A Wolfy Visit [Commission]

Story by 5_paws on SoFurry

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Zack is visited by his good friend Geordie, but Geordie isn't excatly the size that Zack remembers him to be...

Another commission from my pile of commissions. This time for geordie79 about his especially big and handsome wolf: Geordie, whom I paired up with another wolf in this story.

This one was definitely a good experience writing wise, since I was "forced" to condense a relatively large amount of plot quite significantly, which is a nice change since I do tend to get a bit over descriptive at times (self-diagnosed). I did feel like I could have probably paced some scenes better and enhanced the overall flow to some degree (something I'll definitely be looking to improve), but if the customer is satisfied, then so am I.

Geordie belongs to geordie79

Thanks for reading!

Zack's paws thumped against the floor as he rushed to open the door, the last few notes of the doorbell's cheerful tune still echoing throughout his apartment. The excited wolf slid out from the narrow corridor leading to his small kitchen, nearly bumping against the wall with how fast he had dashed for the door. His claws scraping the wooden floor for some needed friction, the gray canine eventually launched into a second dash, having to perform a similar braking maneuver almost immediately as not to run face-first into the door of his apartment.

Zack's tail was wagging as he set his right paw onto the doorknob, his nose already detecting his good friend's scent floating from the other side of the entrance. With the brass and steel locking mechanism clicking within his grip, Zack pulled the door open with a wide smile on his canine muzzle.

"Geordie! How have you-" Zack's sentence was left hanging in the air as he stared at a seven-foot-tall wolf with a beige and blue muzzle and dark-amber eyes who awkwardly smiled at him from above, raising his right paw in a greeting. "...Been?" The smaller wolf finished, blinking his eyes as if bewitched.

"Hi!" The bigger wolf replied, stiffly scratching the dark mane of fur on his neck, waiting for a further reaction from the other canine.

Zack ran his eyes up and down the tall canine's body, spotting the familiar orange markings on the other wolf's face, shoulders, and tail, confirming to him that this was indeed his good friend Geordie. But hold on! The last time the two wolves had seen each other, Geordie hadn't been nearly as big and tall as he was now: almost too tall to fit through Zack's doorway. He still looked like Geordie and smelled like Geordie, only that he was more than a foot taller than Zack.

"Y-You've grown..." Zack said after a long pause, tilting his head in confusion, smiling awkwardly at his friend while he did the same, both their tails wagging almost in sync.

"Yeah~..." Geordie grinned, his kind eyes following the tip of Zack's tail as it swiped from left to right like a furry metronome.

Both canines stared at each other for a while before each erupting with laughter, Zack lunging forwards to hug his suddenly grown canine friend, Geordie wrapping the smaller male in the embrace of his large arms.

"Good to see you..." Zack growled into Geordie's chest, standing on his toes in order to reach higher with his arms.

"You too..." The bigger wolf chuckled, his colorful tail excitedly whipping the air behind his rump.

Happily smiling in the warm embrace of his friend, Zack all of the sudden noticed something pressing against his belly, something which he didn't recall feeling when the two had last met. It was big, warm, and slightly bumpy, covered by the fabric of Geordie's pants as it rubbed against Zack's belly, the smaller wolf twitching in the other canine's arms as the mystery mound suddenly...throbbed, and did so rather vigorously. One didn't have to be a red rocket scientist to deduce that this was his good friend's dick. It too - judging by how it felt against Zack- significantly bigger than what he recalled.

Zack blinked his eyes and tried looking down in between himself and Geordie, feeling the heat from his friend's genitals somewhere around his abdomen.

No way he's this big! Zack thought to himself as he peered towards his friend's crotch, blissfully unaware of the warm feeling permeating throughout his furry figure. The relative closeness of their bodies and the limited lighting conditions of the doorway prohibited the smaller wolf from seeing the big bulge squeezed against his figure. Not getting a proper look at it didn't make it any smaller though. It was huge. Much like its owner.

"Wow..." Zack moved his lips silently, unconsciously pushing himself more into Geordie's lap in order to feel more of the hidden mega-sized malehood against his body.

"...Something wrong, Zack?"

