Breaking Him In (In His Service Part 2)

Story by Myles Cobalt on SoFurry

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Fabien Laurent decides to break Ishraq's pride by having him serve an entire party of anthros as a public urinal. The bat's bodyguards are the first to take their turns with the helpless slave. Over the course of the evening, the sun bear unexpectedly runs into an old friend.

Part 1:

Part 3:

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Ishraq's whole body ached by the time he was finished cleaning for the day and staggered back toward his suite. The naked sun bear was covered in grit and grime, and was practically dripping with sweat. Who knew that housekeeping could be so exhausting? It took him hours to scrub Monsieur Laurent's palatial bathroom alone. Then more tasks were piled on after that ordeal, one after another. His fur felt matted, and still smelled of his Master. The potent mark had soaked in and permeated his pelt by that point. Even if he groomed and shampooed his coat a dozen times over he wasn't sure it would fully come out.

He was property now; a thing to be possessed. And Fabien had made sure everyone would know it.

He was hungry too. Starving, in fact, but the acrid taste of his owner's piss on his tongue all day had killed his desire to actually eat anything. He needed nothing more than to sit back on the sofa in his suite and do nothing until the fruit bat's garden party started and he was hauled out to be humiliated and degraded all over again.

The ursine's jaw dropped when he pulled open the door to his temporary apartment. The plush furnishings were gone. There was no bed, no sofa, no drapes, no anything normal. In their place were an assemblage of sadistic bondage equipment. Whipping posts, racks, crosses, shackles, stocks, collections of fastidiously arranged paddles and flogs and sex toys, and more sinister looking equipment ornamented the otherwise sparse chamber. The only place to lie down was a threadbare mat on the floor of a cage that was just a few inches too small to properly stretch out in.

Presumably it was where he was expected to sleep.

He sighed, trudged inside, and shut the door behind him. He leaned his full weight back against it, and he felt on the verge of breaking. He took deep breaths to steady himself, knowing that this is just what his cruel host wanted: to make him suffer to atone for his father's shortcomings. He dragged his foot-paws over to a kneeling bench intended for furs to use to present their rumps to be beaten and sat down on it. He exhaled loudly in relief as he finally didn't need to hold himself upright by sheer willpower alone.

No sooner had he slumped down than the door flew open again.

"I think you've had enough of a rest," a sinister voice scolded.

He recognized the tone immediately. The calico bodyguard that seemed intent on making his life unending misery strolled in, accompanied by his porcupine cohort who was carrying an armload of gear. He dropped his assortment to the floor and silently sneered at their captive. Ishraq could see a variety of bondage paraphernalia among the haphazard pile.

"What is it now?" The bear snapped, suddenly wishing he hadn't opened his mouth. The feline had been bringing him new tasks and taunting him all day. He would certainly not pass up an opportunity to inflict greater deprivations on the hapless servant.

"We're here to prepare you for the party before the guests arrive," the cat explained. He flexed his paws menacingly in the air as he spoke, extending and retracting his deathly sharp claws. "You being ready on time requires that we assist you, so I suggest you be compliant if you don't want to keep the boss waiting. If not, that's alright; we're in no rush."

Ishraq huffed, frustrated. As much as the goon rubbed him the wrong way, he spoke the truth. Each slight delay could cost him hours- days, even!- being Fabien's plaything. He hefted himself back upright and stood nude before the pair, his arms at his sides.

"That's what I thought," the cat said snidely. "We were allowed to pick out which gear you wore tonight. I hope you like our selection." It dawned on the slave that he had yet to learn the thug's name, though he wasn't certain that he particularly cared. He started to refer to him in his head as 'Loud' and thought of the scowling porcupine as 'Quiet,' since he had yet to hear him utter a word.

