Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia Chapter 8 - Sinking Feelings

Story by ElSniperino on SoFurry

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Stumbling into the appartment, Mark saw Derrick asleep on the couch. Sighing with relief, Mark helped Daniel to his room and lay him on the bed. Mark stared at Daniels chest as it rose and fell, it was almost hypnotising. Mark could have spent hoursthere, watching him breath, but after a while Mark felt the old burger taking effect again. He rushed out the bedroom to the main bathroom and slammed the door. He began to heave what little was left in his stomach into the toilet bowl. In the middle of this, Mark felt a paw on his shoulder. He didn't hear the door open and was too busy heaving to turn around.Finally, when his stomach began to settle, he turned his head to the side to see an outline of a winged wolf against the bright bathroom light. Mark groaned, slowly turning away from the bowl to face Than. He sat down on the tiled floor and hung his head in exhaustion. "Christ you're a mess..." Said Than, tutting and shaking his head. Mark laughed "You've been busy. So was it you that got the drinks spiked or was it you that made me stab that knacker that tried to rob us?". Than frowned "Now why do you assume it was me?". Mark stared at Than "Wasn't it you? You're the kind of person to do evil things like that.". Now Than began to laugh "Like time, Good and Evil are relative to those who perceive it. Your drinks were spiked by someone beyond my control, which may mean they were Good. You injured a person who was going to harm an innocent person and you, that may mean that you were Good in doing so.". Mark began heaving again. "Why did I taste his blood? Why did I like it?" He grumbled, trying desperately still his stomach. "All I do around here is explaining, isn't it? All I'll say is is that that wasn't me." He patted Mark's back. The bathroom door opened and Mark could hear the sound of talons on tiles and Derrick chuckling to himself. "Have a fun time?". Mark grumbled an incomprihensible "Fuck You" and tried to stand up and walk to his room. Unfortunately, Mark was only able to stand. As soon as he tried to walk his body slammed against the wall and it took all of his energy to not slide to the floor. Derrick took Mark out of the bathroom and to his bedroom, much like what he had done with Daniel. Mark landed on the bed hard, but that didn't stop him from falling asleep on the first bounce.

The next morning, Mark woke up better than he thought he would have. His body didn't ache, his mind was strangely clear and the weight on his shoulders had gotten slightly lighter. He sat up, stripped off and put on some clean underwear and black trousers. Inspecting himself in a mirror, he could just barely make out the red lines that had marked his body. Only someone who was looking for them would find them. Mark smiled. Now, this wasn't a forced smile or some sort of sadistic smile. This was an honest-to-god smile of happiness. Inexplicable happiness at that. Mark went to the kitchen and started making a simple breakfast of toast and apple juice. Daniel and Derrick were sitting on the couch, watching some Dr.Who. Mark sat down on the floor infront them, juice and toast in hand. Daniel nudged Marks shoulder with his tail "What happened last night after we left?". "We had hot sex all night. We did it like eight times." Mark said, keeping a straight a face as possible. Daniel smacked the back of Marks head with his tail, which sent Mark and Derrick on a laughing fit. Mark calmed himself down and looked back at Daniel "You had a bit too much to drink and we came back and fell asleep, that's all." He lied. It would be a lengthy process trying to explain everything. Mark sat back and watched the TV with them till the end of the episode. He wanted to head to the cathedral and ask Raphael what he and Than were talking about. Mark finished off his breakfast and headed into his room. He threw on a tight black shirt and his jacket. He heard a heavy thud on the floor, like something heavy just fell. He looked around and found the gun he'd taken from the mugger the previous night. He stuffed the gun into the back of his trousers and headed out, giving Daniel a kiss and Derrick a wave as he did so. He left the building at a brisk pace, trying to ignore the cold metal laying against his back.

Mark had two stops to go. One was to any shop that sells bullets, and the other was to the cathedral. It took about twenty minutes of searching the side streets until he found one. It was a a well kept, red brick building with "Guns 'R' Us" in colourful letters above the door. The windows and doors had thick wire meshing covering the glass, for anyone stupid enough to rob a gunshop. There were CCTV cameras covering the outside and inside of the shop and more than likely the unkempt mouse behind the counter was armed with more than one gun. As Mark entered the shop, he noticed that the inside was kept spotlessly clean. The entire look of the shop was a major contrast to the look of the mouse. The mouse looked like he'd spent the night in a ditch. His fur was unkempt and had more than few patches of dirt caked into it. His whiskers were all twisted and bent and his teeth were stained from possible decades of smoking. The mouse looked like he'd never been to a gym or done anything to put any muscle on, his arms were as thin as twigs. Who needs muscles when you own a gun?