The shorter 5'7'' wolf flinched from his friend's voice, clumsily backing away from the hug, his face blushing ever so slightly.

"N-no umm..." Zack couldn't help himself and just for a few milliseconds, dropped his gaze onto Geordie's crotch, trying not to let surprise show in his eyes as he witnessed the deliciously meaty mound between the bigger wolf's legs. The large, heavy-looking bulge extruding out of the taller male's cortch was almost impossible not to notice.

"Oh, Ummm~ I was just uhhhh~..." The more modestly colored canine stuttered, his eyes darting all over the doorframe in an attempt to avoid looking at the thing they were naturally drawn towards. "...Thinking about the ummm~ FOOD!" Zack exclaimed. "The food! I-I have some lamb cooking in the oven and I was wondering if you'd uhhh~ Want to eat dinner...?"

The previously puzzled tall wolf now smiled and twitched his big, dark-blue and orange ears, nodding his canine head to the suggestion.

"C-Come on in!"

Zack carefully backed deeper into his apartment, watching as Geordie slightly ducked his head and stepped over the doorstep, closing the apartment door behind him and wiping his paws on the welcome rug.

Fuck, look at the size of that thing... Zack thought as he secretly ogled at the sizable lump in the front of his friend's pants, the shape of the bigger wolf's package on full display on the surface of the strained cotton fabric. Geordie shot a sudden glance at Zack, who blushed and quickly took his eyes off the tall canine's crotch hump.

He didn't see me looking, did he?

"Khrm... Follow me..." Zack said with a smile, swiftly turning on his paws and heading for the kitchen. His friend followed not too far behind.


The pair of wolves spent the next hour or so in the kitchen, each guzzling down their fair share of the lamb Zack had cooked, whilst seated at the modest square table the smaller wolf had set up in the kitchen. The two canines talked and laughed with their mouths full of tender ovine meat, exchanging news about what was going on in their lives as well as reminiscing about the past like the old friends they were. And even though Zack was dying to inquire about how his friend had gotten so big all of the sudden, the smaller male kept his tongue in check, knowing that if Geordie wanted him to know, he would tell him eventually. And besides, there was something else that kept Zack plenty distracted throughout the meal.

The meager table in Zack's kitchen was a bit small for a male like Geordie, whose canine knees were almost knocking at the bottom of the shabby piece of wooden furniture as he sat seated opposite to his friend. This in turn meant that his spectacular bulge was pressing against the table the entire time the two wolves had dinner. And although Zack couldn't see it, he was painstakingly aware of its big, bulging presence. Whenever Geordie would laugh or shuffle his paws underneath the table, the entire thing would move or wobble from his huge wolf-bulge rubbing against it. Zack could simply not stop thinking about it, and more than once found himself staring at the spot under which he assumed his buddy's magnificent male lump resided.

"So..." Zack muttered as his tall wolf friend picked a bone clean with his big, white predator teeth before setting it down on his plate next to dozen others. "...You have a girlfriend?"

Geordie twitched his ears as Zack playfully kicked his shin under the table, the smaller wolf directing an inquisitive, flippant stare at his mate. The mood in the kitchen changed as if by a switch as Geordie responded to Zack's stare with a cheeky smile.


Zack smirked and fluttered his ears. "...Then how about a boyfriend?"

Geordie elevated his eyebrows as Zack teasingly dragged his toes down the bigger canine's leg, eliciting a small chuckle from the colorful canine's blue and beige muzzle. Zack stuck out his tongue and continued to smirk as Geordie stretched his long arms.

"...Nah..." The big wolf eventually shook his head.

"Really?" It was now Zack's turn to undulate his eyebrows. "I thought you'd have girls and guys lining up for you since you're so big now."

"I'm sure most people just find me intimidating..." Geordie muttered, leaning back in his chair, the crude wooden seat ominously creaking under his sizable frame.

"Intimidating? A big fluffy guy like y-"

The sole vowel was left hanging in the air by itself as Zack locked his tongue, having attempted another shin-kick on his friend, his paw surprisingly having landed a bit further up and in between Geordie's legs by accident. Zack could recognize the sensation from earlier. His paw was resting against Geordie's bulge.

