Convicts - Part 1

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#2 of Convicts

Warning: The following composition contains male on male sex, both oral and anal, rimming, aaaannnndddd...I guess that's it. Also, it ties in with "A Savior and a Martyr", and explains more about the military action taken against the characters in that story.

Note: Anmore and Buntzen Lake are real places, but the configuration of its roads and the placement of its trampolines are completely fictional.

P.S. That was a fairly long and mostly unnecessary explanation. I shouldn't have had to make that, but there ARE people who are offended by fictional things :\

"Stop! Police!" A shout came from behind him, but he didn't stop. He was about a click and a half until he hit the dense forest outside of town, and he could hide out there for a while, until things cooled down. Assuming he made it that far. A gunshot rang out behind him, and a puff of dust appeared a foot to his right. He saw an alleyway to his left, and turned into it.

Anmore wasn't that large a town, but it's tightly packed residential areas offered some good cover. Even if the cops were only shooting to scare him, Jack wasn't keen on taking a bullet. Jack, that was his name. He would probably have to get a new one once he was in the clear. He bolted the right, and started down the open road.

"Almost there." He thought to himself, panting loudly.

"Hold it!" The cop shouted again, and another shot whizzed by his foot. He cut between two square house, and jumped a wire fence between them. A small dog in the yard began to yip at him, but he paid it no heed as he ran to the far side of a tool shed and hopped the fence into the neighbor's yard.

It was very late, almost midnight, so no on this street was outside enjoying their backyard. Good thing too, because it seemed like a lot of people tried to help out the police. He didn't want anyone to be in his way, for obvious reasons, and no one was. It was a good thing he hadn't gotten home until eleven at night.

"No more than five blocks, then I'm out of town." He thought, and vaulted another low fence. He shot a glance behind him, the cop wasn't there. He must be on the other side of the houses. Jack saw a wood pile next to a shed in front of him, which backed against the tall privacy fence that ran between the two streets. He jumped onto the wood and hauled himself onto the roof of the shed. Peering quickly over the fence, he saw that the yard across from him had a large trampoline in it. Taking a running start, he leapt, and hit the center of the trampoline. It bounced him back up, and he hit the wet grass with a hard thud. Picking himself up, he kept running, out onto the road. It was empty, but he knew that the cops would be on him soon. Turning north, he headed onto the Buntzen Lake trail. He knew that it would run far enough into the forest that he could lose his pursuers once he was off the path.

He heard the wail of a police siren fading the distance as he ran. He had never run so far and so quickly before, but once the adrenaline was flowing, he barely even noticed. Once it was gone, though, he was going to crash. That didn't matter yet, though, and he put down another half kilometer.

The forest was ablaze with night sounds. Owls hooted as they flew between the trees, hunting for prey, and the crickets chirped unceasingly into the night. But Jack's ears were keen to only the sound of footsteps. So far, only his could be heard, but he was waiting for the moment when another set would join his. There were still no other footsteps as he came to the bridge, which ran across this end of the lake. He was tempted to cross it, but instead he cast his eyes skyward. The mountain loomed up to his left, and its high, secluded peak looked awfully inviting. Without a second thought, he left the open trail and headed up through the forest, and into the safety of the tightly packed trees. It was in here, with no visibility and no end in sight, Jack had a sudden revelation.

"It's going to be a long night." He thought, and pressed on.


Jack could have been walking for ten minutes, or for ten hours. He didn't have a watch, and with the treetops so close together, he couldn't see the moon at all. Either way, his thighs were burning. It was a hot, humid night, and he would've given anything for some water. Not that he had a lot to give now anyway. He began to slump into his steps, and slowly, he fell to the ground. He tried to push himself back up, but was simply too tired to do so. So he crawled, pulling himself across the dew-soaked grass and through thickets and shrubs as he continued his persistent ascent. And gradually, as he pulled himself foot by foot, the incline beneath his body began to even out. With a renewed vigor, he pulled himself onward, knowing that the summit was close at hand.

He contemplated standing up, but knew that he would simply collapse again, so crawling it was. He looked skyward, and saw the tree canopy begin to thin and speckles of night sky poke through. Dapples of moonlight shone down onto the grass, and finally, the sky was opened up to him. He had pulled himself into a clearing, high atop this mountain. It may not have been that tall a mountain, but still, it was safer than ground level. All he had to worry about were the occasional search helicopters that were sure to be out looking for him soon. He hauled himself into the center of the clearing, and rolled onto his back, breathless and aching. It had been one hell of a night, and Jack, for one, was glad that he could finally sleep.

