Blood & Carrots - Final Episode

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#29 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

The eve of your final day was upon me. I had spent the last nineteen evenings acclimating you to this life, teaching you of mine and this house's past. You had learned intimate details of myself, my loved ones, my shortcomings, and my triumphs. I sat behind the polished oak desk as you walked into my study, my hands folded over the surface. You were dressed in formal attire at my behest.

"The nights have blurred and our time is quickly drawing to a close, like the sun showing it's rays on the horizon." I peak my fingertips and motion to one of the large chairs within the study, "Sit."

You obediently take a seat and I stand, moving to look upon the night sky through the window. "Twenty days, that was the agreed-upon number. You would be made keenly aware of this life and what it held for you." I saw your reaction in the windowpane, as you stare upon me with adoration, the way you had been doing most of this time now.

"Do not be swayed by the emotions you have when I feed upon you, the bloodletting and the energy, it is a small thing to consider in this." I return to the desk, blue wisps of flame drifting from my fingertips. I had donned an elegant red dress for tonight, the slip showing my leg and running clear up to my thigh.

"Tomorrow you will make your decision. You will lose everything to be with us, you will cease to be as you are now. I know this to be true because it happened to me as well. Friends, family, children, parents, and anything in-between. They are all lost to you, that is the price you will pay for this." I step to the small cabinet and withdraw a small cocktail shaker as I speak to you.

Two martini glasses go down and I shake up my favorite drink I enjoyed as a mundane. Gin and carrot juice filled each glass. I filled my own with a large helping of blood, making the orange liquid turn to a deep crimson. I garnished each with a carrot and presented the one without blood to you.

"Enjoy the effects of it, my sweet. If you choose this life, it will most likely be the last time you will get to." I sat upon the second chair next to you, facing you while crossing my legs. "When I retire in the morning, walk outside and watch the sun rise. Drink in the sounds and smells of the dawn. Listen to the creatures coming to life. Look upon the city, watch the mundane start to move as the vehicles dot the streets."

I watch you gingerly sip the cocktail and I sip my own as well, silence hanging between us for a few heartbeats. My ears fold and I shake my head. "I am not some all-knowing creature of the night, some dark mistress that can make all your problems fade away." I frown and look upon my glass, then back at you. "I am still a fearful rabbit... I fear for the safety of my family. Oh yes, I managed to keep the celestials at bay. Things have been going well for the last four years or so. However, hate always finds a way... Perhaps in the future when they feel their strength is replenished, perhaps the old ones will again decide we are nothing but abominations."

My ears fold and I grin. "Ah, I am going off on a tangent now. Let us return to the here and now of it, shall we?" I take another sip of my bloody cocktail and set you with a look. "Do as I ask you, walk the trails and forest of the property, take a car into the city. Drink in the life of the day before you make your choice."

"If you decide it is not for you, I will understand. Katrina will strip you of these memories with thaumaturgic energy and you will wake up in a hospital after being in a deep slumber for the last twenty days. Your life will be guaranteed and you will remember none of this." I see the deep frown upon your face and click my tongue. "I will not lie, I would miss you my pet. Ah but if my stories have taught you anything, I do grow fond quickly, don't I?"

I place my hand to my chest and sigh. "About six months ago, I sat in that very chair you are in now. I was about three seasons from having been with my family for a full decade. On that night... everything changed..."

Final Episode:

Blood & Carrots

"You cannot be serious, Lorelai!" Elias shouted the words towards the phone on his desk, his nails digging into the polished wood.

"I wish I were joking, I truly do." My sheep's voice came back on the speaker of the phone. "She has invoked an ancient bygone law from our antiquity. Even I was unaware of its existence. I have consulted with one of our elders and her claim is valid."

"Elders? You mean they exist?" Elias snarled the words and I saw him shudder at the thought of it.

"It is not something I speak of, I do not call upon them lightly. However, yes, she can claim the right to a house war based upon you felling her family all those years ago." Her words came through resigned and bitter.

"This is madness... if she seeks satisfaction, let her come duel me personally. We do not need to drag-"

"You think I did not push for this? The elders have spoken and I have no power, literally. I am honor-bound to follow the council's decision. If I interfere I would be stripped of all my power, my hands are quite literally bound by our laws." Her words came out in a bitter hiss.

"When does this officially begin?" Elias sighed the words, resignation in his voice.

"It already has, I recommend you call your members back to your home right away in preparation. Please remind Gloria and Alex they are not expected to stand by you. They will, but they are not required." I heard the resignation in her own voice as well and stood slowly from the chair.

"Thank you for calling me and warning me." Elias shook his head and folded his arms, stepping away from his desk.

"Elias... remember what you stand to lose. Be strong and know that at the first chance I get, I will have her to a sword for this." The call clicked off and my fox stood there staring out into the night sky.

"Master..." I spoke gently out towards him.

He looked upon me and I saw the tears in his eyes as he shook his head. "Are you not happy, my lady? You finally get your chance to settle things..." He gave a ragged sigh and jerked his gaze away from me. "I never wanted anyone to be involved in my own issues, yet now everyone is..."

My ear lifted as my phone went off, it was Lorelai calling me. Elias nodded at me and I connected the call. "Y-yes?"

"Alice... there is a loophole in the house war laws. I have zero hope of you following it, but I will tell you about it." Her voice sounded resigned like she already had her answer. "Anyone under ten years is exempt, you can withdraw from the family and-"

"You're right, you already knew the answer, my love." I hissed the words into the phone.