The mouse was reading a magazine when Mark walked up to the counter. Seeing it wise to keep on the good side of a man who has more guns then bones, he smiled at the mouse as he approached him. "Whatcha want?" grunted the mouse, keeping his eyes on his magazine. Obviously Marks "friendly approach" wasn't working so well. "Nice shop you got here, very tidy" Said Mark, leaning against the counter. "I like to keep things tidy" said the mouse "Very few people notice, and none of them are first timers here. What can I do for you?". The mouse put down the magazine, clearly Mark had won him over somewhat. "I'd like to buy some ammo, 9mm if you have any?". The mouse scoffed "Have any? I own the biggest gun store in the district. Of course I have some." He reached under the counter and took out two boxes of ammo "So what type do you want, hollow-point or full metal jackets?". Mark took out a fistfull of dollars "Both". The mouse nodded "Alrighty then." He pushed both boxes towards Mark and Mark paid him. One hundred bullets, not including what was left inside the gun. Mark smiled and nodded "Thanks sir". The mouse stuck out his paw "Jerry. The names Jerry." Mark nodded and shook his paw. "Mark". "Nice to meetcha, come back soon. I got some new stuff coming in". Mark put the boxes into his pockets and made his way to the cathedral.

On his way, he darted into an alley. He took out the gun and examined it. It was a beretta. 9mm too, which was lucky because Mark was dumb enough to spend money on bullets which he wasn't sure were the right kind. He took out the clip and pulled back the slide. There were two bullets total, which made sense in two ways. One way was that the first bullet would be a warning shot, scare people into co-operating. Or there were two bullets, one for him and one for Daniel. This scared him because it seemed like he was putting Daniel in mortal danger. Mark got rid of the two bullets, happier to be using ammunition without his or his boyfriends name on them. He filled the magazine, fifteen bullets, and put it back into the gun. He used the full Metal Jacket bullets. He didn't load the first shot, safer that way. He put the gun back into the back of his trousers and continued to the cathedral, happy that he'd be adequetely prepared for anything.

Walking over the snow covered grounds towards the cathedral, Mark saw Than standing infront of the large doors, staring at Mark. "I won't let you go in. It won't do us any good!" Than growled. Mark kept walking, unimpressed. "You mean it won't do you any good. But then again you're free to do whatever you want. I'm still trying to figure all this out. Now if you'll excuse me." Mark walked through Than, a coldness sweeping through him as he did, and entered the building. Walking over to the holy water, and wanting to teach Than a lesson, he shoved as much of his left arm into the bowl. It burned like hell but the satisfaction of knowing that Than would be in plenty more pain than him. After about twelve seconds, he took his arm out and shook off some of the water. He turned his attention to finding Raphael. He wasn't in the immediate area from what he could see, but he could hear some noise coming from the altar. Mark walked closer to the altar. The noise, however, disappeared as soon as he reached it. Instead, there was a large pool of blood. It was fresh, very fresh. A large portion of it still hadn't soaked into the already red carpet. Mark knelt down and tasted the spilt blood. As much as it disgusted him, he was compelled to, the same way with the muggers blood. This blood was different, though. It tasted bitter. He looked at the pool of blood, and saw that there were splatters of it on the altar and the wall behind. It trailed away towards the wall, but it seemed to continue through the wall. Running his paw over the surface of the stone wall, he couldn't feel any cracks or holes or anything to suggest an opening. Mark took a step back and looked around. There was definitely no other way around, so it would have to be through. He knocked on the wall, and on the wall a few feet away. The wall directly behind the altar seemed different that the rest, but didn't seem any less solid. Deciding totake the risk, Mark Kicked the wall as hard as he could. Besides from gaining sore footpads, his attempt to break through the wall failed utterly. Leaning back against the altar, he needed to think of a new plan. He stared at the wall, examining each and every block. There was one block, right next to the one he kicked, that looked slightly more worn than the rest in the cathedral. He walked over and looked at it closer. There was an imprint in the stone, like it was worn by a paw. There was also a slight burn mark in the center of the paw print. He placed his left paw on the stone and pushed.

