Pack Sluts

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#238 of Commissions

Commission for Sarkethus!

A walk in the woods turns into a scary situation when wolves approach with fangs bared. Mahiri can't protect her deer friend Cherno from such a dangerous force of nature - but they're much more friendly than they appear! Just a couple horny beasts looking for some company and breeding bitches alike. The cat and deer alike are going to have to bring their best if they hope to satisfy the whole pack!

Contains: Sentient (talking!) quadruped on anthro, gender transformation, breeding/impregnation, filming, musk, marking/watersports, and more!

"I think I'm going to need to have a little talk with my sister about what she thinks a trail is," Mahiri huffed as she pushed her way through dense brush.

What was supposed to be a scenic forest path was nowhere in sight, replaced instead by a strenuous trek through the woods with her cervine friend puffing along beside her. Neither of them were the sorts to be worn out by a regular hike, but Mira had clearly led them astray. Not everyone was as at home in the forest as that pantheress, so it was probably an honest mistake, but Mahiri knew the black cat's mischievous streak ran deep. She kept her eyes open and scanned the treeline for - well, she wasn't sure what exactly she was expecting.

Cherno wasn't complaining, meanwhile. The handsome deer was leaner than her, and his hooves were well-suited to extended journeys. He gazed up at the left-shrouded sky now and then and gave a little sigh, happy to be away from the bustle of it all, especially with a friend. Neither of them had a plan, exactly. They'd come prepared with a backpack each full of supplies and other survival gear just in case, but the plan was to get back by nightfall. It was still dangerous out there after dark. Untouched nature was a harsh, sometimes brutal place, and anthros like them had long since forgotten how to deal with dangerous predators in the wild.

Maybe their minds had been wandering too long. The pink was starting to overtake the blue sky, and the air was getting cooler. It was easy to space right out while crunching through a vibrantly red and orange autumn forest, but they realized at about the same time they were in a little trouble. Both of them had excellent night vision, but Cherno reflexively moved a little closer to Mahiri just to be sure. She was the one with the claws around there, even if he'd never seen her in any sort of fight. He could hardly imagine it, really. The leopard glanced at him and gave a little swish of her tail, sensing a slightly worried look coming over him.

"Ahh, don't worry, deer. Let's just spin around and head back the way we came, and I'm sure we'll make it back before it gets too dark!"

"Not worried. Just, you know. Let's be safe."

Seeing the herbivore looking nervous activated a very different instinct than one might expect from a big cat. She stood up a little taller, carried herself a little more confidently, and took longer strides as she walked, as if to assert some sort of dominance over the forest around them. That was her deer, and no one was allowed to touch him as long as she was protecting him. Not that she had any sort of plan if something actually attacked them, but she hoped to make him feel better at least. So much for finding a good comfy spot in the grass to fuck that cute buck butt, but she could always rail the cutie senseless when they got home. That lustfully domineering side of her had been especially prominent lately, and it lent well to her acting all protective.

"I can see our trail, at least. Mira taught me that much. See? The little marks in the grass the way we came," she assured him.

Cherno gave several nods and followed the leopard's lead. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous, all of a sudden. Deer or not, he didn't usually get so flighty so quickly. Something was just putting him off, setting off those buried instincts, and it wasn't the presence of the leopardess. There was something else, but it was beyond the range of his sight and scent alike. He perked his ears in hopes of picking something up, but all he got was the wind brushing past the two of them as they retracted their steps, or tried to at least. The forest had swallowed up their trail, leaving their prints nearly imperceptible, so they were just going to have to do their best to get back to peaceful civilization. The sun slowly set upon the hikers as they pushed their way back through the branches and the brush, occasionally tearing their hiking clothes along the way.

That was when they heard the howls. The sound froze the blood in Cherno's veins to the point he couldn't even move. He only stared. Mahiri didn't fare much better. No matter how tough she might have been acting, there was still something so haunting about that sound way out there in the middle of nowhere, with so many trees between them and a way home. Worse still - it wasn't just coming from a single source. That was at least two voices calling and answering to one another. Mahiri reached out to take Cherno by the shoulder, but it didn't do him any good. The deer was rooted. Worse still, he was trying to move, but his instincts were just purely backfiring, leaving him wide-eyed and frankly terrified as the shadows of their feral stalkers slinked into sight.

That was the biggest wolf Mahiri had ever seen. He was a mean-looking one with a fighting scar or two on his face. The snow white canine moved on all fours to cut off their retreat, and by the vicious snarl he wore, his intentions weren't friendly. Mahiri found herself fighting with the idea that Mira would have sent them wandering into the territory of a dangerous wolf pack. That was far too cruel of a prank even for Mira. Another deep growl announced the approach of another wolf from behind. The leopard's heart was pounding, and Cherno felt like his had stopped. He wasn't afraid of any of the anthro wolves he'd ever met, but looking upon that beast baring his fangs right there in front of him, he was afflicted with the most primal fear of all. And it was too late for him to run.

The terror overtook them until they were all but clinging together. Only the sound of a friendly voice could break them from it. To Mahiri, it was familiar.

"Hey! Chill, Eivor. Everyone knows you're a big bad scary wolf. These are friends."

The white wolf huffed but he put his fangs away, like sheathing a blade. The cat quickly turned to find herself face to face with a canine hybrid who stood tall enough to nearly nose her bust. The earth-toned wolfdog was even taller when he sat down on his haunches before the two of them,

"Sorry about that. A little much, maybe. Thought it'd be fun to give you a bit of a scare. She didn't tell me she was sending a cute deer! You have to tell us wolves these things, we get carried away."

His wolfish grin was hard to stay mad at. Mahiri gave Cherno a little pat on the back and took a long moment to sigh with relief.

"... Takoda! God, you can't do that. Are you okay, Cherno?"

The deer blinked a few times once he realized he was free from the shackles of paralyzing fear. He didn't especially like the idea of turning his back to that mean-looking wolf, but if Mahiri said everything was okay, he trusted her. Who knew she was acquainted with an actual pack of wolves?

" ... hi."

"Hi cutie." Takoda offered him a little wink. "You good?"

Cherno took a little longer to properly compose himself. A few deep breaths, and then he nodded.

"I think so."

"I'll make it up to you. C'mere. Little closer."

Despite the circumstances, Cherno couldn't help but find the big dog all kinds of endearing. Takoda sat there with a little wag of his tail, and the deer knelt down before him without so much as a second thought. That left the wolfdog taller than the deer. They lingered closer for a few moments, exchanging breath, until the beast just went in for a big, sloppy canine slurp. Cherno was left wearing a whole mask of saliva. He didn't mind. Soon, he was tentatively reaching up, wanting so badly just to pet the oversized dog in front of him. He knew how degrading that probably was, given Takoda was definitely just as much of a person as him but ... big dog. Thankfully the wolf hybrid didn't seem to mind, and even leaned right in towards the deer's hovering hand to dip his head beneath it and get some of those good scritches.

