Our Fantasy

Story by ScyStorm on SoFurry

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Two trainer's Pokemon are left alone for an afternoon. One of them sneaks off for a bou...

Two trainer's Pokemon are left alone for an afternoon. One of them sneaks off for a bought of self-satisfaction, unaware that the object of his desires is watching and manipulating events ever so subtlely...


Pokemon Lemon Fiction

By: Scy Storm


AUTHOR'S NOTES: This fic is for AGNPH's August "Going Solo" monthly contest theme. Solo play is a nice subject that I've only done a few times, so this was good for a test. Plus I decided to try some other interesting things with this story, as you'll soon read for yourself. I also used eons because they're cute as hell. I'd also like to thank Otterpaw and Pathwarden for being awesome proofreaders~

INEVITABLE DISCLAIMER: This story has sexual situations involving two non-anthro Pokemons, male and female, and you know, awesome stuff like that. It's all solo play, of course, though some actual copulation does happen in fantasy form. I tried to keep the details on those parts not as vivid, since the story is supposed to revolve around the solo play.


"Alright you two, I'm leaving to the club meeting. Hold the fort while I'm gone, okay?"

A few loving strokes across our ears and he's out the door, off to his weekly meeting with those trainer friends of his. I'm not sure what they do, but I'm sure it's boring, and we'd hardly be let out of our pokeballs. Guarding the apartment in case of criminals who never come? That sounds better to me. None of his other Pokemon are small enough to really hang out in here comfortably. "Alright, Sibylle, should we be mischievous today?"

I turn to the Leafeon boy next to me, an eager little grin spreading across his cute little face, swaying that giant leaf-like tail of his. He knows I can get out of his apartment, since I was dumb enough to let him catch me doing it last time we were alone. It turned out more fun than I thought, however, actually having someone to talk with as I explore the places the master never takes us. Mischievous, though? Not me. At least, not outside. "Eh... I'm not really feeling the explorer mood today." I tell him.

He lets out a disappointed whine, widening those cute little eyes at me. It doesn't phase me one bit. I don't go out there every single week, and I really don't feel like going out there today. I put on the best annoyed smirk I can to tell him that. He gets it. "Alright, lazy little queen of our home, shall I fluff your bed for you?"

Sarcasm is not one of his best talents. "Oh yes, dear servant, if you would be so kind."

He smirks and taps me on the nose with one paw before scurrying off elsewhere. I hate to disappoint him, especially after the fun of the exploration of last week, but that's not what I feel like doing today. I'm not really sure what HE does all day... Well, except for one thing, which I'm banking on happening today, since I've expressed my laziness to him now. Plus it's been a while since the last time... I stroll over to the giant cushion in the TV room, one of my favorite lying spots, seeing the Leafy walking through the room not long later. I want Terrance to know I'm there, being lazy, possibly even sleeping. I close my eyes and extend my psychic abilities across the apartment, focusing on our master's room. I know that's where he'll go, thinking it to be the only private spot in the house when the master is out. I swear he doesn't even remember I'm an Espeon sometimes. At least, I wish that was true, otherwise I'd be a little more brazen in what I'm about to do...

It's not much longer before my senses feel him reach the door to master's room. Opening my eyes, I pad quickly to the hallway, where I see him manipulate the doorknob with his forepaws, one of the towels from the clothing closet hanging out of his teeth. Perfect. I wait for him to work his way inside and close the door before I close my eyes and concentrate. When I open them again, I'm surrounded in darkness. A special spot in my master's room closet, which he pretty much never uses anymore. Very quietly and slowly, I slide open the closet door just a little bit, enough to see into the room, a perfect view of the bed. Terrance is already on it, tugging across each corner of the towel he grabbed, stretching it wide across the surface of the bed. I can already feel my body warming up with excitement. My favorite part of any week is getting ready to unfold. "Perfect..." I can hear him mutter.

Yes, you are perfect, Terrance. At least in some ways, like that body of yours...

