The Dragon's Short Break

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Drac finishes a series of writings, and tries to have a nice night in. It doesn't quite go as planned.

A personal story written for myself during a personal stream.

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The Dragon's Short Break

By Draconicon

With the final dot in place, Draconicon groaned in relief and slight soreness. The black dragon leaned back in his chair, not even bothering to watch as the autosave function kicked in on the document, and he covered his eyes as he felt the strain of the last item on his to-do list fading away. Not just the last one for the day, or in the queue, but the last one owed before his vacation.


Writing all day caused strains that he wasn't sure that anyone who didn't do it could understand. It wasn't just sore arms and wrists, nor tired fingers or a tired mind. It was a combination of all that and more, a certain exhaustion of the soul that set in when you did the same thing over and over again, when it always went towards other people and never towards oneself. To those that said that he should do both, that he should make time for himself as well as for the work stuff, he would like to ask, how? How would they do that if they had a job that was as physical as could be, and then they were sad that they couldn't exercise, and someone just said 'Well, just do it anyway?'

He doubted that would go over well. It hadn't the one time that he had been stupid enough to say something like that.

After making sure that the file had completely saved, he stood up from his desk, making his way downstairs. His house, a two-story building that could have housed six people, at a stretch, was empty. Nobody but him lived there, and that had been the case for the last...two years? Three? Since the last of his then-pets had moved out, at least. They'd reached the point where they didn't need a master anymore and had gone back out into the world. A good thing for them, and the whole point of the adoption process that he had set up with some subs in the area, but always something that left the place feeling a bit empty.

Did let him walk around naked, though. That was a plus.

He made his way downstairs, his cock swinging between his legs as something so large tended to do. His wings pulled in tighter for a moment as he stepped through the narrow doorway at the base of the stairs, then flared half-out as he walked into the kitchen. One look at the fridge made his mind recoil. Nothing for him from that today; he had used up all his creativity on the story. He wasn't cooking tonight.

Take-out it is...and maybe a little more...

Prior to the last pet moving out, such an event as an upcoming week off would have been kicked off by a small orgy. At the very least, celebratory blowjobs and rimming would have been a thing. However, being alone in the house, that wasn't really an option without outside help. The dragon generally didn't avail himself of the local sex workers, but considering that there was nobody else around and he didn't want his libido to become a distraction, he rooted through the kitchen drawers until he found one of the business cards that he had stashed away.

"One call for pizza, and another..."

The pizza arrived first, and he was busy eating his way through his third slice when the doorbell rang again. His dick twitched in anticipation, and the black dragon jumped to his feet, smiling slightly. He folded his wings over his front as he made his way to the door, already eager to see who the agency had sent.

As he leaned forward to look through the peephole, he smiled to see a rabbit on the other side. She looked rather demure, which was not his typical type, but she seemed nice. A basket of lotions and oils hung under one arm, red to go with the black dress that she was wearing. He opened the door with a smile.

"Welcome, welcome."

"Mr. Draconicon?" she asked with a small smile and a surprisingly low voice.

"That's me, yes."

"Good to meet you, sir." She offered her hand, and he took it. "I'm Amelia, and I'll be your 'masseuse' for the night."

"Well, do come in."

She did, and he shut the door behind her, watching her ass sway from behind. She seemed to fill out that dress quite well, particularly for her height. Considering she was two feet shorter than his seven-foot height, that put her rather under him. It also implied that he was going to get a hell of a ride when they got down to that part of the night.

As he followed her back to the living room, meaning to get comfortable for the actual massage before the 'massage', she stopped in place. Amelia turned to face him again, and her eyes...glowed.

"You will show me what I'm working with," she whispered, her voice becoming slightly multi-tonal. "Move your wings and expose yourself."

...Oh, this again. Lovely.

Rather than obey, he crossed his arms over his chest. As he arched an eyebrow, Amelia narrowed her eyes, her eyes glowing a more demonic, brighter red.

"I said, expose yourself."

"Is that your only trick? The glowy-eye thing?"

"...Why aren't you obeying?"

