Twice Bitten, Once Shy: Chapter 6

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#6 of Bitten

Sorry about the wait, but here it is! Enjoy!

Part 6

Lex was in his room when the clock rolled over to 9:00. At first nothing happened and his parents and their guest waited downstairs with crossed fingers. Lex was on his computer surfing some exercise websites when a dull itching sensation distracted him from his computer screen. At first it was just an annoying itch, but then the strange sensation began to spread across Lex's chest and he was itching more than he was paying attention to the computer screen. Lex huffed when he was finally torn away from the screen for good and he went to the bathroom to see what the hell was happening to his chest.

The confused teenager pulled his shirt off and nearly fainted right there. Most of his upper chest was covered with a mat of what could only be described as fur. Lex was so shocked that he just stared at patch of black fur until he arrived at his second horrifying realization. The itching was the sensation of the fur spreading across his chest. And much to his dismay the fur seemed to be accelerating as it spread across his skin.

Lex raced to find his razor and shaving cream, but when he finally found the bottle of white foam in the drawer and pulled it out he noticed that the fur was growing on his hands too. And not just fur either. As the bottle of shaving cream fell from his grasp he watched his finger nails began to elongate and darken. They quickly grew razor sharp points and in moments matched the fur growing in on his hands. Lex looked at his hands in shock and awe. He had hand-paws now and they were completely covered in black fur. Not only did he have claws, but a painful piercing sensation distracted Lex and he turned from his hand back to the mirror.

The fur was just reaching his neck now and from there it was causing his beard to go crazy. Lex made a startled sound, but he noticed that something about his mouth was different now. A quick check proved that his teeth were now quite sharp and his tongue was elongating. It only took a second for the fur to cover Lex's face and he shouted for real this time as he jaw cracked and began to push forward. He somehow managed to watch as his reflection rearranged itself before his very eyes. The last thing to change on his face were his ears as they grew furry black points and migrated up his head. Lex suddenly realized what his face had just turned into. He was a freaking wolf!

His momentary realization was cut short as the rest of his transformation began. Lex screamed as his legs cracked and began to rearrange. His bones disintegrated and reformed ten times stronger than any normal human's, and they took on the form of a young adult werewolf instead of a human teenager. Another piercing cry tore through the house as Lex's reformed spine began to lengthen and form the beginnings of a tail. The thick black fur quickly covered the new appendage as it pushed from Lex's ass.

When Lex thought the experience was over he realized that there were still some changes happening. Lex felt a shudder from the tips of his ears to his toe claws as his body began to put on weight. Pounds of solid muscle layered on thick as the young wolf's form changed to reflect his powerful body. His back and shoulders widened and his chest bulged. Every muscle on his body tripled in size as his transformation neared completion.

The pleasure of feeling himself grow sent a bolt of electric arrousal through Lex and he was aware of another piece of his anatomy that had changed. A massive monster stirred within the fleshy fur covered sheath attached to his lower abdomin. Two cantaloupe sized black furred orbs churned violently in the mass of his groin fur as his monster hood stirred to life. Lex made an inhuman moan of lust as he lay on the ground and watched his cock rise to salute him. It was as thick as a man's leg and at least twice it's original length bringing it to an estimated thirty two inches. Lex would have groaned, but his mouth didn't seem to want to work right. He struggled to get up, but ended up getting tangled in the shower curtains easily ripping them off the pole and causing quite a ruckus.

Downstairs the three adults exchanged a nervous glance before they looked at Coach Rick. "Maybe someone should go up and check on him?" Lex's mom proposed.

"No, he'll come down after a while" Coach Rick said and frowned at the stairs in the darkened hallway.

While they talked Lex struggled to learn to control his new body. He was taking it pretty well all things considered. Mainly Lex was in denial. Something had to be wrong or maybe he was hallucinating, but for now he just wanted to stand up. His massive cock wasn't helping things either, but Lex managed to force his instinct to service his massive red wolf dick into submission for now. Eventually, as he struggled to put his weight on his foot paws, the monster began to retreat back into his sheath.

It took about thirty minutes but Lex finally managed to stand. He placed a massive hand paw on the wall and looked at his face in the mirror. One thing was for sure, Lex was a lot bigger than he had been just a while ago. His massive wolf man body was huge and well muscled. He was at least six feet tall pushing seven. Lex had never noticed how everything in the bathroom seemed to shrink as he transformed, but now everything looked tiny, almost toy like. His massive wolf paws picked up the shredded remains of his clothes and Lex groaned. He really liked that shirt.

Eventually Lex began to think outside his bathroom. What would he tell his parents. After all, people don't turn into wolf monsters every night... do they? Lex peeked out the bathroom window and noticed the full moon hanging in the night sky. Okay so he wasn't a total nut case. Wolf monster + full moon must equal werewolf. Lex was a werewolf, but it didn't make any sense because Lex had never been bitten or anything... not that he could remember.

