Try it Again...and Again

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#16 of Cycled life

Well, i think i say this a lot, but...i think this is my longest chapter lol. Hope it's what everyone was hoping for...or atleast a good alternative. If there is anything off or if there is anythign that comes to your mind that i may be unclear on or just do poorly then please let me know--criticism is always fun...and yes...constructive is the best yada yada.

Hope everyone enjoys it , i did....

PS:...I actually ran back through this chapter (so if you're a first time reader you won't notice i bet). I edited a few scenes, and though I'm sure there are still problems...i hope that I made some scenes a bit more...vivid.


Jake nuzzled Lucas, trying to move down a bit and burry his head under the wolf's neck as the light from a nearby window slowly forced him to wake up. He noticed that Lucas was still wearing the collar, and thought back. He couldn't name a time when Lucas was without it. Jake felt a small warmness run through him at the realization. He was glad the wolf hadn't just abandoned it. Sighing, he finally gave up on the battle and woke up, little by little. He looked over and saw that it was only seven. He looked down at Lucas who was still asleep in his arms. He felt a small smile run over his muzzle as he watched the wolf sleep, and then looked around for his glasses, the light making his eyes hurt. He saw them on the coffee table and reached over for them, hearing Lucas mumble something in his sleep as he did. Jake tried not to disturb the wolf as he did, and adjusted his glasses on his muzzle once he got them.

Jake lay there, watching Lucas sleep and thinking as he did. He thought about how it felt nice, to wake up with someone nearby him again, and the fact that it was Lucas made him happier. He looked at Lucas and gently pulled him a bit closer, feeling Lucas nestle into him in return, and a small smile appearing on Jake's muzzle at the action. He blushed realizing how he and Lucas were. He was wearing a shirt and a pair of wind pants and the wolf was in a shirt and a pair of boxers. After a moment he leaned his head against the couch again and closed his eyes, the room much darker with his glasses back on. He didn't sleep though, just enjoyed the moment. He thought back to the night before, his doubts reentering his mind, making his smile disappear. He didn't want to have doubts-he wanted to be able to trust in Lucas again. 'Things will be better...they have to be...' he told himself in his mind.

Jake leaned down and nuzzled the back of the wolf's neck, at the nape. He breathed in Lucas's scent, letting out a sigh as he did. It made him feel better, no longer a mix of emotions along with it. It was part of the wolf, part of Lucas that always managed to give him relief from his thoughts. The scent made him think that everything would be OK. Even when he and Lucas didn't talk, as long as they were nearby it was enough.

Lucas slowly moved in his sleep, the same thing that caused Jake to wake up causing him to awaken too. He squinted his eyes at the light and a light growl rose from his chest. He felt his shirt, it slightly damp; wondering what happened he realized, his fur was still dampened from the storm last night. Lucas hated this feeling, it felt like his entire body was muggy.

Jake looked up at Lucas when he heard the growl, wondering what was going on.

Lucas felt the bear above him move and looked up, still squinting. "Sorry...did I wake you?"

"No...I've been awake," Jake replied, almost whispering, and a small smile on his muzzle.

Lucas felt a shiver run through him at the tone of the bear's voice, it was strangely kind. It wasn't unpleasant, the exact opposite, making him feel like everything was going well, better than well. He nuzzled under Jake's muzzle and let out a sigh, feeling Jake return the affection. Lucas moved in the bear's arms, turning to face him-his back meeting a breath of cold air and his chest feeling the bear's heart beat now. He moved down the bear's chest, pushing his nose in the through the head hole of the shirt and into the bear's chest. He nuzzled Jake's chest along the ruff. He breathed in the bear's scent, it was nice-one of many things he had missed about Jake. It wasn't physical or out of lust. The scent was calming and pleasant; it made him feel like he was closer to the bear.

Lucas felt a rumble in Jake's chest and heard it after a moment, but it wasn't strange or awkward. The bear gave off a happy growl. Lucas felt the bear place a paw on the back of his head and gently rub in-between his ears. Lucas let out a happy sigh at the touch, it felt good, for some reason everything did right now. He began to hold in the breaths, not wanting to let them go. Lucas thought about it, he had always loved the bear's scent, it was nice. It made him feel better all the time, no matter what.

It was nice, to spend this time with Jake. The bear's embrace around him made him feel safe and happy. It made him want to be even closer to Jake. He remembered his time with Lana for a brief moment, how it was never like this. They had never had a moment he could call 'sweet' or 'romantic'-they were all just like games. Lucas felt a pang of guilt run through him at the thoughts, not for the thoughts, but realizing once more that he had messed up. He took one last breath and looked up at Jake, who was just smiling down at him. He smiled back and tried to hug the bear back, but found he couldn't, Jake effectively cut off his movement abilities. He saw past the bear's glasses and into his eyes, that were staring back at him. "Can I move?" Lucas asked.

"Obviously not..." Jake replied with the same smile.

Lucas chuckled at the bear then tried again, "May I move?"

Jake kept his stare on Lucas, not wanting to let the wolf out of his sight or let the moment end. "No," he replied simply.

Lucas felt a smile run over his muzzle, "OK," he said and nuzzled the bear's chest again. He felt Jake release his grip a bit and Lucas took the opportunity to wrap his arms around the bear, not wanting to move away now. He breathed in the bear's scent with each breathe, feeling it run through him. Lucas felt the bear's paws gently move down and up his back, always keeping him close. Without a reason he felt a tear run down his muzzle, and dug his head deeper into Jake's chest, not wanting to let it fall. It didn't help though, instead causing another to fall. Soon he felt himself crying into the bear's chest softly. He gripped at the bear's shirt and pulled closer to Jake, a steady stream falling despite his efforts to stop them.

Jake looked down at the wolf, a bit confused by the sudden change in his behavior. He gently stroked the wolf's head and neck, not sure what else to do. It was a bit strange to see Lucas doing this type of stuff, it wasn't like him.

"I missed you," Lucas found himself crying into Jake's chest.

Jake was taken back by the wolf's words for a moment. He remembered saying the same thing to Lucas last night, and now Lucas said them back. It wasn't that he didn't believe Lucas, there was no way not to. He could feel Lucas's paws gripping at his fur even through his shirt and pulled the wolf closer, wanting to help him. For some reason he wanted to soothe the wolf, he felt a pang of pain run through him. It hurt to see Lucas crying over him, over anything. "It's OK..." Jake gently whispered and petted the wolf's head.

Lucas felt Jake's touch and tried to keep himself from shaking. He was glad when after a moment he stopped crying. He didn't move though, not wanting to break away from Jake. He looked up at the bear though, and saw Jake looking at him still. The smile was gone but his eyes were the same, still king-content. Even through the darkness of the lenses he could see Jake's eyes. "Sorry...I jus-" he was saying before Jake stopped him.

"It's OK..." Jake said and as if emphasizing it pulled on Lucas more. He didn't want to hear Lucas apologizing for something like that. He saw that the wolf's face was dampened with the tears, his grey fur darkened by it. He leaned down and nuzzled at Lucas's face, not sure why, feeling like it could wipe away the tears. He felt Lucas return it, gently rubbing their muzzles together. Jake thought about how it seemed like the simmering hate he had been holding seemed to start to fade away, thinking it was ironic that seeing Lucas crying would do that, like the tears dampened the flame. After a moment they both stopped and felt that their noses were touching, and they were staring into each other's eyes. Jake silently wished that it wasn't so light in the room, since his glasses darkened to keep light at a steady amount to his eyes, or that he didn't have them on-so that there wouldn't be a boundary between them. He saw Lucas move a paw up to his muzzle, as if reading his mind and gently removed his glasses. He stared at the wolf again; the light a bit painful but he ignored it.

Lucas smiled at Jake and felt happy. The bear's eyes seemed to have a calming effect on him. He wished he had the same look to him. Jake's eyes were brown, darker than his fur. Dark brown in color, they seemed to change to black whenever the sunlight hit his face from the side.The irises seemed to flow into his pupils, making it seem like he was sinking into the bear's eyes. Lucas felt like his own eyes were worse off, that they weren't like Jake's. There wasn't the same happiness that there should've been. He wasn't sad, but he didn't feel great. The feeling he had had before seemed to come to him clearly now. He felt guilty.

Jake gently rubbed his nose against Lucas's. He could see the wolf's eyes were a bit redder, probably from crying. One of his favorite things about Lucas was the wolf's eyes. They were green, not really light or dark. It wouldn't be right to call it emerald or earthy. Jake didn't know how to describe it besides nice. The wolf's eyes usually were different though, they seemed glassy though. Jake leaned forward and gently licked the wolf on his lips. He saw it took Lucas by shock, and felt a small smile rise up on his muzzle. Jake leaned in next to Lucas, and nuzzled him again.

"I'm sorr-" Lucas was in the middle of saying before Jake stopped him with different words.

"I've already forgiven you," Jake said with a slight chuckle, not sure why he laughed. It felt good to say the words, like a weight was being lifted, or relieved a bit. He saw the wolf's expression change to one of confusion, then to a frown, to a smile, then blank again. Jake couldn't help but smile at the wolf's changing expressions.

Lucas felt his eyes water again, but he didn't cry, just felt them water. The guilt didn't go away; he didn't expect it ever would. He did feel different though, he wasn't sure how to describe the feeling. It wasn't like some great euphoria washed over him or like the words made him feel worse. He couldn't express what he was feeling, wasn't even sure what it was. He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't find any words despite everything he was thinking.

Jake smiled at the wolf, "What? Too soon?" he asked with a joking grin. He didn't know why but he felt better. Something about being with the wolf again, just this close, made him feel like everything would be OK.

Lucas looked at Jake still, hearing the bear's words, but not registering. Lucas opened his mouth to say something but still nothing came out.

"I mean it. I have already forgiven you. How are we supposed to give this a second chance if one of us is still holding back? You make me happy, and I want to make you happy. Lucas, I want to forgive you, to give you a second chance, because you deserve it," Jake said with a smile, hoping to explain it to the wolf.