"Yeaaah, that's it. Not gonna hurt ya, friend. We don't chomp on anthros of any sort around here, and that includes deer." Takoda gave a little shake and pressed his head up against the deer's fingers. "Little harder."

Of course, that opportunity didn't come without a price. Cherno rubbed and Takoda licked, moving in towards the deer's mouth until the two of them locked lips. Meeting in a kiss came naturally to the buck. He stroked down the back of the wolf's neck and pressed a little closer to that fluffy chest while he got a wet tongue right inside his mouth. He sucked it, which meant getting a whole lot of spit, and let the big canine lap inside at the back of his two pointy deer fangs, and the inside of his cheeks. It was overwhelming, aggressive even, and put him more and more off balance until he had no choice but to sink to the ground beneath the big creature and be completely overtaken in a blanket of warm, delightfully satisfying wolf. That didn't interrupt their increasingly messy makeout session in the slightest.

"Oh, you're so cute together! I'm not sure why I never thought to introduce you," Mahiri observed.

She watched them going at it with a growing grin. Of course Mira would send the amorous wolves after them. Knowing Takoda was there allowed her to drop her guard. That big crossbreed might have been as comfortable living wild as he was among people, but he was still a friendly goof who'd never let any harm come to either of them. Perhaps she'd dropped her guard just a little too much. She hadn't been paying attention to the other wolf there, and she'd never met that one. Eivor took the opportunity to pounce the leopardess from behind in an ambush that would have made any big cat proud. She was too busy crashing inelegantly to the ground to think about that. The impact hurt a little. So too did the gnawing fangs working up along her shoulder and her scruff as that brute of a wolf gnawed on her and snarled in her ear.

"Spotty bitch has a fat ass ..." he growled.

That might have been insulting if Mahiri wasn't totally into it. She was already firming a little just watching Takoda and Cherno sucking on each other's muzzles. Her dick got a whole lot harder when he started humping her. It was just pure, crude, doggish thrusts against her backside while she struggled to her hands and knees beneath him. She wasn't even naked yet, but that didn't stop him from rubbing his fat sheath against her butt and grinding until he started to show some pink. It wasn't long she endured his domineering approach that she could already feel the pre soaking through her top. That wolf had a big knot and his cock got rigid in seconds. He wouldn't let off her scruff, even when that made it hard for her to move or balance. It wasn't easy to throw open her belt and start lowering those shorts, but she fumbled her way towards her goal of getting bottomless in the face of pure, horny aggression from a ferocious beast of the woods. Turned out she kind of had a thing for that.

"You gonna yowl for me, bitch?" Eivor's teases were harsh in tone, but Mahiri liked to think he meant them in the good way.

While she got chomped and generally assaulted, Cherno fell under Takoda's charms. The big canine was gentle with him, yet still firm enough to guide him along and make his heart all fluttery. Withdrawing from their kiss, the wolfdog dipped his head down to rudely push his snout between the deer's legs and take a few sniffs of that bulge. There was no hiding it. Takoda wasn't being modest either, blatantly unsheathing and just letting his dick throb while he teased the cute girly buck. He nudged at Cherno's confined balls, and even gave a slurp that made the poor deer gasp a little. Then the wolf gazed up from between cervine thighs and offered that irresistible smile again.

"You're cute. I wanna fuck your brains out. If you'll let me, of course." He offered another slurp, and gave an extended gaze just to make sure every last trace of the deer's panicked state had fully vanished. Once he was sure, he nosed Cherno's bulge again. "Going to take this off for me? I'd help, but, these paws. And you probably don't want me using my teeth."

It didn't come across as a threat, more just a causal explanation of how things were. Cherno didn't need to think about it. He started wiggling and scrambling so he could get his dick out in the chilly air. It might have been too cold for nudity if not for the radiating warmth of the horny wolf. He breathed deep of Takoda's musk and found himself more and more soothed by that creature's friendly presence. No matter how big he might have been, no matter how much he made those deerish instincts tingle, Cherno wanted nothing but to be closer to him. He got himself bottomless and soon found himself rubbing his blue dick against the underside of Takoda's belly, buried in warm fur as the wolf smothered himself down over the entire deer like a blanket. They wetly humped each other a while, smearing each other's fur up in scent and wet streaks of pre until the canine nudged him with a giant paw to get him to turn over.

Takoda's command was a playful one, if still firm. "Get that ass up for me, you doe-eyed slut."

Getting onto his hands and knees with his short little deer tail flagged let him get a good look at what was happening to Mahiri. That leopardess was getting absolutely ravaged. Eivor hadn't even managed to penetrate her yet, but he was already roughly pounding at her ass. His dick slipped off one cheek, then the other with those firm thrusts. If he hadn't already spoken, Mahiri might have mistaken him for a truly wild wolf that Takoda just happened to befriend. He certainly carried himself like one. She felt that knotted dick prodding her in the taint while he made his way to his tight target, and meanwhile she throbbed against her belly from all the rough treatment. Having Takoda there helped. That meant she could let the scary white wolf get vicious with her without fearing he'd go too far. Her big wolfdog friend would make sure nothing went too far. The leopardess and buck alike exchanged a glance as they faced each other in those compromising, mountable positions, and then they got to watch each other's expressions change as they both got a big fat wolf dick in the rump at roughly the same time.

"Mmm, now that is a good ass ..." Takoda huffed as he sank in deep.

Eivor's snarl was much more fearsome. "Rrrrgh ... yeah. Love hearing you cat bitches mewl for me."

He sure liked that word. Mahiri still made the sound for him anyway, mewing out in her tiniest of voices. Neither of those wolves were gentle lovers. Takoda had kept Cherno calm right up to that point, but once he sank his dick between those taut cheeks, he was all feral lust. Eivor of course was every bit the beast he acted like. The forest soon filled with the whimpers and gasps of two anthros getting shown the way of the woods. Soon after, there came those drooly growls and snarls, mixed in with the mewls and bleats of their submissive prey-toys. The thud of knots meeting butts nearly came in unison. The wolves thumped those thick bulbs against the rims of their new playthings and exchanged a growl. There was nothing competitive about it. It was more like an unspoken statement, an agreement that yes, that was some fine anthro ass to fuck and breed like they already belonged to the pack. Maybe they did.

The slap of plump wolf nuts against Cherno's own just kept him bleating. There was absolutely no stopping that silly sound. It made him blush a little more than he already was, all blue-cheeked and panting between the sudden mahs of shocked pleasure as Takoda claimed that fine buck butt for his own. The lingering remnants of adrenaline in his veins just made it all the more satisfying to get mounted and cared for by the very beast he'd feared mere minutes ago. Maybe it was all going too fast, maybe he was being a slut, but Mahiri certainly didn't offer any sort of judgement. She was in full yowly pleasure mode, though there wasn't actually much sound coming out of her submissively snarling mouth. She had a big, glossy dick, but it was left to throb and drip against her soft belly as she got absolutely plowed by that mean wolf. Eivor rammed his knot against Mahiri's butt and made her tits wobble with his every plowing thrust, and he didn't relent for anything. That soft cat could take it.

