Anthrobury Hills: Late Nights At Domwhey

Story by MuttTheWriter on SoFurry

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#1 of Anthrobury Hills

Welp, here's my first attempt at porn. Lemme know what you think!

Late Nights At Domwhey

The resounding bell of Domwhey's Coffee Shop front door chimed. From the kitchen, Paz glanced up at a monitor that surveilled the dimly lit lobby. The husky panther straightened his black apron, which nearly blended in with his dark fur, and casually leaned against a large steel sink with a grin. Most of his nightly duties were finished, but he was still on the clock for another hour. It was rare for any customers to show up this late. However, this wasn't any customer. He had been waiting not-so patiently for that familiar call of the bell after a couple of texts he'd received from his vulpine girlfriend.

Farrah sauntered up to the register, her hair tied back in a bun, wearing a black tank top and jean shorts. She looked up at the blinking camera and blew a kiss to it, fluttering her eyes.

The panther smiled. He walked to the nearby door and opened it, revealing the lobby and his fox girlfriend. The two stared at each other for a moment. Paz, admiring the lean physique of his petite lover. Farrah, beaming into his emerald green eyes, letting her gaze drop down to his chiseled torso.

"I just got off of a long shift," she said in a cutesy voice, stroking her tail. "Think I could come spend some time back there with you?"

"I could get in trouble," Paz said, but he didn't sound particularly worried.

"I promise I'll be a _very_good girl," she said, playing it up for him. In spite of them both being adults, she enjoyed occasionally pretending to be his little girl.

He didn't need much persuading. "Right this way," said the panther, holding open the kitchen door. The two stepped into the back and Paz locked the door behind them just in case his grumpy manager made a surprise visit.

Paz could imagine how his manager, Oliver, would react knowing he'd let someone into the back of the shop. The owl already had some kind of vendetta against him after the freezer quit working. There wasn't any proof as to whose fault it was. The panther maintained a sneaking suspicion that he was being blamed for it anyway.

"I need you to stay right about here, okay?" Paz told the seductive fox, guiding her to the end of a large metal table that stood in the center of the back kitchen. "See that monitor above the sink? It shows what the cameras record. Try not to linger in view for too long or Ollie might spot you in the off chance he actually reviews the footage."

Farrah excitedly nodded, bringing herself slightly closer to her mate by standing on the tips of her toes awaiting a kiss. He obliged, then walked over to the sink to finish scrubbing a few last dishes.

"I'm sorry my shifts last so far into the night," he said, grabbing a coffee mug with the large _DOMWHEY_logo across the front. Most people in town had stolen a mug from the shop at this point and he remembered he should order more. "Oliver can't let me close early because then he'd have to pay me better for a shorter shift or something. It doesn't make a lot of sense. I guess I can't--"

Paz's comment was interrupted as he spotted Farrah's reflection in the stainless-steel panels before him. She appeared to have her hands up her shirt, and was rubbing something across her chest. Then, the calming scent of coconut met his nose.

"What, uhh..." he started to ask, slowly turning to watch her.

"It's just some conditioner," she said, matter-of-factly. "I bought a new scent. Gotta keep my fur healthy and soft."

"Even the fur across your tits?"

"Especially the fur across my tits."

Paz wondered for a moment if this was something she did regularly or just because she was here with him. He walked back over to her, examining the product's bottle while she continued applying its contents.

"Feel for yourself," she said, taking his hand into her shirt and placing it between her warm breasts. He blushed, wanting her more than ever at that moment. She leaned forward to kiss him. Then, reached underneath his apron and began kneading at the front of his jeans with both hands. The anxious panther closed his eyes, enjoying the spontaneous sensations of her fingers traveling across his nether regions. Every time they were together it felt to him like a brand-new experience. This time, in this place, it really was entirely new.

Paz thought that surely, she wouldn't want to have sex in the back of the restaurant. The place smelled like bread and coffee. There wasn't exactly a bed around. He could take her to the bathroom, but the sound of the doorbell didn't reach there, and it wouldn't take more than a single grumpy customer to text Ollie to complain about a missing employee.

She kept the friction going, and Paz felt his hardening member extend down into his pant leg. With his free hand he held the back of Farrah's head and attempted to kiss her, but was mostly distracted by the feel of her tits and hands. His ears grew warm as his heart rate skyrocketed and, just for a moment, he thought he saw a flash of light coming through on the monitor.

Pre-cum began dripping from his cock as she sped up. Farrah massaged his balls and ran her fingers along his pants zipper. Paz fondled her nipples, taking in the strong coconut scent, wishing his shift could be done and over with.

The front door's monotonous bell chimed again.

