The Chance to Explore: Part 9 Pit Stop!!

Story by WanderLust on SoFurry

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Hey everyone. Here's the latest update. Not much to comment on right now other than to stay thank you for all the comments and ideas. Keep them coming.


Amongst his people, claiming that one could die happy was considered very bad luck. But at this moment, as far as Breyson of the Great Plains was concerned, the ship could blow up and he'd go to the afterlife a very happy, a very satisfied male.

He grabbed the hips of the smaller male sitting in his lap and began lifting and lowering him on his massive member. It had been several days since the stallion had been able to find some relief. And now that he had the chance, he fully intended to use the seed churning in his swollen balls to coat the insides of his two bedmates.

Brey wished that he could hear Jaden scream his name; unfortunately for him the human's mouth was currently occupied. His mate, Win'telsis Trovani had spent the past hour 'instructing' Jaden on how suppress his gag-reflexes. Now not only could Jaden take Win's full length but the wolf's sizable knot as well.

Brey looked up at the pair of fully legs and ample nuts swinging above him. Lifting his head up, he pushed Win's ass-cheeks apart with his long nose and began sucking and licking his captain's hole.

Win'telsis moaned and rocked his hips feeling the thick tongue lap at his entrance before penetrating him. He reached back and rubbed Brey's forehead to show his appreciation. Being pleasured by both of his lovers was a dream come true. Not since the day he was bred into the herd had he enjoyed such attention. He increased the rate of his thrusts; riding the stallion's tongue and no longer noticing whenever Jaden's teeth accidentally dug into his know. Even pain felt good right now.

"Oh yes. Just like that." The wolf said. "Don't stop. I'm almost there. I'm going to...gonna..."

Suddenly Jaden's body began to shake and jerk. Win had seen this several times already this night. The younger male had ridden Brey's cock to his own release. He didn't need anyone to touch his member; having the stallion mate him was enough.

Seeing the human cum and smelling his seed as it dripped onto Breyson's chest, pushed Win over the edge. He gave a final thrust and shot his own fluids down Jaden's throat. He wiggled his hips, wanted to enjoy Brey's tongue for as long as possible. He pushed his cock as far down as he could without choking his lover. As his cum flowed into Jaden's stomach, the wolf allowed his primitive instincts to play out in his mind. The fantasy that he was marking a bitch as his own; that not matter where he was or who he was with, he could force the human to pleasure him any time he wanted. The thought of Jaden riding his cock while he sat in command chair on the bridge made Win come just a little harder.

Eventually, the 'rain' of cum ceased, the fantasy ended and Jaden managed to open his mouth wide enough to pull the long wolf-penis out. He coughed several times and looked at the pinkish canine flesh that dangled in front of him; it was still drooling a little.

Jaden grabbed his own half-hard member and tried to catch his breath. A real challenge considering that Brey was still fucking his ass. "Ow. I think my dick is going to fall off."

A paw grasped his chin and Jaden found Win with a predator's grin on his face. "Oh, I think I can get one more loud out of you."

Somewhat reluctantly, the wolf pulled away from the horse's mouth and slowly pushed Jaden backwards. The human gasped as Brey's cock shifted inside of him when he fell onto his back. He was now laying between the stallion's legs with his head and chest hanging over the damaged bed-frame. Had Breyson not been holding his hips, Jaden probably would have fallen off.

Win leaned over him and when his nuzzle was an inch away from the human's lips he whispered, "Cum for me." He kissed Jaden long and hard; with his hand the wolf stroked Jaden's cock.

Jaden whimpered and squirmed as his dick began to harden despite the pain. He didn't know why but kissing ALWAYS made him erect. And he loved it when his two lovers went all 'alpha-male' on him; making demands and tell him what to do. Normally he'd take great pleasure in doing the opposite of whatever they wanted; he was no ones bitch after all. But with a stallion breeding his ass and a wolf jacking his cock like there was no tomorrow, it was going to be impossible to not give in to Win's desires. He continued to whine and very nearly started crying; the head of his cock felt like it was going to explode. They had been going at it for hours now and Jaden was reaching his limits.

