Transformed College Days

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of Transformed College Days

A swim team's 'prank' revenge goes way off the rails.

Commissioned by Puffinking

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Transformed College Days

Part 1

For Puffinking

By Draconicon

The night of the party seemed endlessly far off for Gram Dire. Every time that he calmed himself down and tried to focus on class, either Kyle or Christian would send him some text or some picture, showing how they were already getting down with the rest of the swim team seniors. It was beyond frustrating for the Border Collie, and a hell of a distraction from the classes that he had that the others had elected to skip for the day. It reached the point that every buzz from his phone was greeted with a groan from him and a huff of annoyance that was the very definition of comedy to the other students around him.

Not that he could really answer what he was huffing about, of course, but they all had a pretty good idea. He, Kyle, and Christian had been known as the Three. The Three that had been the great hope of the college getting multiple athletes on the All-American Swim Team that year. None of them had made it, but they'd gotten close enough that they were the toast of the campus.

Mostly. There were some guys on the team that weren't so keen on the fact that three newcomers had more or less rocketed up the ranks without being on the team for a few years, but they were the minority, as far as he knew. They were still getting a farewell party as the season ended, starting with a lot of alcohol in the dorms and ending with sneaking into the pool once the sun was down. There were even talks about getting some strippers in for a last hurrah with the team.

But now, it was the last class, and the history professor seemed almost done with his final lecture. Something about the history of the Transmogrification Alchemists and how they had changed society and all that. Gram had already put that out of his head, focusing on his watch as the time ticked down.

Come on, come on, come on...

He was all but gripping the front of his desk, waiting for the clock to tick down to seven o'clock. The vulture at the front of the hall kept muttering, his voice barely audible to the rest of the room.

"...of course you know, the Transmogrification Alchemists changed our very way of life. Without their efforts, the common potions that allow your shifts in understanding during test times, or our improvements to labor workers, or our specialized jobs throughout the private sector, would be utterly impossible. We would be forced to rely on our natural talents, rather than those we created. Thus, it is important -"

Tick. The number counter on his phone moved to seven, and he was gone. He knew that it hadn't been a full dismissal, but that didn't matter. The time had done it, and the professor had no recourse. Half the class had the same idea, rushing for the door, and Gram hid among them as they spilled out onto the campus proper.

The night air was already sweet and cool, a refreshing change from the lecture hall. He groaned, rolling his head back and taking in the fresh air as the other students bumped past. Some apologized, most didn't, but it was part of being in college, really.

Buzz buzz.

He pulled out his phone with the same groan that he'd made at every other text throughout the day. Another one from Kyle. He tapped it, revealing a picture of the shark hopping the fence around the pool building.

"Goddammit, already?"

Another buzz, and a second photo showed Kyle and Christian posed at the front door. They were making progress already, not even waiting for him.

Well, he better make good time getting there, then.

He tucked his phone away and started jogging along. They were probably going to be well into the pool by the time that he arrived, but at least he would be able to join them before the night was out. This was going to be one hell of a last hurrah.


The doors to the pool were open when he arrived, with one of the Dobermans that had been bobbing along the bottom of the team waiting. The taller, leaner canine gave him a nod, bobbing his head down the hall.

"Everyone's in the locker room."

"Waiting on me?"


"You shouldn't have."

"Well, you're one of the stars, ain't ya?" the Doberman asked, chuckling.

"Heh, guess so, but still..."

That was more Kyle and Christian's thing. They had bought into the hype around the three of them, constantly adding to the whole mystique by always making sure that the 'T' of Three was capitalized, and making sure that everyone knew that they were a unit.

And it was true enough. They were three very good friends, and they had been the best swimmers on the team, the best that they had seen in ages. It was something that they were all expected to go far with, and Gram had every plan of seeing what he could do with the Olympics and nationals once the next year rolled around. But until then, he was happy enough to go back to being a regular student instead of trying to ride stardom for the rest of the year.

Kyle and Christian, though...

Well, they were a bit of a pain. A bit. But they were college students, just like everyone else. They were allowed to be idiots.

Of course, as he turned from the Doberman to the hallway, he did catch something that the other guy said.

"Fucking Transmogger..."

The Border Collie's ears twitched, not quite folding down, but no longer standing up as tall. It was a familiar sort of insult, something that had been hurled at him, Kyle, and Christian more than once, and it was always the same sort of thing. Transmogger.

