Convicts - Part 2

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#3 of Convicts

Warning: The paragraph you are currently reading is a disclaimer. It is in place to inform you that this story is completely clean, and in fact only contains a description of the emotional response induced by a double rainbow. But due to a mix-up at a local disclaimer firm, this disclaimer has been misplaced, or rather, placed here by mistake. The proper disclaimer, which was supposed to inform you that this piece of writing, "Convicts Part 2" if you've gotten confused, contains sweet, sweet bestial love between a male human and male dragons (plural ;), and that young, easily-influenced children should be kept away from this piece of literature. But that disclaimer was put on the double rainbow piece instead, and will no doubt cause many panic-stricken moments, lawsuits, and spontaneous acts of self-pleasure.

Though due keep in mind that this is a work of fiction, and that certain military data depicted in this story is, as far as the government of Canada is concerned, false and non-existent.

Also, don't judge me on my fictional political and military protocols. It's a story, get over it.

"Okay, I can see his house now," Jack said, peering down at the large, stone house that was the home of the Prime Minister. "24 Sussex Drive."

"We already have a codename for it?" Drake asked, glancing up at him. As they travelled east, the temperatures had gotten progressively hotter, and now Jack sat on Drake's back as they flew.

"Umm, no. That's the street address." Jack said with a small chuckle.

Drake shook his head. "Whatever, just tell me if there is a way for me to get in." He said

"Doesn't look like there are any windows large enough to break through," Jack reported. "But you should be able to fit behind the house."

"So you'll have to bring him outside then," Drake said, and began to slowly circle above the house. Jack felt him shiver, and cast a questioning glance down at him. "Aren't you excited?" Drake asked, an oddly placed grin on his face. "We're finally going to end the atrocities committed on my people."

"There's always been a fine line between excited and nervous with me," Jack replied. "My head is saying no, but my gut is...also saying no. Can I back out of this?"

"What? No! You can't leave." Drake said firmly. "I won't be able to get him outside by myself."

"What makes you think that I'll be able to?" Jack asked. "I'm just a random guy breaking into his house."

"Please, Jack." Drake pleaded. He reached up awkwardly and toke hold of Jack, holding him tightly to his chest in an embrace. "I need your help."

There was a long pause as Jack simply stared up at Drake, while he stared down at him. They were drifting slowly downwards as they did.

"Fine, but think seriously about this." Jack said finally. "It's the middle of the night, and you expect me to convince the Prime Minister to go into his backyard."

"This is a democratic country. I thought the leaders had to listen to his citizens." Drake replied.

"Only when they're voting." Jack said. "Otherwise, they don't really care."

"Hmm...the dragon's council would do anything we request." Drake commented.

"You have a governing council for nine people?" Jack asked.

"Well, it was a much larger number when it was founded." Drake replied. "But this really isn't the time for politics. Just go in there and bring him out. Be creative."

They descended silently until they were level with the second floor of the stone building, and Drake managed to hover in front of a random window of his choosing. He reached out with one of his hind legs and dug his claw under the seam, and pulled the window open from the outside. Then, with seemingly little concern for Jack's safety, pitched him head first through the opening, before pulling away and retreating to a safe altitude.

"How did you get in here?" Jack heard a voice say as he laid face first on the floor. It had been carpeted, which was lucky for him, but as he rose and looked around, noticed that he had been pitched right into the master suite, with the Prime Minister himself, lying in his bed with a book about three feet behind him.

"Excellent work, Drake." Jack thought to himself as his brain floundered.

"Umm...this may sound odd, but would you mind going out into your backyard for a minute." Jack said, now on his

feet and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he spoke. "It's, ugh, pretty important."

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house." The man asked.

"Well, my name is Jack, and I'm...a...landscaper...yes." He said, suddenly noticing that he sounded very silly and unbelievable. "I've been sent to landscape, and I need you to tell me what you want done."

"You're...a landscaper?" The man repeated. "Who wants to landscape my one o'clock in the morning?"

"We only operate at night," Jack said. "It means we're out of your way during the day."

"Couldn't you have just gone through the front door, or better yet, through the groundkeeper?" He asked. "Why did you need to pry open my window and dive inside to ask me about it? How did you get up there anyway? You couldn't possibly have climbed."

"I'm a landscaper, sir." Drake said. "My powers are nearly limitless."

"Bullshit. Tell me who you are and what you really want, or I'm calling security." The man exclaimed.

"Well, I'm Jack, I've already explained that, and...I have a friend that needs to talk to you." Jack replied.

"Why not just go through the regular lines?" He asked.

"Well, you see, they are awfully slow, and they wouldn't really let him through."

"Why? Is he the press?" He asked.

"No," Jack replied, and searched for a good way to phrase his next sentence. "You see...he's not really...'human'."

"Oh, I see." The man said. "We've already informed you're little terrorist group that we won't negotiate, and that your little special effects show won't scare us. Now you have about five seconds to dive out of here before the police haul you away for trespassing."