He lay there for a good ten minutes, just staring up at the stars. It was an oddly surreal experience. His clothes were ripped, muddy, and soaked in sweat. He had been running for a good three hours now, judging by the position of the moon, and he was just lying there, enjoying the night sky. He was a convict now, for god's sake, and he really didn't even know why. He had gone to work, and then to the bar for a few drinks, just like any normal night. He drank early, so the alcohol had time to, for the most part, work itself out of his system. Then he had driven home to find the cops in his living room, with police tape strung up everywhere. Jack had wanted to know where his family was, but something strange had happened. When the nearest police officer turned towards him, and began towards him, he just had the sudden urge to get out of there. So he ran. But he had resisted arrest now, so he couldn't go back. Even if they weren't going to arrest him in the first place, there must be some crime that they could pin on him now.

So he stared up at the sky, and something caught his eye. A little speck, drifting across the sky and blocking out the stars behind it. It was too big to be a bird, but it didn't have any running lights, so it probably wasn't a plane.

"Maybe the lights are just burnt out." He thought. "But then they probably wouldn't let it off the ground."

It would have had to be a very small plane too, like the single-seated recreational kind. But it didn't make sense to go out at night.

"Well, people do stupid things." He thought.

He watched it fly above him, and suddenly, a very identifiable and somehow oddly outlandish action occurred. It flapped. Its silhouetted wings flapped, and it got slightly faster for a second. Jack followed it with his eyes, curious now. He didn't know of anything that large that would flap its wings. Maybe it was just closer to him than he had thought, but again that didn't seem to be the case. Because as it neared the edge of his view, it came around, now facing him, and dropped quickly, growing rapidly to a monstrous size. His hands instinctively rose to cover his face, and the ground suddenly shook as the whatever-it-was crashed to the ground. Jack waited a moment before lowering his arms, and when he did, the thing was now towering over him. It stood maybe seven feet tall, and he couldn't tell how long it was, but it was big. He couldn't make out any features, accept that its head was extended from its shoulders by a long, thick neck, and it had glowing red eyes. They just stood there for a long moment, and then the thing spoke.

"It's dangerous to go out, alone, at night." It said. "Someone might go looking for a midnight snack. Someone, like me."

"You-You're going to eat me?" Jack asked, his voice squeaking a little.

He received little more than a short nod, and then the head dropped towards him. It sat less than three inches from his face, and then it opened wide. He couldn't make out much, but what he did see terrified him. Strands of thick saliva glittered in the moonlight as they dripped onto his already soaked shirt, and its throat dilated with a loud squelching noise in anticipation. It exhaled, and its hot, rancid breath washed over his wide-eyed face. Its wet tongue extended out towards him, and he felt it run over his neck, coating it in the sticky saliva. The warm appendage wrapped around, holding the back of his head firmly, and then he was slowly pushed forward, towards the gaping maw.

Jack was too tired to run. He was too tired to fight. So, he did the only thing that his body felt it could do with his limited supply. He began to sob, and not quietly either. No, he was balling quite loudly, the thought never even crossing his mind that he might be heard by the cops that were probably looking for him. He just kept wailing, and suddenly, the pushing against his head stopped. But he didn't, he just kept right on balling. The tongue was still wrapped around his head, and he wasn't doing anything else until it was gone.

It continued like that for maybe five minutes, and then suddenly, the thing backed off. The tongue lifted away from him, and the creature took a few steps back.

"Fine! I won't eat you! It's not worth it!" It shouted. "God, I'll never be able to hide from them with you crying like a baby in my gut for three days. Damn slow digestion process."

"S...So you won't eat me?" Jack sniffled.

"No, I'll go find a cow or something later." The creature said. "I just need to take a rest here. I've been running all day."

"Are you running away from someone too?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, I got my problems, what about you? Why are you up here so late?" It asked.

"I'm running from the law." Jack replied.

"What'd you do?" It asked.

"Nothing," Jack said, and watched with the slightest fascination as the creature lay down on its belly across from him.

"Then why are you running?"

"It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time," Jack replied simply.

"Well that's stupid," The creature said with a snort. "Just go back down tomorrow. They can't do anything to you, you didn't do anything."