The duo began by cinching a black vinyl collar taut around his throat. It was tight enough to be uncomfortable, but still let him breathe just fine. Each time he swallowed he felt his gullet press disagreeably against the edge of the buckle. A neon yellow tag in the shape of a raindrop dangled from the collar. Against his chocolate coat and the pale, crescent marking of on his upper chest, the vibrant splash stood out starkly. It read:


Courtesy of Fabien Laurent"

The choker was joined by a matching, studded harness that strapped around his shoulders and ribs. It was complete with stainless steel rings adorning his back and chest at strategic locations. They then buckled cuffs securely around his wrists and ankles. While the feline knelt to attach the gear his face was uncomfortably close to Ishraq's captive length.

"How's the cage feel? Get used to it yet?" Loud taunted him. He flicked at the steel bars encasing the ursine's sheath and elicited a silent wince from the prisoner. "I hear if you wear one long enough it makes you shrink. You'll have to let me know if that's true. I've never heard about Laurent letting a slave out of chastity and a month- at least a month- is a very long time." The feline teasingly caressed the underside of his furry scrotum. His sac was sore from the way the apparatus pulled his testicles forward, but he resolved to not let his tormentors know the extent of his discomfort.

"Anymore? Or are we done?" Ishraq asked, not willing to admit to himself how much he wanted (how much he desperately needed) to be out of the infernal device. Especially after earlier that morning when the bat used him as his own personal toilet and then came down his throat. In the silent hours he had spent scouring floors and polishing furniture he had far too much time to stew already on his inexplicable arousal. The sun bear was just glad that he wasn't currently leaking pre in front of the criminals.

"Just this."

The gangster held up a thick butt plug made of onyx-colored silicone. It had a flanged base to anchor itself and bloomed out into a fat knot that would thoroughly stretch his hole as it went in and, eventually, came out. It tapered to a more slender, but still considerable, crescent shape ribbed with a multitude of bumps along its length. The tip had a rounded bulb that would be angled perfectly to press against his prostate all evening. It wasn't just a plug. It was a deliberate decision to make him unquenchably aroused that night. Fabien clearly wanted to humiliate him even further by making him a horny, whimpering mess in front of the guests he was required to service all evening.

The porcupine took the anal toy from his companion and slathered it in a generous coating of lube form a small bottle in his pocket before stepping behind Ishraq. He smiled lewdly as his claws trailed down the fur of his prisoner's lower back and past his stubby tail. He slipped a slick finger into the ursine's tight heat and twisted it deep inside of him to the knuckle in singular motion. The bear did his best not to react while Loud watched him closely for any sign of displeasure. Ishraq endured the sudden intrusion stoically, but despite his best efforts he couldn't help but gasp when a second digit wriggled in beside the first.

Quiet scissored his fingers apart, ostensibly to stretch his victim open enough to accommodate the plug. Then he beckoned against his prostate. Ishraq felt the paw pads drag along playfully inside of him. The silent rodent was clearly enjoying himself as he snuffled a line of hot breath over the servant's shoulder.

"Hurry up!" The calico reprimanded. "As much as I'd like to take a turn-" he paused to lean in close to the servant's ear, "and I thoroughly intend to in the near future...we shouldn't keep the boss waiting."

The wet digits withdrew from his ring more slowly than Ishraq felt was reasonable, only to be instantly replaced with the apex of the silicone plug. Quiet's agile paws were not nearly enough to prepare his entrance for something that massive, and he grunted as the bulbous tip twisted and wrenched until he loosened up enough for it to be worked deeper within him. He was pried open as it was thrust deeper and he could feel every stimulating ridge as it was forced into him. His vibrant, orange eyes bulged as the bulkiest part of the knot finally passed his abused tailhole and popped in, locking itself into place.

He flexed around the toy, simultaneously yearning for and dreading its eventual removal. He already ached and he had hours and hours until he had any hope of it being withdrawn. At that point he was sure he would be subjected to it by one of the bodyguards and their ghoulish enjoyment of his continued suffering.

All that remained on the floor was the glittering chrome of a spreader bar, some chains, and a ring gag.

"The rest of this will be hooked up when you get out to the garden. Let's go," the feline commanded, scooping up what remained of the pile of gear.

