Sorry, Apologies, and Hanging On

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#14 of Cycled life

Here's the next part. I hope eveyone likes is going on lol...I've tried to fill in some holes that may have been left in the last chapter. If there is anything that dosen't make sense just ask. I have a lot of plans for the future of this now...

Enjoy it and as always; criticism is more than welcome and what not


Lucas woke up the next morning, slowly moving out of the bed. He got up slowly, preparing himself for the days ahead. He knew that he had messed up, he knew that he had screwed up, he knew that he had to make things right. He walked down the hallway to the main room and looked inside, looking for Jake. The bear wasn't there. Lucas walked over to the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge. "Off to work. Be back around dark...don't forget to lock up, reports of break-ins around the neighborhood," he said, reading the note.

Lucas looked around the room and sighed. He had still come back a week early, as he had planned beforehand. He quickly fixed himself some breakfast and looked over at a clock. It was only seven and the bear was already gone. Lucas wondered what he could do to help the bear. Lucas relaxed for a moment then pulled out his phone, and saw that he had missed a call. The ID read Lana and Lucas sighed. He dialed the number and after a few rings the otter picked up.

"Lucas, how are you?"

"I'm good...umm...why did you call?" Lucas asked.

"I guess I missed you,"

Lucas grimaced at the words. "OK..." he replied.

" 'I miss you too' for me?" the otter asked, slightly joking.

Lucas forced a laugh. He thought about the time he had spent with Lana. It wasn't all bad. Most of the time they would talk and laugh, it was nice. Suddenly his thoughts ran to when they kissed, and Lucas grimaced more. It's not that it wasn't good; it was just that it didn't feel right. It only made him feel worse; like when he was with Lana it was merely physical, no bond, but it wasn't like with Jake. With Jake he was felt like he was growing a bond. Not just when they kissed, though. Whenever he was with Jake he felt a bit better. With Jake he was able to talk about interesting things, or what he thought were interesting. He never told the otter, but he couldn't care less about the newest type of fashion.

"'s it going?"

"...Lana..." Lucas said.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I can ask you something serious right?"


"Why were you interested in me? Why did we even go out? I mean, we had some fun I guess but...where was the bond?"

"Where's this coming from?" the otter asked.

"...Do you have an answer?"

"Fine...Lucas, I went out with you because I thought you were cute and that's what interested me too. You're a good guy and its rare to find someone like you," she said.

"OK fine...but where was the bond?"

"We were going out...what do you mean 'bond' Lucas?"

"The connection...the happiness...the things that matter,"

"Are you saying that we didn't have fun!?" the otter asked, offended.

"Don't take it like that..." Lucas replied. From the otter's reaction he could tell she had no idea what he meant. "I just meant that we never were what was the point..."

"Well...we were just having fun I guess. Neither of us were interested in anything long term...Lucas do you think we could do this long-distance?" the otter asked.

"No!" Lucas found himself practically yelling, "Don't you get it?! It was just a mistake! It was like a one night what am I saying? It was worse," Lucas said, just ranting now, "We wasted the time that we could've spent doing some useful, or with someone special instead of being with each other...Instead of just letting bonds we had become stronger we let them deter and pushed others away!"

"What the hell are you talking about Lucas?" the otter asked.

"Nothing..." Lucas replied with a sigh, "Look...Lana I wouldn't mind if we were friends, but when it comes to us going out or anything stupid like that...please just don't even think about it. Enough time has been wasted...I don't want to lose those I really care about..." Lucas said and realized he was talking to himself more than Lana, "Lana, don't waste your time missing me. I'm here...your there, and despite what bullcrap we can tell ourselves we aren't really going to keep in contact. I bet, even if we tried, that by the end of the month we wouldn't be talking anymore. So w-" Lucas was saying when he heard a dial tone.

He looked down at the phone and realized the otter had hung up on him. After a few minutes he felt his phone vibrate and he saw a text. "Bastard..." he read to himself and chuckled a little. Lucas looked down at the floor, "Yeah...that's me...doesn't matter how you look at it," he said to himself, thinking about the word in all that it meant.

Lucas looked up at the ceiling. He realized that right now he was practically a mirror. He had no reason to expect Jake to forgive him, much less to want him back. He let out a growl at the realization, but felt it turn to a choked sob. He didn't break down but couldn't keep the feelings of remorse of running through him. He thought back to when he parents had adopted him, though he didn't actually remember the event. He thought to who his real parents were. He chuckled lightly; he was, by definition, a bastard. "Ironic...I guess," he said to himself.

Lucas walked back to the bedroom and rummaged through his suitcase. He began to unpack and once he was done looked back around the room. It was the same, not much had changed, and it still looked like home. But that didn't matter. It felt cold in the room; isolated and empty. He felt like he needed to get out and quickly locked up the apartment and left. He didn't know where he was going, anywhere but here. He walked down the street, walking into the town.

The town was isolated. He had never been in the town when it was like this. Aside from those who actually lived here it was really small. Most of the revenue came from the college, but when it was out the town was a small and peaceful place. Lucas didn't really care though, his mind running through things to say to Jake. He walked down the road slowly, watching his feet move step by step. He became lost in his thoughts and suddenly heard a voice behind him and something pulling him back. Lucas let out a yelp as he fell to the ground.

"Watch out!" the voice yelled.

Lucas heard the sounds of a tires screeching and saw a car in front of him. He hadn't stopped at a stop sign. He stared at it for a moment, everything registering. He stood up and walked over to the car. He knocked on the window, and once it rolled down looked inside, "Are you OK?" he asked the driver.

" bastard you made me spill my coffee all over the seat! What were you thinking?" a collie asked.

"I don't think I was..." Lucas replied, "Sorry...are you OK?"

The collie looked at him furiously, "Am I OK?" he asked mockingly, "You're going to pay for this! I don't think the damages caused by hitting you would've been as bad as how much its going to cost to clean thi-" he was in the middle of saying before he was interrupted.

"That's enough. The boy said he was sorry. You were speeding anyway and the way I see it the traffic camera over on the side of the building would prove that. So you could complain about it all day and try to make him pay. Or...if I remember correctly; you could be fined for not only speeding, but reckless endangerment of citizens...your choice," the voice said again.

"...Bastards," the collie said as he looked at the camera. He rolled up his window and drove off again, speeding more.

" that the insult of the day?" Lucas asked himself, scratching his head. He realized his rescuer was behind him and turned around. "Thanks for the save...both times..."

