Lynn's College Adventures 1.

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#2 of Lynn Chapters

College. It is a pretty scary place when you arrive for the first time. Leading up to it you are anxious and excited, but then you arrive on your first day and you freeze. Lynn was no different. She arrived, her parents basically just dropping her off and she froze. She was in an all female dorm, something that scared her even more than the prospect of living on her own.

She looked around, all of the pretty females in their tight shirts and short skirts almost taunting her. It was really her fault that she was a Dragon and by default less dainty the the cats, dogs, and rabbits around her. Most of them had such soft and shiny fur, while she just had her green scales and long black hair that made her look like a villain.

The dragon walked from the parking lot to the line that had been forming. It was mostly made up of student, the parents of these students standing off to the side with their belongings. As she stood in line waiting to get her key she fluttered her wings, cooling her off from the beaming sun. She dropped her head and sighed. This was taking forever. The people handing out the keys and rule books seemed more interested in conversation then doing their job. Finally the line moved forward. While all these other girls had their parents stay around to help them and did not have to push their carts filled with items, Lynn did. At least it was easily done with her strength. She pushed the cart up to the table and looked at the woman behind the table.

"Name," the pig woman said with a snort.

"Lynn Shulster," she said rolling her eyes. She was given a fancy looking name tag before she even arrived at school and this lady could not even bother to look up at it? This was just getting better and better.

The woman nodded and rummaged through her lists. Finally, she found the page with Lynn's name on it and wrote a few things down, grabbed a key out of the box, and a folder filled with paperwork.

"Your room is on the 14th floor, you have to have all of these papers done by Tuesday, and try not to eat your roommate," she said, shooing Lynn along.

Out of the five people doing this, Lynn wanted to know why she had to get the rudest one available. She took the items she was handed and placed them in the small pile of stuff in the cart. She walked up the ramp and looked up at the building. Fourteenth floor was pretty high. Maybe the window would be large enough for her to just fly in and out of instead of taking the elevator constantly.

The ride up was awful. It was packed, hot, and slow. It seemed like there was a stop at every floor. She was the only one there without a parent or a friend around, and the only one dressed in actual clothes.

They finally reached the fourteenth floor and she squeezed herself out of the elevator, finally making it beyond the doors and taking a deep breath. She looked again at her key. Room 1410. Which way was that? She looked either way down the hall but there was no real indication of which way to go. She started down one hall and found the numbers heading in the wrong direction.

She shook her head in disappointment and turned around, eyes still downcast. There was suddenly a small thud and her head snapped up. She had run into another cart! There was no one there to drive it though. She walked on the side of the two carts and saw a small ferret girl sitting there rubbing her head.

"I'm so sorry!" Lynn said, offering a hand up to the girl. The girl squinted her eyes at Lynn.

"I can't see! My glasses!" she said, suddenly patting her hands on the ground looking for them. Lynn blinked confused before looking in the girls cart and seeing a pair of purple glasses sitting on a pile of books.

"Here," she said, handing the she ferret the glasses. The small girl grabbed them, quickly putting them on and looking at who she had run into.

"Well, that would explain why the bump felt like an earthquake to me and a small thump to you!" she said a smile on her face and pulling herself up. "My name is Becky!" she said, "I'll be rooming in 1408!"

Lynn smiled, happy that the girl did not seem to upset with her. "My name is Lynn. My room assignment is 1410, which is not down this hall, so I would assume yours is not either."

The ferret nodded and back out of the hall, Lynn following her. As they walked down the other side they realized that they would be next door neighbors. As they went into the rooms, which were meant for only one person, they left their doors open, talking as they started to organize their dorms. That night, they went to dinner together and found out they were in a few of the same classes.

Around ten at night, they shut their doors, getting ready for the next day, which would result in the start of classes and the first day of life without parents.


Lynn did not sleep much, though, her mind was reeling all night long. She was anxious about classes and wound up looking through her text books for most of the night. She want to see if Becky was still up and talk some more, but at the same time, hoped for her new friend to get as much sleep as she needed for the next day.

As her alarm rang, she started at it. Seven A.M. Where did the night go? She rolled out of bed, grabbing an orange T-shirt and jeans along with a towel and headed for the showers. Hopefully they had a shower big enough to spread her wings in.

She stepped into one of the showers and undressed, looking at her body in the mirror. Her shoulders were broad, arms muscular and stomach toned. She ran her hands down her naked torso, her small breasts making her frown. She had always hoped for larger breasts, rationalizing that they would give her a more feminine form. She shook her head and started the water, allowing it to warm up to a lukewarm temperature.

She stepped in and lathered up from head to toe. As her hands passed over her clit she sighed a little. She hated being so sensitive like that. It took very little to make her want sex, even less to think about it. However, she knew she was not going to get anything anytime soon. She moved her hands to other parts of her body, reaching behind her wings, getting the deep crevices. She got some shampoo and scrubbed her long black hair. It was the only part of her physical being that she really enjoyed. She ran her her fingers through her hair, releasing any knots that she had.

She rinsed off, trying to keep it uneventful. The water pooled on her scales, not dripping down as freely as it would with fur. She flipped off the water and grabbed her towel and dried off quickly, looking at the clock on the wall. Almost eight and she still needed to grab breakfast! She dashed out of the shower, throwing the shirt over her head and pulling her pants up as she ran.

As she got to the dining hall, Lynn saw Becky waving to her sitting at a table in the back. Even on the first day of classes the small ferret girl seemed composed and ready to go. She started to head in that direction, stacking her plate with toast, eggs, bacon and pancakes. She looked over at the drink set up, trying to find something suitable to drink when she did a double take. There he was, a black and yellow dragon male towering over the crowd.

Lynn stumbled, dropping her tray to the ground. She landed hands first, pushing herself back up. She looked down at the dropped tray and sighed. She knelt down and thought about the male dragon she saw in the distance, wishing that instead of falling down she would have been able to go see him a little closer. She flipped over the tray and started to clean up the mess she created, the image of the black and yellow dragon in her mind.

She stood up, finally finished picking up the trash. The janitors could get a mop for the rest. She grabbed a piece of toast with some jam and looked around for the one who had distracted her enough to cause her to fall. He was no where to be seen though. She sighed, turning to leave the cafeteria, eating the toast on the way out, a bit disgruntled with the way things were going already today.