Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 6 - The In-Betweener

Mark lay there, waiting for Daniel to either leave or fall asleep, the latter happening first. He slowly got up and got dressed. He stood by the window, looking out onto the city, hoping to be able to find something to distract him from his world,...

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia 5 - Body and Minds

Mark could hardly believe how massive Daniel's flat was. He owned an entire floor, yet, in what Mark presumed was the living room there was only a few pieces of furniture. The walls were made of the same black stone that was in the foyer, and the floor...

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 4 - Constant Reminders

Wandering around these strange streets, it didn't take Mark long to make sure he VERY far from home. The cars were driving on the right hand side, which struck him as strange so it must be different from back home. Everyone had a strange accent and...

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 3 - New Life, New World, Still Alone

Mark opened his eyes (which surprised him, considering), and squinted at the mass of bright florescent tube lights that hung above him. His arms and legs felt like lead, but he moved his right paw to his eyes. He spent a minute with his paw over his...

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Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia 2 - The Beginning and The End

Four days. Mark has been wandering blindly through the barren hell that was his home for four days now. At first positivity was his main concern. He knew he'd go crazy if he became negative and depressed, but this soon evapourated as the entirety of...

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 1 - Trapped in a Box (Prologue)

"Oh for fucks sake..."Fuck sake, fuck sake, fuck sake! God damned FUCKING door!" He threw his entire body at the metal door, or what he thought was the metal door, trying to escape the cold and the dark of this metal tomb. After beating his paws...

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 7 - Unrealised Friends and Unseen Enemies

Mark woke up coughing, the taste of blood strong in his mouth. He was lying on his side on the floor, apparently neither Daniel nor Derrick decided to move him. He opened his eyes although they weren't of much use, everything was blurry and he couldn't...

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Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia Chapter 8 - Sinking Feelings

Stumbling into the appartment, Mark saw Derrick asleep on the couch. Sighing with relief, Mark helped Daniel to his room and lay him on the bed. Mark stared at Daniels chest as it rose and fell, it was almost hypnotising. Mark could have spent...

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