The mood in the kitchen took yet another turn, the two wolves now staring eye to eye as Zack's paw lingered on Geordie's crotch, his mouth still half-open to finish the sentence he'd started. It suddenly felt like time was crawling forwards in quicksand, each second Zack touched Geordie's bulge feeling like an entire minute as both males held their breaths, their canine hearts pounding almost in perfect sync.

"S-sorry..." Zack whimpered, quickly retracting his paw as blush flared up his muzzle.

The kitchen was completely silent for a decent while.

Eventually, Geordie cleared his throat. "Say, I saw you had the new PawStation... You got Ring of the Old?"

Zack twitched and enthusiastically nodded his head, appearing relieved that things hadn't gotten awkward.

"Wanna game?"

Zack nodded again with even more enthusiasm.

"Cool! It'll be like old times... You need any help with the dishes or..?"

"N-no, no! You go ahead and start up the console! I'll do the dishes and catch up with you." Zack stammered, reaching forwards to grab the bigger wolf's plate.

"Ok, then..."

The chair creaked underneath the tall wolf as he started getting up from his seat. Suddenly, there was a thump, and the dishes on the table clattered.

"Oops!" Geordie exclaimed, his big and bad wolf bulge having bumped against the table as he got up. "Don't take too long or I'll start without you."

As his friend left the kitchen, Zack rushed to the sink and started scrubbing the plates, his heart still pounding after the paw-on-bulge incident. Also, why did that last thing Geordie said sound like an invitation for sex?


Geordie had of course noticed that Zack was acting strange. At first, the bigger canine had just thought it was because he had grown, but at the table, he'd realized it was because a certain body part of his had grown. Honestly, Geordie didn't mind Zack looking at his junk. They were friends, and the size of his genitals was pretty striking for your average male. But perhaps Zack wasn't peeking at his bulge out of pure curiosity. Judging by the mood in the kitchen, it certainly felt like the little wolf was perhaps after something... more.

Zack wasn't an unattractive male, not in the slightest. He had a cute face and a smaller, more effeminate figure, something which Geordie had taken note of now that he had seen him after such a long while. And you could tell the shorter wolf worked out his legs, at least if you were to take his butt's word for it. Zack's tail-end was definitely something Geordie had taken note of. The big wolf had actually gotten strangely excited watching his friend bend over to get things in the kitchen. Even more so when Zack had accidentally punted his package.

Perhaps he and Zack should have some fun. If the other wolf wanted to look at his bulge, maybe Geordie should let him.


"Sorry for the wait! Are you all set up here or..." Zack's sentence was again left without a proper end as he witnessed his friend in the living room, entirely naked except for his skintight, cotton and polyester underwear.

Geordie, holding onto a game controller as he sat on the couch, enjoyed the buffaloed expression on Zack's gray muzzle. "...Though I might as well lose the pants since it's already so late." Geordie smiled and stretched his tall frame, making sure to show off his bulge while he did. "Nothing like gaming in your sleepwear, am I right?"

Zack, still looking like he'd been hit on the head with a log, shook his head and quickly folded his ears in embarrassment. "Y-yeah..." He muttered, trying to avoid looking at all the exposed fur his friend was showing.

"Alright! Take a seat and let's play! I already loaded up a new save."

Zack nodded and slowly walked himself next to the couch, seating himself at the far right end of the cushioned furniture. But as the second canine reached for his controller, the bigger wolf suddenly snatched it from right under his paws, defensively holding it out of Zack's reach with his long arms.

"Uh-uh~! I can't be the only one in my underwear. Not happening." Geordie clicked his tongue and cast a frolicsome smile at his buddy.

Initially getting quite flustered by the bigger wolf's suggestion, Zack eventually responded to Geordie's smile with his own and promptly kicked off his trousers, now sitting next to his wolf friend in only his t-shirt and underwear.

"That's more like it!" Geordie chuckled, handing Zack the second controller. "Let's game!"

The sounds of buttons being mashed and electronic sounds of metal banging against metal quickly filled the living room.