"Keep squeezing like that, slut." Eivor demonstrated he knew another term to call her amid his plowing. "I can smell how needy you are."

Getting those knots inside meant they were going to be locked together for a good while, but the wolves fucked those anthros like that was exactly what they intended to do. Cherno and Mahiri were all but kissing by then, and so Takoda gave the buck a little nudge with his paw. He chuckled as he saw them so easily obey his unspoken whim, locking lips and making out while they got their butts plapped by two brutish canines. It meant swallowing each other's moans as much as spit, gasping down each other's throats while they got rammed and stretched by the unrelenting pace of a canine fuck. Both big boys had a fine rhythm, even if it seemed like sheer aggression, drumming upon the spotty rumps of cat and deer alike until the constant pressure brought them closer to their knotty goal.

"Oh, you are good, Cherno," Takoda exclaimed, without ever missing a beat of a thrust. He left it at that as he devolved into much more feral noises in place of teasing.

Eivor pushed past the cat's resistance first, penetrating deep and stuffing her full of his dick until she was utterly tied with him. She broke roughly from that kiss with Cherno when she got a heavy paw on the back of her head. It put her face-down in the dirt while he rutted her with ultra-short thrusts and finished off beneath her lifted, twitching tail. That rambunctious final stretch brought the leopardess to a peak of her own. Her dick gave a sudden twitch that made it slap her belly while the fierce white wolf bottomed out inside her. She felt his nuts clenching up against her own while he snarled into one of her flattened ears. He drooled on her while he shot her full of wolf spunk until her soft gut got even softer. Not before she sprayed her own cum all over herself though, and painted the ground below with those hot streaks of leopard seed milked out of her totally hands-free by that knot grinding up against her pleasure button. She could only faintly mewl and drool as she basked there in the trickling glimmer of the finish, but Eivor wasn't even done cumming in her yet.

While she endured those intermittent spurts of hot wolf jizz, Cherno got treated to a truly elegant flair of a finishing, knotting plunge. Takoda wasn't averse to a little skillful lovemaking to polish off the rough animal sex. He rolled his hips, swayed his tail, and threw his weight right into that one last thump that got that plump bulb inside the deer's butt. One more bleat was the best Cherno could speak of how he felt. That, and the ropes of cum he squirted on the grass near-instantly after Takoda knotted him. The huge wolfdog grunted a few times, snorted in the deer's ear, then lightly nipped him as his dick swelled up even thicker and hotter. Then there came that audible splursh of his cumshot filling the deer's tum up nice and warm while the hot dog panted on the back of his head. He drooled much like a canine himself, desperately catching his breath once his finish came to a dripping conclusion. Not that he didn't still twitch, still squirm, and occasionally still whimper as Takoda filled him up with continuous spurts like the powerful pack leader he was.

"Rrrrrrr ..." was the only statement of the moment as the wolves remained mounted over their chosen bitches.

They didn't move from that position for a while, simply to enjoy the feeling of being buried knot-deep in two tight butts. Eivor gave a few more mostly harmless chomps along the leopard's neck and shoulders just to keep her squirming, while Takoda just licked. Eventually, the wolfdog gave a nod to his fellow canine, and the quads both swung their hips around with their knots still wedged in their catches, going rump to rump with cat and deer alike. Neither Mahiri nor Cherno was in any position to protest. They basked there, gasping, sometimes moaning, and they got all the noisier when the wolves started tugging. It wasn't to get those knots out. The two swollen bulbs were stuck so tight, they were going to stay precisely where they were until those canine dicks finally softened. Instead, the wolves started to drag the anthros off into the bushes by their knots alone. Takoda led the way with a bleaty boy stuck on his dick, and Eivor followed along, bringing the rumbling feline with him, degradingly face-down in the dirt all the way.

"Time for you two good girls to meet the pack," Takoda teased.

Being called a girl right along with Mahiri got the deer all blushy again. He didn't have any sort of reply, but it was appreciated nonetheless.

"Hope you didn't ruin that slut too much. Gonna want my turn with the pretty doe too."

"We shall all get a turn, dear Eivor. What sort of pack would we be if we didn't share our prime venison?"

Such talk would have been all kinds of intimidating if Cherno didn't already trust Takoda so much. He couldn't really say why he did. The wolfdog just made him feel safe. And also made him cum really hard, that was good too. The wolves trudged on with two knotty bottoms stuck and helpless, awkwardly stretched out into positions that tested their flexibility. Neither of them were uncomfortable, even with their bodies folded in half, their feet trailing behind their heads. Takoda didn't slow his pace until he got to the mouth of a large cave, just as the fading twilight gave way to a full moon. The ghostly light didn't help them in the cave much. It was dark in there, but not enough to shroud the lusty scene on display to greet them. Cherno heard it before he saw it, and only when Takoda stopped moving and turned to the side to let his pack see who he had on his dick did the deer get a chance to actually see what was going on.

The scent of thick wolf musk and sex alike traced its source to the feral threesome loudly pumping away without a regard for the new arrivals just yet. Two more of those horny canines were mounted up on a third, spitroasting him from both ends. The bottom wolf took a knot in his mouth and rear at the same time, and he looked entirely comfortable enduring that savage humping. His fur was significantly smoother and shinier than the rest of the pack, and his overall frame less bulky, more feminine. Though the thick cock pulsing away beneath him ensured he wasn't easily mistaken for a lady. Not that it was so simple. A cinnamony wolf fucking the girly one's face gave a toss of the head, and let out a deep, womanly moan amidst the mouthfucking she was delivering. She was every bit as big and bulky as the rest of them, aside from perhaps the fat one going at the girly one's rump. That thick black wolf grunted and drooled as he pumped that silky silvery butt, and the three of them only acknowledged their guests when Takoda spoke.

"Fresh meat for the pack, friends. Just like Mira said."

"I thought you might enjoy them," came the voice of the pantheress from the shadows.

It was easy to miss her stealthy self in low light, but there she was. Zari was there too. The cheetah was in girly boy mode, and flashed a grin when he saw his younger half-sibling so casually impaled on that bruiser wolf's knot. He was busy setting up several cameras all around the cave. His technical know-how on such things explained why he was there too, though there was still the question of why there needed to be cameras in the first place. Mahiri gave a breathy murmur and eventually managed to find her words.

"Mira? Zari? I knew one of you was involved in this, but both of you?" She glanced around at the elaborate setup around the otherwise natural cave. "Making a nature documentary?"

"In a manner of speaking," Zari chuckled. "You two are going to be stars, once this all goes up."

The other three brought themselves to a sloppy finish and left their girly bottom all creamed and soaked. They trotted closer and closer, giving some playful growls, swinging their tails, bringing their thick musk.

"Hey, who's the meat?" asked the chubby one, in a gruff voice.

"Now now. He's not just meat, he's venison," teased the big-cocked she-wolf.

"They're both so pretty!" the girly one exclaimed, rapidly wagging his tail and leaking cum from beneath.