"Wait, what terrorists?" Jack asked. "We don't know of any terrorists."

"Fine, I'll humor you. Three days ago, we received a video message from a terrorist faction. They call themselves, the 'dragons'. They staged a scene in which two dragons, the mythical reptiles I mean, are in a cave and were threatening the lives a family of three, a woman and two children. They demanded the discontinuation of a classified military operation, and then killed the women. It was very clearly all computer generated."

"I'm not so sure it was," Jack said carefully. He shot a glimpse out the window, and saw Drake hovering eye level to it. He had obviously been listening in, and could tell where this was going. "Maybe, you could just, look out your window then."

The Prime Minister sighed, but he did rise from his bed and walked to the window. Jack stood next to him, feeling a little more than satisfied as he watched the man's jaw drop when he suddenly saw the dragon flying before him. Suddenly, Drake's hand shot forward, breaking most of the remaining window, and grasped firmly at the man's waist. He was pulled out through the hole, and brought to the ground as Drake descended. Jack watched from the window as Drake pinned his under his massive front paw and dropped his jaws very close to the man's head.

"It appears my demands have already been brought to light." Drake said quietly.

"Wh...What are you?" The now terrified Prime Minister asked.

"You know what I am, and it isn't a terrorist." Drake replied. "I'm merely a representative of my species. I've come to demand that you end this genocide of our people."

"It wasn't my idea, I swear." The man pleaded. "I was pressured into the campaign by the President of the United States."

"Bullshit, I know people who used to live down there, and the only humans they'd ever met were lost hikers. There weren't any gun barrels pointed at them down there, only here."

"Then why not go down there." The man said.

"Because we have been here far longer than any humans had." Drake said. "This has been our breeding ground for centuries, and we intend to keep it here."

"What do you want us to do, then? Just pack up and move thirty-three million people?" The man asked.

"Oh no, we'll share the land. We've always been hospitable. Just cancel Operation Paladin, and leave us be." Drake said firmly.

"How do you know about that? It doesn't concern you." The Prime minister snapped. "It's only a hypothetical scenario, to hunt down insurgents that invade the country."

"Oh, it's not hypothetical. And it's not for insurgents. It's been the cause of the decimation of my species. My family and friends. Do you really not know that?"

The man stuttered in disbelief. "The...The general informed me that-"

"Your general lied." Drake said. "Your soldiers under his command have killed hundreds of dragons, and even a human."

"You're lying." The man said.

"No, it's true." Jack called from the window. "I saw it, on my way here. We ended our funeral there, where he and a dragon had died together. He had been shot in the back."

There was a long pause, in which neither human nor dragon moved. Except Jack, who had made his way downstairs and was now exiting the house through the rear door. Upon hearing his door open, the Prime Minister suddenly came to a decision.

"You there, Jack. Bring me the phone, it's just inside the door." He said.

Jack re-entered the room, which was a large kitchen, and searched out the cordless phone. It was hidden in a dark corner behind the fridge, and he hadn't wanted to turn the lights on, in case anyone saw and became suspicious. He brought the small white device to the Prime Minister, who was allowed by Drake to move his arms in order to grab and use it.

"I'll agree to your demands, but on one condition." The man said.

"What is that?" Drake asked, backing off a little bit.

"If that video was indeed real, then there are real people in danger. Two children, no less. I'll call in the order right now, if you swear to have your people release them. And if they aren't reported as 'found' by the police in a week, I'm reinstating the operation."

"Do you know where they are?" Jack asked.

"A forensics team traced the transmission signal to a mountain in British Columbia, somewhere are the Purcell mountains. A family was reported as 'missing' from the town of Anmore, almost three hundred miles west, but still the best lead we have. The father had been spotted by police as he tried to enter the cordoned-off home, but he fled the scene and escaped police custody. He may be in some way related to the disappearance."

"Wait, and you say they killed the woman?" Jack asked suddenly.

The man nodded solemnly. "Stabbed her once, in the stomach."

"Oh my god, Drake we have to go save them!" Jack exclaimed. "We need to leave right now."

"Hold on, Jack." Drake said calmingly. "We need to make sure that our friend here holds up his end of the bargain."

The Prime Minister nodded, and began to dial a long sequence of numbers, which was obviously not a standard phone number. When he was finished, he placed the receiver to his ear, and waited.

"Yes, this is the Prime Minister, put the general on." He said. "Hello? General? Good, I need you to call off 'Operation Paladin'. Well, it seems we were wrong about these creatures. They say they aren't looking to attack us. No, general, I'm fine. Just do it. I am the Prime Minister of Canada, my voice is my authorization, verify me. Authorization code six, nine, four, three, omega, Charlie, delta, eight, three... Thank you, and good night, general."

He pushed a button on the phone, and the call ended. He lowered the phone from his ear, and lay still as Drake slowly moved his paw away, still afraid that he may anger him if he moved suddenly. Once he had been freed, he stood up, and took a few steps away from the dragon.