"No...I don't..." Lucas replied, it felt like the guilt was talking for him.

Jake cocked his head and looked at Lucas, "Why wouldn't you?"

"Why would I?" Lucas asked back, thinking it was the best response.

"Because that's what I think..." Jake replied,

"But..." Lucas was saying, he didn't know how to respond.

"Don't try to think about it..." Jake replied. "I don't really want to sit here and argue over whether you deserve it or not...or whether I deserve it or not. I don't want talk about how one of us is 'this' or 'that', or how the whole idea of this doesn't make any sense...So let's not...please?" Jake asked.

Lucas smiled lightly, thinking about what the bear was saying. He was right; there wasn't much of a point in wallowing in self-pity or self-loathing. Even though he still felt guilty he guessed there was no point in dwelling on it, especially if Jake was willing to let go. Lucas looked at the bear and licked his nose. He saw the goofy grin spread over the bear's muzzle, the one he hadn't seen in what seemed like ages. Lucas ran a paw over Jake's face, "You know? I missed that grin too,"

Jake chuckled at the wolf and pulled him tighter as he nuzzled against Lucas's paw. He guessed Lucas had gotten what he meant by not wanting to talk about it-it was the past; it was time to put it away. He leaned forward and nuzzled the wolf more affectionately. He began to lick along the wolf's face, feeling Lucas return the affection. After a moment he pulled away from the wolf and stared at him again, looking in his eyes. Their eyes met for a moment and Jake leaned forward, lightly pressing his lips against the wolf's. He didn't push though, just kissed Lucas as lightly as a feather on the lips then pulled back.

Lucas felt the kiss and returned it, just as softly. Both were staring into each other's eyes, not wanting to break the look. Lucas moved forward again, and kissed Jake on the lips. He did this a few times, each time slowly kissing the bear more, and felt Jake returning it with each kiss. Starting with small kisses on the lips, each time both began to increase in their passion. Lucas felt the bear's arms tighten around him. As the kisses continued Lucas began to slowly open his muzzle, Jake doing the same, until they ended up with their lips pressed against each other and exploring each others muzzles with their tongues. Lucas found that he was now on top of Jake, the bear having pulled him on top of him at some point. Lucas leaned forward, as did Jake, both kissing the other as deeply as possible.

Lucas continued the kiss, and soon felt Jake's paw resting on the back of his head and the bear's chest vibrating with a large growl. It shook him and he could feel the bear's maw vibrate along with it-making it feel like an increase in passion. He felt the bear begin to apply pressure where his paw was resting on the back of his head, pulling him into the kiss more. Lucas took it as a good sign, that the bear was enjoying himself as much as he was, and let out a happy moan as the bear pulled on him. It didn't feel like lust though. The kiss wasn't driven by how long they had been apart, by the wants of their bodies. It felt different-better. It wasn't lustful, just passionate and full of affection. Lucas wondered if Jake felt the same, hoping he did, then, as if answering his question the bear pulled away from the kiss. Lucas stared at Jake and then felt one of his paws running across his muzzle affectionately a few times, Lucas nuzzled against the paw. He stared at Jake who was smiling at him, and leaned forward and gently kissed him on the lips again. He did this a few times before stopping and returning his paw to the back of the wolf's head.

Jake felt the wolf's tongue running over his own and exploring his own muzzle as he pulled on Lucas. He did the same and explored the wolf, letting his tongue run through his muzzle and play with the wolf's. He felt his chest rumbling and how it moved through him and it shook both him and Lucas. Occasionally he pulled on Lucas more, bringing him deeper into the kiss. Jake pulled on the wolf more, everything seemed new. As he pulled on Lucas he thought about how it wasn't like other times. They had kissed many times before, and all the time it felt like the first time. It wasn't different this time either, but it seemed like a new chance-a chance to be together again. Every kiss he shared with the wolf was like the first one he had shared-the connection it brought and how it made his heart stop. After a time, he lost track of how much, he pulled from Lucas, who did the same, breaking the kiss with hesitation. A thin line of saliva hung in between them for a moment before disappearing as it fell to Jake's lips. Jake nuzzled Lucas and both caught a breath. Jake could feel the wolf's breaths running into his own as they breathed in one another.

"That was the first time...and all the times after that. Every time is the same as the first...and at the same time better," Lucas said with a smile and licked Jake's ear.

"You took the words out of my mouth," Jake replied and nuzzled the wolf, thinking about how true the words were.

Lucas pulled away and looked down at the bear, "Really?" he asked with a smile and kissed Jake on the lips, "I guess you've been reading my thoughts too then," he said and kissed the bear again.

Jake blushed at the wolf's words and tried to hide his face by burying it in Lucas's chest. It was strange; the wolf usually verbalized his thoughts before he had a chance to share them, the link they shared. He nuzzled the wolf, feeling the collar on his head. He felt Lucas pull on him and looked up and felt the wolf's muzzle being planted on his own. He happily took in the wolf again, not wasting any time, his tongue wrestling with Lucas's. The feeling it caused, like the first time, was like all the times before. Jake pulled his tongue out of the wolf's muzzle and began to play with the wolf's that was in his own, as Lucas continued exploring his muzzle. The sound that came out of the wolf made Jake give his own happy moan. He gently pulled on the wolf's tongue with his own, the taste of the wolf making his head dizzy. The kiss didn't last as long as the first time though, both running out of breath quickly-not taking the time to breathe during the kiss. They broke the kiss and would kiss each other on the lips as they caught their breath. Jake ran his paws up to the wolf's head and placed them gently on both sides of Lucas's face. He held the wolf and kissed him a few times, caressing the wolf's face as he did. After a few more times he pulled away from Lucas and let his paws fall away, and his eyes locked with the wolf's.

Lucas smiled at Jake and gently rubbed his stomach. He kissed Jake on the lips again, lightly. "Jake..." Lucas said with a sigh.

"Hmm?" Jake inquired wondering what Lucas wanted.

"Nothing...just felt like saying your name," Lucas replied, and saw Jake blush at the words. He nuzzled the bear and chuckled at how Jake acted. It was part of what attracted him to the bear. Jake, who could act arrogant enough to argue with a king, blushed at the slightest bit of personal praise. He kissed the bear on the lips, feeling the bear returning it quickly. He felt one of Jake's paws move up to his head and pull him into the kiss again, and he let out a happy moan at it, encouraging the bear further. The kiss stopped suddenly as a vibration cut through them both, but not from Jake. Both tensed quickly, but soon relaxed once the culprit was found.

Jake pulled out his phone and looked at it. Jim was calling. He looked up at Lucas and gave a weak smile. The wolf planted a gentle kiss on his lips and then rested his head on the bear's chest-staring at Jake. Jake felt the wolf gently rubbing his body and waiting for him to answer the phone. Jake smiled and mouthed a thank you before answering the phone. "Hello?"

"How's it going?" Jim asked from the other side.

"Good...what's up?" Jake asked, trying to suppress a gentle sigh and Lucas rubbed his stomach.

"Not much...just checking in on ya' are things goin'?" Jim asked, waiting for Jake to respond.

Jake looked at Lucas and smiled, "Good... things are going to work out..." he stated, talking to both the gorilla and the wolf. He saw Lucas's smile increase on his muzzle and the wolf leaned forward and planted a quick, silent kiss on his lips.

" have you been up to?" Jim asked, starting up a regular conversation.

Jake smiled, he was glad to talk with the gorilla, but couldn't help but hate the timing of the call. "Not much...I finished my work a few days ago...just waiting for school to about you?"

"Already started," Jim said with a sad sigh.

"Ouch...sorry," Jake replied with a laugh. He began to talk with the gorilla, Lucas lying on his chest the entire time. After a few minutes Lucas began to kiss along his neck and muzzle. Jake found it increasingly harder to ignore the wolf's advances and also couldn't help but chuckle. He kept a conversation with Jim, talking with his friend for almost half an hour. At one point he felt Lucas licking on his lips and making Jake elicit a rumble from his chest. He tried to keep his attention on the phone and looked over at the wolf, "Lucas...please," he tried to say in a whisper.

" Lucas there?" Jim asked.

Jake stopped for a moment, hoping the gorilla wouldn't say anything much. He tried to act normal though, "Yeah...he's right next to me," he replied. He cast a glance at Lucas who stopped for a moment, and gave a toothy grin. He saw the wolf mouth an apology and lay his head on his chest again.

"Oh...sorry, must be awkward..." Jim said, just meaning that he had called at a bad time.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked a bit too quickly and defensively.

"Huh...nothing...just that with what you were talking about yesterday. Must be a bit strange to talk with him so close by,"

Jake relaxed a little, "No...not really. We talked, everything is better," Jake replied with a chuckle.

Lucas looked up and licked the bear's nose, "Yeah...Jake's a great guy...thanks for talking with him," he said.

Jim was taken back by how close the wolf's voice sounded. He pushed it out of his mind, guessing the phone was sensitive. He smiled, "Lucas sounds happy," he told the bear.

"I guess he is..." Jake replied and waited for a second, "But as Lucas said, thanks for talking with me yesterday,"

"No problem," Jim replied. He waited for a moment, "So...what is Lucas doing back so soon? I thought ya'll didn't start till next week..." Jim said, asking out of curiosity.

"Oh...well, we had planned before summer to just spend the week before school together," Jake replied, hoping to not sound too objective or subjective. He looked down at Lucas who had stopped kissing him and was now just staring at him, waiting for him to finish the talk. It wasn't an impatient stare though, the wolf didn't mind.

"Oh, that reminds me. No idea why, but your parents want you to call them. I feel like the middle man...on a different note; it's too bad you didn't come back this way over the summer," Jim said, poking at the bear.

