Free Minded Chapter 2

Story by OddWhiteJackal on SoFurry

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#2 of Free Mind

At this point the haunted houses are open, usually after school, a little around eight in the evening. Tamijah and Yenn visit the first one that's open.

"Dude, you know how scary this one is? It's weird too, lots of gross stuff."

Tamijah exclaims laughingly as they pay and enter.

"Oooh can't wait!"

Yenn responds with a chuckle.

The haunted house is spooky, and with the realistic Equine anthro corpse strung up against one of the walls, with threads passing through it looking like fungus. It looked like the fungus was eating the corpse. This freaked out the pair and they hurriedly shuffle past it. They look at the various props and horror scenes setup through it, and then they jump when a spookily dressed actor pops up out of the scenery from seemingly nowhere. The rest of the haunted house wasn't that intense and they come out the end of it laughing. They had a good time. Yenn looks to Tamijah.

"Yo, you wanna come chill at my place? Parents won't be around for the evening so maybe we could play a game of Magic or something."

Yenn says, watching Tamijah for a moment.


Tamijah sounds excited.

Yenn just got Tamijah into Magic The Gathering and so far he was enjoying it. On the way back to Yenn's house Tamijah calls his parents, tells him he is going to hang out with Yenn. Since it's a weekend they are fine with it. So they are chilling on the couch in front of the TV, playing a game of magic, and talking. Yenn drops the TV remote and the channel changes. They both look up to a fur flick. A Male is on top of a female and moving his hips back and forth between her legs while she is bucking and squirming. They both blink, entranced by the action on the screen. Yenn looks over to Tamijah.

"Wh- what is that Tam?"

Yenn sounds both confused, and oddly aroused.

Tamijah is watching. He one time got into his Brother's porn stash. So he sort of knew what was going on. And his Father had the birds and bees talk with him to an extent. He fidgets in his seat and continues watching.

"B-but there are no females here. What do we do?"

Tamijah asks softly, staring at the TV. At this point he is hard.

At this point the female in the picture is on her belly taking it analy. They watch for a moment and both look at eachother getting an idea.

Yenn looks Tamijah over for a moment, thinking while his cock is throbbing in his pants.

"Y-you have a bigger butt than her even.. C-can I be on top?"

Yenn asks, embarrassed.

Tamijah nods.

"Y-yes you can try it first.. B-but they are using lubrication. And... I don't want anything up there unless it's lubricated."

Tamijah says nervously.

Yenn pauses for a moment. Then remembers something.

"My Brother has something like it upstairs. One moment."

Yenn says and hurries off to get the lube.

Yenn quickly comes back with a cylindrical container with a black top. Tamijah sits down on the couch and kicks off his shoes. He then pulls his jeans down and then his boxers. He pulls his hoodie off next and throws it on the couch. He stands up. His big butt out for all to see. Yenn stares for a moment then looks away blushing hotly.

"A-are you sure we should be doing this?"

Tamijah says, a hint of worry in his voice.

Yenn nods his head.

"I do think so. Let's ... try it at least? If you don't like it, tell me."

Tamijah exhales slowly, calming his nerves. The female in the fur flick had put lube up her butt with her fingers after spreading a large amount directly inside her tail hole. So Tamijah lays on the floor before the TV, laying on his belly and lifting his tail. He pushes the tip of the lube right up to his tail hole and squirts in as much as would go. He shivers at the slick sensation spreading in his butt.

Yenn coats his cock in the lube and moves behind Tamijah nervously. He points his tip between his cheeks and moves up close. His pointed cock tip touching Tamijah's tail hole. Tamijah jerks forward some but settles back. Yenn sinks his tip between Tamijah's cheeks until it touches the muscular ring of muscle. Tamijah huffs and Yenn starts to push.

"Y-Yenn g-go slow."

He says softly as he feels Yenn's tip pop into his butt.