"The operation has been cancelled, for now." The Prime Minister said. "You will no longer be attacked by military unless provoked. But remember. If you do not return the captive humans to a police station within the week, you will be hunted down to no end."

"Thank you, sir." Drake said, quite politely. It was almost as if there forceful exchange had never occurred.

"In case the other dragons send another message, what is your name, so I can tell them who I've...talked to?" He asked.

"I'm Drake." The dragon replied.

"Come on, Drake. We need to go." Jack said, coming up to his foreleg.

"Okay, okay." He said, and dropped down so that Jack could climb onto his back.

"Mister Prime Minister." Drake said, and used a short nod to indicate the end of their exchange. With Jack holding tightly to his neck, he turned and leapt away, taking wing and setting a westerly course. They rose quickly and quietly away from the bustling city beneath them, following the river beneath them. It shone brilliantly in the light of the moon, but neither of them paid any attention to it. Drake was concentrating on flying, while Jack simply remained in a solemn silence.

"Why were you in such a rush to leave, Jack?" Drake asked, leveling off and slowing down a little.

"Think about it, Drake." Jack replied. "A family disappeared from Anmore a couple of days before they got a message, which they got three days ago. That puts it at about five days. That's when the police cordoned off my house, and I fled. It was just like what he said. Your dragon friends, have kidnapped my family, and probably killed my wife."

"Oh Jack. I'm so sorry." Drake replied sympathetically.

"Don't worry too much, the guilt and pain hasn't kicked in yet." Jack said. "We're going to have to save my kids before it does, or I'm going to be effectively useless."

"Nothing will happen to them, Jack." Drake said reassuringly. "If they talk to the Prime Minister again, he will tell them that he's shut down the operation, and that we're coming to pick them up."

"But what if we can't find them in a week?" Jack asked. "Then they'll start it up again, and we'll have no way of stopping it."

"We'll make it." Drake replied. "I can fly during the daytime, now that I'm not being hunted. Plus, I know exactly where they are."

"Really?" Jack asked. "How?"

"Because there's only one place where dragons would congregate to do anything, and that's the council's mountain." He replied. "It's our ancient mating ground, and we all instinctively know how to get there."

"Thank you, Drake." Jack said, lying down and embracing the dragon's neck tightly. "You're a great friend."

"I'd do anything for you, Jack." Drake said, rumbling affectionately. It was almost like a cat's purr.

"Just don't overexert yourself, okay?" Jack said.

Drake chuckled. "Not possible," He replied, and they sailed through the sky, off after the setting moon, with the first peaks of dawn's rays edging upwards behind them.


"Jack, wake up," A hazy voice said, breaking apart Jack's dream world. "Jack, we're here."

Jack blink a few times, squinting as the noon sun's light shone down on him. He stretched out his limbs in what little room Drake's arms would allow, and cast his gaze around. A large, flat mountain face ran up before them, about a hundred meters off. Jack observed it carefully, noticing many caves across its windswept surface. The seemingly single piece of rock that made up the mountain was a brilliant white, the stains upon its surface faded from the sun. Drake flapped his great wings, rising higher, towards a wide ledge, and a much larger opening than the others.

"How much time do we have left?" Jack asked.

"About a day and a half." Drake replied. "We'll have to fly all night to reach Anmore by tomorrow."

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

Drake shrugged, swinging his head from side to side a little. "A little tired, but assuming this all goes according to plan, we can catch a good rest here, and leave with the children at nightfall."

"Will you be able to carry them, and me?" Jack asked.

"They're just kids, how much could they weigh?" Drake replied confidently. "And besides, if push comes to shove, I'll

leave you here, and then come back to pick you up."

"Would that be the best idea?"

"It beats making you walk there." Drake said, and then raised Jack up to his shoulders. "Now get on my back so I can land."

Jack scrambled up and into a sitting position, just as Drake lighted down on the edge of the cliff. Jack looked back and watched as three small stones fell away and down the cliff face from Drake's landing. He gulped as he realized how very high they actually were. He was thankful when Drake walked slowly away from the edge, and into the depths of the mountain that loomed high above them.

Inside, the construction was truly a marvel of engineering. The entire mountain seemed to be hollow, its peak supported by four massive pillars that stood in the center of the room. They stood on a single platform, one of thousands of tiered ledges that ran all along the walls, from peak to base. There were hundreds of side passages too, which probably lead to individual living spaces. It implied that there had indeed been a massive dragon population. But it was empty, and silent. There was no sound at all, save for Jack's own heart pounding in his ears. He didn't like it, he wanted to hear something. Talking, laughing, roaring, the crying of his children, anything. But still, silence.

Drake came to the edge of the ledge and looked down, into the deepest part of the mountain. Jack also peered down, stretching out over Drake's neck. What he saw made him wish he hadn't even come. He had always wondered why humans had never found dragon bones or anything to prove their existence, and this answered that question indefinitely.

