Knightly Duties Part 1

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#1 of Knightly Duties

"Garrin, a black triceratops, finds himself saddled with a new rookie partner, a blue dragon by the name of Aldon. Serving as his mentor, Garrin introduces Aldon to what their duties are as First Class Knights."

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Disclaimer: This story should only be viewed by people of the ages of 18 and above due to its strong and heavy scenes that are M/M and M/F in nature. All characters portrayed in the story are of the age of consent. If you do meet the requirements and enjoy this sort of content, then by all means please, take off your pants, relax, and fap to your heart's content.

**Knightly Duties

Part 1** by RVasil

Garrin sighed.

Guard duty was something he did everyday but never really got used to. It involved him walking around empty halls, guarding torchlit pathways of would-be assailants that would never come. It was peacetime after all, and the kingdom was flourishing as strongly as ever. It was surrounded by powerful allies and the sheer notion of evildoers trying to harm the king was laughable at best. The worst offender they have had this entire month was a lost tourist, trying to find the bathroom, but somehow ended up way off the beaten path.

Still, guard duty was guard duty. He was getting paid to do it for a living and he was frankly the best at it. You had to be if you were going to be assigned to be knights inside Castle Kadou. It was a reputable position that a lot of young adults would aspire to have. As Garrin continued walking, he felt something brush up against his exposed right nipple. He looked down and could see that the strap to his cape had loosened once again. He rolled his eyes, pausing in his patrol to quickly fix it back into place.

Garrin was a black triceratops. Large, imposing, and intimidating, Garrin carried himself with an air of authority and respect. He was a man who was battle tested; a large scar that raced down the right side of his abdomen, seemingly framing his abs that were born from years of difficult training and maintenance. The straps of his cape desperately struggled to contain his bulging muscles. He needed to tighten them to make sure they wouldn't loosen again. His large tail swished back and forth in time with his movements.Their uniform was a fickle thing. Knights were normally geared from head to toe with large, intimidating, and heavy metal pieces of armor; helmets, chest plates, greaves, metal boots, the whole nine yards and then some. They served to protect from what would otherwise be deadly blows. But that was the norm for knights of lower rank. The higher you get, the better equipment you have. First Class was the highest rank. The elite of the elites; meant to be the last and final wall between any adversary and the king. Which was why it probably baffled most to find that they were the ones armed and clothed the least.

Garrin looked behind him, moving his cape towards the side to show his exposed rear.

Truth be told, if it weren't for the signature royal blue and yellow trimmings of their cape along with the royal insignia clipped on their waist belt, the First Class attire could pass as lingerie with how little it covered them. They were walking around bare chested and their lower half consisted of only a pouch that left little to the imagination. Their backside was thankfully covered by their cape but if it wasn't there, it would flamboyantly show off their flanks seemingly framed perfectly by the straps that held the entire thing together.

Said straps had loosened and Garrin was quick to tighten them to save him from an otherwise indecent accident.

Despite seemingly lacking strong equipment, Garrin was a guard that could handle the hardest of blows and dish out the most devastating attacks with just his bare fists. And that wasn't even taking into account what he could do with magic. Being assigned to guard duty however meant that the most exciting part of his day was when he normally got off his shift.

"God, I'm bored."

Garrin rounded the corner, his light boots muffled by the lavish red carpet that lined the floor. Aside from the gentle wind that flowed through the open windows that carried the noise of the bustling city outside, it was fairly quiet save for the flickering magical flames on the torches. There wasn't much to do to help pass the time. Normally, Garrin would be chatting with his partner. But his partner had himself transferred to the west wing of the castle; it would seem the Grand Wizard needed some assistance on some magical studies and needed volunteers. But Garrin wasn't going to be alone much longer. He was informed a replacement was coming.

As if on cue, the sound of heavy footfalls alerted his attention. A few moments later, a fellow guard appeared. He didn't even have to look up to get a gist of who the person was. The new guard sounded out of breath, no doubt clearly rushing to get to his post but finding the winding paths of the castle confusing as he still needed to get used to the layout. The straps of his cape were a bit disheveled and a portion of it had slipped past the man's pectoral and the man was now hastily putting it back down to get it back to its place. The new guard was fit, able, and with the way his cobalt blue scales shone underneath the faint flicker of the torches, was clearly fresh off the block.

"Sir Garrin!" the dragon cried out, trying to sound professional even though he was clearly trying to catch his breath. "I was informed I would be your replacement partner, sir."

The blacktriceratops would have rolled his eyes but opted not to as he didn't want to ruin his first impression just yet. They were the ones that lasted after all. "What's your name?"

"My name is Aldon, First Class Knight, sir!"

"It's nice to meet you, Aldon."

It was at this point that the dragon could barely contain his excitement. "It's an honor, Sir Garrin! I've always looked up to you! Your feats back at the time during the skirmishes were..."

Garrin raised a finger to silence the blue dragon. "Okay, that's enough, Aldon." He shook his head with a smile. "You don't have to keep complimenting me."

The dragon's eyes lit up. His tail slightly wagged.

Garrin chuckled. He stood up and stretched, evidently letting Aldon get a good look at him. The dragon discreetly averted his gaze but Garrin could see Aldon looking at him from the corner of his eyes. Was there more to Aldon's admiration? Garrin decided to let the thought float away for now. "Let's take a walk."

The two moved down the hallways, occasionally passing an ornate painting that either depicted a member of the royal family that lived in the castle or a confusing piece of drawing that Garrin was informed was as expensive as the king's royal garments. Art was something he appreciated but only to an extent. Aldon was noticeably stiff, his walking skipping a step or two. Garrin glanced at him briefly and wondered what was the problem.

"Are you alright?" he asked, conveniently stopping by an open window to get some fresh air.

"I'm okay, sir." He clearly wasn't.

"Be honest with me, Aldon. New uniform troubling you?"

Aldon's happy expression shifted to that of someone a bit confused and uncomfortable. "If I may speak freely sir...yes. I don't understand why we have to wear so little." It was a typical problem for new recruits. "I feel like I'm a dancer at a brothel."

Garrin let out a hearty laugh, leaning on the open window to relax. "Because of how skimpy it is? That's the typical reaction for first timers."

