Slayer or Layer 24

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#24 of Slayer or Layer

A brief view from the side of what it's like to be around a cursed dragoness.

Patreon reward for Lorvianne

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Slayer or Layer 24

For Lorvianne

By Draconicon

Trading in the lowlands, away from the mountains, was a risk for anyone that was covered in scales rather than fur. The border territories were a bit safer, considering that there were enough mammals there that knew that not all scalies were a danger to them, but the further that one got from the mountains, the riskier travel became. Too many mammals were willing to whip up the commons into a frenzy against anything that wasn't furred or feathered, and more than once, Sila had been chased out of a village by a local lord looking to make a name for himself.

Her caravan was well-supplied with fighters, admittedly, but that was something that she had taken on as a way of keeping herself and the other merchants in the caravan safe. Limited trade was allowed, but there were always lords and ladies that couldn't put aside their hate for scales for a few minutes in order to pay for what they wanted.

Besides, she was sure that at least a few of them would just slaughter her caravan and take what they wanted from the ashes rather than pay her, if they could get away with it.

Shaking her head, Sila looked down the road. They were just leaving a large-ish village to the north of the capital, their wagons laden with food goods and a few other resources for the tribes back home. It would see them through the hard seasons, so long as they didn't get raided along the way.

"Bassssa!" she called, getting the attention of the white lizardman at the head of the column.


"Anything following? Anything ahead?"

"Not at the moment, Ssssila."

"Keep an eye out. Sky, too."

There were rumors that the mammals were developing air cavalry to match against the dragons. It wasn't much more than a rumor, but if they were developing gryphons - or worse - then she didn't want to be among the ones that the new creatures' combat potential was tested on.

The sky was the only place of superiority that the scalies had left. The mammals could match them on the ground and overwhelmed them in the water. The air...the air was where they survived, and thrived.

Sila leaned back on the edge of her wagon, taking a few deep breaths as she looked down the road again. It was wide open with no sign of any other to be seen. It could change at any moment, but for now, it was a blessing. many changes...

She'd heard that Kero's tribe had been nearly wiped out by a bunch of hunters recently, the shaman's power over the forest broken and his people scattered. She'd caught wind of some of them at the edge of the forest, seen the column of refugees heading off to somewhere else. Sila had wanted to help them, but there'd been no resources or people to spare at the time.

It was a pity. That tribe had been a foothold in the region that guaranteed a safe place for her people in times of crisis. The fact that they were gone now meant that this region was that much more dangerous.

But it will change. One day. One day.

She just hoped that she lived long enough to see it.

As she shook her head in disappointment, she adjusted herself to be a bit more comfortable on the wagon seat. She was about to nudge the driver to take a break when a tingle ran down her spine.


"I felt it too," the white lizardman muttered, falling back to the side of her wagon, pulling the reins of his horse in tight. "Where?"

They searched the skies, looking for the source of magic. It was not mammal magic, not the unnatural pulling and tugging at the strings of power over the world, nor was it the shamanistic magic that her own people used. It was more...primal...deeper than that.

It was dragon magic. There was no doubt about it. But where was the dragon?

She looked up, her eyes flicking from cloud to cloud -


She pointed toward the horizon, at one of the bigger clouds. A wing tip had sliced through it before dipping back into the cloud itself. The dragon in question must have been hiding on the heights to avoid detection.

But why would a dragon be this far from the mountains? Had something happened? What -

Another, hotter tingle ran down her spine, and she realized that the dragon's magic was reaching out to them. The tingle turned to a shiver, and her mouth hung open as a moan forced itself past her teeth before she was aware of the need to do it. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, and her legs suddenly pushed together, her pussy clenching on nothing and her body shaking from head to toe.


She was gasping for breath, and out of the corner of her eye, she could see the head of the guards doing the same thing. He was half-hunched over his horse, his hands gripping the edge of his saddle. His eyes were glassy, and his trousers -


Sila could see the bulge developing down there, feel the need for it inside of her as she imagined how it would feel inside. Her pussy felt empty, her womb more so, the urge to breed slamming into her with the force of a stampede of horses. She barely kept herself upright on the wagon seat as she looked up at the sky again.

The dragon was on the descent, slowly circling over them now. She could see red scales, looking like fire that burned through the sky, and each spiraling circle brought the dragon lower, closer, nearer.

She could see that it was a dragoness, too thick in the hindquarters and too long-bodied to be anything else. Her bodyguards were already huffing and puffing, the scent of heat in the air making the males desperate for something to sink their dicks into. Sila was barely holding onto reason, her fingers curling tight on the wagon seat, her claws sinking into the wood beneath her.

Hold on, hold on.

She bit her lip, trying to keep her mind focused on the task at hand, but it was nearly impossible. There was a thing that was burned into the minds of lizards, into kobolds, into all lesser scalies, and it was hitting them hard, now.

Obey the dragons.

There was heat, there was need, and there was magic. There was nothing else that needed saying.

"Off the road," she growled through clenched teeth. "Off the road, NOW!"

There was no stopping what was going to happen. There was only doing what she could to make sure that nobody stumbled onto them while they were in the middle of it.

