High School Role Reversal

Story by Tazo on SoFurry

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Wrestling practice at Davidson High was a fairly ordinary occurrence. Every day after class let out, the team would meet in the well-appointed gym and proceed to work on their holds and throws for the few remaining hours of daylight they had left in the long winter months. It was, after all, easier and warmer than trudging through the icy streets to get home. As this wasn't part of the school's regular schedule, the gym was left open an unlocked. Not that anyone felt the need to intrude or otherwise disturb the team. However, it didn't take long before the team noticed one particular student hanging around back behind the bleachers.

Jeff, the lizard in question who watched through eager eyes as the team went about their routine, was about as ordinary and unappealing as an individual could get. Socially awkward, already quite rotund about the waistline and far too smart for his own good, Jeff's high school experience remained far down on the list of his favorite time sinks. Watching the wrestling team, however, was quite high. Though he'd never really felt the pull of any particular attraction towards any of the other students, watching the athletes always left him with mixed feelings of envy and desire. They were all so strong and powerful, not to mention that he had recently come to terms with a mild fetish towards the sleek, clinging singlets they wore. Once he had stumbled across the workout, on a path to avoid the crush of students who left by the front exit, he made a point of lingering behind the bleachers in an attempt to remain unseen while indulging his inner voyeur.

The members of the team, however, could easily make him out and at first tried to simply ignore him. When that proved fruitless, apathetic disdain quickly turned to quiet cruelty. When Jeff managed to miss one of the workouts, through lingering too long in the computer lab, the team took a moment to discuss the issue amongst themselves.

"Look, it's just creepy seeing that fat little fuck standing over there. I keep thinking he's going to whip it out or something!" Kyle was far from the kindest or more understanding members of the team. As a rottweiler, it was assumed this was just a genetic predisposition. "Can't we just get someone to lock the doors?"

"Well, we all now know what Kyle's thinking about..." The only other reptile on the team grinned broadly. A sleekly muscled raptor, Thyme was the team's ultimate weapon in the lower weight classes, which gave him quite a bit of pull when it came to bending the team's ear. "If he's not going to leave of his own accord and the staff's not going to spend the money to make this a sanctioned practice, then we've got to come up with our own plan."

The leader, a massive gray fox, crossed his arms over his chest. "And exactly what did you have in mind?"

Thyme got the vicious grin he always did when he was scheming. "We offer to let him join the team."

"Dude! No fucking way! What's he going to do, flop on top of the other guy until he suffocates?" Kyle's tongue poked out between his lips in disgust at the thought.

Thyme held up a three-fingered hand, "I said we offer. He'll jump at the chance. We tell him to meet us here for a practice and he trots out his fat ass in a pair of shorts to a full spread of the upperclassmen. He'll be out of here in seconds flat and never come back."

The leader shook his head, "Man, you're harsh. That's why we keep you around." The fox grinned broadly. "But man, the guy's not going to buy it if we just say to come here. He's just a loser, not a moron."

Thyme frowned, "Good point. Can't let it be too suspicious."

Kyle elbowed Thyme, "Guy's fat enough to be outside any of the weight classes. I say we make Thyme act like his trainer, get him confident enough to come out here then lay the smackdown."

Thyme's eyes went wide, "What the hell? You're the guy with the hardon for him!"

Kyle grinned, "Your idea, lizard."

The other members of the team grinned like vicious sharks as Thyme glanced quickly around them. With a resigned sigh, he nodded his agreement. "Lousy bunch of friends you are. Geeze, I'll have to watch that guy undulate when he lifts weights..." Just thinking about the mental image made him feel queasy. "I do this, I'd better get something out of it. Like a fucking gold medal or something."

The team responded with uproarious laughter as the raptor shook his head. This is why it never paid off to be the brains in a team of jocks.

The next day, steeled and dreading every second of it, Thyme cornered Jeff in the hallway.

"Hey!" He tried to sound cheery as the lizard quivered beneath his gaze. "Look, I'm just here to talk is all. We noticed you kept showing up to watch the practices."

Jeff's eyes grew as the darted around the hallway. A rush of conflicting emotions bubbled into his brain as he realized that there was no way out of this that didn't involve pleas of insanity or transfers to another school, which meant all he could manage in response was an anemic meep.

Thyme swallowed hard as he felt his gut knot. "You seemed interested, so.. the guys though you might want to try out."

