Rekindled Warmth

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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#12 of Quickies

This is a short story commission I've written for kitsugen

Description: Pregnant, starving and alone, a tigress spots salvation within a blizzard, stealing a wolf's kill to gorge herself as the bigger, stronger predator. Recognizing that she's at a disadvantage within the heart of wolf territory due to her weakened state, she agrees to share the wolf's lair for the night, along with other surprising benefits granted by his warm tongue and placid demeanor.

The characters featured in this story are my creation

***Rekindled Warmth***

A speckle of color stood out within the veil of shifting white, a dark stain that the winds couldn't brush off no matter how hard they blew. A shift in their direction, and the the drool-inducing scent of blood crept into Sharna's nostrils, endowing her muscles with the final vestiges of almost depleted strength. Claws out, vivid desperation throbbing at the forefront of her mind, Sharna bounded straight for the wolf crouching in the snow, attempting to crash into him with the fury of a raging blizzard.

Elegant like a shadow, the smaller, scrawnier male relented to her fury. Even a smoldering remnant of her might could still outclass the paltry howler, a fact well known to his sagged head and whimpering pleas to be left alone.

"You'll get your turn soon," Sharna assumed her rightful position in front of the carcass, a young elk separated from the herd and chased to the foot of the mountain by one single onyx colored wolf. She expected defiance to smolder in those fierce amber eyes, but the male stepped away to grant her privacy, licking the remnants of whatever he managed to gobble off his whiskers.

"I assume you have a den nearby. How far?" she asked prior to bloodying her muzzle into the belly of the elk to search for whatever soft, tasty organs remained. She found its desecrated remnants as empty as the wolf's verve. No pack, no courage, not even a meal. Prey to the snow, just like she would have been, had his ironic coloring not betrayed his presence.

"Far enough to lose your way and end up in the territory of a less friendly pack than the one you're currently in," he said, studying her through furtive glances, afraid to appear too intense.

"That is reason enough to let you live." Its spark rekindled by the first bite of meat, Shara's cerulean gaze forced the wolf back a few more steps, her fierce growl unsettling to his smaller form. "Unless you run. Then, I'd treat you as the prey you are."

"I'm not running, am I?"

He sounded strangely confident for a runt, speaking with an air of certainty unfit for a loner. With half-hardened gobs of blood sticking to her chin, Sharna rolled her tongue over her whiskers, letting her austere gaze take in his strangely captivating form. The luster of his dark fur stood out the most, the hairs glossy, healthy, not at all the shaggy picture expected from one in his situation. Though lean, this male retained most of his weight and muscles, strength rippling through the undulating ripples of his shifting body. The nostrils of his dark, oozing nose twitched and flared, studying her scent as much as she savored his.

Males of his kind, unmated and alone, bore the stronger, spicier fragrance. It was as if their loneliness hovered around them like a haze, repelling encroaching presence with their ineptitude. Somehow, this wolf contradicted her initial beliefs, appearing in control of this territory, food and gripping fear churning in his gut.

"I would, was I a wolf," she added, tucking back to what was now her meal.

"You wouldn't make for a very good wolf, then," the male's tail relaxed, as did his previously alert ears. "Not even you can finish off that entire carcass, and I don't intend to sleep on an empty stomach."

"You can finish the scraps once I'm done. I'll follow the distinct reek of unmated wolf back to the seed-soaked furs of your den."

"Assuming you have ever smelled wolf seed. Then, you wouldn't even know what scent to track."

What stirred a deeper sense of curiosity within her related to his unnecessary bravado. Instead of contesting her right to the kill he made, the male leaned back on his haunches while she gorged herself on everything remaining on the bones. Was it pity that he spotted in his elusive eyes? Or perhaps she misinterpreted it for the meekness of his gender? She heard tales of how lone wolves did their utmost to please their females, all so they could finally be accepted at their side and inside them. Her kind bothered not with those inane pleasantries, taking what they wanted, when they wanted.

Just like she had been claimed and seeded in turn.