Regardless Lex still had to let his parents know. They loved him after all and he knew somehow that they would understand. Lex cautiously made his way downstairs and was glad for once in his life that his parents had a big house. He only had to duck a little to get through the bathroom door. Stairs proved pretty hard for the newly changed werewolf, but he managed to make it down to the first floor and look out into the living room where his parents were sitting drinking coffee with his football coach. Wait! What the hell was Coach Rick doing here? "R... Richard!" Lex's mom said and pointed out into the hallway.

Lex tried to talk, but his mouth didn't move how he wanted it to. All he managed was a surprised bark and Coach Rick quickly stood up "Lex it's all right, this is perfectly natural ok son?" Coach Rick said and held his hands up and walked towards Lex in the darkness of the hallway.

Lex was so confused, why would his football coach be talking to him like this? Nothing made sense, but when Rick got closer to Lex the younger werewolf's brain clicked and he felt a deep growl welling up inside him. Lex tried to stop himself, but it was almost like he acted on instinct and he felt his upper lip raise to show Rick his fangs and warn him to back off. Rick froze in place.

"Now listen here son, you're not thinking straight and I know it's hard to control yourself" Rick said and held up a hand, "But you're not the only wolf here tonight and I don't mind putting a pup like you in his place if I have too" Rick said as his hand sprouted thick gray fur and long black claws replaced his finger nails.

Now Lex was freaked out. He decided instead to sniff the furry hand and again something inside Lex seemed to click. This was another wolf and he was stronger than Lex. Instinct told the werewolf pup to submit to this new wolf, but his human mind was still freaked out. Lex felt that furry hand paw take his own hand paw and lead him into the living room. "Hey honey" Lex's mom said and smiled at the seven foot wolf monster in her living room, "How was you're transformation"

"You know he can't talk yet" Lex's father said and scowled at his wife, "Now listen son, there are some things we need to tell you. About your family and about what you became tonight" Lex's dad said calmly like Lex had just gotten a bad grade or was being given a fatherly lecture. Mr. Long was about to continue when a mournful howl echoed through the still night. Everyone in the room exchanged a confused look. "I thought you and Harry were the only other werewolves in town" Mr. Long said in confusion.

"We are... Unless... Oh shit!" Rick said and ran towards the door.

Lex ran after the man and his parents were right behind him. As soon as Richard was outside his body exploded and in less than a few seconds he was a werewolf too, standing at least a foot taller than Lex and supporting a much more muscular frame. The gray furred werewolf turned to the Longs as they rushed into the night, "I've got to go, sorry about this" he said in a deep voice as he turned to the other werewolf beside him, "Lex you better come too, we might need you're help"

Lex gave his parents an apologetic woof and then bounded off into the night as he raced to catch up with Rick. Nobody knew it but they were rushing head long into the claws of another freshly turned werewolf, and his transformation had not gone as smoothly as Lex's.


Dustin had gotten home that night only to happen upon his father who had been drinking. Usually Dustin ignored his dad and his disgusting habits, but tonight something was just eating Dustin up inside. He felt all hot like he was sick, but he didn't feel weak or anything. In fact Dustin felt better than ever. He had gotten to see Lex and had worked most the day, so why was he so irritable?

Dustin had retreated to his bed room and was going through some of his football junk when his father flung the door open. "Hey you little fucker, where's the dough you got paid today?" he said and pointed at Dustin.

"They didn't pay me today dad" Dustin said in a surprisingly deep voice.

"You're a worthless shit, just like you're mother. Always lying bout how much..." he didn't get to finish because Dustin punched him in the jaw before he could get the last words out. "That's it kid, papa's gunna teach you a lessen in respect"

Dustin's beat up clock beside his bed rolled over to nine just as his father swung at him. Dustin felt the blow connect as his drunk father proceeded to punch him. By about the fourth or fifth hit though something felt wrong. Dusting felt like his chest was on fire, and he couldn't feel the punches anymore. "Stop... dad fucking stop!" Dustin said and staggered away from his father.

"Fuck you Dustin... You're gunna fucking..." Brian Parks watched as his son heaved real heavy. He had beaten Dustin countless times and the punk hardly ever fought back, but now something seemed off. "What the hell is wrong with you kid" he said and walked over to Dustin pulling his face out of his hands. "H.. Holy Shit!" he said when he saw the shadow of black hair creeping across his son's face. Dustin's eyes were a peicing feral yellow, and his jaw and nose slightly elongated. Two large fangs pushed past his fleshy upper lip and a low room shaking growl erupted from inside Dustin.