Breyson's thrusts became shorter and faster, his furry hips made slapping noises when they met Jaden's ass. And with a strong, deep whinny he dumped fresh hot jiz into his lover's insides; joining the cum that he had already placed there.

Breaking the minutes long kiss, Jaden threw back his head and, panting for air, orgasmed. His dick jerked in Win's paw but nothing came out.

"A dry release." the wolf commented as he let go of the spent organ. "I guess your really are empty."

"No...shit." Jaden replied through labored breaths. He would have said more but at that moment Brey's strong hands found both he and Win, the pair were almost completely upended with Win landing on his back and Jaden on top of him. Brey was leaning over them, completely ignoring their cries of surprise. He placed his arms on either side of them for support and began pumping into Jaden's butt again.

"Oh...God!" the young ensign yelled, he drew in a deep breath as he felt the massive penis moving inside him. The flared head made it even more intense.

Win wrapped his arms around him. "It is the price you pay for letting him go so long without relief. Four days is a long time for his species. Don't worry if you need a rest. He won't mind if we sleep while he exhausts his lust."

The pair eventually drifted off; Jaden understandably taking a little longer than Win'telsis. Brey didn't even bat an eye. While the two smaller males slept, the horse fucked Jaden's hole as softly as he could. Gently massaging the round, smooth globes before spreading them so he could push even deeper into his human love. His nostrils flared and he snorted his release drew near.

Pushing Jaden's legs apart, Brey bit his lip to keep from shouting out as he was unable to prevent himself from cumming right there. His eyes rolled back into his head and his hands dug into his partners pale skin. Breyson emptied himself into Jaden, he could feel his seed completely surrounding his cock now.

His body trembled with the effort of keeping himself from thrusting again. Reaching between his legs, Brey gripped the base of his shaft and slowly drew himself out. He had to pause several times to take a few calming breaths. Jaden's warm passage felt so good and it kept him hard. Eventually, he 'popped' out and despite being sufficiently lubricated, his engorged head caused the tight ring to stretch to its limits.

As soon as his cock came free, a river of his white cum began to flow out of the rapidly tightening hole, over Jaden's sacs and onto the bed. Brey's first instinct was to grab the absorbing-wrap but after taking a good look at the bed he decided not to bother.

It was a lost cause. Not only was much of the inner material of the mattress exposed in several places (this due to Win'telsis's stubborn refusal to blunt his claws) but the bed frame itself had collapsed during one of the stallion's more active moments.

Brey hadn't found it particularly humorous but Jaden laughed so hard that the horse had to smack him firmly on his rear a few times to silence him. And though the human protested that he wasn't a child, Brey noticed that Jaden's cock got harder with every slap....something to test later perhaps.

The second officer settled down next to Win and Jaden, he turned to his side to watch his two companions sleep. Brey scanned Jaden's body, noting every line and curve. They had become so close in such a short time. Not that Brey could say he was surprised. He had felt his heart stir the moment he laid eyes on the human. Sitting in that small room back on Earth, passionately fighting for his place on board the Majestic Explorer. It had taken only a few minutes to call Captain Trovani, obtain permission to add one more to the number of Earthers they were taking and then inform that annoying human woman that Jaden had just earned the right to join the crew.

And now here they were, sharing the same bed and enjoying each others bodies....making love. Breyson couldn't lose him. Which made the fact that he was going to all the more painful.

The terrible secret that he had shared with no one; not even Win'telsis, one of his closest bondmates. When Jaden had jumped the ship, Brey had had a vision of the near future. He and Jaden were on Peyllana; somewhere in or around the capital city. In the vision, Brey was holding the human while Jaden's very spirit seemed to be breaking. He remembered feeling hot tears against his chest fur; the type of tears that only came when one was about to say good-bye forever. Breyson hated the visions for allowing the seer to remember only the most vague details.