Bodies, thousands upon thousands of them, all dragons. Most likely every dragon that died had been cast down this pit. There was no decay, no reek of death wafting up to them. They were perfectly preserved within their own scales, now turned ghostly white.

" that all of them?" Jack asked, though he hadn't meant to do so out loud.

Drake merely nodded solemnly. "I just wanted to see if they picked up that other dragon we had found earlier. The one with the human."

"Have they?" Jack asked.

"Yes," Drake replied, and then took wing, rising up the long shaft towards the top. At that height, there was only one ledge, this one twice the size of the others. Jack could tell that this was where the dragon's council met, and most likely, where his children were.

They rose above and dropped down onto the ledge, barely a sound leaving the rock as Drake touched down upon it. He strode forward, towards a tall archway that opened the wall before them into a large, circular room. The arch had two life-sized, fully detailed dragons carved into it, every bit of it a perfect replica of a dragon, right down to the notches between the scales. They stood back on their hind legs in a majestic yet menacing sort-of stance, as if guarding the chamber beyond from the faint of heart. Drake didn't even give them a second glance as he passed between them and into the room.

It was darker here than the main shaft, with only a hole in the ceiling about two meters in diameter to light it. It took Jack's eyes a moment to adjust to the low light, but what he could make out were the seemingly glowing eyes that floated around them. Eight pairs in total. So if what Drake had said was true, than Jack was among the only remaining members of his species. He felt a pang of guilt shoot through him, knowing that his people had caused this.

"Drake, it is good to see you again." A deep, male voice boomed out from in front of them. "Though it is admirable that you would fight for our cause, the humans will not change their minds if one new human is added to our hostages. We've already killed the female, and it did not sway them."

"No Councilman, this is not a hostage, nor is he prey." Drake replied. "He is the father of the two children you hold."

"Then you have brought a human here, to our most sacred of places, and tell me that he is intended to leave here alive?" The dragon asked.

"Surely the children would be let free if the humans had accepted your offer." Drake said.

"It was under consideration." The dragon replied. "Regardless, what is your business here?"

"The humans did not accept your demands, but they accepted my negotiation. I spoke to the human's leader, with the help of this one with me, and came to an agreement. We were both witnesses as he shut down his genocidal campaign against our people, and in return, we were sent to return the hostages to their home."

"I believe he has tricked you, Drake." The dragon said. "The humans would not simply agree to a talk."

"I threatened his life," Drake replied.

"Hmm...this intrigues me." The dragon rumbled, and his eyes rose into the air, swaying a little as he walked around the room. "Myer, ready the transmission equipment, I wish to speak to the humans."

"Yes, Councilman," Another dragon, probably a female, said from the opposite side of the room. She stood and led the way out of the room, leaving the shadows to reveal her body. She looked very much like Drake, almost identical, in fact. The only difference was the way she held herself. She walked in a much more submissive manner, with her head hung low and tail held tight to her body. It was probably because of a high male to female ratio among the remaining dragons, and since they had just lost that female a couple weeks ago, she was probably the center of attention. Her hips swayed more when she walked as well, eliciting a growl from another dragon across the room from the entrance.

"Kale, control yourself." The councilman dragon snapped. "She is not in heat, and we will not have her wounded prior to. With only two females left, she is part of our only hope for survival. You will treat her with respect."

There was a cracking sound like a whip, and a whimper from the same direction the growl had come from. Then two other bodies emerged from the shadows. One a large and quite scarred male, and another much larger and heavier-set male. A large welt on his lip indicated that he had been the offender.

"Yes, my apologies councilman." The larger dragon said, sinking into a more submissive stance as they followed Myer down the shaft. Drake also turned and followed, casting a short glance back. But no other dragons joined their group, so he dove off the ledge and followed the other dragons in a tight formation as they curved down the shaft, finally alighting on a smaller ledge, just below the entrance. Jack dropped down from Drake's shoulders and followed the group inside the passageway before them.

The room on this ledge was well lit, with the whole sky open above them as they entered. Myer was already standing behind a table of sorts, with dozens of transmitting devices all around the room. Television cameras and microphone were set up in a loose circle, allowing for maximum coverage, and they all seemed to be connected to the devices on the table. Jack imagined that it must have been difficult to have set up all of the equipment without breaking it with their claws, and a meter-high pile of broken cameras and equipment confirmed that. The councilman dragon stepped into the ring of cameras facing the one closest to the table. Jack noticed a large television beside this camera, as well as a small set-up of speakers connected to it.

"Bring the children in." The councilman called.

Upon hearing his call, another dragon entered with a large, wriggling sack dangling from its jaws. It went forward and deposited the sack on the floor off to the side, so it would be visible in the camera. The dragon then untied the sack, and pulled it off to reveal Jack's two children, who were bound, gagged, and bruised. Jack instinctively took a step towards them, but Drake reached out and held him back. The children, two boys, seemed to be barely conscious. They merely sat up and wearily watched the dragon that stood before them.