"I can feel the air between my ass cheeks."

Garrin nodded. "It is quite liberating. The First Class equipment isn't for the faint of heart. You must be proud of who you are and what you have." He turned to look at his companion. "Besides, it is the way it is for a reason. I'm sure you're well aware of this."

"I am. I don't think I've felt more in tune with my magic than I do now," Aldon answered. As if to demonstrate his point, Aldon summoned the arcane right from his fingertips. A small fireball, a small block of ice, a small rock, and a small ball of air appeared in the middle of his palm. The four elements swirled around briefly before disappearing back into nothingness. Garrin then continued their patrol, with Aldon following right beside him. "Since we're going to be working together, Aldon, tell me about yourself. Why did you become a knight?"

"I've always wanted to, sir. I hail from an impoverished family, so I wanted to do anything I can to help. I figured I could enlist and rise from the ranks and gain enough money to give us a better life." Garrin could see Aldon's chest swell with pride. "It was rough but we're much better off now than we used to be."

"Sentimental and realistic; I like that," Garrin responded. "Most of the knuckleheads I've worked with have been mostly rich spoiled brats who wanted the respect the title commanded and nothing else. I'm sure your parents are proud of where their son is now." His expression then softened. "Though, if you're expecting to have stories of amazing things you'll be doing as First Class, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. This is likely the best action you're going to get."

"I kind of figured," Aldon answered, sounding honestly disappointed. "So it really boils down to us just guarding the halls then?"

"Yeah, pretty much. That and a few other knightly duties in the event that they pop up."

"Such as?"

Garrin's brow rose. "You haven't been informed then? What did they tell you when you were promoted?"

"Not much aside from the typical things; higher salary, better gear, access to the First Class section of the library so that I can learn higher ranked spells. Was there something important that I missed?"

Garrin looked at him seriously. "Were you sworn to an oath of secrecy and loyalty?"

"Oh!" Aldon remembered. That did happen. It was part of his promotion ceremony. "I was, sir. My experiences as a First Class Knight are to be kept between fellow knights and I was to do whatever was tasked of me as commanded by the Kingdom of Kadou."

"Good. Because that oath is very important for what we do. And since we are of the same level, I would kindly ask you to stop calling me 'sir', Aldon. You are as much a First Class Knight as I am." Garrin offered his companion a warm smile. "Just call me Garrin."

"Oh, uh, alright then, Garrin." It was definitely going to take some use to.

The conversation between the two was interrupted when someone came up to them. "Sirs!" Garrin turned his head to find a lower ranking knight standing in front of them. Unlike the two who were visibly underdressed, the knight in front of them was overdressed. For one thing, the knight was wearing a shirt and pants.

"What is it?" Garrin asked, his tone of voice shifting to that of a professional one.

"King Kadou wants to see you. He says that it's urgent."

Garrin glanced at Aldon. "Looks like we'll have something to do today."

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

The two First Class knights moved through the hallways with purpose. Garrin was leading the way with Aldon following behind him. The dragon was visibly serious, wondering what his first task as a First Class knight would be. As part of his promotion to the rank, Aldon was briefed on what he was going to be doing. Most knightly duties were the big stuff, the kind of which were kept from the history books as what they did was highly classified and were only known to fellow knights, the king, and a few other important individuals. The things they did that Aldon knew included but were not limited to: spying on enemy nations, assassinations of dangerous individuals, and gathering vital intelligence to be used for strategic planning. The dragon mentally prepared himself. This was going to be a step up from the things he did before. He didn't want to let people down, and he sure as hell didn't want to disappoint his new partner, Garrin.

The triceratops on the other hand was the opposite; he was calm and collected. Years of experience kicked in, and he knew that there was no need to get worked up. It was just another job like the many other jobs he had done before. Though, knowing that it was peace time, Garrin had an inkling that this was going to be a different kind of job.

The two eventually arrived at the king's royal quarters, a place restricted to those with the highest of clearances, them being one of them. A pair of First Class knights, an eagle and a wolf, stood guard at either side of the large intricately designed door. "Hey Garrin," the eagle said. "Is he your new partner?"

"He is," Garrin answered.

The knight glanced at Aldon and eyed him from head to toe. Aldon discreetly stood up straight, puffing his chest out and wanting to make a good first impression. The eagle just smirked at him. "What's your name?"

"Aldon, sir!"

"Well, Aldon, congratulations on making it to First Class." His expression shifted to a serious one. "From here on out, do not forget you have sworn an oath of secrecy and loyalty."

"I won't, sir."

"Good." The knight then instructed his partner to open the door for the two of them. "And do relax a little bit, you'll end up hurting your back if you stand so stiffly."

Aldon nodded, taking the advice and doing his best to relax despite his nervousness. This was his first time having a private audience with the king, never mind being in the king's personal quarters. The first thing that struck him was how spacious the room actually was. As the door closed behind them, Aldon found himself standing in an expansive foyer. The word cavernous came to mind. A beautifully carved wooden bench was placed in the middle, soft cushions placed neatly on top of it. Beneath it was a lush looking rug that definitely wasn't local to the Kingdom of Kadou. There was an unlit fireplace at the side, a masterfully crafted oil painting depicting the king hung above it. Various vases of different sizes, some empty, others filled with plants decorated the area. The entire room felt like it had items gathered from all around the world. No doubt some of these were gifts from neighboring allies.

Aldon's nostrils flared as he sensed a distinct aroma permeating the room. It was nearly intoxicating, making his body and mind relax. It reminded him of the smelling salts masseuses use to help their customer unwind. And felt different. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Follow me," Garrin commanded.

The two made their way to the side door and Garrin paused in front of it. He then raised his hand to knock, gently banging his fist on the wood. "My king, you called for me?"

"Garrin? You may come in."

Garrin opened the door and the two stepped in. The relaxing aroma was stronger in this room and immediately Aldon could see it was coming from the incense that was being burned at the side. Light spilled in from the nearby window and a large lion figure had his back turned to them as it seemed he was reading something from the bookshelf. Aldon knew King Kadou as a benevolent ruler. He was fair, just, and most important for a figure like him, charismatic. It was with his leadership that the kingdom flourished to what it is now and continues to do so. It was common for King Kadou to visit the city, mingle with the crowd, and even socialise with them. He was a ruler that was loved by his people and envied by his allies. Kadou carried himself with an air of regality befitting that of his lineage. He was prim, proper, respectful, and above all, kingly.