But in the stallion's heart he knew the truth; Jaden was leaving and it was unlikely that they'd ever see each other again.

It was a painful memory that kept trying to fade back into the mists of time but he held onto it. Though at the moment he wasn't sure if he wanted to. Better to enjoy the time they had before everything was torn apart.

He moved closer to the pair, intending to pull them into an embrace. Then suddenly there was a flash of light and the entire room lurched.

The three, now fully awake, looked out of the large view port Instead of the swirling colors of underspace, countless stars twinkled at them. They had arrived at their destination.

Throughout the ship, darkened corridors and powerless systems began to flicker back to life as the energy need to sustain the emergency jump was returned.

Over the Majestic's comm. System, First Officer Saphirra's voice rang out.

"All hands, we are secure from underspace. Repair teams begin damage assessment. Senior officers, report to the bridge."

Both Brey and Win had clambered out of the broken bed the moment they realized the ship was back in normal space. The wolf, whose rear was still dripping a mixture of human and horse semen, pulled an absorbing wrap around his waste while Breyson sprayed the both of them with deodorizer.

Jaden sat up, wincing when the lower half of his body protested. "Should I come too?"

"You're still on medical rest until tomorrow morning." Win answer as he struggled slightly to pull his uniform over his padded middle. "Stay here and..." His voice trailed off when he saw the cum-stained, thoroughly thrashed bed. "On second thought, I don't think that cushion is salvageable and maintenance is going to be too busy for the foreseeable future to fabricate a new one. Pack yours and Brey's belongings and go to my quarters. You'll be sharing my bed for the next week or so. I'll authorize you for automatic entry when I get to the bridge."

With that the captain headed out but his second officer lingered. Brey marched over to Jaden and gave him a swift kiss. "Head over to our new 'home', wash yourself and get some rest. I'll bring some food to you once we've determined how badly the ship has been hurt."


The trip to Captain Trovani's quarters was challenging if not unpleasant. Determined to make it in one go, Jaden packed all that he could into 2 duffel bags and departed. Sadly with the lifts still out he was forced to carry them up the emergency ladders for 4 decks. To make things worse, Win was currently wearing the only 'diaper' that Brey apparently owned. So that meant that Jaden had to keep his ass clinched the whole way or else he'd have a trail of cool jizm running all the way down to his boots.

Luckily, he made it without staining his uniform (his underwear however was a different story). After enjoying a hot shower, cleaning himself inside and out, Jaden collapsed on the large bed and was asleep almost immediately.


It felt like he had been out for only a few minutes when Jaden felt a large hand spreading his ass cheeks and a thick finger circling his hole.

"Huh? Wha-!" He said opening an eye and then the other.

"I was just making sure that you completely cleaned yourself out." Breyson said removing his hand. "We don't need to ruin a second bed."

"It took awhile, thanks to you." Jaden responded slapping the hand before the stallion could pull it away. "But yeah it's all out. How's the ship?"

Brey sat down and handed a tray of food to Jaden; a couple of slices of fruit and what looked like a stack of protein bars. "Well I hope you enjoyed that shower because it will be the last one for a while. The main water-hold was ruptured beyond the ship's ability to seal it. All that's left is the emergency tank, we lost nearly 85% of our water. This means no cooking or spraying down the hydroponic forest. Most of our stored food supplies were burnt up when a plasma relay exploded, so we'll be eating mostly ration-cubes." He held up one of the bars and took a small bite before handing it to Jaden. "Urg, I do not care if they were designed to be consumable for every possible species; this is what pain and despair must taste like."

Jaden laughed and took a bite...yes, pain and despair flavored.

Brey continued his damage report. The jump-drive's initiator was fried; it would take a week to build and recalibrate. Four out of the six sub-light engines were out so they were barely limping through space. And they couldn't even call the An'Mas fleet for help when it was discovered that the comm. array was literally gone.

"Let me get this straight." Jaden said when he finished his meal. "We're low on food and water, barely able to maneuver, we don't know where we are and even if we did we couldn't tell anyone. Is there any good news?"