Takoda gave his pack a nod and then planted his paws down firmly to pop his knot from the deer's rump. It left a spurt of his cum pouring from beneath that little buck tail, and Cherno flopped down as he took in the introductions. He hoped he wouldn't forget any names.

"Alright, let's go through this quick, because I'm feeling all kinds of warmed up. This is Cherno and Mahiri," he said, and pointed with the tip of his nose to the well-fucked deer and cat in turn. Then he indicated the cinnamon, black, and silver wolves in turn. "Alli, Luc, and Lanti. Everyone got it?"

Cherno squirmed there, wondering just what in the world he'd agreed to without actually agreeing to anything yet. He was even more confused when Mira approached the two of them and offered some kind of vial. It looked like a potion.

"Drink this," she said, and Mahiri did without so much as asking for more details.

The leopard obviously trusted her mischievous twin, and by extension Cherno probably should have trusted her too, though he had to admit he was hesitant to just chug down some sort of mysterious substance just because a pretty kitty offered it to him. He didn't want to ruin the fun or anything, but he brought up his confidence and gave a soft objection.

"Um ... wait, first I should probably know what it is."

"Oh right! I forgot we didn't tell you." Mira stood back up and gave the vial a little slosh back and forth. "It's gonna make you a girl. For a long while. Maybe for good. I'm kinda not sure. And then these wolves are gonna fuck you!"

Takoda cleared his throat and puffed up his chest, looking extra regal while he gave a speech of sorts.

"We're going to do than just fuck you. We're going to mate with you, breed you, tend to your every single need. You won't have to worry about a single thing for as long as you're the pack bitches. Your new lives will help populate the forest with our kind, while we keep you safe and warm through the night."

The combined scents of five horny canines that started to make Cherno's eyes slightly water, it was nothing compared to his reaction to those words. They struck him with apparent shock, but really he was just stunned that everyone seemed to know so much about his private fantasies. He hadn't even said them out loud, but apparently he just seemed to exude the qualities of someone who wanted to be a feminized wolf slut. Mahiri had already gulped hers down - though that was just a matter of locking her in one of her usual configurations for a while. For Cherno, it was a much more significant decision, and he had several playfully snarly, horny beasts convincing him it was the right one.

"... give it here."

"That's the spirit. Mwah." Mira bent down and offered him a little smooch on the forehead as she handed over that strange substance. "Don't worry. These are my friends. They'll take very good care of you."

"And the audience is going to love it!" Zari exclaimed. "Bunch of hot wolf studs and their doe and cat bitches. Can't even imagine how many viewers we'll have ..."

One swallow of that surprisingly tasty fluid and Cherno immediately felt it. He was equally amazed and alarmed at just how quickly it worked. There was no elaborate transformation process, and it certainly wasn't uncomfortable in any way. A slow roll over from where he was sprawled there on his face and he splayed himself out on his back to explore his newly feminine body. Not he anymore. Just like that, and she was a doe. She still had antlers, but they felt a lot looser on her head, as if one firm tug could remove them. Her overall figure hadn't actually changed much at all - having a feminine shape even as a buck helped with that. But she had all the assets she needed to please her new caretakers in the wolves.

Did they have to make her tits so big? Just getting used to breathing with that much weight on her chest was going to take some time. Cherno squeezed deep into her newfound breasts and found they were tender enough to make her moan when she worked them too firmly. She might have kept playing with them if not for the other significant change she couldn't ignore. At first it felt mildly devastating to realize her cock was just gone. She'd been bottomy as a buck, but that didn't mean she didn't like having it. Though such complaints faded when she realized just how good it felt to have a pussy. She was already wet, already puffy and swollen to the point of aching a little. An adventurous touch to those soft petals let her spread herself out and stroke her new acquisition. It only took a few rubs of her glistening lips to bring her into a state of whimpering lust. By their collective sniffing of the air, the wolves certainly hadn't missed that detail.

Huff sniff snurf. The sounds alone made Cherno nervously press her thighs together. She felt far too sensitive to endure attention from five wolves at once. They were closing in. She was surrounded, and then smothered in their heated bodies as they came down upon her and the leopardess at once. There was enough wolf for both of them, and they found themselves buried beneath a blanket of those musky canines as the other cats made their leave. She found herself making out with Luc, then Takoda, then Lanti, slurping the cum out of the subby wolf's mouth in the process. Cherno barely heard the other voices over the slurping smooches she was getting from all sides at once.

"I'll come check on you every week or two!" Mira called.

"Put on a good show for us! And everyone else!" Zari advised.

Then they were gone. It was just the pack and their two needy ladies. Mahiri wasn't faring much better. She was used to having a pussy, but not one that was so wet, so tender, clenching up with need at every moment. There was no doubt in her mind that she was in heat. Every breath of wolf she took just brought her deeper into that needful state. The scent of her desires attracted plenty of attention. Alli got her muzzle right down between her thighs and gave some forceful snorts and sniffles as she inhaled that kitty scent. Then there came her tongue, and it was enough to make her scream a little. That sound got all muffled out as Takoda filled her mouth with tongue, and she just had to muffledly groan as she got eaten out by a deep-penetrating, utterly sopping wet wolf slurper. Alli feasted until she could scoop out great mouthfuls of juices and swallow them down in one big messy gulp.

"Mm. Gourmet kitty pussy," the wolfess said, and added a slurp of her chops for emphasis. "Don't mind me. Gonna be down here slobbering on you a while."

"You got a nice scent, too." Luc spoke from between Cherno's thighs. "Gonna make yer cunt my dinner."

Cherno couldn't help but wonder if she was even ready for the same treatment. She had to be. Luc opened up and took the doe's whole pussy in his mouth at once, sucking on those tender lips, slathering up Cherno's folds with his tongue. It was the first time she'd ever had that part of her tended to by anyone. Having an utterly virginal cunt meant she was truly voiceless even when she tried to cry out. It didn't matter anyway. She soon had a girly wolf on her face when Lanti playfully smothered his well-fucked rump on her lips. Caught up in the haze of the moment, Cherno found herself mindlessly licking and tidying up Luc's excess cum that still leaked from under the shiny silver wolf's tail. She fell deeper and deeper into musk intoxication while she got smothered in those heavy bodies. Even the smallest among the pack was an imposing specimen, but her heart was slow and calm in their presence. She trusted those feral friends.

"Not bad," Eivor reluctantly grunted. "Guess Mira was right about em."

"Of course she was," Takoda assured the white wolf. "She wouldn't send us anything but the best."