The females that were driving the wagons were still aware enough of the situation to follow her orders, and the bodyguards on the ground and on horseback followed the stink of the rapidly-aroused females. They dragged their caravan near to the forest, pulling the horses up short, and then waited.

Then, the dragoness landed.

Sila had never seen one of their rulers up close. She knew that they existed, of course, and had been part of a village in her youth that had a dragon that they worshiped, but she had never had the privilege of being this near to one. The sheer size of it, big as the wagons that they pulled, was extraordinary.

The blue lizard woman bowed at the waist, her eyes already going glassy, fogging over as she felt the need under her tail. She wanted nothing more than to strip off all her clothes and let the bodyguards take her, to offer their pricks up for the dragoness.

And it took everything she had to resist that urge.

" may...we..."

She swallowed hard, panting, her hands already reaching for her crotch as the dragoness approached. Long neck swaying, tail twitching, drool running from the edges of the beast's mouth, the dragoness looked like she had lost her mind completely.

And no wonder. The smell of heat in the air was so strong that even some of the females were losing their minds to it. Sila was only just holding on, wobbling from side to side, her eyes glazing over.

"How may...we..."

She couldn't finish the sentence. She wanted to ask how they could serve, what they could do...

But it was too much for her. And it was obvious, anyway.

With a roar, the dragoness summoned them to her need, and the magic hit them like a tidal wave crashing over the shore. Sila fell to her hands and knees, ripping through her clothes with her claws, and Basa was on her as soon as her holes were exposed. She moaned as he filled her to the brim, her fingers curling into tight fists as he filled her pussy.

All around her, the orgy had begun, everyone eagerly grabbing a partner and stuffing them full of dick or riding someone that had one. The bodyguards outnumbered the merchants, and those that were not pulled to service one of the lizard females were gathered up behind the wagon-sized dragoness.

Sila could only see what was happening because she was on all fours in front of the dragoness, but she could see the great creature lowering itself, pushing its hips down so that it had an angle to be fucked. The great female needed breeding, and needed it badly from the way that it offered itself.

Thrust. The first of the lizardmen slammed in, and the dragoness roared in pleasure, arching her back and her wings, spreading them out over the caravan. A flood of pussy juice splattered over the ground, a release that must have been held back for days to create that deluge.

The smell of sex overwhelmed everything else. She couldn't smell the horses, the wagons, the goods inside. All she could smell was the hot scent of a horny dragoness, and the developing smell of males that were waiting to satisfy her.

And then, the feeling of Basa's thick cock in her took over.

Sila moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head as she took her bodyguard's cock into her core, feeling it slamming in again and again and again, each time robbing her of breath and thought. She screamed out to the heavens from the pleasure of it, and she bounced her hips back to meet his thrusts every time that he pushed forward.

He was thick, hot, and soon soaked in her juices. His hands were firm, squeezing her hips tightly as he pulled her back again and again, using her to satisfy himself just as she was doing the same to him.

As his balls slapped against her clit, as his cock forced her inner walls apart, she moaned, panting, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as if she was some dumb beast herself. He was fucking her like she was a breeding bitch, and she was taking it happily, enjoying the way that the head of his cock hit all the sensitive spots inside of her, grinding against her, scraping slightly against her inner walls.

The magic of the dragoness pressed down on her, on her people, on the bodyguards. Everyone. Everyone felt the same urge, the same need.

Breed. Breed. Breed.

It came hard and heavy, hot and thick, just like the cock inside of her. Sila could hear and smell the orgasms coming off of the dragoness, hear her screaming as she came again and again on the first male to fuck her.

How long since she...

The thought was buried beneath her own orgasm, Basa's cock driving her over the edge and making her scream in bliss as she came, and came hard. The feeling of his hot, thick seed inside of her only lasted a moment before he pulled out, spraying the rest over her back.

Hissing in need, the lizard woman whipped around, shoving the male onto his back and mounting herself on his cock. She kept her clawed fingers against his chest, holding him down as she started bucking herself up and down his cock, impaling herself over and over again, slamming his shaft into her depths. She moaned at the top of her lungs, her back arching, her belly feeling like it was swelling as she forced him to cum in her again.

There was a thump behind her, and she half-thought that the dragoness had done the same thing to one of the other males. Idly, she hoped that the poor guy hadn't been crushed, but at the same time, she was glad that the dragoness was taking what she needed.

Males needed to be reminded of who was really in charge, sometimes.

She growled under her breath as she kept riding Basa's shaft, feeling it grinding into her womb, pushing seed deeper and deeper, his face a twisted expression of bliss and pain.

Well, who cared? He tried to pull out without breeding her, this is what he got.

In and out, in and out, up and down, up and down. She rode him until he got the picture, until he got it through his head that he wasn't stopping until she was satisfied, and then his hands wrapped around her hips and started pulling her down properly. Sila submitted to that, looking over her shoulder.

The dragoness had rolled onto her back, pulling the males down over her to breed her. It was clear that the great beast was deep in her own need, unable to think of anything else, and for that, Sila sympathized.

Sympathized, and started plotting. After all, keeping a dragoness around might just be a good thing...

The End