"Yeah...sorry. I'll come back for...thanksgiving, or of those for sure. We'll hang out for sure then...sound good?" Jake said. He did miss hanging out with Jim. Jim was still one of his closest friends, he always would be. Though at the mention of his parents he felt his heart stop for a moment.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. I'm just poking at ya' dude," Jim replied and let out a sigh, "Well, I'll let you get back to Lucas,"

"Umm...Jim...I-" Jake said, growing tense. He wanted to tell the gorilla what was really going on, but before he could the gorilla continued.

"I'm still just poking at ya' dude...don't worry, I don't mean it like that. Well, don't forget to call your parents," Jim said and hung up on the bear laughing. After he hung up he thought about how Jake had acted at the end of the conversation, and how Lucas sounded so close. He stopped for a minute and chuckled, "Yeah...definitely a sensitive speaker,"

Jake looked at the phone, frowning. He looked back at Lucas who was staring at him, his head now cocked to the side.

"You OK Big-guy?" Lucas asked.

"I's nothing," Jake replied, lying. He knew it wasn't convincing. He saw Lucas frown and move up closer, his face a hair's length away from his own.

"Tell me about it?" Lucas said, half way asking, half way stating.

Jake let out a sigh, "I don't know...You have someone back home who knows about you and supports you...I don't have that,"

" dad is there for you too. You're practically a son to him...honestly I think he considers you another son,"

Jake felt his eyes widen at this, and a small smile come over his face. He had considered himself close with Mr. Vadikson, but never inquired how the wolf felt about him, not wanting to know if it was bad. "Really?"

Lucas nodded in response.

Jake felt a small feeling of happiness run through him. He looked back at Lucas again though, "Thanks...that means a does, but..."

"You want to tell Jim?" Lucas half way finished for Jake.

Jake looked away from the wolf, "Like I said; I don't know. I don't 'want' to tell anyone, but...just living like this...Oh well. He would probably hate me for it anyway,"

Lucas nuzzled the bear, "You never know,"

"Sometimes you do..." Jake replied, sighing.

Lucas looked at Jake and gave a weak smile. "Well, at least you got me..." he said jokingly.

Jake laughed at this, filling the room with sound for a moment. After he finished he looked at Lucas whose smile was now a bit more confident, "Thanks...that really helped," he said and licked the wolf on the lips.

Lucas smiled more brightly now, and returned the lick. He felt the bear's arms wrap around him again, tightly and let out a surprised grunt at the bear's sudden embrace.

"Where were we?" Jake asked with a grin, his nose touching the wolf's.

Lucas grinned and leaned forward, kissing Jake deeply, feeling the bear return it without hesitation. Lucas pulled away from Jake, taking the bear by surprise, the bear's tongue hanging out of his muzzle as the wolf pulled away. Lucas saw the confusion on the bear's face and smiled, "We were right there," he said with a toothy grin.

Jake couldn't help but laugh at the wolf again, yet feel as though he had been denied something. He quickly pulled on Lucas more tightly, the wolf giving a yelp of surprise, "Tease..."

Lucas leaned forward and kissed Jake again on the lips, "Only for you,"

Jake blushed lightly, but didn't look away. He stared at the wolf for a moment, their eyes locking with each other and exploring. After what seemed like a small eternity they broke the contact. Jake moved back into the couch and let Lucas roll down, and draped an arm over the wolf.

Lucas nestled closer into Jake, letting out a sigh as the bear pulled on him, brining him closer. He felt the bear's warmth radiating into him, throughout his entire body. He smiled, feeling Jake's chest rumble again. A moment passed and then Lucas reached forward and grabbed the remote. He turned on the TV and static filled the box. He grimaced at the sound and let out a quick yelp as a needle of pain ran through his ears, not just at the sound though. Jake had been biting on his ear and had been startled when the TV came on.

"Sorry," Jake said, rubbing the wolf's arm.

"It's OK," Lucas replied, nuzzling against the bear's chest.

"My TV out?" Jake asked, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Yeah...that's not good," Lucas said with a sigh.

Jake kissed the wolf in-between the ears a few times, "I don't know...It could have its advantages..." he said in-between light kisses.

Lucas felt a smile come across his muzzle and nuzzled more against Jake, "Such as?" he asked, letting out something between a moan and playful growl. At the end of the question he felt the bear's grip around him tighten and Jake's efforts increase. Lucas felt his sheath begin to stir, the physical lust beginning to tell him what he wanted. During the kiss with Jake his cock had been still, but now, the change in atmosphere made it begin to fill out his sheath. Lucas tried the best he could to rub back against the bear's body, wanting to feel Jake around him now more than ever.

Jake felt the wolf's efforts and let out a low moan, and rubbed the wolf's chest more, rubbing his fur through he shirt. He moved to the wolf's waist and began to move his paw up the wolf's chest, letting his paw slide under Lucas's shirt. The feel of the wolf's fur made him give a growl of happiness, enjoying the feel. He continued to rub the wolf for a minute.

Lucas let out a sigh as the bear's paw moved up and down through his chest, playing and ruffling his fur. For a moment he worried if he was pushing the bear again, but it quickly disappeared; the feeling of the bear's member pressing against him even through the bear's pants laying that thought to rest. Lucas let out a slight grunt as Jake's paw ran through a tangled area of fur. He wished again that he had taken a shower the night before. He thought for a second. Lucas ran a paw to Jake's and stopped the bear.

Jake looked at Lucas, "What's wrong?" he asked. He was pretty sure that the wolf wanted to be with him, He doubted the wolf was concerned with going too fast either, Jake wanted the wolf, and hoped Lucas felt the same.

"I just want to clean up..." Lucas replied. It was true. He felt dirty from yesterday, his fur felt muggy.

Jake nuzzled the wolf again, "Wouldn't you rather do that later?" he replied, hoping to change the wolf's mind.

"I never said you couldn't join me..." Lucas added, hoping the bear's attitude to such a detour would improve. Lucas wanted to give into the bear, but wanted to clean up so he could actually enjoy himself. He feared that Jake wouldn't like how his fur felt when it was like this.

Jake felt his ears perk up. He didn't know whether to say yes now or to still try and change the wolf's mind. Before he could make up his mind the wolf was out of his arms though, his grip having lessened at the wolf's proposal. He saw the wolf standing in front of him, though the bulging sheath took his eyes. Once again, before his thoughts registered the wolf moved off, back towards the bathroom. Jake felt his member straining and let out a growl; Lucas, even when he was serious, was such a tease.

Jake caught up to Lucas just as he entered the bathroom and hugged him from behind. He moved in the rest of the way and quickly shut the door. He tossed Lucas around in his arms, and quickly planted his muzzle on the wolf's-not giving Lucas time to do anything, or react.

Lucas made a muttering sound as he tried to say something, but the bear was already kissing him deeply. His words quickly took the form of a moan, and he moved his arms up around the bear. He took the chance to place a paw on the back of Jake's head and pull him deeply into the kiss, switching the roll. At the action he felt the bear's embrace increase yet again. When the kiss broke Lucas moved over and quickly turned on the shower, wanting to get done and out, though at the same time wondering just how long the detour could last. He doubted it would just be 'a quick shower' like he had meant it to be. He took off his shirt and he turned around and saw Jake was still in his clothes. Lucas walked up and gently rubbed the bear's stomach with his paws, running them over the bear, "Well...come-on can't shower with all that on,"

Jake didn't know where it came from. It felt like he was reliving every moment for a second time with Lucas. He once again felt self conscious about his weight, how the wolf would perceive his increase in it. He liked the increase, thought he looked more natural with it. All the added weight wasn't in his stomach, it had distributed throughout his body, his legs, thighs, arms, torso, and other areas. He thought it was better, but still felt insecure about how Lucas would feel. Before he could raise any type of reason or objection he felt Lucas planting a kiss on his muzzle. Jake's eyes widened for a moment before closing and he wrapped his arms around the wolf. He felt Lucas's paw moving under his shirt, and through his fur. The wolf's arms wrapped around him and Jake let out a moan when the wolf groped at his ass. The kiss was deep and short, Lucas pulled away quickly.

" OK?" Lucas asked, even though he knew what Jake was thinking.

"I-" Jake began and was stopped by Lucas.

"Trust me look great...better actually. You've filled out," Lucas said and groped the bear again, "in a lot of ways," he said watching the bear's face turn red even with the brown fur to block it. "You look handsome, more bearish, I guess. You've gained some bulk, which makes you look're soft and warm. And Jake, I'm really eager to explore all of you," Lucas finished and pulled on Jake some.

Jake felt like even his ears were on fire from the wolf's first comment. The last one made him blush more. Even though the wolf's praise did help he felt a bit embarrassed of how he acted then. He smiled and kissed Lucas, "Thanks...sorry, I just wasn't sure..."

"Jake, you're my favorite comforter, in every sense of the word," Lucas said with a chuckle, laughing at his own word play, "I've always loved the weight you have to you. I like that you've gained some, honestly I'm a bit jealous, but with or without it Jake, I'm going to love you," Lucas said with a smile and kissed Jake again.

Jake blushed more but didn't feel embarrassed. He kissed Lucas again, letting his lust take over for him. He felt Lucas's paw grip at his shirt and lifting the shirt above his head. He released his embrace and lifted his arms above his head, letting the wolf remove the clothing. He broke the kiss for a brief instant, and as soon as the shirt moved away from his lips he moved back to the wolf, fumbling a bit because the shirt cut off his vision. He missed the wolf's lips, kissing the wolf's ear instead. He heard Lucas laugh a little and help the bear find his lips, locking muzzles with the bear once more. Instead of it falling to the ground Lucas threw the shirt away, making it landing in the sink. With the shirt finally gone Jake pulled Lucas closer to him, rubbing his chest against the wolf's, and let out a small groan-the bruises reminding him of hitting the tree.

Lucas broke from the kiss, smiling at Jake. He continued to rub against the bear's chest, enjoying the familiar feeling. It felt like it had been ages since he felt like this. He looked at Jake's shoulder and saw the faded mark, and leaned forward t Jake and nuzzled the bear. The mood changed suddenly at the sight of the mark. He felt saddened over what he had done to Jake that he had left him. He also noticed the bear's bruises, but didn't know where they came from. He moved a paw to the bear's chest and traced Jake's body, frowning.