I had only seen Leafeons in pictures before his evolution. I'm so happy that's the one he picked when master asked us what we wanted to be. Now I can see him roll onto his back on the towel, sliding his forepaws down his curvy, green form, drifting to the nether region between his legs. Every bit of me wants to be the one sliding my paws across him, sliding my claws through his short fur, stroking across the various leaf-like appendages that extend from it. I want to feel him squirm the same way he does when he touches himself like he is. He's curled slightly now, his lower form hanging in the air a little to allow him to reach his arousal... The bright red appendage hanging down against his belly, his cute brown-furred paws sliding across every inch of its girth, causing hot little pants to sound out of his lips nearby. He's actually rather sizable... Or at least, I think so. I don't exactly have any other 'eons to compare him to, and I don't want to. I watch his paws drift up and down that wonderful arousal, keeping close watch on his eyes, until I notice them closing. Ah, now it's showtime. He's drifting off into his fantasies... Fantasies about me. Time to see what he's thinking about today. I close my own eyes and concentrate, extending my third sight into his head like I've done many times before.

~~Flowers... Daisies and tulips, flanking a variety of berry bushes. I know this place. It's that old lady's berry & flower garden that we found. We weren't supposed to be in there, but they never saw us, and we didn't ruin anything. It was very pretty... I guess it made a big impression on him if he's putting it in his fantasies. But where is the fun now, Terrance? Ah... the blank spot in the middle of the circle bushes. I see us, writhing in pleasure, already in the act. He's not fantasizing about the foreplay this time. I can see myself on all fours, his adorable leafy self mounted up, hips pounding away against mine. His forepaws drift across my body below, his muzzle pressing against one of my ear bases, hot breaths escaping against my fur as he voices his pleasure. My own dream self calls out to him verbally, begging for more, my claws piercing the dirt below as he's doing me harder, and faster...~~

I open my eyes again, seeing him still in the same position, soft, cute little whimpers sounding out of his maw as his paws stroke up and down his perfect length. Your fantasies are boring, Terrance... It's time for me to intervene again. I don't like to do this very often, always afraid something is going to click in his head, making him realize he's being mentally manipulated. But today, I'm feeling adventurous. I scoot deeper into the closet, behind the door, so my soon-to-be glowing head jewel won't be seen. My two-pronged tail drifts between my legs as I close my eyes and concentrate, entering his thoughts with my own ideas in mind...

~~Our home, sitting by the door out as our trainer prepares to leave, like every week. He strokes us across the ears before leaving for his meeting with friends. We walk away from the doors toward the TV area, only for him to leap on me, tackling me to the ground and rolling us across the floor, stopping when we're near the couch. I squirm underneath him to get on my back, the Leafeon situating himself above me and latching his muzzle against mine. My paws drift up across his perfect form, feeling him shiver from the feeling, his arousal growing quickly. I slide them up to his head, holding it firm against mine as we kiss, my tail curling up between us to grind against his length, urging him forward. His hips adjust above me, before they drive forward, our kiss breaking to let a dual scream pierce the quiet air of the room...~~

I open my eyes. My breathing is sharper now, and I can feel the wetness on my tail ends. That one should do for the moment... It's simple, and anchored in something real. Why, only a little while ago we were by the door, bidding master farewell. I turn myself back to the opening in the closet door to watch him again. He's squirming against the bed, squeezing his leaking length in his paws, reacting to the fantasy I've put into his head. An alternate version of today's events. I slide one end of my tail-split into my wet body, quietly stifling my whines against the closet door. Oh Terrance, how I wish that's what you did to me today... Every time we're alone like this all day...