Which was why it came as a surprise to Aldon when King Kadou turned around to reveal himself to them; quite literally.

"My king!" Aldon averted his gaze as quickly as possible, proceeding to stare at the blank wall. But no matter how hard he tried, the image was already being burned straight into his mind. King Kadou was naked, save for the grand and soft looking robe he was wearing. The belt wasn't even tied and it allowed the fabric to hang loose and expose the king's body for anyone to see. And it was an impressive body to say the least.

Kadou's brow rose, confused at the reaction. He looked at Garrin who offered an apologetic smile. "He's my new partner, Kadou."

"Ahh, that explains it. What is your name?"

Kadou? Aldon's eyes snapped to Garrin. They were on a first name basis? "Aldon, my King. It's an honor to serve you."

"The pleasure is mine," Kadou answered. "And please, you do not need to avert your gaze. It is fully alright for my elite knights to see me the way I am." He smiled almost mischievously. "In fact, I quite enjoy it."

Aldon was visibly surprised at hearing the fact. He blinked, momentarily pausing before allowing himself to look at the king in all of his glory. Kadou was handsome. Despite being a royal, his body was anything of the sort, looking more like someone that worked the fields every day and did hard work for a living. Kadou was athletic, owning a body that rivaled that of a First Class knight with how muscular and well toned it was. He was a lion, his luscious golden mane perfectly circling his face and was obviously well kept and well groomed. A light tuft of golden fur on Kadou's well chiseled abs called Aldon's attention, directing his eyes lower as he followed the treasure trail down to the king's crotch. What greeted him was the king's erect and throbbing cock, accompanied by a pair of hefty, furry balls.

Aldon didn't know it, but a blush had formed on his cheeks.

"What can we help you with, Kadou?" Garrin asked. Unlike Aldon, the entirety of the situation was normal to him. This wasn't the first time he had seen the king naked.

Kadou sighed, putting the book back he held in his hands into the shelf. "I need a favor to ask; can you please fetch me the Elixir of Soothing from Wezir?"

"You have a Fire Cock again?" Garrin asked.

Fire Cock. Aldon knew the condition all too well. It wasn't serious or deadly; merely annoying. As an ailment transmissible through sexual interaction, it was common among the brothels and sex workers of the kingdom, but only affected males. The magical affliction ate up one's magic reserves and expelled the excess energy through their penis. Those who contracted the condition remained erect throughout the duration; usually lasting for a week if left untreated as it would naturally cure itself. Aldon remembered having it after a particularly raucous evening of heavy drinking during his early years training to be a knight. Thankfully, the doctors on call at the barracks treated him well even if it was rather embarrassing. He was forbidden from training for only a single day due to their prescribed treatment salves, though Aldon was ultimately left wondering where he got it from.

As if to answer Garrin's question, Kadou dropped his robes and sat on the side of the bed, fully naked as the day he was born. At this point, Aldon's cheeks were fully red. This was not how he expected his first time audience with the king to go. This was way more than he expected. What made it even worse was that his body was reacting to all the stimulus. It was admittedly very difficult to ignore the beautiful male form in front of him. He could feel his crotch uncomfortably tightening within the skimpy, leather pouch.

Meanwhile Garrin remained professional, focusing his attention to the king's erect member. He walked over to the royal, kneeling beside him on the bed. Sure enough, there it was. A small flame was evident at the tip, giving off a very bright glow. Aldon was trying to remain composed but ended up faltering completely when he saw Garrin reach forward and touch the king's cock.

"Are you in pain?" Garrin asked.

"I'm fine," Kadou answered. "Your hands are soft as always."

Garrin chuckled, proceeding to idly jerk the king off. Kadou let out a low groan, clearly enjoying what Garrin was doing.

At this point, Aldon was beginning to wonder if he was even awake. Was he dreaming? This had to be a dream. The blue dragon lightly pinched himself, trying to make sure what he was seeing was actually real. This was destroying everything he knew about the king, and what he knew of Garrin.

The triceratops evidently stopped, opting instead to sensually lick his fingers that were greased by the precum that leaked from the king's cock. "You know you can wait this out, right?"

"I do," Kadou answered. "But you know Qorra. She's been feeling very feisty."

"Is that Garrin I hear?"

Aldon turned his head to find the door from the side that was slightly ajar open fully. Out came the most beautiful lioness he knew, Queen Qorra. Behind every great man, was a great woman; Queen Qorra was someone Aldon knew to be kind, sweet, charming, beautiful, and a loving wife befitting to reign next to a benevolent king. If Kadou ruled with fairness and justice, she accompanied it with compassion and empathy. She would be right next to her husband, listening and socializing with the citizens. Tirelessly listening to their problems and offering a consoling hand, and a notion of comfort that everything would turn out alright. Together, they were an unstoppable pair. Much like Kadou, Qorra was loved by all. And if the wives of old men lusted after Kadou and his masculine physique, Qorra was the dream of the old men, wanting to bed her elegant body.

A dream that Aldon found himself coming to reality.

Queen Qorra was dressed much like her husband, which pretty much consisted of the regal and comfy robe and nothing else. Hers was thankfully tied closed, but her robe clearly struggled to contain her voluptuous form, as if it were a size too small. Her large bosoms peeked atop the fabric, perfectly forming the curvature of hills that any man would die to climb to the top of.

"Garrin!" she cried out happily, walking over to the man in question and pulling him into a hug. The triceratops found his head buried into her chest. Despite the craziness of what was transpiring in front of him, Aldon wasn't sure if he was jealous of the treatment Garrin was getting. "I was just thinking about you."

"Is that so, Qorra?"

Again with the first name basis. Aldon was beginning to form theories at this point. Each and every one being more absurd than the other. He struggled to understand how or why someone like Garrin could be so friendly with the royals. But if there was one thing he was sure of: he felt like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time, seeing interactions he should not be seeing. The kind of which would lead to his untimely death.