"Coming!" the panicked panther shouted by reflex.

"Not yet, you aren't," Farrah purred, her eyes half-closed.

Paz barely had time to check that his apron was still fastened securely. He checked the monitor, recognizing the corgi who walked alone into the lobby. Farrah grabbed the front of Paz's shirt. "Don't be out there too long," she said, then released him. "I'd hate to have to continue without you."

"I can't believe of all the nights for a late customer, it had to be this one," said the panther, collecting a knife and putting on a green DOMWHEY hat. "Looks like it's Connor."

"Connor?" Farrah said, seeing him on the monitor as well. "Doesn't he work at the auto shop around the corner?"

"Yeah, he comes in once in a blue moon because we're the closest place to him that's open this late."

"Anybody home?" Connor called to the back of the store.

"Be right out!" Paz called back. He made for the front and was intercepted by Farrah, the two of them clearly now on camera. He tried stepping around her, but she wouldn't let him pass.

"Pay the toll," she smiled. Paz rolled his eyes. He lifted the fox from the ground so that her face met hers. The two kissed, gently exploring each other's lips, tongues, and cheeks.

"Stay off-camera," Paz said, lowering his mate to the ground with a wink. He stepped around to the front of the shop and greeted the corgi with a chipper voice he'd never use outside of work.

"Welcome to Domwhey! How can I help you?"

"Everything okay back there?" Connor asked, leaning forward to take a peek towards the back.

"Sorry, I, uhh, ate too much sushi this morning."

"That's TMI, bro," the corgi replied, losing interest.

Out of the corner of his eye, Paz caught a red flash of Farrah's fur. The fox raised her eyebrows, then her tank top, revealing her chest. Her small frame made her already modestly-sized tits look huge. Paz fumbled with the bread he was cutting, completely eviscerating one end of the loaf.

"Um, is something wrong with that knife?" Connor asked. He clearly couldn't see her from where he stood. Paz looked down and swiftly replaced the bread with something fresher.

"The usual?" Paz asked. On a typical night, the corgi wanted a basic vegan patty. Every once in a while, though, it was this weirdly-specific order that took what felt like hours to make.

"Can I actually get the meatball sandwich?" Connor replied, pulling out his phone to preoccupy himself while the panther worked. "Microwave it for three minutes, yeah?"

The panther sighed and nodded. He didn't know anyone else who wanted their sandwich nuked for so long or even at all. Paz turned to plug Connor's order into the register computer when he noticed her again. It seemed little Farrah had found another spot against a wall in the kitchen where she wouldn't be seen by the nearby live feed.

Once she met Paz's gaze, the fox slid a hand into the front of her shorts. Judging by the movement from within and the way she was biting her lower lip, she was clearly rubbing her clit. The black panther felt blood rush to his face, among other places. His apron covered what his jeans couldn't. He'd be found out in short time if he kept watching her. Luckily, Connor seemed more interested in social media tonight.

Retrieving the sandwich from the microwave, Paz, while constantly glancing over his shoulder, began adding the veggies Connor asked for to his food. As he grabbed for the mayonnaise, he couldn't help but notice Farrah covering her muzzle with her free hand in an attempt to muffle her voice. He knew that expression. She was cumming into her panties right there around the corner from the two of them.

Oliver couldn't believe what he was seeing. From his townhouse several miles away, he performed his routine daily check of the camera footage to make sure that panther hadn't yet burned the place down. What a sight to behold was the provocative fox walking through the lobby and into the back kitchen with Paz. He couldn't see much about what was going on other than the metallic sign moving whenever the table was bumped, but it ferociously turned him on nonetheless. The excitement of maybe catching a glimpse of her getting plowed by that rugged panther, in spite of his pathetically poor work ethic, violently shook his pulse throughout his entire body.

He questioned for a minute if it was moral to be jacking off to his employee and employee's partner. "Well, he's on the clock... and this beats any porno I could have found tonight," he said with a smirk. Beyond his bedroom door he heard his roommate's keys hitting the living room table. He pivoted out of his desk chair and quietly shut and locked his door before anyone could drag him away from what he hoped to be a night that was half as thrilling as Paz's. Unbuttoning his plaid shirt while returning to the chair, he watched the edges of the kitchen camera, where the briefest cameos of a hand gripping a wrist or a flushed face in the throes of ecstasy flashed for too short of moments.

"I'm paying him to do this, after all," he said, reassuring himself once again that what he was doing was justified. "He knows he's being watched on these cameras. I told him time and time again that I check 'em. Bet he thought I was pullin' his leg." The owl threw off his shirt and unzipped, withdrawing his own impressive cock from beneath the button of his jeans.