"But they've got my house taped off, and I haven't seen my family in a day, and now they have something against me, because I ran."

"Come on guy, you're just embarrassed."

"They shot at me!" Jack shouted.

"Okay, okay, whatever." The creature said, shaking its head. "Drama queen,"

"Well then why are you running?" Jack asked, getting defensive.

"Have you ever experienced the genocide of an entire race?" The creature asked.

Jack shook his head.

"I am, right now." It said. "Humans have just been killing us off, one by one, for hundreds of years."

"I can understand that," Jack said. "You were going to eat me."

"That was an isolated incident." The creature said. "No, we dragons never really did anything to you humans. It was just a...what do you call it? A pre-emptive strike, against us. You know, 'They could hurt us, so let's murder them all before they have the chance.'"

Jack couldn't think of anything to say.

"I was just over to go visit an old mate of mine," The creature continued. A dragon was what it had called itself. "Found her dead, 'bout a thousand bullet holes in her side. Weirdest thing though, she was on top of a human. She hadn't killed him either, the other humans had. Shot him in the back. He wasn't military either."

"Why would they do that?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, guy," The dragon said. "You humans do stupid things, regardless of whether we dragons are involved. Maybe he was trying to protect her. Maybe she was trying to protect him. She may have even kidnapped him."

Jack couldn't think of anything to add to the subject. "My name is Jack." Jack said suddenly.

"Drake," The dragon replied.

"Really?" Jack asked, chuckling a little.

"What? You asked." Drake said.

"Yeah, it's just a little obvious, that's all." Jack said.

"What do you mean?" Drake asked.

"Well, 'Drake'. It's a nickname for dragon." He explained

"A human nickname," Drake replied. "It means nothing to us."

"Well, whatever. Never mind." Jack said dismissively. "One last question, just so I know what I'm dealing with here. Male or female?"

Drake snorted. "Male." He replied. "Why, are you starved for sex?"

"What? No," Jack said, a little startled. "I just wanted to know, for personal reasons."

"Oh, now I know you want me." Drake replied, chuckling.

"I have a wife and kids!" Jack exclaimed. Drake just laughed.

"Alright, alright," He said.

The sat in an awkward silence for a bit after that. Jack didn't want to say anything else that the dragon could spin against him, and Drake was content with watching the human squirm.

"Well, it's been a long day," Jack said finally. "I'm going to get some sleep."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Drake agreed. "I'll be gone by dawn."

"Where are you going?" Jack asked.

"I'm heading east, to the human capitol." Drake replied. "I'm going to talk to the person in charge there."

"You mean you're going to Ottawa to see the Prime Minister?" Jack asked.

"I guess, if you want to put names to it." Drake replied. "I don't care. I just want them to leave us dragons alone."

"How many of you are left?"

"As far as I know, nine." Drake asked. "I don't know if any of the egg clutches were successful this year."

"Can I come with you?" Jack asked.

"You really want to go?" Drake asked. "It'll be dangerous, and if your just dead weight I'm going to ditch you to save my own hide."

"It'll probably be better for me to get away from here for a while, until things calm down." Jack said. "They won't expect me to escape via dragon."

There was another silent pause, and in the background, the faint sound of churning air was barely audible over the sound of night life.

"What is that?" Jack asked, straining his ears to identify the source of the sound. Drake had a much keener sense of hearing, and he shot to his feet instantly.

"It's there helicopter," He exclaimed. "Get down!"

Jack was already on his back, but that didn't stop the dragon from diving on top of him to keep him down. He had looked large enough from a few feet away, but having him on top of him was a completely different sense of the word. He could barely breathe with the dragon's weight on his abdomen. And as the weight began to settle more evenly across his body, he felt a hot, four-smelling ring of the dragon's flesh drop over his nose, completely engulfing it. He also felt another opening in the dragon's flesh push itself down on his chin. Jack couldn't help sputtering, and he tried to push the dragon off of him. That only made him put more of his weight there, making it impossible to budge.

Jack could hear the helicopter as it approached, and seemed to hover above them for what felt like forever. Jack was worried that they had been found, and that the military would kill Drake before he was freed. Having his nose stuck in a dragon's asshole until he starved to death wasn't how he had intended to go out. And don't things defecate when they die? Jack genuinely prayed for the first time in his life.

