Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Twelve

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#13 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Twelve

"Counter And Productive"


Furry Sith Lord

Father was pissed as he drove us back to school but not because he had to bring us back, not because he wouldn't let anyone else drive us. He was pissed that I wasn't going to be around to bounce ideas off of. Apparently my website idea was a big hit with him and he wanted me to help him out more.

"I personally think it would be a good idea if you joined the track team next. It will help strengthen your legs so you can run faster." Father replied to Lyon as he started talking about how upset he was that he only had 1 game left in the season. Since he joined the JV team had gone from 8th place to 3rd place and he and Dash had become little heroes of the school. There was talk the Varsity coach may have them join next year.

Father was a little apprehensive about this because although our feline bodies had us bulked up to looking like teenagers in High School we were not there yet. We were in 5th grade level and had been bumped to that class because of our accelerated learning thanks to Uncle Jon teaching us. Father felt it was too soon for Lyon to be doing any varsity or JV sports.

"That's the one where you have to wake up early to run for practice. I hate waking up early." Lyon whined.

"But you'll play football better." I replied.

"I dunno, I'll think about it." he said and I knew what he meant instantly. He was going to share the idea with Dash and if Dash wanted to do it then he'd do it but if Dash was against it then he'd be against it.

"I also think you both need to take self defense lessons. If Bear and The White Citadel are thinking of coming after you, then you need to defend yourselves. Taking classes or programs like that will help you in case they try to cubnap you." father continued. I wasn't sure Lyon was going to go out for that because he had a lot to do between school and practice. I, on the other paw, had to agree that it might be a good idea to get some training just in case.

We were carrying our things towards our dorm building and I saw Ben sitting out on the front step looking around. He saw us approaching and he slowly rose and looked at me in surprise. When we tried to enter he stopped me and tried having a conversation.

"Hey," he said.

"Sorry, kinda busy we'll talk later." I lied knowing full well I had nothing to say to him. My father gave me a look but said nothing. Ben then carefully grabbed my paw and tried to pull me away but I resisted and pulled my paw free from his grasp.

"Talk to your friend," my father said as he reached and took the bag I was carrying. He still had a grimace on his face but after taking it from him he pushed Lyon to get him inside leaving us alone. I folded my arms across my chest as I turned to face him.

"So what do you want?" I asked sourly because after the stuff he said about my brother I was in no mood to deal with him.

"I just need to talk."

"Fine, make it quick because I have a lot of stuff to put away." I lied again as I tried making up a plausible excuse of why I was too busy to talk to him.

"I could help," he said weakly as I glared at him.

"I think you've done enough, look if you have something to say please do so you can leave." I replied dryly I averted my gaze so that his emotions wouldn't affect me.

"I... ah heard you left school and I rushed over because I thought it was because of me." He said and I rolled my eyes because of his vanity into thinking he's so important that he would make me leave by breaking up with me. He really knows nothing about me after all the time we've been together.

"I was so afraid I lost you and I panicked. I... I just realized how much I love you and I'm lost without you." he said tenderly but I was not convinced.

"Or, feeling guilty you called my brother a retard!" I countered angrily.

"I didn't, I mean I'd never," he stammered.

"You'd never what?" I interrupted him as my impatience was growing.

"Look, would you please just listen for a moment. I want us to be together."

"Well, maybe I don't want to be with you! How dare you call my brother a retard and think I'm just gonna forget and fall helplessly into your arms. I'm not that kinda guy! Everything that has happened has been your doing, well aren't you pleased with yourself?"

"No! And you're wrong I never called your brother a retard you were just not ,listening to me when I said that someone had asked me if he was and I defended him even though I didn't know, so I ASKED you because I wasn't sure. There's a lot of things I'm not sure about. Like someone told me that YOU said you were dating me just for kicks. I'm madly in love with you and how am I supposed to feel knowing you don't love me back." he said as he finally added some fire to his words and I was finally hearing the truth of why he started this drama.

"Oh my paws, did you just say?... Alpha damn it! How long have we been together and you have no Alpha damn clue about how I feel? If you don't know me by now then you'll never ever really know me!" I replied incredulously. I couldn't believe what I was hearing then I heard something above me.

"Yeah," Lyon replied and I looked up to see Lyon, Hooper, and Phil watching us then a hoof appeared and grabbed all three and pulled them back inside. I didn't need to see my father stick his head out the window to know he was the one handling them but he did.

