Spoils of War - Part 2

Story by Tirnanogtir on SoFurry

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Finally, 9 months after the last story I'm back to writing again. Feels real good. This was a commission for @TrailblazersFan (at Furaffinity) which was really great fun! And I hope you all enjoy it too!Part 1

A bright full moon stood high over the war camp, erected on the border of a steep cliff overlooking a far-reaching valley. Inside, in the far distance, just poking out of the thick fog, a castle could be made out. The castle of the enemy.

The war camp was placed such that it could not be spotted from the castle, and no fires or any other source of bright light was allowed to be lit outside of the tents, so as not to risk even the slightest possibility of detection by the enemy.

Inside of the largest hexagonal tent, twice as large as the next largest, a few candles were lit. The tent was furnished surprisingly luxurious, considering it was put up within the last two days, and was not going to stand for much longer, as the ambush on the enemy fortress was planned for the next morning. Opposite of the entrance into the tent, hidden behind an ornate partition wall, lay a large wooden bed, with proper comfortable bedding, compared to the simple straw beds of the other soldiers. In the centre of the tent, a large wooden tub was situated, with steam rising from the water within. Apart from this, padded chairs and small tables with maps and other documents strewn across them, were placed around the tent.

A single slender figure appeared behind the partitioning wall, carrying towels to the tub, placing one on the ground in front of the steps leading into the tub, and placing the other two on a small side table next to the tub. Japir had a very feminine frame, and his bright cyan scales did not help this appearance. His thin tail wagged slowly behind him as he was excited for the return of his master, for whom he prepared this bath, any second now. His master, Cyrus, has recently been promoted to Centurion, leader of his own small unit of the army, after proving himself as a brilliant strategist and fighting brutally to the last drop of blood, again and again. This promotion came not without its benefits, such as this rather pleasant tent as well as being able to bring his personal slave, Japir, with him at all times.

"Rest, gather your spirit and let us rip that disgusting filth apart tomorrow." Japir could hear his master's voice just outside the tent. He immediately stood up straight, and looked down his body. He fixed his gold chains which were tangled up in each other, and turned his rings, all of which his master ripped off of his foes and gifted to Japir as trophies, the right way up, so their jewellery was visible. Apart from this, only a silken loincloth, beautifully embroidered with golden patterns hang between his legs. Lastly, he put his hand towards his small horns, from which several strands of golden chain hang, gently brushing them towards the back of his head. A muscular black-scaled hand moved inside of the tent, gripping the edge of the curtain leading to the outside. The curtain parted, revealing his master.

Cyrus was only wearing sandals and a loincloth made of thin silken mesh, held up by a belt, on the front of which a large ruby was affixed in a golden inlet, with horns to either side of it. Around his backside, a royal-purple cape hung down to his thick calves. Both his chest and bulging, yet muscular belly were bright yellow, almost golden, with triangular markings were arranged in circles centred around his neck, and bellybutton. His muscles were massive, as was his entire two-meter stature. However, his most impressive feature hang behind the slightly see-through loincloth. An almost aubergine-sized barbed cock behind which a massive ballsack hang. It shone through the loincloth in the same yellow colour as his chest and stomach. Japir licked his lips, as even after all his years in service, this sight still made him salivate.

"I see you prepared a bath. How thought-full of you Japir." As his master finally entered the tent, the sweat on his muscles was glistened in the candlelight. Large drops were running down in between his massive chest muscles. He yanked on his belt, and it came off in one single pull. He tossed it aside and stepped towards the bath.

"I did indeed master, I thought, the night before the battle you might enjoy some time of relaxation." As Japir said this he quickly walked around his master to pick up his loincloth and set it aside properly on a side table. However, before he could reach it, his master's massive hand gripped around his hip.

"I will relax indeed. And you shall do your best to make it so." Cyrus did not need to use much force to pull his slave towards him, and with a single motion, Japir was pressed against his master's front. Much smaller than his master, Japir's head was positioned right in front of his master's nipple ring. A drop of sweat just about hang on to the ring so Japir gently licked it up with his tongue, barely touching the ring. Then his master pressed Japir's head into his scaly chest. As he took his first breath in this new position, he could smell only his master's manly musk. They arrived on this cliff three days ago, yet, despite scorching heat, his master had not had a bath yet. Japir could smell this. And he loved it. Simply breathing this testosterone-filled musk made his own cock rock hard in an instant. He pushed his tongue out and rubbed his head up and down his master's hard chest lapping up the salty sweat running down.

"It almost seems I don't need a bath with you here. Such a good slave, as always." With that, Cyrus planted a gentle kiss on his slave's head, still holding it tight.

"Let's get more comfortable while you clean me before I relax in that tub." He released the force on Japir's head, and picked him up, carrying him in both arms with ease. While being carried, Japir's mind was completely focused already and the only thing he could think of was satisfying his master's needs. He did so by continuing lapping up the sweat around his master's chest and neck.

