How to love a Pokémon

Story by dragovwolvesbane on SoFurry

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A story of a guy living his life with a Pokémon he befriends

My name is Taren, just your average guy doing his best to get around in the world. Truthfully life has been giving me

the finger for a while now. Got kicked out of the family home for coming out at the age of 14, and I just cant keep a job.

I do have a few really good friends though. They mean the world to me and i would do anything for them, I just don't see

them as much as I would like to. I also gave up on the dating game for some time. No one wants to date a bum.

I have recently got myself a Pokémon, a Charmander, and he is my closest friend. We came across each other

as i was walking from one town to my home in the forest. He was trapped against a tree with a beedrill attacking.

Of coarse i've always loved the charmanders so i didn't hesitate to jump in and attempt to shoo away the bug.

Unfortunately I didn't really win the fight coming out with a few scrapes and bruises, but I did distract it long enough

for the charmander to win. I laughed at myself as I walked to my shelter in a damp cave him walking behind me with

his belly gurgling. It felt good helping something else besides me so I took him back and gave him some of my food.

Its only been a few weeks but I really feel a connection with him. He goes out to get food and I help with the

cooking and cleaning. We do have some fun playing vollyball and baseball. He is surprisingly smart and could

learn how to do pretty much anything. That's when I decided to train him in combat so we could be a team, and

maybe earn some money from tournaments. Love my cave but a nice warm bed would be so much better.

Closing my journal I walk outside to charmander using his fire breathe to heat up the firewood the

temperature rising dramatically. He smiles at me running over to greet me as I kneel down to hug him. "hey bud

how's the training going?" He blows his fire up in the air as I step back laughing. I do wonder sometimes about

us being more than just friends. My eyes drift down so I can see his tail then immediately look away scolding

myself for thinking of such things.

I've always made poor decisions so I decided to not jeopardize the one thing I have going for me. I loved him

so I have to do right by him. Training him making him stronger so one day he can live a life better than this and

have his own family to raise and be happy. I don't care how long it takes, but as long as its a road we can travel

together ill be happy.

As he continues his training punching on the trees and jumping around the branches I smile walking over to

a hidden box I placed behind an old rock. There were a few things I had kept from my family home one of them

being a stone to hopefully evolve charmander. I wanted to wait a while so he could grow and learn while he was

still young, but I have no idea how pokemon work so maybe it was time to see what would happen.

Calling him over I seat myself against the base of the tree holding the bright orange stone in my hands. He

hobbles over to me looking straight into my eyes huffing. I couldn't help blushing a bit seeing how cute he is. His

cutsey face looks down at my hands in wonder as I slowly reveal the stone. It immediately starts to shine over

the mystified charmander forcing him to grow up. I hold my eyes shut then open them to reveal a charmeleon.

He is now way different then when he was a charmander. The more aggressive looking face the more confident

stance the bright red color scheme which i find to be a much better fit for him now.

I also couldn't help myself gazing more towards his pelvis. I never actually looked when he was smaller but

now I just couldn't look away. His balls were tucked against his thighs the size of baseballs and his flacid penis

hung well over them. I look away blushing hard as he roars out into the forest. Getting up from the tree I pat

him on the had as I jog to my cave home sporting an erection in my pants. Slamming my back against the wall

trying to calm myself down. "I just cant believe that I would think this way"

Just then my hands began to tremble, it felt like they were on fire! "what the fuck is going on!" I yelled as my

skin started to glow a bright red color. It crawled over my body like a virus until i was completely engulfed.

Everything went dark. I heard some shuffling but other than that I felt a pain surging around me like a bad sickness.

After what felt like a bad dream I woke up laying in my sheets my head layed against my pillow. I slowly sit up my

body covered in bandages and my insides aching like they were set aflame. My coughing quickly alerts my

charmeleon as he rushes over to my side in a panic state. I smile at him " im ok now bud. Thanks for

trying to patch me up ". He sighs in relief hugging my injured body. "what in the world happened to me?"

I look myself over itching on the bandages. I decided to check under them and see a dark red color . " oh

wow thats a serious burn." I sigh looking over at the possible culprit, but then I saw something under the sheets

that really struck me. There was a long appendage at the base of my body and the end of it there was a flame.

I poked it and I felt a surge of pain run up my spine. I curiously started removing the bandages and was hit

with the most intense fear when I saw a tail jutting out of my ass. I panicked and started removing the rest of

my wraps startling charmeleon. Looking down at myself I could see that they wernt burns at all just scales.

"what the fuck!" I yelled running around to the nearest pool of water. It was true I was a charmeleon just like

my bud. I couldn't believe it its not real. I thought to myself how everything I worked up to is now another bad

decision. I slumped down to the floor sitting on my left side as to not sit on my new tail.

Lost in my state of shock charmeleon had went to get my clothes and some food looking down at me with

a sense of determination. I lean up holding my clothes in my claws burying my face in them trying not to

cry in front of my long time friend. I can see that he isn't ready to call it quits and I made a promise to make

him happy. I sucked it up and put on my clothes and they fit surprisingly well .I managed a smile and walked

outside with him. "fine then your going to have to work extra hard with me like this". I said to him as he roared

It took some time but I managed to figure out the whole walking thing again. The tail wasn't that much of

an issue since it just does whatever it wants. I would try to breathe fire but I just don't have it in me to try

that just yet. Its still me just not me. Honestly the less attention I pay to myself the better.