"Guys try and keep it down, you're a little loud, OK?" He replied then he pulled his head back in and closed the window. I did feel a little embarrassed as I realized he was right. I was yelling rather loudly. I started to think about how my father would handle this situation. Not that it was a bad thing but I was letting my emotions get the better of me just like my dad would. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and to let my reason take over.

"Look I dunno what I'm doing. I've never been in a relationship before so this is all new to me. I'm not as experienced as you are." Ben said and I resisted the urge to get upset and took a second to think about what he had just said.

"What do you mean by saying I'm experienced?" I asked to keep myself neutral to keep myself from overreacting especially when I didn't understand what he meant.

"You have your parents to teach you how boys date boys and how they make love. I have no one to teach me and I'm just trying to figure it out so that I can make sense of it all." Ben explained.

"Benyamin, if I am so experienced then why did my parents have to come here to explain how boys make love?" I countered slightly because he seemed to be making an assumption I disagreed with.

"But you can ask them! If I ask my mom and dad they'll just look at me like I'm crazy for asking. Even when I asked the other couples here they mocked me for not knowing what seems natural for them is something I have no experience with. I just can't wrap my mind around the idea that I should know everything about something I have no experience with."

"OK, I think we can both agree that it's wrong to mock others that don't have the same level of experience as you do. But, a big but here, how can you figure out anything on your own when you don't even know me? I again want to point out that you seem to know nothing about me even after all the time we've spent together."

"It's not that I know nothing about you, it's just that I don't know everything about you. I bet you can't name all my siblings or tell me which ones are going here." he explained.

"Then how in the tail can you figure out our relationship, on your own, when even as you admit that you don't know everything about me?"

"I... I just wanted to see what others were saying about us and if they thought we broke up they might be more free in expressing their opinion." He said bashfully.

"Then why didn't you explain that to me?" I asked.

"Look I'm sorry but I wanted to see how you'd react. Like if the relationship was worth it to you or not."

"Did you get your answer?" I asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I realized how miserable I was without you," he replied.

"Really? Well now I'm the one that needs some space because you really hurt me and I can't just believe any of the things you're telling me. Excuse me." I replied as I turned and entered the building. I turned and looked back to see him slink away with his shoulders and ears lowered and his tail dragging on the ground.

Lou was back at his computer researching everything he could find on The Brotherhood of The Snake cult. He had a notepad and was keeping detailed notes so when he built his fake site for them. There were numerous myths surrounding them and every species that talked about them brought their own interpretations with them. The main thing they all mentioned was that the leader was called The Gold Dragon and he had 12 Top leading henchmen that did his bidding and got their followers to obey. In theory the world was divided into 12 sectors and each of the Dragon's henchmen ruled an area.

They adopted aliases after some kind of serpent, whether real or myth, for their names. But it was unclear if the 12 were really serpents or just Species calling themselves after serpent species. Lou decided to call them The 12 Alphas so that they really seemed important rather than 12 henchmen or followers.

One problem was that if he picked the 12 most powerful and richest species in the world to be the 12 Alphas, then he would be one of them. This would put him in a bad situation because his sons were the very thing the cult stood against. So how could he justify having rare white fur sons when The Brotherhood of The Snake stood against them?

He thought about selectively choosing a few of the most powerful species and filling in the rest with unknowns to make it appear more believable. Having unknown species as the figureheads could be explained that the cult was actively trying to exert their influence throughout society and not just the richest. This still posed a problem because he was the 3rd richest and his hooves were in all branches of computers and electronics. Even he had to admit that IF they were real having someone like him in their pocket is what they would choose.

He was watching a FurTuber named Alex Johns that was stating that the government officials were being replaced by robots in order to fool the public. Lou chuckled because Alex Johns was an eyed tree frog so his eyes color was naturally red but he seemed to get angry a lot so the red fit him. He also hopped up and down as he raged about the conspiracies he believed in and would bang his webbed hand on the desk he sat at.

As crazy as he was, it did give him an idea about what to do concerning his boys. What if his sons were fake! The site could report they are robots used to fool the public as part of one of their schemes. He began to hatch a plan to make it seem reasonable that he was not a member of the cult when he supposedly was. He could say he was told to create the robots as test subjects so that their owners could hide the fact they were members and part of the 12 Alphas. Since his company was into electronics, it made sense he was the first to test them out and soon the fake white cub species robots would be created for the other 11 Alphas to hide their membership.