He buries his face against the carpet and groans. Then the rest of the Male's inches sink into his butt. Until he is firmly hilted. He gasps and looks back at Yenn, who is looking for a moment at the TV, trying to watch how the male thrusts. Yenn pushes up against Tamijah who grips into the carpet with his claws yet being careful not to rip the carpet. Yenn's tip is nestled right up against his prostate and even the act of breathing sends small shocks of pleasure through him. So they stay like this for a few more moments.

Tamijah shivering from the intensity of it. Yenn keeps watching the guy on TV then begins to move his hips back and forth, short deep thrusts that kept almost his entire cock inside of Tamijah's butt. Tamijah starts to squirm some. Sure, the Dragon had been curious on occasion and put a few things up his butt just to see what all the fuss was about, and it did sort of feel good, but this, this was an entirely new experience and it makes him tingle from claws to horns. Tamijah huffs and bites down onto one of the pillows he dragged down and begins to push back into the grinding butt filling thrusts. He can feel Yenn's cock throbbing at this point, and that heavy knot knocking against his tail hole. He grits his teeth as Yenn starts to push that knot in with heavy thrusts. It takes a few tries but his knot sinks right in.

Tamijah yelps out in surprise and Yenn pauses.

"O-oh did I hurt you Tam?" He asks softly.

Tamijah shakes his head. "N-no you surprised me."

Yenn pats Tamijah's rump gently and bucks firmly. Tamijah wriggles and moans from the intensity of the pleasure. That knot sinks just a bit deeper. Yenn's panting becomes ragged with little whimpers of pleasure, and then finally he cums. Pumping his hot heavy load deep into Tamijah's butt. Tamijah whimpers in pleasure and uses his hand to catch his cum, this had been the usual practice, so he didn't make a musky mess on the rug. He then licks his hand clean, removing all his cum from it. They both lay there, panting together.

Yenn tries to pull free but is firmly stuck in Tamijah's butt. Tamijah groans when he pulls. He looks back to Yenn.

"H-how long does that usually last for? And how long are your parents and siblings out?" There is a hint of panic in Tamijah's voice.

Yenn looks at the clock. He exhales a sigh of relief.

"We still have two hours left. And it usually lasts for about thirty minutes." Yenn's calming voice calms Tamijah's voice.

"Won't it still smell like we did something though?" Tamijah chews on his bottom lip.

Yenn pauses in thought, he eyes the oil diffuser sitting on the desk.

"Not if we get that started." Yenn points to the Diffuser.

Tamjiah nods and they both settle down to wait. Thirty minutes pass, they both have a few scares when it sounds like a car is pulling into the driveway but nothing ever comes of it. Finally Yenn's knot deflates and he slowly pulls out with a wet squelch. He cums again a little all over Tamijah's butt cheeks.

Yenn gets a towel and cleans up Tamijah's butt. Tamijah sighs and shifts, feeling his body starting to cramp up some. Fortunately Yenn has Tamijah get up over a towel. As soon as he does, Yenn's seed starts to leak in thick strands from Tamijah's butt, leaking onto the towel. Tamijah blushes profusely. Yenn watches all his seed flowing out of Tamijah's butt. He is sure glad he put that towel down. They get the oil diffuser running with the scent of lemon. Tamijah pulls on his boxers then jeans and plops on the couch. He can feel his butt hole squelch a little as he does so. This makes him blush a bit more, and he can feel more seed leaking out of his butt. He looks to Yenn for a moment.

"Do you even fap Yenn?" Tamijah asks a little bit of amusement in his voice.

Yenn ducks his head down and then shakes his head. "N-not really. M-maybe once a month."

Yenn hides his face with a pillow. Tamijah shakes his head. "Well it sure shows with how much you pumped into my butt." Tamijah laughs as he speaks.

Yenn sinks down into the couch a blushy mess. Tamijah chuckles and looks over at Yenn.

"It's okay really, never did anything like this before, it was... amazing." Tamijah says softly and places his hands into his lap as they sit there relaxing for the moment. Tamijah looks at the clock and then slides off the couch.