"I know... please make it through this, Alice. I would be lost without you, I love you." She didn't wait on my words and ended the call. I ground my teeth and put my phone away, looking back at my fox.

"Brought up the ten-year clause, did she?" Elias spoke out towards me, his tail lazily wagging.

"She did... what will we do now?" I spoke the words as I moved next to him and put my hands to my hips.

"Most of Sarnai's house is young and inexperienced. She will strike with a small vanguard, I already know who it will be." He clicked his tongue as he stared out into the darkness, the moon high in the sky.

"I will gather Katrina, Alex, and Gloria." I spoke the words and turned to walk from the study.

"So it begins all too quickly..." Elias showed his teeth as he stared out into the night.

"What do you mean my lord?" I lifted my ears curiously.

"Nevermind, go gather the others and instruct the servants to lock themselves away in the lower levels." He thrust a hand out towards me, his will commanding me to do as he said. I nodded and quickly made my way from his study.

It only took a few minutes to gather the other three and set the servants about hiding away. I returned to the study to find it empty and bit my lower lip. "Ah... where is he?"

Gloria put her hand to her rosary and focused. "Ah, I sense our lord brothers energy outside. He is within the field near here and... he is not alone."

"Fuck!" I spat out and turned to run down the stairs and stormed out of the house. The four of us made our way to the field to see the two foxes' facing one another.

Sarnai's flames flowed off her a brilliant red the color of blood, Elias's flowing forth a hot white. "Master!" I shouted out in panic then lifted my ears as I heard both the dogs behind me yelp out in pain.

I turned to see Alex and Gloria both on the ground, blood pouring from their legs, then I had a large blade to my throat. I clenched my teeth to see the small brown haired mouse from years ago, at least I thought it was the same one. I looked over to see her atop Katrina, both glaives crossed over my cat's throat.

"Did you only take out their hamstrings? I don't need them bleeding to death." Sarnai called out casually from the field.

"Yes Mistress." Both the mice called out in unison.

"Sarnai. Has madness fully claimed your mind?" Elias snarled the words looking back at the four of us.

"Not at all, I simply want your closest family to be alive and seeing this happen. Rest assured they will all go with you to the void in short order after I see the despair upon their faces from you falling." Sarnai purred the words, rolling her red flames lazily about on her fingers.

"Heh... You've put on some weight, Jen. Also, where did your tits go?" I sneered the words at the mouse holding the long curved blade to my throat.

Sarnai lifted her flaming ears and looked upon me. "Except that one. I'm going to take my time and make her beg..."

Elias showed his teeth furiously and clenched his fist. "Sarnai, you know you can't best me, so you hide behind them? I never took you as a coward."

"A coward?" The black-haired fox gave a haughty laugh, pushing a palm to her face, red flames rolling up the side of it, her eyes looking unfocused. "Battle is like chess, you don't brute force your way through it, you outthink your opponent. You already know this, my husband. I've been biding my time for years for this."

"So glad I was able to teach you that lesson, bitch!" I shouted out mockingly, then grunted as the twin of the mice dug the blade deeper into my throat, blood rolling down the curved blade.

Sarnai clenched her teeth and rolled her eyes at my commentary. "I've known the tactics of stealth and subversion before your great great grandmother was a glimmer in her mother's eye, rabbit! Jennifer, Jeremy, incapacitate them and come to me."

I felt a flash of pain and my legs caved out from under me as I hit the ground with a yelp. I tried to speak but I couldn't. Grabbing my throat I felt blood pouring out from it. I glanced back to see my legs bleeding and unable to feel my feet.

Katrina was also on the ground but her throat wasn't slit like mine. I gurgled a cough and clenched my teeth, pulling from the energy in me. Sarnai and company still didn't know how much power I could pull from life energy. I started willing the wound closed and focused upon healing my legs with the blood that wasn't spilling forth. Harold had taught me years ago to focus my blood reserves to do spot healing, a trick I had taught Katrina as well.

The white fox growled as the two mice took point next to the black fox. Sarnai offered a wide grin to him in response. "You may very well be my better, but these children are nearly as old as we are, as you know. You can't hope to stand against all of us."

"Cowards, I won't let you take any of them from me!" My master dug his heels in and I felt his energy roar forth, washing out over the field as grass set ablaze.

"You always were a dramatic little pup, Elias." Sarnai nodded to the mice and all three of them blurred towards the white fox.

"Master!" I called out and tried to rise, my legs giving way as I collapsed again and grunted my frustration, willing my blood to work faster as I started moving on my hands towards their fray.

"Alice, heal your fucking legs first!" Katrina spat the words at me, having already crawled over to Gloria. The angel whimpered and Katrina nodded at her. "Hold still..." She moved her head between her knees and started dragging her tongue over the large wounds, lapping at them to heal them.

The retriever grunted at the position but nodded and shoved her hand to Katrina's shoulder, pushing her own divine healing energies into her wounded body. "A-Alex... honey, get over here so I can heal you... I can't use this on myself."

The four of them were a blur in the field both the mice lunging at Elias with Sarnai right behind them. There was a geyser of flame as red and white energies spiraled into the night sky. I saw Elias open his palm and simply blast Jennifer in the face with a wave of white heat that sent her sprawling back, her leather and fur armor burning. Sarnai was atop him and drove a fist into his midsection, the other mouse slashing at his throat. The white fox pivoted from the swing, taking it on the shoulder and quickly distanced himself from the two.

I clenched my teeth and screamed in frustration at the scene, seeing the three of them regroup. Elias stood there clutching his shoulder, his teeth showing in a feral snarl, his large white tail furiously cutting through the air.