Ishraq followed the mobsters out to the manor's massive gardens. He had to awkwardly waddle due to the plug, with each step bringing with it a mixture of unbearable pleasure and agony. The gardens were behind the mansion, and stepping through the enormous double doors onto the terrace was a magical experience. The sun bear had seen glimpses of caterers, decorators, and gardeners scurrying about the grounds throughout the day. He had cautiously timed his darting naked back and forth across the hallways to avoid them, but didn't realize the extent of their machinations.

The lawn was gorgeously landscaped with hedge mazes and immaculately manicured flower beds and sparse but tasteful statuary. Combined with the hanging ball-lanterns, sweeping white linens draped from marble columns lining the patio, and buffet tables laden with edible art, the only word to describe the gardens was 'elegant.' House music played from unseen speakers, at odds with the dignified aesthetic of the event. A veritable orchard of fruit-bearing trees sprawled out behind the kept grounds, far more wild and natural than the purposefully presented back yard. There was a fountain and a reflecting pool in one corner of the central square adjacent to the house, but it had been drained of water and was now a very shallow, empty depression. Loud and Quiet led him to the basin and instructed him to kneel within it.

He followed orders and the feline attached the spreader bars between his ankles, spreading his legs wide. The stone beneath him was harsh on his knees, and he knew that alone would make it a long night even without the degrading acts he was expected to perform for hours on end. His paws were latched together behind his back. Lengths of chain were connected to the rings on his various bondage equipment and drawn tight, locking him into place and giving him very little room to struggle and move. The position put pressure on his haunches, which ground the toy lodged in his cleft deeper into him. He gasped as a spurt of pre escaped his caged sheath, which was already pulsing with need from the way the toy passively massaged his prostate with each slight motion he made. Finally a ring-gag was placed into his maw. The way it held his muzzle open quickly made his maw sore and his throat dry.

"Get cozy. You'll be there for a while," Loud stated smugly while Quiet patted his cheek patronizingly. The pair sauntered off, leaving Ishraq silently fuming.

He closed his eyes and tried to stop his ear from anxiously twitching in an attempt to steady himself and block out the world around him. When he opened his eyes again a couple of minutes later he was surprised to see Laurent standing proudly before him, regally outlined by the soft glow of sunset coming from behind him. He was dressed similarly to earlier in the day, which is to say hardly at all; shirtless and with a banana-yellow treasure trail leading into his tight, low-cut black jeans. The shock of missing the megabat's silent approach made him jump, which pressed the toy uncomfortably far into him.

"That doesn't look terribly comfortable," his owner said. The taller fur reached back behind the bear's head and gently tangled his claws in his fur, almost scritching him. His fingers found the clasp of the ring gag and deftly unbuckled it. While the crime lord pulled it away, the sun bear worked his already stiff jaw.

"Thanks," he puffed, looking down and away. He ventured a slight glance back up at the fruit bat who arched a sardonic brow. "...Master," he amended.

"I appreciate your gratitude, but this modification is not for your benefit. Tu comprends? My guests demand excellent service, and they will get more from you if you have full use of your mouth. If I hear that even one of my guests is dissatisfied with your performance, you can consider your remaining time in my employ as indefinite," the megabat threatened. One of his large ears rotated back toward the house. "I do believe that my associates have begun to arrive. Do not disappoint me."

The ursine didn't hear anything, but sure enough, within minutes the first party-goers were being led out onto the back lawn and Laurent went to greet them. The guests trickled in at first, but soon there were as many furs as Ishraq had ever seen in one place. There were anthros of every species, although they often arrived in clumps of animals with similar traits, such as all canids or only hooved creatures. At about this point, Ishraq realized that Fabien and all of his goons were naturally nocturnal. That they seemed to be active primarily during the daylight hours certainly hadn't affected their temperament in a positive way.

There was no unified dress code among the attendees. Some were dressed as outlandishly as his owner was while others had donned more formal attire, complete with dark glasses despite evening setting. Although many laughed and joked and drank and mingled, others seemed reclusive and hesitant to speak outside of their small group, casting suspicious glances at any who wandered too close.

