A Mesmo's Prey (Pt 1)

Story by FlareThorn on SoFurry

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#1 of A Mesmo's Prey

In this piece we see the behavior and method of the Mesmo Hooktail hunting. And the fate of his currently unwilling prey.

This was a commission piece for Nayati.

(I need to learn to link things..)

It is a heated summer day, surveying a small clearing in an otherwise dense forest. Just past midday as the sun retreats pask the apex of the mountains.While lower to the forest floor lays a dragon. A large and majestic beast, Midnight drenched scales, makinging it a living shadow as it lay in the clearing. Basking in the heat, protected by its size and strength. For what forest creature could ever match up to a four winged legend right out of mythos itself. And that statement was mostly true, as the only sounds were rustles of leaves in the dying breeze. At least until the odd branch snaps, or brush is shoved out of the way. There is something out there. Yet one may just think of a fleeing stag, reckless in its charge.

From the treeline something was prowling, a wave of mottled brown shifting from place to place, currently just watching the one in the clearing. Teeth grinding, claws raked at the soil, and the long hooked tail lashed out in fury. Whatever was hidden, was not happy. The hapless dozer though only stirs, raising his head to look around, and bellows a yawn, rolling over to his legs and stomach, fanning himself off with his two sets of wings. Only making his size seem that much grander. This display seemed to be met with the abandoning of subtly, the jittering growl leaving the undergrowth as they made their presence known.

What approached was a spined lizard of some kind, at least a few feet smaller in length then your midnight dragon. Covered in harsh spikes, of soft browns and greens to blend into the forest, keeping lower as they lurked closer, what seemed like short though well built legs carried it, hard to tell with how it moved if this was its real height. A long and nearly whip like tail trailed behind the specimen, with the end curved into what would seem like a fisherman's hook, barb included.Then there was the face, It was most definitely draconic in nature, harsh ridges and that tufted snout, What was odd was he larger eyes, and layers of muscle surrounding them, Something that didn't matter with the circle it was tracing, Something most predators do on instinct.

After a small exchange of huffs, growls, posing and a roar loud enough to send local birds from the perches it seemed that a fight was all too certain. One side keeping low, slow and steady motions sizing up his prey. The other just spreading his weight to be ready to pounce or have his front claws ready, teeth bared and wings folded back to help them avoid harm. Before any fight there was always this little show, To prepare and give the other a chance to back down. Yet for dragons, near any type to flee was an insult to their power. With scales as strong as a knights plate armour, claws and teeth sharper than any mortal blade, and strength unmatched. They were built to kill.

"Woah, woah woah.. What are you doing?"

The larger male stutters out while backing off, twisting his head to see he still had space to back off.Keeping his eyes on the oddity. A couple of wing beats just to ensure they were ready just in case, playing on the air of caution.

He would only be met with a chorus of cackles, much like a hyena, yet the pitch never remained on a single note, seeming manic and unnatural, all the while the beast looked on with a fenized focus. Kicking out tufts of dirt on each step forward.

Taken about by the odd display, a jaw is partly dropped, a tense gulp, not sure what was effecting this thing. A quick huff, and puffing of his chest, tensing his forelimbs. Trusting on size it was a one sided affair as he vocalized, In a tone more authoritative than before.

"Whatever you are, you know this is a bad idea? Maybe you are hungry? You know there would be easier prey out there?"

The entire time just keeping a watchful gaze, lowering himself more just ready to move and react, compressing limbs to spring off as needed.

And it quickly was, after the taking the other one makes a well documented pounce, It would be near playful if not for the cold stare, and what seemed something dampening its lower lip. Not much of a threat, as the mass of darkness would hop to the side, though as soon as it happened he felt a lash at his torso, barely remembering that freakish whip of a tail, more of a sting than a wound. Earning that snap into reality.