Soon, there were cocks in the faces of those transformed ladies in places of tongues or rumps. Four of the five pushed towards Cherno and Mahiri's lips, while Lanti busied himself tending to the swollen pussies of those breedable sluts. He alternated between slurping one, then the other, just to ensure he didn't send them over the edge or overwhelm them with more pleasure than they could possibly handle. There was something different about his licking than Alli's or Luc's. He carefully tended to their every single detail, and made sure to clean up all his own mess as he drooled at their heated taste. Of course, they could only pay half as much attention to such fine worship as they liked. It was hard to tell whose cock was whose with the other wolves all crowding in there for attention, but they licked and sucked them all the same. Everyone got a turn between the leopard's lips, grinding against her scratchy tongue, only to be relieved by the smooth, wet kneading of a soft doe mouth wrapped around their knotted dick. With enough suckling, Cherno was starting to get a sense of each wolf's unique taste.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy having these girls around," Alli said while Mahiri sucked her down to the knot.

"Good little doe bitch. You're a whimpery one, ain't ya?" Luc teased as he smacked Cherno on the cheek with his dick.

"Show us what you can do, wolfsluts," Takoda teased, though there was an element of command to it. "Then I'm going to pick which one of you I want to breed with first."

Cherno was a little surprised to see that Eivor didn't seem to mind getting second dibs. Takoda didn't seem like the typical sort of alpha wolf, if that was even a thing. He led through charisma and respect, instead of size alone. She found herself falling for his charm just as much as he had surely impressed all the other wolves from their various backgrounds and packs alike. Takoda paced away with Eivor, and the two of them further demonstrated their mutual respect as they got down to the cave floor together, offering licks to each other's cocks to ensure they were primed and ready to mate with their new females.

It was Alli and Luc's time to shine. Those names felt vaguely familiar to Cherno - though he was pretty sure they referred to people that he knew as anthro wolves. Maybe she wasn't the only one who'd undertaken some changes. Either way, she had that chubby canine to deal with. He jutted and jabbed her in the face with his fat dick, and she soon got the hint and latched on. That didn't make him any gentler. Soon she was left glurking and guzzling down his precum as he humped and fucked her face. She hadn't managed to get up from where she'd been buried in wolves, so she just had to endure on her back with a wolf dick down her throat. Lanti kept busy on her pussy the whole time, ensuring she was never without pleasure of her own while she generously gave it back to the brutish wolf between her lips.

"Suck it dry, doeslut. I wanna see you swallow every fuckin drop, or I'll ..." Luc warned, then gave his equivalent of a shrug. "I dunno. Fuck you some more I guess. Work those slutty lips nice and hard."

Meanwhile, Alli didn't go right for Mahiri's mouth. Instead, she made use of that pretty cat face by smothering herself down atop the leopard's muzzle. The feline found herself smothered against the thick tuft of darker fur that lined the space between Alli's nuts, sniffing the layers of musk clinging to that thick patch. There was something slightly smoky to every huff she took from that fem-wolf's balls, something that kept her sniffing and salivating all the while. Alli was happy to grind that mark all over the kitty's face until Mahiri was utterly drooling for that wolven essence. It didn't take much encouragement for the leopard to open up wide and fit the wolf's plump nuts right into her mouth, one at a time, and then both, for some cheek-stuffing, squelching sucks.

"Mm. And they're needy little musk sluts too. Gonna make you smell like horny wolf for good, kitty. You're never going to smell like a cat again when I'm done," she mused.

Cherno was just as loud as she worked that black wolf over. She was all sprawled out with a heavy gut pressed down on her chest, though she still managed to breathe relatively well between hefty strokes. Luc wasn't exactly precise, but a brutish throatfuck suited Cherno just fine. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the taste of wolf dick while she got her new pussy teased and tended to by the eager subby one among the pack. She was driven to the point of near-agony by the time she felt Luc's cock twitching in her gullet. Her pleasure was unbearable, but she at least got to distract herself by swallowing wolf cum for a while. It was rich, shockingly hot at first, but it flowed smoothly down her throat as she guzzled it straight from the tap. The chubby wolf's grunted snarls were encouragement enough to keep her sucking it straight down. For the most part, she didn't spill a drop. Luc was pleased.

"Heh, fuck yeah. That's it! Chug it down. I know you love that fuckin wolf spunk."

Mahiri ended up much messier. Once Alli tired of getting her sack sucked, she slipped back to shove her dick between those two fat feline tits. Every knot-thumping thrust sent a jiggle through those ample mounts, while Mahiri was left licking the tip of that canine cock that jabbed up towards her face over and over again. She was already saturated in Alli's musk. It seemed more potent than the rest, at least for the moment. The longer the feral creature titfucked her, the more she got painted down in heavy scent. She let her tongue flop out to catch the spurts like snowflakes, and that left her in the perfect position to get utterly bloated and hosed down by the horny wolfess. She tipped her head and briefly howled, but shortly after she was all moans and yips. Her knot bulged between Mahiri's tits. Her shaft twitched right along with one of her back legs and her tail. Then there came the whiteout mask of spunk that painted the cat from ears to chin, and ran rivers down the curves of her bust after it splashed its way from her muzzle. The high-pressure jets hosed her down and soaked into her hair until Mahiri could feel herself soaking up that wolfspunk scent like a sponge. She was going to smell like a horny canine's bitch, and she loved it.

"I marked ya first," Alli teased with a little wink when she was done with her.

Of course, Mahiri wasn't faring much better when it came to restraining herself and handling all that pleasure being given to her. The moment Lanti was between her thighs once more, she made a lunge for him. Poor wolf yelped to see the cat coming so viciously. He managed to dodge her grabby hands and slink away, though even startled like that he was left wagging his tail at the fun of it all. His work was done, for the moment, and he'd done a fine job of warming those pussies up. Cherno drooled cum and bleated in desperation as she fingered at her newfound clit. It was easy to find that tender button when it was utterly throbbing with need. Thankfully, the two big wolves who'd dragged them there in the first place didn't waste too much more time tending to that burning urge to breed.

"Mahiri, Mahiri. I know how good that pussy is. Is it time for me to knock you up again?"

Takoda seduced the leopardess as he leaned in to sniff her pussy and make her squeal with desire in the process. Cherno wondered at the mention of again, but she didn't consider it for too long. She had Eivor to deal with. The big, scarred up wolf lowered his head and shot her an intimidating snarl as he approached with heavy thumps of his paw on the cold floor. His voice was nearly indistinguishable from his growls.

"You're lucky, doe meat. If I didn't think so highly of our leader here, I would have dragged you off by your throat."

"Oh hush, Eivor," Takoda chided, and then offered a doggish smile to Cherno. "Don't mind the big idiot. He likes to talk tough. You won't have to worry about him, but for a little biting."

That wasn't entirely comforting for the deer, but she was too horny to complain. She welcomed his aggressive mounting from the front as the wolf lowered his snow-white body down upon her form. She raised her legs up to wrap around his burly body and clung to him as tightly as she could. It was just the right position to leave them face to face, with Cherno's hooves high in the air. A mating press was of course perfect for mating. Eivor drooled on the doe's face and snapped his teeth mere millimeteres away from her nose as he got between her thighs and slipped his cock against her cunt a few times. He was already humping, already pumping his powerful hips with a firm application of his canine muscles. The cameras caught a good look of his haunches bouncing while he made his way towards penetrating that tender doe cunt. Of all the people to give Cherno her first time, he certainly wasn't going to take it easy on her.