"I should get going." He says. Yenn puts the pillow down.

"Really Tam? Can't you spend the night? Parents won't care honestly."

Tamijah thinks for a moment, he picks up his phone and calls his parents, asking if he could spend the night over. He gets a yes. He tells Yenn who throws his arms up in excitement. Yenn calls his parents to let them know and they tell him they would be home in an hour And they are fine with Tamijah staying over. So they continued to chill on the couch and watch TV, changing it from that fur flick, they didn't want to get further aroused again. Tamijah's Dad drops off a sleeping bag for him and when Yenn's parents get home they go upstairs to give them the space. Tamijah puts his sleeping bag down on the floor next to Yenn's bed. They stay up late talking about all sorts of things until two in the morning. They finally conk out around three after laying there and talking just a bit more.

Yenn though wakes back up, thinking about the intimacy he shared with Tamijah. How good his butt felt. He bites his bottom lip and squirms a bit in bed. He leans over looking at the Dragon.

"Tam... you awake?" Yenn softly calls out.

Tamijah snorts and rolls onto his back looking up at Yenn. "What is it Yenn?" He asks softly

Yenn blushes profusely but Tamijah could not see it.

"C-can I stuff your butt again?" Yenn asks hesitantly.

Tamijah does not seem to answer right away, thinking it over. He then pulls the covers of the sleeping bag off and works his boxers off. Yenn coats his cock with lube and Tamijah works some more lube up into his butt. Before bed he had taken a shower and cleaned himself out but now he's going to be full of cum again. This didn't seem to bother him.

Tamijah wanted to try something different. He bends down over the bed and allows his weight to settle down onto. Yenn slides out of bed and moves behind Tamijah who lifts his tail up. Yenn presses his tip between Tamijah's cheeks until that hot tip presses to that muscular ring of muscle. He presses hard, eliciting a soft heady groan from Tamijah until the tip sinks right into his butt with a soft squelch. This makes Tamijah squirm and pant out, he bites the sheets as Yenn pushes close and thrusts back and forth nice and firmly, his pushing thrusts causing Tamijah's hips to rock forward from the force of Yenn pushing. Tamijah buries his maw into the crook of his right arm to mask the moan that comes from within deep. He squirms a bit more as the pleasure is intense. He begins to push back into those thrusts. It is hard for Tamijah not to moan out loudly from the intense sensations. Yenn slides his hands down Tamijah's sides then to his butt, taking those wonderfully plump cheeks into his palms and kneading and squeezing them, even spreading his cheeks wide open so he could see his cock moving in and out of Tamijah's butt. He savors the view for a moment before moving over Tamijah again and picking up his pace, making the Dragon squirm and huff all the more. Yet, there is a flash of something. It makes his scales puff slightly. There is a loud crash and the sky turns violet, then a strange blue hue seems to fill the air all around Yenn and Tamijah and outside. It is reminiscent of Cherenkov radiation. Yenn has no idea what's going on and pulls out of Tamijah, confused. Tamijah curls into a ball as it feels as if his head is going to explode. His eyes start to glow an intense blue, and then like it came so suddenly. It was gone. Tamijah lays there panting, the pain echoing strongly in his head. He groans and sits up. Yet the world appears different somehow. He can't place it.

"S-sorry Yenn I need to go home..."

Yenn blinks, he tries to convince Tamijah to stay because he wanted to finish off with him. But Tamijah gets dressed, packs his stuff and walks home in a daze.

Tamijah had collapsed on his bed when he got home. Laying there feeling cold, his stomach roiling and his mind reeling from flashes of pain and something else. He keeps his hands on his head. By the time six in the morning rolls around Tamijah is still laying there, motionless as the pain only increases. It felt almost like it was directing him. He had to do something. He weakly sits up. His eyes start glowing blue and mentally touches his laptop. He lifts it up with just his mind. His eyes grow wide as he does so and he drops his Laptop back on his bed. The pain was gone but so was his ability to lift his Laptop up like that again. He blinks and picks it up. No damage. He opens his Laptop and notices a handful of messages from Yenn. He reads them over.