A few anthros strolled by to eye Ishraq with open curiosity. He spared no effort to remain silent and dignified despite his burning shame, but the party was in full swing for over an hour before any furs decided to avail themselves of his "services."

It was actually his duo of torturers who returned to stand in front of him first, as if to break the ice for the other attendees. They smirked to each other as they unzipped their pants in tandem and fished out their junk. The cat hooked the waistband of his underwear beneath his fuzzy sac and fully exposed his genitals, while the porcupine merely held the tip of his thick sheath between his nimble fingers.

"Now I just have to decide if I relieve myself first and then let you suck me off afterward or if I'd rather go the other way 'round and wash down my spunk with piss. Hmmm...I think I'd rather take a leak first and then have the taste of my cum linger on your tongue for a while. Open wide, bitch. We've got something for you," Loud taunted before leaning in close and almost huffing into his ear, his tone low and husky. "If it were up to us, you'd have gotten a much longer penalty than one month, so I guess we'll just have to make sure we get a lifetime of use out of you while we can." He snickered as he leaned back and thrust his pelvis forward. His sheath was already plump from arousal and it practically thrummed as he spoke. A half-inch of the coral tip of his maleness started to protrude from it's furry confines. It matched the color of his ears and paw pads.

Reluctantly, the bear closed his eyes and opened his maw. He was determined to not let them see how thoroughly defeated he felt as the dual, warm streams of urine arched through the air and splashed against his chest. It was only an instant before the acrid smell stuck him. The sprays of piss rapidly increased in force, and the two furs using him as a urinal twisted their hips and bobbed their penises up and down, completely soaking him. Piss cascaded down his torso. The pair moved their flows higher and up to the ursine's open muzzle. He tensed the sharp taste sloshed across his tongue, and found himself squeezing reflexively around the hefty toy embedded within him. He groaned a bit in spite of himself at the sensation, drawing lewd grins from the cat and porcupine.

Ishraq gulped down mouthfuls of salty pee with a grimace. The criminals must have had very full bladders from the freely flowing liquor at the party, because they relieved themselves for a long time. He squinted an eye open during the ordeal. Some anthros had approached with cocktail glasses in their paws to watch with varying levels of interest while he was debased. He wasn't sure what made him focus on it in that instant, but through a brief parting in the gathered crowd the sun bear caught the glimpse of a pair of tall, pointed horns. The ridges were highlighted with the occasional smear of verdant green paint. This small, flamboyant spark was oddly similar to the way in which Simon, his ex-boyfriend, deviated from his otherwise earthy and unpretentious appearance.

It was absurd that he could run into his former mate here of all places. The antelope was too gentle and sensible to get mixed up with mobsters. But then again, so was he. He was certain he was mistaken and craned his neck to get a better look, but the antelope that may or may not have been his ex had disappeared in a heartbeat.

"What are you looking at? We aren't done yet," the feline said as he milked the last drops of piss from his cock while the rodent wiped himself on a dry bit of fur at Ishraq's shoulder.

Both began to massage their swollen sheaths, coaxing their erections free. The calico's rosey hardness was modest in size and covered in little, fleshy spines. It leaked watery pre down over his paw. Quiet's member was a bit larger than his partner's, both in length and thickness. It was a shiny jet in color, though streaked glossy shades of light and dark. It was also covered in spikes, though his were shaped differently from his cohort's. Both cock's prodded at his lips. He couldn't reject them.

Both tips entered his muzzle and rubbed against his tongue. The smell of their arousal radiated off of pubic fur. They lazily stroked themselves, jetting pre into his throat. While the ursine desperately wanted to disappoint the pair with a poor performance, he knew that the sooner he brought them to orgasm, the sooner they would grow bored of him and move on. He turned toward Loud's length first, finding him the more insufferable member of the duo by a slim margin and wanting him gone, and closed his mouth around it. The rigid shaft throbbed in his mouth, and he rolled his tongue along its underside and felt the cat's barbs drag across it. He used what little ability he had to move and bobbed on the engorged maleness. The cat was just shy of six inches long, but was keen to bury the entirety of it into his submissive's throat with erratic thrusting. He dug his claws into the sun bear's shoulders and forced his hips forward until his sac slapped against the ursine's chin.