"Not a problem...your j-walking wouldn't have been a problem to begin with if he wasn't speeding...I have a mind to report him anyway..." the person said. He was a tall tiger, taller than Lucas by a head, but lean. He had a runners build. His fur was orange and black, with a white around his head at some spots. He wore a suit with a brown jacket, brown pants "I'm Mason," he said and extended a paw to the wolf.

"...Lucas Vadikson," Lucas replied slowly, taking the tiger's paw.

"I know that he just asked it...but what were you thinking?" the tiger asked.

"Umm...I was a bit lost in thought I guess," Lucas replied, embarrassed now.

"Well...are you OK?" Mason asked.

"...yeah, sure...I guess," Lucas replied. He noticed that the tiger was looking at him more closely. Lucas grew slightly nervous and annoyed at the stare, "Something the matter?"

"I've seen you go to the college in town?" the tiger asked.

"Yes..." Lucas replied confused and a bit wary of the tiger.

"What's a student doing back so soon, classes aren't for two weeks," Mason replied.

"I'm just back. I have some things I need to do. I have to get a lot done before I can really allow myself to even relax....I've really messed up..." Lucas said, stopping at the last part and looking at the tiger who just looked at him calmly. He realized he was spouting this stuff off to someone he didn't even know. Lucas chuckled lightly and looked to the street, "Sorry...I'm spouting off nonsense,"

Mason just nodded at the wolf. They stood together for a moment both waiting for the signal to change so they could cross. The tiger looked over at the wolf, "So...where are you headed?"

"Nowhere...just felt like walking,"

"Oh, me too...well, it was calming but if I can say heart rate is really high right now. Not everyday I get to save a student. Mind if I join you?" the tiger asked with a laugh.

Lucas chuckled too. He felt strange. His mind was still occupied with Jake, but he felt like some company could be a good thing. He nodded and began to walk down the street. " you live in the city?" Lucas asked.

"Sort of...I'm in state and close, but I teach at the college...which is probably why you look familiar," the tiger responded.

"You teach at the college? And you recognize me? You realize how many people go there..."

"Yeah...but you always cross by my class. Let me went into Virology, right?"

"Yeah, I'm majoring in bio-engineering," Lucas responded. He was trying to figure out what the tiger taught. Knowing where he went to class didn't help though. The virology class was located in a dome area so every class is 'across from the other.'

"Oh, that's cool...I don't have the brains for th-" the tiger was saying before a ring was heard. He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a cell phone. He flipped it open, "Hey love, what's up?...OK...No we ran out of bread...yeah pick some up...No, I don't really feel like...wait...OK...Ok...OK. Yes, I can be there" he said and laughed a little, "Yeah...What was that love?...OK I got it...Bye love you," he said and hung up. He looked back at Lucas, "Sorry about that,"

"No problem..." Lucas responded. "Sounds like you need to go,"

"In a bit...but my car is this way," the tiger said and continued to walk, "Is this your first year?"

"No...I'll be a sophomore,"

"Oh, OK. So how do you like Kirson?" he asked.

Kirson was the name of the college, and the surrounding city was also called Kirson. "It's nice...I like it,"

"That's good," Mason replied. "I hope this doesn't sound too brass, but I'm surprised you're in," the tiger said and immediately tried to explain, "Please don't be's just that Kirson isn't exactly known for taking in first year students in the science must be smart,"

"Not really...I'm not too smart. I just do what I need to," Lucas replied. He never called himself smart.

"Well, we need more youngsters that do that,"

"Youngsters...?" Lucas asked with a chuckle.

"Sorry...slip of the tongue,"

"No,...I just never hear that long have you been teaching?"

Mason laughed at the wolf. "You could just ask my age instead of trying to go through the back door. I've only been teaching for about five years...I'm thirty,"

"Cool, so you must have had a lot of education..."

"Well, you never stop learning,"

Lucas nodded, it was cliché to say but he knew it was true. He looked over at the tiger who was walking and bobbing his head to an invisible tune, "Do you like it up here?"

"Of course! I love Kirson. It's such a nice place! Not to mention my spouse loves it here. Big cold lover, but...warm heart. I've grown to love it here too. My spouse loves it here, and teaches at the college too...maybe you-" he began and trailed off.

Lucas smiled lightly. He remembered that Jake liked this region too for its climate and that he liked it more now too. At the thoughts of the bear, the past continued to come back and Lucas frowned. Lucas heard a voice again and realized he was lost in his thoughts again.

"You OK?" the tiger asked, "I lost you for a second,"

Lucas stared at the floor, "Yeah...I'm fine...sorry about that," he replied. He realized that they were in a parking lot. They walked over to a car and the tiger stopped and turned around.

"Let me drive you home," he suggested.

Lucas immediately felt his guard go up. He gave the tiger a scornful look, "So you say I'm smart...and then you ask me something stupid like that?"

"No, not like that...I'm not some psycho..." the tiger replied with a hearty laugh, it sounded really deep considering the tiger's size. "I just don't think you should really be out at the moment...well at least with offense,"

Lucas realized what the tiger meant and looked down again. He knew that the tiger was right and looked at Mason again. He looked trustworthy, and he guessed it wasn't too bad considering he was a teacher. "None taken...I guess..."

"Good," Mason replied and opened the door. They both got in and Lucas told the tiger where he lived. They drove, not talking too much. The tiger had on music, a light techno song. Lucas usually didn't like this type of sound, but it was OK. It wasn't too much. It sounded good, just something you could move to. Lucas thought about Jake more. After a while he realized that the car had stopped and that the tiger was looking at him, "We're here,"

Lucas looked up at the apartment. He nodded, "Yeah...umm, thanks..." he replied and got out.

"Not a problem...It may not be my place, especially as a teacher, but...Good luck with whatever is on your mind," Mason said.

Lucas felt a small smile crawl over his muzzle. He nodded his head and began to walk off. He heard the tiger drive off. He walked up to his floor and went in. He noticed that he had managed to kill three hours of the day.

Lucas sat down on the couch and noticed how strong Jake's scent was here. He sighed and lay down. He nuzzled the pillow and looked at the TV, "I'm sorry..." he said to himself.

He said those words more and more, only wishing that he could say them to Jake and make the bear understand. Lucas sat up after a moment and looked down on the floor. He grabbed his phone and decided to call Jake.


"Jake, why don't you take the day off?" Dr. Hensley suggested to the bear, "You've been working like a mad-man these past few something up?"

"No, not really. I guess I've just been trying to make sure we finished on time or something," Jake replied.