Jake caught onto the wolf's thoughts and smiled, "Don't think about it..."

Lucas looked up at Jake, "But..."

Jake leaned forward and nuzzled the wolf, "You're back..."

"And I'm not going anywhere," Lucas finished for the bear.

Jake looked at Lucas, "Then don't think about the past. can make it up to me,"

Lucas smiled, his mood quickly being lifted, and looked back at the shower, "OK...shower's ready," he said.

Jake reluctantly let go of the wolf, but was greeted with the sight of Lucas removing his boxers. The wolf's tail was wagging lightly as he stepped into the shower and let the water run over him. Jake stood there for a moment before realizing he wasn't moving. He quickly took off his pants and underwear in one move and followed the wolf into the shower. He stood behind the wolf and leaned over him, effectively stopping the flow of the water onto Lucas.

Lucas looked up and saw Jake. He felt a smile run over his muzzle and turned around and pulled the bear into an embrace. He leaned up and began to kiss Jake on the muzzle; the kisses were quick and fast. He felt the bear's paws moving over his own body and kneading his body, making him give a weak moan. Lucas felt his knees shaking and leaned more on Jake, letting the bear support his weight. The bear's member pressed against him and his own member was pressing into Jake.

Jake pulled on Lucas and let out a happy growl. He pulled from the kiss and looked down at the wolf. He grabbed a bar of soap and began to rub the wolf's body quickly yet with a definite amount of attention.

"In a rush Big-guy?" Lucas asked as the bear rubbed his stomach.

"Yeah," Jake replied, not even trying to say something witty. He saw Lucas begin to help and within a minute had cleaned the wolf well.

"Now I guess we need to clean yo-" Lucas was saying before Jake cut him off with a quick kiss. Lucas was surprised when Jake grabbed his arms and held onto him.

Jake broke the kiss and smiled at Lucas, "I took a shower last night," he said, almost forcefully, and kissed Lucas again. He didn't feel like playing around, all the time without the wolf had taken a toll on him. His cock begged for release, something he had denied it for the past weeks of summer. He pushed on Lucas, moving the wolf back until he was against the wall, which wasn't very far in the crowded space.

Lucas grunted in the bear's mouth as he moved against the wall. He let out a moan as the bear began to rub against him with more pressure. He couldn't move his arms because Jake was holding them and held the wolf where he was, but he didn't mind it. It was fun, how Jake acted and made him act. Lucas pulled his tongue out of Jake's muzzle and began to wrestle with the bear's in his own muzzle. From the bear's reaction Lucas guessed the bear enjoyed it, Jake let out a strong moan and his entire body vibrated with a growl.

Jake let his paws roam the wolf's body, moving from his chest, to his muzzle, to his legs, everywhere he could. He heard Lucas's moan as he did and found himself being caught up in the moment. The wolf was just as excited as he was though; Jake hoped so, it sure seemed like from the wolf's actions. Jake found that his cock was in-between the wolf's legs, the fur rubbing against it. Jake lifted the wolf up a bit and pushed forward more, his cock pushing at the wolf more now. Jake broke the kiss and looked at Lucas for a moment. The lust changed when he did, it stopped feeling just physical. He knew he wanted the wolf, his passions making him feel this way. Jake didn't try to think about it though. He kissed Lucas again, "Lucas, I want you," he said as he nuzzled the wolf.

Lucas found himself being lifted and felt the bear's member being cushioned as it rubbed up and down his hole. He kissed Jake again and let out a whimper at the feeling of the bear's member. After a moment he broke the kiss and looked at Lucas. The bear's eyes were different again. They were filled with lust, but at the same time the emotions of before were still there also, just adding to the bear's features. Lucas rubbed the bear's chest and kissed him lightly on the lips, "What are you waiting for?" he asked.

Jake grinned and kissed the wolf again. He pushed forward on the wolf, applying pressure on Lucas's hole. He stopped and just kept the pressure, knowing that it would be difficult for the wolf to take him. He used one paw and began to rub the wolf's member, teasing Lucas.

Lucas moved one paw to Jake, pulling on him for support and put the other on the wall, relieving some of the difficulties of the position. He felt one of Jake's paws under his thigh, lifting him up. It made things better. The feeling of the bear's member pressing against him made his cock strain even more, along with the bear's teasing. His thoughts went to the last time he had been with Jake, that was the last time he had came, and from how hard his cock felt he had no trouble believing it. The feeling of the bear's pre slowly lubing his hole made the member begin slide, not much but enough to make Lucas moan as he felt his hole being slowly stretched. In this position gravity did most of the work for him, making him slide down onto Jake's cock.

Jake didn't push into the wolf, instead trying not to push his member in. When he tried to pull back he felt Lucas's paw on the back of his neck grab his fur. He looked up at the wolf who shook his head. Jake understood the message and didn't do anything more, letting the wolf move at his own pace. The water was soon a bit annoying. Jake moved a paw to the faucet and turned it to a lower pressure, the water now pouring over them in a lazier stream. He leaned forward and nuzzled the wolf, hoping it helped in anyway. He felt the coolness from the wolf's collar, his head brushing against the metal plate in the center of it. As the head of his cock slipped into the wolf's hole the fight to not thrust into Lucas began. His body begged him to and Jake took his hand off of Lucas's cock and placed it on the wall, next to Lucas's head. He felt Lucas begin to nip at his neck and heard the soft grunts made as his member slid in more.

As more time passed Lucas finally felt himself at the root of Jake's cock. He felt full, and could feel the bear's shudders of pleasure. It was strange, this position, in all the time they had been together, they never did this. He was being pushed against the wall by Jake and held up. The feeling of sitting on the cock and it being something that held him up was strange, yet it felt great. Lucas looked at Jake and could tell the bear was fighting off the instinct to thrust into him. Lucas found he couldn't move on the cock though, not enough to make a difference. He looked at Jake, who caught the look and slowly began to pull out. The burning sensation was strong during the first bit, and as the bear pushed back in it was just as bad. It was surprising how much pre the bear had, his hole felt well lubed; Lucas guessed the bear hadn't had any release since their last time too. Lucas bit his lower lip and tried to relax. He felt Jake nuzzling him, and continued to do this on his second and third times. Despite the pain, his cock was straining forward, begging for any attention, but only felt water run over it. After the fifth time the burning sensation had begun to turn into a dull throb and Lucas let out an involuntary moan of pleasure, not that he would've tried to suppress one anyway.

"Ready puppy?" Jake asked with a small mocking tone, yet gentle and caring.

At any other time the nickname would've made Lucas growl, but something about how the bear said it made him moan. He managed to cast a glare at the bear, who was smiling contently at him. Lucas then felt Jake adjust himself, the bear bending his knees a bit and adjusting his weight. The action made the bear's cock press against the wolf's prostate. "Please!" Lucas whispered, the electric feeling making his body shiver.

Jake smiled and slowly pulled out of the wolf. When the tip of his cock was about to leave he heard the wolf whimper, a rare sound in itself from Lucas, but it turned into a loud moan as he pushed back in. Jake did this a few more times, making sure the wolf was loosened up enough. After a bit his thrusts became faster. He began to thrust into Lucas, pulling out to the tip and then pushing back in to the root.

Lucas didn't know how to describe the feeling. It was as though the bear's thick member controlled his every action as it moved in him. Lucas felt his own shaft pulse and drool more precum than it had ever produced before and his breaths became rapid once again as his heart thudded dully in his chest. Just with Jake's slow and steady pace he felt amazing. Lucas didn't want the feeling to end, pure ecstasy running through him. The moans that escaped his lips were all involuntary and were constantly growing louder with each thrust too. Lucas heard something around the entire room but couldn't place what the sound was, but soon found out. Jake's thrust were driving him into the wall behind him and making a dull bumping noise with each thrust. Lucas still had no control over himself though. He couldn't ride the bear's cock at all from his position, the bear controlling him, and didn't let go of the bear's neck of take his hand off the wall for fear of falling. His cock was straining more than ever, threatening to blow just from the indirect stimulation. Lucas was just able to realize that his moans were echoing in the bathroom, and after another moment he realized they were accompanied by the bear's own moans. "Jake...please...pound me!" he heard himself whine. He felt his face turn red at the request.

Jake began to increase in his pace, his lust taking over. He let out a long and loud moan, the feeling of the wolf's passage clenching down on his member driving him to the edge. Soon his thrust became short and fast, the wolf's moans now grunts, Lucas thrusting into the air as his own cock twitched. At the wolf's words he growled and adjusted his position again. He was more than happy to oblige the wolf's wishes and his thrust increased as his brown sack began to make a slapping sound as it hit under the wolf's tail with each thrust. Jake felt the wolf's grip on his neck increase more than it ever had and it hurt for a brief moment.

Lucas used the change to pull himself closer to Jake. He wrapped his arms around the bear's neck and began to ride the bear, letting his head lean on Jake's shoulder. He stayed like that for a minute before the euphoria kicked in. Lucas felt himself panting and leaned against Jake lazily, the pleasure steadily coursing through his body. Lucas tried to keep his tongue from hanging out the side of his mouth so that he wouldn't bite it as the bear made continued to thrust into him, but felt drool escaping his lips. Lucas grunted as the bear's cock drove him closer to the edge. He leaned in closer to Jake and began to say things to the bear, mostly small words of encouragement or praise. At some point Lucas let out a louder moan, and his embrace on the bear increased, "Keep that...oh Jake...that's it..."

At the wolf's words Jake felt himself begin to get closer. He knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer and a growl built up in his chest. He felt his knees begin to buckle and leaned against the wall, letting it hold him and Lucas up now as he continued his assault on Lucas's hole. He hoped that Lucas was as close as he was; he wanted the wolf to come with him. Jake heard the wolf begin to say something but beat him to it, guessing he would ask him to go faster. As soon as he did the wolf let out a loud moan.