I wish he would approach me. I know he wants me, but he seems so timid about telling me, like I'm going to reject him. Perhaps he has the same fear as me then... Rejection. I'm afraid of telling him my feelings for him. Afraid of telling him that I know about his feelings toward me. He'll know I dug into his head with my psychic powers... He'll be mad at me. Or will he? I really don't know, but I don't want to take the risk. I just want him to come to me, to tell me his feelings for me. I'll end all of his fears right then, and make him mine. But he won't do it... So I have to use these fantasies. Perhaps if I alter his own fantasies enough times with my own, he'll get the courage to come to me. In fact, I need to do that now. I can see him squirming more on his towel, reveling in the fantasy of taking me out in the TV room. I concentrate, sending a mental message to him, the version of me in my dream speaking to him. "Oh Terrance... I'm so glad you finally came to me..."

He moans out to the air, pressing his head against the towel. "Ohh me too, Sibylle..." He speaks aloud.

Well... that's new. I didn't expect him to say something like that in response. My forepaws drift downward between my hind legs, rubbing along my fur as my tail-end squirms around inside me. I can feel my excitement growing higher, faster than it usually does. Perhaps something may be finally getting to him. I hear him groan soon enough, his body flopping back down on the towel as he lets go of himself. He must be going to phase two of his... work out session. He gets himself to all fours, planting his face against the bed as his long, dexterous leaf-like tail drifts down between his legs, curling around his hanging length and stroking. This is my favorite part. Using one of my paws, I help get the other end of my split-tail into my body, muffling my whine with one of master's hanging shirts. I turn away from the opening of the door and close my eyes. I think one more fantasy will do the trick for his release...

~~Our master's room, long after he's left. We bound into the room, both quite aroused, Terrance dragging a clean towel in his teeth like he normally does for his alone time. I hop onto the comfy bed, helping him get the towel stretched out fully across it, hearing him pant in lust the entire time. Once the master's bed top is shielded, I waste no time in presenting myself, his Leafeon body latching onto mine and getting into hard copulation. I lean my head upward, moaning for him and begging for every thing he has, his cute head drifting down near mine, low enough for my teeth to catch the cute fur leaf that hangs from his forehead...~~

I snap back to reality, my forepaws trembling as they hold my thrusting tail, my body making this semi-cramped closet environment almost too hot. I swing back around to peek again, watching Terrance react to my newest fantasy for him, the Leafeon whining hard against the bed and pumping his hips at the air. His leafy tail squeezes his length hard, stroking along it at a quick speed. Oh yeah, I really got to him this time, making him imagine taking me in the very position he's in now. I situate myself to a standing position in my secret closet space, lowering my head and biting onto an old shirt to muffle myself, my tail ends pumping and grinding into my body as far as they can get in, which is not far. I use my third sight to watch him now, imagining myself below him on the bed, just like he's fantasizing right now. His whimpers tell me how eager he is for release, desperately stroking himself with that skilled tail... I guess I'll have to help him along. I concentrate once more, sending another message to his fantasy, the fantasy version of me screaming it for him. "Oh Terrance!! Take me, release in me, make me yours!!"

His head raises from the bed as he cries out into the air. "Ohh Sibylle!!"

The knot at the base of his length swells, and at that moment I know it's all over. He immediately squeezes it for all he's worth with his tail, crying out again as he releases his nectar all over the towel below him, hips jerking forward with every shot. My third sight helps me watch his wonderful climax, my tail immediately speeding up. I imagine that knot locked into my body, all that wonderful seed going deep inside me, filling me with his wonderful warmth... I scream into the fabric on my mouth as my body reaches its climax, strangling my tail ends to complete stillness, my claws nailing into the carpet of the closet below me. I ride it out, feeling it run down my legs, just like I'd want his seed to do. God, Terrance... Look what you make me do to myself...

I don't move. I just pant and tremble in lust. How I wish he would come to me already... Make our fantasy a reality. I tell myself it's only a matter of time. I snap out of my stupor, peeking out of the closet. He's flopped on his side on the bed, glowing with afterglow, an adorable smile spread across his face. Good, I don't want him to discover me missing from the living room. I use the shirt I'm biting on to clean myself up, before concentrating my scrambled mind on teleportation once more, appearing back out near the bathroom. I stuff the shirt into his dirty clothes hamper, as close to the bottom as I can get it. That'll do. I know he's going to do the same thing later. I quickly return to the large cushion I was lying on earlier, flopping down and finally basking in my afterglow. A nice nap will do wonders here after that session. Enjoy your rest, Terrance... Perhaps next week we'll explore again.