"I'm done," Sharna gulped down the last bite of meat, her full stomach heavy and unsettled by such sudden and copious meal. Only water made its way into her for the past week, forcing her to burn the last embers of strength, all so that she could make her way here. To him, and to everything he had to offer.

"Eat. I'll need you to lead us to shelter for the night," the tigress stepped away from the carcass on swaying paws, struck by irresistible fatigue. With meat in her belly, she felt so warm, so comfortable, so ready for the sleep she never could afford while weakened and alone. "I will take a moment to rest. Alert me if that dangerous pack you so fear finds our scent. Wolf pelts are so much more comfortable than these wiry elk skins."

As she curled within herself and closed her eyes, that moment stretched into Infinity.

Light all but faded when she next cracked open her groggy eyes. The cold, it was...dim, relegated to select parts of her body, her paws warm, comfortable, full of sensitivity. The wolf's scent filled her nose just as his bulk covered her vision. For the most bewildering of reasons, he secured her hind paws between his haunches, smearing the toes of one paw with the film of lust present on his peeking tip. Revolting, but an acceptable compromise to feel her paws pulse with warmth in so long.

Sharna winced as her forepaws dismounted the generous fluff of his neck, falling into the slush melted by their combined presence. Chilly, clammy, the antithesis of his dry, appealing fur. Her first instinct was to snap at him for his insolence, to keep him subdued and aware of the relationship between their species, but his meekness held her back. Perhaps his desire to be with somebody grew so dire, it extended to a fellow vagabond in spite of her larger size that could even fit his cock, if not the bulge he sported at the base.

"Oh. We're still alone? How quaint," the wolf's vivid embers flared to life from beneath his eyelids, already beginning to disentangle his limbs from her.

Sharna chased him away with a snapping bite, roaring her frustration at his indolence.

"I didn't expect to fall asleep!" The wolf whined, backing away from her towering form. "I simply wanted to keep you warm. For your young, if not yourself."

Sharna's mind went blank, stunned by the unearthing of a secret that was hers and hers alone to share. Glistening fangs protruded from the cover of now tense lips, previous kindness all but forgotten as her instinct defaulted to its primordial ways.

"You're quite welcome!" The wolf barely suppressed his own snarl, irritated with her lack of gratitude. "I've never slept with someone quite as foul, but--"

"You've never slept with anyone after being kicked out of your pack, more like," Sharna brought the hind paw smeared with his longing closer to her nose, her whiffs bowing the head of the young wolf under the weight of guilt. "No mate. No pack. No future prospects. Nobody to miss or mourn your passing. Explains the heedless risks you take."

He did not fall for her vitriol, turning from her as he began ambling his way through the snow on spindly, graceful limbs. Sharna's heavier, almost inelegant bulk followed, drawing deep gashes through the blanketing snow.

"Such as leading a tigress who expressed her intention to eat me back to my lair?" he increased his pace, the wag of his tail daring her to keep up.

"You'll eat me first, tail sniffer."

She shouldn't have said that. Not only did it tense up the male's hackles, but it filled her with surreal longing for that exact scenario to happen. Although a playful tease, a faint tingle crept through Sharna's sex, reminding her of how unfulfilling her first heat turned out to be. Two brothers, two copulations, two orgasms. Far too little in exchange for a belly heavy with cubs.

"Other wolves will sniff the blood drying in your fur as effectively as I do," the male's tone turned serious, somber, almost....fearful. "It is a struggle to find prey, let alone dodge the three main packs to which I'm just another pelt to warm their future pups."

"Just like they are pelts for my future cubs." Sharna caught up to him, her tremors far more apparent now that her body began replenishing its strength.

"Hhhraf," her companion yapped, continuing to underestimate her. "You can handle one, maybe two wolves, but a pack will attack from all angles and bring you down no matter how hard you struggle."

"The only struggle they pose is removing their beautiful pelts from their slumped, defeated carcasses," she snarled at that contemptuous notion. "Or maybe it is the constant fleeing that dulled your predator senses."