Lucas had been about to ask Jake to go faster, and when the bear did so before he asked he let out a loud grunt. Lucas felt the bear's pace increase, his cock twitching with every hit. He felt his orgasm closing in around him, his already ecstatic feelings drawing to a finale. Using the embrace on Jake he began to ride the bear more, lifting himself up as Jake pulled out and bringing himself down with every thrust. Lucas knew it would only be a bit longer, but held onto the edge indefinitely, his cock begging for just a bit more stimulation. After a bit more, Lucas felt his cock begin to throb as the first shot of his cum hit under his muzzle, and he felt his hole tighten around Jake's member. Lucas let out a howl, but it was drowned out by the sound of Jake's roar in his ear.

Jake let out a gasped choke which turned into a series of grunts; a roar building up. He began to pound the wolf faster, bucking into Lucas with all his might. He felt the wolf's passage clench around his cock, tighter, and heard Lucas let out a howl, which was soon joined by the roar that had built up in his chest. Jake finally felt his cock beginning to shoot. He realized the something that was smearing his chest and Lucas's together and what was under his muzzle was the wolf's cum. Jake continued to buck into the wolf, trying to ride out the entirety of his orgasm. The feeling of his cock pulsating in Lucas was great. He suddenly realized just why Lucas's hole had tightened so suddenly, and also became aware of the familiar smell, as Lucas was still thrusting into the air.

Lucas came hard as the bear's cock pistoned into him. His orgasm had been powerful enough to hit both of them under their muzzles, and enough to where there was a generous amount on them. Lucas was still trying to ride on Jake's cock also, the orgasm felt violent because his cock had yet to be stimulated directly. As the moved on the bear's cock he could feel the bear's cock pulsing in him, the final drops of his cum emptying into him, and his own cock oozed out small amounts of his canine cum. Lucas pulled his head back and looked at Jake.

Jake looked over at the wolf and quickly planted a kiss on his muzzle. It was wet and deep. He didn't care about anything other than being with the wolf, trying to hold onto Lucas with everything he had. His embrace was stronger, and Lucas was embracing him too; both their efforts making the wolf's cum smear into their chests. He still thrust into Lucas, getting weak grunts of affection from the wolf as he did, and his own body giving loud moans. As their tongues fought, Jake's cock slowly began to slide out.

Lucas felt the bear's cock come out, the emptiness it left was strange feeling, and could also feel some of the bear's seed seeping out too. He couldn't help the whine that escaped him. When the kiss broke Lucas began to lick at Jake, like a pup does when it is young.

Jake laughed and held onto the wolf. When Lucas stopped after a minute he smiled at him, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Lucas nuzzled the bear and pushed against the tip of Jake's cock, "As much as you did I hope,"

Jake licked a small bit of cum from under the wolf's muzzle and smiled, "It taste like you enjoyed it," he replied.

Lucas chuckled and pulled more on Jake, "It-you were great," he said, correcting himself.

Jake smiled and kissed the wolf again. The smell of their mating filled the room and was strong on their bodies. As he explored the wolf's muzzle he pulled on Lucas, further rubbing the wolf's scent into him. The cum that plastered him and Lucas together had a strong scent, familiar. When he broke the kiss he licked the wolf affectionately, "I guess this wasn't a horrible detour..." he said with a chuckle.

Lucas laughed and kissed Jake briefly on the lips, "I'm glad you think so...and we still have the rest of the week,"

Jake let out a playful growl and hugged the wolf tighter, "No...we have the rest of the year,"

Lucas chuckled, and kissed Jake again. He thought for a moment, wondering what to say next, "I guess I can do one better than that," he replied, "We have the rest of our lives...I want to spend all that time with you, and so much more,"

Jake chuckled at the wolf's words, yet also knew just how kind they were. He looked at Lucas and nuzzled him, "I'd like that...I really would," he said, his voice a bit unsteady. He wasn't unsure, just found himself a bit moved.

They stayed like they were for a minute before Jake finally let go of Lucas and pulled away. He sighed, "I guess we should probably clean up before we dry...that would be messy,"

Lucas nodded as the bear turned on the water. He shuddered as it hit them, it had gotten cold. They didn't bother washing too well, just rinsing the cum out of their fur and what not. The scent was still noticeable, which Jake enjoyed. He turned off water and they began to dry off. When they were adequately dry they walked to the bedroom. Jake looked at the bed, he hadn't laid in it since Lucas broke up with him. He pushed the thought from his mind then put on a pair of briefs and sat down on the edge of the bed, and found a sigh coming from him.

"See, the couch isn't good for ya' all the time," Lucas said, pulling on a pair of boxers.

Jake chuckled, "Maybe not..." he replied and leaned on Lucas's shoulder as the wolf sat next to him.

"So...will you come back and sleep in the bed?" Lucas asked, hoping the answer would change.

Jake thought for a moment. He chuckled, "Yeah...but only if you're here,"

Lucas nodded his head and nuzzled the bear. He leaned back and lay in the bed, a small smile on his muzzle. He felt Jake lie next to him and bring him into an embrace, which he accepted. They lay for a while, enjoying each other's company. Lucas could hear the bear's breathes and realized that Jake was asleep, which wasn't surprising. He knew the bear hadn't been sleeping much and probably had a sleep debt built up. He closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep for himself too.

Jake woke to the incessant ringing in his ears, which he realized was actually the phone. It was ringing from the side of the bed. He ignored it and let it go to the answering machine in the kitchen. Even from the kitchen he recognized the voice, it was Lucas's father. He couldn't pick out the words but leaned over and looked at the phone, and picked it up, "Hello..." he said groggily.

"Jake?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

"Yeah...what's up?" he asked, still half asleep. Jake felt the wolf nestle back into him and smiled. He tried to talk quietly, not wanting to wake Lucas. He closed his eyes and lay back down.

"Just checking in on ya'll. It's been a few days since I heard from you. Lucas talked to me yesterday,"

"Oh...yeah we're doing good,"

"You sound tired...I didn't wake you did I?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

Jake chuckled, and let out a long yawn, "It's good. What time is it anyway...I probably should try to get up about now,"

"It's about ten,"

"Oh...Ok, I've only been asleep for...wait...ten at night?" Jake stopped, wondering just how long he had slept.

"Yeah," Mr. Vadikson said with a slight chuckle.

"Dang..." Jake said, more to himself than to the wolf. Jake realized he had slept the day away, and that Lucas had stayed with him the entire time. He suddenly felt more awake. He hoped the wolf hadn't needed to do anything, felt badly because he may have stopped him.

"Are you just now getting up?" Mr. Vadikson asked, a slight chuckle in his voice.

"Yeah. I haven't really slept mu-" Jake was in the middle of saying when he stopped, Lucas moving beneath him. He lowered his voice again, "I haven't slept much over the past few weeks..." Jake finished. He watched as Lucas's moved around in the bed and tried to adjust himself more. Jake heard the wolf mumbling something but it wasn't anything intelligent.

Mr. Vadikson caught onto the bear's quietness, but decided not to ask. He thought he heard Lucas in the background.

Jake silently broke away from the wolf and began to walk into the kitchen. On his way he pulled on a pair of wind pants. Once in the kitchen he saw that it really was late, the sun had set outside already. " are things going?"

"Good, good..." Mr. Vadikson replied. "And you?"


"Oh..." Mr. Vadikson said, not understanding what Jake meant.

"No," Jake interjected, "I meant that things are going well..." Jake was glad the wolf couldn't' see the smile on his muzzle.

"Oh..." Mr. Vadikson said again, this time differently though. After a moment he talked again, "Do you want to talk about anything?"

"No, nothing to talk I said, things are going well," Jake replied hoping the wolf would get what he meant.

Mr. Vadikson finally caught what the bear meant. He found he couldn't say anything though. He was happy, but surprised. He felt his face flush at the realization of why Jake may have been so quiet when he first called. He pushed the thoughts from his mind though, and felt a smile on his muzzle. He was glad they were working their troubles out, "That's great!" he replied.

Jake smiled lightly, "Yeah..."

"Are you OK?"

"I'll be fine. I mean, I'm happy...I just think it'll take a bit of time,"

"I'm really happy for you," Mr. Vadikson replied.

"Thanks...not just for that. Thanks for everything. I really don't know how I would've been if you hadn't helped me out," Jake said, thinking about all the times he had talked to the wolf. How Mr. Vadikson was his main support.

"I was happy to...I really was. If you need anything just say so,"

Jake's thoughts ran back to what Lucas had said. He thought about how Lucas said that his father viewed him like a son too. He felt a small smile on his muzzle as he looked around the kitchen. "Thanks..."

"Well, on a different note; are you excited about starting school back?"

"I don't know...I guess it'll be fun," Jake said, sighing a little, "I never really became the excited for school type..."

Mr. Vadikson laughed on the other end, "I never did either...don't like having a set curriculum...not enough freedom,"

Jake chuckled, "Yeah, but it could be worse. I need to ask Lucas about his schedule...I hope we have some classes together,"

"I'm sure you do, ya'll have the same major and everything,"

"Yeah. When did you go to college? I don't think I ev-" Jake was saying before he was interrupted.

"Who you talking with Big-guy?" Lucas asked as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. He had felt the bear moving in the bed and slowly woke up. He heard Jake talking to someone in the kitchen and came to see.

"Oh, it's your dad..." Jake said then returned his attention to the phone, "Hey, do you want to talk to Lucas?" Jake asked.

After a moment Jake handed the phone to Lucas and began to rummage through the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Lucas looked at the phone and then put it to his ear, "Hello?"

"Lucas, how's it going?"

"Good. Sorry...I haven't called in awhile," Lucas said immediately.

"Don't worry about it. So how are things with Jake?" his father asked, just to see his son's reaction.

Lucas looked up and smiled at Jake who was angrily growling at the empty refrigerator, "It's good...really good," he said and walked over to the bear. Lucas hugged the bear around his stomach. He felt better whenever he was with Jake. He leaned up and gently kissed Jake on the side of his muzzle and continued, "We're working things out..."

