Sleep sweet puppy...

Story by CasperRaccoon on SoFurry

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#1 of Through all Hardships

How some people grow up greatly effects them, most are lucky enough to grow with a family that loves them. Others are not. Some people are born into this happy family; but bad things can happen... a sobering thought to those who truly think about it. Sledge was born into such a happy family; he was loved and cherished for the short years until his family was ripped apart. He was too young to really remember what happened but terrifying nightmares haunt him in the nights. His short, traumatizing life had broken the poor pup into submission to everything; seeking happiness but only finding pain. He'd managed to break free of the harsh bonds of slavery; yet he found no peace... he was down on everything - with nothing; he'd have to find ways to survive.

Forgiveness is a trait many people do not have; the question, depending on the circumstances is always 'to forgive, or not?' the choice itself will mean happiness, or sadness. When the mind if Sledge, a simple young puppy wolf is challenged, and torn apart by his love for someone, and his betrayed trust by them; he is faced with this very question, forgive and be happier, or chose to not forgive; and plummet into his own depression and continue to weep his years away... this story really starts, with a crush, lust; that turned into something so much more...


Through all Hardships

Chapter one

Sleep sweet puppy...

Everything was perfect. It was dark, but not to dark, the room was small, but snug and warm. The bed was covered in soft clean sheets, with fluffed pillows, and a smooth blanket; under it a soft, bouncy mattress. It was a good night for Dustin, because squirming under the muscled brown wolf's body was the sweetest, most innocent, and most attractive puppy he'd ever met; covered a long, black furred pelt that was silky to his touch. Each thrust he made into the pup's super tight little ass, the puppy would whimper, and moan out. Dustin sent his cock into the pup at a fast pace, roughly and lustfully for what seemed like a wonderful eternity. But, as he wished it not to end; he arched his back, and slammed once more inside, knot popping into, and tying him to the young pup, his thrusting now as if he was a piston on full speed; he growled directly into the young pup's ear, making the pup whine out, and tilt his head back

Then, in the best time, Dustin's eyes shot open and he arched his back for real, hips thrusted upwards, with his huge, hot load of wolf cum shooting out in long, thick ropes right over his belly, chest and face. As the load dribbled into a stop, the wolf lay panting heavily, large paws rested over his navel, "...oh... g-gods..." was all he panted out; before he rolled onto his side, and drifted back to sleep, to dream more about his fantasy lover...


Sledge woke that morning from his normal sleeping space. He was curled up under a rather thick, bushy plant that covered him from view and from the weather. Under him just a rough pile of leaves, and rocks that he'd adjusted for comfort; if comfort could be found like that. Groaning from the stiffness of his body, he sat up slowly, lifting his paw to rub the side of his muzzle, and into his slowly opening eyes.

He was a small wolf, even for his young age; his coat a soft and very silky pelt of very long, pitch black fur and he had a ring piercing his sheath. His body was underfed and therefore skinny and very un-muscled; yet even without them he somehow held an attractive - sexy look.

The forest was vast, only few tribes ever vacated there to live. Normally Sledge kept clear of them, mostly from fear, and also because he knew he'll be hurt if found. Connected to the forest was a town, the town itself was rather large; it had everything it needed and nothing more.

Sledge often wandered into the town, seeking food, or maybe a discarded mattress in an alleyway to curl up on for the night; most of the time he found his way into a bar just for the warmth of the indoors. Sometimes he earns some left-over food by working; or even becoming a slave for the night.

He arrived at such a bar, after walking out of the forest and as normal; since it was early in the morning not many people were around. So the puppy padded up to his normal seat, always at the very edge of the bar and climbed up into it. Sitting behind the bar was Dustin; only wearing a pair of cargo shorts.

Almost as soon as Dustin saw Sledge, he blushed and cleared his throat, looking all the way down to the little puppy with a smile, "Hey pup, need a drink?" In reply the pup meeps out loudly, snapping his gaze from the bar, up to Dustin.

"Uhm... I-I have no money, s-sir..."

Dustin chuckles, and shakes his head softly. Once he stopped, he found himself staring at the puppy, over his skinny little body, again. Almost every couple of days the pup would wander into the bar, and sit quietly at the end of the bar. Dustin had spotted him each, and every time; and as soon as he saw the pup he knew he had to have him.

But that's where it got hard. Normally, Dustin was the kind to walk up to someone, and talk right out, but with Sledge, he couldn't talk so freely. The pup had canted his head, his both ears shyly perked, "S-sir?" he asks quietly and questioningly.