"Well, you did that and more. The only things that are left are some fine details, which would involve details and my supervision. You've done a great job this summer and worked day and night. I never expected us to actually finish...I'm impressed to say the least. So, I'm not firing you; you'll be paid for the last week of work still and all the regular stuff, but what I'm trying to say is; Jake go home and rest. Enjoy what little bit of summer you have left," Dr. Hensley said. He was a large Doberman.

Jake looked at the calendar at his desk. He sighed, "Are you sure...I mean I could still help out and-"

"We're good," Dr. Hensley's wife said and looked over at Jake, "Take my husband's advice Jake. It was a pleasure to meet you and work with you," she said and extended a paw.

Jake shook the paw and sighed, "Well, I guess having to leave early is a good thing..."

"That's the idea," Dr. Hensley stated with a chuckle.

Jake sighed. It was only eleven thirty. He was happy to be done though. He began to walk out and got to his car. He pulled out his phone and stood at the door of his car for a moment. He looked down at it, wondering if he should call Lucas. He dialed a number and after a few rings it was answered. "Hey," Jake said.

" are you doing?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

Jake usually called the wolf. Even though he and his son had broken up Jake felt like they had become good friends. Mr. Vadikson didn't treat the bear any differently because of the events that had happened over summer. In fact, Mr. Vadikson was the one who Jake talked to about the events- the one who listened to him as he cried over his troubles. Jake gave a shrug, "Ehh..."

"Are you OK?" Mr. Vadikson asked, more seriously.

Jake knew what the wolf meant, "I'm...better," he replied.

"Well, I'm not going to try to tell you one thing or, what do you want to talk about?" the wolf asked.

"...Ehh...nothing really...I just felt like talking...I finished my job early, so I have a week off," Jake replied.

"Ohh..." Mr. Vadikson replied, realizing why the bear had called. "Well, I'm going to assume Lucas is at your apartment,"

"Yeah..." Jake said quietly.

Mr. Vadikson wanted his son and Jake to work it out; he really did. He liked the bear a lot and felt like Jake was part of the family. He talked with him frequently and they grew a friendship of sorts. In his talks with Jake he was glad the bear would trust him.

"I don't really know what to do..." Jake said, continuing the conversation, "I...I still," Jake began and didn't finish it.

"Jake...can I give you facts quickly?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

"Sure..." Jake said, a bit confused on what the wolf meant.

"Lucas broke up with Lana, and he came back to see you,"

Jake felt an anger well up in him and a growl coming out of his throat. He stopped it quickly and frowned. He hated how he felt. He felt bipolar about the wolf. He still loved Lucas, but felt a hate over what had happened and how Lucas treated him.

"Jake?" Mr. Vadikson asked, waiting for the bear's response.

"I...No!" Jake said suddenly. "Why should I forgive him...I tried to call him during the summer. I was the one who tired to keep in touch. He broke every contact off with me...why should I care?" Jake asked with a growl.

Before Mr. Vadikson could say anything the bear was replying ot his own outburst. "I don't hate him...I can't...but why? I thought a mate was someone who cared...not left you out to dry?"

"Lucas is confused too...and hurt,"

"Good," Jake replied and then stopped. "I...didn't mean that," Jake said with a sigh. Jake rubbed his temples and adjusted his glasses, "...I'm sorry...I didn't mean that," he said again.

"I know..." Mr. Vadikson said. He couldn't blame Jake for anything he said.

"...How is Lucas?" Jake asked.

"He's sad, depressed...he hates himself at the I said, he's confused," Mr. Vadikson said.

Jake stood there for a moment. "I...don't want to tell him everything's alright, or that I forgive him..." Jake said slowly. "Me and him...we're mates...I should be there for him...but," Jake said and heard a bell ring in the phone's background.

"Crap..." Mr. Vadikson said.

"Got to go?" Jake asked.

"Yeah...I'm substituting today...They're making me substitute history,"

Jake laughed a little, "Ouch..."

"Yeah...I know...Sorry,"

"OK, no problem...Thanks for listening..." Jake said and hung up. He got into his car, his phone still in his hand. He closed it and turned on the ignition. He was driving for a bit when he heard his phone ringing. He could only see the last name on the ID and picked it up, "I thought you were teaching?" he asked.

"Hello?" Lucas asked, confused.

Jake realized who it was and felt a mix of pain and happiness run through him. He waited for a moment, "Sorry...I guess I thought you were someone else,"

Lucas knew what the bear meant. Back home he heard his father talk with Jake on a regular basis, but even though he was his father he never told Lucas what they talked about. He listened in sometimes and never heard one conversation about him when he was near his father. He did notice that his father would leave sometimes though and go outside to talk. He guessed that was when they talked more seriously. "...So...Hey,"

"...Hey..." Jake replied. It was silent, neither one knowing where to start. Jake wanted to speak, but felt his own emotions holding his tongue.

"Can...we...grab a bite?" Lucas asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Jake replied.

"...then...maybe grab a friends?" Lucas asked, hopefully.

Jake scoffed and realized it was loud enough for the wolf to hear. He coughed, trying to underplay it.

"Jake...I want to talk..."

"What's there to talk about?" Jake asked, coldly

"Jake...I'm-" Lucas began.

"Don't," Jake interrupted. The last words he wanted to hear right now were those words. He sighed, "Lucas...I don't know if you think of it this way but I do. You're still my mate, and that's only because it's permanent...besides that..."

Lucas felt a pang of pain shoot through him at the words. To him it was like Jake was saying that the only thing between them was something that couldn't be undone. He was about to speak before Jake continued.

"Don't get me wrong though...I don't hate you..." Jake continued, "And it's not like I'm shallow enough to only think of the bad. We had a lot of...personal times together, and I still want to hang out with you,"

"OK..." Lucas replied, quietly. He felt a lot sadder now, but he had expected it to begin with. He never expected Jake to forgive him, or to even want to still hang out with him. The realization that Jake may not want to try and restore their old relationship swept through him. Lucas pushed the thoughts out of his mind, telling himself to not think like that. He wanted to try. "Where do you want to meet?"

"How about the diner at 12th street?" Jake asked.

"Sure..." Lucas responded and was about to say something again when the bear hung up on him. Lucas stared at the room for a moment, thinking about what he had done to Jake. He put a paw on his forehead and let out a groan. After a moment he stood up and began to head to the diner. He got there soon and found that Jake was pulling up as he did. He got out and waited for the bear at the entrance. As Jake walked up Lucas held the door for him, "Hey,"

"'s it going?" Jake asked, trying to actually care.