"Are you alright, Jennifer?" Sarnai asked the smaller of the twins.

The small mouse took a few drinks from a flask, presumably blood, "Was just a scratch, Mistress."

"You're every bit as good as always, my love..." Sarnai spoke the words with contempt and wagged her tail. "However, you're already injured, you won't stand the next one." She showed her teeth and snapped her fingers as the two mice blurred forward with her right behind them.

The white fox clenched his teeth as the three of them came for him again, then two loud shots clapped out into the night air as the two mice dropped to the ground halfway to their goal. Sarnai lifted her ears in shock, not realizing what had happened until she was atop the white fox alone.

"Heh... go fuck yourselves..." I huffed the words, both my revolvers were drawn as I stood on one good leg, my teeth showing.

Elias seized the opportunity and grabbed her by her throat, hauling the black fox to look upon him as he screamed into her face. "Stop this madness Sarnai, I do not wish to harm you or your house!"

I started slowly shuffling my way towards the four of them, each step getting easier as my blood healed me. I saw Jennifer start to rise and put another silver bullet in her side, the mouse yowling out in pain. The other wasn't moving but I shot him in the side again too, just to be safe.

"Elias you bastard! I will send you to hell!" Sarnai screamed the words, kicking her feet and clawing at his arm as he closed his grip on her throat, his own flames beginning to overwhelm hers.

"We loved one another, we don't have to go down this road. Please, Sarnai, just talk to-" The white fox yelped out as another shot rang out and he took a knee, releasing the black foxes' throat.

"Elias!" I shouted out and saw a shadow in the distance on the roof of the mansion. "Bastard!" I screamed the words and saw Gloria launch into the air like a bird of prey, her dark wings propelling her towards the house.

"Go with her, Alex." Katrina nodded to the wolf who was mostly healed now.

He looked to Gloria then back to us before nodding and shifting right away. He bounded towards the house on all fours in a burst of speed, a slight limp in his gallop.

Sarnai showed me a glare and sent spheres of fire at both me and Katrina. I grunted and had to dive to avoid the fireball, my legs still not there yet as I crumpled to the ground once more.

Katrina had also sidestepped the flame and drawn her guns, slowly closing in on the four of them.

Elias coughed out and tried to stand but his spine had been hit and he fell back to his palm with a wince. "Damn it... I should have never tried to reason with you." He showed his teeth at her in a furious glare.

"You should have thought twice before slaughtering my family!" The black fox drew forth a saber at her side and grabbed the white one by the hair of his head, baring his throat.

"Like fuck you will!" Katrina shouted the words out as she fired her own revolvers, one bullet hitting the blade of the saber making it shatter, the other clipping Sarnai's shoulder.

The black fox screamed in fury as the blessed silver tore through her. "I've had enough of you pests. Jeremy, Jennifer deal with the fox but don't kill him!" The black fox snarled the words and blurred out of sight before she was atop my cat.

Katrina widened her eyes before dropping to her rear and putting two more bullets right into the black foxes' midsection. There was a heavy thump of impact like they had struck ballistic material. Sarnai grabbed her arms but Katrina had shoved the barrel of her gun right to the foxes forehead between her eyes. In that moment, I saw something I almost couldn't comprehend, she hesitated and didn't pull the trigger despite having time to.

The black fox showed a wicked grin and grabbed the smaller cat by the elbows, there was a vicious crunching sound as she handily broke her arms at the joints then grabbed her by the throat.

"You bitch!" I screamed the words and leveled my guns at her, then lifted my ears sharply as the fox simply held Katrina between us as a shield.

"Go ahead and take the shot, little rabbit!" Sarnai showed her teeth in a cocky grin. I narrowed my eyes and aimed carefully before taking the shot as she requested. The bullet sailed right next to Katrina's chin and landed in the foxes' shoulder with a sickening thump of impact.

Sarnai yelped and staggered back, dropping my cat who collapsed on her side panting in pain. "Why do you always piss me off!" The black-haired vixen screamed the words and rushed towards me. I took my last three shots at her, the first two sinking into her chest being absorbed by the armor she was wearing, the last digging into her thigh.

She yowled out as the blessed silver burned her like it had her shoulder and she reached for my throat. Her eyes widened in remembrance and she withdrew her hand before it touched my skin. I spat out at her with a cocky grin. "What's wrong? Afraid I will give you cooties?"

The fox showed me a furious glare and drove a foot towards me to kick me. I grinned and grabbed her ankle, fixing her with a glare. "Bitch, I'm not that injured!" I shouted the words and my own red flames burst forth from my form as I hauled her up by her leg and flung her several feet.

Sarnai tumbled to the ground and I was atop her, my whip drawn and slaked in my blood. "I will hang you by a fucking tree, fox!" I screamed out and slashed the whip, the cord wrapping around her throat as I jerked against it and planted my booted foot on her chest. "Or just break your fucking neck right here!"

The black fox choked out then showed me a grin and cast her eyes over towards the two mice and fox I had lost focus on. I heard loud pained yelps and jerked my gaze to see Elias on the ground, his chest and stomach slashed open and blood pouring out of his body.

"Elias!" I screamed and dropped my whip, rushing to his side. The mice stood before me and I focused my hellfire, blasting torrents of flame at both of them, making them scatter before me.

"To me!" Sarnai shouted the words to the mice as she untangled the whip from her throat. Jennifer and Jeremy were next to her in an instant.

"Master! Brother!" Katrina sobbed out the words, limping over to us, both her arms hanging uselessly.