Cyrus walked around the tub and threw down Cyrus on a padded bench next to the bed. It was not large enough for both of them, so Japir jumped up immediately so his master could take place. That was not Cyrus' plan. He pulled his right foot out of his sandals and gently kicked his slave in the chest with it, leaving a sweaty imprint. That was enough to have Japir lie flat on the bench, just gently tilting his head to look at his master with hungry eyes. His master gave him a smirk, but then his face quickly changed to a much less friendlier expression. Then he heaved his right leg over the bench, and now stood over Japir. Sweat was dripping down onto his slave's belly, and as Cyrus moved forwards, also onto his face. Finally, all Japir could see was his master's massive ballsack right infront of him. Even with it still being a few centimeters away, he could already pick up the musky scent emanating from them. Again, he could feel saliva gathering in his mouth, and he knew what his duty was.

"Satisfy me. Clean me." With that, Cyrus squatted just enough that his balls were gently lying on Japir's face. The scent was so intense, Japir almost thought he would faint. He could feel precum squirt out of his cock as his pleasure rose. Japir's face was instantly wet from the sweat of his master's balls, and he knew that the musk he just inhaled was now also on him. And it was not going to leave easily. Good.

He started lapping up and could feel the hot testes inside of the sack wiggle around his tongue. He sucked one of them inside of his mouth, but it barely fit so he had to release it immediately. His master started squatting slightly up and down, as if he was exercising, but it was just to play with his slave. Have him suffocate every time the ballsack came down, and lust for more whenever they rose again out of his tongue's reach. The sweat dripping down through his master's taint and over his belly seemed to be in endless supply, and the salt was slowly getting too much for Japir.

"W-water. Plea-." But the ballsack already dropped down on his face again. This time his master held this position, rubbing the balls forwards and backwards across his slave's face.

"Oh, you are thirsty slave? I have some hydration right here for you." Cyrus moved back slightly, so Japir could breathe again. Now the barbed cock was floating right infront of his face. He knew what his master had planned. So he opened up his maw as far as he could.

"Good boy. Knowing his place." Cyrus used his hand to gently place the tip of his heavy cock on Japir's tongue. Japir could feel a twitch vibrate through the cock and readied his throat. Then the stream of clear, slightly yellow-tinged liquid started shooting out of his master's piss-slit. It came out with such a force that at first the stream just wildly splashed off of Japir's throat and spluttered back out of his mouth, now running down his chin. But after the initial spray, he now had it under control and gulped every bit of liquid down as fast as he could. Luckily during the ongoing heat his master drank plenty of water, so the bitterness of the urine was barely perceptible and he enjoyed drinking every last drop of it. Finally, after several minutes, the stream finally subsided, and with only a few last drops dripping out, his master took away the source from his slave. But not before giving him a last slap across his face with it, sputtering some piss over his face.

"Feeling refreshed?" Japir nodded.

"Then it's time for the main course now." Cyrus moved forward, even further than when he let his slave slather his balls. This time, his large taint was just above Japir's nose and his beautiful hole was right above the slave's mouth.

"You better prove yourself now and satisfy me to the fullest. Otherwise, how am supposed to win the battle tomorrow and tear our enemies to pieces." With that he squatted once again, plunging Japir's nose right into his master's taint. Here, where all the sweat of his master's body came together, his smell seemed to be the strongest. Once again, he almost fainted from the overpowering musk and he could not help but let his tongue slide out of his mouth like a dog. This immediately let him taste the salt of days-worth of dried sweat. He started running his tongue up and down and quickly discovered his master's hole with it. As he brushed over it, he heard his master moan.

"Yesss slave. Satisfy my hole. Do your duty." This seemed to give Japir a spurt of energy, and he started massaging the hole with all his force. His tongue quickly felt tired, but he could not stop, and neither did he want to. He wanted to taste all of his master's manliness on his tongue, and so he tried to push his tongue in, which proved difficult from the angle he was lying in. He chose instead to gently massage around the hole in small circular motions. And it worked perfectly, as his master started moaning louder and louder, rutting his ass across Japir's face. Japir almost started to worry if his master's moans could not be heard even from the enemy's castle, as the slave put his master in a total state of ecstasy.

"Uuughhh. Such a good slut, time for your reward." Cyrus hoisted himself up and moved his hips backwards. Japir, in his bliss, didn't even notice that Cyrus was stroking his massive cock, which was fully erect and dripping precum all over Japir's head. And now he aimed it right at Japir's face, so he opened his mouth.

With a last, almost deafening roar, Cyrus gave his hard member two last, long strokes, and Japir could see the muscles in his cock contract. Heavy ropes of cum shot out of the piss slit, the first one right across Japir's nose. He loved his master's cum's smell, just as he loved every smell of his master. The second one landed right on Japir's tongue, and it tasted delicious. He wanted, and needed, more. He tried to lift his head and put his mouth around the tip of his master's twitching cock. Many more ropes sprayed inside of his mouth and he gulped each and every one of them down with delight. He was almost saddened when the last rope shot out of the cock.