The hard part now was the future. The tournament now is just a no go thanks to my new form yet I see my

charmeleon training as hard as ever. He would have made a great champion that im sure. I smile to myself

as he wrestles with a giant rock struggling with all his might to throw it. I felt a great sense in pride in spending

time with him.

As I ponder the situation more he decides to call it there. He walks over to were I am and sits beside me

washing his face in the water bucket. I couldn't help wondering what he thought of me, but I do know that

he has faith in me. Maybe I could start my own training center? With a worried look on my face charmeleon

decided to get close to me and roar. It snapped me awake again but just briefly. My eyes wadered from the

grassy floor and to his leg. I could see his maleness hanging down gently rolling around in their sack. My own

body tensing up a bit squeezing my thighs together.

He glances toward me with half open eyes noticing me staring at his package. He blushes hard gripping

the tree beside him. His cock begins to swell up becoming more erect and I immediatly look away. I think

I just fucked up. I start crying holding my muzzle in my hands, and I get up to walk away but his claw grabs

ahold of my arm. He must think I'm a freak i thought to myself shaking in his grasp. Instead of roaring at me

or running off like I expected he held me in both of his claws and kissed me. Prying open my mouth with his

firm jaw snaking his tongue on mine. I went limp going from scared to pure bliss. His tongue was like fire

exploring in my maw forcing me to swallow his saliva. My claws lifting themselves up to his thighs and

running along the side of his body. He released me with a strand of our saliva still attached and I stand

there awkwardly blushing . I couldn't believe what was happening right now. Some part of me knew this

was very wrong. I thought about stopping for a time and get my head on straight but then charmeleon

held my claw to his fully erect member forcing me to inhale deeply. It was very rough and warm, and it

throbbed gently in my grasp. I knew what cock felt like but feeling something elses was just erotic.

He must have known the way I felt about him I could see it in his eyes. He then pushed me against the rough

bark of the tree. Letting out a soft roar he licked over my neck his claws moving under my shirt pulling it off

over my head . He pushes his muzzle to mine keeping my attention to his warm lips while his right claw digs

down into the front of my pants. I let out a soft moan as I feel his digits running through my thighs and along

my sex. That's when a bit of panic set in something was definitely wrong. I didn't have a cock like him so that

must mean. "fuck!" I moanded out as he pushed a finger up into my new vagina. The stone did more than just

change my appearance. However this way feels more right.

He then undoes my belt and my pants drop to the floor exposing what I knew was my new genitalia. There

wasn't as much fear as I expected more arousal. He softly huffed over my chest before leaning down to my thighs.

His hot breathe on my slit causing me to moan out more. "bud...I think this is going a bit too far..." But before I could

express my thoughts further he dug his maw against my cunt slurping over my pre and tonguing into my vag. I

hold my claw on his head as he slurps me lost in pure bliss.

He lets up and pulls himself away licking his lips with that aggressive look on his face. I knew then he wanted me.

"looks bud im really enjoying this but we have to be safe. Im scared about us actually being together and also thrilled.

never saw us having sex ever" I said pointing at his massive set of balls. " these would definitely knock me up as

weird as that is to say now. I want you to be happy and I don't know if I'm the one you should do this with". He looks at

me with an annoyed look on his face as he pulls me down into the grass clambering over the top of me. His large

cocktip pushes against my belly, he snarls grinding himself along my scales. I could feel it on my bare thighs, his large

sack resting on my butt as his cock rubs againist my clit. There was a fire between us and I knew he wanted it bad.

" ok ok ...fuck..just please go easy and ...pull out when your close " I say kissing him on his lips. All this was

getting me so aroused I needed this to happen. He pushes my legs upward shuffling his cock back to were his

tip was planted against my wet slit. With a grunt he pushes forward my cunt engulfing his cock tip as is slowly

stretches' around his girth causing me to roar loudly. I never thought I would ever feel it this way, a pokemon

of all things. It was such a wild feeling his cock rocking back and forth inside my vag. I couldn't help but moan

and lay there as he took my virginity. His balls smacking against my ass churning his seed for his breeding girl.

We put our claws into each other as he pumped his girth into me. His panting and grunting mixing with my moans.

I could feel it drawing closer for him. His body was heating up and it started to burn a little on his stomache. "fuck

hun..ok thats enough ...please pull out". I pleaded. His response was just to growl at me. He didn't want me to move.

My womb was open and waiting for a warm dose of charmeleon seed. I didn't realize it myself but I was also growing

closer. The constant pumping and grinding of the horny lizard was about to make me cum.

I clenched roughly around his cock as I came roaring out holding my body as close as I could to my lover. He in

turn smiled down at me knowing full well that I was his to claim. With a few rough thrusts his cock head pushed up

snuggly against my g spot. "stop!" I managed to get out between my moans as his ballsack pulled upwards. Smoke

started coming out of his mouth and he blew his fire up into the air, his cock pulsing shooting his thick seed into my

belly pounding into my vagina leaking out against the grass.

We huffed well spent after the orgasm. I lie there my belly feeling warmer than ever watching him lay his head

on my chest. That really happened. I sat up after a while, and held my belly looking down at him. Ive always wanted

him to be happy and to have a family of his own. I guess this could be just as good. I laugh to myself eyeing his

deflated dripping cock. I just hope this isn't another bad decision.


*Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I am not much of a writer and this is my first story of any kind. do *

let me know what you think so that I can improve myself for maybe a sequal or another story