But his fears were unfounded, because soon the helicopter's noise began to fade, until his could hear nothing but the wind around him. Drake did not move for a long moment after that, and when he finally did, Jack was pushing with all of his might for him to go faster.

"You had your ass in my face!" Jack exclaimed, coughing and flailing around for seemingly no reason.

"They would have seen you if I hadn't covered you," Drake said. "There wasn't enough time to worry about placement. And besides, it looks like you liked it."

Drake pointed towards him, and Jack followed it down to his crotch. To his own disbelief, he was fully erect.

"Are you going to tell me that your mate's been withholding sex?" Drake asked.

Jack was about to answer, but didn't. He stopped himself because he was about to say no, and that he and his wife had just thoroughly enjoyed each other not twenty-four hours ago, but that would have made the dragon think he was attracted to that sort of thing. But even as he willed himself to go down, the scent of the dragon's anus was still locked to his nose, and each whiff of it brought him back up again.

Drake only chuckled. "Well, if you are pent up, let's go take care of that, shall we?" He said, catching Jack off guard. Was this dragon serious? "There's a cave not far from here, we can 'sleep' in there for the night."

Jack stood up and followed Drake as the dragon trudged away into the darkness. But as he stood, his clothes felt heavy with liquid, and he put his hands on them to discover that they were coated in moist ooze.

"Uggh, what is this stuff?" Jack asked, shaking his hands of the sticky substance.

Drake shot a glance back at him. "Oh, that's just the oil from my scales. Don't worry, it won't stain or anything. It'll just drip off in a little bit."

Jack wiped a bit more of the heavy oil from his body as he followed Drake. He still wasn't sure what he was going to do when they got to the cave. If the dragon really wanted to have sex, would he say no? Or would he agree, and if so, what would happen?

Drake had been right, the cave was quite close. Not five minutes away, a tall, somewhat wide cavern opened up and led into a dark abyss. Jack was completely blind in the darkness, but Drake seemed to be able to see.

"Here, hold on to my tail." He said, and Jack felt the air move in front of him as the tip swished in front of him. He got a firm grip on it before Drake began to move again. He led the way to the back of the cave, and shook himself free of Jack's grasp once they were there. "Can you really not see anything?" Drake asked.

"Not a thing," Jack replied.

"This could be more fun than I thought," Drake commented with a low chuckle. "Just sit down where you are, and make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back."

Jack heard the soft thud of the dragon's footsteps as he left the cave, leaving him all alone in the blackness. He sat down like he had been directed, and noticed how hot and humid it was in the back of this cave. He couldn't stop himself from shedding his clothing, and soon it was discarded in a random direction, and he was left sitting naked and alone.

Jack didn't hear Drake return, only felt his hot breath suddenly against the back of his neck, and it sent shivers down his spine.

"Oh good, you've already removed your clothing," Drake said, quite sensually in fact. "Perfect,"

Jack could hear and feel Drake's breathing as he put his snout close to him, inhaling his scent. It wasn't his best scent, because he had been running and sweating for a long time now, and he must have had crap on his nose from earlier, but Drake didn't seem to mind. In fact, when he felt the hot breath on his face, the dragon's moist tongue soon followed, licking his entire face in a single swipe, removing the stench from his nose and replacing it with a surprisingly sweet aroma. A bit like flowers and sugar. He felt the dragon's paws rest come to rest on his shoulders, pushing him down slowly onto his back. Once he was safely on the floor, the paws left, and so did all traces of Drake. Jack was about to sit up again, but the scent of the dragon's mouth appeared above him again, descending to meet him. It stopped an inch above him, and Jack couldn't seem to wait for it to drop to him.

"This is your last and only chance to back out," Drake's voice said, not sensually, but seriously.

Jack allowed his mind a moment to construct a few answers, but only the answers where he wanted to continue felt right. This may have been one of those aphrodisiac kinds of things, but Jack didn't really care at that point.

"Let's do it," He said.

And finally, the dragon's mouth dropped to his. Except something was odd about it. It rested very heavily on his face, on the border of uncomfortably so. Also, warm, scaly flesh pushed against his cheeks, fitting perfectly around his head. But none of that mattered once their lips met. Jack wasted no time, and plunged his tongue straight into the dragon's mouth. But somehow, Jack's tongue touched every side of it. There was also no other tongue for him to feel.