Lucas thought for a moment. "Good," he lied. He knew that Jake wasn't interested in hearing him out at the moment. He looked at the bear. He had only seen Jake a bit last night, but now saw how the bear looked. Jake looked different in some ways, he had changed. He looked hardened. He noticed the bear had also put on some weight, but no so much that he looked fat. Jake had let his beard grow out more, and some of it ran up his muzzle and up his cheeks a bit. It wasn't a bad look for him, but it seemed like it made him seem angry. The length of his beard had grown a bit also, about two inches off his muzzle.

They walked inside and ordered. They talked a little, trying to make a conversation as they waited. Lucas looked at the bear, "'s work?"

"Well, we finished I'm done for the summer," Jake replied and adjusted his glasses on his muzzle.

"That's awesome man," Lucas replied, he was actually happy for Jake.

Jake just shrugged his shoulders; "I guess..." he said and took a long drink of his water. He looked at Lucas, who was breaking the surface of his own water with one of his claws. Jake didn't know what to do. He wanted to talk with Lucas but every question that came to mind he didn't want to ask. He didn't know what to do. "Umm...did you enjoy your summer?" he asked.

" was pretty good. You?" Lucas asked.

Jake looked over at another booth, not wanting to answer the question. He looked back at Lucas, "I guess...I got some experiences in a lab and what not..."

Lucas tried to smile but could feel the frown on his muzzle. He knew Jake was trying not to say what was on his mind. Lucas closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but before he could speak the waiter came back.

"Here's ya'll's food," she said and put the plates down.

Lucas thanked her and then looked back at Jake. He wasn't touching his food either. Lucas decided to try and talk with him, "Jake..." he began, but stopped, realizing he didn't know what to say.

Jake looked at the wolf, staring at him intently. He waited for the question but it never came-to his relief. He decided to redirect the opportunity, " are you and Lana doing?" he asked; knowing the answer though.

"We broke up..." Lucas replied.

"Why?" Jake asked.

Lucas looked up at the bear and found he couldn't hold eye contact. He quickly looked away and outside the window, "We didn't have anything in common. She was free, but I wasn't..." he said, not thinking about the words.

Jake felt his eyes widen at the wolf's words, but his face quickly returned to its normal look. "How is she taking it?" he asked. Jake realized what he was doing to the wolf. He was trying to make him uncomfortable, he didn't know why, he just was. He knew the questions were hard on Lucas, especially to say to Jake why.

"...I can't tell," Lucas said. "We broke up mutually about a week ago...and then today she called," he said with a small chuckle.

Jake felt a growl rise up in his chest but he suppressed it.

"I think she wanted to get back together...I told her to forget it...then she called me a bastard..." Lucas said.

Jake looked at the wolf for a moment. "Why didn't you want to get back together with her?" he asked. He was actually interested in this response, but also realized that it wasn't fair to Lucas. A part of him pushed the feelings out and he waited for Lucas's response. He didn't know where it came from he but he felt a small smile cover his muzzle, but as soon as he realized it was there he pushed it away. Jake hated the fact that he was pushing Lucas, but another part of him liked it.

Lucas felt a frown cover his muzzle and he let out a long sigh. He looked at Jake and at the floor. He didn't know how to respond. He didn't know if Jake was waiting for what he wanted to say, or if the bear was messing with him. He realized the question could have two meanings, not only applying to him and Lana, but to him and Jake also. Lucas chuckled lightly and looked at the bear, "'s because I'm a bastard..." Lucas replied and waited for a second, "Funny isn't it? I really am one; I was born to parents who disowned me and I'm following in their steps..."

Jake didn't know how to respond to the wolf this time. It wasn't the answer he had expected, which relieved and pained him. He looked at Lucas who was just staring out the window. The wolf had never mentioned his real parents, well, never mentioned them positively. He thought about what to say and then saw Lucas looking at him. Jake smiled lightly, one of the first times, "Come-on before the food gets cold," he said and began to eat.

They ate in silence, neither one wanting to speak. Lucas was glad to be with the bear. When he saw the smile he felt a spark of hope run through him, but he told himself not to get his hopes up. For all he knew Jake was smiling because he agreed with the wolf, that he was a bastard. As they were finishing Lucas looked up at the bear, "Jake..." he said again, but before he could say anything the bear stood up.

"OK...we should head to the apartment," Jake said, avoiding the question. He walked up to the counter and pulled out his wallet. He heard Lucas come up behind him and wait behind him. Jake looked at the waitress, "This should cover both the meals..."

He paid and turned around to Lucas, "Don't worry...I got it..." he said with a smile. Jake felt happy and he didn't know why, but he also hated himself for being happy. He tried to suppress the feelings, to not want to feel anything.

Lucas was about to thank the bear before he walked out the door. He followed suite and drove off. He met Jake at the apartment. He could tell the bear wasn't in the mood to talk. He walked behind Jake, watching the bear moved slowly and intently up the stairs. Lucas hated how this felt; like they weren't even friends. As they walked inside he looked at Jake. It seemed like he could feel the bear's thoughts on him, "Jake...I'm sor-" he began but was cut off suddenly by the bear picking him up off his feet and holding him by his collar roughly.

"Don't say it! You...You don't have the right to say that!" Jake yelled suddenly. He was inches from the wolf's face, "What makes you think you could say that? Huh?!"

Lucas felt a wave of fear run through him, but it was nothing compared to the guilt that coursed through him. He could feel the bear's breath hitting him as he breathed slowly. He didn't know how to respond. Jake held him by his collar and his teeth were barred at the wolf. Lucas felt his feet off the ground, and the bear's breathe on him. He stared at Jake, unsure what to do, he felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"I asked you a question! You think that coming back makes things better? That a few words can make things better!?"

"Jake...I'm," Lucas said, slightly struggling to get free.

"Shut-up! How can you be sorry!? Did you even think about me over the summer, or... care!? When I was alone! When I had nobody! And what about now!? You think I can just forget it? Forget it like you forgot me!? Why should I forgive you?! Think of one damn reason I should!! You abandoned me!" Jake was still yelling at the wolf. He held Lucas up still, the wolf trying to move. Jake stopped. He held the wolf, their faces inches from each other. He could smell the wolf's scent from this close. He looked at Lucas, his eyes staring at him coldly.

Lucas felt paralyzed by the bear's words; they broke through him and made him stop struggling. "Jake-" he said, his voice choking on the words.