The entire time the two canines were playing, Geordie could feel Zack staring at his bulge from the reflection on the TV screen, which did do quite a magnificent job in highlighting the sizable lump at the front of his underwear in the otherwise dim living room. This understandably caused the smaller wolf to do a lot of mistakes in his gameplay, of which Geordie justifiably ridiculed his friend, in good humor of course.

Eventually, Geordie decided to tease his friend even more and deliberately crossed his legs, making his bulge that bit more prominent in the reflection on the TV. Zack's character died almost immediately, the taunting red "YOU VANQUISHED" text appearing on his side of the screen. It appeared that the wolf himself didn't even notice his character dying, as he was so intensely staring at the reflection of his friend's package. It wasn't until his eyes met Geordie's in the reflection that the other wolf realized his mistake.

"S-shit! Sorry!" Zack flinched, awkwardly scratching the area behind his ears.

"No, it's fine," Geordie replied with a smirk, deftly slaughtering the gigantic foe on screen with a few swings of his greatsword.

"Hey..." Geordie muttered, un-crossing his legs and setting down his controller. "...Do you want to touch it?" He continued after a semi-long pause.

Geordie got to enjoy the sight of different emotions fighting for dominance on Zack's face after his lewd proposal. "W-w-whatever are you talking about?" The flustered wolf eventually muttered.

"You've been staring at it all evening." Geordie chuckled, tauntingly grabbing his junk and swaying it around under his paw.

Realizing he'd been caught, Zack froze to the very spot he was sitting and went completely silent as blush spread all over his gray muzzle.

"I'm not blaming you though... It has gotten a lot bigger since last time. If you wanna touch it, that's fine." Geordie smiled, stretching his arms above his head before placing them on the backrest. The bigger wolf also spread out his legs as an invitation for the other male to grope his bulge.

Zack hesitated.

"...C-can I?"

Geordie nodded.

Zack carefully scooted closer to his tall friend on the couch, his canine eyes locked onto the imposing mound of virility on display between Geordie's legs. Both of the wolves' hearts were beating faster and faster as Zack slowly extended his paw towards the object of his desires his tail excitedly wagging behind his back.

"Ooohhh~" Zack voiced a delighted gasp as his fingers started eagerly exploring the surface of Geordie's groin outgrowth. The average-sized wolf was quickly enamored with the strange, lewd sensation of his friend's covered genitals, his left paw moving to feel, grope, cup, weigh and squeeze Geordie's endowment from all directions in no time at all. It was so big, so soft and so warm: just like a pet, greedily asking for more rubs by pulsing under Zack's comparably small wolf paw.

Geordie released a soft growl and leaned back on the couch, immediately feeling his underwear starting to stretch as getting his genitals touched in such a way had the natural effect on his male physique. Zack's paw was small, soft, and awfully crafty, pleasantly fondling almost every inch of the bigger wolf's covered malehood causing more and more of Geordie's hot canine blood to flow to that particular area. It just felt so good. Way better than when Geordie himself was doing it. He couldn't help getting erect.

The already massive bulge kept on growing and growing as Zack placed a second paw on his friend's crotch, now massaging the big, sexy mound of concealed wolfcock with twice as many paws, and twice as eagerly. Before long, Zack too became aware of the swelling going on inside Geordie's underwear and carefully retracted his paws an inch or two, silently observing the bulge which had now grown to almost twice its initial size.

"S-should I..."

Geordie cracked open his right eye and leaned his ears towards Zack, who was fiddling with his paws whilst blushing.

"S-should I get a condom?" Zack eventually blurted out.

"Mhhh~ Maybe you should," Geordie growled, setting his paws onto the waistband of his ever-stretching underwear.

Zack promptly jumped up from the sofa and dashed into his bedroom, returning with an equal amount of haste, only with one large-sized canine condom in his teeth. He jumped back onto the couch with his tail wagging, subsequently dropping the contraceptive from his mouth as his jaw dropped and eyes widened when he witnessed the contents of Geordie's underwear out in the nude.