"There is one little...well maybe not so little piece of good news." Breyson answered and just then a bright light appeared through the viewport.

Rising from the bed, Jaden saw that a they were settling into orbit of a massive planet. At first he thought it was Earth but as a large unrecognizable landmass came into view, he realized they had found a new world. A habitable world from the looks of it.

"Whoa, it's big. Are there people down there?" He asked.

"Indeed, it's very big; nearly 4 times the size of Earth or Peyllana As for people, we're not sure. We already know that it's a tropical and very mountainous world but we'll have to send down probes before we can tell if anyone is down there. We should know in about two days and then we'll see about going down there. At the very least we can replenish our food and water."

"That is good news." Jaden said. "Because I'm not eating these rations ever again." And he dropped the last bar on the tray.


Two days later.

Jaden glared down at the detestable ration-cubes. He and the rest of the crew had managed to avoid eating fowl-tasting bars but now that most of the fruits and vegetables had either been eaten or gone rotten, there was nothing left.

Picking a purplish bar, he brought it to his mouth and bit down. This one wasn't so bad; kind of a leather shoe taste. He took another bite just as a hand slapped firmly against his back. Choking, he coughed several times to clear his passageway.

"Sorry about that." A cheerful voice came from behind.

"Jefferies?" Jaden muttered as he drank the last of his water ration to help himself swallow. "Uh, what going on?"

"Can't a guy say hello to an old friend?" The older man and one of the Chinese representatives, Xin, took a seat across from Jaden; Jefferies was wearing a big smile. "And how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Walter."

An old friend? Jaden had to stop himself from narrowing his eyes. The last time the two of them had interacted, Jaden found himself being blown out of the ship and needing a recovery team to reel him in. What's 'Walter' up to?

The pair engaged Jaden in a light conversation. Apologizing for not getting the chance to off their congratulations on his promotion, and failing to stay in regular contact and saying hello when they passed each other...pretty much ignoring his existence. Not that Jaden could complain; he hadn't really been too interested in being a member of the 'human's only' club.

Walter picked up one of the ration-cubes, glared at it and threw it back on the plate. "Complete incompetence. Can you believe the situation they've put us in. This never would have happened if RIGHT people had been running this ship."

"The right people?" Jaden asked.

"You know," Wilson answered in a quiet voice. "Humans. Don't misunderstand me. I have nothing personal against them but let's face the truth. They come from animals and I think this incident more than proves that they shouldn't be flying around our galaxy. Not only that but you were the one that saved us all. Jumping the ship when they all said it should have been impossible."

"And what of the planet you brought us to." Xin added. "I was able to get a look at the preliminary reports from the probes. No intelligent life, full of untouched minerals and resources that we could exploit. A human brought us here, it should be ours."

"Now hold on a second." Jaden said having heard enough. "What are you saying? So what if I was the one piloting the ship? Even if we did have some kind of claim to the planet, it wouldn't do us any good. We can barely get to the Moon without the An'Mas. How exactly do you expect Earth to find this system again let alone get here?"

The other two humans glanced at each other and leaned even closer to Jaden. What they said next came at such a low whisper, Jaden almost couldn't make it out over the crowded noise in the dining facility.

"That's the whole point." Walter said. "We know that you've been bunking in the captain's quarters ever since yours was deemed uninhabitable due to hull damage. I need you to get Trovani's personal access codes and download as much info about their technology as you can. Jump-drive, ship schematics, even the weapon systems if you can get them. Once interstellar communications is back up and running we'll transmit the data home. When that happens we won't have to worry about humans becoming a second-class species to a bunch of animals. We'll be able to go where we want and take what we want. And the 21 people on this ship will go down in history as heroes!"