"I said shut-up!" Jake yelled and slammed Lucas against the door. He felt like all his rage was pouring out of him, " didn't even try to be there for me when you left! You weren't a mate, much less a friend! You couldn't have cared less about how I was doing! Did you expect me to just welcome you back! To act like it was all OK?!"

Lucas watched the bear. He wanted to say something but couldn't-fear holding his tongue. When Jake stopped yelling he was staring into Jake's eyes. He wanted to look away but couldn't, Jake's stare holding him. Suddenly he felt Jake drop him and he felt feet slide on the floor and he was leaning against the door. Lucas could feel his body shaking. He couldn't move. He realize he was being moved, but not by the bear. He felt the door opening and then closing. After a moment he realized that he was alone, Jake had left. After the fear passed over he realized everything Jake said was right. He hadn't bothered to keep in contact. He knew that Jake had every right to feel that way, and that from the bear's standpoint, everything he said was true.

As the fear passed him the remorse followed. He found himself crying as the thoughts ran through him. He couldn't control the tears as they rolled down his eyes, streaking his muzzle. Lucas tried to breathe normally but could only breathe in sobs as he held himself. He managed to move himself away from the door after awhile. He sat on the couch and curled up. He didn't know how much time passed, everything around him stopping.

Outside Jake stood at the railing out looking the street. He heard a door open and looked behind him, and saw his neighbor poking his head out from the other end of the building. Jake realized that he had been yelling loud enough to disturb them. He only had two neighbors on this floor, and there was distance between them. He realized if they heard him then he must've been loud. He let out a sigh and looked down at the street, watching the occasional car pass by. After a moment he heard someone coming up the steps. " everything OK?" he heard his landlord ask.

Jake didn't respond, still staring out at the street. He was thinking about Lucas and how he was. He was sure the wolf was scared. He thought about how he had acted, how he had threatened Lucas. He grimaced to himself. He saw the shepherd lean against the railing with him. After a moment he looked over at him, "Sorry, Mr. Spencer...did the neighbors call in a report or something?" he asked.

"No...I was walking out, about to go home and I heard you yelling, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone complains...what were you yelling about?"

Jake closed his eyes and let out a sigh, "Nothing...just let myself get swept away for a moment...touchy issues..."

Mr. Spencer looked at the bear still. He was surprised when Jake continued.

"Personal stuff I guess...not like me at all. I'm sorry Mr. Spencer..."

"You make me call you Jake so please call my Tyler," the shepherd said and chuckled, "it's only appropriate,"

Jake nodded and continued to stare out at the street.

"My wife had our child last week," Tyler said with a chuckle, "It's a girl,"

Jake remembered that his landlord's wife had been pregnant. He looked over and smiled, "Congratulations,"

"Thanks...though now I may sneak into your place to catch a nap because she loves to wake us up at night," Tyler said with a laugh.

Jake remembered finding the shepherd in his apartment one time and chuckled lightly. "If you need to you can,"

"Are you OK?" the shepherd asked, deciding to take the chance.

Jake didn't look away from the street. "Maybe..." he said and continued, "It's nothing bad; well, nothing that you should worry about. I'm sorry about the disturbance..."

"It happens to the best of us," the shepherd replied.

"Not like this..." Jake said with a sigh, "I'm not supposed to feel like this...I'm not supposed to be this angry,"

"Want to talk about it?" Tyler asked.

Jake looked over at the shepherd, "Nah..." he said with a frown.

"OK, I get it, but Jake, word of advice; find someone to talk with. I have my wife and she is always there for me, though we get at each other's throats sometimes...but I know I can talk with her,"

"I get you," Jake said. After a moment he felt the shepherd pat him on his back and begin to walk off. Jake stood there for a long time, not really thinking about anything around him. He wondered about Lucas, hoping he hadn't hurt the wolf. The memories of how he acted ran through him; it didn't feel like him. He looked down at his paws, "I didn't..." he said, trying to convince himself.

Jake lost track of time, but he noticed the sun going down on the horizon. He wondered how long he had stood here, an hour? More? He straightened up and turned around, facing his apartment. He ran a paw up to his shoulder, where the bite mark from Lucas was. He closed his eyes and sighed. He walked to the door and turned the knob. He didn't feel any resistance. As he opened the door he immediately saw the wolf. Lucas was lying on the couch, and was staring at Jake. Jake returned the stare, not sure what to do.

They stared at each other for a few minutes. Jake looked down and began to walk towards Lucas. He sat down at the edge of the couch. He looked over at Lucas, who stared at him still. It wasn't a happy stare, or a scared one. It was just a stare, trying to see what he would do.

Lucas looked at the bear. He didn't know how to feel though. He wasn't scared of him, he knew Jake wasn't violent. He felt his remorse still coursing through him, stronger than before. He knew how Jake felt, and he knew he couldn't do anything to make it go away. Lucas continued to stare at the bear for a moment, he wasn't sure how long he stared but after a moment he looked away and stared off into space. He suddenly felt Jake leaning down.

Jake lay down next to the wolf. He felt Lucas move forward and let him lay down fully. After a moment Lucas leaned back and rested on him. Jake put an arm around the wolf and pulled him a bit closer, unsurely. He felt Lucas move closer to him, but not like usual. It was just for comfort, not the usual affection in it; there was not affection. Jake rested his head above the wolf's. He didn't know why, but didn't really care. He didn't forgive Lucas; he wasn't sure about that, but he wanted to comfort the wolf. Jake gently kissed the top of the wolf's head once, "I'm sorry..." he whispered.

Lucas relaxed at the words, and knew what Jake meant. He was happy to hear them from Jake, and to feel the bear kiss the top of his head, but felt tears welling up in his eyes again. He felt himself sob lightly and Jake pull on him. After a few moments he was able to stop his tears, and Jake still held onto him. The realization of what the bear was doing hit him. The thought that Jake still cared even a little gave Lucas a bit of comfort.

It was silent, and it remained silent. Jake didn't know what he was doing. He was supposed to be angry, supposed to be furious. Jake ran through his thoughts; he knew he still cared for Lucas, he knew it would be a lie to say he didn't love the wolf, but he didn't know if he hated Lucas either. His mind felt like a living paradox; filled with hate and love. A part of him told him to forgive Lucas, but the other part yelled at him to make him pay like he did. Jake was brought out of his thoughts by the wolf.

"Jake..." Lucas said, unsurely.

"What?" Jake asked, not realizing the tone of his own voice.

"Can we know...seriously?"

"I don't know," Jake said, looking down at Lucas, "we can try..."