After what seems like no time at all, the sound of the front door jars me awake from my nap. Looks like the master has returned, which means I had to have been out a couple of hours, at least. I yawn widely, and feel... a very warm presence. Terrance is curled up on the cushion with me, his back & head leaned against me. I can feel my face practically glow with warmth. He's also jarred awake by the sound of our trainer returning, and immediately goes wide-eyed, hopping off the cushion and looking at me with his own blush-stricken face. The master comes up soon enough. "There you guys are. Being lazy as usual, huh?"

I shake off my surprise and join Terrance in greeting him happily. He provides us with food in the kitchen, while eating something he picked up for himself. I'm trying not to look at Terrance while I eat, though I get the feeling he's trying to avoid looking at me as well. Why was he sleeping with me? He never does that... At least, not all curled up so close against me, that is. Did I... Did I finally get something through to him? Is this some sort of sign? I can't really tell yet, and he's not saying anything, obviously. "You two can keep being lazy, if you'd like. I'm going to do a few things in my room before heading right to bed. Got something scheduled tomorrow." Our trainer says.

I look to him while he speaks and give my best cheerful look, watching him as he walks away. I turn back to the Leafeon, who I notice has already finished eating, and has disappeared. He's probably gone to master's room to join him. I should do that as well, but... something compels me not to. I finish my food and go back to my cushion instead. Terrance... Don't start avoiding me again, not after that...

The two of us waking up together must have set off his timidness again. I'm not sure I should be in the room with him while he sleeps with our trainer... at least not yet. Is he finally going to approach me, admit his feelings? I think I'm officially sick of waiting. Perhaps it's time for me to get over my own fears. Our master mentioned something scheduled tomorrow, maybe he'll be out of the house again. Tomorrow, Terrance. Let's see what you do then... Or what I do.

"I'm off to the friendly battle tournament, now. I'd take you guys, but they're only allowing certain Pokemon. Don't have too much fun, okay?"

A hearty chuckle and some strokes across our ears, and he's out the door. Very rarely does he leave us alone for two straight days, but, I'm all for him having fun whether it's with us or not. I can feel tension in the air as I look at Terrance, who is staring absentmindedly at the wall near the door. He looks at me, and nearly jumps when he sees that I'm looking at him, swallowing a little. "W-Well uh... So, Sibylle, should we be mischievous today?"

He practically stammered that question out. He's so meek and nervous after what happened last night, he almost can't speak to me. Then again, I'm having trouble saying anything to him. "I... I'm not sure."

"I mean if you want to just be lazy and sleep all day again, that's fine too..." He says, looking away from me again.

No, that can't happen. This Leafeon isn't going to break out of his shell without my help. I guess the fantasies I gave him yesterday did the job, but not enough of it. I take a deep breath and get my head clear. "You know what? Let's just go out, forget laying around."

This gets him to perk up somewhat, looking back to me with a soft smile. "Where to, then?" He asks.

I think I know just the place. "Let's go back to that lady's flower & berry garden, maybe take a few berries this time."

He simply gives me a nod of approval, seeming to be a bit more open now about the prospect of adventure. I smile to him, and use my psychic powers to manipulate the doorknob, unlocking it and opening it, releasing us to the outside for some fun. I make sure to re-lock it and close before I take off running after him. The old lady's place wasn't terribly far away, just in a direction I hadn't been yet before I was with him. I chase him into the garden, making sure not to run through the flower bushes. He sits next to one of the berry bushes. "Beat you here."

"Only because you took off running before I closed the door!"

He just smiles a silly smile and looks at the ripe berries on the bush. I look across each of the bushes, which are arranged in a bit of an oval shape, and something clicks in my head. His fantasy from yesterday, before I started manipulating them. He was imagining us having sex in the blank spot in the middle of these bushes. I'm getting an idea. "Hey, come here for a second." I tell him, as I slip under one of the bushes.