>Yenn: Why did you leave me man? I thought we were cool.

>Yenn: Come on man please respond...

>Yenn: Dude... this is really pissing me off. I should have not let you walk those streets alone, c'mon.

>Yenn: I'm really angry man, you better not have used me.

>Yenn: Come back pleeeaaasseeee

There was much more but Tamijah shuts his Laptop cover, he didn't want to see the rest of it. He himself felt more used. Like the only thing Yenn wanted him there was for an ass to stuff. He growls and lays back down on his bed. But the pain was gone, so he ends up sleeping most of Sunday away with how tired he was. A phone call jars him awake and he looks who is calling. It's Yenn. He looks at the time. Six in the evening. He answers groggily.

"Dude what. The. fuck. Why did you just up and leave like that? I thought we wer-"

Yenn's voice has taken on a nasty chilled tone.

"Stop right there Yenn. I am not a piece of ass you just can take first of all. Secondly I was sick from whatever the hell happened last night. So I left to be in the safest place I could think of. My room. After I sort whatever is going on with me, we'll sort things with you and I."

Tamijah hangs up the phone.

Yenn tries to call back a few more times but he mutes the call each time. Around nine in the evening Tamijah fully awakens. He sits up and sits indian style on his bed with his elbows upon his knees, his head in his hands as he thinks. Whatever happened he obtained powers of a sort. The ability to do things with his mind. He groggily stands up and sways and moves over to one of the windows in his room. He stares out the window to the streets below, exhaling softly. His mind is a swirl of thoughts he cannot seem to calm down. And it makes him nauseous. He collapses to his knees and then passes out.

Two in the morning is when Tamijah finally wakes back up. He groans, laying there and finally climbs to his knees. He had school today, but he knew with how he feels he would not be going to school. His parents never seemed to care what he did. And the School, well they would understand if he wasn't doing well enough to go. He climbs back into bed and just falls asleep again. This time when he awakens it's five in the evening. He ventures downstairs, parents having left a note. He picks it up.

Food is in the fridge, hope you're feeling better

He blinks and sets the note down back where he found it. He wanders through the house in an attempt to find his parents, but they could not be found. He simply shrugs and sits at the island counter, not feeling hungry. He settles back down upon his bed and closes his eyes. His head feels like it is under a lot of pressure. He rests his head in his hands and groans a little from the intensity of the pain he is going through. He grits his teeth as the world seems to throb around him. He wanted to call it quits and go to the doctors but in his heart and intuition he knows there is nothing they could do for him. He rests his head on the cold marble surface of the counter island. When was this suffering going to end? And it would seem the odd force had unlodged something else within him as well. He can feel a searing in his chest the likes he has never felt before. He starts to drool profusely with a slight hitch of breath. He them quickly runs to the bathroom and it was if he needed to throw up. Yet when he tries a gout of flame pours out causing the water in the toilet to boil. The gout of fire ends with him clamping his maw shut.

"O-oh..." He mumbles, if he could turn pale he would at this point.

He pants and clears his throat but does not feel any burning in his throat like he expected he would. He blinks a few times and settles his butt against the back of his legs, placing a hand on the floor of the bathroom. A shudder rolls through his form. Another wave of heat captures him and he heaves into the toilet but again nothing but flame roils out of his maw.

After a few more times of this he gets up and goes to the kitchen, getting a glass of water and chugging it down. He sits there, at a stool at the island, panting from the weirdness. Then his eyes start glowing blue again. He blinks a few times. He looks around the kitchen as everything begins to clatter. The fridge lifts up slightly, small objects begin to float up in the air. Everything is silent. Tamijah looks around, confused. He looks up and notices himself in the mirror, his eyes glowing a deep blue, no pupils to even be seen.