With a loud sigh, Cyrus said: "You surprise me again and again Japir. That felt amazing. What luck I must have had to have found you." His legs twitching and almost giving way, Cyrus slowly hoisted his right leg back over the bench, and moved slowly towards the bathtub, still droplets of cum dripping out of his cock. Instead of taking the step, he just jumped over the border of the tub, right in, spraying water as far as the tent's walls. And onto Japir, who just came around the partitioning wall. He laughed.

"May I give you a massage to finish the evening off?" Japir asked.

"Of course, go ahead, start with my feet." With that Cyrus held himself up on the border of the tub with both arms and rose his feet onto the opposite site, within reach of Japir, who immediately started massaging the middle area of the massive, clawed feet, first giving each a kiss and a quick lick to amuse his master.

"But who said we are finishing off this evening? I would say we barely even started, the night is still young." The thought of the things to come on this special night excited Japir, who grew a smile as he put all his energy into pleasing his master further.

When Japir awoke the next morning, the camp was already void of any sign of life, and the impression of Cyrus in the bed next to him was empty. As he tried to move his legs out of bed, he could feel his whole body, and especially his jaw and ass ache. But the pain was worth every single minute of last night. As he stood up, he felt something warm run down his leg. His master's seed painted a path from where he just lay, to the floor right between his feet right now. They must have fell asleep before he could clean himself up. He could feel blood rush to his cock just from seeing the mess his master left him in. He picked up a large silken sheet from one of the nightstands and threw it around his shoulders.

As he stepped outside of the tent, and moved up the cliff just a few meters, he could see the castle burn in the distance. The attack was in full force. Hopefully Cyrus will return once more, he thought.

By late afternoon, two large soldiers arrived in the camp. They were Cyrus personal guard. "Victory is ours. Your master has requested us to bring you to him." A smile made it into Japir's face, as he walked in front of the two guards down into the valley.

As he walked into the castle, he could smell burning flesh and did not risk any further glances around the castle courtyard after he spotted the first beheaded corpses right after crossing the gates. Brutal and savage as always. A huge ornate door to the central keep was kept open infront of him by two soldiers, blood splattered across their breastplates and helmets.

Inside of the keep, large tables were arranged in a square formation. In the centre, behind the middle table stood a marble throne. It was pretty much the only piece of furniture still clean and undestroyed. On it sat Cyrus, his left leg dangling over the armrests. He had a massive scar across his entire chest, with blood still dripping out of it. Infront of him, on the table lay a female dragon's corpse. She was dressed incredibly beautiful, a long blue dress, now covered in blood, flowing down onto the ground. Her head was missing as well.

"Thank you guards, you may leave us alone now." With that, the door behind Japir closed, and him and Cyrus were the only people left in the throne room.

"The queen." Cyrus nodded in the direction of the corpse. "Or rather, former queen."

Japir walked around the tables towards Cyrus, trying to close his eyes to all the bodies lying around him. "S-so the war is over?"

"It would seem so. Come closer." Cyrus waved Japir towards him. He then grabbed something from behind the throne. It sparkled and had a similar colour to the queen's gown. It was a necklace. But it was the most beautifully decorated necklace Japir ever saw. A thick band of gold, with three sapphires encrusted on the front. Cyrus held it towards Japir.

"Are you certain master? This seems a bit too..."

Cyrus interrupted. "Too noble?"

Japir nodded. "People might not recognise my position anymore if I would carry this around my neck. Surely no slave would be given jewellery of such value." Cyrus signaled to Japir to sit on his lap. Japir obliged. His master smelled even stronger of blood and sweat than ever before. He could almost taste the iron in the air. He immediately wanted to use his tongue to clean away the blood from his master's chest wound, but Cyrus gripped his head gently in his hand and brought it up to face him.

Cyrus looked into his eyes with an expression Japir has never seen. It filled his insides with a feeling of warmth. Cyrus has on occasion been more mild and emotional towards him, but never like this.

"In the heat of the battle, as I could almost feel my power to fight run out, I realised something." He smiled at Japir. "You have been at my side for so long, and while I have bought you as a slave, you have never shown me anything but love. I do not know your past, neither do I need to. I have grown to love you either way." He opened the necklace, and gently put it around Japir's neck. He kissed him on the forehead.

"Now you can choose. I will give you this necklace no matter your answer."

"It will be worth more than enough to buy yourself out of slavery, afford a house in any city you would like, and build up a new life, away from everything."

"Or I offer you to stay by my side. Live a life just like a queen. My queen." Cyrus couldn't help but grin as he said this. And so did Japir.

He replied: "I think you already know my answer. Your majesty." He leaned in for a kiss. The first kiss that did not come out of pure lust and a need to serve his master.

"Then I welcome you to your new home." As Cyrus stood, he picked up Japir in his arms. "There is much work to do to make this place luxurious enough to be befit of a queen such as you." Cyrus carried Japir up to the top of the highest tower. On its balcony, he put Japir down gently and gave him another kiss on his forehead. They both stood there for many hours, enjoying the sun shining upon their new land.