He follows me, the two of us now inside the circle of bushes. He looks around the quaint little spot. "Oh, yeah, we saw this last time, it was a neat little spot..."

I just observe him as his voice trails off, and he starts blushing. He's remembering yesterday. "Yeah it is... You didn't seem so stricken about it last time, though."

He practically jumps out of his skin, and starts laughing nervously. Sometimes it drives me crazy how cute he is. "What do you mean? I'm not stricken!"

"Your face is glowing! What's up with this little spot, anyway?" I ask him, trying to get him to admit his fantasy.

He tucks his face away nervously. "There's... nothing special about it. I just like it, that's all."

This just isn't working. "Any specific reason?"

"N-No... Why are you asking me all this?"

"Because I'm trying to get you to admit it, already!"

He instantly quiets down and stares at me. Uh-oh, that's not what I was supposed to say. "Admit it...?" He asks.

I can feel my face glowing. "N-Nothing! I don't know what that meant."

It's in that moment I can see something click, like his eyes just flashed. "You... You've been in my head, haven't you?"

I could have just fallen dead right there. He figured me out. Why was I stupid enough to blurt that out? I knew he couldn't be as naive as he seemed sometimes. I feel like saying something to try and cover myself, but, nothing comes out. I look away from him and scoot back a little. "Y-Yes, I was, okay? I'm sorry."

He's quiet for a moment in thought, and I can't help but look at him. He's just looking at me with a glowing blush and pondering. "So then... You saw what I was thinking..."

No use hiding things now. "Yes I did. I've seen a lot of what you think about, actually..."

He stares at me. Looking at him, it looks like more lights are going off inside of his head. "So then you must have put those other fantasies in my head, didn't you?"

I feel like exploding. I knew he wasn't very naive, but I didn't think this was going to happen. He knows he couldn't have thought up all those fantasies on his own. "I... Y-Yes, I did, okay? I messed with your head and it was terrible, I'm sorry..."

I'm about to cry, when I notice a sweet smile come across that perfect face of his. He's... smiling? "Why not say anything then?"

His smile does something to me. It's so reassuring. He doesn't actually hate me for this, does he? "Because... I wanted you to come to me, to get over your meekness. And... I was afraid you'd hate me for digging into your head."

I notice his leafy tail sway a little bit as he appears to be drifting closer to me. I feel rooted to my spot. "Is that all?" He asks.

"W-Well, yes... I saw how you felt about me, and I kept trying to get you to overcome your fears... I guess it was stupid but I was afraid to say anything because I... love you..." My voice trails off as he has now scooted practically right up against me.

I'm silenced by his muzzle meeting my own, everything around me going white. I drift my eyes close and press myself against him. I think I'm kissing him back, but I can barely tell. This is the beginning of the fantasy I've had from the start... and his as well. Our fantasy. My body goes numb against him, wanting to move, but unable to for as long as he's against me in this moment. I'm not sure how long he was kissing me before he stopped, snapping me back into reality. I stare into his beautiful eyes for a few moments, before he breaks the silence. "Am I over my fears now, Sibylle?"

"Y-Yes, Terrance... And so am I..."

I don't think I've ever smiled this wide in my life. He presses his nose against mine and is silent for another moment, my ears full of my own heartbeat. "I'm not sure if we should stay here terribly long." He finally says.

"Yeah, you know, I think I changed my mind about exploring. I think we should... go hang around at home." I tell him, looking deep into his eyes.

He stares back at me and gets the incredibly obvious hint, his eyes practically glowing with eagerness, before he grins widely. "Race you there."

In an instant, he's off running again. "Terrance!!"

I can't help but giggle and I take off after him, homeward bound. I think all of our fantasies are about to come true soon. No matter what happens, I don't think I'm going to need that little closet fort anymore.



Pokemon and Cities/Locations all © Nintendo & Game Freak

~ Scy