"Elias, Master!" I pulled his head into my lap and held him as the fox coughed blood out and blinked upon the two of us.

"Mistress... shouldn't we finish them?" Jennifer spoke out to the black fox respectfully.

"Let them have their moment, I want the gravity of the situation to settle into their souls. I want them broken and crushed before we end them." The black fox gave the three of us a contemptuous grin, her red flames rolling off her gleefully. "After that, we hunt down each and every one of their miserable lot and end them."

The male of the twins, Jeremey casted his eyes upon the fox with sadness and nodded to her, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Your will shall be executed as always, Mistress."

"Alice... Katrina... I've been an awful Master to the two of you..." Elias coughed out the words while I held him.

"Shut up you moron! You're gonna be fine!" I shouted the words into his face, katrina already dragging her tongue over his wounds trying to heal him.

"I won't be... even if you heal me and stop the blood flow, they..." He shuddered and grit his teeth. "Alice... Alice my rabbit... Katrina my cat..."

My head shook as I spoke to him frantically. "It's gonna be okay, damn it! Master, we won't let you... we won't let you-"

I huffed out as he grabbed my hair and pulled me close to his face, coughing as blood spattered onto my cheek. "Damn it Alice, listen to me... You have to protect our family... protect your sister... brother... all of them..."

"Master! We will protect them, I won't let you!" Elias snarled and gripped my hair hard, pulling me closer as I spoke the words in panic.

"Focus, si-sister... I have a commandment... please... one last request." He spat the words out, coughing again and I could see his eyes losing focus.

"No! No last fucking requests!" I screamed at him and shook my head, tears flowing down my face now.

"Master... calm your breathing, you don't need to do it..." Katrina spoke the words gently while lapping at his chest, healing wounds where she could.

"Alice! For fuck sakes! L-listen to me!" He barked the words and glared into my eyes while I shook my head and blinked upon him, trying to focus. "I'm sorry... I love you, I love both of you so much..."

I shuddered and shook my head. "You asshole... why now?! Why fucking now!"

His teeth clenched and he shook his head. "Because I'm a greedy piece of shit... okay? I was afraid... afraid of hurting you... and being hurt... but now... more than anything... I'm afraid of losing all of you..."

Katrina shook her head and pulled her tongue back. "His bleeding has stopped, but we're sitting ducks. It would take too much blood and time to get him on his feet and I don't know where Gloria or Alex are, or if they are even still alive..."

"Everyone is alive, gods be damned! You hear me Kat?!" I spat the words at her and glared back at the black fox, I could see her wicked grin, seeing her drinking this all in.

Elias grabbed my hair and pulled me to him. "Look at me... look at me... Alice!" I blinked upon him and nodded. "Alex... Katrina... Gloria... they will kill them all, then... they will hunt down all of our family... every last one... our house will be wiped out..."

I shook my head, tears flowing from my eyes. "No... there... we have to..."

"Do you want that?!" He spat the words in my face, blood and spittle striking my cheek.

"No! Of course I don't!" I shook my head again and hugged him tightly, sobbing in panic.

Elias showed me a glare and panted out. "Save those... save the tears for... me later... you have a family to protect... you hear me Ma-Marquess?"

I widened my eyes and shook my head at his words. "No... I can't, I'm not strong eno-"

"You are... please Alice... me vs everyone..." He showed his teeth and jerked me closer, speaking softly into my ear.

"No! You're insane! I won't!" I screamed the words and dug my hands into his bloody torn suit.

"You have to! It is... the only way, Alice! My... love... If you do not, everyone and everything we both love ends here... tonight!" He spat the words out weakly and looked to Katrina. "Take care of her..." The cat had tears flowing down her cheeks but simply nodded at the command.

I yowled out at the pain and fury in me, "This is bullshit! I hate this... I hate this so fucking much!"

"Music to my ears..." Sarnai sighed happily and placed a hand to her chest, her tail wagging lazily. "That's right rabbit... drink deep of the sorrow I've nursed for centuries..." She then winced and pushed a palm to her forehead, ears folding, "Almost... then I can sleep at last... both of us together again..."

I clenched my eyes shut and screamed out, I pushed every thought from my head as I shook it violently. I then flashed my teeth and shoved them deep into my foxes' throat. I pulled hard from him and drank deep. I felt the fox I loved shudder and heard him whisper 'I love you' as the euphoria took him.

Sarnai gaped her mouth, realizing what was happening. "No... No! I won't let you take this from me! Kill her! Kill her now!" The fox screamed the words and pushed her hand forth, the two mice blurring towards the three of us, the black fox right behind them.


"W-wha?" Elias blinked his eyes open, standing in his bedroom. I stood before him, my ears drooped and I shook my head.

The fox showed me a smile and wagged his tail. "Couldn't let me have my glorious last words? Had to come play therapist one more time?"

"Fuck you..." I spat the words out and put my hands on my hips, looking away with a scowl.


"Fuck you!" I snarled the words and stomped over to him. "Ten fucking years... I waited ten fucking years, and you finally give me the words on your death bed!"

He gritted his teeth and looked away, ears folding. "Alice, I'm sorry..."

I shoved him to his bed and climbed into his lap, glaring into his eyes. "Tell me again... say it!"

Elias blinked upon me and pushed a hand to my face. "I love you..."

"I love you... now roll me over and take me." I spoke the words pointedly to him.

"What?! You're in the midst of battle, those three are closing in on you as we-"

I put my hand to his lips and shook my head. "It is the only way... it is ... how we should end things... will you slip from this mortal coil with regrets, or wrapped in my arms, enjoying the final throes of release?"