"They're only eight and nine, for god's sake." Jack muttered quietly. "Why did this have to happen to them?"

"I'm so sorry Jack." Drake replied, and hugged him comfortingly against his leg. All the while, Jack watched his children, who hadn't even noticed him.

"The call request has been sent." Myer called from her station. This was followed by a long pause. "They've accepted. Opening channels."

"What do you want, 'Councilman'?" A human voice asked begrudgingly, projected from the speakers near the television screen. "The operation's already been cancelled. There's nothing else to 'negotiate'."

"I had heard word that your campaign had ceased, but I wanted to hear it straight from you." The councilman replied, talking to the camera before him. "So, your men will no longer attack mine?"

"Not without provocation, no." The man growled. Jack guessed that it was the general that the Prime Minister had talked to before. "That doesn't mean that we won't retaliate if you decide to start something."

"I'd expect nothing less." The dragon said. "Though we do not intend to prolong any conflict between our peoples. We merely wished to repopulate in peace."

"Yeah, whatever," The general replied. "But remember your half of the deal. I've been told that a guy was coming to retrieve your hostages. Has he arrived yet?"

"Oh yes, he is here." The Councilman replied. He motioned to Jack with a wave of his paw. "Come here, human."

Jack was reluctant, but he did step forward until his stood beside the large creature. He could see the general he had been speaking to, sitting in a large-looking office and watching a screen of his own.

"It's good to see that you made it, Jack." The general said. "But keep in mind, the timer will keep ticking until the hostages are returned home."

"Don't worry, sir. They'll make it." Jack replied. He received a small nudge from the dragon beside him, and looked up to see him motioning towards his children.

"Cut their bonds, and allow them to see their father again." The Councilman said. "Go to your offspring, human."

Jack nodded, and strode past the dragon and straight to his kids, who seemed to have snapped out of their stupor as their bonds were sliced away.

"D...Dad?" One of them asked, Tom was his name. His short brown hair was matted, and the large black ring around his left eye accented the truly brutal living conditions that they had been given. Jack couldn't begin to imagine what they had gone through over the past week and a half.

"Yes, I'm here now." Jack said, and wrapped his sons in a tight embrace. "Everything is going to be okay now."

"They...they tortured us, barely fed us." Tom's brother, Kyle, said. He had a long, poorly healed cut along his right cheek. It would probably never heal properly now, and that scar would be a constant reminder of what had happened here.

"Shh...they won't hurt you anymore." Jack said soothingly.

"Where's mom?" Tom asked.

Jack's heart iced up for a moment. The Prime Minister had said that they had killed the woman they had taken. Surely that had to be his wife, but had the children not seen it. Jack had assumed that they had all been together, and that they had seen it themselves. But maybe they had been blindfolded, or in another room, and hadn't seen her at all. Maybe it was for the best, but it may make the explanation of it even harder on them.

"Thank you again, human." The Councilman said from behind them. "It is good that we have resolved our difference in a peaceful manner."

"There were too many causalities." The general replied, and there conversation ended with a blank screen. The equipment was turned off, and the dragon came up behind Jack, looking down on him and his children. The kids tried to back away, but Jack held them fast.

"It's okay, they won't hurt you anymore." He said. "I'll be right here." He stood up and turned around, feeling as his children clung to his hips. "Councilman, I need to ask. The female that you brought in with my sons; where is she?"

"Ah, the mother. She is...stable." The Councilman replied. "Her wound was non-life-threatening, but the blood lose was somewhat difficult to control. She has been in the care of one of our females for her stay here.

"So, you didn't kill her?" Jack asked.

"Oh, no." The dragon said, shaking his head. "We needed to persuade the humans, but we did not want them dead yet. The whole affair was quite thoroughly planned, so that as little harm would come to her as necessary. We even procured a potent human sedative, so it is unlikely that she felt more than a slight pinch before the blood loss caused her to lose consciousness."

"And she's fine now?" Jack asked.

"As far as we can tell, yes." The dragon replied. "She has been awake and eating, but human recovery is slow. It would be ill-advised to transport her until she is absolutely ready."

"But we need to leave by nightfall to make sure they arrive in time." Jack protested.

"Jack, I'm not sure I can carry all four of you." Drake interrupted. "Especially if one needs special care."

"Then I will stay here, like you said." Jack replied. "But please, let me see my wife."

"Of course," The dragon said, and led the way back into the main shaft. Jack kept his children close as they followed, with Drake falling back to meet them. Once they were all standing on the ledge, Jack brought his children up to Drake's side, and then kneelt down to speak to them.

"I know this is going to seem scary, but I need you to trust me, okay?" Jack asked. Both boys nodded hesitantly.

"This dragon right here is a very good friend of mine. I trust him with my life, and I need you to trust him too. His name is Drake, and he will be taking you and your mother home tonight."

"What about you?" Tom asked, looking expectantly up at him.