Lucas took that as an OK. He thought about where to begin. "Jake...when we broke up...did it hurt?" he asked. He felt a growl vibrating from the bear's chest and knew the answer.

Jake repressed the growl quickly. "Yeah...Lucas, you're..." Jake began and didn't know what else to say. He didn't want to say he loved the wolf, or to say he hated him.

"What do you want to ask?" Lucas asked and said a bit more, "I could ask you a lot of things, but I think I know most of the answers...I hurt you...I'm a moron, bastard, fool, or anything else you want to throw in there,"

Jake didn't try to make Lucas feel better, he didn't know how to. He pulled on Lucas, more out of instinct than knowledge; "Why?" he asked.

"I...don't know...I was scared..." Lucas replied. "I..." he said and stopped for a moment, thinking of what to say.

"Just start from the beginning..." Jake said; he hated himself for the question.

"The day after...after my dad found out about us...I didn't feel right. I don't know why; I could give you tons of stupid I was scared, insecure, or weak, but you don't care about those," Lucas said and took a breath. "At work...I met Lana...and she needed a ride home. I drove her, and he kissed me...and...I-I," he said, struggling to say it, "I returned it..."

Jake felt a pang of pain run through him at the words. It hit him that Lucas had done this when they were still dating. He didn't interrupt though, waiting for Lucas to continue.

"I don't know why...I really don't...I was scared Jake. I came back home and, as I'm sure you noticed, I wasn't myself. When mom didn't come back...I guess I just got thrown off...and I took this out on you. I put up a barrier between us, and I began to tell myself lies...that we were just friends...and know the rest..."

"What about over summer?" Jake asked. He wasn't holding Lucas anymore; he was just lying next to him.

"Well, I began to hang out with Lana...and soon I guess we were just together...I don't know why...Jake; I'll say that more and more, no matter how much I think about it...I don't know why..." he said and waited for a moment. "Anyway...I would go out with Lana...we made out sometimes. But that didn't really matter to me. It was all a distraction...a distraction to escape. I didn't want to face myself. I began to hate my time with felt like a you..."

Jake tried to push himself further back into the couch. He wasn't ignorant; he hadn't expected Lucas to not kiss the otter, but to hear it hurt. Jake sat up and on the side of the couch, still looking at Lucas.

Lucas frowned as the bear moved away. He didn't blame Jake though. He had betrayed the bear, "Near the end of and Lana broke up. We just weren't right for each other...she was in it for the excitement...I was in it because I'm a horrible person. When we broke up, I felt relived... happier...but that didn't last long," he said, it was the happiest thing he could say.

"Jake...I'm not sure if you know or not, but my mom...isn't exactly our biggest fan..."

"Yeah...well I'm sure she likes you again..." Jake said with a fake laugh.

"Well, she didn't help my case I guess. When she came back...instead of asking how I felt she was relieved...relieved that I was hanging out with a girl. I was weak, I didn't try to defend myself. I let her talk about how stupid I was...and then listen to how she knew I was just joking with her," Lucas said with a scoff.

"It...hurt," Lucas continued, "The fact that my mom...who said she would always be there for me...betrayed me...and in turn I betrayed you..." Lucas said the last part, almost more as a self revelation than a fact, "With both Lana and my mom being there...I lost my will. I became nothing but an empty shell, but that made them happy, so I told myself it was OK..."

"I let myself be used like a puppet...and in turn...I lost who I was. I was living a pathetic existence all it living doesn't seem right. I let the world decide my moves, what I did, why I did things, everything. When I found this was too late to make amends..."

Lucas took a moment and felt his voice begin to shake at the next part. He wasn't sure how Jake would react to it, "And...afterwards, I broke...I lost myself,"

"I guess you could say the little illusion I had built for myself shattered pretty quickly...and I got cut up...I realized what I was doing...that I was just running away...and the worst part was; I didn't have a reason. What?" Lucas asked himself more than Jake, "I was scared? Why should've that mattered? Am I really that I really this pathetic..." Lucas asked. He stopped and continued, "Jake, I realized that I wanted to be back with you. That was just recently...I still feel broken...I am broken...I am not who I was...or who I want to be..."

Jake was still looking at Lucas. He felt his rage building up again, but he was able to suppress it more easily. It wasn't a wild anger now, it was focused, and it scared him. He felt the feelings of pain run through him at the wolf's words, but also felt better with the wolf's last part. He wanted to believe it, he tried to tell himself it was true, but his mind still told him he was a fool.

"Jake...I won't say...well, you know what I won't say. You're right, I don't have the right to say it...I'm pathetic...I hurt you," Lucas said, his voice was shaking much more now, "I don't know what to do...I want things to go back to the way they were. I don't want to see this happening between us...Jake, I want to be there with you again...but I don't expect the same from you," Lucas said, he felt a few tears run down his muzzle again. His voice shook but he kept it a bit steady, "Jake...I can only ask that you forgive me..."

Jake looked at the wolf. He stared for a long moment-time frozen for him. He wanted to forgive Lucas, he wanted things to go back how they were, but his mind nor his heart would let him. "How..." he replied softly. He saw the wolf's expression but continued on, "Lucas...I hate this feeling...I'm angry, angry at you. I do things that hurt you and a part of me enjoys it. I can't seem to get rid of it; it's the part that tells me that you don't care. Lucas...please don't read into this; I love you. I still do...and I don't think it's possible for me not to, and that's what hurts the most. I feel betrayed...I feel alone...again,"

Jake stood up and walked away. He was surprised at how calm his voice was, but knew that wouldn't last long. He didn't bother looking back to see how Lucas was doing. He knew he'd lose his will to go on if he did; "You said that you loved me...and then this happened. You said we were mates...people who stick together, but when I needed you most I was alone. You promised me we were friends, but you weren't there when I needed someone to talk to," Jake said; his own voice was shaking a bit, something between a growl and a quiver, "I don't know how to feel. Lucas, I wish I could say that I forgive you, and I think a part of me does, but this...this other keeps me away. It tells me to look at the past, see what happened. Says that I'm better off alone. When you're alone you can't be hurt by others...I feel all this going on in my mind...Lucas I want to be with you, but instead I feel like I push you away...I want to get away from this feeling...I hate this...this part of me. It makes me hate myself...hate you. This part... It isn't you Lucas...the part that's hurting the's me. Everything I do without you...that's what hurts..." Jake said, the growl in his voice now just a sob.

