The Shadow Part 3

Story by borntoyiff on SoFurry

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[The Shadow Part 1](%5C)

[The Shadow Part 2](%5C)

[The Shadow Part 3](%5C)

[The Shadow Of Christmas](%5C)

[The Shadow the Final Chapter](%5C)

The group was in shock of who they saw, a person that they haven't seen in over five years.

"Paul.... Is that you?" Daniel asked astonished.

"You bet your ass cutie, miss me guys?" Paul asked with an evil grin. Paul was Daniel's first and last boyfriend. He was a red and black timber wolf with a scar across his eye.

"Paul, where did you go I... we missed you," Daniel said with a quiver of his lip.

"I needed a change of scenery, did my parents leave like they said they would," Paul said with a look of sadness.

"Yea they did do you need a place to stay, my parents will let you crash at my house," Nathan said with a big smile.

"Or you could crash on my couch," Daniel suggested. Nicole looked at Daniel with a look of surprise and hurt, she turned and walked away without saying a word, only Kristen noticed.

"Jesus Daniel you can be really thick headed sometimes," Kristen yelled chasing after Nicole.

"O shit... Nicole has been very moody lately she's on her period, not the best time for me," Daniel said with a frown.

"Daniel I don't want to make Nicole anymore uncomfortable than she already is I'll just chill at Nathan's," Paul said with a grin. Daniel looked at his old lover staring deeply into his eyes drifting away.

"Snap out of it Daniel," Nathan whispered into Daniel's ears. Daniel shook his head back and forth, and took out his phone to call Kristen. The phone rang twice than the call was ignored and went to voicemail.

"Hey Kristen listen you know I didn't mean to make Nicole get upset with you just tell her I love her and that I don't want our relationship to end so quickly, please call me back, bye," Daniel said into the phone sighing. Daniel didn't know what to do everything was spinning out of control; nothing worked for him why does everything have to be so hard for him. He felt a hand rub his sweet spot right below his shoulder, he turned to see Paul.

"Listen I know you need some comfort right now and really no one has to know about us being a thing, and I saw you checking me out I know you want me right now," Paul said with a grin.

"You still have the key to my apartment," Daniel said with a smile.

"Of course I do," Paul said rubbing Daniel's sweet spot again. Daniel ran home to get ready for his little wolfy to get there, he got the lube, and turned the dimmers down. Knocking on the door got Daniel hard, and he walked to the door opening it to see his old lover ready for him.

"Remember this," Paul said pulling out a ring.

"You still have it, I have mine too," Daniel went to his drawer and pulled out his old promise ring.

"I knew you still would love me when I got back," Paul said with a tear in his eye.

"I could never stop loving you," Daniel said kissing Paul and groping his sheath. Daniel's hand went down Paul's pants causing a murr of pleasure to be heard. Paul closed his eyes and when they were open Daniel and his clothes were off.

"You work fast big boy, I missed your big blue cock," Paul said licking Daniel's scrotum. Daniel picked up Paul and put him on the counter going down on his old lover, licking and teasing every part of Paul's anatomy. When Daniel reached Paul's tight pink pucker he ferociously licked and sucked at the orifice, Paul's eyes shot open and he moaned loudly.

"I always knew that was your favorite," Daniel said during one of the pauses. When Paul's tail-hole was nice and wet, Daniel pulled Paul off the counter and bent him over it entering him to the base in one thrust.

"Oh fuck, it's been a while," Paul yelled between the pain and pleasure. Daniel kept on going fast and hard not letting up for what seemed like an eternity of pleasure to both of them. Daniel's knot began to swell and he popped it into Paul waiting a few seconds for his ass to adjust to the girth.

"You always were caring," Paul said bucking his hips receiving Daniel's knot over and over.

"Anything for you," Daniel said licking Paul's ear. Daniel felt his climax nearing and Paul was close to so Daniel did 6 long deep thrusts into his lover erupting into him and leaving strings of cum everywhere. He then reached his hand down and started to give Paul a hand job making Paul moan in pleasure, Paul's climax was not as thick as Daniel's but it was in a large quantity. Both of them walked into the bathroom and took a long romantic shower, and then laying on the bed started cuddling. Daniel thought of the night before and Nicole and sighed. "Shit, I'm sorry Paul but you have to go," Daniel said with a bleak face.

"Wait... but... why....?" Paul asked with a tear in his eye.

"I really need to think right now, I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to hurt Nicole, I'm sorry just please go," Daniel said with a confused sad face.

"Fine" Paul yelled out slamming the bedroom door and running to Nathan's house. Daniel punched his wall causing his knuckles to bleed and crack.

"FUCK," Daniel yelled in pain. He got on the phone and called Ashley, telling her his situation.

"I can't tell you the answer to that, they both are great people it's all in your hands now Daniel," Ashley said through the phone.

"Ok thank you for the help, goodbye," Daniel hung up the phone and sighed. "If I leave Nicole my friends will never talk to me, if I leave Paul I will lose the love of my life forever," Daniel thought to himself. "I guess I'll sleep on it then."