Geordie's cock was massive. Well as much had been apparent since long ago, but somehow it appeared even bigger in the flesh, and Zack was caught holding his breath as soon as he laid his eyes on it. The meaty member wasn't even fully erect yet and it already reached down almost to Geordie's knees with how big it was. Zack swallowed. The phallic behemoth continued to grow, waking from its slumber one hot throb at a time, Geordie's veins only able to pump so much blood into it per second.

"Mind putting it on for me?" Geordie smirked, waking up his mesmerized friend from the enchantment of his wolf dick. Zack shook his head and nodded, picking up the sealed condom from the couch and ripping it open with his sharp teeth.

It barely fit. Zack watched unblinkingly as he rolled the condom onto his friend with shaking paws, the thin layer of latex enveloping the girthy meat monster one inch at a time, only reaching about two-thirds down of Geordie's endowment when it was completely unfurled. Figured. The condom should have been at least of size XXXL to have any chance of containing this kind of beast in its entirety. And even then it might have been too small.

His paws still lingering on Geordie's throbbing shaft, Zack stared at the transparent latex hood covering the bigger wolf's cock as it stretched and squeaked, the mass it contained slowly swelling up more and more and more, until inevitably...


The miracle of modern contraceptive technology was quickly reduced to small shreds of rubber as Geordie's cock continued to grow, getting erect exactly at the pace it desired, easily outgrowing the puny condom.

"Ooops..." The colorful canine scratched his neck, smiling awkwardly at his awestruck friend.

It took almost an entire minute for Geordie's meat spear to become battle-ready, its erect length almost rivaling that of Zack's entire arm, being considerably thicker especially down by the base. At that point, Zack was also pitching quite the tent in his own underwear, hungrily staring at the august, turgid wolf member with his pink canine tongue hanging loose from his mouth as he panted with excitement.

Watching the saliva dripping from his friend's half-open maw immediately gave the bigger wolf an idea.

"So... How do you want to do this?" Geordie asked, taking a more relaxed stance on the sofa, flashing his best bedroom eyes at the other wolf.

Just as Geordie had expected, Zack froze up completely and began to stammer: "I-I-I... u-uh I..."

Thoroughly savoring the sight of his flustered friend wrestling with his emotions, Geordie took his sweet time separating his jaws for voicing his own proposition. "How about..." The big wolf growled softly. "You do me, and I'll do you." Geordie continued, opening his maw and pointing at his big and wet canine tongue slithering about inside.

Zack twitched and tilted his head in confusion.

"Here... I'll just lie down like this..." Geordie explained, allowing his back to slide down along the backrest, his 7ft tall wolf body soon resting on its side on top of the small couch. "...And you'll lie down the other way. Sound good?"

Zack, who was now sitting almost next to his big canine companion's muzzle, carefully nodded his head and lay down alongside him, ending up face-to-face with Geordie's intimidating male tool. The apprehensive gray canine flinched as he suddenly felt Geordie pulling down his underwear, Zack's average-sized canine mating tool bobbing out of its hiding place right next to the other wolf's muzzle. Zack soon whimpered quietly as Geordie took a generous whiff of his friend's male scent, the cool air flowing through his big nostrils pleasantly tickling Zack's erect shaft.

"Whenever you're ready Zack..."

And with that, Geordie latched his big wolf tongue onto Zack's member, starting to carefully lick the firm, fleshy surface of the smaller anthro's cock.

Upon the first contact between Geordie's taster and his genitals, Zack went stiff as a statue, only after a while gasping with pleasure as he got his cock tended to by the larger male. It felt good. Each inch Georide's tongue passed over on his dick increased his arousal exponentially, and Zack found himself even more attracted to the absolute pillar of a cock resting on the couch right next to his gray muzzle, the mere sight and scent of it causing his saliva production to go crazy. Zack wanted to taste it.

It was Geordie's turn to stiffen up as he now got to enjoy the warm, moist sensation traveling along his impressive length, Zack's tongue lapping against his shaft with the attentiveness and enthusiasm of a parched dog at his water bowl. The colorful wolf released a soft growl from his muzzle as his friend carefully slathered each square inch of his elephantine tumescence with his canine saliva, panting and whimpering like a puppy as he tasted the surface of the huge cock-sicle. The sounds of wet, lapping tongues quickly took over the small apartment living room as the two male wolves entertained each other with their tongues, the battle of their tasters getting more and more intense with time.