"Good, I knew you two would," Mr. Vadikson said.

Lucas chuckled, "Uh-huh...say that after it's happened," he said. Lucas felt the bear nuzzle against him and returned the affection. After a moment they moved to the couch and sat down. Lucas felt the bear lean on him and let out a sigh. After a moment Lucas sighed and looked at Jake, hoping not to hurt him soon, " is Mom doing?"

Mr. Vadikson's laugh stopped briefly. "She's the same..."

"Ok..." Lucas replied, and looked at Jake who was now looking down at the ground. He hated to ask with the bear around, but wanted to know. He knew his mother wasn't their greatest supporter. He looked at Jake and caught the bear's eye. Once he did he smiled, "Well, she'll get over it I's not like I'm letting Jake go,"

Mr. Vadikson smiled on the other end. He was happy to hear such a change in his son's tone. Before he was sad, depressed, and unsure, but now he sounded like he used to; secure and sure. It was good to hear both of them like they used to be, even though it was different. He chuckled at the thought, they were maturing, slowly but still it was maturing. "That's good. She can just bite her tongue if she has something to say," he said.

Lucas didn't laugh, it was more just sad than funny. He nuzzled against Jake again, " you think she'll ever come around?"

"I can't say. It's not easy for her," his father replied, more serious now. He didn't like the topic; it wasn't easy for any of them. He and his wife just stopped trying to discuss the issue; it was the immovable object and the unstoppable force argument. He was happy for Jake and Lucas and was determined to support them both.

"Yeah, but it's not's not fair to Jake," Lucas said, not realizing he was saying it till it was said. He looked down at Jake and gave a small smile. He leaned forward and gently kissed the bear on the lips. He saw Jake had a small frown on his face and felt bad to talk about it with Jake so close.

"It's not fair to either of you...but it's how it is. A sad fact, but true one, of life is that you can't always get what you want...that applies to everyone," Mr. Vadikson said, sighing a little.

"Yeah...oh well, sorry, just felt like asking," Lucas said and changed the subject to something less depressing, "How's Ana?"

Mr. Vadikson chuckled at the wolf, and was happy to hear that he wasn't letting the situation getting him down. It wasn't easy to deal with, knowing that someone didn't support them. "Ana is doing well, and she misses you,"

"Aww...well, if she asks say I miss her too," Lucas said with a laugh. He had enjoyed the summer with her, being a big brother was fun.

"Oh I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear that," Mr. Vadikson said.

"Yeah...until something grabs her attention the second after," Lucas replied laughing.

Mr. Vadikson laughed, it was true. The pup had a tendency to go on about something for a minute then switch with absolutely no warning to a completely different topic. He talked with Lucas for a few more minutes before letting his son go. "Well, I'm sure I need to let you go. I'm glad you and Jake are working things out. Goodnight,"

"Night," Lucas replied.

"Love you; tell Jake the same applies,"

Lucas laughed a little and felt a grin on his muzzle, "Love you too...can't you just tell the bear yourself?" Lucas asked with a laugh, thinking it was awkward to say it to Jake for someone else. He heard his father begin to say something but he was already handing the phone to the bear.

"Wait, that would just be awkward....Lucas, can't you jus-" Mr. Vadikson was saying before he heard the bear say hello.

Lucas watched the bear and chuckled lightly. Jake's face went from a confused look to a more surprised one, and finally to a bit of a happy one.

"Umm...thanks...that means a lot..." Jake said, after hearing the wolf. He felt happy but taken back by it. "Umm...same applies," he said, not wanting to actually say the words. He had a hard enough time saying them to just Lucas.

Mr. Vadikson chuckled and said good-bye. He hung up quickly. He felt his entire face flushed, as he had said the words. He just hoped it wasn't too awkward for Jake, he had meant it. He turned walked into the TV room and sat down at the couch, regaining his composure. After a minute he chuckled lightly, glad he had said it.

Back in the apartment Lucas was chuckling at the bear, "You OK?"

"Yeah...just a bit surprised,"

"What? You're a likeable guy," Lucas said and rubbed Jake's stomach.

Jake smiled and turned around to face Lucas, "That's what I've been told," he replied with a grin, moving his face closer to the wolf's, "I know I'm likeable,"

Lucas moved an arm around Jake and pulled him closer, his lips touching Jake's now, "You're very likable," he replied with a chuckle as he began to kiss the bear.

"How likable am I?" Jake asked, playing with the wolf. He felt Lucas pull on him and Jake kissed the wolf in return, running his paws over the wolf's chest. The kiss was deep, and he felt Lucas beginning to rub against him. Jake pulled away from the kiss a bit, but still continued it. He tried to talk as he kissed the wolf, words coming out in fragments between the kisses, " want to go out and grab a bite to eat?"

" who's causing a detour?" Lucas asked with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't," Jake said and kissed the wolf again, "call a date a detour,"

Lucas chuckled and let the bear out of the kiss. He stared at him, "Where do you want to go? It's late,"

"I don't know...I was just thinking anywhere. I'm hungry,"

"Hmm...OK, sounds fun," Lucas replied as the bear moved off him. "I guess I'll need to put more clothes on,"

"It's advisable," Jake said with a chuckle. He began to walk back to the bedroom and quickly put on a shirt, not feeling like putting on jeans. He wore a white shirt with a blue pattern on the chest and black wind pants. Jake looked around and picked up his glasses, grabbing them just incase. Lucas chose a green shirt and put on a pair of tan shorts. They walked to the door and quickly moved out. Once they were in the car they began to drive. "How about the deli...I don't think we've been there,"

"Sure, sounds good," Lucas replied as they pulled into the parking lot. There were four cars in the lot, which was strange for during the summer.

They walked inside and Jake noticed two plates sitting at a booth, waiting to be picked up. He noted that the plates had some food on them, one with a salad, the other with fish. He guessed that there were still some people here, eating, but didn't think it was too strange to not see them. The deli was shaped like an 'L' so the other people could've been on the other side and he wouldn't have seen them. There was a wall blocking his view of whoever could've been on the other side of the resturant. Jake looked over at Lucas and smiled, telling him to take a seat, and then went up and ordered their meals. He looked around for the wolf and sat down in front of him. They sat at a table out looking the street. A small light flickered outside. Jake felt a grin on his muzzle, "So..." he said, not sure what else to say.

"So...?" Lucas said too, with a smile of his own. "What do you want to talk about?"

"No idea...I'm happy just sitting here," Jake replied. It was true, he was jus glad to be near the wolf. He was glad that the restaurant was relatively empty, or else the two's stare would've seemed much more strange.

"You never go out this casual..."

Jake looked down at his clothes, what he usually slept in. "Yeah...its more comfortable like this though. If were talking fashion..." Jake began and looked out the window blushing lightly, "you still wear the collar..."

Lucas smiled lightly and ran a paw over it, "I never took it off," he told the bear with a smile. He liked the collar, it was his favorite item. The light patterns that ran across it through the leather and in the metal weren't too flashy and it didn't have any elegance to it. It was just nice, and best of all Lucas loved that he could wear it and never feel like he had to take it off. It didn't pull on his fur or anything. "I really like it,"

Jake felt himself blush and smile at the same time. "That's good," Jake almost mumbled. He looked over at Lucas who was smiling at him, and felt his face turn red again. It was strange, the wolf, and Lucas's father, were the only people who could make him blush. They seemed to have a natural talent for it, always making it so that he couldn't hide it either. A moment passed before Jake thought of a topic, "So...what does your schedule look like?" Jake asked.

"Umm...I really can't remember. I have all the classes I wanted," Lucas said, thinking about it.

"Tha-" Jake was in the middle of saying before a bell rang. Jake looked up and saw that their orders were ready. When he went up he noticed that the two plates were gone. He stopped and listened, his curiosity making him wonder who else could be in the deli. He thought it was strange enough to go out for a bite at night. He heard talking on the other side of the restaurant and guessed that the two were eating now. He thought the voices were familiar but pushed it out of his mind and brought the food back. He sat down and smiled at Lucas, "That's good," he finished from where he had left off.

"How about you?" Lucas asked in return.

"Same...I just hope we have some together..." Jake said, wondering what it would be like to not have classes with the wolf.

"Well, I'm sure we do, and if not I'll switch some of mine around so that we do...sound good?" Lucas asked, wanting to make the bear feel better.

"Don't do that. You have it like you want it. I'm sure we have at least a few together," Jake replied. He felt a small smile come over his muzzle. He bit into the meal and they ate as they talked. It was mostly small talk, nothing major, but it wasn't unpleasant. It was nice, to catch up and be sincere about it. He didn't know where it came from but suddenly he began to feel tired, like the food was putting him to sleep again.

After a few minutes Jake heard a noise behind him, the two who were on the other side of the restaurant leaving. The voices were familiar, but he didn't notice them, and thought they were going to leave, but instead heard them walking up to him and Lucas. Jake watched Lucas's face, which was just looking up curiously. Jake tried to catch a glimpse of whoever it was through a faint reflection on the window, but to no luck. He let out a long yawn, his stomach full and his eyes heavy.

"Hey...Lucas, right?" a voice said.

Jake watched Lucas nod, and wondered who it was. He didn't know why he wasn't turning around; he just didn't want to lose sight of Lucas. He sighed and began to turn around anyway. He knew he was just being crazy, Lucas wasn't going anywhere. He was surprised to see a bear and a tiger. "...You...and you," Jake said, almost dazed.

The tiger, Mason, looked down at Jake and gave a forced smile, remembering how the bear had tried to intimidate him.

The bear, Kaden, looked down at Jake and smiled, recognizing the bear right away, "Jake...right? How are you doing?" he asked and extended his paw.

Jake shook the paw, "Yeah...and you're Kaden...what are you doing here? Oh, and I'm much better...mostly," he said. The grip felt strong, or maybe he was just tired.