As Connor exited the shop, Paz made his way back to Farrah yet again, who was seated nude facing away from him upon the edge of the table. The sly fox leaned back, propping herself up with her arms, waiting nonchalantly for her powerful man to return to her. As he sidled up to her, she turned her head slightly towards him, smiling. The panther placed himself between her legs, removing the drawstrings of his apron and tossing it underneath the table where she'd lain her clothing. He placed his hands on her thighs and let the vulpine unzip his jeans for him. His cock was harder than stone and wet from his own dripping pre-cum. Farrah reached down to massage it, squeezing her breasts together with her slender biceps as she did.

Paz loved how good she was to him. He knew how badly she wanted it, and here she was making it all about him. Every rise and fall of her palm across his throbbing member lifted mountains of stress from his shoulders. He kissed her face as she jerked him off. He gently played with her nipples, wondering to himself in what way would be the best way to finish a night like this. "Lean back," he told her. I'm joining you up there."

Farrah blushed, doing as commanded while trying to maintain an air of control. The table wasn't exactly sturdy, but it was a risk the two were willing to take. Paz dropped his jeans and peeled off his shirt and boxers, adding them to the pile. Alongside a vibrant creaking noise, he climbed onto the table with her and caressed her vagina with fingers. She was already sopping wet with anticipation. Paz urgently stuffed a thick cock inside of her, and briefly chuckled at the metal sign that began swinging like a metronome to the speed at which he fucked her.

Paz began to wonder if the squeaking noise of the metal sign would drown out the bell should a customer actually enter the restaurant. Then, the entire table beneath them tilted and collapsed with a roaring bang. All four table legs were bent and sprawled out. I the heat of it all the panther and fox had descended into an area that was clearly within the sights of the kitchen camera. Still atop the crumbled table, the couple paused momentarily to assess that they were both okay from the fall. Farrah weighed about half of what Paz did, but she seemed fine.

"Keep going," she moaned. The panther looked to the kitchen monitor and saw his own naked body sprawled out for anyone checking the cameras to see.

"I'm gonna get caught," Paz said, slowly sliding into and out of Farrah all the while. "If Ollie speeds through the footage and we're here like this for a long time, we'll be spotted easy."

"Well, what're you gonna tell him about the broken table, then?" she asked, eyes rolling calmly to the rhythm of his thrusts.

"I..." Paz had lost. There was no way Ollie wouldn't check the footage once he found the broken table. Ollie always told Paz he was lazy and careless at work. Now he had the perfect evidence to reference any time he wanted, and that's the best-case scenario if Paz wasn't simply fired after this. He reached over to the sign and snapped it off of its hinges. "I don't care anymore," he said. "If that owl wants to fire me so bad he's gonna have to watch me fuck you to bits."

And with that, Paz began rapidly slamming her ever-tightening pussy as hard as he could. Farrah's legs wrapped themselves around his hips. Her eyes bulged as she felt the length of him force itself deeper and deeper into her body.

He gripped her shoulders to make sure nothing in the world would pry them apart as his member swelled with the load he'd been maintaining all night just for her. Each pump of his penis into her constricting honeypot threatened to push him past the edge and finish in her. His balls felt like they might burst from how full and hard at work they were. He needed her to finish first to show her he was worth her love.

"I'm gonna cum," Farrah whimpered, curling her toes, arms firmly wrapped around Paz's torso, gently moaning into his chest as she exhaled in climax. Her pussy tightened yet again, so much so that Paz wondered how he could possibly fit inside it after her second orgasm tonight.

The sultry panther could finally hold back no longer, cumming inside his lover, neglecting her small stature with the most forceful of thrusts as the last few squeaks of the table against the floor slowly died away. The two mammals caught their breaths. Paz tenderly pulled out of Farrah, making a mess of what remained of the table as his semen poured from the fox's exhausted pussy. He smiled as she gave him tiny licks across his cheek.

Ollie didn't bother holding back the orgasm that erupted from his overflowing cock. The owl sprayed his shirt, his pants, the arms of his desk chair, and even his keyboard with a finale of cum he wouldn't regret having to clean up.

"I'm definitely losing my job after this," Paz said, rolling to his left and onto the floor. There was no hope for repairing the table by the end of his shift. He looked at the time, wondering how long he'd have to stay cleaning up their fluids.

"Don't pretend," Farrah smiled. "You know it was worth it." She closed her eyes and stretched her legs out with the relaxed delight of a job well done.

"I'm definitely giving him a promotion," Ollie said, collecting a handful of tissues from a nearby box. "I always hated that table."