Zack was the first one to take things a step further, as he -after a long, salivating, shaft-long lick- carefully plopped his lips over the gargantuan cockhead of his canine friend, instinctively pushing the entire tip of the huge wolfcock into his mouth. From there, the feisty gray canine proceeded into properly blowing his big friend's tremendous male organ: pushing his damp lips down the shaft whilst moaning submissively, pulling them back up along with the rest of his muzzle at a controlled but ever-increasing rate, slurping down wolfcock like it wasn't even his first time.

"Just take it slow... I know it must be a lot to take..." Geordie growled, himself taking Zack's entire cock inside his muzzle, passionately sucking it with his lips and playing with it using his big, wet taster.

But Zack only hastened the undulating of his muzzle, ravenously swallowing more and more inches of Geordie with each repetition, his lips now reaching almost halfway down the bigger canine's length. Zack was as hungry as a wolf, and even though there was no way he could realistically throat it all, he certainly gave it his best shot, bringing Geordie's massive meat down to tonsil-tickling depth within his regular-wolf muzzle.

Starting to feel good, really good in fact, from Zack's superb blowjob, Geordie allowed his instincts to take a hold of him and loosely wrapped his legs behind Zack's neck, starting to slowly hump himself into the other male's muzzle, reaching climax almost before he'd even begun doing it.

"Z-Zack! I'm going to..." Was all Geordie managed to say before his canine gonads gave in to the wild pleasure circulating within his shaft, a hefty load of thick, creamy wolf cum exploding into Zack's throat within the blink of an eye.

Zack's body stiffened from his ears down to his tail as the white swirl of wolf gunk was spewed into his throat one juicy throb at a time. The smaller male valiantly held his lips around Geordie's shaft even as his esophagus was getting stuffed full of his friend's creamy puppy batter, his mouth reflexively swallowing every drop that seeped inside of it. Getting his gullet blasted full of thick canine ejaculate felt even better than what Zack had imagined, and as he assiduously relieved Geordie with his mouth, he simultaneously assuaged himself in the bigger wolf's big, warm and wet maw with great pleasure.

"Hope you liked your dessert..." Geordie chuckled as his cock finally stopped twitching after a small eternity, himself swallowing the remainder of Zack's canine jizz stuck to the big teeth inside his muzzle.

Meanwhile, Zack inhaled good two or three lungfuls of air through his dark nostrils, eventually feeling steady enough to pull his lips off from the huge mating pole he had been milking with his mouth. The shorter wolf immediately gasped for more air once the girthy shaft slipped out of his maw completely, strands of Geordie's sticky ejaculate still connecting some of his teeth to one another. He was still baffled he hadn't dislocated his jaw from blowing his abnormally hung guest.

"...Hey Zack..." Geordie growled with a voice full of lust. "...Do you think you maybe could..."


Before the silver canine had even caught his breath properly, he suddenly found himself spooning with his friend; Geordie's warm breath tickling his ears and his hot wolfcock rubbing against Zack's thighs. He could feel the bigger male's heartbeat on his back as Geordie intimately embraced him from behind.

"I... Noticed how nice of an ass you got, earlier in the kitchen." Geordie growled, his voice dripping with sexual desire. The colorful wolf carefully thrust his meat in between Zack's thighs, sliding it up towards his friend's gray buttocks. "It kind of makes me want to..." Geordie paused. "Think you can take it?"

After holding a pause of his own for a solid minute, Zack nodded, his canine body shivering slightly in Geordie's lap as he did.

"Tell me if it hurts, ok?" Geordie murmured, nuzzling the top of Zack's head with his nose before lining up his certified throat violator to penetrate his friend's anticipating tailhole.

A small whimper echoed within the bounds of the living room as Geordie pushed his third thigh inside Zack's previously virgin wolf anus and slowly started humping his small friend from behind, being as careful in feeding his cock to Zack's ass as his growing lust allowed him to. And to his credit, Zack took it like a real champion, only occasionally writhing and whimpering in Georide's embrace as his canine rear entrance got stretched beyond its comfort zone.