Somewhere, in the back of Jeff's head, a fuse blew. All of his carefully cultivated danger senses were firing off like it was the fourth of July. The wrestling team didn't just wander up to the average school pariah and ask if they wanted to join.

"I mean, it's got to be better than just standing there, wishing you could join."

Jeff bit his lip. The raptor was right; while it was titillating, it was hardly fulfilling. His parents had been trying to get him out of the house and doing something with his evenings besides letting his eyes rot in front of a computer or television. At worst he'd have to endure utter failure, which he was no stranger to, and at best...

There was a small glimmer of hope fluttering in his heart and throat. Maybe he could contribute. Maybe something could actually come of this. Maybe this was his opportunity to finally achieve something other than higher math grades and lonely nights spent in his bed with a box of Cheez-Its and peanut butter. He found his mouth begin to move before the words had even completely formed in his brain.

"What do I have to do?"

Thyme figured that if he was going to be forced to deal with this situation, he might as well derive his own joy out of it. After Jeff had agreed, he began to plan out the 'workout' required before the plump reptile would be allowed to try out. So as to keep the illusion of realism, he explained that while unorthodox, the workout was intended to help toughen him up for the inevitable challenges that lay in store.

Which is how Jeff wound up buck naked on the track doing laps with a ribbon tied to his tail. The naked part was explained easily enough by the fact that the more warmth you have to generate, the more calories you burn. The ribbon was to keep easy track of the number of laps Jeff had run and the video camera was to make sure they had something to look back on to track his progress. All of it was a cheap fabrication but with Jeff suddenly flush with a determination he'd been unaware of and Thyme all to eager to take advantage of his naiveté, meant that the poor lizard was already on his third lap when he felt his lungs were going to burst. Thyme, meanwhile, was pondering just how many internet sites he could distribute the video on.

Next on the agenda was a muscle building workout. This left Jeff doing backward pushups, lowering himself to his back on his hands and pushing upwards, on the concrete of the basketball court. With every jiggle of the lizard's belly as he pushed himself shakily upwards, Thyme found he had to suppress a chuckle. The push-ups didn't last long, leaving Jeff sprawled out in a thin layer of steadily melting snow as Thyme walked over to him, trying desperately to not break out into fits of laughter.

Finally, Thyme explained as he handed a glass of viscous, olive green liquid to Jeff, he would need to adjust his diet. No more twinkies, ho-hos or ding-dongs. No more late night snacks or binge eating. Jeff downed the glass with a sour look on his face as Thyme gritted his teeth to keep himself from mentioning the contents of the liquid, which included his own special mix of laxative and a fresh shot of semen he'd provided earlier while making it. He only release was when Jeff rushed to the bathroom rapidly, leaving Thyme to collapse to the ground in fits.

This continued for the better part of a week. Each day Thyme developed even more demeaning 'exercises' and each day, Jeff did them without question. After a while, Thyme began to feel a little guilty taking so obvious advantage of the lizard. There wasn't much sport in it when Jeff would so intently do any task that was requested of him. With the humor starting to wane, boredom also began to set in. It was harder and harder for Thyme to come up with more bizarre ways of subtly torturing Jeff. The workouts began to settle into something more normal while Thyme watched passively, wondering when the team would be willing to finally finish the job.

"Is something wrong?" The raptor hadn't noticed Jeff looking up at him in the bleachers, still buck naked in the cold. "You look, upset. Did I do something wrong?"

Thyme tried to pass a smile, "Nah. It's just, you know, this is the dull part. Getting in shape and stuff."

Jeff pursed his lips before looking up again, "I... I don't think it's dull."

Thyme raised an eyebrow. Maybe they were wrong and the lizard really was a moron. His brain immediately went crazy. What if he had some disability and no one knew. Shit, he could get suspended for this. "W-what do you mean?"

The tubby lizard glanced down and to the side. "I mean... Well... It's better than just watching you... Or... Well, you're here. Talking to me." Words were clogging up his brain and his throat. Part of his just wanted to say it all and between the exhausting workout and the awkward moment, there wasn't much stopping it. "I always thought you were the best... on the team... and you're here. And I'm here. And... you're... hot."

The last word seemed to linger as a cold breeze whipped through the air. Thyme was dumbfounded as Jeff stood there, awkwardly shifting from footpaw to footpaw. The raptor didn't know what to say. It was freaky to discover that while the whole team had been this chubby lizard's secret show, he himself had been singled out. Then there was the fact that it was another guy. That meant he was fat and gay and socially awkward, which was a losing combination around the school.