"I just visited yesterday," Garrin continued.

The queen let him go and it was then that she noticed the other person in the room. "Who is this?" she asked, smiling warmly at Aldon.

Aldon tried to answer but found his voice cracking. "I-I'm..." He quickly cleared his throat. "I'm Aldon, my queen. I'm Garrin's new partner."

"Is that so?" She walked over, her body swaying in a manner that Aldon found it difficult not to stare. He tried to look respectfully but his eyes were betraying him, being drawn to the two orbs that noticeably bounced underneath her robe. "It's nice to meet you, Aldon. It isn't often I get to meet a new knight."

"It's my pleasure, my queen," Aldon responded, doing his best not to look down. She was standing uncomfortably close, to the point where Aldon felt like she was invading his personal space. What made it worse was that her breasts were undeniably just an inch away from his body.

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine," Qorra responded. She then asked a question that completely blindsided Aldon. "Do you want to see them?"

Aldon blinked. "S-see what, my queen?"

"Oh don't be so coy, Aldon. Do you want to see them?" She then proceeded to cup her breasts, removing any and all vagueness from her question.

Aldon's heart skipped a beat.

This was probably the hardest decision of his entire life thus far. He was stuck between professionalism and his rising lust. His erection was throbbing painfully in the leather pouch, aching to be taken cared off. He felt ashamed for his desires, even more so for displaying such crudeness, in front of the king and queen no less. But maybe that line of thinking was wrong given how he can see from the corner of his eyes that the king was buck naked on the bed, his partner was fondling the king's erection, and the queen was in front of him and was asking him directly if he wanted to see her breasts.

"I-I don't want to impose..."

The queen dismissed his resistance and in fact actually found it quite adorable. "Such nonsense. I give all my elite knights the treatment they deserve, especially with all the hard work you do for us in return." Despite Aldon's hesitation, the queen opted to decide for him. Aldon watched with bated breath as Qorra untied the belt and began to disrobe right in front of him. The fabric fell to the ground like a piece of garbage, revealing the treasure that it hid underneath.

Aldon felt like he died and had gone to heaven.

The word beautiful wasn't enough to describe her. She was more. Curves that would drive any man insane, she held a figure that was the envy of all women around the world. Kadou was a lucky man. Aldon felt like he was even luckier for being offered the sight despite not being Qorra's husband. Her bust was ample, looking like they were bigger than Aldon's own head. They sagged at just the right angle, emphasizing how bountiful they were. Aldon could only imagine how they felt. He didn't have to imagine much longer.

"Go on, touch them."

Her voice was like a mother speaking to a child; familial, warm, inviting. Every professional fiber in Aldon's being screamed at him to not do so, but his logical mind, which was barely clinging on, told him that to disobey a royal was heresy. At least, that's how he reasoned it to himself when he reached out and cupped the breasts in his hands. His hands were actually shaking from the adrenaline, but that didn't stop him from imprinting the sensation in his head. They were supple, naturally heavy, and felt like the softest thing he held in his hands. The queen visibly shuddered, letting out a sensual moan that sounded like music to Aldon's ears.

Aldon didn't feel like he died. He did die. And this was heaven.

"Go easy on him, Qorra." Kadou's voice cut through the air like a hot knife, quickly reminding Aldon of where he was, who he was, and what he was doing with his hands. "It's his first day."

"It is?" She turned to look at Aldon, who smiled meekly at him. "How are you finding it?"

"Very...exciting." The dragon was still reeling from the fact that he was holding the breasts of the queen. Her nipples were perky and he took it upon himself to reach his hand over and lightly squeeze them. The lioness audibly moaned, smiling sultrily at him in response.

"Taking the initiative too, I like that," she purred. She then leaned in and whispered in his ears. "Do come by once you're done dealing with my husband's request." Her free hand then slid down to Aldon's crotch. To the dragon's utter shock, she reached over and squeezed his now painfully aching and throbbing cock through the pouch that was struggling to keep itself contained. "I want to get to know you personally."

Aldon never gulped so hard in his entire life.

To top it off, the queen planted a soft tender kiss on his right cheek. With that she bent over, taking the discarded robe and slinging it over her shoulder. Aldon was in too much of a state of shock to register the queen moving away from him, teasingly swaying her hips at him as she moved back towards the other side of the bed.

Aldon was only brought back to reality when Garrin cleared his throat. The triceratops was standing next to him, still as stoic as ever despite what had just transpired. "Would that be all, my liege?"

"That would be all, Garrin. You two are dismissed."

Garrin respectfully bowed, making a beeline towards the door. He lightly tapped Aldon, informing the blue dragon to start moving again. It was like whatever spell was cast on him dispelled and he could feel his entire body move again. Aldon bowed as well. He was about to make a move towards the door when Kadou called his attention.

"And Aldon," Kadou began. Aldon turned his head to look at the king. He definitely wasn't dreaming. The king was still naked as the day he was born and was sporting a stiff erection. However, said erection was visibly leaking precum. It dripped onto the floor, threatening to make a puddle from its sheer volume. It would seem Garrin was busy while he was being accosted by the queen. "Do come by once you're done with this request." He smiled at him sultrily. "I myself would like to get to know you personally as well."

"Y-yes, my liege."

With that, Aldon excused himself. As the door closed behind the blue dragon, it gave the royals their privacy once more.

"Do you think we were too forward?" Qorra asked curiously, laying on the bed. Her breasts rested happily on the soft cushions.

Kadou thought to himself. He then shook his head. "I don't think so. Besides, did you see the erection in his pouch?"

Qorra visibly perked up. "I did! I wanted to unwrap that package myself but I figured it'd be too much for his first day."

"Good call," Kadou nodded. "It's a lot to take in."

The lioness rolled her eyes and reached over, nursing her husband's throbbing cock. "You're a lot to take in."

The lion groaned, reaching over to pull his wife closer to him. "I don't hear you complaining."

Qorra giggled, feeling her body shudder as Kadou fondled her nipples. "Just don't break him, alright?"

"No promises."