"I'm...I'm going to see if I can stay here for a while." Jack said. "I want to make sure that these dragon's won't hurt any people, and that our people won't hurt them. Okay?"

Both he and Kyle seemed to understand. Thank god they were old enough to think rationally. "You have to promise to come visit us, though." Kyle said.

Jack chuckled and hugged his children tightly. "Of course," He said, and then lifted them up onto Drake's back. The dragon remained perfectly still as he did, and once both boys were loaded and holding on tightly, Drake rose smoothly and began to slowly rise up to the exit. Jack watched them go before going to the councilman that was waiting for him. He climbed up onto his shoulders and was taken up three levels, and down one of the regular tunnels. As he had suspected, there were dozens of large caves in the hallway, and the councilman travelled down the hallway, looking for a specific one on the left side.

"I never caught your name." Jack said idly.

"Though you will formally call me 'councilman', as you have heard, my name is Farek." The dragon said, his voice gruff, but not offended.

"Of course," Jack replied. "I'm just, Jack."

Farek said nothing, simply turned into a room. Inside the cave was quite large, maybe a thousand square feet. It had a very high, domed ceiling, with a large window on the opposite wall to allow light in. It lacked any form of decorative items, with only a huge nest-like bed, which was lined with various animal pelts. A dragon was lying next to the nest, watching him with a keen eye as he they entered. She was much smaller than Farek, though still quite large in comparison to any human. Her snout and face were a little more angular than the other dragons he'd seen, with an offset jaw, as the teeth on her upper jaw hung over her lower lip. She would look quite menacing if she wasn't turning every ten seconds to lick at the small human woman who was currently sleeping in her bed. Jack's wife.

Jack leapt off of Farek's back and rushed ahead, coming to a stop at the edge of the nest. His wife lay sleeping there, in what looked like a calm slumber. Even so, her body did not look as unruffled. Her clothing had been torn, specifically her shirt, which was missing its lower half, and her hair was in matted tangles. Her skin was pale, her lips a little lighter than normal, though her forehead gave off a brilliant shine in the afternoon light, probably from the dragon's saliva as it licked her. A collection of scraps of her clothing and other cloth had been wrapped around her abdomen, and a large red stain was visible on the front, obviously where her wound was. Luckily, the stain looked old, and there was no blood on her, which meant the bleeding had stopped. That didn't mean everything was fine on the inside though. As far as Jack or any of the dragons knew, she could have punctured organs, in which case, it would be difficult to move her.

Jack cast an expectant look over to the female dragon beside him, and she nodded in an unspoken reply. He carefully climbed into the nest and lay down beside her, cradling her sleeping form in his arms as he began to stroke her slimy forehead. This seemed to rouse her, as she trembled slightly and her eyes slowly opened.

"J...Jack?" She asked quietly. It wasn't quite a weak voice, but it didn't contain the same energy that it usually did.

"What are you doing here? Did they kidnap you too?"

Jack shook his head, and kissed her forehead. "No, I'm here to send you home. The kids are already waiting by the exit. Everything is going to be fine now."

"Oh, Jack," She said, and lifted her lips to meet his. Thankfully, it didn't seem to put too much strain on her. "I'm so glad. Can we leave now?"

Jack chuckled. "That all depends on you. How do you feel?" He asked.

"I'm okay." She replied, and sat up, only seeming a little stiff. "Vera here has been by my side this whole time, and she's been keeping me healthy. You know, dragons aren't so bad when they aren't stabbing you in the guts. They were actually quite hospitable."

"I know, and that's why I'm going to stay here for a while." Jack said calmly.

"What?" His wife asked. "Why?"

"Because the dragons are almost extinct, and the government has been trying to kill them all off. I went and stopped them now, but I want to make sure both sides stay peaceful towards each other. You know, like an ambassador."

"But what about the kids? What about me?" She asked.

"The kids understand my decision, and I'll come back and visit you as much as I can." He said comfortingly, hugging her tight to his chest. "But I feel like this is something that I have to do."

She hugged him back, but sighed in defeat. She knew that his mind was made up. "Okay," She said. "But I want to see you every week."

Jack nodded into her shoulder, and kissed her again. They held the embrace for a long time, until Jack felt a claw rest gently on his shoulder. It was Farek.

"Come, Jack," He said. "The sun sets, and time hangs on no mortals."

Jack nodded, and helped his wife to her feet as he led her to the edge of the nest. She seemed to be fine as she leaned heavily on his shoulder, though getting her out of the nest was a little harder. Vera helped by gently lifting her and placing her on Farek's back, and Jack climbed up behind her, offering her support. Farek kept the ride as smooth as possible as they returned to the entrance, with Vera following close behind. Once they arrived at the exit, Vera removed her from Farek's back and placed her in Drake's outstretched forepaws. He held her firmly, but gently, and smiled reassuringly down at her.

"Do not worry, lady," He said. "I won't let any harm come to you during this flight."

She chuckled lightly, and reached up to gently stroke Drake's chest. "I trust you."