"Oh! Sorry pup..." he chuckles, "I uhh, was just thinking," it was an excuse with a smile snuck onto his face. Dustin slips off his stool onto his large foot paws, and walked down the bar with heavy steps, before taking a seat in front of Sledge. He sat leaning over the bar, his head held into his both paws from his elbows. While as he moved Sledge's ears fold back. Seeing this supple act of submission and fear, Dustin leans back a little, to try not to intimidate, "So, if you don't come into a bar for a drink, why do you come into a bar, pup?"

At first Sledge stammered out random words, "I-it's warm..." he finally made himself say; then with his ears perked back he stared hopefully up to the large wolf.

This was bugging Dustin, he was trying to be nice to the pup, nicer than he normally would so he could find out more about him - he felt compelled to, and he wanted to. What made him even more aggravated was this - did the pup feel the same way, is that why he was so shy? Was he scared? Or did he just feel shy around Dustin because he loved him back? But he couldn't rush - he could feel like this because the pup was so cute...

That was madness, the pup wouldn't feel love for him; he sadly settled himself with that prediction. Before he knew it, he was staring at the pup; again! He just couldn't help himself.

"Beer, now!" a large, gruff looking stallion rudely busted in from several stools down. Dustin, being just a little shorter and less muscled than the horse, did not retaliate, or try to bad-mouth him; with his ears flat, and Sledge slumping down in his seat he replied, "Commin' right up..." He quickly slides down the bar, picks a glass from the little void between the floor, and the top of the bar. Upon filling it up, he glances to the pup - his ears fell as he sees he was gone.


Sledge walked along the beach, he'd walked from the bar when that horse came - it was night now, the moon casting its light over everything that would otherwise be in the dark. The blue sea seemed black, that became white at the waves crusts as they crashed gently against the dull yellow sand under Sledge's feet paws.

The pup walked with his large tail swaying behind him, right along the edge where the waves just about touched his toes. He stops, and turns to look over the dark night's ocean. His gaze thoughtful, and saddened, "Well..." he says softly, speaking to the ocean, "You tried to take me before and I'm still here..." the ocean seemed to whisper a hiss, if it was angry; or a gentle reply was unclear.

Then Sledge tilts his head up, and looks up to the sparkling stars in the black sky. The lights reflected of the puppy's dark brown eyes, projecting his sadness of trauma, "Why can't you get me? Is there a reason you want me alive?" He wasn't speaking to any person, but maybe a higher life form, maybe God? Who knew? He just stood there after that.

It just so happens, that Dustin was getting off work. He walked out the back of the bar, waving his paw to some of his friends. Luckily his route home took him past the beach. And, as he walked past he caught the figure of the pup standing alone. Dustin quirks a questioning brow, and started to walk over the grass till he reached the sand. There he stood, watching the tiny male; breathing a soft sigh, he turns and begins walking off... "Give it up; man he'll never be interested in you..."

After some time, the pup sighed; and turned away from the water, and continued to walk down the beach till he got up to the rocks, and cliff. Then he started to walk along to an easier part of the rocks, one that was simple to climb. He found one several minutes later, and started to climb. It took Sledge only a few long minutes to scale up the cliff, and another couple to walk through the forest at the top of the cliff, to a larger large tree with a hollow at its roots, where Sledge crawled into, and curled up in.

A few more peaceful minutes past, everything silent apart from soft rustles on trees... when suddenly a paw grasped his muzzle shut, and yanked him from under the tree. Sledge's eyes went wide with fear; desperate whimpers came loud and fast. But he couldn't see his attacker. He was being held with his back facing them. Whilst he was squirming madly, and kicking his arms and legs around. The attacker calmly pinned him to the floor on his belly. Sledge's paws pinned to the floor under this other's, he soon found his movement restricted by a heavy weight over him.

A slow, heavy breathing noise got closer, and close to his neck; these breath were followed by a sinister growl; before the pup could beg for his life, the cold moistness of a large nose-pad was shoved violently up against Sledge's neck. It sucked in air, and tasted the smell of the puppy. But before he knew it, he felt a large, rough paw slide under him, and grope from the chest, down to his fluffy sheath. And then the being stood up, and ran off.

At this time Sledge quickly crawled back under the tree, and curled up, shivering... and panting. Knowing someone had his scent; but who?


Dustin's room was quiet the next morning. He was laying in a tangled mess of bed sheets; on his side, curled up with that tail of his resting over his thigh. He was just staring at his paws.