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

Garrin walked the halls with intention, making his way to the west wing of the castle to fetch what the king requested of him. He discreetly adjusted his pouch, his own cock throbbing angrily at him for not being attended to after all that teasing. As much as he wanted to indulge earlier, he had a job to do and he needed to attend to it. The triceratops noted the silence however and glanced at his partner. The blue dragon looked like he was shell shocked. His eyes were dilated and he was physically present but mentally absent.

The black triceratops figured this would be the right time to address the question that were no doubt incessantly buzzing inside the new recruit's head. He stopped at a nearby window, overlooking the gardens down below that were being worked on by servants. Aldon stopped next to him, clearly still processing what was happening.

"Aldon," Garrin called his attention. There was no response. He tried again, a bit louder this time. "Aldon." Still, no response. The blue dragon was staring at the floor blankly. Had he not blinked this entire time? "Aldon!" Garrin snapped a finger in front of the dragon's eyes.

This snapped him back to reality. "Huh? What?"

Garrin asked him the most pressing and obvious question. "Are you okay?"

"I-I..." The dragon composed himself. "Am I okay?" It was at this point that Aldon couldn't hold it back anymore. "What the fuck just happened?" He then paused. Garrin could see the gears struggling to turn inside the dragon's head. He couldn't hold back the smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Seeing new recruits digest these new bits of information was always a sight to see. It was like watching someone have their entire world come crashing down around them.

"I mean..." Aldon tried to find the words to describe his confusion. He ended up just repeating himself except with more emphasis. "What the fuck just happened?"

"Alright, calm down. Breathe," Garrin instructed. The dragon did so, taking deep breaths. "There we go. Breathe in, breathe out."

After a few seconds of this, Aldon looked at Garrin. "I have so many questions."

"I know. I understand. I was in your position too at one point," Garrin answered understandingly. "Let's take it at your pace. Go ahead, ask me anything you want to know."

Aldon blinked. Where was he going to even start? "Uh...okay...well...did that really happen? Our audience with the royals?"

"Yes," Garrin answered flatly. "I didn't cast a spell on you or anything. That really did happen. What you saw was real." Garrin paused and then added. "And what I did with the king was also real."

Aldon couldn't believe what he was hearing. It sounded like crazy talk. "And you're just...not going to elaborate on that?"

"What is there to elaborate on?"

The dragon's eyes grew wide. "I don't fucking know. Maybe the part where you were--"

Garrin immediately cut him off, silencing him by pressing his hand tightly against the dragon's mouth. Aldon was caught off guard and wondered what was going on when his eyes turned to look at what Garrin was staring at. A couple of servants were passing by, some carrying used clothing and others carrying old, dirty curtains. The dragon's eyes grew to the size of saucers upon seeing a bay colored horse among them. It was none other than the Captain of the Guard himself, Holden.

"Ladies," Garrin greeted with a smile. "Captain," he added, acknowledging the equine's presence.

"Good afternoon, sir Garrin." The servant's brow rose upon seeing the sight in front of her. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine," the triceratops responded. "I'm just informing my companion about the importance of the oath we've taken." His eyes darted to Aldon, who immediately remembered the oath of secrecy and loyalty. Aldon visibly relaxed and Garrin took this as his cue to remove his hand from his companion's mouth.

"Ah, I see. Good day then."

The servants then went on their merry way. Holden however stayed behind. As soon as they were out of earshot, Holden turned to the both of them. "What happened?"

Aldon immediately stood up straight, arching his back so much he felt like he hurt himself. Holden was a bay colored horse with a black mane and tail. The word intense perfectly described him. Or at least that's how Aldon saw him. Holden carried himself with a serious demeanor, never really showing any expression outside of the typical scowl etched on his face. He was the kind of person where jokes would go to die seeing as Aldon never really saw him smile. His left eye patch only made it more clear he wasn't someone to be trifled with. Aldon was understandably nervous when he was sworn in. He actually felt Holden's eyes on him throughout the entire thing, silently judging him for what he was worth.

"We just got done with our audience with the king and queen. It was...insightful, for Aldon," Garrin explained. "And he got a bit carried away at asking questions."

The equine's eyes flickered toward Aldon and the dragon felt his blood go cold. If looks could kill, he probably had died a second ago. Holden walked up to him, never breaking eye contact. "Be careful of what you speak. Do not forget the oath. What just transpired with your audience with the king is only meant for First Class knights and a few others. Understand?"

Aldon nodded, worried he was already screwing up and it was just the start of the day. "Yes, sir."

Holden's expression softened, if only for a bit. "Good. You're a promising candidate, Aldon. Don't make us regret our decision in promoting you." He paused for a moment before adding, "I understand it can be a bit of a shock, knowing the things you've just learned. This wasn't covered in your initial briefing for the simple reason that it's easier to show rather than tell. Feel free to ask more questions, but keep your voice down." The equine then left, allowing Aldon to release the breath he didn't know he was holding. He thought for sure Holden was going to chew him out.

"They sure left out a lot," Aldon remarked. His mind was beginning to slowly realize what the oath was for. "Is that why the oath is there?"

"Yes and no. What we do for the royal family just happens to be part of it." Garrin relaxed, knowing that they had their privacy once more. "So yes, I was jerking off the king."

The statement momentarily hung in the air. Aldon felt like he heard the most scandalous sentence ever. "I mean...can you do that? Are you in a special relationship with the royals?" It sounded so absurd and yet it was the most appropriate question to ask. "You were even on a first name basis with them."

Garrin chuckled. "No, I'm not, Aldon. I'm not some special person that the royals call for a tryst. For one thing you were there." He then turned to face him. "Remember earlier when I told you what our duties are as First Class knights?" The blue dragon racked his brain. That conversation felt like a year ago after what he had just gone through. Garrin continued, saying, "we are loyal to the kingdom, and we do what is asked of us, regardless of what it may be."

The words rang inside Aldon's head. "I didn't think that would mean something that."

Garrin answered casually. "Well it does. The royal family doesn't want us to put them on a pedestal. They are people just like us. Which is why they go to great lengths to form camaraderie. It just so happens that they are also quite promiscuous." He then let out a light laugh. "Not that I hear anyone complaining. It's the main reason why we have so many allies."

" that why you're on a first name basis with the king?"