He withdrew until only his tip remained and then drove forth again, making the captive gag. Finally, he stood still and still gripped the bear with one paw while he held the base of his sheath with the other. The plush white, orange, and black fur of his sac poked out between his fingers and he purred loudly with satisfaction. Then he squared his stance and settled into an erratic rhythm of fucking the helpless bear's muzzle.

Quiet was enjoying the show. He stood next to his friend, languidly stroking his own hardness. It visibly trembled as he dribbled copious amounts of pre and kept himself on the precipice of orgasm.

Meanwhile, Ishraq wrapped his skillful tongue around the length in his maw and suckled on it as sincerely as he could. The cat's breathing grew more and more uneven. His sac tightened, his abdomen tensed. He flexed his footpaws, causing his toe claws to fully extend against the polished stone beneath him. With a mighty, involuntarily hiss he climaxed. The calico's tail lashed as his knees buckled slightly with bliss and he filled the servant's mouth with feline seed.

"Don't swallow yet," Loud rasped, as his body slackened in a post-orgasmic wave of relief. "Hold my spunk in your mouth and show it to me."

The potent taste of the cat's ejaculate permeated his muzzle, and as much as the ursine hated to admit it, the cloying scent of arousal in the air made him undeniably horny. His locked length pulsated painfully against its tight, steel confines. The glistening bead of pre at the cage's tip was thankfully concealed by his already damp form. The chains holding him in place, the toy hilted into his ass, and the cooling pool of piss around him was a strangely intoxicating mixture of stimuli. He tilted back his head and opened his mouth, revealing the thug's leavings. Some of the gooey cum leaked out between his teeth and dripped down over his chin. The feline flashed a cocky smiled as he stuffed his retreating member back into his underwear. Even Ishraq had to admit that the vibrant blue-satin sheen with white elastic piping of his designer underwear made a nicely presented pouch before he adjusted himself and closed his fly.

The porcupine roughly grabbed the fur by his ear and twisted his head toward him. His paw was furiously stroking his ebony shaft. It was moist from his pre and his claws glided along it in a blur. The hasty pumping of his arm told the sun bear that he was already close. He grunted and spasmed. The quills all along his back bristled as he came. His first thick rope of cum erupted directly into Ishraq's still open maw, but in the throes of pleasure, he quickly lost his aim and his next few spurts splattered against the slave's face. Irregular splotches of pearlescent spunk stood out starkly against the tangerine fur of his natural mask. He wished he could wipe the essence from his brow before it ran down into his eye or matted into his coat, but he was still stuck immobile.

"Now you can swallow," Loud ordered, licking his lips salaciously.

Ishraq did, feeling the two thick, heavy loads slide down his throat.

"Don't forget the most important step," the calico snarled.

"Thank you for your cum and piss, Sir," the servant said through gritted teeth.

"Much better. And you had better get used to it. You'll definitely be getting more over the next month. But you've got other guests to service now, slut," the feline turned to address the anthros that had assembled around to watch. No small number of whom were rubbing prominent bulges in anticipation. "Our newest servant has a bit of strong spirit that we need to break. Feel free to use him liberally."

One of the furs who had gathered in close was a stately looking moose in a suit. He was a tall, powerfully built stag with a wide, woody rack of antlers. He loosened his tie as he eyed the displayed ursine with aloof disinterest, but the intense scent of arousal wafting from him was unmistakable. He took a step nearer. His split hoof resounded loudly against the marble. As he was about to approach, he paused and turned toward the clacking of narrow hooves trotting up behind him. Those tall, ridged horns from earlier appeared behind him and an antelope came up to grab his arm. Unless you counted his horns, the oryx was far shorter than his companion, with his head barely reaching the larger buck's shoulder. Sure enough, it was Simon who clung to his arm. He traded glances with Ishraq and he slid his small, round spectacles up his snout. He was dressed similarly to the male he was with, although his suit was far less expensive looking. Despite his normally more relaxed demeanor, the attire suited him. He seemed terribly out of place among the criminals, and fidgeted uncomfortably.