It was worse than being accused of doping, which was something that still happened, though less regularly. But someone that was doping was only doing something from time to time, putting a drug in their system for a competition and then stopping. Those that took Transmogrification potions did something that changed them forever, altering some part of their body to be better at what they were doing. It was akin to being reborn, and it was highly illegal outside of job-sponsored or government-mandated changes to someone's body, since it was so difficult to change back.

More importantly, none of them had ever touched one. It was anathema to all three; they wanted to get good without resorting to any sort of boosters, and everything that they'd gotten this year was the result of hard work, and nothing more.

No matter what some team members think...

Shaking his head, Gram made his way down the hall, taking a sharp turn at the end for the male locker room. There was some serious rumbling going on elsewhere in the building, and he briefly wondered if something was happening in the connected female locker room. Maybe the stripper rumors were true.

He put that out of his head. No point in that; they were just here to have fun.

He rounded the corner to find Thomas, the stallion that ran the team, waiting for him. The dark-furred, sleek-bodied horse was someone that most would never have imagined would join the swim team, but he had been surprisingly good in the pool. Led the team in times, too, until the Three had shown up. He had been welcoming, too, after getting over his overall soreness about being displaced as the best swimmer on the team.

The locker room lights seemed to shimmer off the white diamond on his forehead as he nodded his welcomes. Gram nodded back.

"Everyone here, then?" the canine asked.

"Yep. Already getting changed."

"Can't believe it's already winter."

"Yeah. Season's gone by fast."

"Yeah...pity that it's the last one."

"Really?" Thomas asked, cocking his head to the side. "I'd think that you'd be relieved."

"I love this, Thomas. I can't imagine what life would be without this kind of competition."

"You know, I think the same thing..."

There was something strange about the way Thomas said that, something that slowed Gram in his tracks. He cocked his head to the side, half-expecting something else, but the stallion only shook his head.

"Anyway. Got something for ya."

"You? Something for me?"

"What, can't give a fellow senior something for his trouble?"


"Look. I know we had our problems, but...hell, let's patch it up before the end of the year, huh?"

"...I'm up for that..."

"Heh, great. You get changed, I'll get your gift."

Gram arched an eyebrow as the stallion hustled off, shaking his head at the other man. The fact that Thomas hadn't bothered to get undressed yet, not even into a pair of non-regulation swim trunks, was a little strange. The team captain was always the first to change out of his normal wear into his swim-wear, but maybe there was something else going on tonight. There was this feeling of secrecy in the air, after all.

Shrugging, the Border Collie made his way to his locker. The swim team had their lockers separate to the others, kept private and specifically theirs compared to the others that were publicly shared out to the college students. He tapped his nameplate, chuckling as he remembered his first day and how it felt to slap it on. He wondered if the next guy to take his place would feel the same glee.

It opened quickly at the familiar 669 combination, and he pulled out his speedo. He tossed it over the door as he stripped out of his shirt, and then his pants. His underwear was a little sweaty, but that would air out while he was swimming and enjoying himself. He tossed that in, along with his sandals.

The canine was just starting to step into the speedo when Thomas walked back around the line of lockers, waving something over his head. He turned, sheath sliding along his hips, to see that the horse had a bottle in hand.

"What's that?" Gram asked.

"Peace offering."

"A drink? Before swimming?"

"I won't tell if you won't."

"Heh, it's against the rules."

"And again, I won't tell if you won't."

Shaking his head, he took the bottle. It looked like one of those foreign beers, the kind that you paid either a penny or a hundred to get, and from the chill running down the bottle, it felt more like the latter. Wasn't much of a peace offering when you got right down to it, but considering the chill civility that he'd had to deal with from Thomas all year, it was a start.

"Hey, thanks."

Thomas nodded, holding out a second bottle. Gram tapped his against it, and tilted his drink back.

It was surprisingly good. There was a hint of fruit behind the usual bitterness, which helped it go down a lot smoother. He wondered if there was something else in there, though. It had a very different taste, something that was warm and smooth through the rest of the alcohol taste, and he groaned as he reached the middle of the bottle sooner than he expected. He rubbed his mouth, shaking his head.

"Wow. That's good."

"Ain't it just?"

"You sure that you want to spend that much on me?"

"Heh, trust me. It'll be worth it."

"...What do you mean?"

"Just finish it."

If there was one thing that he no longer wanted to do, that was it. He paused, hand clenching a bit tighter around the bottle -


The sudden moan from the connected female locker room shocked him, almost making him jump right out of his skin. He tried to lean around Thomas to see what the hell that was, but the horse moved in front of him.

"Finish it," Thomas said, his voice dropping, his eyes narrowing.

"What the fuck man?"