"Successful predators embrace whatever choices they must to remain alive."

Scavengers lived as well, but their existence was nothing short of parasitic, always relying on their betters to propagate their so-called life. Whoever this male was, he had neither the wisdom of an older age, the might of a wolf in his prime nor the slyness of a skillful nomad. Perhaps he had entered a female while goaded by her scent, taking her without her approval and only later pondering on how his seed ravaged her freedom.

No. That wasn't him, but what she wished him to be, all so that she could vent her pent-up rage a month later than she should have.

She hated this gnawing shame, the reprehensible vengeance she felt entitled to. The heat of any female drove males over the edge of reason, demanding that the worthy implanted their legacy into her. Such was the cycle of her kind, making her a victim not to the strangely caring brothers who worshipped her paws, muzzle and sex with hungry sniffs and delightful licks, but to her gender.

Those gut-churning emotions pestered her long after the protection of stone stopped the wind in its track, leaving the flakes of frost slowly soak into her stripes, melted by her body's warmth. It became clear why most wolf packs avoided this alcove where the lone male led her to, for no cozy den had a single spot withdrawn from the touch of frost while the rest faced the storm's wrath. It did fit the two of them splayed on their belly next to one another, assuming she took the spot closest to the wall.

"Grawrh!" The tigress warded the wolf off, baring fangs that could snap his skull in half.

"Suit yourself," her companion stepped to the side, bearing no vitriol for the one who just claimed the best part of his home. Good. He was finally getting used to his new position. With only a single pelt belonging to an elk splayed on the floor, she had enough room to warm both stomach and belly at her leisure, no trace of remorse bothering her. Wolves did possess the thicker coat after all!

"Mrawh...." The yawn that followed the heavy thump of her body hurt her jaws from how wide they parted. A den. A full belly. Company, however inadequate. Today turned out to be the most eerie day in her life, filled by the unpredictable.

And it didn't stop here, for the wolf boldly scooted next to her, laying down with his forepaws crossed over her imposing forelegs, already sniffing and licking at her blood-caked cheeks. Frozen in place by his bold act, Sharna found it impossible to commit to any possible recourse, an uncertainty the male immediately took advantage of.

"I don't do it for you. I'm doing it for myself," he reaffirmed the most persistent thought she carried while wading through the sea of snow, alone and forlorn. "Bold as your words are, if it comes to fighting, your foremost thought will be of your endangered young. So, better not to fight at all."

She was too comfortable to disagree, so she just kept turning her head, following the motions of his licks to help rid herself of that pestering mess beginning to dry within her fur. Quite interesting, that smooth and drooling tongue of his. With the help of his nibbling teeth, he worked out whatever knots clumped her fur together, following through with persistent licks intent on wiping every trace of grime.

Given how long the tedious process took, Sharna closed her eyes halfway into it, almost dozing off were it not for his tongue sliding over her nose.

"Hrah!" both her maw and paw snapped at the whimpering, apologetic male, settling him back into place.

"I'm sorry I--I accidentally--!" his terrified gaze and slumped posture said, shedding all that alluring bravado she took for granted.

"Good. You understand." Her head snapped back in its previous position, letting the wolf resume from where he left off. Once her cheek fluff was adequately clean, Sharna goaded him on by leaning into his tongue with her chin and whiskers, employing an appropriate snarl now and then to keep him from licking over her nose. Not even the two tiger brothers dared lick her there, keenly aware that the needs of the body differed from the rarer, more superior type of bond most tigers shied away from.

Her wolf companion heard of such customs, but did not understand them. How could he, when greetings came from the rear for his kind? Not that she'd mind such attention drifting to that region. A wolf he might have been, but the gentleness of his tongue kept her paws tense and her sex clenched and shuddering, a victim to wanton thoughts she couldn't help but entertain.

"Forgive me. I welcomed myself into your home without granting you the opportunity to greet me as you're accustomed to," she rushed that perverse request out of her system despite the nerves throbbing through her skull. All of her claws protracted, ready to tear the elk pelt in her rush to bolt out of the den, should this jape make a desperate fool out of her.