The stone started to move, but his paw starting to heat up and it almost felt like it was about to go on fire when the passage started to open. He took his paw from the stone and noticed a single drop of blood was left on the stone. The passage door was simply that, a door. There were hinges on one side of the mass of stone blocks and it opened inwards into a barely lit passage carved from the rock. The walls were curved roughly into an arch, with an equally as rough set of stairs aswell. The surface of the stairs were smooth, like they were used often. At the end of the passage, he could see the flicker of candles and hear the sound of someone moving around and mumbling to themself. Mark began to sneak down as quietly as he could. He slowly took out the gun and loaded the first shot. He kept the gun pointed down the passage and quickened his pace. The room wasn't very big. Around the room were desks covered with books and papers of any and all languages. There were florescent lights on the ceiling, but they weren't on. Candles were placed around the room, they were barely melted so they couldn't have been on long. blood trailed from the stairs to the opposite side of the room where one figure stood and the other was on the floor against the wall. Mark pointed the gun at the standing figure, who was still mumbling, which had turned into a sort of chanting. The fur on the floor was a German Shepard. The same German Shepard that's on James' payroll. He was bloody all over, but still breathing. "Raphael?" Mark said, still pointing the gun at him. The hooded priest turned to Mark. "I knew you'd figure out how to get in here". He motioned towards the dog on the floor "He was looking for you. He wanted to interfere with what you were born to do. We fought. He lost". Mark moved towards the bleeding body. "So you'd kill him!?" Mark snapped "He probably wanted to see how his boss' investment was doing!" Mark lifted the German Shepard's body with his left paw, keeping him alive with whatever power he was given. "I'm taking him back, getting him help, then we're going to talk about this". Raphael took out a dagger from his sleeve. That's probably what he used on James' man. "Anyone who interferes must die, I can't let him endanger all I have worked on!" Thetiger yelled. "I don't know what you've been working on, and frankly right now I don't care! You would kill anyone, even those with no power to change things?" Mark aimed the gun at Raphael's chest. "I'm going. I'm getting help. You try and stop me, I shoot". Mark started walking backwards towards the stairs. Raphael followed him all the way, trying to stare Mark into submission. It took Mark a good five minutes just to make it past the altar. Raphael was becoming visibly agitated now. He was slowly getting closer as Mark moved, but not fast enough for it to be immediately noticable. Mark, walking backwards towards the door. About halfway there, Mark took a step back. But instead of stepping on the marble floor, he accidentaly stood on the trouser leg of the German Shepard. He stumbled back, it took only a second for Mark to regain his balance but Raphael used that time to close distance with Mark and his prey. Raphael was less than five feet away and getting closer. The tiger made a swing for the dog, but Mark did the first thing that came to him and dropped him on the floor. Raphael missed, barely, and made for him again. Mark fired two shots into Raphael. One went into his shoulder and the other into his chest. The tiger fell hard and didn't get up. Mark didn't bother checking to see if he was alive or not, right now he didn't care. He picked the dog up again and left the cathedral. Dragging James' man outside, Mark brought him to the side of the road. An ambulance screeched around the corner of the street and stopped infront of him. The back doors swung open and two furs pulled the German Shepard up into the vehicle. Looking back, Mark saw the large cathedral doors swing open and slam against the stone. Raphael, who seemed to have shaken off being shot, began running towards Mark with blades in each paw. Mark raised the gun and started firing. Each shot that went through him did nearly nothing to slow him down. He was still running when Mark emptied the gun. Mark dived into the ambulance, which sped off before he could close the doors. Mark put the gun away and sat down. He watched the paramedics work away, patching up the dog. Searching his pocket, he found an I.D card. His name was John Smith. Fake, obviously, but it was something. He put the card back in Johns pocket and looked around. This was the same ambulance that had taken him his first day out, it smelled the same. Mark moved around to the front and sat in the passenger seat. Sure enough, it was James driving.

"So..." Mark said, slouching in his seat. "I don't suppose you'd like to tell me what that was about?". James turned into an alley to let his paramedics work. "I wanted to see how my specimen was progressing. You've been busy. You've found a home, made friends. You've got yourself a boyfriend, that I found interesting. You've also managed to get a weapon, and you're not afraid to use it." Mark nodded along as James talked, trying to see if he could remember anybody following him. "I appreciate you saving our guy. It costs alot to train someone to the skills he has. That priest, Raphael, is someone we've been keeping our eye on for a while now. Stay away from him. Now let's see your gun". Mark gave him his gun. Reluctantly, of course. James looked at the side of the gun and took a picture of it. He handed the gun back. "OK, now it legally belongs to you. You'll have a liscence for it in a few hours". Mark nodded and put the gun away. James leaned forward and sighed. "Now for something a bit more serious. We've seen you talking to yourself. Who's Than?". Mark looked at James. It was obvious that Than had something to do Raphael, and for everything he had done for Mark he was still an asshole. "Nobody of significance to you. Can I go now or is there something else you want from me?" Mark sighed and opened the ambulance door a bit. "Just don't go get killed. You cost alot of money and I'll need you soon". "Yeah, sure, don't die, I'll get right on that". Mark hopped out of the vehicle. The engine started and revved, before reversing out of the alley and leaving. Probably back to James' "company" building. Again, left in an alley all alone, Mark walked back onto the street and headed home.