Jaden sat there frozen. He had suspected that Walter and Xin had wanted something from him but not this. "Why would you want to steal from them? A lot of the crew have been nothing but friendly towards us. And Earth is trying to join the Republic. This could destroy any chance of tha-"

"Wake-up, Quinn." Walter hissed. "These guys are not our friends and you shouldn't want them to be. I've heard that the 'ambassadors' on Earth have been highly critical of the way our governments have been running things. Complaining that we haven't done enough to end the wars and heal the environment. They're even confused about the whole concept of money. Can you believe it? They actually needed help understand that certain people deserve more while others can get by on less."

"But that doesn't mean we can't work together. I can't believe our governments would tell us to stealing-" Jaden tried again but was interrupted.

"Think of it as acquiring new technology for Earth. And you're right, neither your government nor mine has said anything about what we're least not in so many words but one can read between the lines." Xin offered.

"And don't get me started on their perverse nature. Their immorality wouldn't do Earth any good. You saw it yourself awhile back. What went on a while back with that horse roommate of yours and that fox. He had been wearing a...a..." Walter clearly did not want to describe what he had heard; as if to do so would cause him to become dirty by association.

"...a diaper." He finally muttered. "He allowed himself to be stripped in front of everyone here and then admitted to being a gay and in a relationship with a bull. And not only were they not punished by the captain but Trovani actually encouraged the scene. Mixing of the species, same-sex perversions, an utter lack of discipline; humans do not need to be exposed to this. And as the unofficial leader of our little contingent, I've done my best to keep us separated from the rest of the crew. I even requested that you be allowed to move in with one of us. But I was turned away at every corner."

Xin then took the opportunity to continue. "Walter and I are convinced that the only way for Earth to be safe is to get as much information as we can, send it back home and then demand that we too be returned. With my access to the computer systems and with him being posted in the communications center; we've been testing ways of getting past the security lockouts without setting off the alarms. We've made a lot of progress but it's taking too long. At the rate we're going, the An'Mas could decide to return to Earth before we've cracked the final barriers."

"Thankfully," Walter broke in, retaking the lead in the conversation. "you went and became our little savior. Now you're in a position to get access to as much technology as we want. And as a loyal son of Earth we know that you'll do whatever is necessary to ensure that we-"

"Enough." Jaden whispered.

"I am sorry. What?" Walter said.

"Enough!" And this time Jaden bellowed and pounded his fist against the table. The entire dining facility went quiet but he didn't even notice. Jaden was angry and hurt. He felt so betrayed. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. He had always believed that Humanity would embrace its better side when it realized that it wasn't alone in the universe. Jaden believed that given the chance to explore, to see new worlds and discover things never even imagined; all the fighting and old prejudices would just seem so small. Knowing that there was intelligent life out there, all the bad stuff was supposed to fall away.

Now these two morons sitting in front of him were living proof that none it was going to happen. In fact, it was going to get a lot worse.

There was a new monster to fear. Someone new for people to blame for their problems or to be used as a political tool. And this time, the 'monster' was more advanced than any country on Earth. It would just take one person to focus all of that hate and humanity would start down a very dark path. And if they started messing around with An'Mas technology...

It was sickening.

"I have had it with people like you!" Jaden yelled rising to his feet. "I keep thinking that you'll learn and grow if you just see the truth for what it is. But I am at my end! We get this great opportunity, this gift and you're pissing all over it! So what if beings from other planets are a little different. If this is an actual surprise for you then you're even dumber than I originally thought. They aren't forcing you to be like them, they aren't even forcing you to acknowledge their existence."

He leaned over and dropped his voice. "And you two are going to lecture me about loyalty? Look at yourselves; think about where you come from. Let's say you get the data you want; who are you going to transmit it to? The U.S.? China? Can you honestly trust that either government will share with the rest of the world?"

Walter and Xin, who up this point had been staring slack-jawed at Jaden, glanced at each other. There was suspicion in their eyes.

"So just in case you're still wondering if I'm going to help you; allow me to put it in terms you'll understand. FUCK!!!! OFF!!!!" And this that Jaden stalked away. He wasn't sure where he was going but he knew he had to be somewhere else or do something else. Just at that moment, the doors to the dining hall opened and Breyson walked in. And just like that, an idea occurred to him.