"We're talking about the coming school year. Talking about what the administration is doing different this year," the bear replied. "Me and Mason just thought we'd grab a bite to eat...the meeting took a detour,"

"You teach?" Lucas asked, taking part in the conversation now.

"Yes. All the professors meet today and we're all preparing for the new should be very interesting," Kaden said and let out a long yawn. He looked down at his watch, and tried to read the time, but another yawn stopped him and he looked back to the three and felt a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry...I must be quite tired...l may just go to sleep, I need to get home, another day tomorrow. It was good to see you Jake and I hope to see you on the campus," Kaden said and let out another yawn, and then began to walk off.

Jake watched through the window as the bear walked out the door, got into his car and drove off. Mason, remained and was talking to Lucas, but their casual conversation didn't penetrate Jake's growing fatigue. He noticed that Mason hadn't left the entire time, and was instead carrying on a conversation with Lucas. He looked back and noticed that the tiger was still sticking around; he was talking with Lucas casually. Jake yawned again, wondering why he felt tired. He chuckled lightly to himself, it was like when he saw Kaden yawning his only increased. Jake didn't hear any of the conversation because once he turned around the tiger was about to leave. Jake stopped him, "Umm...excuse me. Sorry about the other day..." he said, not really sure if he meant it. It wasn't that he didn't want to mean it, but for some reason he felt a bit out of it like a gerbil in his head was no longer running.

Mason stared at Jake for a moment before chuckling. He patted the bear on his shoulder, "It's not a problem I guess...I get it,"

Jake laughed lightly, "Thanks..." he replied. He watched the tiger get into a car and leave then. Once the deli was empty he turned back to Lucas who was staring at him.

"How do you know Mason?" Lucas asked.

"Who?" Jake asked, not remembering the tiger's name.

"Mason...the teacher who was just here with the bear," Lucas said, explaining.

"Oh...I just ran into him in town...and I saw him running around town during the summer..." Jake replied, the conversation boring him slightly. The thought that Lucas knew Mason never occurred to him, sleep pulling at him. It seemed strange but he pushed it from his mind, they were two professors, it wasn't odd to see the teachers around campus as the year came closer. He let out another yawn; they began to come in more consistent waves now. He looked at Lucas and smiled, "I think I'm ready to leave too....are you?"

Lucas nodded and laughed. He noticed that Jake was acting tired again, and guessed the bear still needed a good nights rest, "Sounds you want me to drive?" he asked as they stood up to walk out. Once they got into the car he turned on the ignition and looked over at Jake again. He felt his eyes widened as Jake leaned over and planted a quick kiss on the side of his muzzle, the first time Jake had done something like that in public-even if there was no one around. "What was that for?"

Jake smiled at Lucas still, "Just because," he replied as Lucas began to drive out of the parking lot. He could tell it surprised Lucas, it surprised himself. He didn't even realize he did it, but he was glad he did. As they drove he did something else, slowly moving his paw to Lucas's and holding it. He felt Lucas squeeze his paw in return and looked over at him, "I love you,"

"I love you too," Lucas said and then laughed a little, "Not that it wasn't sweet...but you're being random,"

Jake chuckled, "Sorry..."

Lucas squeezed the bear's paw again, "Don't's nice," he replied. They didn't say anything else on the way back to the apartment. Lucas felt the bear's paw leave his own, the cold air meeting his pads again. He got out and followed Jake up the stairs and inside. Once they were inside he saw Jake let out a long yawn. "Sleepy?"

"Yeah...sorry," Jake replied, yawning again. He let out a surprised grunt when Lucas hugged him from behind.

"Well, let's get you to bed,"

Jake just nodded, his eyes already cutting the world down. He walked to the couch and sat down with a plop. He heard Lucas let out a sigh, and looked up at him confused. He realized what the problem was and stood up immediately, "Sorry...used to sleeping on the couch,"

"You're sleeping in the bed now," Lucas said with a chuckle, almost more of a command than a suggestion. He guided Jake to the bed room and the bear fell onto the bed. Lucas took the bear's glasses off for him and placed them on the night stand. He watched as Jake grabbed and adjusted the pillow below him.

"Thanks..." Jake said lightly as he felt his eyes closing.

Lucas took off his shirt and shorts and sat down next to Jake.

"You don't have to lay down if you don't want to..." Jake said and let out another yawn. "Sorry...I'm just tired,"

Lucas smiled at the bear and ran a paw over his head "I want to," he replied and heard Jake give a sigh as he began to pet his head. He could tell Jake was asleep within a minute; the bear's breathing becoming shallow and slow. He smiled and continued to watch the bear sleep, "Night, Big-guy, I love you," he said as he leaned down and kissed Jake lightly on lips.

Lucas moved and got a blanket and threw it over the bear and then lay down next to the bear, and nestled closer to him, feeling Jake pull on him in his sleep. It was different than usual, he was facing Jake. Usually he had his back to the bear, with Jake pulling on him, but this way he was facing Jake. The scent of himself mixed in with Jake's was nice. He nuzzled the bear's chest and ran a paw up the bear's shirt, stroking the bear's ruff.

Jake woke up the next morning, strangely. His mouth felt dry, like it was full of sand. It was strange because it usually didn't happen to him. He felt something nestle closer to him and looked down and saw the wolf. He smiled and his thoughts immediately drifted away as he pulled Lucas closer to him, not wanting to disturb the wolf. The warmth of Lucas felt nice. After a few minutes he slowly peeled away from Lucas, the wolf moved in his sleep as the bed became more spacious. Jake smiled and walked down to the kitchen. He got some water and tried to quench his thirst. It reminded him of when he was a cub. His room was dry and always hot, he'd always woken up with a dry mouth. He remembered his talk with Jim and sighed, knowing he needed to call his parents. He grabbed his phone and called them, waiting before after a few rings it picked up.

"Hello?" his mother asked.

"Jim told me I needed to call..." Jake said, not bothering with a hello. It felt strange, to talk with them. He knew it was bad, but he had hardly spoken to them all summer.

"Oh, Jake! How are you? Yes, you needed to call. You don't ever call us anymore," she replied.

Jake felt a weak smile come over his muzzle. His thoughts ran to Mrs. Vadikson, she had been fine with him till she learnt he was gay. Why would his family be any different? He shook his head, deciding not to think about it for the moment, "I'm sorry, I've had a rough summer. Why did I need to call?"

His mother didn't say much just that he needed to reschedule with a doctor up here about some thing. "Don't you remember? It's been two years since the last time you visited,"

Jake thought back for a moment, and suddenly remembered, "Really? I still have to go?! I mean, I'm fi-" he was saying before his mother cut him off.

"Yes you still have to go! It's just precautionary,"

"Yeah, but it's not even bad, it doesn't affect me in anyway...they just want to suck out my wallet..." Jake replied. "Besides...I don't even know where I would go," he said, lying slightly.

"Well, then I'll call up the hospitals and arrange-" his mother was saying before he stopped her.

" stupid. I hate doctors, blood thirsty little monsters..." Jake said with a sigh. When he was little his mother had had heart surgery, to fix a hole in her heart. It was just a VSD, and then they found out he had one, but it wasn't bad, it was in a lower chamber, and too small to be a threat-yet still, every two years he was forced to go to the doctor. They would ask him what they always did. How are you feeling? Have you been eating healthy? What type of medications are you on? Yada Yada.

"It's not that bad..." his mother said, sighing at her son's complaining.

"Yeah, I know...I just wish I didn't have to go. I'll arrange an appointment...get it over with," Jake said with a sigh. He thought in his mind about where he could go; there was a hospital that would be good enough in the next town over. His attention came back to the phone, "Well...I'm going to go ahead and schedule it so I'll talk with you later," Jake said and then said goodbye. He hung up the phone and heard Lucas.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, he was leaning on the door.

Jake sighed, "Nothing..."

Lucas looked at Jake, "Tell me,"

"Nothing..." Jake replied again.

"Jake..." Lucas said, not taking no for an answer.

Jake looked at the wolf, locking eyes with him. They stared at each other, a silent battle between them. He sighed, Lucas won. "I have to schedule a doctors appointment for my heart,"

"Why?" Lucas asked, he never knew the bear had heart trouble.

"Because I have a hole in my heart," Jake said with a chuckle, thinking of it as a two sided joke. He looked at Lucas and continued, "It's just a VSD and it's not even worth talking about...It's in a lower valve so it's not in a terrible location, in fact out of all the spots that's the best. It's not big enough to worry about either...its just scheme that the doctors have to suck up more money,"

Lucas just nodded his head. The realization that he didn't know much about Jake's past hit him. The bear had never told him about himself when he was younger or anything, not that he thought it really mattered much. It just seemed strange. Apparently his face showed this because Jake looked at him with his head cocked.

"What?" Jake asked, wondering what the wolf was thinking.

Lucas chuckled, "I just realized something...I really don't much about before I met you,"

"There's not much to say," Jake replied with a sigh.

Lucas moved over to Jake and hugged him, "Well, I might like to hear it,"

"'d bore you," Jake said.

"Well, I'm already with you, so I must like boring," Lucas replied.

Jake chuckled, "Well...let me make a call really quickly," he said. He felt the wolf let go of him. He called up a hospital nearby and scheduled an appointment, it wasn't too hard because all his records were already in the system. He was glad he didn't have to go through much trouble, and was surprised he was able to schedule it as soon as he did, in two days. He grimaced that it was so close but still felt glad.

After he scheduled it, life went on. The next two days came and went quickly, spending his time with Lucas usually. He found he actually liked the hospital for this visit. He didn't have to get any scans, no annoying tests, or any stupid question. It was a quick check up and then he was done. He got home and sat down on the couch, looking over at the clock, it was only ten in the morning. He stared up at the ceiling and smiled, happy with how life was going for one of the first times since summer. He adjusted his glasses on his muzzle, as they lightened up, the room a bit darker. He looked up when he heard and sound and saw Lucas. "Hey,"

"Hi..." Lucas said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What's up?" Jake asked, sitting up. He could tell something was on the wolf's mind, ever since he made the appointment. It wasn't a bad feeling though, just like the wolf wanted to ask him something. He decided to cut to the chase, "Please just ask me...I hate it when you do things like this..."