I saw tears fill his eyes and he shook his head before rolling me over and pushing me to the bed. I willed our clothes away the moment he was atop me. He spread my legs and pushed himself into me. My teeth clenched and I blinked up at him, tears in my eyes.

My fox pushed deep into me and moved to loom over me, his arms wrapped around me. I pushed my fingertips to his strong chest, then wrapped them around his neck, kissing him furiously as he pushed himself inside me again and again.

"Huff... Elias... say it again..." I panted the words, my nails digging hard into his shoulders.

"I love you... I love you now and forever..." He whispered the words into my ear, pushing more intently now, his body growing more eager. I panted and shook my head, tears flowing as I sobbed softly but wrapped my legs around him.

"Tell me... again..." I sobbed the words and blinked up at him, his own eyes filled with tears while we made love.

The fox clenched his teeth and shook his head. "I love you... I wish... I wish I could fix things... I wish I could tell you every day..."

I shuddered and felt him growing close. I bit my lower lip and nodded. "I love you too Elias... give me everything... okay?"

He nodded and pushed hard into me for a few more heartbeats, I cried as my eyes shifted to a white-hot blue. "E-everything... tell me you love me... one more time..."

I felt his tears falling to my chest as he gave a final push into my body. "I love you... I love you so much Alice..." He shuddered and gasped out as he gave into me.

"I love you... I love you..." I cried the words, tears flowing as I pulled his energy into me, pulled everything he had from him. I felt visions fill my mind of his marriage, of his killing sprees, of his love for me and Katrina. I felt the hundreds of years he and Sarnai shared together and his boundless love for her and endless regret.

The fox collapsed into my arms as I sobbed, I held him and shook my head. "It's... it's okay my love... everything... will be okay now... get some... rest..."


The mice were on me when I came back, their blades drawn. They were so slow at this moment, so vulnerable and fragile. The twins lunged for me and I simply stood from my fox and moved between them. They didn't have time to react as my hands pushed to their cheeks and my forehead pressed to each of theirs as I pulled their heads to mine.

They both appeared at the same time and I stood before them in an unfamiliar room. They looked shocked at first but then my will had them and they looked upon me in awe. "So, this is the bond of twins... two hearts and one soul... well, it saves me a few microseconds nonetheless..."

"Whom do you love, children?" I asked them curiously.

"You, Mistress... only you." They spoke in unison.

"That black fox... she wants to hurt me... you will protect me, yes?" I sighed the words, moving to stroke both of their faces gently. They nodded in response and I frowned. "Get to it then."

The dream severed and I stepped back as the mice turned on Sarnai. She jumped back but they were on top of her in a whirl of motion. "S-stop this! Jeremy... Jennifer!" She barked out as the mice pushed her back from our location.

"Alice..." Katrina looked upon me with tears in her eyes, Elias resting in her lap, her left arm barely healed enough to stroke his hair. I looked upon her silently then quietly drew forth my power.

Three ethereal fox tails erupted from my backside, white-hot whisps spilling from them. I focused my will and each of them took on a charcoal color as I infused my foxfire with hellfire. Katrina looked upon me wide eyes, seeing my large grey ears and trio of tails rolling. "Take Elias and find the others..." I spoke the words gently and put my hand to her head, I willed a massive amount of energy into her small body. The rush of power allowed her to heal her broken limbs and battered body in seconds with her blood reserves.

Katrina gasped and nodded before clutching Elias. "W-what of our lord?"

"One problem at a time..." I spoke the words calmly while tears rolled down my cheeks freely. I watched the mice striking out against the black fox again and again. They were no match for her, but Sarnai was avoiding hurting them.

I began walking towards their fray, grey flames erupting from my feet with each step, the grass burning away to ash. I stood and watched the trio struggle before clearing my throat. "To me children..." The mice were at my side in an instant, kneeled dutifully.

"What... what have you done to my brother and sister?!" Sarnai screamed the words at me, various cuts and wounds open on her body from their attacks.

I lifted my ethereal ears and gave her an inquisitive look. "They are, of course, my children now... They are mine until death. Why? Do you wish me to free them from my grasp?"

"Bitch! Of course I wish you to free them!" She showed her teeth in a furious snarl then her ears folded and her mouth gaped at what I did next. I placed a hand upon each of their heads and their bodies shuddered before collapsing lifelessly to the ground.

"As you have willed, they are free..." I spoke the words in a calm voice. "Their life force was unneeded, but every little bit helps, I suppose."

"You... You monster!" Sarnai screamed the words, tears filling her eyes.

"You came to my house, raised arms against my lord..." Before I could finish speaking she was on top of me. She slammed her fist into my face but I simply stood there and looked back at her, continuing. "Raised arms against us... then are-" The fox screamed and began to throw a series of punches against me, striking my chest, head, and shoulders.

I sighed and waved my hand, a blast of force launching the fox, making her tumble through the air before she found her feet and stood. I saw the look in her eyes shift to fear at the realization of my power. "You... after everything you've done... you seek to call me a monster?" I spoke the words calmly as I walked towards her at a slow methodical pace.

"J-Jennifer... Jeremy..." Sarnai shivered as she spoke their names then gritted her teeth. She focused her will and her flames magnified tenfold. A roaring inferno of black and red poured forth, making her eyes jet black. "You will pay for them... you will!" She sprang forth and blurred towards me in a flash.

There was the sound of the fox choking as my hand caught her throat in mid-flight. Her eyes widened and everything went black for us both.