Marching over to the big horse, he grabbed the collar of Brey's uniform and pulled down.

"Ensign Quinn, wha-" Was all that Breyson managed to get out before his lips met Jaden's. He was too shocked to move, he could feel Jaden's tongue slip into his mouth and rub against his flat teeth but all Brey could do was stand there.

Finally Jaden released him. "Jaden what are you...? I thought..." And again the human pulled him down into a kiss. This time the stallion was ready. His mouth opened and his large tongue met it's smaller partner; he wrapped his arms around his lover and lifted him up so that the rest of the crew got a perfect view.

When they finally separated Jaden spoke in a loud, clear voice. "I have to be back with my damage control team in 45 minutes. That gives us 35 minutes to repeat what we did last night."

The stallion still didn't understand why Jaden had chosen this moment to reveal their relationship, but he didn't particularly care. He picked the human up and slung him over his broad shouldered and gave him a firm smack on his ass. "Then we'd better get going."

Breyson turned around and headed through the exit. And just before the doors slid shut, Jaden raised his hand and gave the two stunned humans a gesture only people from Earth would know.


Jaden lay on Win's spacious bed, pretending to sleep. He was so tired after a day of assisting the navigation and propulsion repair teams but his mind refused to let him rest. Random thoughts kept bubbling up to the surface. You just 'came out'. By morning the entire ship will know and as soon as interstellar comms are back up everyone on Earth will know. Walter and Xin will probably try to steal the Majestic's schematics; what are you going to do about that?

That last thought really got to him. If he kept quiet, he'd be betraying the An'Mas, Win'telsis and Brey. If he told then he might (if what Xin said was true) be turning his back on Earth, his country and his species. Yeah he definitely wasn't sleeping tonight.

A few minutes later, Jaden heard the entry doors open. Since he didn't hear or feel Breyson's heavy foot steps, he figured it was. Sure enough, he soon had a furry body, a little larger than his own, pressed against his back. Win's arm draped over his body and pulled him close. Jaden was tempted to go on pretending to be asleep but changed his mind when a sheath and a pair of ample balls started pressing into the crack of his ass.

"Cap...Win, I'm not really in the mood tonight." He said turning his head toward his CO/lover.

"Neither am I." Win responded sincerely. "I just like being as close to you as possible. And I can understand that your exhausted. Rumor has it that you and Brey declared your eternal love for each other and consummated your bonding right in the mess hall."

Jaden had to roll his eyes and bury face in a pillow. "If wurnat ik tat!"

"I'm sorry." Win chuckled.

"I said it wasn't like that. Who is in-charge of the gossip on this ship?" Jaden turned back to Win. "We kissed then he picked me up and carried me back here where I...well let's just say that I didn't need any rations for dinner." And he patted his stomach which probably still had a decent amount of horse-cum in it.

"I figured it was something like that." The wolf paused for a moment then approached the one subject that Jaden would have given anything to delay talking about. "I also heard that before all that, you were arguing with some of the other humans. Is there something going on that I should know about?"

The human pulled from Win's embrace and sat on the edge of the bed. Jaden could feel the wolf's eyes on him, not out of suspicion but worry. He knew that deep down he'd already made his decision on whether or not to tell; he just didn't understand why yet.

"I need to tell you something about Crewmen Jefferies and Ma. I think they and perhaps some of the other humans, may try to hack into the main computer's secure systems and download as much information on your technology as they can before transmitting it to Earth." There. That was it; he said it and couldn't undo it if he wanted. The response he got from Win'telsis wasn't what he expected.

"Oh yes. I know." The Ookamari said simply.

"What?" Jaden said in genuine surprise. "You know? How?"

"Just because no alarm sounded that doesn't mean that one wasn't tripped." Win said as he rolled off the bed and knelt between Jaden's legs so they could look at each other. "Security and the command staff has been aware of their attempts to gain access to the restricted database for the past two standard weeks. We keep hoping that they'll stop. That they'll integrate with the crew but everything we do seems to push them further away."