"Only in private circumstances," Garrin answered. "We are still to use proper titles in public and be respectful at all times, but behind closed doors like earlier and well, the rules are more laxed."

The gears were finally beginning to turn. The haze of confusion was clearing and Aldon was slowly beginning to finally get a grasp on things. That was when he remembered the final parts of their meeting. "Wait...does that mean that the queen was seriously flirting with me?"


"And...that...proposition was also serious?"


Aldon felt his heart tremble. He admittedly felt nervous. A part of him didn't want to disappoint the queen. He then remembered that the king offered as well. "The king's too?"

"Yes," Garrin answered. "Is that going to be a problem? I can tell him if you're not interested. Don't worry, he's not going to take it personally. He respects boundaries."

"I..." If you had told Aldon his sexuality was going to be put into question when he was going to be promoted to the rank of First Class, he would have called you crazy. But here he was, his sexuality being put into question. "I...don't know. I have to think about it."

Garrin nodded. "I understand. Just know that you don't have to feel obligated to say yes just because he's the king."

It amazed Aldon at how casual Garrin could say it. It spoke volume at how much of a veteran he already was with the job.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Aldon paused and thought for a moment. He then looked at Garrin seriously. "I thought I knew what it meant to be a First Class knight when I was sworn in but after that feels like everything I know has been turned upside down. What exactly are we, Garrin?"

Garrin briefly glanced to the outside window and admired the landscape as he formed the best answer he could. This was a question commonly asked by new recruits and a question that for the longest time Garrin himself wondered. It was only through years of experience did he ever really come to the answer he was going to say. "We are what they need us to be: protector, adviser, friend, family." He smirked at Aldon. "And as you saw earlier: passionate lover."

It was as straightforward an answer as any.

Garrin patted Aldon on the back. The dragon was visibly digesting the words that he just imparted on him. "You're going to be fine, Aldon. Don't worry. The first day is always the hardest one. Now come on, let's go get that elixir."

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

It was a moment or so later when Garrin and Aldon found themselves at the west wing of the castle. Castle Kadou was separated into two halves, the east wing and the west wing. The east wing was where the royals resided, as well as the quarters of the First Class knights. The west wing was where everything else was; the library, the throne room, the kitchen, the great dining hall, and even the dungeon that was rarely used. Along with this was the extension of the magic tower, housing the quarters and study of the Grand Wizard, Wezir. He was in charge of magically protecting the kingdom, and teaching the knights and mages in the arts of the arcane. When he wasn't teaching, he was busy studying magic, running experiments to satiate his curiosity and inventing potions, salves, and even new spells that could aid the kingdom and its citizens.

Garrin turned the corner and arrived at a large set of wooden doors. He could feel the air crackle around them with magic. It would seem Wezir was in the middle of an experiment again. Hopefully they weren't catching him at a bad time. Garrin placed his palm on the wooden surface and pushed, the wooden door swinging open and creaking at the hinges.

They were greeted to the sight of a large circular room, filled to the brim with different kinds of equipment. There were jars containing alien objects. Some were filled with liquid. Others were filled with organic materials that Aldon realized later were eyeballs. There was a lit fireplace at the corner, a cauldron sitting atop it, bubbling with a liquid and billowing a faint smoke that was odorless. Bookshelves that reached to the ceiling were filled to the brim with books and tomes of different shapes and sizes, some were even in languages Aldon didn't recognize. The entire room was bathed in a faint green glow, coming from an enchanted ball of glass that was hanging from the ceiling.

"Alright, let's try this again."

Garrin and Aldon turned their heads to the direction of the voice. At the corner, draped in a dark blue cape was the Grand Wizard, Wezir. Unlike Garrin and Aldon, who were of the race of Beastmen, Wezir was of the race of Orc. The green skinned man had his back turned to them, clearly busy with whatever experiment he was conducting. Wezir conjured a magical orb in his hands and began to talk into it.

"Experiment number 20: to compensate for the explosive tendencies when separating the components of phlebotinum, I've increased the temperature to one degree higher. This should, in theory, prevent it from reaching the critical state that leads to the explosion."

Upon hearing this, Garrin and Aldon glanced at one another. What exactly was he doing?

"Proceeding with the experiment; applying the heat now..."

Wezir conjured a small controlled flame from his other free hand and began applying it to the phlebotinum in question. At first there was no reaction, the white crystal staying rigid and unmoving. "No reaction. Beginning to apply additional heat." The magical ball then floated, allowing him to use his other hand to use fire on the white crystal. This was when he finally got a reaction. The white crystal began to vibrate, at first slow, then violently shaking on the table. It began to glow bright, alarming everyone in the room.

"Oh no."

It was then that a loud deafening explosion rocked the entire tower. Aldon instinctively conjured a magical barrier to protect both him and Garrin from the shockwave and smoke that billowed out from the source. Wezir's body flew through the air, smacking painfully against the magical wall that Aldon summoned. Wezir's cape was on fire, as well as the body hair on his chest. His face was covered in soot and he was coughing as he swatted away the black smoke. Aldon lowered the barrier, and quickly attended to the wizard. Meanwhile Garrin waved his hand, sending the black smoke out through the open windows that served as ventilation. The entire room was destroyed. The books had fallen out from the shelves, some of the vases laid shattered on the floor, and the enchanted green orb that served as their light source fell to the ground and lay broken.

"Are you alright?" Aldon asked, concerned for the green orc's health and safety.

Wezir coughed, feeling his chest hurt when he did so. There was even a twinge of pain from his back. "I'm alright. Can you call the healers? I think I strained my back."

"Oh! No need, I can do it." Aldon pressed his hand on the green orc's bare back. Calling forth the magic, he cast a curing spell. Green light emanated from his hands, casting their healing properties onto the orc's back. A few moments later, Wezir was immediately feeling much better.

"Thank you." He sat upright and began to look for something.

"Here," Garrin said, handing him a pair of spectacles whose frame was bent and one of the glass was shattered.

"Garrin?" Wezir asked, recognizing the voice. He quickly repaired the spectacles with magic, returning them back to their original quality. Wezir blinked, taking a moment to let his eyes focus to see the two blobby figures in front of him."It is you! What are you doing here?" His eyes darted to Aldon who offered a hand to help him stand up. "Who are you?"