It also meant that it had taken a hell of a lot of guts to say that. Which left Thyme with a knot in his own as he looked down into those eyes.

"Look. Never mind. Just forget about it, okay? I don't think the team's for you."

Jeff's expression fell almost immediately. "But... What about..."

The raptor stood up and placed a hand on the lizard's shoulder. "It's not you. Really." He needed a good lie, something to get out of this. "I talked with the team yesterday and they'd filled the spot. I didn't have the heart to tell you."

Jeff's chest heaved as he took a deep breath. It was already apparent he was on the brink of crying as Thyme tried to deftly step away from the mess he'd created.

"No." The sobs were being choked down as Jeff narrowed his watering eyes. "No, no. Dammit. I did this. I wanted to do this. Please, I'm sorry. I won't say anything more about you. Just don't. Don't take this away. I can try out for next year. That'll be even better. I'll have more time. Please. PLEASE!"

Thyme couldn't watch. It was like the whole plan was falling apart like a house of cards. He couldn't bring himself to say anything until he looked into those eyes. Already overflowing with tears, those soft golden eyes were pleading with him. The poor kid had been through so much that he didn't even know about and was willing to do more just so his dream wouldn't end.

"...Okay." Thyme couldn't believe he said it. He'd already missed practice to deal with Jeff and keep him away from the rest of the team and now he was all but assuring that he'd be dropping off the team himself. So absorbed was he that it took him a few moments to realize that Jeff had thrown his arms around him, hugging him tightly as he sobbed softly, whispering thank yous over and over again. Even more strange was the fact that he felt his own hands lifting to squeeze back softly.

Wait, he wasn't gay, Thyme blinked a few times as he felt the tears begin to wane, was he? It felt strange being held so needfully and so close to another guy. He'd never really thought about it before and now he felt something stirring. Jeff pulled back and looked into the raptor's confused eyes for a moment before blushing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." Jeff's words were cut off as he felt the raptor's lips press against his own. A rush of teenage hormones were already taking their toll on both the young reptiles and Thyme didn't know what else to do. He felt himself pushing Jeff to the ground, pressing his warm body atop the lizard and feeling the moistness of his slit dribbling along his thighs. Jeff, in turn, was stunned and overwhelmed. The object of his affections, the most beautiful piece of reptile he'd seen in school, was laying atop him. He whimpered softly as he felt the burning heat of the raptor's cock pressing against his slit. Thyme had already discarded his clothes, his nostrils flaring in rut as his hands ran along the lizard below him. He felt a few dribbles of pre oozing from his tip, moistening the lizard's tailhole as he lined his length up with it. In a single thrust, he hilted inside Jeff. The two of them cried out as Jeff's once thought eternal virginity was lost in a clumsy moment of passion. Pain rocketed up his spine as he was thrust into but the moment was he longstanding desire and a few twinges were simply an inconvenience. Thyme, on the other hand, was panting in lust. Never before had he felt something so tight and slick. Jeff's vent squeezed tightly around the invading length, throbbing as it was forced open so suddenly. Without a thought, Thyme began to pound against the prone lizard, slapping his hips against him time and time again. Each thrust provoked another clench around the raptor's swollen shaft, heightening his already mind-blowing pleasure.

Jeff whimpered has his backside was jackhammered. Flashes of pleasure and pain danced along his spine as the staccato thrusts slammed against his prostate. The raptor was quite well endowed for his wiry frame and the eagerness with which he mounted Jeff reminded the lizard of that often. The look of ecstasy on Thyme's face kept him going, however. Watching that beautiful, powerful reptile take so much pleasure in this helped to ease the ache in his tailhole. He rocked his hips backwards, trying to be an eager lover as Thyme gripped him tightly. The raptor's cock slammed even harder into the lizard as the burning rush of orgasm began to flood his veins. Jeff gritted his teeth as he felt Thyme sink his full length inside him, pushing deeper than before, and unleashing a torrent of thick cum deep within him. The raptor howled in triumph as he filled the tubby lizard with every last drop of his seed, riding the wave of the strange coupling to it's conclusion.

The two remained still for a moment as Thyme slowly began to regain his senses. Looking down he could see the mixture of joy and anguish in Jeff's eyes, his own shaft only half hard and peeking out of it's slit. Thyme caught his breath, slipping out of Jeff and staggering backwards, stunned. Slowly and painfully, Jeff got to his feet, blushing as felt a trickle of cum spill down along the back of his thigh.