"I said, finish -"


That wasn't a moan. That was a scream, and it was loud and...horny? And it was also such a shock that he jumped, losing his grip on the bottle. It shattered as soon as it hit the floor, chunks of frosted glass and more flying across the room. Thomas glared at the spilled pink ooze all over the tiles, shaking his head.

"Fucking...well, half of it should be good enough."

"What the fuck, man? What the fuck going...Nnngh..."

"Fucking finally..."

The horse grabbed him by the arm, pulling him along even as Gram struggled to stay upright. His guts were warming up, and not just from the alcohol in his system. There was something else going on, some heat that had already set fire to his stomach and was running out through his veins, going through his arms and legs, and...and particularly down between them, almost like it was finding something to feed on down there.

What...what the...what the hell...

His head felt like it was fuzzy, filled with smoke, his mind awash with it where all his thoughts were being smothered bit by bit. Whatever Gram did to try and reason through what was happening to him, the smoke choked out. He would have fallen down if it wasn't for Thomas pulling him along.

"Piece of crap...come on...least you can be useful some other way..."


"Showing us all up, and then not getting those spots? What makes you think that you can keep showing off after that?"

"What...nnngh...what did you..."

"Heh, you'll find out..."

Gram did fall at that point, hitting the ground hard. His knees clicked as he fell to all fours, panting hard, but from that position, he could see what was happening. As that heat consumed him between his legs, he could see his cock slowly pulling back, his sheath sliding deeper between his thighs. His balls were already almost invisible, and his shaft had shrunk to less than half its prior size.


Transmogrification. That was the only thing that he could think of. The beer must have been filled with some sort of potion.


The why escaped him, but he was already pulled back to his feet. He felt a wobble at his chest as he was dragged upright, almost like there was something already growing there. Maybe there was; he couldn't think clearly enough to check.

"Come on. You can at least show the rest of the team some thanks for tolerating your sorry ass all year."


"Your friends have already gotten theirs."

They'd reached the connecting door. It was cracked open, and the sound of moans and grunts were coming through at full force. Thomas kicked it open the rest of the way, and the revelation that awaited them was more shocking than he had ever imagined.

Kyle and Christian, his friends, a pair of sharks, were on all fours. And they weren't themselves anymore, either, but a pair of female sharks, their breasts hanging low, their faces jammed together in a deep tongue-kiss with one another, while members of the swim team fucked them hard from behind. Kyle had a big-dicked poodle behind him - no, behind her - while Christian was dealing with an otter that had always had a hate-boner during the swim meets.


There was no answer. Thomas just threw him into the mess, the Border Collie falling to his knees. The warmth running through his veins was driving him mad, his tail flagging up, his pucker clenching. He had never, ever thought about the idea of being with other men, but right then, it was hard to think of anything but the emptiness inside. The slurping feeling of his cock being drawn inside of him, the odd sensation of things being rearranged within, the heavy weight that was building up on his chest: it all combined to a massive collection of stimulation that made thought impossible.

He huffed, his mouth hanging open, his tongue hanging out as he watched his friends getting rutted. There were no condoms in sight, as shown when the otter slammed his hips forward, his cock spewing seed deep inside of Christian's new pussy. The shark female moaned for more, lifting one leg to show it off to the room as she dripped down her thighs. The otter pulled out, and one of the other team members - a wolf - hurried over, rubbing a knotted cock and slamming right into that creampied hole.

Gram tried to find the words to ask for help, to say that he didn't want this, to try and resist...

But there were no words.

There was no resistance.

There was no need to hold back.

All there was...was heat. Heat and need. Need that dripped down from a hole that was slowly forming between his legs as all but the head of his cock disappeared, his balls rolling up and folding in to reveal more of a slit between his legs. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as he felt the sheer bliss of something else taking shape down there, even as he felt the bubbling, expanding feeling in his chest. The weight that had already warned him of the breasts that were taking form started to descend, and he looked down to see his white fur expanding down over a pair of growing globes.


There was no room for disgust, shock, or fear in his head. There was only room for arousal. Even as the shaggy fur on top of his head lengthened, running down his back in a furry leash for those that had the will to grab it and use it as such, even as his breasts filled in to the point of looking like some porno-bimbo, even as he felt his ass getting thicker and turning into something that was so horribly unsuited to high-speed swimming that he'd never get the chance to swim again, he couldn't help but moan.

And then, Thomas was behind him.

The big horse ground against him, a fat, flared cock rubbing between his ass cheeks and drooling pre-cum all over his back. He moaned, shivering, his clawed fingers digging into the tiled floor.