She stood before me, her teeth clenched as she took a step back, looking around her room. "You! N-no..."

I stood before her, a frown upon my face. My flames were gone and I was there in my simple black nightgown, "Yes."

She clenched her teeth, summoned her fire, and started to lunge for me. I waved a hand and the fox froze in midair, her fire extinguishing instantly. "Do not... you only stand to humiliate yourself."

I willed her free and she tumbled to the floor in a heap. The fox stood to her feet, her tail thrashing as she snarled at me. "You wretched-"

"Who do you think is the real bad guy here? Do you think your insults will get you anywhere with me?" I gave her a calculated look, frowning upon her. "In our own minds we always think we are the hero of our story, do we not?"

The fox jerked her gaze away. "What do you want? I know of what you are and I know what this pertains. You have me and wish to torment me, correct?"

"Yes... and no, I will not prolong your end, but I will leave you with the knowledge of what your actions have done this night." I Folded my hands over my stomach and gave her a calm look. "Your madness for revenge has sealed not only your fate, but that of your whole house. Rest assured I shall be going to Silverpaw and I will systematically break and feed upon each and every one of your vassals."

"Y-you... no... you can't!" Sarnai shot me a fearful look, her eyes filling with tears.

"Were these roles reversed, would you have shown me and Elias mercy? Lest of all our family?" I folded my arms and frowned upon her.

"I... I wouldn't have... no..." She hissed the words bitterly.

"And yet now... you seek and plead that I take the high road? The man I love is gone and you wish me to spare your family?" I spat the words bitterly at her, the first emotion I had shown since being with Elias.

"Y-yes..." she whispered the words and clutched her arms around herself. "I love my family..."

"Then why send them into battle over folly!" I showed my teeth and shouted the words. "Your bullshit is ancient history! Yet you dragged your family into it with you. It was no one's concern but yours and his!"

The black fox flinched at my words and said nothing. I folded my arms and lifted my ears. "This is the end for you, fox... make no mistake about that. Sarnai Silverpaw dies at my hand this night..." I raised my hand and gave a shrug, "I may consider sparing your family, if you meet one condition, a simple request."

The fox shuddered at my words but then focused her eyes on me with intent. I could see the obvious madness in them clear for a moment as she spoke. "Name it."

I calmly sauntered to the fox, my hand pushing to her face and I looked into her dark eyes. "Give yourself to me... heart... mind... and soul... I will drink deeply of you by your own will, and I will claim all of you for myself. Do that and you have my word that your family will be spared."

The black fox blinked her dark brown eyes of tears and gave me a nod. "Swear it to me... here and now... swear Silverpaw is safe from retribution and you may have me."

"I Marquess Alice Blackpaw, swear upon my name and family, that Silverpaw will be safe, so long as I have you in return." I clicked my tongue and dragged my nail down her throat, feeling her shiver.

"Done. I am yours." Sarnai spoke the words and I felt her will open fully to me. My hand moved to her hair and I jerked her down to me, my teeth bared as I plunged my canines into her throat.

I made a similar gesture in reality, pulling her down and pushing my teeth into her flesh. I fed on her as I did my white fox, drawing her blood both in reality and the dream. I felt her shudder, felt her body burning up and giving in to me. I would not lay with her, but I would enthrall her and coax her pleasure.

I pulled from her throat as the black fox shuddered in release and blinked upon me. I showed my bloody teeth as I pulled deep from her life force. "Say you are mine fox..."

"I am... y-yours... all of me..." She whimpered the words and I violently pulled her will into my own. While I claimed her lifeforce I flooded her with the white foxes emotions I had taken into myself. I let her feel his longing and desperation to save her. I made sure she felt the love and pain he still obviously held for her. The black fox gave a final euphoric yelp and I saw tears fill her eyes from the sensations of her former husband, then she collapsed into my arms lifelessly.

Her own feelings rushed into me. Not so much memories as distant bookmarks on the soul, of victories and shortcomings. I felt her rage and torment of madness. However, most of all I felt her sorrow and love. I felt the pain in her heart for hating the fox she loved and still did, despite her madness for vengeance. I also felt her torment, she was plagued by nightmares of her family being slaughtered by him.


I dropped the black fox to the burned grass of the field and licked her blood from my lips. I could feel both of their powers tearing through me like an unstoppable hurricane wanting to level entire cities. I rolled my eyes and shut the demons away with a simple thought, then forced my flames out before moving to find Katrina and the others.

I found them easily enough, all safe. I looked to Gloria and Alex. "Did you find the sniper?"

"Yes." Alex gave me a nod.

"Are they dead?" I asked in a neutral voice.

Alex frowned and looked to Gloria. The angel spoke out. "Ah... I asked Alex not to kill him until we knew what happened."

"Very well... summon the servants and let us clean this mess up, I need to make a call to the council." I spoke the words in a concise tone as I then stepped away from them and moved to the mansion with a purposeful stride.


"No... No!" She screamed the word and sat up in bed with a gasp, tears flowing from her eyes.

"Welcome back." I called out calmly to the black fox in the guest bed.

Sarnai flinched at seeing me and moved a hand to rub at her head. "Why am I..."

"Alive?" I shrugged and peaked my fingers. "Because I rolled the dice and you seemed to have won."

"I don't... understand?" She spoke the words and shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. I passed her a sports bottle of blood and the fox began to ravenously drink it once she realized what it was.

"Was that the nightmare of your family?" I cocked a brow at her with a bored look.