He stopped for a moment, looked away and then back into Jaden's eyes. "Now the question that I need you to answer is, how long have you known?"

"Just since this afternoon, I swear." Jaden answered honestly. "They wanted me to get your command codes, I almost certain that they understood that I wasn't going to do."

"Perhaps now they'll give up but I wouldn't be surprised if they make an attempt once the ship is capable of contacting Earth." Win slowly pushed Jaden back onto the bed and pulled the blanket over their bodies. "Thank you for telling me the truth."

"What's going to happen if they continue? Will...will it damage Earth's chances of joining the Republic?" Jaden asked.

"I don't know. I can only report what I've witnessed here; the final decision rests with the An'Mas council." Win'telsis licked his distressed ear. "Now I want you to put set these matters aside and go to sleep. Nothing can be done right now."

Jaden closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the wolf's heartbeat thumping against his back; letting it relax him. Sadly, it wasn't until several hours later when Breyson had finished his second shift on the bridge and joined them in their bed, that Jaden finally fell asleep.


36 Hours Later

"Drop-pod 010, stand-by for launch in 2 minutes." Said a bridge officer's voice of the small vehicles speakers.

"Acknowledged." Jaden responded and clicked off the channel. "This is so cool. I can't believe Win is letting us go down to the planet."

"It's not a vacation, my little love." Brey answered completely a final systems check. "Well not a total vacation. Now that the probes are finished analyzing the atmosphere and sensor's have determined that there is no intelligent life, we can land and start a proper ground survey."

"Yeah but haven't you noticed that everyone assigned to a drop-pod just happens to be paired with someone he or she is currently in kind of relationship?" Jaden glanced out of his helmet at Brey with a wicked smile on his face. "I'm glad that Rais recovered in time for this. Do you think he and Balder will be okay spending two days in the arctic north?"

Breyson let out a deep chuckle. "I'm sure they will find a way to stay warm. Just hope the water and vegetation is useable; fresh meals would do wonders for moral."

"Drop-pod 010, you are clear to drop. The captain says good luck." The bridge officer voice crackled in their helmets.

Breyson placed his palm over blinking release tab and pressed it. "Launching in 3, 2, 1."

The small egg shaped vessel shot away from the Majestic Explorer. Now that they were outside the ship they could see just how badly the hull damage was.

The Majestic looked like it had been through a war-zone. Despite the fact that all the breaches had been seal, the outer shell was rippled with tears, breaks and blown out area which had turned the hulls white coating to a chard black. Jaden hadn't realized until this moment just how close they had been to dying.

A jolt from the ships main repulsor engine brought the two lovers' attention back to where it should be; try to NOT burn up in this new planet's atmosphere.

"Flight path is steady and heat shields are at maximum." Jaden called out as Brey piloted the craft. The hull began to glow white as it passed turn the upper barriers surrounding the planet; the ride was a bit turbulent but it calmed quickly and they were soon soaring through blue skies and pinkish clouds.

Jaden had wanted to be in the pilot's chair but the area they had been assigned to study was mountainous with heavy jungle covering most of the landmass. This meant a certain amount of precision flying that Jaden hadn't qualified for yet. He was, however, promised that he'd could take them back up to the ship when they were finished.

"Landing field spotted." Brey said as activated the breaking thrusters. "Landing struts extended, decreasing power to repulsor....touchdown in 5...2.." The entire pod bounced as it hit the ground a little too hard. "er..1."

"You did that on purpose." Jaden said with a glare.

"Perhaps." Brey replied.

The human shook his head and turned back to his instruments. "Propulsion disengaged and sensors confirm breathable environment outside the pod; we're clear."

With that the pair began unbuckling themselves and removing their helmets. "Ensign, how about you head outside and beginning setting up the diagnostic equipment while I finish securing everything in here."

"Yes, SIR!" Jaden replied with a mock salute. He promptly stood up and opened the hatch, climbed out and accessed the exterior equipment compartment.