Since The Brotherhood of The Snake was against rare white furs, if robots of rare white furs were created and given to the cult's members it would make species question the legitimacy of them being actual members.

Although this was taking longer than expected, Tyger's idea would give him an excellent way to fuck with C.I.Z.A and The White Citadel. A plus was that Bear might be turned off if he thought Lyon and Tyger were robots and not real white furs. It suddenly occurred to him that he may want them more if they were robots, so he needed to add a few 'special' features that would make cubnapping them very undesirable.

There was various imagery that the FurTubers used when describing The Brotherhood of The Snake and he made notes to search for designs to add to his fake website. He had to make it aesthetically pleasing and near accurate if Bear and Merrik were gonna believe it was real. But just to be accurate he couldn't use everything or it would give away that the site was fake. He needed to make a happy middle.

He set up the impregnable firewall and login security that would prevent others from gaining access except the 13 fake accounts he created so he could post orders and replies from the Gold Dragon and his 12 Alphas. His next step was to convert the identities into special logins to further hide their identities although a well honed hacker could easily find the real identities and that was what his WLuver45 account was going to do when he showed this site to Bear.

"So what do you think?" Lyon asked Dash as they left the cafeteria. Dash was busy sipping a soda as Lyon explained that his father wanted him to take track and field. He was only willing to do it as long as Dash would join with him. He refused to break up the team because they worked together so well.

"I'm down for that, bro, but I gotta warn you that track is my specialty and I will probably leave you in the dust." Dash replied as

"Will it help me get faster when we play football?" Lyon asked as his ears lowered.

"Yes... but I think you're gonna be miserable because I bet most of the team are probably rabbits like me and you'll sink to last place unless we can find something that you're good at. I'm just afraid of being in the top spots and you're all the way at the bottom." Dash said.

"Yeah... you're right but then again I'm doing it to get faster for football next year so I might just have to deal in hopes it helps us look better." Lyon replied.

Hiding nearby he watched the rabbit and the white lion as they talked while they slowly made their way to the dorms. He was hoping to catch the lion alone but the rabbit hadn't left his side once. If he didn't know better he'd swear they were attached at the hip. He finally had enough and decided he was going to have and grab the lion even if the rabbit was there. At least his body was big enough that the rabbit wouldn't be much of a problem.

He charged out of the bush with a low growl and they looked at him in surprise as he grabbed Lyon and attempted to drag him away.

"You're coming with me." Ben growled and Lyon looked at him in bewilderment. Dash quickly recovered and used his foot to kick Ben's leg and he stumbled but kept his grip on Lyon and cursed that the bunny's attack had phased him.

"Let him go assward!" Dash shouted and Lyon recovered finally and used his paws to pry Ben's grip off him. He was about to run when he turned and saw that Ben had gripped Dash and was holding in with one paw.

"Let him go!" He replied and tried to sound forceful but his words were shaky because he didn't understand why his brother's former boyfriend had attacked them.

"Lyon, you're coming with me otherwise I'll eat your little friend." Ben smiled evilly as he looked at Lyon.

"Eww raw? Who eats raw meat???" Lyon countered.

"Hey! I'm not meat!" Dash complained as he folded his arms across his chest while Ben held him by his neck.

"Shut Up!" Ben yelled at him then turned to Lyon. "You gonna surrender or am I gonna eat your little friend here?"

"Little?!" Dash whined because he was far from being tiny he was close to Lyon's size which was how he was able to defend him when they played. Even though Ben hulked over both of them.

"Listen you big bully," Lyon shouted and he quickly got the attention of a couple of other students. Ben saw the stares and he moved Dash so that he was standing next to him and held him in place by putting his arm around him.

"Lyon, Dash, you two alright?" a couple of the varsity football players asked as they stepped over and watched Ben with snarls on their faces.

"Easy guys, it's not what you think." Ben replied as he released Dash and raised his paws as he slowly took a step backward. Dash saw the opportunity and kicked Ben in his shin and sent him tumbling to the ground.

"This ones for hurting my brother!" Lyon snarled.

"Yeah!" Dash replied and looked at Lyon. "Wait, you mean Tyger and NOT me?! Come on man we're bros too!" Dash responded feeling a little hurt.

"And Dash too!" Lyon said as he rolled his eyes. He went over and said something to the varsity guys and as he and Dash left Ben watched helplessly as the varsity players surrounded him.