The wolf's ears immediately perked, that inexplicable confidence of his returning to both eyes and wagging tail. "No need. I've already learned you are with cubs. There is nothing else to it."

"Hrrf..." Sharna scoffed, tail draping over her moistening sex and belly in frustration while her hind paw pushed against his jaw. "Away with you, then. I'm not used to sharing my bed."

"I don't think I will," he met her lukewarm paw with that humid ribbon of addictive warmth, bathing the pink surface of her pads as thoroughly as he cleaned her fur. "Doesn't this delight you?"

"Why should it?" She slipped her toes over his nose, inhaling a shuddering breath at how interesting its texture felt against her soft, sensitive pads. "They're just paws. They're not meant to be comfortable."

"But it certainly feels better when they are." The excited licks that followed begged to differ. A flurry of excited sniffs and licks, the wolf relished the opportunity to both acquaint herself with her bigger, softer, meatier pads as much as he savored the light scents trapped between them. Those spoke of her travels, of her recent moods due to the sweat glands tucked within the fur-lined crevices separating her pads, of how panicked or aroused she got while in his presence.

His knowing nose had unraveled every secret by now. Were the licks just the pretext to indulge in whatever foul habits his kind favored? Sharna found them distressing at first, for no predator worth his pride stooped so low as to lap away at her pads, but the warmth....the wet warmth bathing her clenching, spreading, wiggling toes in such fascinating ways...

She became addicted to it. No longer concerned with her perception of it, the tigress' prime concern now related to balancing the attention each of her hind paws received, welcoming his rolling tongue on her pads by gently groping at it. Her rougher huffs joined in the male's inquisitive sniffs, the stiffness of her lower jaw progressively lessening until it slackened so that her own barbed tongue slipped through her fangs as she began panting in actual need.

After one final slip of his tongue across both sets of pads, the wolf set his attention on her damp vulva. The ring of fur around it was thoroughly soaked, emphasizing the pinkness of ripe flesh overtaken by lustful throbs. Had he not licked her so good, she would have taken great offense at how much of his member slipped free of its confines, laced by veins, throbbing and dripping its aqueous precum all around. The scent of her sex must've been maddening to the young, untested mind of a virgin male, more so to his keen nose.

Sharna pushed herself up on lumbering paws, flicking her tail invitingly while aiming her hindquarters at him. "Better finish inside me than over my bed. Far easier to clean."

The way she worded her most pressing desire made as little sense to her as it did to her companion. Not that it mattered. Neither of them cared for form or context while pushed to the brink of lust, least of all him.

The male huffed awkwardly, intimately aware that her concerns were well founded. Better to receive his seed inside her than have an accident stench up their entire den. He approached her timidly, stopping at every step, drawn by the temptation of first familiarizing with her scent and then enter her.

Sharna's light slap of her tail over his nose reminded him of the throbbing state of his cock; of how badly they both wished to sample each other's liquid warmth coating her walls or leaking down the tip of his member.

It almost pained her, deep within the pit of her stomach, to witness the gleeful shivers rippling under his fur at being presented with the chance of finally overcoming his loneliness. Curious, that most males stiffened and turned rigid when put in this position, as if finally struck by the panic of being in a tiger's presence. Another tigress would have found his lack of response offensive, but Sharna reassured him by gently brushing the dark colored tip of her tail over his cheeks, aware of how intense her own anxiety bubbled. Just imagining how that vein-laced member, tight and unrelenting, would feel inside her stirred her heart into a pounding, almost breathless frenzy, leaving her unable to dwell on anything else.

"Awrh!" A sudden gasp fled her. Spindly, uncertain forelegs embraced her torso, the grip so light she half-expected him to fall off. More of his weight slipped over her arched back, reminding her to squat a little in order to lessen their height difference. As soon as she did so, the poking of his wet erection began tickling the fur of her haunches. Its uncoordinated thrusts raised her pulse and heightened the throbs coursing through her tunnel, keeping her breaths shallow and nervous.