"I cleaned up, just for you," Drake's voice appeared, clear and without obstruction, though Jack had never removed his tongue. And suddenly, Jack felt a kiss being planted on his own stiff member. Then it made sense. Jack wasn't making out with the dragon, it was sitting on his face. And he was rimming the hell out of it.

He was about to remove his tongue and try to push his way out, but then decided not to. It was an asshole, but it was clean, warm, and sweet tasting. Like flowers and sugar. His probing didn't falter. In fact, he tried to push even deeper into the dragon. In response, Jack felt even more weight being put on him, and the dragon's tail wriggled its way beneath his head, pushing it up towards his rear. Jack's face was compressed further as the two soft, warm cheeks placed a constant but gentle pressure on him. Jack felt the hole he was probing open wider, and it dropped down over his lips before shrinking again, keeping them locked in a stiff suction.

That was the second suction Jack could feel on his body. The other was on his member, as Drake's own lips wrapped around it. He felt the dragon's warm, soft tongue upon his flesh. The orifice that was once trying to devour him was now delivering a great pleasure to him. Drake's slick saliva added a great lubricant to him, which made it feel so much smoother when Drake's lips began to bob up and down along his shaft. The tiny channels between the scales on his lips tugged gently at his sensitive skin, making him shudder with ecstasy after each motion. All too soon, his orgasm built to a head, and not a minute later, his semen erupted into the dragon's mouth. He felt a sudden joy run through his body as he heard Drake swallow it.

"Hmm...not bad," Drake commented, and then lifted himself off of Jack's body. "It's not dragon semen, but it has an interesting flavor all its own."

"You do this with other dragons?" Jack asked, a little disappointed that this wasn't an activity exclusive to him.

"Yes, but it was never this fun," Drake replied, making Jack perk up a bit. "It was only for practice, while we waited for the females to arrive. It was nothing like what you just did. My god, that was amazing."

Jack chuckled, still lying on his back and looking up at the ceiling. He was still blind, but he could feel the warmth that emanated from Drake's body as it hovered above him. The dragon kissed his chest, and then Jack felt his scaled paw under him. He was flipped gently onto his back, and the heat disappeared from above him, and reappeared from behind.

"Now, let's get you properly lubed, so this won't be so painful for you." Drake said idly.

Jack was about to question the remark, but was interrupted by his own shudder and groan as he left Drake's tongue run across his own ass. The dragon was as eager as he had been, and pressed as hard as he could against the human's hole. As soon as the outside was thoroughly coated with his saliva, he moved inside, sliding his tongue in and out of his hole about two inches deep. That, too, did not last long enough, and Drake soon retracted his tongue and was again above Jack.

"Just relax, Jack," Drake said soothingly, kissing his neck and shoulders. "It will only be sore for a second."

Something inside Jack wanted to protest towards the harmful activity, but based on how the rest of this had felt, he stifled it whole-heartedly. He felt a hot, wet, rounded object bump his exposed hole, and Jack believed it to be the dragon's tongue once more. But that was currently running across his collarbone. Then he remembered the second hole in the dragon's body, and, with him being a male, what it must have contained.

He knew what was coming now, but he wasn't completely prepared for the intense mixture of pain and pleasure that accompanied it as it penetrated his virgin hole. He had never had an object up his ass, let alone the phallus of another male. But it felt so good, so filling, so warm, and there were at least a dozen other adjectives he could use to describe it. It pulsed with the dragon's mighty heart as it pushed ever so slowly into him, the saliva lubricating its entry and making it so much smoother. The stretching was a little uncomfortable, but as the phallus worked its way in, each ridge and bump forcing his hole open a little more, the pain seemed lessen. Drake didn't stop to allow him to acclimatize to the size, it wasn't necessary. With the saliva lubricant, with fresh pre added to it, the entrance was smooth and effortless. It didn't take too long before Jack felt the dragon's warm groin scales rub against his rump, and then Drake pulled himself slowly outwards.

Going in was nowhere near as pleasure-inducing as coming out. Each ridge passed out of him, with a little more speed than the last. And once the dragon was almost completely out of him, he pushed back in, faster than before. The cycle continued, accelerating with each thrust until there was no concept of in or out, only a constant in between. Jack could only feel the moving ridges, and none of the emptiness that was the norm in his anus. Drake rocked back and forth above him, panting and slobbering all over his neck and back. It only managed to make Jack enjoy it even more. He repositioned himself, with his rump held high and arms in front of him, so the force of each thrust would run through his entire body.