"Ah ..." she whimpered at first, but eventually it was more like awe. "Oh my god ..."

A rush of sensations flooded her all at once as Eivor pushed past that slight resistance and spread her folds out with his tapered cock. Cherno was left to experience the stimulation of what felt like a million new nerve endings all at once. She wondered if she was already cumming, for the way the pleasure coursed through her very veins and spread to her fingers, to her very mind. It was everything she'd ever needed, something she never knew was perfect for her. In all her experiences, she never thought the feeling of a wolf cock pushing into her new, heated pussy would feel like it was fulfilling her very purpose in life. She bleated for her snarling stud and she gripped him tight to make sure she kept him close while they started to breed. Every single stroke brought her closer to carrying his pups. She could feel her body reacting. Endorphins flooded her senses, telling her she was doing exactly what she needed to do. Yes, said her mind as that vicious beast pumped her, but it didn't come out as anything more than screams and silly deer noises alike.

"Right now you're mine. My screamy little slut. Can't wait to watch you swell once I get done fucking you pregnant," he grunted.

Eivor's snarl slowly turned to a prideful grin when he saw just how well he was pleasuring that horny doe. Though he made sure to remind her who he was now and then. A nip to her shoulder, to the side of her neck, and eventually to her antlers didn't do any serious harm, but it certainly startled Cherno. Those pangs of instinctual fear just made getting stuffed and plowed by his plunging, spurting, flexing wolf cock all the more divine. Eivor latched on with a harsh bite once he got to those loose antlers. Those didn't have any feeling in them, so he could bite as hard as he wanted. Eventually they gave an alarming crack, but Cherno didn't flinch. She just kept squeezing, kept rolling her hips and humping back at the wolf's knot to grind it against her soaking wet pussy lips as she was deprived of her former crown. Eivor tossed them aside with a harsh jerk of his head and let them clatter to the floor, discarded. She truly was a doe now, if breeding with the wolf who had chosen her wasn't evidence enough of that.

Takoda was a little more gentle with the leopardess. Just a little. He nosed her until he got her where he wanted, which happened to be sprawled up over a slightly raised rock bed. She leaned back and spread her legs while he hopped up on his hind feet to mount her from the front. Her feet dangled over the size while she got covered in musky wolf, smooched tight, licked all over and teased with the tip of his cock. He was absolutely rigid despite his apparent nonchalance, and he gave a pleasured growl that overpowered her constant purrs as he slowly penetrated her one inch of throbbing wolf meat at a time. The cat couldn't even give her usual yowls. She just whimpered as if she was going to cry, trembling all over as she got her heated cunt stuffed full of feral cock, hugging tight and clenching down as if to milk him before he was even ready. Of course, he was still very much in control. Once he sank down to his knot, he gave her a harsh buck to test how tight her pussy was, and then proceeded at his own pace. Which was a steady, pounding, relentless one.

"Goddamn you're such a good girl," Takoda huffed, even sounding briefly overwhelmed. He gave a growly grunt and composed himself. "You make such a good wolf mom. Cum for me while I claim that womb."

"Yessss, Takoooooda ..." was her best reply, an extended moan amid the syllables.

Those two prime males fucked their sluts while the rest of the wolves playfully fought over Cherno's fallen antlers. They tugged them back and forth between their jaws and chewed on them like they were nothing more than a toy. She definitely wasn't getting those back. The sense of weightlessness to her head still hadn't worn off, but she had other sensations to think about. Takoda and Eivor seemed to find a rhythm with each other even with their backs turned to one another. Their plapping thrusts came in response to the last, echoing each other's wet, sloppy slaps of nuts to rumps and knots to pussy lips. They made their bitches moan and wail until Cherno and Mahiri sounded a lot like each other despite their difference in voices and species alike. The leopard stroked her fingers along Takoda's back and got a nice wet kiss in return, one that overtook her whole muzzle. Cherno squeezed Eivor between her thighs and got a chomp on the shoulder instead of a kiss. It felt good, in a way.

The doe would have been still screaming if she hadn't been losing track of where one thrust ended and another began. Her whole body was swimming in the delight of being truly, deeply fucked. She was trembling, even fearful of the orgasm brewing inside of her. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt, and every stroke brought her new sensations she'd never experienced before in her life. No matter how mean Eivor might have come across, she felt nothing but affection for the big white wolf making her feel so good. She wanted to kiss him, but at the same time she was content to let him fold her in half and shower her with drool as he locked his teeth together and drove towards the great, final knotting. His thrusts were battering ram blows to those sensitive folds, but all Cherno could do was let her lower lip quiver while she clenched up and flexed taut around his every driving red inch of canine meat.

"Better get ready, bitch. I'm gonna be the first to flood your fresh new pussy."

Takoda was only slightly slower on getting Mahiri to her peak. She even clawed him a little as she desperately flailed her way through the rising ecstasy that came with getting driven full of wolf cock and slapped with a fat pair of nuts. His knot was only getting fatter as he worked her over. She found herself flopping her head back and drooling just as much as him as he thudded her with those deeply devastating slams. Her whole body got shaken up against the rock, wobbled, jiggled, and rattled to the very core. Yet even for all the buildup, her orgasm still came as a shock. It erupted from her all at once, rousing her from salivating stupor into screeching. She lunged forth and gave her mewliest of snarls, wailing into the air, clinging to the wolf atop her as he finally gave her his mating tie. One hard lunge to flatten her back down and he was hers to fill and breed, moments away from cumming straight inside her fertile womb.

"Scream, kitten. You're mine. Scream like the good little breeding pet you are." Takoda's voice was firm as he spoke through her orgasm.

Cherno was right behind Mahiri in terms of reaching her peak, but even for as hard as Eivor was mating her, she didn't get there until he too made his tie. A slurping pop of knot past soft pussy lips and she gave her best of bleats to properly thank the wolf for bringing her such unfathomable feelings. There was nothing like it. She didn't even know such pleasure could exist. But when she was clamping down on a thick knot and milking that potent male for all he could give her, knowing she was seconds away from being impregnated with a beast's offspring, she was left in a swirling, breaking, stunned and screamy state of absolute rapture. It only continued on as he bottomed out and hit his balls against the bottom of her butt to let her feel them clenching away as he filled her up. Spurt after spurt after spurt of pure wolf cum marked down her womb for the very first time. She could feel it taking, could feel the tingly, satisfying reward of fulfilling that desperate biological need, and she wanted nothing more than to cling to the wolf who had bred with her and made her his new mate. He didn't even chomp her anymore when he settled down atop her for some truly wonderful wolf cuddles.

"Heh. Bitch ..." he chuckled, as if she might have forgotten.