When he finally entered her, the wolf did so with a panicked yelp, hurrying to lodge his meat into her clenching sanctuary down to the great bulge at the base. Sharna couldn't stop her roar in time, seeing nothing but twinkling stars as her neglected walls, hungry for affection, convulsed, tightened and spat the remainder of her essence, bathing the wolf's length with a sudden onrush of thicker, pent-up honey.

Equally on edge from being inside a female for the first time, the wolf grabbed her tighter, pumping into her slow and careful, squirting sharp, sudden jets of hot, tickling seed into her. Were it not for her size and bulk, Sharna's swaying balance would have certainly wavered when pressed down by the wolf's engulfing form. Her jutting claws, scraping at the stone for balance, helped keep her steady even as her senses soared into a dimension of unparalleled freedom, free to exult in the mystifying lashes of uncanny warmth gnawing at her sanity.

The wetness of tears formed within the corners of her eyes. Her chest never felt tighter, nor her lack of breath more oppressive. Even so, Sharna was completely unable to rip herself from the clutch of daunting orgasm, for no tiger could ever fill her so thoroughly; to pump into her squelching depths all the way to the end, to batter her entrance with that thick, satisfying knot too large to fit in. Being his first time, the male's throbs had a vivid desperation to them, filling her far too quickly. Only a couple of spurts, and her haunches already squatted instinctively, as if to make her water, all so that she could let his surplus cream drool its way to the floor whenever he retreated in anticipation for the next stroke.

Sharna instinctively knew that the wolf reached his limit when he pummeled his shaft into her, keeping it there, tense and squirting, in spite of her trembling haunches. Though his reserves began to dwindle, she could still feel his warmth spit and trickle into her, accompanied by the lip-tensing rubs of his knot over her genital lips, seeking to stimulate it in the only way available to him.

"Grawwwwwh...." Sharna's breath only returned to her after the wolf dismounted, a deluge of honeyed milk following in his wake. Reeling in exhausted satisfaction, the tigress slumped down on the bed, panting deeply, laboriously, the exertion reminding her of a hunt. This time, her body felt much lighter. It was as if a great burden squirted out of her, emptying her of all the amassed sexual frustration. New emotions filled her in its absence, put into her by the wolf's strangely tight and still tensing member.

"Should...wasn't it supposed to...stop?" she tried to study it more carefully, only to have that chance robbed from her as he wobbled out into the cold with his shaft still jerking and sputtering strings of aqueous seed.

Rolling down into the snow failed to tame his inner fire. It was as if his knot, tight and bothered, refused to let go, intent on keeping him trapped in that pleasured state.

"It will go away on its own," he winced and whimpered at the entrance of their den, refusing to step inside while his passion ran high. "I...I think it will..."

"Shouldn't you lick it?"

He tried to, only to fall down on his side like some yelping idiot.

"Get inside," Sharna practically dragged him by his nape, settling him down with a forceful shove of her forepaw. Before he had a chance to react, her hind paws sheltered his hard, leaking erection, cradling it between her now warm and comfortable pads.

"We'll wait it to end together," she gently cupped his shocked, helpless expression, helping him close down those wide eyes and instead focus on the pleasure surging through him. He might have been a charming wolf, but he made for a terrible male.

"You were supposed to shove yourself inside. The entirety of it," her toes clenched around his knot, triggering a powerful spurt of thick, pent-up semen.

"I just..." his timid eye crept open. "I didn't want to hurt you..."

Sharna chuckled at the innocence of his ignorant remark. "I'll have to push cubs far larger than your knot out of me. If anything, it will help make that moment more bearable..."

They both laughed awkwardly at that, her growly tone dwarfing his frailer one. What a fool of a wolf. Unable to even mate properly.

No matter. She'd help teach him, and in the process, flare his emotions high for her. It was said that male wolves were willing to protect their partners with their life, and she found herself in dire need of such guardian.

***The End***

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