"...the workout?" He managed to gurgle.

Thyme's eyes remained wide as the memories of what occurred still danced behind his eyes. "Yeah... tommorow... we'll use the gym. It's... it's gotten too cold to do them out here."

Jeff nodded, limping a little as he headed back into the school and off to the showers. Thyme remained there, his shaft half-hanging out of his slit as he boggled.

"What the hell... What did I do?"

Thyme remained hands-off of the remainder of the workout. He'd changed the layout completely, switching to weights and aerobics just like any other training session would go. While Jeff was relieved to not be running out in the snow, after what he'd endured, it all seemed too easy. He took some off time when Thyme wasn't around to push himself harder, in the hopes that the additional effort would impress the raptor.

For his part, Thyme spent every day in a haze. The mix of feelings he was having for Jeff, for what he'd done and for what he was doing were all lumped up inside and just getting worse. He'd violated a guy and not only enjoyed it but so did the guy in some sort of twisted way. It was incredible, more so than the few and brief make out sessions that his love life had consisted of before. Yet every time he looked into those eyes, he felt like a dagger went into his belly. It wasn't right to have done that, even if they'd both been fine with it. The whole thing wasn't right anymore and he didn't know what to do about it.

With Jeff capable of doing the workouts alone, he quickly returned to practices. Anything to put some distance between the two of them. At first it was refreshingly simple. A few holds and locks, some throws and he felt like his old self. The feeling didn't last long though.

"Man it's been two months. When you gonna bring that fat fuck in here? I need a good laugh!"

Thyme shot Kyle a look that could have killed at twenty paces. "Drop it, okay. It was a stupid plan."

The rottie grinned, "Oh? You ain't getting soft on us are you? C'mon, those tapes were fucking hilarious and you can't tell me that seeing that chubby fucker waddling in," Kyle pantomimed being twice his size as he waddled about the gym, eliciting more than a few chuckles, "wouldn't split your sides."

Thyme walked right up to Kyle, his teeth bared. "Fucking drop it or I'll fucking drop you, dogboy."

Kyle's eyes narrowed, his lips now pulled up into a sneer, "Sounds like our little fag found a boyfriend. You like a fat fuck, Thyme? Maybe I could gain a hundred pounds, see if you'd plant that thick cock of yours between my cellulite."

Thyme's fist flew at the end of the sentence, connecting with the rottie's jaw with a stick thud. "Shut the fuck up!"

Kyle picked himself up, wiping the blood from his lip, "Oh it's on, scaly!"

Thyme didn't feel much as the beating came down on him. He fought back, his tail slapping a few of his former teammates and at least one claw catching the rottie at the tip of his docked tail. In the end though, the numbers were too much and Thyme lay bruised and splayed out on the floor. The others had left shortly before, gathering their things and tossing the raptor's duffel in the garbage. Slowly he pulled himself to he feet, his eyes scanning the room to make sure no more fists were going to come flying out of nowhere.

Which is when he saw Jeff in his normal position behind the bleachers.

The two met gazes as an awkward silence passed between them. Thyme pulled himself to his feet as his stomach began to churn.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough."

"Look, it was a stupid prank..."

Jeff nodded, "I see that now. I guess fucking me was part of that prank. Did you get tape of that too?"

Thyme looked away, gazing down at the ground. "No. I... I'm a shithead. You were watching and we were creeped out. I mean, c'mon."

Jeff's voice was cracking, though he was still trying to stay strong, "You're not winning points here."

"Look, we didn't know you from Adam. I didn't know you. We thought... No, I though it would be funny. Make you show up and embarrass you in front of everyone. Figured you'd leave us alone and the problem would be over."

A tear rolled down Jeff's cheek, "Oh... You made sure it's over."

Thyme sighed, "Yeah. I figured... but I owe you. It wasn't right, what I did. I was confused and you were sad... and cute."

"Don't you fucking toy with me..." Tears were streaming down the lizard's face now.

"I'm not." Thyme's voice was sincere, for the first time in a long time, "You were so cute and you held me and... I need to give you something. Then you can go and tell everyone. Throw me in jail for rape... but I need to give you something."


Thyme reached up to slide one of the shoulder straps from his singlet off. "What I took from you. I need you to... I need you to fuck me. To make us even."

Jeff's brow furrowed as he blinked away the tears. "What?"