"One, dragon. Two, mage. Three, been there, done that. Now, do you know how to give a proper massage or not?" he asked, walking past her to his easy chair.

"You're supposed to be my plaything when I look at you with those eyes!"

"Yeah, well, you're supposed to be a masseuse waiting to take away some of my tension."

"I'm not a masseuse. I'm a succubus!"

"Clearly not a very experienced one."

"You will obey me."

She stomped her foot, sending a shockwave through the floor. However, considering he had a fair bit of experience with demonic temper tantrums, the dragon just hopped over it and kept walking. As he settled into his chair, he extended his legs, wiggling his toes.

"Still not getting a massage here."

"I'm not here to massage you, you idiot! I'm here to suck you dry."

"Massage first."

"You - ugh!"

Draconicon sighed. It seemed like it was going to be one of those days. Sex demons loved to infiltrate the sex workers of different cities and worlds. He had been through this rigmarole so many times that it was just annoying at this point. The demons wanted easy sex, the customers just went with it most of the time, but he wanted the actual service promised besides the sex.

As the rabbit turned on her high heel, however, he shook his head. This wouldn't do. He snapped his fingers.

She stopped, not from the sound, but from the black fires of his magic that sprung up between her and the doorway. Amelia stutter-stepped back, only for the fires to lunge for her. They burned through her dress, leaving the white-furred rabbit as naked as could be, her bare butt and her - likely perpetually - drenched pussy on display. She blushed, something that was quite surprising for a sex demon, and almost tried to cover up. Almost; she didn't quite succeed at it before his power seized her, binding her arms behind her back.

"What - how are you doing this?"

"Mage. Keep up, please," he said, flicking his finger up. The gesture floated her off her feet, turning her to face him. "Thankfully, this particular world is a bit more magic-rich than the last one that I was in. You might have had some chance there."

"What the - mmmph - what are you blabbering about?"

"Nothing that concerns you, I guess." Draconicon shook his head. "Look. You aren't ready for someone that knows your tricks. Clearly. This is, what, your third attempt? Second?"


"Thought so. You're going to find yourself overwhelmed pretty quickly if you try something this stupid without precautions again. A little bit of holy energy would leave you broken and starving real quick. grateful that I'm in a charitable mood."

"What, so I can be happy when you kick me out?"

"No, because you're still going to get what you need. You're just going to learn a lesson in customer service, first."

"Why the hell should I do that?"

"I had to, to fit in. I think that you should be happy to learn something that will help you survive. Now...look into my eyes..."

As soon as the rabbit did, he fixed her with a proper hypnotic stare. The world around him glowed in his vision, and so did she. Her eyes went wide as she gasped even as her body went limp. Maintaining the stare, he slowly floated her closer, leaving her about a foot off the ground, her toes dangling, legs slightly spread -

Wet already, apparently. Not too surprising; succubi get wet quickly...but not usually for being zonked out.

Shaking his head, he fixed her with a solid stare. She tried to look away, but it wasn't enough. It wouldn't be, either; he had far more practice at this than she did.

"Tonight, you will work for your meal. You will give me what I desire. Everything that I ask will become your desire for the evening. Everything that I wish for will be your greatest pleasure to fulfill. Obedience itself will grant you pleasure, and should you succeed, you will gain what you came here for. Do you understand me?"

"Mmmph...ah...yes...yes master..."

"Good. Now...a foot massage. You will do what you can, and I will correct your mistakes."

He let go of her, and she immediately fell to the ground. The basket of lotions leaped to her hand, summoned by her own magic, and she set to pressing her fingers to his soles almost immediately. Leaning back in his chair, he folded his hands around his middle.

If she'd just asked, she might have gotten some fun before this, but I guess the newbies always have to learn...

The End

Summary: Drac finishes a series of writings, and tries to have a nice night in. It doesn't quite go as planned.

Tags: M/F, Draconicon, Dragon, Rabbit, Succubus, Demon, Attempted Hypnosis, Overpowered, Eye Hypnosis, Massage, Escort, Indulgence, Wet,