"I'm Aldon; Garrin's new partner."

"Ah." Wezir thanked Aldon as he stood up and brushed himself off. With a snap of his finger, magic briefly coursed through his entire body and restored his clothes back to their undamaged state. Even his glasses looked brand new. He ran a hand through his red head of hair, trying to wrestle them back from the messy state they were in. His tusks protruded from his face and he momentarily checked to see if they weren't broken. Afterwards, he smiled at Aldon saying, "You're Whitecliff's replacement then?"

Wezir's attire was aesthetically the same as Garrin's and Aldon's. A dark blue cape hung across his shoulders. Instead of a pouch to cover his lower half, he was wearing a loincloth that draped all the way to his knees. It was embroidered with the insignia of the kingdom, which was the mark of the lion. Even though he was a mage, Wezir wasn't a slacker. He was physically fit, which was plainly visible to anyone to see. His arms were well toned, and the straps of his cape had to be loosened to accommodate how big his biceps were. His chest was flat, save for the well defined shape of his pectorals, as well as the tell tale signs of abs. Instead of fur, he was notably covered in body hair, which was now thankfully not on fire. A treasure trail easily guided anyone's curious eyes down to his crotch. Outside of the loincloth, he wasn't wearing anything else underneath. The wind conveniently passed by, briefly swaying the loincloth and allowing Aldon a good view of what Wezir was packing between his legs. A green thick flaccid cock accompanied by an impressive set of heavy balls greeted him.

"Whitecliff?" Aldon curiously asked, trying not to focus on the blush rushing to his face.

"My previous partner," Garrin clarified. "How is he doing anyway?"

"You should ask him yourself."

Wezir began to walk over to an empty side of the room. Along the way, he discreetly waved his hands, and the broken items around them began to repair themselves. The books floated back up to where they belonged. The vases began to reassemble and put themselves back on the shelf. The enchanted green orb floated back up to the ceiling and placed itself back on the hook like it was before. The room was immediately back to how it was when they got there. That included the phlebotinum which now laid on the table where it was being worked on earlier.

The green orc stopped in front of a blank wall. At first, Aldon wondered what was going on but Wezir answered his unspoken question for him. The wizard clapped his hands and the wall itself began to shake. A few moments later, it slowly spun around, revealing two individuals that were strapped to a wooden contraption that held them in place. The first immediate thought that crossed Aldon's mind was if they were being tortured. But upon closer inspection they were definitely not.

The two individuals were a white bull and a golden lion respectively. Both were relaxed and comfortable, if looking a bit dazed and exhausted. The two were butt naked, sporting strong erections that were being nursed by a magical ball that floated close to their crotch. It was steadily moving back and forth on their throbbing cocks, pushing and pulling the skin over the head. White liquid pooled inside the circular container and it didn't take long for Aldon to realize what exactly the fluid was. It was cum.

The bull's eyes flickered open and he happened to glance at the triceratops's direction. "Garrin...?" The bull spoke, sounding tired. "Oh, hey Garrin, what's up?"

Garrin ignored the question and scratched his chin. He turned to look at Wezir. "What exactly are you doing?"

"I'm continuing my studies into the relationship between magic and our life force. Whitecliff over here is a perfect specimen on trying to understand how someone with so much virility could be so..." The wizard was trying to find the right words. "So...inept with magic."

"I am not inept!" Whitecliff shouted, feeling insulted. "I can cast an inferno that'll burn this entire castle down if I wanted."

"You can," Wezir answered. "But you seem to be using too much than you need to."

"Doesn't that just mean he needs more training though?" Garrin asked.

"It could be. But I've noticed that he taps into reserves that he otherwise shouldn't be even though he's receiving training on proper magical casting." Wezir shook his head and turned to look at Garrin. "Like I said, he's an interesting specimen."

"Is that the prince?" Aldon asked out loud. It was bothering him that he felt like he had seen the lion before.

"Yes. That is Prince Percival," Wezir answered flatly.

Sure enough, it definitely was. It was just odd for Aldon to see the prince naked. Then again, after his encounter with the prince's parents, he should have expected as much. A quick glance at Percival informed Aldon that he definitely took after his father in more ways than one.

"Hey Garrin," Percival greeted, meekly waving at the two of them. "How are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that question." Garrin turned to look at Wezir. "What are you studying him for?"

"In his case, I'm trying to understand how life force is genetically passed down. His parents have immaculate magical reserves and I want to see if Percival's equally impressive if not greater reserves are the product of good breeding or good luck."

Aldon decided to add his thoughts on the conversation. "Wouldn't you also need the king's life force for comparison?"

"Yes and the queen's too," Wezir answered casually. "I've already scheduled both of them for next week."

"Garin, are we still up for magic training on the weekend?" Percival asked out loud.

Garrin smiled. "Yes, Percy. As long as nothing pops up."

The young prince smiled gleefully. "Sweet."

Aldon turned to Garrin. "You're his teacher?"

Garrin nodded. "Among many other things."

In light of recent information that Aldon was subjected to, he had a feeling what those 'other things' were. That was when Wezir cleared his throat as he turned to the both of them. He casually leaned on one of the tables. "So, enough about me and my experiments. What are you two doing here?"

"The king is requesting an Elixir of Soothing," Garrin answered.

Wezir balked. "Does he have a Fire Cock again?"

"He does."

Wezir rolled his eyes. "Oh my lord, I swear, that man will fuck anything his penis can fit into, shove anything that is remotely phallic in nature up his ass, and suck on it happily aftewards like it was candy." He shook his head. "I'm out of stock."

"What?" Aldon cried out.

"Well no, technically, I have enough ingredients to brew the elixir." The wizard walked over to one of the shelves and began to check their contents. "But I'm missing one key ingredient: Beer Root. I could put an order for it, but it'll take a week or two to get here."

"Can we not find Beer Root in the market?" Aldon asked hopefully.

"No. It's a rare ingredient and not many merchants carry it. You can try, but the chances of you finding it are slim." Wezir crossed his arms across his chest. "The next best thing you have is looking for..." Wezir's sentence was cut off as a long drawn out moan interrupted their conversation. Aldon wondered what was going on but quickly realized that Whitecliff was just climaxing. His erect cock throbbed angrily before spurting healthy volumes of pure spunk into the white bubble that was pleasuring him. The bull breathed heavily, the ejaculation clearly taking a lot out of him.