The black fox blinked at my words, the shock on her face obvious before she slowly nodded. "How did you know?"

"It matters little in this moment. Returning to your confusion... You and Elias had a string of fate connecting you. It didn't sever this time, so you get to live." I spoke the words casually then called out to the hallway. "Yo! She's awake!"

The door opened and my white fox walked in slowly. Sarnai's ears lifted and she showed her teeth. "You! How?"

"I ask you to kindly cool your temper in my home. You will address my Count with all due respect or your life is forfeit, do you understand?" I spoke the words sharply at the fox in the bed.

She frowned at me but nodded her head. "So how is this possible, how are either of us alive?"

"She pulled everything from us but a spark of lifeforce." Elias spoke the words in answer.

I gave the black fox a sharp nod. "That's right. I wasn't sure if Elias would make it, so I held back fully taking your lives. Had he slipped away, I would have finished the job. Once he recovered, I gave you back some energy so you would all recover."

Sarnai shook her head and tried to focus. "But... I can't feel my hellfire..."

"Because I took it, all of it." I gave her a point-blank look. "Why do you think I demanded you give me yourself completely? I could have only taken every speck of your power with your consent."

"So... you and you alone now possess the foxfire of radiance and hellfire." She spoke the words in understanding.

"Actually, I gave Elias all of his back after he recovered." I folded my hands in my lap and gave Sarnai a level look. "Your power is your tithe for your transgressions against my family. Be thankful it's such a small price."

"Jennifer and Jeremy are alive and so is that viper whom I do not know." Elias spoke the words gently to the black fox, taking a seat beside me.

I saw the relief fill her eyes and she sighed out, placing a hand to her chest. "Thank the gods... I thought my madness had cost me all of them."

"It damn well could have, you stupid bitch!" I snarled the words and stood from my chair, glaring down at her, showing my teeth.

"I know! I'm... I'm sorry... I couldn't... I tried to control myself..." Sarnai frowned and looked away.

"I'm not the one to apologize to, you dumb dog! He is!" I pointed at Elias and glared at the black fox. "And while you're at it, apologize to house Silverpaw for being dragged into your personal bullshit."

She clenched her teeth then looked to the white fox sitting beside her. "Even at the very end, you were trying to talk to me..."

"I was... We may not share the same bed, but I still care about you Sarnai... I still love you." Elias spoke the words and moved his hands to gently clasp hers.

I shook my head at hearing his confession but felt surprisingly calm over it. "You two work this shit out. I want our families squeaky clean. You don't have to be friends, but I don't want you brooding over this." I looked back over my shoulder at the black fox. "You hear me, Sarnai? You gave me your life and Sarnai of Silverpaw died three nights ago."

"I see... what am I now then?" She tilted her head curiously.

"You're Blackpaw of course. I own you, it stands to reason." I showed her a grin and put my hand on my hips.

The black fox spat out in shock at my words. "E-excuse you? I have a family to take care of!"

"Yeah, you were taking really good care of them before, right? That's why you almost got them all butchered." I lifted my ears and raised a finger. "Think of it like having the slate cleaned. You can let your past go and start over."

"Sarnai... you can finally let this go. I'm sorry it happened, but you have known the frenzy as well. You know I never wanted to hurt you." Elias spoke the words gently to her, still holding her hand.

"I will leave you two to iron things out, but you better not fuck her, Master. At least not without me!" I grumbled the words as I started for the door.

"Aren't you the Master now, Alice?" He spoke back to me playfully.

"You will always be my Master, regardless of our rank." I spat the words out and stuck my nose up in the air before walking out. I saw how flustered the black fox looked at our dialog, her cheeks dark.


We saw the trio from Silverpaw off after a big kerfuffle about Sarnai not leaving. I met with the black fox alone in the burned and torn up field where everything had transpired a few nights past.

"Why have you called me out here... Marquess?" She spoke the words awkwardly and looked away from me.

"I have you here to keep an eye on you. If you can get past your shit and wish to... I will release my claim on you and allow you to return to Silverpaw in one year's time." I put my hands on my hips and fixed her with a level look. "Can you accept that?"

"It is a generous offer and I thank you for it." She bowed her head, her black tail showing her agitation.

"Look... you don't have to like me, but I want you and Elias to clear this up. I almost lost him over this and it really is a shame to let it eat at you." I frowned at her and reached a hand to her.

The fox looked at my outstretched hand and hesitated before clasping it. "It's just... it is difficult... it wears on me... You do not understand... the dreams, the madness for vengeance..."

"Then talk about it, my sister... I am here to listen... You may rest your head upon my lap and rant to me all night if you so desire." I gave the black fox a childish grin and flick my ears.

"You truly are kind, Alice... for a monstrous bitch..." Sarnai showed me a slight smile in jest.

"Takes one to know one." I huffed and giggled at her. We stared upon one another for a long moment before I opened my arms. "Come here..."

She blinked at me but took a knee and embraced me. I pushed my forehead to her own, moving to rub at her large black ears, feeling how soft they were. The fox gave out a sharp gasp as she realized I had pulled into her mind once more.

"W-why this...?" She looked at me in shock, realizing her head was in my lap while I sat in her small bed in her new room.

"Hush now my fox... let me focus..." I hummed the words gently, running my fingertips through her silky raven hair, brushing her ears as I pushed my will into her.

Her eyes widened at the sensation and she blinked up at me. "W-why?"

I smiled and shrugged. "Consider it... a token of goodwill. I've imparted a majority of it back to you. Enough for you to begin training and working it again. If the time comes I feel you have let things go with my fox and you are no longer a threat. I will return most of it."