Jack came to his wife's side and kissed her one last time. "My love, Vanessa, I will see you again soon."

She simply nodded and smiled. "I just hope that you will be happy here." She said. "Even after all I have been through, I hold no anger towards these creatures."

Jack smiled, and ran his hand around her face. "I'm glad to hear that." He said, and stepped back as Drake lifted off from the platform and flew slowly off towards the setting sun. He stared after them until they disappeared behind the nearby mountain peaks, and the small band of dragons that had gathered there began to disperse.

"Come, human." Vera said, lowering herself to the floor for him to climb aboard. "I will show you to Drake's cave."

"Thank you," He replied, and climbed onto her lithe form. There short flight took them up one level, to the opposite side of the shaft. They travelled all the way down this tunnel to the end, where it branched off to the left and right, following the mountain's slight curve. They went right, and entered the third room on the right, which would have been against the outside wall. The room itself was identical to Vera's, but its contents were completely different. It was filled with various decorative items from all over the world, like vases and rugs. His nest was a little larger, bulked up with exotic pillows and blankets.

"Drake was always a vain one." Vera said idly, waiting by the door as Jack showed himself inside. "He's always travelling across the seas, collecting souvenirs from his trips. He can tell you what they all are, if you're interested. None of us are, and I'm sure he's just bursting to tell someone."

"Should be interesting, I've never done much travelling myself." Jack said, casting a glance back.

"Well, whatever. I'll just leave you to it, then." Vera said, and headed back down the hall.

"Thanks again, Vera." Jack called after her, and then headed over to the window. It perfectly framed the eastern sky, and the slowly rising moon beyond the mountains. Jack gave a fatigued yawn, having not slept very well on their flight here. He cast a glance at the soft bed to his left, and decided that he should get some rest. The pillows around the edge made it more difficult to climb in, but once he managed to above the rim, he rolled down into the middle.

He had never noticed how enormous the nests were from the inside. It was big enough for maybe ten people, or maybe a sprawled out dragon and his houseguest. Or maybe a dragon and his pet. He still wasn't sure how he was going to be treated here, but he would deal with that when he got there. Until then, Jack bunched himself up among the pillows and blankets, and drifted into a fitful sleep.


"Human, Human wake up." A voice called, breaking Jack's slumber. He was jabbed in the arm with a clawed finger, writhing a little in response.

"What? What's going?" Jack asked groggily. "Is Drake back?"

"No, he has not returned." The dragon replied. Jack realized that this was one of the males he had not met before.

"The councilman wishes you to join us in the main chamber."

"It's the middle of the night. Can't it wait until morning?" Jack asked, but rose to his feet anyway.

"No, we cannot wait." The dragon replied, and turned and began towards the door. Jack followed him out, trying to keep up while he stumbled around in the dark behind him. No light made it into the hallways during the night, so Jack had nothing to go on but the wind that hit his face as the dragon's tail swished before him. He didn't see him stop at the end of the hall, and simply walked forward until he was under the dragon. He felt something wet brush the top of his head, and instinctively reached up to knock it away. But instead of disappear, it stiffened a little and bounced back into him. He suddenly knew exactly what he had just swatted at.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jack said awkwardly.

"Please, human, there will be plenty of time for that when we arrive." The dragon said, and he picked Jack up in one paw and began his ascent to the main chamber.

"I'm sorry, what?" Jack asked, though he received no response from the dragon. He soon felt them land on the platform, but the paw did not release him, and instead the dragon carried him forward into the room. Jack wriggled as he tried to get free, but his grip was immovable. By this time, Jack's eyes had adjusted to the low light, and he could now see reasonably well in the room that was only illuminated by moonlight.

The room ahead was filled with male dragons, six in total. All of them seemed to be erect, a few were idly pawing at themselves, but all were staring directly at him. Jack gave a loud gulp, suddenly wondering what he had gotten himself into. Sure, he loved sex with Drake, but all of these males may prove a little too rough.

"Good evening, human." Farek said, quite sensually. "We're so glad you could join us."

"Yeah, well..."Jack began. He noticed that Farek, too, was hard, and as the dragon holding him came before him, he was suddenly released, and dropped to his hands and knees. Farek was suddenly circling him intently, his hot breath ruffling his bare arms.

"Those clothes will be too cumbersome for tonight." Farek said. "You should remove them, while they are still in one piece."

Jack didn't know when he'd be able to get new clothes, so he began to strip. He figured that the dragons were going to get what they wanted, so he should play along to minimize damage to himself. Once his clothing had been tossed by the door, Farek was circling him again, this time, sniffing and licking across his bare skin, specifically hanging around his back. He felt his long, thick tongue stroke across his shoulders and down, stopping as he lapped once at the small of his back. He could still feel his hot breath against his ass as the dragon breathed in his scent.

"Just as I thought," Farek said with a chuckle. "Drake has already seeded you, hasn't he?"