"You're doing great..." Geordie grunted, giving Zack's muzzle a quick lick as he started moving faster, still carefully listening to his friend's moans to ensure he wasn't in any pain. But even so, it was getting increasingly hard for Geordie to hold back and he soon had to mutter into Zack's ear: "I'm going to start moving a bit faster now..."

Zack, who still couldn't quite believe he was actually taking most of Geordie's meat, leaned back against his big lover who started accelerating his humps, with awe observing the phallic bulge moving up and down on his furry abdomen. It looked so unnatural, yet so... hot at the same time. Zack was so turned on by the realization that this was actually his body this was happening to that he nearly came, Geordie's beef baton pummeling his prostate not doing him any favors when it came to holding back his orgasm. The hyper-sized doggy dong plunged in and out of his hole at an alarming rate, and the big wolf was still speeding up.

Before long, the living room began echoing with the mating grunts and moans of two male wolves: Zack submissively whimpering as multiple pounds of wolf meat reshaped his guts, Geordie grunting and growling as he hungrily claimed his friend's tight canine hole.

The sideways canine mating grew faster, louder, and more animated by the second, both Zack and Geordie losing themselves to the pleasure their bodies provided to one another, each acting more and more like rutting animals out only to satisfy their carnal urges, rather than a pair of best friends. Geordie had already started to flare in the tight, cramped anal curves of his mate, the walls of flesh contracting around his length not hindering his mating efforts in the slightest as he remorselessly thrust into Zack, breeding his friend like a true alpha wolf. Getting his ass stuffed full of girthy, hot, and throbbing wolf meat, Zack was leaking like a broken faucet, expelling pre from his rock-hard canine fucker onto the couch and his own lap, panting like a female in heat. Neither of the two could hold back for much longer.

"Z-Zack! I...I... Can I... I-Inside?" Geordie growled, a juicy wolf load already racing up his urethra as he sought permission to creampie his buddy. The only reply the big, colorful wolf got was the orgasming whimper released by Zack, whose colon simultaneously tightened like a vice around Geordie's puppycannon.

The bigger of the two canines bore his terrifying predator teeth and let out a snarl so menacing it could've made an onlooker faint as his carnal urges were finally satisfied, his second load fiercely blasting into the leftover empty space inside Zack's wolfcolon. The submitting wolf squirmed and writhed like an out-of-control marionette, the injection of bucketloads of canine seed into his colon forcing his body to a mindblowing climax as his abdomen began to swell, Georide's thick ejaculate pooling up inside his hole with the only exit plugged by multiple pounds of wolf meat. And Geordie just kept on cumming and cumming, his strong swimmers seeking out all and any empty space inside Zack's poor behind, filling the small wolf absolutely full of semen, his furry belly looking like it was well into its second trimester of pregnancy.

By the time Geordie finished shooting his puppies into their temporary womb, both males were exhausted and panting, locked in their awkward penetrative embrace with the smell of semen drifting thick all over the small living room. Zack especially had a somewhat difficult time breathing, only slowly getting accustomed to the large amount of wolf cum welling inside his tail tunnel, securely sealed inside by the girthy pole of canine meat stuck inside his tailhole.

"H-h-how long do you think it will take you to grow soft again?" Zack asked with a shaky voice, almost too afraid to even move with so much cargo up his guts.

Geordie folded his big ears apologetically and shrugged. "I dunno could be like half-an-hour or so since it's so snug inside..."

Zack looked absolutely mortified for a split second, before chuckling awkwardly at him and his friend's strange predicament. Geordie chuckled a bit too, wagging his tail against the couch while his monstrous mating tool still throbbed inside Zack's ass. The two males were quiet for a decent while, Geordie eventually being the one to break the silence as he picked up a controller from somewhere around his feet.

"...Wanna play while we wait?" He smirked, digging up the second controller from between his right thigh and the couch.

"You're unbelievable..." Zack sighed, shaking his head and grabbing the controller he was offered.

"...Bet you can't beat this boss before I get soft!"

"Oh, you're on!"