"You're going to be my bitch tonight, girl," Thomas grunted. "No more playing second fiddle. Tonight, I'm reminding you who the team captain is..."

Gram didn't have the mental energy to fight back. All he had was the need that was burning between his legs. He knew that he didn't have a cock back there anymore, somehow - there was none of that weight, that hardness, that he was used to - and the only things that he felt were the emptiness in his ass and the clenching, wet weirdness that was more fully between his thighs. His eyes closed tight, but there was no tuning out what had happened to his friends. The sounds of the wet fuck going on, their sloppy kissing, the smack of flesh on flesh was too loud for anyone to tune out.

And then, that throbbing horse cock ground against him. That hard pillar of flesh rubbed between his cheeks, rubbing right up to his asshole, and then down slowly, dragging along the cheeks and the valley between them down to his thighs. The flared head rubbed along his legs, and then -


He gasped as he felt it touch something that hadn't been there before. His pussy. Yes, that was what it was. His empty, needy -


And sensitive slit. He could feel himself right on the verge of orgasm already, already feeling that utter urgency to cum that he usually only got from long, extended edging sessions that left him oozing pre-cum all over the dorm room. He panted, arching his back without thinking, offering his slit -

What are you doing?

The only thing he could do.

There was no thinking about resisting, no thought about trying to maintain his manhood. That would have required thinking, would have involved putting his brain to work. There was no brain right that moment. There was only need. Need for cock, need for man. Need for male.

He took the flared head against his sex, feeling that bestial size, that throbbing rod. It had been the bane of the horse more than once, throwing him off during some of the competitions, slowing him down. Once, it had gotten him thrown out of the competition for indecency, showing off more than he should, and when it didn't, it got him in trouble because it slowed him down in the water.

Not here.

Not now.

That fat head slammed into Gram's new pussy with all the force and ferocity of a feral stallion, and the Border Collie arched his back with a scream. He almost came right then and there, the ripping of his virginity nothing compared to the feeling of that need being flattened by a cock that was big enough for him. He moaned, rolling his hips back weakly, trying to take more inside of him.

"Someone shut this bitch up."

The Border Collie's head was spinning, lost in a whirlpool of raw need. He wanted to shove his hips back, wanted to feel that flare pushing deeper, forcing his pussy open, feeling it against his womb. He wanted everything that he had done to females to be done to him in that moment, and he moaned and whimpered as he was forced to wait, big hands wrapped around his hips keeping him from shifting position. He whimpered, feeling the bubbling, throbbing, pulsing at his chest increasing the size of his breasts, making them hang down further.

Then, another member of the team, a maned wolf, stepped forward. The long-legged male leaned forward, pushing his tapered cock against Gram's lips. He gasped in shock, his eyes going wide, but the taste of that throbbing shaft, the urgency of that throbbing member, was all that he needed. He opened his mouth wider, allowing it into his muzzle, and he moaned around it.

Fear? What fear? There was none to be had. He was being used. He had the males around him that he needed.

And he submitted.

Rocked between them, he was used hard. He came within a minute, squeezing down on Thomas's cock, only for the horse pull out and spank him. The canine screamed around the shaft in his mouth, only to take it again, and again, and again, feeling his pussy stretching and getting used to the feeling of such a massive cock inside of him. It should have broken him. Perhaps it did; it soon felt barely large enough for his needs.

In, out, in, out it went, each time scraping at his insides, dragging against his inner walls, showing him where he belonged under the stallion. The maned wolf used his mouth just as effectively, making him swallow hard to keep his muzzle clear of all the thick pre-cum flowing across his tongue.

In the background, he could just make out the two sharks. They had been freed from their males, but now they scissored for the joy of the men watching them. Sprayed lines of cum decorated their faces, and they shared seed and kisses from either end.

Then it was back to the moment, the moment of being fucked, and that was all that Gram could focus on.

A long blast of cum filled his throat at some point, and he felt himself going light-headed. The maned wolf grabbed his throat, choking him out, leaving him spasming for air as Thomas kept fucking him from behind. When his oral partner pulled away, when his throat was clear, the Border Collie collapsed. The cool tile against his cheek was all that kept him from passing out, and the hard horse cock inside him pummeled him back to wakefulness.


Gram was moaning, moaning more than he thought he should have. He was going to cum again, he realized, cum and spray the floor. He whimpered, his fingers twitching, curling, his eyes rolling back.

"NNngh...gonna...gonna fucking fucking BITCH!"