"Time you learn what happens when you mess with our little bros, got it?" They said and Ben swallowed hard as he felt the lump in his throat growing larger.

Leggo slumped over with his paws on his knees helping to support himself after his latest run. He was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath but he noticed he was not as winded as he used to be. Sweat clung to his grey fur, that had grown back since he wasn't forced to shave himself almost completely bald. He could see his body was finally adjusting to the stress and physical endurance he had been going through.

He hated the two days rest but the recovery was what he needed and he was finding he was better equipped to deal with the training. He also noticed a change with the other candidates because they seem to be seeing him differently and the looks were no longer angry ones. They weren't exactly friendly but they were no longer hostiled as word must have spread of everything he had been going through.

His drill sergeant came stomping up to him holding a stopwatch and he waited to see if his time had improved. When he was sent to the hospital to rest they had begun training him in laws and procedures to occupy his time. With his physical almost completely finished they needed to push him through the mental training. The drill sergeant had held off on the book smarts to not completely overwhelm him but with him now in phase 2 of the program they needed to push because they only had 1 week left until he was supposed to graduate. At this point he wasn't sure he could make it and he feared what Merrik might try and do to his family. For their sake he wasn't gonna quit!

"Cadet Leggo!" The drill sergeant shouted as he examined the time then showed the result to him by turning the stopwatch so he could see the results.

"Your time is 1 minute 5 seconds. Is that the best you can do?" The drill sergeant asked. Leggo had noticed a change that the drill sergeant wasn't yelling as much as he used to but rather he had adopted a more supportive role. He still yelled but it had become tempered with encouragement instead of demoralizing him.

"No sir! I know I can do better!" Leggo shouted out of reflex after having to shout so many times when the drill sergeant shouted at him giving him orders. It seemed he had been conditioned.

"Then you get a drink of water and we'll start again and you move your ass and knock 5 seconds off your total, do you understand me?" He said as he began to shout again.

"Yes sir!" Leggo shouted back and the drill sergeant gently patted him on the back.

"Sir!" Leggo shouted as the drill sergeant was walking away and he turned to look at him.

"Yes cadet," he responded, curious what Leggo wanted.

"I intend to knock 10 seconds off my time!" Leggo replied definitively and the zebra smiled at him.

"That's the spirit, now get to it!" he replied.

Merrik stood in his private gym stripped to the waste wearing only a pair of white pants that were part of his martial arts outfit. He had been practicing his moves to help him get in better shape along with the weightlifting and cardio training he had been doing. He has been keeping close tabs on Leggo and his progress and from what he was told he was not about to let that wolf get the better of him.

His own fur had completely regrown and although he was a lighter shade than Leggo's was, he was starting to feel like his old self again. He was feeling peaceful as he moved from stance to stance. He wasn't practicing the moves, he was the moves!

He was trying to remain calm as his thoughts shifted to Lou and the danger he posed. So far he had sat back and watched while his team was busy planning the next course of action in dealing with Bear and The White Citadel. Lou seemed passive and observant but Merrik knew he was up to something. He knew Lou had to be the center of attention and for him to be taking a backseat during all of this meant he was hatching some plan.

He was going to have to get some leverage on his opponent but the only vulnerability he could think of was his husband or his sons. His former boss had tried keeping his husband hostage and that turned out miserably. That only left the cubs that had nearly poisoned him when he tried to use them as leverage the first time.

He returned to the stances and took deep breaths as he tried to think of a way to not make the same mistakes because he was sure they wouldn't fall for it twice. He needed a way to put Lou on a leash then he could use his powers to bring down The White Citadel. It was time to call some old friends and pull a few more strings to get what he wanted.

Lou sipped the tea he was drinking as he finished Tyger's plan and completed the last needed bits of the website. He aged the recent posts his fake accounts posted to make it look as if this site had been operating for years. Even site update notifications were placed to show the site had been revamped several times to keep it updated with the latest software and security features.

He switched to his WLuver45 account and began the long impossible task of hacking into his fake Brotherhood of The Snake page. He was excited to see what he could find when he shared his findings with Bear. He knew what was there already but he had to pretend he was his alias looking at the page for the first time. He also had to make sure he didn't trigger the alarms to warn against hackers.

He always found it interesting when he had to play himself against himself because he hated to lose, even if it was against himself. This new game of chess was just about to begin and he had been preparing to make his move and he was glad he wasn't playing against the only opponent that could easily beat him, his son Tyger.

To Be Continued...