Jack gulped and nodded slowly.

"Excellent," Farek murmured, and he was suddenly standing before him, his snout less than an inch from his face. "Then this should make it all little easier on you."

He gave a long exhale over Jack, his hot breath wafting up into his nostrils. Jack had almost forgotten that a dragon's breath was an aphrodisiac, and was quickly lulled into a more dream-like state. He watched as Farek sunk lower, running his hard shaft across his back as he passed over him. He felt the dragon's slick tongue run over his asshole, lubing it up before he entered. It wasn't as long or as gentle as Drake's had been, but Jack knew that he wasn't into foreplay right now. In fact, the tonguing stopped there, and within the next ten seconds, he had been hilted by the massive dragon above him. He only felt a twinge of pain, but it was quickly overtaken by the pleasure he felt as the dragon's thick cock rubbed against his prostate. His euphoria kept him blissfully unaware as a second male came up in front of him and draped himself over Farek's shoulders, placing his own cock at Jack's face. With a single quick and accurate thrust, the thick cock parted his pursed lips and buried itself six inches deep into his throat. Jack gagged a little, which opened his throat a small amount, and the cock went in farther. By the time Jack's nose was pressed into the dragon's genital slit, he had gotten used to the feeling, and was no longer gagging.

"Councilman, is he tight?" A male asked from the sidelines.

Ferak grunted as he began to thrust, spreading Jack's anus quite easily. "Not too tight." He replied, speeding up rapidly.

"Think I could fit in there with you?" The dragon asked boldly.

"Nggh, probably." Ferak grunted, and reluctantly pulled out as the dragon approached. The dragon in Jack's mouth also pulled out to allow Jack to be moved.

The new dragon lay down on his back, and picked up Jack, placing him on his stomach. Jack's dulled senses barely recognized the scales rubbing against his stomach. He only seemed capable of recognizing the emptiness in his bowels. That was soon alleviated, though, as the dragon below him thrust into his open ass. Jack was once again lost in the feeling of the thick rod rubbing his insides, and was only drawn away from that by the sensation of another phallus pressing against him. Just as Ferak was about to push into him again, the new dragon leaned forward and engulfed Jack's head in his jaws.

"What are you doing?" Ferak asked. "Don't eat him."

"I'm just giving him some more aphrodisiac." The dragon replied, mumbling around Jack's head. "So the pain won't be so bad."

Farek just shook his head, and then pushed himself slowly into Jack's already filled bowels. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever felt before. The dragon below pulled out as the dragon above pushed in, giving him quite a stretch. But as the dragons worked, both in him and against each other, their combined lubrication made the friction all but disappear, until they were gliding back and forth with nothing but a lasting pleasure and a slight soreness. Not wanting to be left out, the dragon once again brought his cock to Jack's face, but instead of forcing it in, Jack eagerly reached out to get it. His tongue danced lightly across its tip as it entered him, and again as it came out. The lubricant that leaked from this dragon tasted heavy, like an overly-glazed honeybun. Jack couldn't even imagine what his semen would taste like in comparison.

Just like before, the minutes faded into mere seconds, and before Jack had even let out his first pleasured moan, the two dragons that he was sandwiched between climaxed within five seconds of each other. He filled up quickly, the semen beginning to leak out of him before they had even finished. By the time they had heaved themselves out of him, a large pool of semen had collected on the dragon's stomach, and was leaking onto the floor. Jack wasn't sure if any of that semen was his, but it felt to him like he himself might have climaxed. It was either that or his testicles being compressed between the weight of the two dragons. Jack had almost forgotten about the dragon currently thrusting into his throat, but he was soon jarred back to him as he shot his own semen straight down his throat. Jack swallowed hastily to try and keep up with the flow, but it proved to be too much, and splashed back up and out of his mouth. The dragon's semen was even richer than his lubricant, and Jack couldn't help but lick his lips. The dragon before him chuckled as he pulled out, rubbing his semen-soaked phallus over his tongue before it retreated back into his genital slit.

"I think he liked it." The dragon said, taking a step back.

"Good, because there are three more of us that want to satisfy their urges tonight." Ferak said, but Jack wasn't really listening. He was too bust concentrating on the three new dragons that approached them, their own rods thick and ready to burst. And Jack was ready to accept that.


"Hey, Jack. I'm back." Drake called as he entered the room. He found him naked in his bed, fast asleep. The sight of the small human's bare flesh caused a stirring in his loins, and he climbed into bed with his friend, accidentally rousing him.

"Oh, hey Drake," Jack said sleepily, sitting up to look his friend in the eye. "What took you so long?"

"I went hunting on my way back, brought us home some dinner." Drake said. "It's waiting in the corner. But listen, I've been away from you all night, and I think we should get some alone time together. We can get really...close, if you know what I mean."

Jack understood completely, and his ass gave another sore pinch. In response, Jack groaned, collapsing onto his back and closing his eyes.

"What?" Drake asked. "What did I say?"