Virtual Reality Lust: The Dragon and the Phoenix (erotic eBook teaser)

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#441 of Erotic eBooks, teasers and tasters

Garth is not the boldest of men but a virtual reality world opens up so much to him that he cannot help but immerse himself in it. He has to push on and he has to explore, even when he dons his dragon avatar and attends a party that takes him entirely out of his comfort zone.

However, the party takes a kinkier turn than he could have expected, driving him on more and more as a very sexy partner lures him to spend his lusts in a carnal fashion. Lust between lads is best shared in public - or that's, at least, what his partner thinks he should take on.

He's got to put himself out there some time, after all!

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Virtual Reality Lust

The Dragon and the Phoenix

Garth paused before the door, pounding music emanating through, though he knew in the virtual reality world that it could have been made entirely soundproof if that had been how they'd wanted it to be. The organisers, however, at Club Lust, wanted it to be known that the party was in full swing and that all were welcome: even people who wandered outside the norms of everyday society. Virtual Reality, or VR, was the place for them when the "real world" cast them aside.

He wore the avatar of a dragon, even though he was not one, everything feeling as real as it did outside in the VR experience, the haptic feedback suit allowing even his hand brushing up against a wall to feed back to him. It had shocked him, at first, just how much he could feel with it, losing his grip on his own reality, but it had been something that even Garth had gotten used to in time.

He tensed, checking his avatar, his silver-blue scales in perfect condition, not a scratch. That was another feature of the "realism" of VR, though one that he could have most likely done without. They layered his body as he stood tall, dressed in a suit and tie, perhaps too smart for the occasion but anyone could wear whatever they wanted in there anyway. His dragon form stood on two legs, claws clicking the ground in his bare feet, for he'd always thought it more intimidating that way.

Yet he could not linger in the hallway with the huge windows looking out on the world of virtual reality for too long, the penthouse party begging his attention, other avatars spawning around him, chattering and racing to be part of the fun.

"I've been waiting all year for this!"

"Do you have enough coin to spend?"

"Can you get drunk in here?"

"Wonder in Maverick will be here..."

He followed them as if he was part of a crowd, for it was easier to be swept up in one than to be left behind, going against the flow of things. His wings shuffled in closer against his back and he fingered his long, elegant horns, a lighter build of dragon than most who used the avatar bodies would have expected, but perfectly suited to his lean, tall figure. It was time and he took a deep breath as he stepped inside, music enveloping him, strangely, without deafening him.

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Just another little quirk of VR...

Things could be tailored to an individual avatar and he appreciated hearing the voices, the system allowing them to rise above the music when he flicked his attention onto them, though the dragon did not see anyone there that he recognised. Swinging his tail lightly back and forth, Garth flinched and murmured an apology as he brushed up against the skirt of a woman with painted lips and dancing eyes, entire solar systems appearing to have lost themselves in there.

"Oh, er, sorry, sorry..."

They didn't mind though - maybe they didn't even feel how he had ruffled their skirts - and he shifted his weight, taking in the room and the others inside. Anyone could be anything in the world of VR and dragons were only the start of it. Furries, of course, dominated worlds like that and had a great party vibe about them, others becoming more and more accepting of them as they realised that the costumes and avatars were just another means of expressing themselves. Funny how that had been so awkward for others to keep in mind before but Garth wasn't going to spend time worrying about that.

Humans, of course, were there too with enhanced features, some standing ten feet tall and others scampering around at ankle height, though they were not in any physical danger. Some were beautiful and some were ugly but every person there was exactly as they wanted to be, whether they had transformed themselves into a fantastical creature or were playing a role that they felt best suited them. Even a strange sort of sentient-looking cactus wobbled by him, though Garth gave that one plenty of space, wary of the spines. His pain sensors were still turned up and that was not a sensation that he wanted to add to his logged repertoire...

Someone that he knew... He had to look, had to wander through to what looked like a bar, lit up with blue and purple neon, though the colours of the club changed shade every two minutes or so, everyone complementary. Mirrors were set around so that the penthouse club appeared larger than even it already was, the dance floor heaving with avatars all having what appeared to be the time of their lives. His scales itched to move, to dance, yet something held him back, swallowing hard, shrinking back into himself, even there.

It was hard not to be intimidated in new environments and Garth would have said that that was the same for everyone, whether they knew and understood that about themselves or not. It was one of the reasons that virtual reality was such an escape for him, better able to control himself and his surroundings in such a way that he could ease down on stimulus that was too much for him. Still, he had to step out of his comfort zone at some point, bypassing the bar, wandering and weaving, taking in the lay of the to speak.

So many people, a cheetah giggling as she brushed by him, her fur nearly all the way bare, though a four-legged avatar like her did not need to don clothes there. She did, somehow, still give off the impression of being nude, but maybe that was something about the set to her jaw and the curve of her tail, the "come hither" eyes that perfectly conveyed her attentions to him.

Garth gulped and walked off sharply, a snappy stride heralding his departure. No, no, that was not for him. If there was one thing that he could be sure about in his life, it was where his preferences lay when it came to his sexuality and that was firmly with males, men, yes, men. A woman was all well and good but it had always felt ludicrous to flirt with them before he'd realised just what and who he'd liked, though he certainly wasn't going to be fussed about anyone transgender or non-binary either, as long as he never made them feel uncomfortable. Tongue-tied and often tripping over his own feet, Garth worried about offending a potential new friend or partner perhaps more than he should.

He didn't look where he was going, moving with the flow of the crowd, a fish amongst the school.

"Did you see that?"

"Mm, it's always so good in there..."

"Did you get his number?"

"You don't need that when you've seen it all already."

Garth's ears pricked and he followed them into a side room that may as well have been a whole hall in itself, though it was set up with so many nooks and crannies that one could be given the illusion of privacy even there. It simply held so many that he took a breath, the air of the room softer and somehow more enticing, able to breathe even with bodies moving around him. What effect had the room had placed on it? He'd have to find that one out for himself...

Yet the room was not the main part of the party but still what everyone who went there really signed the "adults only" acceptance agreement for, a kissing couple to his right allowing their hands to roam all over one another, clothes pulled askew and revealing far more than he would have been comfortable showing to anyone in public. Garth shifted away uncomfortably but that only brought him into the line of sight of a staging area set up with plush chairs and cushions where a gryphon was getting railed quite enthusiastically by a dragon who was not a far cousin from Garth's avatar.

"Oh... Shit..."

He turned about but he couldn't see the exit and, now that his attention had shifted to the more entertaining parts of the venue (for those that were into that sort of thing), he could not block out the moans, the slap of whips on flesh, everything lewd that could ever have been coming together in one overwhelming swathe of noise.

Garth turned and turned, though he could not help his body responding, the smells even correct, that heady concoction of sweat and arousal lurking and tying together. Nude bodies surrounded him as more and more found pairs and groups, some avatars even boasting male and female parts, though he doubted that they were like that in the real world, being a rarer happening for human beings, of course. He shouldn't have been there, not wanting that sort of party, yet the dragon groaned all the same in the back of his throat as he turned his attention back to the male pair up on the stage.

It should have been him. The dragon was stunning, more muscled than him, letting out a devious snarl as he pounded the gryphon's backdoor entrance. He did not care to be gentle in such a world while the gryphon squawked and squalled, leaning over the back of a chair that was just the right height for him, tail raised, taking everything he was given. Garth's eyes fixed on the point where the dragon's cock, seeming to be ridged and glistening with pre-cum, powered into his partner, the gryphon's head twisting back and forth even then as if he could not contain his pleasure.

"You like them?"

End preview.

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