And the horse did just that. That fist-thick cock punched in as deep as it could go, and in that moment, it came. He moaned out loud as he felt the hot seed spraying into his depths, flooding him right then and there, and he shivered from head to toe as he came, too. A weak howl ripped free from his lips, and he sprayed the floor with a squirt.

The horse pulled back, that flare popping free noisily. His pussy felt gaped, ruined from the hard fuck...

"She's got another hole. Use it. Make 'em learn their lesson."

"Heh, they're going to be all kinds of fucked up when they turn back," one of the other swim team members said.

"Heh..." Thomas smirked. "Yeah..."

And in that moment, Gram had a brief second of clarity. Most of the team thought that this was temporary. A prank, though a horrible one. Thomas...thought something different.


"I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm afraid that your transformation is...well, mostly permanent."

Gram sat with her - her - hands folded over her lap. The hospital gown felt so small, so insufficient to actually cover her modesty, even though it was just as good as anything else that she had worn in the hospital as a male. The Border Collie stared through hazy eyes as she watched the vixen doctor put up the test results on the wall.

"The potions that they used to dose you and your friends were laced with double-strength enhancers. Whoever did the brewing didn't want you to be able to change back. Anything that could overpower that would require government approval, as well as an FDA override, and...I can't imagine that you will get that without a court case that runs into the decades."


"The good news is that your body will function more or less the same. The only things that changed for you is your gender."


"From what you told us, that's due to the fact that you didn't finish the potion. Your friends...well..."

Gram didn't need to be told. She had seen what had happened in the aftermath. Kyle and Christian? No. They weren't even thinking of themselves that way anymore. They were Katie and Clara, now, and they were of the opinion that they were sisters. One of the team members had said that while they were fucking, that it would have been 'fucking hot' if they were lesbian sisters, and now, it was reality.

"Now, we're going to put you through a battery of tests to make sure that you're psychologically capable of being released," the doctor said. "You should be, from what you're telling me, but we want to be sure. Do you understand?"


"...If it helps you feel better, trauma is a sign that you actually understand what's going on. It means that you have a better chance of coming through this..."

"I know."

And it was why she was scared. She didn't feel trauma. Shock, yes, and a great deal of fear for what would happen to her in the future, but not trauma. If anything, there were parts of her that were craving another use of that same sort, that wanted to know how it would feel if someone else was down between her legs, how a knot would feel in her pussy rather than a flare, how it would feel to strut her stuff and show off her body and -

No. Those thoughts were going to turn her into what Katie and Clara had become. She had just managed to maintain herself by not taking the whole potion. She'd lost her body, lost her manhood, and now, she was little more than just some bimbo with hips that wouldn't quit, huge breasts, and...

And a need...

No. That's just a want. Not a need. I'm not...

She wasn't like them. She could become like that, but only if she was stupid. She couldn't be stupid anymore. She wasn't a guy anymore. She didn't have that luxury.

The vixen hesitated, glancing over her shoulder towards the door. She bit her lip, then sighed.

"I shouldn't tell you this, but your, um, attackers have already been arrested. You..." She hesitated. "You will probably be the main witness and plaintiff. If you can keep yourself together for that...well, they'll probably go to jail. If not..."

"They'll be released. Because we 'wanted it.'"

"Yes. They'll have a smaller charge of 'unauthorized Transmogrification,' but that's it."

And that would be almost nothing. Gram nodded, taking a few deep breaths.

"And until the court case?"

"You'll be taken to a different college to finish off your year. All three of you will have to stay together, since it'll be dangerous for them to be released into the public. Too, um, open to things."

"...One way of putting it."

"But we still need to check you, make sure that you're able to take that sort of public exposure. Are you ready?"

"...Ready as I'll ever be."

"Just one question, first. You, well, you obviously won't be able to keep your other name. Do you have something else you'd like us to call you?"

She'd been hoping to keep something, but the doctor was right about that. It wasn't just an identity thing; once the case got out, there'd be those that started looking for the slut-brained shark 'twins', and they'd be looking for her, too, if only for the sake of getting into her panties. The less that they knew about the court case and the weaknesses that the three of them now suffered, the better. And that started with going by a name that had no association with the case itself.

"Janice. I'll take Janice."

"Very well, Janice. Let's talk..."

The End

Summary: A swim team's 'prank' revenge goes way off the rails.

Tags: M/M, M/F, F/F, Shark, Border Collie, Horse, Wolf, Otter, Maned Wolf, Cum, Vaginal, Creampie, Orgasm, Squirt, Transformation, Nonconsensual, Forced Transformation, Corruption, Gender Shifting, Locker Room, Oral, Blowjob, Gangbang,