Setting up the survey equipment didn't take long. All one had to do was activate each individual drone and it would scurry off to perform its per-programmed task. Whether it was creating a topographical map, testing the local water, or taking soil samples; each drone went on its merry way and would return only when it was finished.

The only thing that actually required a bit of work was setting up the perimeter. It entailed placing sonic emitter at specific points around the campsite. The emitters were used to repel anything from small insects to medium sized animals. They also acted as an early warning system. Just in case the Majestic's sensors had been wrong about there not being anything really big living on this planet.

"Everything's ready." Jaden called to Brey, who had yet to exit the pod. "Want me to set up the shelter?"

"And what's wrong with sleeping under the stars?" Came a reply.

Jaden heard Brey's heavy feet land on the soft grass and turned to look at his big companion. The human's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw the stallion.

Aside from his wrist comm., Breyson wasn't wearing much. A simple cloth covered his crotch and went all the way down to his knees. It was held in place by a simple cord that hung loosely around his waist.

"Was I not told about a change in away mission uniforms?" Jaden asked cocking his head and noting the obvious bulge Brey's ample balls made.

"I decided to dress more comfortably; it is a sort of vacation. Is it not?" Brey's winked and tossed a small bundle of cloth to the human.

What Jaden had first thought to be a towel, turned out to be a smaller version of Breyson's loincloth. Examining it, he saw that in addition of the cloth there was a pouch for his cock and balls. At the base of the pouch was a thick string which was meant to go between the wearer's legs; splitting a part so that it connected to the rear of the waist cord at two points. The triangular hole that it made was obviously meant for a tail.

"I can't believe that you made these? Where'd you get 'em?" Jaden asked.

"I've always had this one." Brey answered, patting his own loincloth; the outline of his balls became even more pronounced. "The other I borrowed from Win'telsis. I didn't think he would mind."

"But why do you have them? I can't really see either of you sitting on the bridge..." Jaden had to stop and smile that the little fantasy taking form in his head.

"This is what most beings wear outside the major cities on Peyllana; especially during the warmer seasons." Breyson pressed the release tab on Jaden's uniform. "Have you not yet learned that modesty is not something my species practices? Now hurry up and change. I am eager to explore this planet."

Jaden stepped out of his uniform and underwear then handed them to Brey; who went and stored them inside the pod. The human then pulled on his new 'clothes'. The loincloth was fit loosely around his waist but it didn't feel like it was going to slide down his hips. Reaching back he placed his hands on his ass-cheeks. "Next time, you'd better get me one that has a back...either that or find me a tail."

Brey walked back to him and smiled. "I do not know...I think I like you dressed like this. And besides..." And the horse placed his hands over Jaden's and squeezed the young man's ass. " looks like you need to get some sun exposure back here."

Jaden stepped away from Brey. "Oh ha-ha. I've been on a spaceship for, what? Nearly 4 months now? Where was I supposed to get some sun?"

"The lights in hydroponic forest work just as well as a sun." The stallion teased but he also looked around the campsite. Everything was in it's place and functioning; nothing short of a fully grown humanoid could approach the pod. "Good, now we can do some exploring. Would you like to pick our first destination?"

Jaden didn't even pause to consider. He'd seen the place wanted visit when they had been on final approach. "How about there?" And he pointed towards a large mountain. It was covered not only with trees and vines but what looked like hundreds of waterfalls snaking their way down to it's base.

"Perfect." Brey responded, slinging a survival pack onto his back and handing a second one to Jaden. "It will take a few hours to get there so try to keep up." With that the horse took off running.

"Hey! Wait up you stupid ass!"

Happy day. Got another one finished. I hope you like it or you at least let me know what you think. I've already got the basics in my head for the next chapter. It might be the last one I'm not sure. Also I wanted to ask if everyone has been able to find all the chapters? I had 2 different people saying they couldn't find chapter 5. I went and checked it on my own and didn't have any difficulty but that could be because it's my story. I hope no one has skipped a chapter; that could be really confusing.

Take care.