and melting away as it ages, the wax running over, some blow out before their time, struck by violent gust, while other flames drown, falling into the

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Tiny tit

There once was a tit / so small to be confused with a zit / When it was squeezed / White stuff was released / To the doctor was taken a trip


Life of Shrunken Survival - Entry 1

I never thought it would happen to me. I always see it happen to others on television, in the news. I remember laughing, saying "I would never make those mistakes. I would be smarter than them." Well, that's what I said, before it happened to me too....

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Hittin' The City

**HIttin' The City** I awoke late in the day; the sun's lazy golden touch cascaded low across the rolling hills and peaks of our concrete valley, and time was all but lost to me as I pulled myself from my ruffled bedding and collapsed to the floor....

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Tiny dragon gets its tiny hoard!

Luckily for the tiny creature, it is not one of the big ones: something its size can easily make it fall without breaking it, to leave no traces.

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Life of Shrunken Survival - Entry 2

I almost laughed at the tiny towels he had placed at the edge of the tiny pool. after drying off and getting my cloth back on, i looked up at the clock on my brother's wall.

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