Outside the house across the street Harry Young heard an ear piercing scream come from inside the Parks residence. Harry had been trying not to change under the full moon light when the clock rolled over. It was fifteen after now, and he wondered what the hell could be going on in there.

Harry jumped out of the car and ran towards the house arriving just as a sickening crack resounded through the house. Harry didn't hear the sounds of Dustin or his father inside anymore either.

As the cautious track coach tested the door knob he silently swore, noting the lights were still on in the house, and some of the neighbors could surely see him by now. He silently prayed that nobody called the cops. It was a rough neighborhood after all and with any luck two werewolves might be ignored. Harry cursed when he realized the door was locked and bolted with bars no less. Even a full grown werewolf would make a ruckus tearing that much steel off the side of the house. Harry knew there had to be a back entrance so he ran around back faster than any normal human could manage and jumped the fence.

No dog... thank you god. Harry had just made it to the back yard where there was a terrific crash from inside the house. Something huge was moving around in there, but what on earth could make a crash that big. Harry was just inches from the glass sliding door where something the size of a pickup truck crashed through the glass slamming into Harry and throwing him into the dirt of the yard. That massive black shape stumbled as it righted itself and found it's balance on two enormous black paws.

As it stood up the massive black monster's body blocked the moon rising in the night sky behind it. Harry would have been impressed if he wasn't shocked by the sheer size of the werewolf standing before him. As soon as it was standing upright the werewolf tilted it's head back and let loose an ear piercing howl that could have deafened a lesser creature. Harry clapped his hands to his human ears regardless and wondered how on earth he was going to deal with this.


Lex chased after Rick learning in literal leaps and bounds as he fought to keep up with the gray werewolf ahead of him. Coach Rick was running faster than the cars driving down the road, and to most people was only a large gray blur followed by a smaller black blur. Lex figured he was breaking every running record in the high school, where was Coach Young when you needed him? At this rate they would run out of town to run through. Down town passed in a blur of food signs and surprisingly smelly fast food joints. Lex was assaulted by the smells of what he normally found appetizing, but now found disgustingly strong.

As he ran the buildings spread out, and the homes began to lose their perfect lawns and proud white fences. Large houses shrunk to medium and then smaller two-bedroom houses with dried up lawns and oddly large rusted trash cans. Now a different smell hit Lex's nose, the smell of human filth. Rick finally stopped next to a small red sports car Lex recognized as the one Coach Young drove. Lex wanted to ask where they were, but he couldn't quite get it out right. "Corrch wherrre garrr whrreee?" Lex said around his panting tongue and large canines.

"This is where Dustin lives" Rick said and pointed a gray furred finger at the house across the street.

Even from across the street Lex could smell something, it was primal and musky. A lot like the wolf standing in front of him, but much stronger, much more powerful. This scent said ALPHA in big capitol letters. Lex was a little put off, but there was something familiar about that smell.

Not far from where Lex and Rick stood a very scared track and field coach had also transformed into a large eight foot tall red-brown furred werewolf. He was currently belly up in front of the beast that had to be Dustin Parks. What was clearly blood dripped from the newly transformed werewolf's snout, but Harry's nose told him that he was too late to stop Dustin from doing something terrible. As Lex and Rick had raced towards the two other wolves Dustin had begun a thorough investigation of the wolf on the ground below him. "At least you're not hungry, right big guy?" Harry said as Dustin wolf sniffed his crotch.

After standing there and realizing that he was sweating and panting at the same time, which Lex found strange considering he was a werewolf, his own special brand of musk began to blow with the wind towards the monster werewolf on the other side of the house. A low rumble started up inside the monster werewolf and Harry thought his new 'friend' was less than happy to see him, when suddenly Dustin seemed to lose total interest and began sniffing the air.

Lex was panting hard on the other side of the street when something at least twelve feet tall and weighing some ridicules amount landed in the middle of the street with a concrete shattering thud. Lex looked up at the monster as it sniffed the air and seemed to fix him with a hungry glare. "Lex" Rick said beside him in a high pitched whine, "Run... Run now"

Lex yipped in fear as he dropped to all fours and shot off like a bullet. Lex thought he was breaking records chasing Rick, but now there was something more important on the line. As soon as he shot off Dustin took one long bounding leap after him and the chase was on. As the two young werewolves ran off a red-brown furred werewolf scrambled over the backyard fence falling face first in the grass on the other side. Rick jogged over and watched his mate pick himself up. "Where'd he go!" Harry asked as he got ready to fight.

"That way" Rick said and pointed down the street.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go after them!" Harry said and pulled Rick after him.

"Wait" Rick said and broke away from his mate's grasp. "That wasn't a hungry growl just now..."