Drake moaned again, which soon turned into a primal growl. His thrusts became no long smooth and sensual, but rough and forced. He pushed his rapidly pulsing phallus as far as it could be forced into Jack's anal cavity, and a feral roar was poorly stifled as the dragon's semen burst forth into him. Jack shuddered at the feeling of the slimy, hot liquid filling his bowels. He felt oddly safe and secure there, with Drake's body connected to his own in such a way. And the fact that the dragon had relinquished his seeds unto him, millions of dragon lives inside of him, felt very honoring.

"Well, that was fun," Drake said between his panting. He began to idly lick at the pool of saliva on Jack's back, his cock still finishing its task. When the dragon was finished expelling his seed, he ever so slowly pulled himself out of Jack, the creamy white ooze pouring out after him. Drake has been quite thorough in his intercourse, and no longer had the energy to stand. He slumped forward, forcing jack down with him as he collapsed on top of the human.

Despite the outside heat, and the heat of his body after their sex, Jack felt quite comfortable beneath the dragon. He was trapped in the crook of the dragon's arm, where it connected to his body. The dragon didn't seem to sweat, no there was no pungent odor that was usually synonymous with that area. Not that that would have bothered Jack. He loved everything about the dragon. Being so close to Drake only made him calm and happy, and he began to get drowsy as he listened to the dragon's heart beat in his chest. He looked up in time to receive a peck of a kiss from the dragon, and returned the gesture himself with more passion.

"I love you," He whispered. And as he thought about it, he truly believed those words. He had never felt so enamored by anything in his life. Even his love for his wife and children paled in comparison to his love from Drake.

"We'll wait for the aphrodisiac to wear off before we make any commitments." Drake replied with a tired chuckle. He then gave a mighty yawn before nuzzling up against the top of Jack's head and falling asleep. It didn't take long for Jack to join him.


"Come on, Jack, wake up," Drake called.

Jack came to upon hearing his words, rising slowly into a sitting position. Drake was no longer lovingly covering him, and was now standing behind him, ready to leave. As he sat for a moment, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he noticed a slight soreness in his ass. It was obviously from the stretching and pounding he had received earlier, though the pain now was in no way comparable to the pleasure he remembered feeling last night. He turned and looked past Drake, noticing that even though he had just woken, the sky was dark. He looked down at his watch, it was eight o'clock at night.

"You must have been very tired," Drake commented. "Though it's not surprising. It must have been tiring taking that for a whole hour."

"That was an hour?" Jack asked. "It barely felt like a minute."

"Well, it's good to know that you enjoyed it too," Drake said with a smile. He then sunk down onto his belly and lowered his head to the ground. "Come on, we should get moving."

Jack stood up and retrieved his discarded clothes, which were now completely cleaned of the dragon's oil. He then walked slowly to Drake's side. The dragon followed him with his eyes, not looking impatient, but not particularly patient either. Jack suddenly remembered watching the movie 'Eragon' with his kids, and lifted himself up and onto the dragon's back, with his legs over the scaled shoulder in front of him. Drake's collarbone offered a small space that Jack fit perfectly into, though he felt awfully insecure sitting on top of him. He had nothing to hold onto, and could only secure himself by wrapping his legs as tightly as he could around his neck. Even as the dragon rose and began to walk slowly out of the cave, he felt like he may fall off.

"I'm not so sure about this," Jack said doubtfully. "I may just fall right off."

"Don't worry, I'll catch you." Drake said reassuringly, and before Jack could continue his protest, he leapt into the air.

Jack saw two dark wingtips snap rigid on either side of him, and they were suddenly shooting up and forward. Wind lashed at Jack's body, and his legs went white as he held on as tightly as he could. But even so, he felt his grip beginning to weaken as his legs slipped in the dragon's oils, unable to grab at the scale beneath. In a last gambit to keep himself from falling, he threw his body forward, slamming face first into Drake's neck and wrapping his arms tightly around it.

"Are you okay?" Jack heard Drake call over the raging wind. "Once we get high enough, I'll level out and slow down."

Jack nodded against the dragon's neck, unsure of whether he would be heard over the wind anyway. He just held on as tightly as he could, his eyes clamped shut, as he waited for the wind to die down, and his guts to rise back up from his ankle. He wasn't an avid flyer, only taking vacations with planes every few years, if he was lucky, so his body wasn't used to the physics involved in a rapid ascent. A sudden and important piece of information did suddenly appear in his mind, though.