"Most?" Sarnai asked me curiously.

"Yes... I spent nearly ten years crafting and growing the spark you gave me that one night. I earned that and I will not let it go, just like the radiance I gained from Elias naturally." I giggled the words and continued to stroke her hair and ears gently. "You will get back ninety-eight percent, or so."

"I see..." The tone in her voice sounded disappointed.

"You must not dwell upon what is lost, my little black fox. You yet live and so you may gain it back and more. Let the fires of hate subside and enjoy yourself this coming year. Perhaps you will find yourself in mine and the foxes bed, enjoying the things you long threw away." I grinned upon her, my ears wobbling lazily.

"I- I do not think so! I could not see myself laying with him again! I am unworthy of being his wife after what I have done." She spoke the words sharply up at me.

"Like you could never see yourself in my lap, calling me Mistress?" I cooed the words playfully.

The fox bit her lower lip and looked away from me. I continued to stroke her hair and hummed. "Tell me... was he commanding and rough with you in bed?"

Sarnai blinked up at me and tilted her head. "Sometimes... I was usually the instigator... I would coax him to do such on occasion, but usually, I was the aggressor when we were together. He tended to dote upon me and treat me with a gentle hand unless I asked for it rough."

"Oh, how times have changed... the fox might surprise you someday soon." I hummed the words and flicked my tail gently.

"I... I do enjoy a rough hand in bed from time to time..." Sarnai blushed as she spoke the words.

"I know you do my fox... I knew before I asked the question." I spoke out gently before I applied a bit of pressure to her scalp, pulling her hair just enough to feel her tense and give a cute yip.

"D-do not manipulate me in such ways, ra- M-Mistress!" She fussed at me and shot me a half-hearted glare.

"Yes... I think the coming days will prove very interesting for you, my fox... I look forward to getting to know you much better..." I cooed the words into her ear and then willed the dream to end.


I smile at you and stand, saying nothing before stepping from my study, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

The day broke and then the evening came, bringing the final night with it. You step into my chamber and I stand before you at the polished oak desk, my fingertips peaked. Two foxes and a cat stood beside me, each figures you no doubt recognized from my tales. One of which you had already met.

"The time is upon us, my sweet. I now offer you the choice none of the four of us had. Will you join our house as a sibling, or will you return to your mundane life and forget all of this?"

Your answer was concise, to the point and I grinned wide at it. "Truly? Ah, I will be sad to no longer refer to you as my pet or sweet, but soon I can refer to you as my sibling, which is even more wonderful."

I looked up between the three of them with a smile, then looked back upon you. "Now an important decision to be had." I move a hand towards Katrina. "Countess Katrina may embrace you, and you will be blessed with thaumaturgy."

My gaze shifts and I look to the black fox. "Viscountess Sarnai will give you a spark of hellfire, if you accept her embrace."

I grin and look to my fox last. "Of course... Count Elias will bring a spark of radiance."

My arms spread and I show you a playful grin. "Once again, the choice none of us were offered. What will it be?"

Your words were expected and I giggled before pushing my palm to my cheek. "I would love to, my darling pet. Alas, we chimera cannot turn others. The fates decide upon our creation and nothing else."

I collected my martini glass that still had a little gin and carrot juice in it. I finish the drink off then tap my crimson colored nail against the empty glass. "Now... choose."

A choice was made and the blood of that noble filled the glass I held. I hum as I stir it with a carrot then took a sip for myself before placing it upon the desk. "Come... drink."

You take the glass and I see you hesitate before drinking the crimson down, a quick gesture to get it into you without tasting the blood. I see your eyes meet mine as the darkness starts to close around you. "It is normal, do not fear."

I move to embrace you, holding you against my chest as your consciousness quickly starts to fade. "Rest well my pet, when next we meet I will address you as a member of my family..."


You give a sharp gasp as you come to with your head in my lap, your eyes blood red, no doubt not even recalling your frenzy that came and went. You see my sharp large canines show in the low light, my fingertips brushing your cheek. "Welcome back, do not assume I will lavish you with doting pet names like the rabbit did."

The questions started to come and I shook my head while petting you. "Of course, of course. I'm happy to talk about all of it... Ah, but I do question your own sanity at this juncture, to choose me of them all?"

I felt a laugh spill forth from my throat at your words and I trailed my fingertips along your throat, "I thought myself mad, but now I question if I share common company with you. Yes, we can talk about it, but you may come to regret your decision once you truly get to know me..."

---Author Notes---

First and foremost, thank you for reading to the end, it was a long ride but I hope it was an enjoyable one. I certainly enjoyed writing this one and will always have fond memories of it.

As always, a big thank you to everyone that spent some time in my world. Be you a patron or an anonymous reader, if I've brought you a little happiness in these troubling times, then I'm happy.

Oh hey, not to worry though. I've already started breaking ground on my next serial, as well as my first paid book, so look forward to those soon! In the meantime have you checked out my other serial Guarded? It's not got blood sucking and demons, but it does have lots of romance and drama. Also if you have looked it over, I recently went through the whole thing and gave it a much needed editing touch up, so it should read much nicer now!

Well, I'm getting long winded here. I'll close by once again thanking all of you for sticking with me to the end, and I'd like to make a quick shout out to the Furry Writers Guild which I'm a member of, I'd be nothing without their boundless support!

I wish you all love, health, and happiness!

Until the next tale,

G.C. Stargazer

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode tale.

If you enjoyed this and want to keep up with me, you can find me on twitter@stargazer_g

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