Lex was a good runner, hell he even liked to run, but this was something else. Something about running for your life always put a little extra spring in you're step. As he ran houses whizzed by and occasionally a car or truck, but one thing was constant. No matter how hard he tried Lex just couldn't shake the monster behind him, and while Lex was panting the huge black monster seemed to be doing just fine. Eventually they ran out of town and the road he was running along turned into a highway. Lex was suddenly afraid he might run into a car or truck and obviously he wasn't going to outrun this beast anyways.

Lex swerved suddenly to the right side of the road and burst through the wall of leaves and vegetation. His smaller form easily punched through the leaves while the creature behind him had a harder time. Lex sprinted off into the forest as the sound of the monster thrashing about and what could only be trees snapping in half got further and further behind him. Lex finally stopped against a huge oak tree and groaned as he leaned on it's solid wooden trunk.

Lex panted heavily as he sucked cool life giving air into his blazing hot lungs. Clearly his new werewolf body could take a beating, but that much running took its toll no matter what you were. Lex had just caught his breath and pushed himself away from the tree he was leaning on. He was almost ready to run again when a very large and muscular black furred arm hit the trunk of the tree in front of him.

Lex gasped as a large snout pressed against the scruff of his neck drinking in his scent. The monster behind Lex seemed drunk off the smell and Lex was too frightened to even move. A huge furry hand and arm wrapped around Lex pulling him up against his aggressor. Lex was suddenly aware of a very hot and very large slab of wolf meat pressed up against his back. The massive pole was drooling wolf pre into his back fur, but Lex had bigger things to worry about.

There was a sharp cry of fear and surprise from Lex as he was lifted into the air by the huge arm around his body, but a low and menacing growl stopped him from whining. Lex cried silently as the head of that massive cock was pressed against his ass hole. Even though Lex had started to like taking it in the ass lately he didn't want to try taking something that big! The growl got more and more savage as Lex felt the cock head push against his tight werewolf ass.

In one short moment the monster was in, and Lex gasped in pain. He thought he was in for a harsh rape again, but a tender touch from the monster behind him seemed to signal it's concern for him. Lex felt a massive and strong hand paw stroking him and for a second he felt like the monster was actually letting him adjust. The show of affection though didn't mean he was off the hook, or the cock. After a very painful series of growls and grunts the massive monster had completely shoved it's member into Lex's ass.

The more of that massive wolf cock Lex took the more he liked it. It was like this was natural, like he had done this before, only his human mind knew that was impossible. After a few moments of rest the monster began to piston in and out of the smaller werewolf extracting inhuman moans from him. After a while of being airborne Lex felt the creature behind him lower him to the ground and ride him doggy style thrusting in and out like wild, all the while grunting and growling.

At this point Lex knew it was another werewolf, but it sure wasn't any werewolf he knew. Hell... he only really knew one other werewolf! Lex could feel the pressure inside him building and the heat, oh the heat was like nothing he had ever felt. If every other act of sex had been good this was simply amazing! Lex thought briefly back to Dustin and wondered what his part time human lover would think of the creature riding his ass right now.

Lex didn't have much time to contemplate though, as the massive werewolf was getting close to climax. A large and solid mass formed at the base of the huge cock stopping it from completely entering Lex. The knot seemed to make the massive werewolf even more aggressive as he fought to push the knot into Lex. Lex on the other hand whimpered in fear as that knot pushed against him. There wasn't anything Lex could do to resist though as the werewolf placed a huge hand on Lex and used the added leverage to push his knot into him. Lex yipped and felt his tears falling from his eyes as he wished it would all just end.

Lex tried not to enjoy being taken like a bitch and the pain of that huge knot popping into him was a good reminder, but as the werewolf above him was pushed closer and close to climax it became harder and harder to resist the pleasure coursing through him. Lex moaned through his inhuman mouth as that massive cock pulsed and began to become unbearably hot. A piercing howl signaled the werewolf's climax just as a torrent of burning hot cum flooded through Lex's insides.

Liquid fire surged through him and shot out his ass despite the massive knot ting him shut. Lex groaned as the trees shook with the sound of the howl. Just as Lex thought he might be enjoying himself the huge werewolf finished it's howl and bent over Lex's neck. Lex gasped as he realized what was about to happen. Those massive razor sharp fangs sank into the muscles of Lex's neck. The pain caused him to cry out as the monster bit into him. It was bad at first but in some strange way the pain increased the pleasure.

The massive overload of pleasure pain and all the other events of the night took their toll on Lex. The soothing licks of the monsters behind him, and the sensation of his insides slowly smoldering as a copious amount of cum was held inside by the huge knot in his ass, lulled Lex into a gentle slumber. Eventually the huge black werewolf behind him curled into a protective ball of fur around him and fell asleep still tied to his mate.