She couldn't stay there forever. Takoda hopped atop that rock bed and dragged Mahiri along with him, and Eivor followed behind, hauling the limp and helpless doe all the way. She felt the tugs on her freshly orgasmed pussy but she didn't have the voice to whimper. Eivor dragged her along and joined the pile along with the other wolves. They surrounded those newly impregnated bitches and gave them lots of licks and kisses where they didn't just smother them in warmth. The breeze blew in through the opening of the cave, but neither Cherno nor Mahiri could feel it amid the warmth of that protective blanket. They were the safest they'd ever been, utterly enveloped in big scary canines. And even in the haze of breeding afterglow, Cherno couldn't help but fondly consider the fact that dozens, maybe hundreds of people had just watched her get turned into a broken, devoted wolf slut. Possibly for good.

Mahiri wasn't sure how long she napped for. She was a deep sleeper at the best of times, and her slumber amidst the snuggly wolves was akin to a coma, albeit a thoroughly satisfying one. That was why she wasn't especially bothered by the rude awakening. The warmth upon her fur was more than just the body heat of the pack. It was hot, and applied merely to her face. Then there was some on her left breast, then her belly. She didn't have a knot inside her anymore. Instead, she had five semi-soft wolf dicks pointed at her naked body, and it took her several seconds more to fully fathom what they were doing to her. With three legs down and one raised high, they collectively pissed all over her just to remind her who she belonged to now. The heavy musk of wolven urine steamed upon her fur, matting it, soaking it, and utterly drenching her in a scent that wouldn't easily be washed off. And she loved it.

"Just in case you forgot who you belong to now," Takoda told her.

Alli couldn't hide her excitement as she watched them get soaked. "Nnnh, look at her. I think she's enjoying it."

It was enough to leave Mahiri writhing and rubbing herself between the thighs by the time they were done. Of course, the doe still needed her coating too. They turned mid-stream and poured the yellow fluid on their surroundings in the process of circling around the sleepy deer. She sputtered awake and squirmed at first, but she soon accepted her role. Every single one of them marked her, even Lanti. Though he made sure not to direct his stream at anything too important like her face or tits, and mostly pissed on her lower leg. Cherno blushed hotly in embarrassment, and even more so when she realized how aroused she was getting at the dominant treatment. She could only submit to everything they wanted to do to her, even when it meant accepting the black wolf's cock between her lips once more. This time he didn't fuck her face, he just gave her a hot golden stream to swallow down, and she did exactly as she was wordlessly told, gulping it all in a steady guzzle. She barely spilled a drop.

"Heh heh ... little piss slut doe ..." Luc softly chuckled to himself. "Gonna have a lot of fun with you."

Wallowing in the musky, humiliating aftermath of that collective marking, those two wolf sluts could only bask in their own utter domination. Everyone got to see them get pissed on, and even drink it. And there was no hiding how much they enjoyed it. That was how the months were going to be, all on camera, every detail caught in high quality video for the stream to see. Mahiri's sisters visited now and then to adjust equipment or bring supplies, but for the most part, those transformed ladies were on their own with the wolves, living wild, bathing in streams alongside them, eating their food. Mahiri did a little campfire cooking for herself and the deer alike when they didn't feel like tearing into fresh kills fangs-first, but even the Cherno ended up taking on some of the wolves' more carnivorous eating habits. Those fangs weren't just for leaves and grass.

They were well cared for amid their pregnancies. Those accelerated rapidly. Much more so than Mahiri was ever used to, and for Cherno, well she had no frame of reference. The two of them were soundly swollen and looking matronly by the end of two months. The pack still tended to their needs, and they licked and worshipped those fine canine cocks often, but Takoda ensured the pack bitches were well cared for and protected. Gentle sex only. It was just a few more days, and then there were new additions to the pack running around the caves. They looked just like their dads. A coffee brown and snow white litter of pups each, delivered without much more than brief discomfort, and the wolf sluts were ready to breed again after a few days of rest.

All it took was a few nudges of his nose for Luc to tell Mahiri he wanted to knock her up. As much as they could all speak just fine, after a few months with the pack, the cat found herself using words less and less. She growled her approval and Luc gave a grunt and a slurp to the face. Then it was a matter of starting to hump her without much ceremony. He rubbed his sheath against her belly - still a little softer even after her first litter. Breeding had given her already ample curves a more matronly appeal, ensuring there was plenty of soft pudge on display in all the right places by the time she turned over onto her front and slowly raised her hips. She knew how those wolves liked it. A soft grin spread over her lips as she slowly swayed her hips back and forth, flopping her tail with the lazily seductive motion.

"Ah fuck," Luc cussed when he saw that display. "You're gonna get me too excited."

"I need to feel that mouth again," Eivor said as he approached. "Never been sucked like this eager kitty slut can suck ..."

That meant Luc wasn't the only one to mount up on her. She planted her hands and stiffened her arms so she could support herself beneath the weight of two big wolves at once. The biggest ones of all took her from both sides. Eivor climbed up to shove his sheath in her face and rub all over her until he started to stiffen. He wrapped his forelegs around her chest and pawed at her breasts. They were heavier, more tender, ready to leak milk at the slightest squeeze. She lactated while she got spitroasted by those horny beasts, knotted cocks grinding against two sets of lips at once before they found their mark. Her pussy felt scorching hot, she dripped down her inner thighs with lust, and she was already clenching. If there was any better sign that she was ready to be bred again, she didn't know how to show it.

"Gonna stuff that womb with pups," Luc snarled. "Been wanting to knock you up ever since I first saw you, before I came here."

Cherno meanwhile found herself in an extended makeout session with Alli. The wolf clung to her, wrapping her up in her forelegs. Wolf hugs were such a precious commodity. Cherno was content to snuggle up and stay that way for as long as Alli wished to claim her, but the wolfess soon clamoured her way on top of the deer. She pinned the doe and gave a playful growl, but it was more than just playing. The rise in her distinct, smoky musk said as much. The doe took a long, deep breath in to fully saturate herself with that uniquely wild perfume and then gave a sigh. She was ready to spread her legs when she saw Alli's sheath swelling, but instead the wolfess had other ideas. Quick tug and a rambunctious roll saw Cherno ending up on top of the red wolf. Looked like she was going to do some knot riding. She flagged her tail and wiggled her hips trying to get in position atop that sheath, and of course that left a prime opportunity for another wolf to swoop in and claim.

"Oh, don't mind me. Just spotted some prime doe butt to fuck," Takoda joked.

Alli just offered a grinning nod. "I don't mind at all. Let's demolish this poor girl!"

Soon the doe was nestled atop a firming shaft while Takoda casually walked right over top of her. He didn't mount her so much as he simply lowered his haunches and got into position, grinding on her butt until he was hard enough to stuff her. Cherno hardly had to do much, despite being on top. The wolves wriggled and rubbed and humped her into position. She just returned the hug Alli was giving her and laid some smooches on that pretty canine muzzle while she got two knotted cocks slowly pushed into her at once. Takoda and Alli were more the more careful lovers of the pack. They knew how to pleasure, how to keep their bitches comfortable, and ensured the doe was moaning for them by the time they'd given her a mere inch of their dicks. Cherno cried out and buried her face in Alli's chest fluff just to keep from making too much noise, blushing furiously as the smoky wolfess pushed her shaft towards that needy deer womb. It was going to be a pleasure to carry more pups for her.