Neither Ishraq nor Simon spoke for a moment, as if not wanting to acknowledge the other's inexplicable presence at the gathering of mobsters.

Simon tugged at the hart's sleeve and tilted his head back to whisper something to him. The moose flicked his ear and let his dark eyes dart back and forth between the bear and his former mate as if deep in consideration.

"This one time," he said in a low, rough tone. He nodded to his partner and turned to walk away. The antelope's entire body relaxed as if he had been holding his breath and sauntered alongside the larger fur. He gave one last curious glance toward the bound sun bear before disappearing amongst the rest of the party.

The ursine didn't have long to wonder how Simon had gotten embroiled with crooks, because a slightly chubby sea otter wandered before him and began to unbuckle his belt. Ishraq hesitated for a moment, lost in thought, but the pause was just long enough for him to earn a swift but merciful kick to his testicles from the fur before him who demanded attention. Within seconds, the heavy fur's erection was at his lips.

He repeated his earlier performance, swallowing a load of mustelid seed and then downing several mouthfuls of piss. Other furs followed suit, each casually taking turns depositing their essence and urine into the bound slave until he had lost count how many had used him. By the end of the party, as the night drifted into the early hours of the morning, he was covered in cum and piss. His body ached from the bondage, and his pride was thoroughly shattered. He had been used and abused by more anonymous strangers in one evening that he had ever had as sex partners in his entire life up to that point.

The gathering had thinned significantly by the time Fabien had come to personally unlock him. Most of the attendees had left, though several were passed out drunk either on the ground or on furniture just inside the house, visible through the picturesque windows from the patio. Those remaining conscious had splintered off into small cliques and appeared to either be in the process of seeing themselves out or heading toward the interior of the manner. The bat casually unshackled him, then gave the briefest of glances about. Surprisingly, he held out a paw to help his servant to his feet once he saw no furs looking their way.

Ishraq's legs were weak and wobbled and he stood. Were it not for Laurent's helpful paw, he probably would have stumbled back into the basin. He lamented the assistance even as he took it, but when he glared up at his Master he saw no malice or disdain looking back at him. If anything, it was a certain softness that almost showed through his otherwise impassive mask. The fruit bat reached behind him and gripped the wide base of the plug buried within his sore hole. He twisted and wiggled it, more gently than he needed to, until the knot burst free. The bear winced as the large toy came loose. It left him feeling gaping and empty after an entire evening of having the massive knot pressing against his prostate. The megabat uncaringly discarded the dildo. The bear rubbed his wrists where the cuffs had bit into his flesh for the past several hours.

"You should get some rest. Some of my guests are staying the night. I shall be hosting them through brunch and I'll need your services in the morning. Bathe well," he instructed, as though Ishraq didn't intend to scrub his fur thoroughly after what he had been through that night.

The ursine sighed heavily. It seemed like every hour of every day he was going to be hard at work, servicing the bat and his friends. After lumbering back to his suite imagining all of the pee and cum sloshing about in his stomach, the bear washed up. As he showered, trying in vain to scrub his coat clean of the crusted semen and piss of dozens of anthros, he found that his trapped member throbbed and ached. For some reason he couldn't quite place, he was horny and pined for a release. His stifled erection begged mercilessly for attention and he was powerless to do anything about it. He tried to focus his thoughts on other topics, and even briefly considered blasting himself without cold water before deciding not to ruin his bath. Still, he was pressing against his steel chastity cage painfully as he begrudgingly crawled into his sparsely cushioned cage.

The first day in Fabien Laurent's service had nearly broken him. He wondered if he could survive a whole month. He fell into a restless sleep while dreading what the morning would bring.