"Look, your first time... It should have been with someone special, someone who didn't just fuck and leave you... I can't give you that back but I deserve the same. Just pound me, fill me and dump me. You don't ever have to look back. I'll just be a memory."

Jeff stood there, silent for a moment as he gazed over the beaten raptor. He was still beautiful in his bare scales, the soft iridescent emerald glistening in the light. The lizard stepped forward slowly, his eyes meeting with Thyme's.

"I don't want that."

Thyme swallowed hard and looked down to the side.

"I want you..." Jeff whispered as he slid his hand to the raptor's shoulder. "I need to trust you. Please, don't make me hate you."

Thyme looked back up into Jeff's eyes, his own watering as the two pressed their lips together. The awkwardness was gone as Jeff lowered the raptor to his back, spreading him onto the mat below. The scents and the sounds were the same as Thyme watched Jeff peel back his clothes. He could feel the exhilerating rush at the warmth of another body close to his. The scent of another male. His eyes lidded for a moment as he felt Jeff settle atop him.

The sensation was different, however. Instead of the cute, chubby belly, he felt taut scales, packed with muscle pressing against his own body. He opened his eyes, half expecting someone else to be there and seeing only Jeff. Where his belly had been, there were now the sleek contours of well-shaped abs. His featureless chest was now barreled with thick slats of muscle. His arms were bulging with powerful biceps and his thighs were tensed, flexed as the tip of his dark-skinned shaft began to arch from his slit.

"How?" Thyme whispered, awestuck.

"...I wanted to be strong for you. To impress you. When you left me to my own devices, I doubled my efforts. I wanted to be beautiful for you, so you'd love me." Jeff blushed as he laid his hand on Thyme's chest.

"I think... I loved you before." Thyme smiled and leaned up to kiss the lizard gently. "This just flatters me and makes me want you more."

Jeff grinned broadly as he trailed a paw down to his slit, parting the flesh and stroking his thick length to fullness. "Do you still want it rough?"

Thyme gazed up at his newly muscled lover, the growing urge to rut rising his his mind once again. A smile spread across his snout and he nodded. "Take me like the muscled beast you are."

Jeff needed no further provocation, leaning his body down to line up his ebon shaft with the raptor's eager tailhole. A single thrust hilted his own plentiful endowment deep in the other reptile's body, his hands gripping Thyme's shoulders as he lingered for a moment within him. The raptor whimpered at feeling so full, clenching around the monster buried inside his tailhole. His own shaft began to ease out of his slit, dribbling across his bellyscales.

Steadily, Jeff began to slap his hips against the raptor's taut rump, pounding hard into his lover. Thyme, for all the suddenness of it, found the experience even more addictive than before. He bucked back against every thrust as he felt his length arc further out of his slit. A soft hiss rose from Jeff's lips as his snout dipped downwards in a sudden motion.

Thyme nearly screamed as he felt the shaft hilt within him again as Jeff's throat wrapped around his swollen cock, squeezing along it's length. The raptor shuddered as every motion thrust his cock in and out of the lizard's eager snout as his own tailhole was filled and emptied in equal time. Even through the aches of the beating and the sensation of being fucked raw, Thyme couldn't hold back for long. His shaft burst to life in Jeff's snout, teased by the thin, forked tongue, and shot load after load of seed down the lizard's gullet. The pounding as his backside didn't cease, however. The massive shaft plowed home again and again, faster with each deep thrust as he was left to watch through lidded eyes. His body tingled as the visage of a muscled beast, all scales and power, was all he could see and his every thought was directed towards bringing his lover to climax. Thyme's claws lifted as he gripped Jeff tightly, slamming back against the thrusts, begging the lizard to fuck him harder, deeper, faster. The invitation was met eagerly as Jeff let loose with every muscle in his body, slamming against Thyme brutally. It did not last for long as the raptor clenched hard around the lizard's cock, drawing out both a howl and a torrent of thick seed into his eager backside. Jeff continued to fuck the raptor's eager ass, pounding that cum deep enough to make Thyme feel as though it were being forced into his stomach. Soon, however, aches overtook Jeff's body and the two sagged to the floor, Jeff's length still halfway buried inside his lover.

Thyme smiled weakly, his hand brushing gently along the lizard's snout as he two of them kissed on the gym floor.

"Apology, accepted." Jeff smiled, nuzzling the end of Thyme's nose. "Just don't do it again."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Thyme whispered, his eyes slowly closing as exhaustion overtook his battered body.