Lucas looked at the bear, shocked by what he had heard. He thought that Jake hated him, but didn't know Jake felt like this. He silently cursed himself; the bear was right. If he had been there for him, even as a friend, he may have been able to help Jake a little. He hated himself because of how Jake felt, that it was his entire fault, every bit of it. "Jake..." he said lightly.

Jake didn't turn around. He didn't want to look at the wolf. He could feel tears roll down his muzzle. He didn't sob though; the tears fell in a stream, making his brown fur darker down his muzzle. He didn't want to want Lucas back, but he couldn't deny the thoughts. He didn't notice when the wolf was behind him. Lucas didn't hug him or really touch him, just placed a paw on his shoulder. Jake let the shoulder sit there for a moment before shrugging it off, the war in his mind playing on him. Jake hated how he felt. He continued to look forward, " you remember the night I told you that I love you?"

Lucas looked at the bear, "I couldn't forget it..." he replied. It was a night that he kept in his mind all the time.

"I remember...something you said that you don't like that I try to deal with things on my own, or that I act like everything is OK, or like it when I'm upset..."

Lucas remembered the words. He had been angry at Jake because the bear wouldn't share his thoughts. He wondered what Jake meant by it though.

"Lucas...I'm trying...or I was trying to do those things...but you left me...where were you? Am I better off just sticking to myself...I don't know anymore..." Jake said, his voice was shaking now and he felt himself shake too.

"Jake...I want to be there for you. I'm a fool...I left you...I'm a coward. Jake please, let me be there for there now. I hate that I'm right next to you...and yet you're lonely. I hate that you are trying all this on your own...but I should've been there for you. Jake...please..." Lucas said and placed a paw on the bear's shoulder again.

Jake didn't move away from the paw this time. He slowly looked back at Lucas, his muzzle streaked where the tears had and still were falling.

Lucas felt the bear shaking a little. He had a frown on his face as he stared at the bear. It was different now. He looked at the bear, and saw the bear was actually looking back at him with some emotions. Lucas opened his mouth and searched for the words to say. "I'm...I'm sorry Jake," he said, the words finally able to come out of his mouth.

Jake looked down at the wolf, not sure what to say, but felt his heart rate begin to rise. Everything right now felt emotional to him, he wanted more than ever to forgive Lucas, but something was stopping him. All his moments with Lucas, they were great, amazing to him, but the future ran through his mind. What if this happened again? He stepped back from Lucas, his heart now beating furiously. He felt his eyes widen and a fear run over him, "Stay away from me..." he said, not sure what else to do.

"What?" Lucas asked, not sure if he had heard the bear correctly.

"I can't do anything right now...I want to do so many hate you, to love you, to forgive you, to make you pay, to run away, to be with you...Lucas I don't know what to please...Stay away from me..."

"Jake...I don-" Lucas began but the bear cut him off.

"You're not supposed to get it!" he yelled and looked at Lucas, "How could you?" he asked with a slight scoff. Jake moved away from Lucas and saw the wolf crying a little, "Lucas...if I'm going to work through this...I need space," he said and sighed looking back at the wolf, "Just see it don't you? I can't control myself..."

Lucas didn't get what Jake was saying. He wanted to be there for Jake, no matter what. He had resolved himself to it, but now Jake was saying the best way to help was to get away. He began to take a step towards Jake, but the bear moved away and Lucas stepped back once he saw it. "Jake...I'm right here...when you need to talk...I won't go anywhere...not again,"

Jake felt his heart rate still beating furiously. He could feel his blood pumping throughout his body. He stepped back again and towards the door. He opened it and walked out. He tried to keep steady as he walked down the stairs. As soon as he hit the pavement he began to run. He ran as fast as he could, not sure what else to do. He tried to run off the adrenaline, the chemicals in his body telling him to move faster. He ran for as long as he could, and then ran faster. He didn't even feel his legs anymore, but just ran down the street panting.

Jake felt his breath running out more quickly. He shut his eyes and immediately regretted the decision, and felt himself run of the sidewalk. He ran down a steep incline and was almost able to keep upright before his shoulder slammed into a tree and he spun around and began to fall down. He grunted with each hit, and began to roll down an incline. He rolled for what felt like an eternity, and tried to stop himself, but to little avail. He felt his leg hit a rock as he was rolling and didn't have time to feel the pain before his chest hit a tree-effectively stopping him.

He rolled onto his back and tried to keep a steady breathe. He had sprinted the entire time, not sure how long he had been moving. With the hormones in his body finally ran out he was able to control himself. Without the adrenaline what he did would've been impossible-but with it he was able to make it pretty far. He had run a bit more than a mile in the time, but felt like he couldn't move now. He lay on the ground and felt his legs cramp and the effects of his flight beginning to kick in. His breathes weren't enough to carry all the oxygen his body needed and his legs, that were out of shape, began to cramp more furiously.

Jake gritted his teeth and tried to fight through the now, painful onslaught as his legs and lungs tried to still work. It was painful and he lay on the ground heaving for breath. He felt like he was going to pass out. In his mind he was screaming for his body to move, to do something. He didn't know how, but he managed to stand up, and slowly moved, but didn't get far. He felt his head go dizzy and himself falling to the ground. He blacked out before he hit the grass. In his mind he dreamt of Lucas. Even in his sleep he gained no rest from his thoughts.

A few hours later Jake woke up. He woke with a startle and looked around him, seeing nothing. It was completely dark out. He realized what he had done and felt his muscles fight him to stop him from standing up. He managed to slowly, and moved towards the street again. He had passed out off in a ditch. "Wow...that's just generic..." he muttered to himself as he moved up the hill.

It was pathetic, crawling up the hill. Even his arms were sore from how he had been pumping them. When he got up he looked around, there was no one around. He tried to stand up, and after a few seconds of trying managed the feat. He tried to move one foot but could only drag it. He realized this was going to have to be his pace, and trudged down the road. He gripped at his shoulder, and felt it was wet, yet warm. He silently cursed to himself, wondering what he had done. It didn't feel that bad though and he was happy for that much, but realized that the fact he could feel his shoulder meant that his shirt was torn. He saw a light behind him and began to pray it wasn't the cops; the last thing he wanted right now was to have to deal with them. He heard the car pull up next to him and stop, and silently cursed his luck.

"Can I offer you a ride?" he heard a heavy voice say.

Jake tried to maintain some dignity as he looked over at the car. He wanted to say yes, but felt his pride pulling at him. "I-" he began but was cut off.

"Please...let me help you," the voice said.

Jake heard the car door open and felt a strong, heavy arm around him. He began to fight though. He pushed away from whoever it was, "No!" he said, not even knowing who it was.