"There there, girl," Alli cooed. "I'm gonna be so proud when I make you a mama again."

Mahiri meanwhile wasn't getting bred quite so nicely. She rowled and tried to keep up with those horny studs, but mostly she was just glurking and doing her best to swallow Eivor's cock right up to the knot. Luc pumped her full of his fat cock and laid his belly heavily on her lower back, threatening to make her buckle. She'd grown stronger in her time with the wolves. She could endure even that rough, drooly fuck without a complaint. Strands of saliva and precum ran down from her chin as the white wolf rutted her right in the throat, and the black one penetrated her needy sex and helped her soothe the ache inside her. Her body already demanded more. One breeding wasn't even close to enough. Luc offered her a snarl and got a muffled one in return, as best she possibly could with her mouth full. She had two knots kissing up against her soon enough, with a similarly slick smooching sound as the beasts had their way with her.

"So fuckin wet ... " the black wolf groaned.

"She's drooling for my dick," the white one added.

The sheer schlicking of four cocks pumping at once was enough to echo through the cave. Cherno made plenty of noise, but it was barely audible amid the thorough plapping and pumping she got from both cocks at once. They fucked her deep enough that their knots glazed against one another until they found a nice alternating rhythm. She was sandwiched between those bodies, smooched down into Alli as Takoda laid some of his weight upon her back, but that was plenty comfortable. Panting, gasping, and clinging to the wolfess was the extent of her contributions while she got her rump and pussy thumped over and over by those unrelenting, same-speed thrusts. They were mechanical once they got going, syncing up so well with each other that every downstroke came during the other wolf's backstroke. Cherno was never not getting rutted by those heavy plunges, and she quivered her way through the rising pleasure until she could feel clenching climax looming close in both the holes they were fucking.

Mahiri wasn't much for stamina either anymore. She could keep going for as long as they wanted, but she just loved the feeling of wolf cock in her pussy too much to hold off on orgasm for long. The taste of Eivor's musk and the sensation of his juices streaming down her throat was enough to set her off. She gave a sudden squeeze and bucked her hips up to feel Luc's belly squishing down on her back. It made her nearly choke on Eivor's dick, but at least he was kind enough not to knot her mouth. Instead, he just pushed in as deep as he could go without giving a moment for her to steady herself. She sucked as best she could and just let him use her muzzle as a fucktoy when she couldn't keep up. Her arms were starting to weaken beneath her but she held on to her last remaining strength for as long as it took for Luc to get his knot inside her.

A thump, a stretch, and then there came that oh-so-satisfying POP she loved to hear as much as feel. It sent her into a quivering climax in an instant, gushing on that bulb, squirting all over the big wolf's black balls while he filled her full of cum with bulging pumps of his knotty cock. She rowled her way through her orgasm until those sounds got buried by the cream she was soon guzzling. Swallowing as swiftly as she could was sure to impress even the gruffest member of the pack. He gave a huff and one more hump to her face as he emptied his nuts down her throat and into her belly while her womb swelled up with the virile spunk of the heavy wolf. Luc was going to be the father of her next litter, and she couldn't wait to swell up for him and the rest of the pack.

"Yeaaaaah ... fuckin slut," the black wolf barked. "Gonna make you plump with my pups."

Cherno couldn't find her voice until it all came through in one decisive cry. She shrieked into the air and nearly let out a howl, though her throat went dry and raspy before she could reach those sonic heights. Maybe next time. Then she slumped back down and let her body quiver its way through the dual peak. Takoda's cock made her cum too. She got two knots shoved inside her nearly at once and she could only stare straight ahead while her body processed all that pleasure. It was much like her first encounter with the wolves, except this time it wasn't fear that froze her. Instead, it was a total breakdown of her self for as long as that enduring orgasm clenched and gushed around those knots. The hot ropes of wolf seed only kept her going, prolonged her mesmerizing ecstasy until it was a serious concern to the many viewers that she might not recover from such a finish.

"Oh dear. Mmmmf. Think we broke her a little," Alli noted.

"She'll get better." Takoda smirked and licked the back of the doe's head while he finished the last trickles of his cumshot between those ample cheeks. "Then we'll fuck her again."

Only when she blinked and shivered her way into a ruined afterglow did she start breathing again. She didn't even pass out. All her months with the beasts had brought her a long way. She held herself close to Alli and exchanged some deep tongue-kisses for a while longer as the wolfess fully emptied her load inside the doe's pussy. Another wolf who was going to sire some pups inside the doe. Cherno couldn't wait to get all round and swollen, and have the pack tend to her every single need while she relaxed. They spoiled her, really. Whether it was affection, protection, or general company, she couldn't have been happier with the pack who kept her safe and bred her stupid whenever her body needed it. Even when she slumped down on her side and Alli let her off that fat knot, she still writhed with pleasure as if still having an orgasm. That position was just right for Lanti to sweep in on cleanup duty and slurp her pussy clean while she recovered.

Takoda eventually gave the silvery wolf a little nod and a nudge amid the slurping.

"Go on, Lanti. You've been such a good boy. I think you deserve some sloppy seconds, at least. You can even have your pick of who to breed with next time. The whole pack gets a share. Even the bitch."

There was something oddly endearing about that term by then. Bitch was never an insult. It was an important part of the pack, as much as the bigger, stronger members. Lanti happily obliged when told to. He pulled his soft muzzle from between Cherno's thighs and instead hopped on top of her. The doe didn't get to her hands and knees, and instead just flopped out on her cum-filled belly and let that girly wolf squelch his way into her soaking pussy. Every stroke made a sucking, slurping sound as he fucked her right in the load of cum Alli had given her, but that didn't slow him down. He made an utter mess of her backside as he slopped the spunk around and humped that fine deer, licking and nibbling her ever so gently in the process. Just because he was the bottom didn't mean he didn't know how to fuck. Cherno was a passive, satisfied participant for a while longer, but she was plenty wet for the cutest member of the pack too.

The summer and autumn rolled by, then the winter too. The pack kept their breeding sluts warm all throughout the coldest months. No matter what time of year it was, it was always mating season. The leopard and doe alike each individually had pups with all five of those wolves. The cave was starting to fill up, and the first batch of young wolves was already growing up and ready to go out and assist the pack in hunts. Through it all, the cameras were still rolling. It had been quiet up until then, but the audience was getting restless. They wanted to know where to find that cave. Not to stop the display, but to participate. With the pack growing, that was going to eventually prove welcome, a necessity even. Viewers took off on a pilgrimage of sorts to seek the sexy pack and become wolf sluts themselves after admiring for so long. The pack was just going to keep growing. And eventually, Mira and Zari weren't going to be able to resist the temptation for much longer either. Someday that stream was going to go dark, and there were going to be more feline wolfsluts moving in with the ever-expanding pack. The whole forest was going to belong to the wolves. After that, who knew?