"I don't know how high we're going, but I don't think I should go above ten thousand feet." Jack shouted at the top of his lungs.

"That's fine, our cruising altitude is a lofty eight thousand anyway." Drake called back.

And within moments, the dragon's mighty wings tilted down, and they leveled out onto a steady easterly course. As Drake had predicted, the wind had died down, and Jack felt safe enough to return to his upright position. Though, with only a tee shirt and a pair of shorts on, it was a little chilly at that height. Jack shivered a little, and pressed himself down against Drake's back, using him to block some wind. It didn't help him much, though, and he found himself shivering against the dragon's back.

"Is it too cold for you?" Drake asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'll be okay," Jack replied, his uncertainty poorly hidden.

"Would you feel better if I held you against my chest instead?" Drake asked. "It's much warmer there."

"I don't want to make it any harder for you to fly," Jack said. He didn't want to be a burden, in case Drake decided he was too much of a hassle and would simply leave him somewhere.

"It's no trouble at all," Drake replied. "Just slowly lower yourself off my back to your right, and I'll catch you."

It was more than a bit unnerving to lower yourself off of your perch at eight thousand feet above the ground, but Jack managed to at least find the courage to move himself until he was sitting across the dragon's right shoulder. Once he was seated there, the oils made it easy enough to simply slide off, and he only had a second of the gut-wrenching feeling of plummeting before he felt the dragon's soft palms wrapped snuggly around his torso. Now that he was secure in the dragon's grasp, he was brought up and hugged tightly against his warm chest.

Now that Jack was warm and no longer in danger of falling, he could finally enjoy the flight. The sky was clear, with the full moon and millions of stars shinning above them. Not only did it supply a brilliant vista to look at, it also allowed them to stay on course as they flew stealthily through the cool night air. Jack watched with wonderment as the ground rolled beneath them, each tree, and house reduced to miniature sizes. The few people Jack managed to see walking the illuminated streets looked no larger than insects, oblivious to the beautiful creature soaring above them. Jack couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

"I hope you like flying, because the trip will take about five days, give or take." Drake said. He looked down and smiled at Jack. "You don't have to go the whole way though. I'd be happy to drop you off wherever you'd like."

"I wouldn't think of leaving you now," Jack replied, nuzzling against the dragon's chest. Drake just chuckled.

"I thought the aphrodisiac wore off in ten hours." He commented. "I guess it really had an effect on you."

"It's not some chemical feeling, Drake." Jack said. "You're one of the nicest people I've ever met."

"Come on, Jack. You're married, remember?" Drake asked.

"I know, but...being with you just feels so right." Jack said, and began rubbing the dragon's chest with his right hand. "I've never felt this way before, not even with my wife."

"I was going to eat you, Jack." Drake said.

"But you didn't," Jack countered. "Now stop arguing with me about my feelings. It's as if you want me to hate you."

Drake sighed. "I'm sorry. I've just been having a hard time taking this, you know. I've been finding my friends murdered, myself being hunted, and I just had sex with a willing human." He said. "I'm starting to miss the time that my life felt relatively normal."

Jack had no way to comfort his friend in his despair. He couldn't even begin to imagine how deep his pain ran, but he knew he had to do something. It hurt him to see Drake like that. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Jack said, as comfortingly as he could manage. "We're going to get this sorted out."

"It won't bring back the people I've lost." Drake replied dispiritedly.

"Why don't we hold a funeral for them? Honor them before they become forgotten." Jack suggested.

"I would like that," Drake replied. "And I could think of no better time than now to do it. A dragon's greatest gift is his wings, and under the light of the full moon, it would be a fitting place to pay homage to them."

So Jack shifted himself into a more comfortable position as Drake began his improv eulogy. He began to speak of each of the dragons he had found dead, twelve in total, and all had been his mates at some point in time. He spoke so fondly of them, though they had probably only met maybe once or twice over the course of their lives. Such was the case with most migratory creatures. Drake spoke of their collective meetings, and the time that was usually spent in social rings being wasted on public foreplay. Jack became so entranced by the tale that he soon found his grasp on reality slipping away. He dropped into a near sleep, where his mind could better create the images that Drake spoke of. But soon enough, that state was not deep enough, and a full and deep sleep came. Jack's dreams were filled with dragons that night, though he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.