"I'm not going to hurt you...I just want to help," the voice replied.

Jake looked up and saw a bear in front of him. He was large, larger than Jake, and much more built, yet also fatter. Jake felt arms around him again, but it wasn't aggressive, he let his mind process it. It was caring almost. The next thing he knew he was in the car. After a minute of driving the bear stopped in a parking lot of a nearby gas station.

"Do I need to take you to a hospital?" the bear asked.

"No...I'm fine...just home..."

The bear looked at Jake, concerned. He had been on his way home when he saw Jake on the road. The bear was walking in the street, not even on the sidewalk. When he saw Jake up close he began to wonder what had happened. "What happened to you, were you attacked?"

Jake chuckled lightly, wishing that it was something like that. "No..." he managed to say.

"What happened then?"

Jake felt better. He was still sore, not even considering how he would feel due to his workout. He was breathing normally. He looked over at the bear again, and noted a few things about him. He was large, but it wasn't just fat. He looked strong. The bear had brown fur, yet white ran around his neck, but he wasn't a panda. He guessed he was a kodiak bear. After a second Jake noticed that the bear's eyes were two completely different colors. The right one was hazel, almost a yellow color, and the one on the left was blue.

"Are you going to answer?" the bear asked.

Jake realized he had gotten lost, thinking about the bear and looked up, "Its...not worth mentioning..."

"It can't be that bad..." the bear said, encouragingly.

"I was running...and I tripped," Jake said; he couldn't help but chuckle as he said it though. He thought back on all the times he had tripped; it wouldn't have shocked him if he was going to die because he tripped. He was expecting to hear the bear's laughter but it never came.

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah...I'll be's a common thing for me..."

The bear looked at him strangely for a moment.

"Thanks for driving me...I don't think getting back home would've been much fun," Jake said extending his left paw.

"Why are you extending your left paw?" the bear asked, taking the paw all the same though.

"What do you mean?"

"You're right handed...your grip is weak and I'm just assuming that you're right handed...what happened to your shoulder?"

"I...hit a tree," Jake said, more embarrassed than ever, but soon yelled out in pain as the bear pressed against it.

"It's...dislocated..." the bear said and stared at Jake, "I could pop it back in if you want..."

"Do it..." Jake said.

"It'll hurt..."

"I know," Jake said, trying to not think about it.

"OK...ready? One...two..." the bear said and didn't count to three, instead putting the shoulder back into place suddenly.

Jake yelled out, surprised by the suddenness of it. The bear had tricked him, but after a few moments he felt better. He lightly moved his shoulder and was happy it felt better. He looked over at the bear, "Thanks..." he said, looking for a name.

"Kaden...Kaden Marlinton..." the bear said, "and you are?"

"Jake Yellat..." Jake replied.

"Well, I should drive you home...where do you live?" Kaden asked.

Jake told the bear where he lived and they talked a little. He learned a little about him. He found that the bear was nice, and that he was on his way home from a convention out of town. He noticed a light techno song playing in the background. It wasn't heavy, and was enjoyable. Jake found himself tapping his foot to it, and saw the bear bobbing his head to it.

"I'm sure you're wondering...about my eyes...everyone does..." Kaden said with a chuckle.

Jake looked at the bear, "What...I'm just guessing its heterochromia of some sort...right?"

"Yes...very good. I inherited it, but it affects my fur too," Kaden said and pointed to his chest where the fur was white.

Jake was impressed, "Cool...kind of like..." Jake began and stopped, "...Lucas..."

"Whose that?"

"My roommate," Jake replied.

"He's probably worried about you. You shou-" Kaden was saying before his phone went off. He grabbed it and answered, "Hello? Hey dear...No...well, you told me to get some groceries so I got the groceries...I picked up some milk also...yes...Ok...I should be home soon...Oh, really?...I'll hold you to that...Mmm...bye, Love," the bear said and hung up.

He looked over at Jake and blushed a little, "I'm sorry...that was my spouse..."

"It's not a problem..." Jake replied. Something about hearing the bear talk reminded him of himself. He shook the thought away.

"Well, I need to get you home...where do you live?" the bear asked.

Jake told the bear where he lived and was soon back at his apartment. He thanked Kaden and got out. He walked to his door and stood for a moment. He didn't want to hear Lucas asking him what had happened. He opened the door quietly and didn't see Lucas around; guessing the wolf was asleep. Jake walked in and changed out of his clothes into some clean ones then lay down again, his body aching.

His thoughts ran back to Lucas. He thought about the wolf and felt a smile run up his muzzle. He was surprised at it though. He heard someone walking down the hall and looked up and saw Lucas. Lucas stared at the bear for a moment.

Lucas looked at Jake, glad to see he was back. He stayed for a moment before turning around to walk away.

"Lucas..." Jake said lightly.

Lucas turned around and looked at Jake.

Jake moved back a bit into the couch, " here for a moment?" he asked.

Lucas felt a warmness run up through him. He moved to the couch and sat down and slowly lay down. He moved back into Jake, who let out a light grunt. Lucas turned around and looked at Jake-confused.

"Sorry...I'm fine," Jake replied. He wrapped an arm over Lucas and lay there for a moment. They lay there, neither saying anything. It was nice, but still very strange, both unsure what the future would hold for them. Jake leaned down and rested his head on top of Lucas's. He didn't know why he was holding Lucas, it just felt right. It made him feel better. He pushed his thoughts and doubts away for a moment, wanting to just be with Lucas, even if for just a moment. He felt himself growing more tired, his body telling him to sleep. He was fading in between the dreaming world and the living world.

Lucas let out a sigh and nuzzled Jake, and was glad that the bear didn't move away from it, even happier when Jake returned it lightly. He lay there for a few minutes and after a bit he realized Jake was asleep. Lucas tried to move out of the bear's arms but found he couldn't, Jake pulling on him more.

"...Don't...leave..." Jake said in a whisper, and with a small whimper to it. The bear pulled Lucas closer, "Please..."

The words made Lucas's heart stop. He looked up at the bear and saw that Jake was talking in his sleep. He smiled lightly, but it became covered by a frown. He realized that even though he was hurt, the bear must've hurt more. He wondered if Jake did this whenever he slept, it wouldn't have surprised him. He could hear small whimpers coming out of Jake every few moments, and would pull Lucas closer instinctively. He leaned back and gently nuzzled Jake, wanting to comfort his friend and his mate, "I won't leave ever again...I promise,"