Lucas yawned, and sat next to Jake. He looked at Jake and smiled, kissing him on the side of his muzzle. He didn't want to offend the bear, but wanted to ask the question from a few days ago. He wanted to know about Jake's past suddenly. It wasn't like it was necessary, he was just curious. The bear knew about his past, he had told Jake when he asked, and now he wanted to know. He leaned on Jake, "I was just wondering he you could tell me about before we met..."

"Why?" Jake asked, a bit surprised this was all the wolf wanted.

"Just curious mostly..."

"Ok...I'm's not that interesting," Jake said with a laugh.

" can throw in a kiss to keep me up if I look like I'm about to fall asleep," Lucas said with a smile.

Jake returned the smile, "Fine...Ok...well," he began. "Where do you want me to start?" he asked, not sure where to begin.


"I'll start at high school then...that's really the best place if you ask me," Jake said with a sigh. "I've already told you about my just cut and paste for those details. I didn't really have too many friends in school. I mean, I wasn't uncool, or unpopular, or a freak...I just didn't connect with anyone. I had a few close friends, like Jim, Jules, Terry, and Blake, but I don't really think you're interested in me talking about them. I'll leave it at we were all really good friends...hung out all the time. Like I said, I wasn't fact, I would say the entire school knew who I was at least. I was considered a 'good guy'."

"Everyone 'liked' me more or less. I made people laugh. In classes I was always one of the smartest but ended up being the class clown too. I would say a serious answer and then give some stupid analogy, like when I was in my drama class...yes, I took drama. I did a monologue about a crazy guy. Basically I take a girl up in the woods and kill was fun," he said and looked at Lucas, who was listening intently. He smiled and leaned forward and kissed the wolf.

"I was paying attention!" Lucas said.

"I know...I just wanted to kiss you," Jake said, and felt a small bit of pride welling up in him when he saw the wolf blush. He chuckled and continued, "So, I was just an oddity I think. I wasn't really cool, but everyone liked me. I was just 'that guy who people thought was interesting' I guess. On another note, I really hated some of my years at school. Because I didn't really connect with anyone I found it hard to hang out with people, and as luck would have it, I never had a lunch with Jim, Jules, Terry, or really sucked," he said with a chuckle.

"As such I tended to go into the library to study...and a lot of people called me socially awkward...which I won't deny, but it was a bit strange. I didn't have the highest grades in my class...not by far, but I did better than anyone on the final exams...which was kind of funny. During my senior year I began to grow interested in things that the school didn't teach...philosophy, apologetics, and what not; mostly the kind of stuff I talk with you about. Anyway, I read that stuff a good bit, a lot of people thought it was strange...umm...I'm running out of what to say...what do you want to know?"

Lucas looked up at the bear and chuckled. He hadn't said anything that he hadn't expected. It was nice to hear about some of it though. "Well...I don't want to sound like a therapist...but were you happy?"

Jake looked at Lucas, the question throwing him off. He thought about it for a moment, "I...wasn't...unhappy," he replied. After a moment he expanded, "Well, Lucas, you know me. I could never tell people my thoughts...or never really got close to anyone because I thought they would push me away...because of what I am..." Jake said, feeling a bit sad.

"'re gay, but that's not who you are. It's just a small part of you," Lucas said and nuzzled the bear.

"Yeah...I just wish everyone saw things like that..." he replied. "Anyway...I didn't let people get I wasn't really all that happy. Honestly...I spent a lot of time feeling sorry about myself. When I was younger, in middle school mostly, I hated myself for how I felt...but in high school I just dealt with it, it wasn't really like I was all that different from others, but I digress. In my senior year, along with my interest in other things, I became more passionate about life. I decided I wanted to do something that could be useful, I wanted to help others. So I got a bit more serious about my studies and just went through that year trying to gain as much knowledge as I could. But I guess to answer your question...No, I wasn't unhappy, but I wasn't truly happy till I met you Lucas," Jake finished and smiled at Lucas.

Lucas smiled at Jake and wrapped his arms around the bear, "Thanks for telling me...sorry for asking,"

"Don't was nice to say some of it," Jake replied and pulled Lucas closer.

Lucas leaned forward and kissed the bear, obviously surprising him because he let out the closest thing to a yelp he had ever heard Jake make. He pushed his tongue against Jake, running it across the bear's teeth for a moment before Jake finally opened up. He felt Jake's paws begin to roam over him, groping at him. Lucas let out a moan and began to rub into the bear, grinding his waist into Jake's. Thinking back to the last time, which was just three days ago, he felt his tail twitch in excitement. He broke the kiss and stared at Jake, "Want to?" he asked.

Jake growled, "You ask me after that?" he asked and pulled on Lucas. "What do you think?"

Lucas smiled at Jake, "It was kind of me to ask though wasn't it," he said, his paws moving under the bear's shirt. He smiled as Jake let the shirt slide off him.

"Yes, it was very sweet," he said with a mocking tone.

Lucas kissed the bear on the lips, running his paws through the bear's fur more roughly now. He pulled on the side of the bear's fur, Jake letting out a low moan as he did. The bear's added weight made him feel different, better. Lucas broke the kiss and smiled slyly at Jake. He moved down and nipped at Jake's neck, and continually moved down. After a moment he found himself at the bear's pants, and saw that they were tented. He grabbed the bear's pants and briefs and pulled them off in one motion, the bear's member jumping out. The scent was strong at first and Lucas let out a moan, and immediately began to lap at the bear's member.

Jake let out a moan and looked down at Lucas. "Lucas...could know..." he said, blushing.

Lucas pulled off the bear's member and looked up at him, "Actually, I don't know,"

Jake tried to motion with his hands what he was trying to say, blushing heavily. He saw the grin on Lucas's muzzle and could tell that the wolf was playing with him. He was about to say something before the wolf licked his member and began to suck on the tip of it again. Anything he was going to say was drowned out by his moan.

Lucas pulled off the bear's member and smiled. He stopped and took off his boxers. He looked up at the bear, and gently stroked the bear's member with his paw. He moved up the bear and pushed his muzzle onto Jake's forcing the bear into a deep kiss, not that he really had to force the bear. He pulled away after a moment and licked Jake's nose, and then grinned at the bear. After a moment he felt Jake's paws roughly grab him and hold him.

"Now I've got you," he said with a smile.

Lucas grinned at the bear, "I was just about to return to what I was doing before too," he said and gently squezzed the bear's member.

Jake looked at Lucas, "You can...but only if you do what I asked,"

"What did you ask?" Lucas asked, teasing the bear.

Jake blushed again, even if he was as vague as possible the wolf could still toy with him. He ran his own paw down to Lucas's member and ran his paw over it. He did this for a momenet before moving his paws further down, to Lucas's sack and squezzed lightly, the wolf grunting in surprise. Jake grinned at Lucas, "How about can return to what you were doing...if you let me return the favor,"

Lucas kissed the bear deeply, letting out a long and deep moan. "That's sounds like a lot of fun..." he replied. He felt Jake lay down on the couch, a more comfortable postion, and Lucas stood up. He moved on the bear and positioned his own hard member in front of Jake's muzzle, but didn't say anything more, instead letting his lust take over. The familiar taste of the bear and the familiar feel of the bear.

After they were done Jake pulled on Lucas, they were back in their regular position. He was gently nuzzling the wolf, kissing along the top of his head. It felt nice, to just be with Lucas again. "Lucas..."

"Hmm?" Lucas replied, nuzzling Jake.

" going to work out..." Jake said, not sure why he said it.

Lucas stopped and looked up at Jake, "It will. It may never be like it was Jake...but I think we're better off...closer, or at least I feel that way. Jake, I don't ever want to leave you again," he said. He turned around in Jake's arms and looked at the bear more seriously. "Ya' know...up till this point I think you've always said it I'm really going to enjoy this. I love you Jake, I really do," he said with a smile.

Jake pulled Lucas tighter to him and buried his head into Lucas's chest. He didn't say anything, just kept Lucas near him. He wanted the words to be true, and he felt like they were. He didn't know where the sudden feelings were coming from. After a moment he pulled away from Lucas. "I love you too,"

Lucas nuzzled Jake and kissed him lightly on the lips. He guessed Jake was still scared about their relationship, it was reasonable. He wasn't surprised, or angry at it; the bear had every right. After a moment he turned around in the bear's arms again, returning to their regular position. As the minutes passed by the mood returned to a more casual one. Lucas looked up at Jake, " is coming up soon,"

" week," Jake said with a sigh.

"You excited?"

"Sort of..." Jake replied and then remembered the conversation from a few nights ago. Jumping up quickly, leaving Lucas, confused, on the couch he searched for his schedule. He looked around the room and found it after a moment. He walked up to Lucas and handed him the paper.

"Nice view..." Lucas said with a chuckle, and gently stroked the bear's thigh before grabbing the sheet.

Jake blushed, but didn't feel embarrassed. He watched Lucas look over the sheet, smiling and frowning.

"Well...we have a few classes together...and some apart...I guess it was a bit wishful thinking to have all classes together...I mean what are chances of it happening again,"

Jake frowned, but smiled too, "What do we have together?"

"English, Genetics, Medicinal Bio, Theoretical chemistry....and, oh, we have psychology. I almost forgot about that one," Lucas said with a chuckle and moved sat up.

Jake sat down next to the wolf, "Well, that's not so bad..."

Lucas looked over at Jake and rubbed his stomach, " fact it's really amazing,"

Jake blushed and felt Lucas pushing him back onto the couch. "Are we still talking about school?" he asked, and let out a shiver as Lucas kissed on his lips.

Lucas chuckled and kissed Jake quickly and then pulled away, "No..." he said and then kissed Jake again. He felt the bear wrap his arms around him and return the kiss, both pulling on each other again.