The normal ring of the phone screamed its call out the room, but Dustin only reached for it slowly with the paw he was staring at. He lifts the handset up, and brings it to his ear, where he lets out a low, quiet, "Hullo...?" While the voice on the other end yapped at him, he rolled onto his back with a sigh, holding the phone to his ear. Once it stopped, he nodded his head, "Yeah okay." He would slam the phone down onto the receiver and growl, thinking to himself, 'Great, another day stuck in the bar.' He started to wonder again if the pup would be there, or waiting to get in...

Dustin arrived to the entrance of the bar, after a coffee and a long walk from his house, but the pup was not there. Worry stuck the wolf straight away; followed instantly by guilt and disappointment. The wolf reaches up, and grabs a key that was left of the over-hang of the doorframe, shoved it into the lock; and just about turned the key; when he froze, what was that noise? 'Hmn...' there it was again...

Slowly, Dustin edged away from the door, and looked along the wall to his left, till he found the alleyway entrance just a few paces down, the noise came again; it sounded like a soft, frightened little whimper... Now frowning, Dustin crouched down low and stalked his way to the corner of the alley entrance. He leans in, and slowly slides his head around to see into the alley. It was dark, the normal large Bins at the bottom of Rubbish chutes for the apartments, trash-cans next to that. The dead-ended alley seemed deserted; until he noticed a small black fluff ball poking out from behind a trashcan. At first he thought it was a black cat; and shook his head, breathing a small sigh of relief.

Then the voice cried out; the voice of the familiar young puppy - that tone of voice he would never forget, the fear, the distress... it would echo in his psyche... "HELP ME!" It took a fraction of a mere millisecond for Dustin to turn around, and run towards the howl. He would fall as his knees when around the bins, and look down upon the sleeping form of the puppy. Dustin's hear skipped a beat; Sledge was squirming around, violently pawing at the air with loud whimpers.

The realization that the little pup was having a nightmare sent Dustin to work; his arms quickly reach out, and slip around the puppies waist, giving support to his head as he picked him up; and hugged his small body close to his chest, his muzzle slipping gently over the pup's head. "Sshh... little pup... shh, you're okay. It's okay... no-one's going to hurt you..." he would coo into that large fluffy ear.

What happened next almost made Dustin's heart almost stop; the little puppy responded to him, not vocally - but his arms would slowly slide around the wolf's neck, and hold on; his digits curling up some of his fur and gripping it tightly. That cute, tiny nose of the pups would be pressed tightly into Dust's neck. He calmed down... now only shivering lightly...

Not believing this; Dustin actually started to blush; in all his years of living, Dustin didn't blush for just anything, and yet just because he was able to calm this pup; and have the pup cling to him for protection - he blushed?

He slowly stands up, tenderly cradling the sound asleep puppy against his chest; a large paw holding Sledge's head close under his chin, tucked warmly into his neck fur; stroking him to sooth. He slowly carried him to the door; and lent down to unlock it; without dropping the sweet little pup, he would open the door, and step inside. Once inside, he walks on behind the bar, and takes a seat slowly, still holding Sledge ever so close to him; still cooing to him quietly; and softly.

He sat there cuddling the snoozing puppy for at least half an hour until his boss arrived. A large; bulky Panda, walking in through the back door; seeing Dustin holding a small puppy, he was grin, and huff, "Got a new bitch, wolf?" he spoke gruffly, and loudly; not respecting Sledge's sensitive hearing. Immediately Dustin felt his hackles rise, he snaps his eyes over to the Panda, "Shh!" But despite the disturbance Sledge slept soundly.

For a small moment, Dustin would look down on him; his paw supporting the puppy's back slowly started to comb through the fur, bringing a small murr from Dustin, and a smile to his lips. The Panda, seeing this would grin, as if noticing something golden, "Aaaahhh, I see." Dustin's ears flicker at that,

"You see what?" He asks, quietly, now looking slowly up at the Panda,

Now speaking at a modest volume the Panda would just say, "Don't worry, wolf."

Dustin would shrug it off; not really caring what the other meant by that, "I'm going to get some coffee," he would whisper, before swivelling in his seat and standing up with the puppy still held so fondly against him. He walks through the back door of the bar, taking a few steps until he turned into the 'coffee' room. He nudges the door closed with his rump and walked over to the couch, when he turned around he let his eyes fall upon the puppy's face again. While sitting, he couldn't help seeing how peaceful Sledge was like this; no fear; no sadness. It was an adorable sight...