Recovering from the flinch the larger beast turns his head curving his form to keep himself a little more protected, Unsure if he should attack, or brace for the next one. All the while the chittering cackle continues, a whip of the long tail behind itself as a boastful display, Some of the spines along its back raising and vibrating, just as a porcupine would. Both sides closing the gap, the extra care needed on both sides, for a single blow could easily decide the victor.

A the darkened dragon reels his had back, intaking a deep gust of air just about to breath out, his head is tackled out the way by the swifter foe, coughing out a few plumes of flame. Though his body was knocked back he was able to land a slash on the attackers underbelly, sharp claws carving into the toughened hide. Though the cut was dulled the force was not. A series of tumbles as it bounced along the ground, some of its spines ripped and standing alert in the scuffed soil. Met back with a guttural growl and hiss of pain. Embolden by his now ressured strength the approach gives a small sigh.

"Why bother attacking. I'm bigger, stronger. I will let you go. But, but, you need to go.. I warned you before.. So this is the last time.. Or, Or you will not get that chance."

Hard to think on what to say given the odd encounter, wanting to protect yourself, yet not kill without reason. All the while stared down by unmoving and near soulless eyes. Blaming them for his lack of nerves. Even as the red pool grew, the beast didn't flinch. Other than digging into the ground, as if to make a last stand.

So it was, The great dragon pulled his head back again filling his lungs, deeper then before. No butting heads as in the exhale was a grand plume of flame, the sheer heat burning the plants in its wake, leaving a trail of darkness as deep as his own scales, the surging orange and red blaze erasing the other beast from existence. Or so it seemed. A loud crack in the torrent of flame a set of modified wings unclipping from them, used to press on the dirt and spring them forward, through the flames. Scales darked, spines melted, and wounds sealed in the immense heat. The blackened dragons eyes widened as it saw the creature lunge at him, to invested into his breath to react as two rows of daggers pressed into his neck.

Since the flames and the bite it had been maybe half a minute, yet everything paused on that impact. Flames dying expect the plants that would still cheering the fight in their lasy moments. Before there was time to react the smaller dragon slipped his form up against his larger threat, pressing and compacting himself to make it ever harder to remove.His chest empty from the flame he can not even roar or howl from the pain. Any move of his neck only sunk the teeth deeper. It was a bad place to be. And to make it only worse their was an odd coolness at the sight of the bite, forcing his head lower as the muscles weakened. Stumbling with the extra weight it is not long as he falls to the side, awkwardly trying to swipe at his underbelly were this thing was clung. Though to no avail as his joints would not let him. Any that did would batter on the armoured and spined ridges of the pseudo dragon attached to him. Even its legs pushed on his own, to make the struggle that much harder.

Every few seconds. The bite was redone, working the teeth deeper, and deeper, the odd solution they leaked into his victim would only secure his victory.The cooling, and numbing feeling making the black dragons head drop, after a while the feeling spread to his chest, and legs, even his wings.He couldn't move them. Or if he could, they didn't want to listen. His mind grew blank, even the pain was fading, one small bonus. His only words would become a long series of groans. The other however. They smiled into their prey, coiling his long tail to contain the thrashing of the more powerful male. Ensuring they would not release until the even the weakest and tiniest threat was subdued by the weakening venom he had injected.

Once they were content they peeled themselves off, a small limp as they trotted around their quarry, a cruel grin, licking the blood from his snout. The larger dragon lay still and helpless, gentle breathing and only a bite mark that oozed the drugged blood pumping in his system. Surveyed and inspected. Odd chuckles that were far more composed then before. Tracing his beaded eyes over the prone form, admiring the bulk of what her had just brought down. Then finally making his way to the head, setting on his side atop the night shaded dragon, with a flick of that long tail hooking its snout, tugging it so they could look eye to eye. No longer crazed. Composed and vile. Met with the vacant stare, not sure if he would even be able to see, certainly not focus on him.

In a tone as slick and toxic as his venom he finally talks.

"Now we can have some real fun, Can't we?"