Wezir held up a hand as he excused himself briefly, going over to his test subjects. Magic coursed through the air and Aldon could see Wezir cast a spell on his eyes. The green orc then conjured a book out of thin air and began writing in it. "That's your 15th ejaculation thus far." He then glanced at the bubble that was now visibly fuller than it was before. "And you're still cumming at incredible amounts. You are amazing." He began to scribble notes in his book. Wezir then pushed up his glasses as he looked at Whitecliff. "Do you still want to keep going? We can stop if you want."

"Nah, I'm perfectly good, Wezir. You should have had me when I was in my teens. I could go for days."

Wezir let out a light laugh. "I find myself inclined to believe you." He then moved over to Percival who looked like he was on the verge of climax. "How about you, my prince? Please don't hold back. Let yourself go."

Percival then cried out, ejaculating almost violently. Spurts of white hot cum escaped from his throbbing cock, easily filling the white bubble that desperately tried to contain it. Wezir waved his hands and the bubble grew a size larger than it was to accommodate the sheer volume. Aldon swore Percival had Whitecliff beaten in load size. It would seem Wezir shared the same sentiment. "And that's number 25, my prince."

Percival puffed his chest out with pride. "Hell yeah."

"Do you want to keep going? Or do you want to stop?"

Percival smiled confidently. "I can keep going. I'm going to set a record that not even my dad can beat."

"Interesting. I look forward to the results." Wezir then jotted notes down in his book. Once he was done, he dispelled the magic from his eyes and made the book disappear back into thin air. He then went back to Aldon and Garrin, "Sorry about that. Where was I?"

Aldon blinked. "Um, you were telling us where we can possibly get Beer Root?"

"Ah, yes! Right, right," Wezir said, remembering their previous conversation. "It's rare and merchants at the Grand Market rarely carry it. The next best thing you have is looking for it at Wave Harbor. You can try one of our merchant contacts there." He thought for a bit. "I'm sure Gadel has it."

"Gadel?" Garrin snorted.

"You know him?" Aldon asked.

The triceratops nodded. "I've dealt with that sly fox before. He's...a character, that's for sure."

"Is that going to be a problem?"

Garrin shook his head. "No, not in that way. You'll see when you meet him." He briefly hummed to himself. "Wave Harbor thankfully isn't far. If we leave now, we can arrive by nightfall."

Aldon had to admit, he didn't expect this simple fetch request to become the start of an adventure. But maybe that was how it was for First Class knights; nothing was ever simple. "Do you have a salve or an alternative treatment for Fire Cock?"

Wezir walked over to his cupboard. He opened it up and began rummaging around. Unfortunately for the blue dragon, Wezir was out. "I've got nothing. I'm sorry, Aldon." He then picked up a vial containing a light blue liquid. He then motioned to Whitecliff and Percival who were lightly groaning this entire time. "I do have Everwood though but I'm using it for both of them to keep them stiff and firm."

Aldon shrugged. "It was worth a shot." He then turned to Garrin. "So do we go then?"

The black scaled triceratops tapped his chin. "We'll most likely have to. Knowing the king's...tendencies we're going to need these materials on hand. I'll go call him about the matter." Garrin then walked out of the room, tapping his right ear and magically called the king.

"Safe travels, friend," Wezir said, politely waving at Aldon. "If you need anything else, feel free to contact me. For now, I must go back to my experiments."

At this point, Aldon decided he had seen enough and excused himself as well, leaving Wezir to his experiments. His mind was a bit confused at the entire thing. He wasn't sure if he was to be aroused by what he saw, or be envious of Percival and Whitecliff, as odd as that last statement sounded even to himself. If he was sure of one thing however, it was that he was curious as to the results of the experiments. Aldon arrived at the hallway soon after, closing the door to Wezir's room tightly behind him. Garrin was speaking with the king telepathically. Upon seeing Aldon, Garrin cast the listening spell on him so that he too can speak with the king. It was a weird feeling to hear King Kadou's voice inside Aldon's head. It was like he was standing right next to him.

"...I see, so you are to travel to Wave Harbor?" Kadou asked.

Garrin nodded out of habit. "We are, my king. At best this entire trip should take us two days at most. I apologize on Wezir's behalf for having our supply run so dry."

"You don't have to apologize. It happens. Do travel safely. It would pain me greatly if something terrible were to happen."

It warmed Aldon's heart to hear that the king was concerned for them. It showed just how much he cared for his citizens.

"Even more so as I've yet to get to know our newest recruit. Qorra would kill me if something bad were to happen to Aldon."

Or maybe that concern was motivated by something more carnal. Aldon decided to join in on the conversation. "Do not fret, my king. We shall exercise the greatest of caution."

"I know you will. I shall inform the auditor that you are to take leave. I'll have them prepare a vehicle. Safe travels."

And with that, the magical connection disengaged.

Garrin turned to Aldon. "Have you ever driven a carriage before?"

"I have. I used to drive it when I worked with my family."

Garrin smiled happily. "You drive."

**Author's Notes:

Yes, after a long while of being on hiatus, I am back once again. And this time, with a story that I'm quite proud of. I've been working on this for a month now and I'm actually looking forward to people's reaction to it. I've put a lot of effort into this one and to be honest I genuinely believe it is my best work to date. This is the culmination of every passing idea I've had that I couldn't turn into a full fledged story. Every lesson I've learned over the years of me writing, and every trick I've gained through reading other's stories; I've applied it all here.

This story is a long one.

55k+ words to be exact; it can officially be called a novel.

I would have posted it all in its entirety but I was worried I'd scare off potential readers by how long it is. Thus, I decided to cut it in parts. This is just part 1. The succeeding parts will be released continuously in the coming days.**

I hope you guys stick around for it. Trust me when I say it only gets better from here. If you want to get notified the moment I upload it, do subscribe to my telegram channel! Updates get posted there the moment I upload a story!

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. I would love to hear your first impression on this wonderful world I've created filled with these characters I love.